Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

Bite Club

[Scott] Hooch, let's catch everybody up.
I think Dad was working on a case
before the heart attack.
He was onto something scary enough
he didn't wanna tell anyone.
I found out Dad was tracking fancy cars.
They were owned by these criminals.
- Are those devil horns?
- [Laura] Yeah, 'cause he's the bad guy.
- If Walton is holding dogfights
- [barks]
[Scott] Then we have to stop him.
You haven't shown me
a shred of real evidence.
I mean, is there anything
that doesn't rest on Hooch?
- There's such a thing
- [Hooch whimpers]
as being too close to your dog.
Just talk to the chief and tell him
you want a fresh start without Hooch.
Hey, bud.
I know you're not gonna understand this,
but maybe you're not
the kind of forever dog who works with me.
Or who lives with me.
[Brooke] So the congressman loves
these blue cheese olives.
Try one.
Oh! There's Missy and Carl.
- Are you okay?
- I I gotta go see Hooch.
Scott Turner,
if you walk away right now, we're over.
Heard you recently took in a pit bull.
Name's Nuke.
I came in one morning. He was gone.
I couldn't believe it.
- Really?
- Is that some kind of crime, Officer?
[Jessica] Are you coming to Erica's party?
I'm I'm going to pick up Hooch.
Hey. I just spotted two sports cars
in Cypress Beach.
Can you run the plates for me?
Send them. I'll call you back.
Dial that phone and you're a dead man.
- [barking continues]
- [sighs]
W-W-Wait. This is a misunderstanding.
Ain't no misunderstanding
that you're on private property.
Yeah. I didn't know, okay?
I was looking for my friend's house.
You always visit your friend
with a gun in your jacket?
Hand it over.
Nice and slow.
Move away from the truck. Now!
Yeah. This is crazy, all right?
My friends are gonna be looking for me.
Maybe if you'd made that phone call,
but seeing as you didn't, it's just us.
[barking continues]
Hey, Scott. It's your sister yet again.
Call me back.
I'm glad Uncle Scott changed his mind
and is coming to get Hooch.
Hooch should be catching bad guys.
- [Hooch farts]
- [Laura] Oh, Hooch.
[Matthew] And missing Uncle Scott
is affecting his tummy.
[Laura laughs] Yeah.
Love does strange things.
- I'm glad you're learning that early.
- [phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Jessica] Hey, Laura.
It's Jessica Baxter.
I work with your brother.
Oh, yeah. We met
at Scott's birthday party last year.
- [Jessica] Exactly.
- [Laura] Oh, gosh.
I had the monkey that I was watching
for the clinic
Don't worry about it.
He did what monkeys do.
Not your fault. First time for everything.
Uh, listen, you seen Scott?
He called from Cypress Beach
about some suspicious cars,
wanted me to check some plates.
But now I can't reach him.
Uh, that's not good.
Hey, Matty. Hold Hooch for a second.
He was supposed to meet me here,
like, a half hour ago.
What were these cars?
I don't want to alarm you,
but they were owned by known criminals.
I am alarmed
because that is extremely alarming.
What do I do?
I'm gonna try to track him down,
and maybe you can just check around there
and we'll see if he turns up. Okay?
Yeah. Of course. Absolutely.
I'll call everyone.
[Jessica] Thanks. And don't panic.
It's gonna be okay. We're the Marshals.
Nobody's better at finding people.
[man] It's great, eh?
[Erica] And when I get home from work,
she gets me a drink.
- Angel.
- [Angel barks]
Bubbles. Go get it.
And bring it back.
- [man] Oh, no she didn't.
- [cheering]
[Erica] Thank you. Thank you. Good girl.
And she also helps me
take my work clothes off.
Angel, jacket! Jacket, Angel.
- [Xavier] Whoa.
- [people exclaiming]
Now if she could only help me
take off my ankle bracelet.
She can't.
She's just [sniffs]
a really special dog,
and it meant so much to me
that everyone helped rescue her.
So thank you.
Well, she got me and Olivia back on track.
So far as I'm concerned, Angel rescued us.
- Should we get a dog?
- We should definitely get a dog.
Xavier, can I talk to you for a second?
[Jessica] Let's go.
[Jessica sighs]
I need to go into the office.
Scott went out to Cypress Beach.
He might have got into some trouble.
He's missing.
Okay. I'll head out there now.
Wait. Are you sure?
You don't have much to go on.
I don't need much. He's my partner.
- [engine starts]
- [music playing]
[Erica] Xavier! Wait.
I just talked to Jess.
I know Scott's in trouble.
- Angel and I, we're coming with you.
- You're gonna leave your own party?
Scott saved Angel.
If he's in trouble, I have to help him.
Fair enough. Hop in.
- [Xavier] Hope you like K-pop.
- [music playing]
[man] Yo, Jed. Gotta talk to Walton.
Boss is busy.
He don't want no one bothering him now.
I caught a trespasser. Don't know
who the guy is, but he had a gun.
[Jed] Yeah, so what?
More guns in America than people.
Read an article about it.
This American gun owner
was sneaking around the boss's property.
- I tied him up.
- You got a name?
Ya check his ID?
Hang on.
[dogs barking]
Doesn't have no ID.
- [man] Weird.
- [Scott] I told you.
I'm down from San Francisco
visiting a friend. Okay?
My name is Anthony Bennett.
Tony Bennett?
I know. I'm aware.
[Scott] I'm just visiting a friend.
We're having a picnic.
- Says he's going on a picnic.
- [barking continues]
Guess he brought the gun
to shoot the ants.
[Jed] Nothing we can do about him now.
Stash him and get the dogs over here.
Copy that.
Let's go, Tony.
W-W-Wait. Wait, wait!
Wait, where are you taking me?
- [barking]
- [Scott grunts]
[Scott groans]
We'll just keep you here
until we figure out what to do with you.
You do know this is kidnapping, right?
Way I see it, I'm just protecting myself
from an armed trespasser.
- [strains]
- [barking]
You got Nuke here to keep you company.
Bit of a celebrity.
Rumor is,
he's the meanest dog in the state.
[Laura] Scotty found
a couple of fancy cars. He called it in.
Anyway, long story short,
I think that they're criminals in town
for Walton's dogfight.
If Scott is mixed up in all of this,
- I think he could be in big trouble.
- [Grady] Mm-hmm.
So, you've been doing this for months
without so much as a word to me?
It wasn't just her.
We were trying to do
what Scott Sr. would have wanted.
It's dogfighting, Emily.
[Hooch whimpers]
[Laura] We need to move fast.
I'll monitor the police radio.
Start searching.
Interface with the Marshals
if they find anything.
On it. "Interface." That's What is that?
Just talk to them.
Oh, I'll interface to them.
David, we need to find any places
that are connected to Walton,
and we need to find this dogfight.
No problem.
I can check the records at city hall.
Great. Mom.
I think that we should call around town,
see if anyone's seen Scott.
And I'll take care of Hooch.
All right. No time to waste.
We'll head out. Call if we hear anything.
Okay. Thank you, David.
- Um, hey, Mom?
- Yeah?
I'm sorry, but I just
I didn't wanna let Dad down.
Well, I can't say that I'm happy.
But your dad was always so proud of you.
And he'd be really proud of you right now.
[Laura] Thanks.
[Emily sighs]
- [Scott grunts, shouts]
- [barking]
I know. You don't like me.
But believe it or not,
I'm on your side here.
My dad was trying to save you.
I'm just trying to finish the job for him.
They got some bad plans for you, bud.
And if they figure out who I am,
they're gonna have bad plans for me too.
One step at a time here.
[breathes heavily]
[barking continues]
[grunts, breathes heavily]
- [Scott grunts]
- [door squeaks]
[Scott shouts]
Okay. We're gonna get outta here.
- [Scott strains]
- [barking continues]
[grunts, exhales]
[breathing heavily]
- [car horn honks]
- Scott actually gave Hooch away?
How could he do that?
In the forest of life, Scott wants
to cut down trees and build a road.
Hooch, he wants to pee on those trees.
That's tragic.
Scott doesn't get
that the things Hooch does
are just his way of showing that he cares,
that he loves him.
Scott's great. He's so great.
But I guess maybe he's not so great
at seeing when someone
uh, like a dog, cares about him.
Or not.
No. It's just a theory.
Yeah, well, gravity was
just a theory once.
So were chupacabras.
But, well, now we know.
Know what?
- [phone beeps]
- Hey, Jess. What's going on?
Hey. So I'm at the office.
I checked the cell towers,
and last contact with Scott's phone
was a few minutes after he called me.
Nothing since.
He could've run out of battery, I guess.
No, I doubt it.
Charging the phone
is a way of life for Scott.
Where was he
when the towers picked him up?
Sending you the coordinates now.
- [phone chimes]
- Okay. We're on our way.
- So, that's where Scott is?
- Not necessarily.
Cell phone tower coordinates
are kinda like footprints on a beach.
They'll tell you where someone was
and a little bit about
where they're going,
but the rest is up to us.
- [Scott grunting]
- [Nuke barking]
[Scott groans]
I don't think there's any way out of here,
I'm Scott, by the way.
I guess you probably don't like
people much.
I don't blame you.
You know, once upon a time,
I didn't like dogs much.
I know. I know.
It sounds terrible. I just
It just always seemed like dogs
made my life worse.
You know, even as a baby.
Plus, they ate a good 60%
of my homework assignments.
And ruined my graduation party.
That was awesome.
It's just my whole life,
I just wanted to get away from dogs.
And then I got one.
And don't get me wrong, Nuke.
He made my life a mess.
But he also made it better
than I ever thought it could be.
[no audible dialogue]
I made him a promise, Nuke.
I promised
that he would be my forever dog.
And then I broke that promise.
And now it looks like
he'll never know how much I love him.
You're not so mean, are you?
It's okay, bud.
I'm gonna let you sniff me, okay?
It's okay.
[Nuke sniffs]
There you go.
Oh, God. You must get lonely in here.
Just need a little love, huh?
Hey. You like olives?
I think
Oh, yes!
You know, my girlfriend
my ex-girlfriend gave me this.
I guess it's very fancy and expensive.
- You want it?
- [whimpers]
You ready? You want this?
Here you go, buddy. Here you go.
Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, you see? People aren't all bad.
- [Nuke whimpering]
Maybe we can be friends.
And you know what, Nuke?
Sometimes friends help each other.
Hey, Nuke. You stopped barking.
You going soft on me?
- [Nuke barking]
- Hey! No! [grunts]
[Scott] Run, Nuke! Run!
[man] Hey! Hey!
[Scott breathing heavily]
Come on, Nuke. Come on.
I see you, Tony Bennett.
Stop! Son of a
Nuke! Go! Get out of here!
Go! Get out of here!
[man] I said stop!
[Scott] Go, Nuke. Go!
Don't move.
Just let me go, okay?
I heard someone. They saw me.
The cops'll be here any minute.
Are you saying
someone saw you way out here?
Right. Nice try.
Now get up!
You know what?
I bet your name's
not even Anthony Bennett.
[Grady] Hey! Liam, Cody.
- [Liam] Yo.
- Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?
Yo, we're going dirt biking by the quarry.
We're gonna go smash some beer bottles.
- You wanna come?
- I wish!
I'm looking for a missing person.
Hey, you guys know Scott Turner?
[Liam] Laura's brother?
Yeah, man. Have not seen him though.
[Cody] I'm sorry, man.
Have you seen anything else?
Anything, you know, weird?
[chuckling] Yo, I saw a bouncy castle.
It flew into the millpond.
- Yeah. That was strange. Yeah.
- [Grady] Nice!
- [Liam] Weird. Yeah.
- [Grady] It was probably the wind!
Hope no one was in it.
No. I'm looking more for stuff like
Ferraris driving around. Stuff like that?
- No.
- [woman on radio] Attention,
units in North Cypress Beach.
Got a report on a loose dog on Elm Road.
Requesting assistance.
CB Dispatch, this is CB-21.
What kind of dog is the loose dog?
Lady that called it in just said,
"Scary dog. Barking."
CB Dispatch, I'm on it.
I'll go. Responding right now.
Sorry, fellas. I gotta go.
- Go get 'em, Grade.
- [Liam, Cody laugh]
[line ringing]
Hey, Grady. Did you find Scott? Are
No. But a scary dog got spotted
up on Elm Road.
Might not be connected,
but, you know, it's a dog, so
Okay. I'll meet you there.
Hey, Grady might have found something.
I need to go check it out.
Hooch. Let's go.
Hey, Matty.
Grandma's gonna stay with you for a while.
I'll come back and check on you.
Mom, I'm scared.
About Uncle Scott?
Yeah, me too.
But also about Hooch.
Remember Grandpa's story
about his big case?
And the first Hooch
saved him from the bad guys,
but he died.
I don't want that to happen.
I will not let that happen.
You promise?
I promise.
I think Uncle Scott's in trouble.
He loves you a lot,
even if he gets mad sometimes.
And right now,
he really, really needs you.
- [whimpers]
- Drool a little if you understand.
I knew it.
[Hooch whimpers]
Now, go find Uncle Scott.
- Hooch, you ready?
- [Hooch barks]
Okay, let's go.
[man] Anyway, I caught him.
I'm taking him back to the dog barn now.
Seemed like something
you should know, boss.
Damn right. Fight's gonna start soon.
That idiot, Jed, should've come
found me right away.
- This guy, what's he look like?
- [man] I'll show ya.
Hold on. Come on.
Gimme a little look.
[phone: mail alert]
[Walton] Unbelievable.
You got Deputy US Marshal
Scott Turner there.
Whoa. What should I do with him?
[Walton] He call anyone?
- Anyone know he's there?
- [man] No.
I caught him before he had a chance.
[Walton] Good. You know what?
I'll deal with him when I get there.
Just make sure he doesn't get away.
I'll try. But he's pretty squirrelly.
He'd be less squirrelly on sedatives.
Just knock him out.
Good idea. Same ones I use on the dogs?
Yeah. They work on humans just as good.
Just make sure he doesn't wake up
till I get there.
You got it, boss.
Anthony Bennett, huh?
Nice try, Deputy Turner.
Looks like you're gonna
get to take a little nap.
Hey! Chill out. Chill out.
Come on. Relax. Relax.
- [Nuke barking]
- No. Oh, no, no.
No. Don't do that.
Come on, that That's a collectible, man.
Come on, dog.
[speaking slowly] Me Grady. Grady friend.
That Grady toy. Human toy.
Does he understand better
when you talk like Frankenstein?
I think he does.
This is the dog I was telling you about.
Lucky I had half a burrito leftover
from lunch.
I was able to get him in the car
with that, but
Why didn't you put him in the back?
Yeah. That would have been a good idea.
Anyway, you remember the other day
we went to Walton's?
- We were looking at that dog, Nuke?
- Yes.
I think this is that dog.
[speaks slowly] You're named Nuke, right?
[barking stops]
Hey, I think you're right.
So I was kinda hoping he could lead us
back to where he came from
but he's a little bitey.
Nearly lost my favorite butt cheek.
Oh, yeah. He does not seem
in the mood to cooperate.
No. [sighs]
Hey, I wonder if Hooch
can track Nuke's scent.
That's a great idea.
I know. My pants.
For the smell.
Nuke latched on pretty good for a while.
Yeah. That'll do it.
Okay, Hooch. Come here. Hooch.
Hey. Smell that?
That's it. I know.
I know, it smells like Grady.
But there's
there's a dog smell on there too.
[Grady] Dog smell.
Yeah, that's right. That's the dog.
Okay. [speaking slowly]
Now, where did the dog come from?
- [Grady] Come from.
- [Laura] Where did he come from?
- Hey, I think it's working.
- [Grady] I think it is.
- We'll be back soon, Nuke.
- [Nuke barks, whimpers]
- [Hooch sniffing]
- [Laura] Good boy, Hooch. Good boy.
You can do it.
- [Hooch sniffing]
- Let's find Scotty.
What do you smell?
- [Hooch whimpers]
- What is it, Hooch? You smell something?
What do you smell, buddy?
What do you smell?
- [Laura] Hey, what is that?
- [Grady] Hooch. Hey, let me see that.
That's a fancy sock
in the middle of the woods.
That's Scott's. And if this is Scott's,
then Scott was here.
And if he was here,
that means he has to be close.
And if he's close, then
- [barks]
- [Laura] Hooch!
- Hooch?
- [Grady] Hooch?
[Laura] Hooch?
[Angel whimpering]
She okay back there?
Oh, yeah.
She just gets nervous
when she senses I'm scared.
- You scared?
- Oh, my God. I'm so scared.
You know.
Because I work with deputy marshals,
and Scott's a deputy marshal and
- And you care about him.
- No.
I mean, not "no," obviously.
I care about him in the way that you
would care about somebody you work with.
Or sometimes jog with.
She cares about Scott.
Own it. Tell her to own it.
[Erica] I just
I don't wanna be weird.
Ain't nothing weird about
following your heart.
That's how I found surfing.
And K-pop.
And Olivia.
What do you
What do you do
if your heart's acting crazy?
Crazy is never here.
Crazy is only there.
Trust me.
Follow your heart. Always.
[line ringing]
[Jessica] Hey, X. What do you got?
We're by that road where you sent us.
I don't see much.
[sighs] God, that's not good.
I've been checking in
with the local police.
I'm worried we're running out of leads.
Well, maybe not quite out of leads.
We got a station wagon and
a police vehicle by the side of the road.
And a dog. There's a
There's a dog in the police car, Jess.
All right. Well, that's something.
The car is probably Scott's sister's.
I just sent you her number right now.
[Xavier] Got it. Hey, Jess.
This thing is heating up.
We should probably talk to the chief.
What? No.
Chief's got his big presentation.
He's in there with a few members
of Congress right now.
Well, I guess they're gonna get to see
the US Marshals in action.
So since initiating Marshal Sickerman's
warrant initiative,
case closure rates have increased by 8%.
- Chief?
- Baxter, we're in the middle of something.
Sorry to interrupt, but we got a problem.
It's Deputy Turner.
He was checking something out
in Cypress Beach and we can't reach him.
So sorry. Excuse me one moment.
Is this for real?
Turner mentioned some craziness out there,
but all he had was his dog to back it up.
It turns out the dog might've been right.
Whatever you think of his investigation,
Scott's one of ours and he's missing.
Chief, you know we have to do this.
All right. We'll take a chopper.
Gentlemen, ma'am, we have an emergency.
I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short.
- Excuse me?
- I'm sorry. This is important.
More important than a presentation
to your local members of Congress?
I think maybe we should call
Marshal Sickerman, your boss.
[Mendez] Why don't you do that?
And tell him to come down here and do
his own PowerPoint presentation,
because one of my deputies is in trouble.
God, that felt good.
- [Angel whimpers]
- [Laura] Hooch ran off.
We looked everywhere,
couldn't find him, then you called.
Nice work finding that sock.
It was all her. She's like
the girl version of Sherlock Holmes.
- Wow.
- You two work with my brother?
[Xavier] Yeah, we both do.
I train Scott. She trains Hooch,
but I guess there's some crossover there.
Yeah. Hooch is easier.
- Yeah.
- Any idea which way Hooch ran?
He was moving too fast for us to follow.
Okay, I say we move out in circles.
- See if we can find some tracks.
- Okay.
[Angel whimpers]
[Scott] Do you seriously
want to go to jail for Walton?
He pays me plenty.
Lot of money in dogfighting.
You looking for someone?
Ain't nobody coming, so sit down.
- I said sit down!
- [Scott exclaims]
[Scott grunting]
Here we go.
[Scott grunting]
[man] What do you weigh?
180, give or take?
Hold still.
No! Help!
[Scott] Help! Help!
Help! Help!
You just won't quit, will you?
No! [straining]
[Scott shouting]
- [man grunts]
- [Hooch growls]
- [barks]
- Hooch.
- [barking]
- [Scott straining]
[Hooch growls]
[Hooch barks, growls]
- [man groans]
- [Scott grunts]
[Hooch growling]
[Scott groaning]
- [Scott grunts]
- [Hooch growls, barks]
[muted barking]
Please. Don't. Don't!
Hooch! No!
[man, slurred] I missed.
What happened? Huh?
[man groans]
Hooch! We did it! We did it, buddy!
We did it. Come here.
Oh! [chuckling]
I never thought I'd be so happy
to feel that tongue.
I'll never leave you again, boy.
I'll never leave you again.
Forever dog. For real this time.
Come on. We got work to do.
[Hooch whimpers]
[Erica] Oh, my God. Scott!
[Laura] Are we sure
that they were gunshots?
- [Xavier] Yeah, I'm sure.
- [Erica] Scott!
I've heard a lot of gunshots in my day.
We just gotta figure out
which way it came from.
Wait. Erica, is your dog able to track
Scott's scent? Maybe with his sock?
Angel is not really a tracker,
but if we had a direction
That way!
Grady, how do you know that?
'Cause he's right there.
- [chuckles]
- [Hooch whimpers]
- [Erica gasps]
- [Xavier exclaims]
- [Erica] Scott!
- [Laura] Scotty!
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- [Angel barking]
[Erica] Oh, my God. Are you okay?
I was so worried.
- [Scott] Hey. Yeah. I'm fine. I'm alive.
- [Erica] I mean, we. We were all worried.
- You look awful.
- Thanks.
I'd love to get my hands free.
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Scott] Can you cut this off?
[dogs whimpering]
[Xavier] Anyone after you?
There was.
But he'll be napping for a few hours.
- Now we gotta stop that dogfight.
- Yeah.
- [Scott] Do you have an extra gun?
- In the car. Where we going?
There's a bunch of fancy cars in town.
I've been working on that.
Now, we sure about this place?
As sure as we can be.
- The records are a bit, um
- [phone rings]
What's going on? Is Scott okay?
Yeah. We got him. He's okay.
- Oh, thank God.
- Well, we're not out of the woods yet.
Any luck finding that dogfight?
[David] I think so.
Looks like Walton bought
the old avocado plant.
On Lone Pine Road.
The packing plant. I know where that is!
We're almost to our cars.
We'll head over there now.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
You be careful.
Hey! Follow me!
[music playing over car radio]
I hope Nuke's okay in the car.
Oh, he'll be fine.
Animal Services is on its way.
I left the AC on for him
and put some chill-out music
on the radio to calm him down.
A mix. I don't know what he likes yet.
That was very thoughtful.
You know, speaking of
I know that thoughtful
wasn't always my thing.
I mean, like, you know,
when we were married
and all those times you would look after
Matthew while I was playing Minecraft
or forget about the laundry to go surfing,
or forget your birthday to go surfing.
It's okay. You found Scotty.
You were there when it counted.
I just want you to know
that even if it doesn't seem like it,
I will always, always be there for you.
And Matthew.
Divorce or no divorce.
Thank you, Grady.
So, this dogfight.
What do we know about it?
Just that the guest list is
a Who's Who of criminals from all over.
It was my dad's last case.
And if someone was hurting dogs,
he'd never let that go.
Which is why you haven't been able
to give up on it.
Yeah, I guess so.
Well, maybe it's time to call
that US Attorney girlfriend of yours.
Right. Well, pretty sure
she's unreachable.
Also, she's not my girlfriend anymore.
[Erica yelps]
So sorry about that. That's terrible.
About the breakup.
That's why I made that sound.
I can't help it.
It's like this involuntary [yelps]
See? [yelps]
It's like a hiccup
for people who feel bad.
My mom had it too.
Um, so, what happened?
It was her or Hooch. And I picked Hooch.
Me and Erica were just talking about
following your heart.
About Hooch following his heart, you know?
'Cause I was sharing with X this theory
that your dad trained Hooch to do that.
Wouldn't he just do that naturally?
Yeah. Yeah, you would think so.
But some dogs are, you know, like,
scared and tend to hide their feelings.
And sometimes people are worried about
being rejected or hurt.
[Hooch whimpers]
- Sometimes, yeah.
- People? You mean dogs?
Yeah. Yeah. Don't you mean dogs?
I think he meant dogs.
Are you okay, X?
Maybe focus on the road.
We have dogs to save
and you are sounding a little bit crazy.
David was right. Dogfight's here.
But also here,
two guards, most likely armed.
More inside probably.
[Scott] It's starting soon too.
- They brought in the truck with the dogs.
- Yeah.
Question is, what now?
In a situation like this,
what we're supposed to do
is wait for backup.
Wait? No. What? No.
We can't wait. They're gonna unload
those dogs and they could get hurt.
We have to do something.
I'm with Erica on this one.
My dad died trying to save those dogs.
And if waiting for backup gets them hurt,
- I can't do that.
- Me either.
Dad gave us this case for a reason.
I can't come this far
and just let him down.
I'm in. 100%.
Okay. Well then, we gotta move now.
Well, we need a plan.
Me, Grady, Erica,
we could go through the trees,
go round that way
to the truck with the dogs,
get the dogs outta there.
If you two can keep the bad guys busy
so they don't shoot us.
I like it. That's a fantastic plan.
- It is?
- [Scott] Yeah, Laura.
It's a really good plan.
Okay. Be careful, bro.
- [Scott] You too.
- [Laura] Okay.
- [Erica] Be careful, bro.
- [Scott] You too.
[Grady grunts]
Just thought you could use a hug too.
Thanks. I appreciate you.
- Scotty.
- I got two.
Yeah, that's okay. Cool.
[Grady] Hey. Wait for me.
[Hooch panting]
- [Hooch grunting]
- [Scott] I say we stay here.
Good cover. Good fields of fire.
Wait for 'em to grab the truck.
Pin down the guards until backup arrives.
Cool, cool.
[Xavier] One question:
Any place to have a wedding around here?
I am digging this Cypress Beach vibe.
There's a nice air off the ocean.
You're worried about wedding venues?
Right now?
Just while we're waiting.
Me and Olivia can't
really find a place that we like.
I don't know what the catering situation
would be like
X, X. Let's focus in for a second.
If we rescue these dogs,
then I promise I will find you
the best wedding venue in Cypress Beach.
Thanks, partner. That means a lot.
Oh, my God.
[barking continues]
[Walton] What are you doing?
Get off your butt! The fight's starting!
Unload the puppies.
[man] On it, boss.
We have to stop him.
Well, I can't just go out there.
If that guy starts yelling
We need to get those keys.
We're running out of time.
- [Erica] We need those keys.
- [Laura] Yeah.
- [Erica] Keys are in his jacket.
- [Laura] Yeah.
- [Erica] I have an idea.
- [Laura] Yeah?
Angel. Angel.
I'ma need you to get the jacket. Okay?
Do you understand what that means? Jacket?
Oh, no, no, no, sweet baby.
No, sweet baby, not my jacket.
His jacket.
Angel. Jacket.
[Erica] Yes.
- [Grady gasps]
- This might not work.
Dogs learn tricks with one person first.
Transferring those tricks
to another person can take months.
[man] Hey! You stupid dog!
[man] Bring that back here!
- She did it!
- Yes!
- [groaning] Ow! Ow!
- [straining]
Laura! Go!
- I'm going!
- This isn't gonna work.
- [Grady] Shh.
- [man straining]
- Oh, gosh. [grunting]
- [barking]
Dude, what the hell?
The fight's about to start.
- Hey! Stop!
- Ooh.
[Walton] Get back here! Stop!
- [whimpers]
- [Walton] Hey! Hey, idiots!
Someone's stealing the dogs!
- [Scott] Good luck.
- [Xavier] Go, go, go!
- [grunts]
- [Scott] US Marshals! You're under arrest!
[Xavier] US Marshals! Freeze!
[man] Watch your back!
[tires screech]
It's Walton. He's getting away.
- [Hooch barks]
- [gunfire]
Hey. Take Mr. White Pants' car. I gotcha.
[Scott] Hey. US Marshals. Gimme your
keys. Thanks.
- [Scott] Come on. Let's go, Hooch.
- [Hooch barks]
[car engine revving]
- [gunfire continues]
- [groans]
[dogs barking]
- [exhales nervously]
- [phone ringing]
- Uh, hey, Mom!
- Hi.
David called.
He said that you found Scotty?
Yeah, we got him.
Hey, Mom, I can't really talk right now.
Mom, what about the dogs?
Did you save the dog?
Hi, baby!
I promise I won't let
anything happen to them.
I promise.
Okay. Mama's gotta go. I love you.
[Emily] Wait Wait. Whe
Where are you?
[man] You see him?
- [gun clicks]
- Ah!
Okay. Okay.
Behind that SUV!
[Xavier shouts]
- Pinned and flanked.
- [man 2] Go, go!
Hundred yards to cover
with a machine gun at my back.
- [man 2] We've got him!
- And I'm out of ammo.
This is not good.
[man 3] He's going nowhere!
[gunfire continues]
[phone rings]
- Hey, baby. What's up?
- [Xavier] Hey, beautiful.
- [gunfire heard through phone]
- Are those gunshots?
Yeah, I don't have much time.
Wait a minute. What do you mean?
Listen. Just let me say what I gotta say.
I love you more than anything.
Our life together has been
the greatest gift.
Baby, why are you talking like this?
- What's going on?
- [groans]
[Xavier] And I want you to know
that I have no regrets.
You have made my life
on this earth complete.
- [Olivia] X, where are you?
- [groans, breathing heavily]
[Jessica] This is the US Marshals.
You are surrounded. Surrender immediately.
[Mendez] Put her down over there.
[Olivia] X, if you're in trouble,
let me know.
Cypress Beach Police. Drop your weapons.
[Olivia] X? X, are you okay?
Yeah, baby.
I'm just fine.
I just called to tell you
I found a great town for our wedding.
It's perfect.
- You're gonna love it. Call you later.
- [officer] You! On the ground, now!
All right. Everybody spread out.
[officer] Let's go.
- We got 'em, Scott. We got 'em.
- [Erica] Yay!
[Erica] Yay!
We did it! We did it!
- [crash]
- [gasps]
- [Laura groans]
- [dogs barking]
[barking continues]
[tires screech]
Oh, yeah.
Come on. Come on.
[tires screeching]
[Laura screaming]
- [Laura panting]
- [dogs barking]
Out of the truck, Laura.
- Move it!
- I'm not letting you take these dogs!
[tires screeching]
[tires screech]
Freeze! US Marshals!
Is that "marshals" with an "S"?
'Cause I only see one.
[Scott grunts]
- [Laura shouts]
- [Scott] You can't get away, Walton.
Sure I can.
'Cause you're gonna help me.
'Cause if you don't,
- I'm shooting these dogs.
- [gasps]
[Walton] Hey, Laura.
You don't want me to start shooting?
You leave the keys and get out real slow.
Your dad tried to take me in too,
you know?
Out by the warehouse
where I used to hold the dogfights.
- [muted barking]
- [muted shouting]
He jumped me.
I thought I was done,
until his ticker gave out.
- [muted shouting]
- [muted barking]
Man, that dog was making
such a racket the whole time.
[barking continues]
I guess he knew the old man was done.
[Hooch whimpers]
[mouths words]
[Walton] You Turners
gotta be the heroes, don't ya?
- Good boy, good boy, good boy.
- [Hooch whimpers]
I guess you wanted a story
just like your dad.
Toss the gun.
[Scott] No. You're wrong, Walton.
My story's not like my dad's.
'Cause in my story,
no dogs die at the end.
- Go, Hooch. Get him. Get him!
- [Hooch growling]
- [Hooch barks]
- [Walton groans]
[shouts] Get off me, you stupid [grunts]
[Hooch barking]
- We got him.
- Yeah, we got him.
- For Dad.
- [Laura exhales]
- Good job, Hooch. Again.
- [Walton groaning]
[Laura] Good boy. Good boy.
[police sirens wailing]
[romantic pop ballad playing]
[no audible dialogue]
[music ends]
[upbeat music playing on speakers]
That's all in the past.
And I have to say thank you
for saving, well, everyone.
Scott and all the dogs.
Well, we're still looking for homes
for them through the clinic.
Well, not Scott. The dogs.
I don't know
who would want to adopt Scott.
- Right? 'Cause he's not a dog.
- No. No, he's not.
So, you're a veterinarian?
A vet tech. Well, almost.
I just took the exam, so
Oh, that's so great.
The vet tech
at our training facility just retired.
You have to apply.
That is very, very interesting.
[romantic, lush music playing]
[Scott chuckling] Hey, there she is.
My favorite baby deputy.
You've come a long way, Deputy.
Well, that means a lot coming from you.
You pretty much taught me
everything I know.
I think between me and Xavier,
you got this deputy marshal thing down.
Now we just gotta work on the rest of you.
[Scott] What's that supposed to mean?
Come on, Scott.
You're a single guy at a wedding.
You should be out on the dance floor.
With who? Hooch?
Scott Turner,
you know exactly who you should be
dancing with at this wedding.
[clears throat]
That's all I'm gonna say.
Come on.
- It is so good to talk to you. Finally.
- And you.
[romantic music continues]
[music continues]
[Hooch barks]
- Hooch, no!
- [Grady exclaims]
- [muted, slowed-down] No, no! Hooch!
- [Scott] Hooch!
[muted, slowed-down] No!
[muted bark]
[Jessica gasps]
[man exclaims]
- [Scott] No! No!
- [wedding guest] Oh, gosh.
- The cake.
- [Scott] Not the cake!
[guests gasp]
- [Scott] Sorry!
- [Erica] Oh!
We can still save some.
There's one There's one part
[guests laughing]
[barks, whimpers]
[Olivia laughs]
[Scott] Help yourself, Hooch.
[Laura laughs]
It's a beautiful event.
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