Undead Unluck (2023) s01e12 Episode Script


[Anno] In order to contact
the Negator Unrepair,
Fuko and company go
to Rio de Janeiro.
They each purchase
a classy outfit
for the infiltration
mission and board
the target luxury
liner that evening.
There they are met
with luxurious decorations,
lavish food, and
beautifully-dressed patrons,
but this ship also hosts
a black market auction,
one that treats
Negators fellow humans
As merchandise to
be bought and sold,
the underground society
twisted by dark desires.
Fuko is shaken and
begins to reflect.
She wonders which is better:
joining the Union
or being sold off
in the auctions.
But Andy eases her mind.
He speaks of what
they have encountered
and how it's changed him.
As he does, those that Juiz
called Negator Hunters appear.
These individuals have
a singular objective:
to get revenge
against the world.
The curtains now rise on
a spectacular battle.
[Tatiana] Zombie,
we've got big trouble!
We have infiltrators on
the deck of the ship,
and they were speaking
a language other than English!
There are four in total,
and at least two of 'em
are confirmed Negators.
[Juiz] Negator hunters.
Are these the same
ones who took Unseen?
[Juiz] Most likely, yes.
We have one thing in common:
that they also specialize
in collecting Negators by force.
But the difference
lies in our objectives.
We who are aligned with Union
are seeking to kill God
To be freed of rules.
Them, on the other hand,
they are seeking revenge against
the world.
They dispose of
collected Negators
they deem worthless.
Well, I suppose that's another
thing we have in common.
[Fuko Izumo] We do not!
At least, that's not why
you tried to kill me.
You did it in order
to protect people, right?
These powers, being a Negator,
it can be sad and painful.
But even so
Taking it out on the
world is not right!
- Let's go.
- Yeah!
[Andy] Go ahead and charge me up!
[Andy] We can bulldoze
through these chumps!
- [grunts]
- [bones crunching]
- Huh?
- Who the hell are you?
[Andy] Tatiana!
Unbreakable Sword!
[Tatiana] Okay, okay!
Do you know how hard
it was to get this?
Emergency alert!
Two intruders have
breached the hall!
They could be heading down
to the auction items now!
Ah, stop them! Kill
'em if you have to!
[Tatiana] Now, don't lose this!
[Andy] Appreciate it!
[all gasping]
[bones cracking]
Listen up 'cause I'm only
gonna say this once!
[all gasping]
Negators aren't
merchandise, you hear me?
Better get back.
[glass shattering]
Andy, quick!
The Negator hunters!
The Union, huh? [slurps]
[both] The Negator is
not going with them.
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[distant booming]
Where do these
stairs lead to, Andy?
The cargo hold where they keep
the auction items.
They crashed the party before
the auction started,
so those hunters are bound
to be headin' that way, too.
[grunts] Don't worry.
We'll find the
Negator before them
and then save him!
Worse comes to worst, we fight.
- Stay ready, okay?
- Yeah!
[high-pitched beep]
[distant booming]
- [rumbling]
- [groaning]
Hey, what's goin' on up top?
[door creaks]
[door clangs shut]
- [Chikara whimpers]
- [thug] Huh.
- Escaping before the auction
- [whimpers]
- [screams]
- Why, you
- If you don't stop, I'll
- [whimpers]
[Chikara] What do I do?
If I move I can't stop him
and if I stop him
I can't run away!
Dammit, how did things
wind up like this?
I always knew I had
a mysterious power.
That's why I kept it hidden!
I kept it a secret, so
- [indistinct chatter]
- [birds chirping]
[beatbox music quietly
playing over headphones]
Hey, Chikara!
Say, did you finish
your homework?
Let me copy it before
class, will ya?
Teacher always calls on me.
[Chikara] Mm-hmm.
[Ryo groans]
[screams] Shut up!
What is with everyone speaking
gibberish all of the sudden?
Is this some sort of prank?
You guys got me! I give up!
Also, which one of you jerks
screwed with my TV?
The people, text
Everything's in gibberish!
What gives, huh?
You playing back
videos or something?
[birds chirping]
Uh, what is going on with you?
You've been talkin'
funny since yesterday.
Why don't you drop
the act already?
It sounds pretty
forced, if you ask me.
[stun gun buzzing]
Secured one Negator.
Ability unknown.
[thug 1] The Union
will be there soon.
- Hurry up and get out of there.
-[thug 2] Copy that.
[all shouting]
[Chikara] When I
came to I was here,
caged like an animal,
and I've got some
gangster-looking dude pointing
a gun at me in a room surrounded
by freaky creatures!
[high-pitched squealing]
Oh, no! Not good!
My legs are trembling!
[whimpers] My power!
What an idiot. Now I'm
free to move again.
You got nerve, wasting my time.
But you're much too valuable
of an auction item.
No chance I'd let you get away.
[thug] Hah.
Ah, well, screw it.
I'll just put a
slug in your leg.
That'll [grunts]
[Chikara] Huh?
- [whimpers]
- [Rip] I see.
compulsory type, huh?
As long as you don't move,
you negate the movement
of a target in your field
of vision, I presume?
How intriguing.
You're the restrainer type
I've been hoping for.
No chance in hell I'm handing
you over to the Union.
[speaking Japanese]
[Chikara] Who are they?
Are they on my side?
Are they here to save me?
Hey, Latla, what language
is the kid speaking?
That was Japanese, right?
I can't speak it, though.
Well, that sucks.
I was hoping I'd get
to ask him more
about his ability.
[Creed] Leave it to me.
I'll figure it out,
since we only care whether we
can use him or not, yeah?
[Creed] You're about to get
pumped full of lead.
If you don't wanna die,
you better use your ability.
Quite a crude way to recruit,
don't you think?
Eh, I don't see any harm.
If he can't intentionally
use his power
then he's no use to us.
And besides, if he dies,
then the ability will
just transfer over
to a different human.
In five
[Chikara] He's
gonna shoot me? Why?
[Chikara] Just great!
They're not here to
save me after all!
I should use my power,
right? To stop him?
[Chikara] It's no use!
I can't stop shaking!
[Chikara] Dammit, it's
all this power's fault!
If I just didn't have it
then right about now I'd be
I'd be
[all laughing]
Oh, you!
[Chikara] Mom, Dad, I'm sorry!
Think he's dead?
Yeah. 100%, he is dead.
So that means
[Andy snickers]
[bullets clanging on floor]
[Chikara whimpers]
Tatiana, in the cargo
hold, we found him.
[Tatiana] Roger! I'm on my way!
I understand them?
Now let's see.
That first one's
packin' a Gatling gun.
But not an ammo clip in sight.
How's he firing it, then?
The second one's
a martial artist for sure,
and I can tell he's strong.
The third one, maybe
a support type?
She's definitely
light on equipment.
Might have some sort
of a counter ability.
As for the last guy,
the one with the eye patch
[whimpering] You murderer!
[Rip] You with the card.
You can repair yourself.
What kind of Negator are you?
Not like it matters.
You see that wound there?
It won't be able
to heal itself till I die.
I'm afraid that's as close
as you're gonna get.
I don't know what ability
you have exactly
But if you need to
cut yourself in order
for your healing
to take effect
Then you're all out of luck.
The wounds I inflict
will negate any
and all healing techniques that
are attempted on them.
So I've got you beat.
Someone help me!
- Fuko!
- [Fuko gasps]
The two of you are
with the Union, right?
Does that mean they want
the Negator as well?
Hate to disappoint,
but we've already called dibs,
so fork him over.
You see, we're gonna kill him.
- [whimpers]
- That ability will
be useful for our team.
[teeth chattering]
[Rip] It'll be more useful
once transferred over
onto someone who isn't
completely spineless.
By the way, that language change
has made hunting down Negators
way easier. That
was you guys, right?
Nice, thank you.
The pleasure's all
ours, buddy boy!
Now it's crystal clear!
Our 11th member
ain't gonna be you!
Parts Bullet Head!
[Rip] The one I didn't target
cut off his head!
Who are these two?
- [Tatiana] Ba-goom!
- [Latla screams]
[gasps] Creed, Feng!
It's fine. We can handle it.
[screams] What is it now?
[Tatiana] So sorry
I'm late, Fuko!
You just leave these
two to me, okay?
And I'll leave the other two
in your capable hands.
[Andy] Yeah!
Roger that!
Repair Boost!
[laughs] That's gotta hurt!
Crimson Crescent Moon!
[grunts] He dodged it?
[screams] He chopped
off both his hands!
You're quick on the draw
with that blade of yours.
Can I presume that your
restorative powers are at play?
[screams] What are you doing?
I already told you.
Doing that activates
your healing,
so it won't work no matter
how much you try
and hack yourself up to bits.
Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.
- It worked! But how?
- [groaning]
[Andy] Parts Bullet Forearms!
Rip, watch out!
[Andy] Their
trajectories changed?
Must have been that
lady's ability.
[Rip laughs]
You're sure an interesting one.
Why do you waste your
talent with them?
Come over to our side.
We're way more fun. [slurps]
Oh, do me a favor.
Would you fix up my nose, Latla?
[Latla] Hmm.
All right, fine.
So let me see.
So made it look like you
were trying to heal yourself
when in actuality it
was an offensive attack.
Because of that, my
rule didn't apply,
freeing you to
cut off your own
- And there.
- [groans]
- [whimpering]
- What I'm saying is,
I like your style.
Together, we'd
That's a hard pass.
I was curious what Unrepair
would be like when
I learned of it.
But it ain't enough
to kill me, so
Any interest I had
is long gone now,
and I couldn't care less
about what you're up to.
That's unexpected.
Someone like you
is much better off with us,
but oh well.
So, what about you,
cutie with the short hair?
Um, you mean me?
Whether planned or not,
you chopped off that guy's head
like it was nothing to you.
You're crazy in a good way.
The one cowering next to you
could never pull that off.
He's so freaked out all
the time that he can't utilize
his restriction ability
at all. [exhales]
Seems he can't even fulfill
his own requirement
of remaining still because
he's constantly
racked with fear.
The ability is a winner
but the person attached
to it's a dud, and
so he must die.
But why? Tell me!
It's our aim to fill our team
with only the strongest.
With them we'll be able
to teach people a thing
or two about who keeps
the world turning.
[Andy snarls]
[Rip] Once we have
the numbers we'll start taking
over countries one by one.
[Fuko gasps] But why
would you do that?
Blame God, the one who's
actually toying with us,
not the innocent
people of the world!
And are you going
to kill this God?
We've got more than
enough problems
on our hands as it is,
but if you want
to risk your lives on something
like that, go ahead.
[Latla groans]
Ah, no!
I put so much work into
my makeup for this party!
[Andy] The sword missed her,
but the blood still hit.
Did she negate the attack?
[Latla] Do you have any idea
[Rip] Now then,
let's get back to business.
Time for you to say goodbye,
Mr. Scaredy Cat.
[Andy snarls]
Here's hoping your
successor's a winner.
[Andy] Dammit, I can't
kill the momentum
with my regeneration!
Get back, Fuko!
[Andy] Fuko!
Aw, man.
Now why'd she have
to go and do that?
What a waste.
[Rip] The card guy reduced
the force of the scalpel so
it didn't pierce
right through her.
But still, she's got
an hour to live at best.
Now she's useless, too.
A shame, really.
Andy, it's fine!
I'm good!
Sorry for jumping in
the way like that.
But you managed to slow down
its momentum enough.
It would have been a lot worse
if you hadn't blocked it.
Don't worry, honestly.
Just be your normal self.
Yeah, yeah.
All right.
I'll kill that jerk
right now and
[thug 1] This way! Hurry!
[thug 2] Find them!
[Rip] Hate to run,
but that's our cue.
Though I did bump
off a Union member.
Guess I'll have to
settle for that.
Well, I'll be seeing
you heroes soon.
[thug] You got some nerve
ruining our auction items!
How you punks plan on paying
us back for this, huh?
[Chikara whimpers]
[grunts] Just one
thing after another.
Hold it right there,
pal! So it's you.
You guys are the Negator hunters
that've been bustin' up
our turf, aren't ya?
[Andy] I move and they shoot.
I'd be fine, but Fuko
And if I don't move,
that jerk gets away.
I need a plan.
[Chikara] Uh, sorry.
I'm not sure how to
stop the bleeding.
Don't get too close.
It could be dangerous.
She's a Negator like you.
Touch her bare skin
and you're dead, kid.
- Watch out.
- Huh? Dead?
Ah, I'll be careful.
This girl here's badly hurt!
- Help her!
- [Andy/Fuko] Huh?
Call for a doctor right now!
It's me that you want, isn't it?
So just let her go!
She has to get to a doctor
before she loses more blood!
Please, I'm begging [screams]
Step aside, kid, or
you'll regret it!
Dammit, dammit!
[gasping] Dad.
[Chikara's mom] Chi, dear,
listen to me, okay?
In life you're going
to meet many different
kinds of people.
And if you're lucky you'll
even come across those who
will show you kindness.
- Cherish those people.
- [Chikara crying]
[Chikara's mom] If
they're in trouble,
take a moment to pause.
And then move again
to help those people.
Ah, screw it.
We'll kill you, too.
[Chikara's mom] If you
do I'm certain that
every one of those people
will become
irreplaceable to you.
Don't move!
Did you just
Your ability, it
[Chikara] I don't know what's
going on around here,
but I do know that it's thanks to
me being such a big coward that
that girl ended up getting hurt!
Does this help? Can you use it?
I swear I won't freak out again!
Please, if I do this right,
is it enough for
you to save her?
[Fuko gasps]
Oh, yeah!
Let's do this! Kid,
you are wicked sick!
[Kairi Yagi's
"know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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