Ultraman (2019) s01e12 Episode Script

Ace Killer

Master, our mark isn't anywhere
to be found.
I guess they got away.
Is Yuko all right?
Don't you worry. She'll be just fine.
She's somewhere safe now.
How can you be so certain?
Because he's with her.
He is?
Looks like we owe him another one.
Since those guys have started
taking action,
something might happen here as well.
Lay low for a while.
How can you say that?
If they're on the move,
then we need to do something too.
We can't afford to lose the initiative
We'll finish talking later.
What? Hey!
Are you also part of the SSSP?
Well, I see that my appearance
doesn't surprise you.
You're really quite something.
Forget the flattery.
What do you want?
After deliberation,
your admission into the SSSP
has been postponed.
I see.
I thought that would happen.
Then, will you quit tailing me?
Of course.
That's so much better.
I personally feel it is quite unfortunate
that we were unable
to fulfill your request.
Such empty words.
As a way of apologizing,
I will give you a bit of information.
This is probably the information
you desire the most right now.
First, I want you
to have a look at this video.
Isn't this
That's the video of
the aircraft explosion in question.
That's right.
It was due to this incident
that we in the SSSP
started development of Ultraman.
-You know this too, right, Shinjiro?
But why are you showing this to us?
This is that plane's passenger list.
"Seiji Hokuto"?
We have learned that someone
by the same name was on that plane.
It says he was four years old at the time,
so if he were alive now, he would be 16,
a freshman in high school.
-You mean, he's
I thought nobody survived that accident.
You're right.
It was reported that
all 247 passengers and crew died.
Those are
the culprits who brought down
the plane you were on that day.
I know.
The Old Man has told me about them
since I was a boy.
Included in that data is their location.
How you use it is up to you.
Why are you giving me this?
Because I truly want you
to grow
as Ultraman.
Where the heck did you get this?
Who cares about that?
I see that you rebuilt this.
Wait! What do you plan on doing?
Isn't it obvious?
-I'm getting revenge.
-Don't do it.
They are just the perpetrators.
I know that.
But if I put the screws to them,
they might spill who's behind it.
It'll never go that easily.
Don't worry, Old Man.
I have this arm.
Have more confidence in what you build.
They are pros.
They're not the kind of people
a kid like you can handle.
There you go again.
Everyone treats me with contempt.
-Hold on.
-Quit underestimating me!
I'll prove to you
that I'm Ultraman.
Dammit! How did it come to this?
I just wanted to help him.
So, the mark is headed this way himself?
I like it.
I'll destroy that Ultraman
before he can get his revenge.
Please! Help me!
If nothing is done,
something awful will happen.
Please! Listen to what I have to say.
So, you come here as an alien
without changing your appearance.
That must mean you know
what this place is.
How is it an illegal immigrant alien
was able to provide that kid with
such high-level technology?
And who the heck is that kid?
a survivor from
the airplane accident 12 years ago.
Because of certain reasons,
I've been taking care of him
this whole time.
You must know something about
what's behind the explosion
of that aircraft.
Why in the world did that Bemular guy
blow up that plane?
He didn't blow up any plane!
The ones who did it are a squad of
alien mercenaries who are after Seiji.
Why would they be here on Earth?
And why would they blow up
a civilian airplane?
Before the Universal Alliance Council
began negotiating with Earth,
did you know that they organized
an advance research team
and sent it to this planet?
An advance research team?
Have you heard about this?
No. This is the first time
I've heard of it.
The mercenaries posed as Earthlings
and blew up the airplane
in order to assassinate
the advance research team families
that were on that plane.
You mean
-Hokuto got caught up in that?
And what about Bemular?
Bemular was only trying to prevent
the mercenaries' attack.
But the only people he could save
were three members of
the research team families
and that one boy.
Why did Bemular do it?
I don't know.
I have no idea what his true motives are.
I only did what Bemular told me to
and faked the death of
the advance research team
and lived in hiding
here on Earth with Seiji.
I understand how that kid
got to be in his situation,
but why did you
get so involved in this case?
Because they were targeting me as well.
It sounds like we need you
to tell us more about your situation.
I know.
But you have to do something
for Seiji now!
Those mercenaries can't be handled with
just a strong desire for vengeance.
If you knew that,
-why did you let that kid play Ultraman?
Hokuto is on his way there now, right?
That's right. So please use
the power of the SSSP to save Seiji.
-What should we do, Hayata?
where is Edo?
Come to think of it,
where has he gone at a time like this?
What are you hesitating for?
You can't abandon Hokuto, can you?
Let me go to him, Dad! Mr. Ide!
If what this guy is saying is true,
then that kid is not
a target for elimination.
Mr. Moroboshi.
Before we save that kid,
let me ask you this one thing.
Do you have any idea
who it was that hired those mercenaries
to assassinate the research team?
It was the
Universal Alliance Council.
Moroboshi, what's the situation?
Since there is a basement,
we can't get a full picture.
But we have detected
at least 11 living beings.
Any signs that Hokuto has arrived?
Either he hasn't arrived yet
-or he's already
-You mean he's been captured?
Nice work, Old Man.
This is the best work you've done so far.
Mr. Ide, give us the order to attack.
If you don't hurry, Hokuto will
Calm down, Shinjiro.
We don't know if Hokuto
has already been captured.
Mr. Hayata is as square as always.
Doesn't he understand that I'm not
the kind of person who would
recklessly charge in?
However, sitting here like this
won't solve anything either.
I would like to infiltrate.
May I have permission?
Fine. But be extremely careful.
When approval to attack is given,
Squad A will approach the building from
the north and Squad B from the south.
Both squads will move into
your designated positions
-and await further orders.
Mr. Moroboshi,
-which squad should I join?
You stay on standby here.
Let me join
You're on standby.
So, they're going in.
I don't know if the SSSP
is extremely determined or just stupid.
At any rate, do your best
and reduce their numbers for me.
Get back!
That was sudden.
Mr. Moroboshi!
Mr. Moroboshi!
Mr. Moroboshi, are you all right?
Damn you. Why did you come here?
Why? Because you and the others
We still haven't seen the enemy!
Get away right now!
It's too late.
It's them.
What the hell is going on here?
We were told there was only one Ultraman.
Why are there two?
And what's with all these corpses?
Master, they are not our marks
for this mission.
Is that right?
These two are Ultramen for the SSSP.
If you harm them,
it will cause trouble for us later.
But I think we already have harmed them.
And these other guys are dead too.
Oh, well. Guess I'll get rid of them.
That's hardly the thing I'd expect to hear
from a professional mercenary.
You know, I'm not quite the kind of
mercenary that you're familiar with.
To put it simply,
I'm more like a hit man.
To be precise,
the ultimate hit man,
Ace Killer!
Who cares about that?
-You don't care?
-Where is Hokuto?
Hokuto? What's this guy talking about?
Most likely, this Hokuto person
is the Ultraman that is our mark.
So that's what this is.
You mean, he isn't here?
Didn't I tell you?
Now it is time for Master to have his fun.
For crying out loud.
Look what you did to my trap.
How will you pay for what you did?
Even though that's an Earth-made suit,
it's got pretty decent armor.
It's dangerous waving that thing around.
Okay, let's see how good the armor is
at this soft-looking part.
Don't you dare!
Well, that's quite a surprise.
If it can protect against
Dagalette shells, I'm suddenly interested.
Damn you!
Oh, dear.
Didn't I tell you?
When you go meddling where you shouldn't,
this is what happens to you.
I guess that's enough.
Go ahead!
I know you're out there, Hokuto.
Don't give me any trouble
and get your butt out here, all right?
If you don't,
these Ultramen
will die.
Say, Yuko.
Don't you feel sad always being on Earth?
It's because of scum like you
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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