Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Where the River's Flow Changes

You piece of shit! Why'd you save me?!
Your job is to exterminate, you moron!
I presume he's a member of the Banquet.
Hello there, Victor. It's been a while.
I figured those insurance guys
might be giving you some trouble.
Are you alone for once?
Aleister and Carmilla are here as well.
Well, you're late. I thought
you'd be here earlier.
Anyway, we'll be heading off now.
Do you really think I saved you for free?
Tell me where the werewolf village is.
You all seem to say the same thing.
Well, things are a bit complicated right now.
Our original motive was to
fight you all, of course
I think your maid went downriver.
I saw a commotion.
Well, that'll speed things up.
We'd like some time to meet
back up with Shizuku.
Don't worry. Carmilla is with us.
We can't do anything during the day.
Tsugaru, tell him.
It's at the base of the fourth
mountain from the west.
Hand over the diamond.
I'll take it as collateral in case
your information is false.
If I see you at the werewolf village,
I'll return it.
Aren't you the shrewd one?
Well, bye now.
Hey. You said something
about us showing up late
Did I? A birdbrain like me
forgets things so quickly
You manipulated us to lose the
insurance guys, didn't you?
Well, my mouth's all I've got going for me
Where the River's
Flow Changes
Master, isn't this Miss Shizuku's nightgown?
Oh, over here, too.
See? I knew it was Miss Shizuku's.
I-It really worked. What should I do?
Well, hello there! Lovely day, isn't it?
Blue hair bird cage severed head
Whoa, it really is a severed head!
Are you Lady Aya?
Indeed, I am Lady Aya.
Um I'm Vera. I've been
waiting for you guys.
I'll lead you to the village.
Village? Um do you mean
the werewolf village?
Yes, Wolphinhel.
Here, wear this. It'll mask your smell a little.
Who told you we'd be coming?
Shizuku. I'll take you to her now.
Lady Aya?!
Hello there, Shizuku. Are you hurt?
I'm fine. How are you, Lady Aya?
I'm perfectly fine, besides missing
everything from the neck down.
You were actually useful for once.
Why, thank you.
I'll be waiting for my reward.
Here you go, Miss Shizuku.
We managed to find everything,
even your shoes.
Pretty impressive, wouldn't you say?
Where is my underwear?
Oh, whoopsie! Guess I forgot.
Now, then
We heard most of the details on our way here.
It appears you had quite the time.
Tell me the results of your investigation.
I smell something from the prison.
It's a bizarre smell.
Could it be that woman's companions?
But we kept an eye on the forest
Let's go.
Well done. Thank you, Shizuku.
Of course.
Miss Kaya, do you know a werewolf
named Alma? She's an artist.
There's no one by that name here.
I figured not. Now, then
Would it be a bad idea for
Shizuku to escape from here?
She can't! The Blutkralle will
come and check. They'll notice.
Are these Blutkralle strong?
They are. They're our village's elite.
Very well.
I'm terribly sorry, Shizuku, but you'll
have to stay in here a while longer.
Tsugaru and I will investigate
the scene of the crime.
Couldn't we rest a bit longer?
They'll notice us soon.
This is a race against time.
Tsugaru, do you have any candles?
I do have an oil lamp.
Are you going to try to scare them with fire?
Not exactly
They're after us already.
Now, now
Oh? Are we here?
Is that the tree that was shot?
I see Tsugaru.
Show me the bloodstains.
And no other bloodstains in the area
Take me around that stone.
This is bad. They're already here.
Can you show me the bottom of this stone?
Yes, exactly.
Shifting a bit with each step
Try touching that spot.
No, really. We should
No, more to the right. The spot
that's a slightly different color.
The smell stops.
Where did they go?
Did you know this would be down here, Master?
If no one heard gunshots, that means
the girls must've been
killed somewhere enclosed.
Also, the werewolves couldn't
track the culprit's scent.
A place where a gunshot wouldn't be heard,
which the werewolves couldn't detect
It had to be underground.
Whose blood is this?
We'll have to follow it and find out.
The victims were shot and killed here,
then dragged out to the surface.
That cloth was probably used to
carry them, and that's the murder weapon.
A 20 bore shotgun.
A worn old single-shot
This must be the gun that
was stolen from Gustav.
It's Gustav's? What's it doing here?
I'm sure we'll find out if we go deeper.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
The victim from yesterday
must have died here.
The body must've been wet
from soaking in this pond.
Seems like the shape of
the bloodstain is different.
It comes from shooting someone
in a prone position from above.
I see.
But the gun was at the entrance.
The culprit shot one round into the tree,
meaning they brought the
gun along with the body.
Why go to so much trouble?
Hey, Tsugaru.
Shine the light over there.
Illuminate the wall.
Bewährung Probation?
These are days.
Five days in each grouping.
There seem to be around 500 days here.
Five hundred and fifty.
Let's move on.
Well, hello. It's been a while.
There aren't many bloodstains.
She wasn't killed here.
I wonder who did it.
It appears as though the two
cases are now connected.
We're after a werewolf, right? Not a tanuki?
I just feel like someone's
putting one over on us.
Oh, dear.
It seemed unlikely that Rosa, who was
severely injured, could have climbed a cliff,
so I figured there had to be
a different route somewhere.
By the way, Tsugaru,
you're covered in moth scales.
We originally walked about eight
hours to get to the village,
but this way was much quicker.
Probably less than two hours.
You two.
What are you doing here?
This body is definitely Louise's, correct?
Yes, without a doubt, it's Louise's.
There's one thing I need to confirm.
Then everything will be solved.
How did you treat Louise up
until she was four years old?
She was our town's guardian angel.
Everyone took good care of her.
Yes, that's how it was after
the werewolves were slain.
But how about before she was four years old?
A little girl who couldn't walk
was a burden to Heulendorf.
Am I wrong?
This is our punishment. It has to be!
This is our punishment!
We tried to abandon our daughter!
Eight years ago, the day
before the festival
We took advantage of the flower picking
and brought her to the northern forest.
We took her out of her
wheelchair and left her there.
We thought it would make our lives easier!
But that evening, she came back with Jutte!
And then we
We went to save her!
We apologized to her and
regretted our actions!
But we really did abandon her first!
She pretended not to notice
But I know she understood what happened.
And that was the night Louise
exposed Jutte, wasn't it?
It's the werewolves. This is all their fault.
Go give your daughter a proper burial.
So Jutte saved Louise,
and Louise exposed Jutte?
Louise likely found out about
Jutte's secret when she saved her.
And if Jutte was around,
everyone would've found out that
Louise was almost abandoned.
Louise was a very smart child.
I'm sure she was working desperately
on a strategy to survive.
In order to survive, she would
have to prove to everyone
in the village that she was useful.
Well, this case seems to be quite a mess.
No, it's plain and simple.
There's only one important clue.
And what's that?
The window in Louise's room.
Now, then Let's head back to Wolphinhel.
Do you still think it's simple?
Of course.
If they can come from the other side,
we can head in from this side as well, right?
Gather everyone from the village.
It appears my venom works on your kind, too.
Now don't go turning into a beast on me.
I'll lose my appetite.
Dennis! There's trouble!
Shizuku's gun is gone!
I guess it was stolen from Bernt's house!
Hurry! I'll stand guard here!
All right.
The hell are you doing?!
You're too obvious, you moron!
Hello there.
H-Here. You need this too, right?
I-I'm not doing this for you!
I just want to know who the murderer is.
Truly thank you very much.
I'd like to properly thank you, but I know
you're in a difficult position.
Let us conceal ourselves for now.
Should we go hide in that hole again?
We'll look for the right time
to return to the village again.
There's one last thing we must do.
Oh, right, Vera. I'd like to
confirm what Shizuku told us
The villagers here fall asleep in the
morning and wake up at night.
Is that correct?
And most villagers live on
their own. Also correct?
Y-Yeah. When we're babies,
everyone in the village helps raise us,
but we start living on our
own once we're about five.
What about it?
What are we going to do about that lot?
I'd really prefer if
they didn't get in our way.
Tsugaru, can you defeat them?
Huh?! Defeat Gunter and the others?!
That's impossible! You'll be killed!
And no one would miss him.
I-Is it the same killer who killed Nora?
But the way he was killed is different
They used some chemical
to throw off their scent.
The woman got away!
I only took my eyes off of her briefly.
It looks like Vera helped her.
I definitely smell something.
The western forest.
Several unfamiliar smells as well.
Gunter, what do you want to do?
We'll find the detectives and kill them.
We are the claws of this village.
Don't forget that!
Where's Carmilla?
She went off ahead.
She said she wanted to grab a
bite before everything started.
Whatever. We should get going, too.
One, two, three
Three of them, then.
Yup, this place seems good.
One down.
That's two.
Up we go!
And that's three.
It appears the howling has stopped.
It looks like Tsugaru succeeded.
I mean, they could've just
stopped because they killed him.
I certainly hope he's dead.
All right, let's go.
What's the matter?
I smell something weird west of the village.
We're here, baby!
Finish off any of 'em that are still breathing.
Aim for their eyes and mouths!
Set their homes on fire.
Don't let a single one get away.
God save us
Granny Regi! There are intruders
from the north and the south!
They all smell dangerous!
There are humans from the west, too!
Dozens of them!
Impossible! How could they even get here?
Gather everyone to the square!
As many as you can!
We move in a pack.
We'll eradicate the ones atop the cliff!
Th-This is really bad!
There are dozens of voices I don't recognize.
I smell a lot of humans.
Royce must be here.
They've brought everyone from Heulendorf.
They must've found the underground tunnel.
Go save Kaya. Vera and
I will handle things here.
No. I will protect you, Lady Aya.
I'll be fine.
We're outside of the village, so the
fighting won't reach here for a while.
And I have a very capable
part-time assistant.
This is an order. Go.
Yes, ma'am
Take good care of her.
Kaya is probably in the weaving house.
It was her turn today.
You're pretty nice, huh, Lady Aya?
I know, right? People tell
me that all the time.
By the way, what's a "part-time assistant"?
Oh, Banquet. You're here as well.
Did you kill them?
So unsightly
You're so unsightly that
I'm feeling nauseous.
You seem rather confident in your strength,
but you'll be at a disadvantage
going up against me.
Miss Kaya?
Miss Kaya!
You know
They weren't a big deal.
Wh-What the heck is this?
Everything has been solved.
Now, let us go.
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