Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12
Don't run Rustem. There
are things I need to know.
You can't deceive me
with these devil's actions.
Why did you do this?
Rustem is my brother,
whom I lost years ago.
Batinis gave me this secret.
Forgive me, brother
Now, I need to catch him.
Stop Don't go.
I'll forgive you, Arslantas.
But don't go now.
They are luring you into a trap. You've
seen your brother. We can find him again.
I lost my brother once.
I can't lose him again.
Forgive me, brother.
Don't go. Arslantas Don't go!
Sencer, what happened? Are you okay?
Arslantas said Rustem was his brother.
They are luring him into a trap.
We need to go after him.
You can't go in this state,
Sence You are badly wounded
The arrow almost
hit you into the bone.
Ayaz. Let's go after him.
Find him.
Find him immediately.
We can't go to Isfahan with this wound.
You'll lose so much blood.
Selemzar is closer.
We’ll go there.
This time, you've gone
too far, Terken Hatun.
The slap you gave in my face now
will return to you harder,
when the time is right.
The thunder you can create
can only move dust on me.
Do your best from now on.
Even though Terken Hatun is Head
Hatun, she's crossed the line with this.
When our Sultan hears this, he'll
give the appropriate punishment.
Don't you worry.
Our Sultan will never know this.
From now on, this is my
personal matter with Terken Hatun.
Your are the daughter of son
of Kutalmis, Suleyman Sah.
Our Sultan never sees this insult
made against you appropriate.
For this reason, it's better
if he knows the situation.
Until now, I have never let anyone
say that Elcin Hatun does
her job by relying on someone.
And I don't let it 'happen now.
However you wish.
Yet, what can you do against her alone?
Yet, what can you do against her alone?
By exposing all of her dirty schemes
I'll make him lose her
position as Head Hatun.
She thinks she can win Meliksah's heart.
If I don't teach her where she belongs,
she can even aim having an heir.
Let the slap I gave her be a lesson.
She needs to know how I am going to destroy
her, if she keeps her poisonous intentions.
From now on, you'll follow Elcin Hatun.
I'll always know about
every step she takes.
If she tries to get revenge,
we'll take action faster than her.
Why did you prevent
Sencer from killing me?
Or you also became one of us?
I didn't save you
I save myself.
If I haven't saved you from Sencer
the fire burns my
heart Won't go off
the suffering I have won't stop.
Do you remember this?
This is the bracelet Behram
took from me, when I was a child.
Why do you have it?
Where did you find it?
I have the same thing.
My mother made it for me
and my brother, when I was little.
That brother was you.
And I am your real brother!
You are lying.
You are lying.
If I was lying
Would I strike my best
friend Sencer, and save you?
How can I know that you
didn't do that to get close to me?
Our father
Isn't he the Muezzin
Ibrahim of the city Save?
How do you know that?
My brother is dead.
He is dead.
I’m the brother you thought as dead.
The responsible ones for all these
are the Batinis, to
whom you devoted your life.
hey are the ones that burned down
our home, that killed our father
and broke our family apart.
You are lying!
Arslantas is your real brother.
I told that secret to him.
That's the reason he saved you from Sencer.
Where is my mother?
I will save her from you too.
If you want to see your mother
too, you will come with us.
I won't come with you anywhere.
We got what we wanted from you.
We can kill you, take Rustem and walk away.
But we wish for you to meet your mother.
Sencer, what happened to you?
It's an arrow wound.
Arrow wound?
It needs to be amoved right away.
Sit down here.
I will call the doctor.
Sencer, I sent information to
Hace about Arslantas matter.
He will send soldiers to look for him too.
He should, we need to find him quickly.
We need to save him from the Batinis.
The wound is deep, Turna Hatun, we need
to remove the arrow and brand the wound.
I will prepare the fire then.
We need to take your armor off.
Welcome, son.
you are the new leader of these snakes.
Why are you wearing a
mask and hiding your face?
Do you hide your face
out of your cowardice?
You are not ready to see
the truth hidden on my face.
But I'm willing to give you the truth
that you have been running after.
You looked for your remedy in
the wrong places for years, son.
You became the slave of others.
And they blinded your eyes,
and hid the truth from you.
I was never the slave of anyone!
We have been waiting
for you for a long time, son.
From now, you will end
the clash in your heart.
I will give you all the
answers you seek.
After that, the pain
in your heart will end.
Because I will make you meet your mother,
whom you have been longing to see for years.
You are lying.
My son.
Where are you mother?
Where are you mother'?
Where are you mother?
Where is my mother?
Your mother is fine, don't worry.
Like the life of every
innocent companion of oues
her life is also precious for us.
My mother wouldn't ask for your help.
You captured my mother
and brother by force.
You killed my father!
The truth is not as you know it, son.
We are not the one
who killed your father,
kidnapped your mother and
brother and separated them.
The greatest Shaitan
living in these lands.
Nizamulmuk, planned
this whole thing.
No, Hace wouldn't do such a thing.
You are lying.
Sev'klina is telling the truth.
Do you think I follow
his path for nothing?
To reunite with your mother, you must first
wipe Shaitan's whispers from your ears.
We will help you, son.
First we will wipe those
whispers from your ears
...and then you'll be
reunited with your mother.
You can't do anything to me.
Our path don't cross your path.
Give me my mother and brother.
Give me my brother.
Give him to me.
Give him.
Give him.
For years that Shaitan called
Nizamulmuk sharpened this dagger.
I'll sacrifice not only my own life
but also the life of my mother
and brother, Seyuduna Hadrath.
Now it's time to sharpen that
dagger not for Shaitans but for you.
We talked about Seferiye
Hatun before, Hace Hadrath.
Whoever has benefited the
most from her illness has done this.
And it is Terken Hatun.
I want to investigate this issue.
What do you want me
to do, Elcin Hatun?
We can't trust the
doctors of the palace.
Terken Hatun will be aware
of what they are doing.
Even if they notice what
is done to Seferiye Hatun
Terken Hatun won't
let them say anything.
We need a healer hatun that we
can trust from outside the palace.
So we can reveal what
happened to Seferiye Hatun.
There is a competent,
reliable healer that I know.
Don't worry. I’ll invite her
to the palace in a short time.
While I was afraid of the damage
your enemies might cause
Arslantas who you put in
your brother's place shot you.
How could he do such a thing?
How could he?
Don't be mad at him.
He carries a very heavy burden.
How can I not be angry with him? You are
obviously not safe even with your brother.
I worry about you.
I understand him
understand the fire that
burns his heart very well.
He has been longing for his
mother and brother for years.
It's not an easy burden to carry, Turna.
When he gets back here safely
I'll forgive him
I just want him to be safe.
You have a great heart.
Although he shot you in the back,
you can still feel sorry for his problems.
But don't be mad at me.
Maybe you can forgive him
but I won't.
I love you for your heart.
Because it is bright like the
day and clear like the water.
Don't fill it with
hate and grudge.
We are wounded by heart.
We need to cure
..each other's wounds.
The activity in the Byzantine and Frankish
lands could be a sign of great expedition.
However, we will act before them.
The new caliph, Mustansir
has died, my Sultan.
The new caliph that has taken his
place causes chaos among Fatimis.
We are also coming down on
them by benefiting from this disorder.
I'll destroy this evilness, which spread
this order among the world of Islam.
We are going to arm the
army with new weapons.
A great amount of steel will
arrive from the mines in Horasan.
That steels is so
important for the conquest.
Let Ilteber know. Make sure he prepares
a storehouse for the steel in Selemzar.
-As you command, my Sultan.
-Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
My Sultan.
There is a news about Sencer.
Have they caught Rustem?
Unfortunately, my Sultan.
Just before they were about to
catch him. a bad incident happened.
Arslantas let Rustem run
away by shooting Sencer.
Why did he do such a thing?
To our surprise, Arslantas
and Rustem were real brothers.
Batinis gave this information to Arslantas.
Most probably they want to gain
Arslantas for their cause and use him.
In such an important mission,
the special warriors of our
state shouldn't be preys of their.
What kind of a weakness is this?
What kind of a carelessness is this?
The men we sent to catch
the enemy shot each other!
Didn't the special
warriors learn about giving
up on their families,
when they chose this road?
We are going through a difficult period.
I have no tolerance for
betrayal or carelessness!
Bring Sencer into my presence immediately!
The news coming from Cairo is so bad.
Our calipha Mustansir has
come together with the Holy Imam.
And Mustali unjustly
became the caliph of Fatimi
instead of Nizar, in
whom we believed.
Soon, they'll come here and want
us to obey the new caliph, Mustali.
They don't also know our Head
Dai and organization structure.
They'll get angry because of this.
No one can expect us to obey
a calioh we don't believe in.
We'll start to establish our state
by accelerating towards our aims.
So that we both get
separated from Fatimis
and gain a great victory against Seljuk.
Nizamulmulk started to suspect me so much.
He's coming down on me.
We are surrounded
And there is only one way
to save ourselves from here.
First, we'll raise hell
in the lands of Seljuk.
And we'll make this such a place
that they can't recover from it.
Of course, you'll
choose the location for it.
Yet, excuse my curiosity.
How are we going to do that?
Salted fish barrels are coming
from Byzantine lands to Seljuk lands.
We are going to plant
explosive inside those barrels.
And then, the lands of Seljuk
is going to experience hell.
Then, we need the help of Byzantine.
Because we don't
have any natural gas.
And even if we have it, we can't plant
them by stopping the fisherman convoy.
Andreas is so angry with us
because of the matter of sacred relics.
I've already sent Behram to Andreas.
There are two roads before Andreas.
He will either watch the disaster
of Seljuk by cooperating with us
or he'll feel the wrath of Meliksah.
Our Head Dai died
Our new leader Seyuduna sent this fetter.
So you are going to
blow up the Seljuk lands?
And I'm going to help you by putting
explosives in fishermen’s barrels?
Is that so?
The day Sencer raided my castle,
your dead men were found around.
You prepared an ambush for us and
now you come here to work with us.
Are you mocking me?
And you stole the sacred relics.
But Seyuduna wants all these
to be forgotten, and start a new.
while returning from the Trojan War
enters a cave.
A one-eyed monster named
Kiklop was living inside the cave.
Kiklop asked Odysseus
"Who are you?"
Odysseus answered.
I'm nobody.
And then he found a way and blinds him.
From now on, I'm
nobody for you.
And I will blind your remaining eye
and send it to your Seyuduna!
We don't know about these tales.
But there is a truth
you need to know.
Mebksah has started the preparations for an
attack to Byzantine lands and Kuvel Castle.
If you work with us
none of these will happen.
You have good reasons
but I cannot take this risk just to stop
an attack that will come from Meliksiah,
which we don't even know.
When hell breaks loose in
Seljuk lands, you will gain a lot.
And you will get your share.
I don't need any gain.
I have lots of gold.
Kill that one eye.
You are at the edge
of Emperor's sword!
This is the last chance for you.
If Meliksah stops the battle
preparations because of the explosions
and the Emperor learns your
hand in that, what will happen?
Think about it.
You will be favored by him again.
Or the Emperor will kill you because
of his nephew Theodor's death,
and because you lost the sacret relics.
That's a good gain.
What will you do now?
I will go after Arslantas
I need to save him
from the Batinis.
Our Sultan waits you
in his presence quickly.
It appears that Hace told
what happened to our Sultan.
I need to go make an explanation myself.
Or he might give an unfortunate
order regarding Arslantas.
Sencer, control yourself.
Don't worry.
We will see each other again soon.
Batinis learned about Arslantas' past
and realized that he is Rustem's brother.
Even we did not know.
Did they find your documents and learn it?
Either someone reached my documents
or they managed to learn it
through something else outside.
It's hard to enter my room
and get the documents.
But I will do what's
necessary for both the options.
Are there jackals outside,
or are there snitches inside
I will learn.
Batinis started to reach everywhere.
Protect the septets carefully, Hace
The biggest secret he hold
Sencer's secret shouldn't
be learned by them.
So the private soldiers of Nizamulmulk
attacked each other instead of the enemy?
We got another strong
leverage to discharge
NizamuImulk's private
soldiers, and replace them
with our men.
He and Sencer managed
to get away before.
But this time, they
won't be able to do so.
Because our Sultan is
really furious with them.
If Sencer and the private soldiers are
discharged, Nizamulmulk will lose power.
Then the rest will follow.
Nizamulmulk will lose, and
you will be the Hace, Taculmulk.
.. .the claws of that old wolf
will not let us live in this palace.
We'll do whatever we can.
Search thoroughly.
Don't miss anything. Hurry.
I need to take my goods to
Isfahan as soon as possible.
I'm losing time because of you, commander.
I have to ensure the
security of my lands.
How can we know if there is
something dangerous in the barrels'?
I have to protect myself, you
and our neighbor Seljuks, right?
Slow down.
The carriers shouldn't understand this.
Come on.
There is nothing in the
barrels other than fish.
Nice. You can go.
Give our neighbour the Seljuks
our goodwill and friendship wishes.
Oh; I almost forgot.
There are many bandits on the way.
The forest road in the
south would be safer for you.
You marked the barrels
with explosives, right?
Yes, sir.
Let's inform the Batinis now.
Let them know that we're leading
the caravan to the forest road in south.
Let's go to the castle and wait for
the disaster news from the Seljuks.
You went to catch the enemy but
came back empty-handed Sencer.
Or should t say
You went to catch the enemy but came
back when you were shot by your friend.
Apparently you are happy that we
couldn't catch the enemy, Emir Taculmulk.
You still speak and hold your head
high when you should be ashamed.
Though, private soldiers are
used to such heedlessness
so they are not ashamed of such scandals.
The real scandal is being
criticized by people like you.
But I will stop this soon.
My Sultan.
You are also at fault in
this treachery by Arsiantas.
He is your best friend.
How could you not know about it
when Batinis gave him that secret?
Is this how the private soldiers
keep an eye each other?
While I was chasing Rustem, the
Batinis sent a message to Arsiantas.
Another fault.
One leaves the duty,
the other goes after their
own weaknesses without
ever caring about his duty.
Will you be the sword of the state
by acting self-ordained like this?
That sword has brought many enemies
into line since this state was founded.
And it will keep doing that,
Terken Hatun.
Don't worry
We, with our disregard and
our negligence, as you call it
are still far more usueful for the
state then some that reside in the palace.
Know your limits!
How dare you!
I ordered you to bring Rustem
to me to get to Head Dai.
But your best friend shot
you and took him away.
Then we must take revenge on the
enemy and the ones who acted careless.
Arslantas was caught in the
trap of his weakness, my Sultan.
We need to save him
Showing too much mercy to the
careless people leads to betrayal.
Our state has experienced
this greatly in the past.
I know what is appropriate for whom.
You just do what you
need to do, that's enough!
There is news from our spies disguised
as merchants in Kuvel. It's so important.
We need to deliver it to
our Sultan immediately.
My Sultan. There is an
important news from Kuvel.
You can go.
What is the important
news, my Sultan?
Naphtha was taken from Kuvel.
And they made a search on
the caravan full of fish barrels.
When they returned to Kuvel,
the naphtha (gaz) was not with them
Most probably, they put
explosive inside the fish barrels.
And those fish barrels
are coming to Isfahan.
Obviously, they'll blow up Isfahan.
Whenever we take action, our
enemies start to move before us!
Send news to the border
soldiers immediately, Hace.
Every merchant caravan
is going to be searched.
For it is Kuvel's treason, what are
we going to do with them, my Sultan?
We can do nothing
without finding the barrels.
First, we'll find those
and stop the disaster.
Then, I'll give the
punishment for this personally.
There are 17 roads leading to
17 doors of Isfahan, my Sultan
And there are many roads
connected to those 17 roads.
The border soldiers only
control the known roads.
Most probably, our enemies will
use the devious roads to get over us.
With your permission I want to
go after Arslantas and Rustem.
Soldiers can track them What is
important is the explosive matter now.
My Rab forbid, it may cause
hundreds of innocents to die.
You'll go after the explosive.
We need you in this matter more.
Our time is limited.
Find those explosives one way or
another, before they enter Isfahan.
If a disaster happens in Isfahan
no one can fix this.
I sent away the spies
that work for the embassy
with an excuse of
another duty from Isfahan.
Yet, I learned there were some
other merchant spies in Kuvel.
The news sent by them reached Meliksah.
They must have understood that
there was explosives in the caravan.
Now they'll take action.
The heathen, Andreas was also convinced.
All the caravans carrying the
explosives were going to come to Isfahan.
If they cross the road,
they find the explosives.
He directed the caravan to
the forest road in the south.
We need to be quick.
Let Rustem take the
servants and seize the cars.
Let him and the barrels with
the explosives with him.
I'll tell him later where
he should take them.
And let the barrels without explosives
be spread across the country.
The tracks disappear here.
Where are you, Arslantas?
We don't have time, Ayaz.
Until we find our brother we'll track.
And we won't stop until we
get news from Sencer. Come on.
Where is our mother, brother?
I've heard her. Let her come, too.
Let her give us water and food.
Our mother will also come, brother.
Now she sent this sherbet for you.
This is the sherbet our mother
prepared with her own hands.
I remember its taste.
The smell of my mother is on it.
She would make us drink with
her hands, when we were little.
"Drink with Arslantas" she said.
Let's take our mother,
and leave, brother.
My mother will cook for us.
Make sherbet for us
We met in the palms of
the truth after so many years.
Are we going to those cruel
ones who separated us?
Don't be like this brother.
Don't be.
The Seljuk are not cruel ones.
They are tricking you with their lies here.
Our mother is in this
smell, in this taste
Would Seyuduna who
made us meet after years
who made us see the
truth after all these years?
Wouldn't someone like Nizamulmulk
find out that we were brothers?
Why didn't he?
Did you ask that to yourself?
Your real enemy is the one
that has separated us, brother.
Seyuduna has united us.
Where is my mother, brother?
My mother should come.
She will come too.
You will listen to the
truth from her as well.
Just get away from the
darkness of those cruel ones.
I feel dizzy.
My mind is going blank.
Bring some medicine
to heal me
Your mind is not going blank, brother.
On the contrary, the shadow those
evil ones put on your mind is going away.
This happens thanks to the powerful gift
given by the mighty hands of the Seyuduna.
He is taking us to the
paradise in this world.
Look at us, we are united again.
You are experiencing paradise on earth.
It's from Seyuduna.
Gather the servants right away.
We will go the the forest road on south.
We need to make it on time for the caravan
before Seljuk soldiers find the explosives.
I'm Sencer.
Are you looking for
the explosives too?
But we couldn't find a trace.
The merchants going
to Isfahan go from here.
They are trying to trick
us about the path it seems.
Go through the forest road on
south, we will patrol the road to Isfahan.
What is it, soldier?
We will search the barrels.
Sencer's guess was right,
we found the explosives.
Who are you?
Your death
I will give you whatever
you want, just don't kill us.
We want to take your carts
but we need to kill you
so you don't talk.
We came here just in time or
the Seljuks would capture it.
Put the marked barrels
in one cart. Come on!
I will change the barrels with
explosives and go with other crates.
Take the other carts and
go in different directions.
Take the bodies
away from the road.
Where will the explosive be taken?
Only the great Seyuduna knows it
he'll tell you when the time comes.
Welcome, Turna Hatun.
I'm Kutalmis's son Suleyman
Shah's daughter Elcin Hatun.
Thank you, Elcin Hatun. Hace
Hadrath wanted me to come here.
We asked him to call you here.
He highly recommended you.
He said that we could
trust you about everything.
It is very precious to me to
be admired by Hace Hadrath.
I'll do everything I can.
Who is the patient?
Welcome Turna Hatun.
It's nice to see you.
Thank your Mahmelek Hatun.
What happened Tuma Hatun?
Why did you come to the palace?
We called Turna Hatun here because
of Gevher Hatun's pregnancy.
We wanted her to examine
Gevher Hatun as well.
Was there no doctor left in the palace that
you called a healer Hatun from Salemzar?
Unfortunately, neither palace midwives nor
midwives you brought from your homeland
could save your child.
We shouldnt hesitate to call competent
healers no matter where they are.
No opportunity should be
avoided for the child to be born.
I'm the head Hatun, Gevher.
You should ask the Head Hatun.
And I'm the Hatun of a Melik.
Maybe I'm pregnant to a heir.
As you know, the heir is at the top
of the authorities after the Sultan.
Welcome, Turna Hatun.
Let's go inside.
You can examine me there.
Search the barrels.
Wait. What are you doing?
Were you taking the
explosives to Isfahan?
What explosives?
I am a fish merchant.
I bring fish from the Rum land.
Don't lie to me.
Explosives were placed
in fish barrels. Speak!
There are no explosives in them.
We haven't heard from the
other carts of the caravan.
This information may be wrong.
Give me the flintstone.
This is the mark of an explosive.
They must have taken them out of
this cart and moved them to another one.
Where are the carts
full of explosives? Say it!
I don't know.
I won't kill you but
I'll torture you. Speak!
Seyuduna knows.
Seyuduna, huh?
You Batini dogs!
So you cooperated with
Kuvel and planned this betrayal.
Only Seyuduna knows where
and when the great trouble will arise.
If you do not want Doomsday
to arrive, you will obey him.
Otherwise, he'll destroy you.
You don't have time.
Seyuduna will turn these
lands into hell for you.
He swallowed poison.
You won't die! You won't die!
You won't die!
They learned we got intelligence somehow.
They spread the car into every corner.
For he said it was our vital point,
most probably they'll blow up Isfahan.
The bomb can be anywhere at any time
We can't lose time by going after them.
What do we do?
For we can get the information from their
new Head Dai, whom they called Seyduna
we'll go and find him.
Don't get tense and reveal
anything to the soldiers.
Stop there!
What is in the car?
Fresh vineyard vinegar.
Search Check it.
Fresh vineyard vinegar smells strong.
That's the reason of the smell.
No one wants vinegar in this season.
Why are you taking them now?
Whenever they order it,
we take them.
Take them down.
We'll check them one by one.
My Bey. We need to be there on time.
The owner of them
ordered them for the palace.
If we become late,
you will also suffer for it.
Okay, you can go.
Let them pass.
Come on!
It's good we were prepared.
Because the smell of vinegar suppresses the
smell of naphtha, they couldn’t realize it.
Now, we'll take these
and wait for the hell time.
Tell me where your new Head Dai is.
I don't know.
I wouldn't tell even if I knew.
Those explosives won't blow up.
You will tell whatever you
know about the new Head Dai.
I didn't even see his face.
I only know
that he made himself an iron mask.
He passed out.
It looks like he doesn't
know anything else.
This one is no good either.
How are we going to find this man?
It's an important information
that he wears an iron mask.
It might be useful.
But we need to make a bigger plan.
Let's go to the castle quickly, come on.
Welcome Sencer.
You go in and out of
the palace like a thunder.
Is there a trouble over our state?
Is that a question?
When didn't our state
have a trouble over it?
I'm asking what is this urgent one.
We need to hurry up
because those responsible
to bring information
on time, did not.
We have important information
We will get rid of this trouble too.
And we will make those who didn't fulfill their
responsibility on time pay before it's late.
Rustem got the explosives.
No matter what you do, you
won't escape from that hell.
We brought you suddenly
with the pregnancy lie,
but we didn't have
any other choice.
Before Ahsen comes, please
check up Seferiye Hatun quickly.
You did well.
Her pilse is slow.
And her eyes are bloody.
And there is no life in her eyes.
It's like she is in a deep sleep.
It's no ordinary sickness.
There is something strong that
effects Seferiye Hatun's mind.
It's weird the palace doctors
didn't realize this sickness.
You are right, someone
made her sick like this.
And whoever they are
must have warned
the palace doctors too.
No treachery is hidden forever.
The traitor will be hit by his own scheme.
I will prepare a medicine to be sure.
Then we will get a good result.
There is everything in
the palace doctor's room,
I will get you in there
in a suitable time.
You will prepare the necessary medicine.
Terken Hatun is coming this way.
Who is with Sefertye Hatun today?
Ahsen and one of the servant girls,
Head Hatun.
Don't let any stranger in.
As your order, Head Hatun.
Terken Hatun left, you can get out.
So Batinis were the real perpetrators.
As you said before, until
we get rid of all of them,
they will always be an obstacle for us.
They got the explosives out of the
fish barrels, and put them in other crates.
And they send them to
different locations with carts.
We cannot solve this by going after them.
There may be an explosion any moment.
Since we are sure that the
caravan was carrying explosives,
we need to make Kuvel pay for this.
If they are working
together with the Batinis,
then we can stop them
through them, my Sultan.
If they deny, we have
no evidence to prove it.
Even the drivers of
the caravans are Batini.
They must have killed the merchants too.
That's why, there is one
option ahead of us, my Sultan
To capture their Head Dai,
whom they call Seyuduna.
If we capture him, even the Batinis
cannot blow the barrels up.
That's the only way to
stop this catastrophe.
We worked hard to capture
their previous Head Dai.
Now, how are we capture the
new Head Dai who hides himself?
You said that Fatimis
chose a new Caliphate, right?
Batinis used to dislike the
new caliph, Mustali before
I knew it, when I was among them.
They communicate via their
personal troops with Fatimis.
Now, we are going to send them a
letter, as if the new Head Dai wrote it.
We tell them he took the place of
old Dai, he established a new order
and he wanted to meet them
about the newly chosen caliph.
What will happen then'?
Fatimi special troops
will certainly come to
make him obey by getting
angry with the new Dai.
And when he enters the Seljuk
lands, we'll ambush and catch him.
And we'll make the new Dai
comes to us by using them.
They surely know how to
communicate with Batinis.
You lived among Batinis considerably.
You know the ways of
correspondence with Fatimi.
Write the necessary letter.
And Hace. You find the position of
Fatimi special troop and bait them.
And you get ready for the ambush, Tapar.
As you command, my Sultan.
Until a second order
no one will go outside.
The shops have been closed.
Until the explosive matter is
solved, no caravan can enter Isfahan.
Tomorrow, this should be handled.
The new Head Dai must be captured.
Or the disaster that will
happen, destroys us all.
When will the news about
Arslantas come, Hace?
Wherever soldiers look for
him, they couldn't find him.
There is also no news
from Ayaz and Arslantas.
We need to reach their
Head Dai as soon as possible.
When will Fatimis come,
after they get the letter?
They are close to the lands of Seljuk.
After they get the bait, they'll
come to us like a lamb in the morning.
How are you going to find
them in a single night, Hace?
Don't you worry. This is only
a special troop eventually.
We have been controlling such
groups for 40 years across the world.
We know quite well, where
they position themselves
and how they show up,
when they get the bait.
Don't you worry.
When the time is right, I'll let you know.
Take care.
What are you doing in tne palace?
I'm going to the chamber You
can come later, Turna Hatun.
Hace called me.
They said Seferiye Hatun had a
sickness, which appeared suddenly.
They said she was
confused and lost her mind.
Where have you been
all this time, Arslan?
What is her sickness?
Gevher and Elcin Hatun suspects
that it was a personal poisoning attempt.
And they called me to inverstigate it.
Isn't there any other doctor in the palace?
They think someone from
the palace poisoned her.
And they didn’t trust the doctors
in the palace because of this.
I worry that you are included
in such dangerous matters, Turna.
Don't stay in the palace too much.
Return Selemzar as soon as possible.
Sencer, how can I do it?
They called me by trusting me.
How can I go back by
leaving my job unfinished?
If someone had a finger in this sickness
and if you reveal it..
they won't stop chasing you.
I understand your concern.
Yet, I feel the same concern
whenever you go for your duty
However, I don't think
have the right to stop you.
-Now, you don't try to stop me now.
-Turna, I worry about you.
Don't I have the right to protect you?
Why are you insisting?
Say what you know to the other doctors,
so, they can continue the treatment.
My duty is healing the patience.
Don’t you know this?
How can I leave that old
woman, who was entrapped?
I respect your duty.
But you don't understand me
The palace is somewhere
having difficult fights.
This is a boiling cauldron.
They can hurt you here, Turna.
Your heart is pure. They deceive you.
Deceive me?
If you abstain from telling you want
to return to Hace, I can talk with him.
Sencer what are you doing?
How can you decide in my behalf?
I abstain from no one.
Don't see only a meek
flower, when you look at me.
I told you before
I both touch the poisonous weeds,
and wander on the edges of the cliff.
And I don't give up what I do.
Now let me do my duty.
And you go back to your duty.
Good then, do it.
Of course I will
Do it then!
Good then!
Master, some scholars came from Isfahan.
They spoke to Head Mudarris.
And now they want to talk to you urgently.
What made you come here at this hour?
We didn't come with good news, Ebu Hamid.
We are curious about something
How can a mudarris that
has recently arrived in Isfahan,
how can he manage a trial
in our Sultan's Melikshah.
There is a thin line
between scholarship,
teaching and the love
for high positions, Ghazali.
Masters, as you know,
knowledge can only be
learned for the will of Allah.
And anyone that uses
it for some other reason,
cannot even take the smell of the jannah.
I have no other goal
but the blessing of Allah.
And about the Kadi matter.
I'm no Kadi
nor I'm learning the knowledge
for a position such as that.
It was found suitable by the
Head Kadi in Bagdad, and
the Kadi in Isfahan has
appointed me, so I managed the trial.
The scholars that are the
successors of our Prophet PBUH
should manage a trial in
Muslim lands if necessary
and give a fetwa (ruling).
But gossiping
creating trouble are not
amongst his responsibilities.
Okay you talk good, but..
..what does a mudarris have
to do with Omer Hayyam?
Everyone is curious about what
Ghazali does in the observatory.
What is the harm in me
going to the observatory,
or meeting with the
master Omer Hayyam?
Don't you know about what's written in
the observatory, and what Hayyam says?
What bothers you amongst the things done
in the observatory, or what's said there?
You are not even aware of
what's being told there, huh?
He takes the stars, the sun, the
moon, and may Allah forgive me..
put them in place of Allah and shows
them as the maker of what Allah has created.
Your eyes that can read cannot see these?
And your hears that can
hear, does not hear these?
Do you hear what you are saying, master?
Have you never read about astronomy,
Have you never read about ilmi physics?
It's obvious that you have never been curious
about how Allah created the order of nature.
It's obvious you filled your
ears with many things
But scholarship makes it necessary to
analyze the things you hear with your mind.
Your shoes are beautiful,
and they are made of cowhide.
Tell me.
Why did you make those shoes
with cowhide, instead of cloth?
What does it have to do with the
nonsense those astrologers spew?
You made it with cowhide,
because you know cowhide is durable.
It protects you from the
cold, water, mud and pebbles.
The cloths is not like that.
Do you assign Allah's work to
cowhide, thinking that cowhide is durable?
Of course you don't.
Those who are in the
observatory look at the sky and
inspect in which order f
Allah created the universe.
May Allah forgive, what does it mean that
they are replacing Allah with the stars?
These are nothing but nonsense.
You are not only being
friends with Hayyam
but also ornament the wrong statement
with logic, and sell them to people.
We are warning you not to stir up trouble.
But you are accusing us of ignorance.
The knowledge of someone that
does not know of logic cannot be trusted.
I'm not accusing you with being ignorant.
Ignorance is suited to witless people.
Knowledge wakes those witless
people from their sleep, but
to those who don’t know
that they are ignorant
there is nothing to say.
This matter won't be solved with
exchanging words here like this.
And you are not going to
understand what we say.
We told the necessary
things to the Head Mudarris.
If you continue this nonsense you spew
know that we will let our Sultan
Meliksah know about this as well.
I have won all the scholarly
argument I entered until today
I couldn't win any
arguments I got into with
those who don't know
that they are ignorant.
Don't argue with the ones like that.
You cannot win.
What are you doing here?
I told you that we will meet more
frequently, Head Ambassador Sabbah.
Have a seat.
We're at your place.
I want to talk to you about the explosives.
Then talk. What do you want to say?
The explosives were placed nearby Kuvel.
We wouldn't know if it wasn't for
our spies disguised as merchants.
As the head messenger, you
also have soldiers around there.
How could you not know about it?
Who are you to question me?
Only our Sultan can question me.
An ordinary person like
you can't question me.
If those explosives blow up
everything would be destroyed.
I'll question everyone about it.
So why are you here then?
Aren't you a private soldier?
Find the explosives.
Sencer is talking to Seyuduna.
If he tries to do anything
to Seyuduna, we’ll kill him.
How could someone who brought the news that
I left Kuvel to the Sultan before Hace
not get the news of the explosives?
When Hace was at the
palace, you wouldn't be
able to give the news
to the Sultan in person.
And you wouldn't get
anything for this news.
Is that why you didn't take it seriously?
Do you realize what
you are accusing me of?
I cut off the tongues of those who speak
in honor of my duty with my own hands.
I guess you talk like
this because of the cold.
Warm up well and don't say anything
that will cause your tongue to be cut.
Keep this warning in your mind.
If I see mistakes like this again,
know that I will stand against you.
When that time comes don't
question why I act like that.
Do your duty without any
mistakes, and find the explosives.
Think about what wib
happen to you if you fail.
When I spoil the Batini's plan, we will
see who did his duty and who did not.
Let's see if the Batinis
are very skillful
 or those who need
to see them are blinded.
Whatever it is that has
made Seferiye Hatun sick,
we will understand with this medicine.
What is conning from her mouth?
It comes from her lungs.
Obviously, what makes Seferiye Hatun sick
is the effect of something she smelled.
Something she smelled?
We had suspected the lamps
before and had them collected.
However, we couldn’t reach any
result from the investigations.
Terken Hatun was there when we
came to pick up the lamps with Tapar.
She may have changed
the lamps by pulling a trick.
We need to check the lamps again.
If there is a bad thing in the
lamps, we will understand now.
While black soot comes out from other
lamps, red soot comes out of this lamp
Obviously, the thing burning in
this lamp is not oil but another liquid.
Whatever that is
it is what makes Seferiye Hatun sick.
So, they took Ahsen out and
entered the room with Turna Hatun.
We'll see what they are after now.
What are you doing here?
You said Turna Hatun was
here for your pregnancy.
Turna Hatun is a capable healer.
For she was in the palace, we
wanted to let her see my mother.
The doctors of the palace take
care of Seferiye Hatun everyday.
They take care of her privately.
Why are you still
letting her come here?
And how can you try to do such
a thing without my permission?
With which authority?
How dare you?
Seferiye Hatun is precious for all of us.
You know that there is
no evil in what we did.
Why are you getting
this angry, Terken Hatun?
I get angry with everything
done against my order.
Especially you experienced it, Elcin Hatun.
And you, Turna Hatun.
I interpret what you did with the lack of
information about the palace traditions.
Yet, if you try to de
such a thing again
I'll make sure both you
and Emir Ilteber pay for it.
Now empty the room and don't
trouble Seferiye Hatun further.
No worries. The lamp is here.
We couldn't get the candle.
And we made Terken Hatun suspicious.
She will increase the precautions.
Then, entering the room will be harder.
The only way to prove
this treachery was that lamp.
We couldn't get the lamp but
 I was able to put the liquid
inside it to the bottle with me.
Hace Had rath made a good
choice by recommending you.
Thanks to you, the betrayer
in the palace will be revealed.
For the lamp is in the room, Terken Hatun
will never question if we take the lamp.
I go to the hospital and analyze the bottle
as soon as possible. I'll let you know.
I can't wait by thinking that
Isfahan can blow up any minute.
When are we going
to raid the Fatimi troop?
Be patient. Soon, the news will come.
Arslantas was also held by Fatimis.
Who knows what they do to him.
I remember the first day I
took that lion from the cage.
I still feel in my heart that how he
held my hand by calling me father.
He was always wild.
he was angry.
Yet, both his wildness and anger
was coming from the wound in his heart.
How many times I witnessed, him in his
sleep calling for his mother and brother.
He could never forget them.
He woke up and cried by
hugging me and calling me father.
And I embraced them
by calling him son.
The brave men are harder
than iron and fragile than rose.
Even though they are resilient
they have a fragile
corner in their heart.
When you touch there
you make their eyes
blind, and break their minds.
Obviously they hit him from
where his mother and brother are.
Now what can I say to him?
How can I be offended by him?
How can I be hurt?
How can I take offense?
My son is in the hands of the enemies now.
My heart is aching.
First, let's save him tomorrow.
After we cuddle, my
pain in my heart will stop
and the wound on
his heart will be healed.
The information has come, Hace Hadrath.
The special force belonging
to the Fatimis has moved out.
Go quickly, brave ones.
We need to reach the
ambush point before down.
Come on.
My son.
My Arslantas, my son.
My son.
My son.
My Arslantas, my son.
My son.
Arslantas, my son.
My son.
My son.
What have they done to us, mother?
I have waited for this day for years.
Thank Him.
Thank Him.
Thank Seyuduna who
made me meet you.
How can you believe that, mother?
Batinis did not kidnap us, son.
But I saw it
I saw the men that were
taking you away that night.
Nizamulmulk puts the blame
of every child he kidnaps
on the Batinis.
That devil carries a lot of secrets.
He made mothers and
children go through great pains.
Did Nizamulmulk kill my father?
Your father had understood his plan.
He didn't want to give
you and your brother.
And he made his men kill your father.
He kidnapped me and your
brother to make his slave.
Thank Allah Batinis understood this plan
.. saved your brother and me from him.
When Nizamulmulk got his hands on you
he always lied to you.
When you thought that
Batinis kidnapped your family
you were going to be under
his command without question
and serve his unjust cause
That's why, he made you
believe that you didn't have a family.
He didn't tell you that we were alive.
He always made me forget about you.
My son.
My son.
This evil will be over
The pains we went
through will end.
Just like how you
were longing for us
..we were longing for you, my son.
We are saved.
Get saved with us.
In the trail of Seyuduna.
Let's become a family again, son.
Let's become a family.
Let's become a family again
Seljuk is the state of oppressors,
who know nothing but destruction.
But we are the innocent ones that are being
slaughtered by the sword of the oppressors.
We are victims that are being tried to be
left homeless, landless and honourless.
Nizamulmulk act as a
hypocrite for years to you.
Although your father’s blood was
on his hands, he always lied to you.
And that way, he created soldiers
without a past, who has nothing to lose
who would follow every order of him.
Allow me.
Allow me to get you out of
the dark pit they threw you in,
and give you eyes which will allow
you to see even in pitch darkness.
I said that I would take my revenge myself.
My slap on Terken Hatun will be harder.
Then Seferiye Hatun will get well soon.
And our Sultan will be very
happy to see his mother healed.
And he will congratulate you.
As I heard, he cannot sleep at night,
and he cannot rest during the day.
knows what troubles him.
His heart can only be eased by
another heart that understands him.
Now is the time to open the heart,
which he can take shelter in, to him.
Now is the time to overcome
the barriers between us.
May I come, my Sultan'?
Yes, Elcin Hatun.
I heard that you are troubled.
I prepared a herbal
drink unique to our tribe.
I think this will help you
rest and calm you down.
Thank you, Elcin Hatun.
You shouldn't have bothered.
What is this smell?
Does this smell come from the drink?
It is the fragrance that
is specially made for me.
Smell is the strongest memory, my Sultan.
It is the essence of the
most precious thing we have.
That essence is love.
All flowers in nature serve that love.
Lavender, musk, amber and hyacinth.
Every day you surprise me again.
As you can understand many things, you
can also understand the essence of smells.
Is this a natural virtue
or is there someone
who made you learn it?
There is a Hatun
and when I first smelled her scent, this
virtue started to take place in my heart.
Whatever the essence
of the flower she smelled
she made the same
flower bloom in my heart.
That magnificent Hatun
is my crown Terken Hatun.
I'm so happy for you.
I'll go back to my room.
I shouldn't bother you more.
What I heard
has hurt me more
than that slap.
However, I will make such a
flower bloom in that heart that
all the other flowers
will be overshadowed by it.
Our Sultan has declared a curfew for
a while, Head Messenger Hadrath.
It is safer for you,
to be in your home.
May Allah protect our state, it
protects us against all kinds of troubles.
Don't worry. I was
already going to my house.
So until the explosives are found,
you lock everyone in the houses
so that nothing
happens to the people.
Take any precautions you want here.
After all, the trouble will
arise where I want it to be.
See us from the sevenfold
heavens, the Great Imam.
Look at this.
Nobody can leave their houses
because of the fear we've created.
Not a single person will be left in the
streets who do not believe in our cause.
I swear we will be fear during the
daytime and nightmare during the nights.
It's the time for the trouble to
rise in the Seljuk lands, Behram.
Seljuks searched all the
caravans that came to Isfahan,
But they couldn't find the explosives.
You certainly know where it blows up.
For the time has come, where is this place?
Selemzar is the key of everything.
When we capture it
we'll gain a great benefit for
the state that we will establish
and we will break Seljuk.
How are we going to capture it?
Seljuk banned us.
We can't also capture it by fighting.
How are we going to do it?
We'll destroy the important place
of Selemzar and Meliksah's steels.
Ilteber will try to rebuild the ruined
Selemzar but he won't be able to do it.
And then we will make our main move.
I have a man in Baghdad, whom
I made him wait for these days.
He'll come and capture Selemzar.
He'll revive it and
deliver it into our hands.
So, you took action
without our permission
.and you don't obey Mustali Hadrath.
Stand up! You are talking with me!
Welcome. Mansur.
So, you set a trap for me.
Now, I'll punish you
We can kill you with a
single blow of our swords.
Yet, I brought you to
me not to kill, but to talk.
What do you want from me?
The new Head Dai of Batinis.
Our job is urgent Make your decision.
Are you going to talk or die?
Did you let Sultan Meliksah
know that the steels arrived?
We did, Emir Hadrath.
Be careful, Erbatur
Take care of the steels.
If something happens, we'll drown
in the wrath of Sultan Meliksah.
For the steels have arrived,
the time for hell has also come.
We'll place four explosive barrels into
the four corners of this storage house.
And we are going to spread
the explosives across Selemzar.
Now, I'll go and let Seyuduna
know that steels have arrived.
And when he gives the signal
the hell will raise.
You want me to bring the
new Head Dai to you, but
Batinis changed their every method.
Even I don't know who Head Dai is.
You know quite well how
to communicate to lure him.
Batinis used to be your arm.
But they are going to
remove that arm now.
They will take action by themselves.
Isn't it obvious from the fact that
they changed their every method?
Beside that, they don’t
want your new caliph.
Both you and we know this well.
Are you going to protect
those who don't obey you?
If you don't give the
new Head Dai to us.
and the explosives
blown because of that
Fatimis will be held responsible
with this catastrophe as well.
Then you will see the
price of the explosion
when we enter your
lands with our armies.
Also, since you are in
our lands right now
we can kill you and make
no explanation to anyone.
To save your life, and
your soldiers' lives
and your state, there
is only one solution.
You will give Head Dai to us.
Without loosing any time.
Tell me where I need to call him.
And I will send news to him.
My Sultan.
We got information from Selemzar.
The steel has arrived in Selemzar,
they are placed in the depots.
It's good that we got this news, Kamac.
Protect those steels well,
so nothing happens to them.
Beijing, Cairo, Constantinople, Rome.
Send news to our spies
in these locations.
If any explosion
blows up in Isfahan,
they should show all our enemies
that they won't be at peace.
Just as we are not at peace until the
explosives and the Head Dai are found
then the world won't be at peace either!
As your order, my Sultan.
Meliksah's steels have arrived.
It's time for us to give the signal
of the hell that will break loose.
You will be the messenger
of a truth, beautiful bird.
That truth is this
Like how Seyuduna gives paradise to
those who believe in the Batini cause.
He will make the nonbelievers
experience the hell.
Now fly to the sky.
Your wings shall touch
to the Great Imam first.
Then land on the ground, and signal
the hell that will break loose in Selemzar.
Great Seyuduna.
This letter came from Mansour.
They learned that we killed
Head Dai, and changed our order.
They must be angry.
Mansur wants to talk with me.
And just when we were about
to take action, this isn’t good.
While we were thinking of taking control
of Selemzar before Fatimis arrive.
Fatimis took action just right on time.
It's like someone is planning something
where we don't expect anything.
Then don't go to the
meeting, great Seyuduna.
We cannot blow Selemzar up
without seeing the end of this matter.
That's why, I will go to that meeting.
I can only understand if there
is a trap or not, by going there.
If the dinner for wolves is ready
then we will see who is
the wolf, and who is the sheep.
We have no information
regarding the explosives.
Let's solve this matter
before a catstrophe.
There is no news from Arslantas either.
I wonder where they are holding
him, and what they are doing to him.
When we capture Head Dai
we will find the explosives
and him, InshAllah.
What if he does not come here?
He won't take this risk
when Fatimis are involved.
Let's not get tricked.
The iron mask information
we got from Sabit is important.
If we see someone
with an iron mask,
we will know that we are up
against the Head Dai.
But still, we need to be careful.
If anything else happens,
don't leave the ambush, Hace.
We cannot trust Mansur's men.
That's why, you will stand with
him like you are one of his men.
And we will wait for the
ambush with Melik Hadrath,
and attack when Head
Dai arrives, and capture him.
Come on.
I made all the necessary examinations.
This liquid is a poison
crafted by a powerful witch.
We were right in all
our suspicions then.
What are you going to do now?
This will be a secret between
the three of us for now.
If Terken Hatun hears about it.
she will get rid ? of all the evidence.
Whichever witch did this
only Nizamulmulk can find her.
After we find that witch
we will prove the traitor
who did this to the Sultan.
He should have been here by now.
Did he understand we have a plan?
They are here.
Look how he disguised.
It is the same as the iron
face that Sencer mentioned.
He is their new Head Dai.
We will slowly approach and attack
them when we are ready. Let's go.
So you killed the Head Dai and
declared yourself as the new Head Dai.
You want to talk about this issue
instead of beying to our new caliph.
So, you don't accept the new caliph.
You don't answer.
Apparently you want to cut
off your connection with us.
As you know when connections
are cut off, so do the heads.
But we won’t be the ones
who cut your heads off.
Others will.
Attack them, soldiers!
Attack them!
This is the end for you.
It's time for revenge, Nizamulmulk.
Why, son?
Why, son?
For my family.
Hold on, Hace!
Hold on.
Hold on, Hace.
Hold on.
You sold yourself to the Batinis, traitor!
You will pay for it with your life!
So, they were going to catch
you to stop the explosives.
I threw Arslantas there as bait
beforehand so that the wolves would appear.
And they took the bait.
I sent the signal to Salemzar.
Today is the doomsday!
You are all doomed today!
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