Where's Wally (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Venice the Menace

# Oh-wee-oh
# Oh-wee-oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-wee-oh
# I search the world
For you
# Take a trip
All around the world
# Take a trip
All around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
Jump in
# Discover something new
# Oh-wee-oh
# Oh-wee-oh
# Anywhere you go
I'll find you
# Oh-whoa-oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
We raked all the leaves.
What do we do next?
Wally! Wenda! Come quick!
Wizard Whitebeard?
Is everything OK?
It is the most confusing situation,
young Wanderers.
It is the most confusing situation,
young Wanderers.
My favourite biscuit tin
is no longer doing its job!
Uh, no longer
doing its job?
Uh, no longer
doing its job?
Yes! Biscuit tins are supposed
to hold biscuits, you see,
and this one, well, doesn't.
Every time I put a biscuit in
Every time I put a biscuit in
it disappears.
Have a look for yourself!
Have a look for yourself!
Um, Wizard Whitebeard
We think we've solved
your biscuit tin mystery.
The bottom must have fallen out!
How did you miss that?
Oh, well, I better
get a new one quick
or Arf won't be able to make it
through the doggy door.
or Arf won't be able to make it
through the doggy door.
How can we help, Wizard Whitebeard?
Aha! Follow me!
How can we help, Wizard Whitebeard?
Aha! Follow me!
I just sent a WanderPost
to my old friend Wizard Artbeard,
asking if he could put his
exquisite artistic skills to work
asking if he could put his
exquisite artistic skills to work
by making me
a brand-new biscuit tin.
Wizard Artbeard?
Yes! The finest artist
I have ever known!
Yes! The finest artist
I have ever known!
Paint, clay, glass,
stone, glitter glue,
construction paper,
uncooked pasta
construction paper,
uncooked pasta
you name it, Wizard Artbeard
can make it into a masterpiece.
Did he do all of this?
He sure did!
Look here.
He sure did!
Look here.
That's his signature beard logo,
making it
a Wizard Artbeard original.
So where can we find
Wizard Artbeard?
Glad you asked.
Glad you asked.
# Oh, WanderGlobe! #
By strip'd staff
and white of beard,
I summon magic,
wild and weird!
I summon magic,
wild and weird!
Spin, O magic globe,
to show
where these Wanderers will
Now I'm dizzy from looking at it,
don't look right at it
WENDA: Venice, Italy.
WALLY: Looks like a boot!
One of the most unique cities
in the world.
One of the most unique cities
in the world.
Venice has canals
instead of streets
and boats instead of cars.
Not to mention delicious food
and beautiful art.
Not to mention delicious food
and beautiful art.
And where there's beautiful art,
there's Wizard Artbeard.
So, I need you to travel
to his studio
and pick up my new biscuit tin!
and pick up my new biscuit tin!
ah ah
Huh. I should take Arf
out for walkies
Huh. I should take Arf
out for walkies
and walk off
all those extra biscuits.
Enjoy Venice,
benvenuti a Venezia.
benvenuti a Venezia.
Welcome to Venice!
Wizard Artbeard's studio
is a far walk from here.
And there aren't any cars in Venice,
And there aren't any cars in Venice,
We'll need to find some other
kind of transportation, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Look, Wenda! I found a lift.
Climb aboard.
Wenda, meet Elisabetta.
Hey! You're wearing
red and white stripes.
Are you a Wanderer too?
Ha! Not quite.
I'm a gondolier.
Ha! Not quite.
I'm a gondolier.
I do all my wandering
through the canals of Venice.
What's the whistling for?
To let the other gondoliers
know I'm coming.
To let the other gondoliers
know I'm coming.
Marcello! (WHISTLES)
Ha! Most taxis use horns
instead of whistles.
You were right, Wally.
Venice is a very unique city.
You were right, Wally.
Venice is a very unique city.
That's because Venice
is more than just a city, Wenda.
It's actually hundreds
of little islands
by more than 400 bridges.
by more than 400 bridges.
So, have you chosen
your masks for tonight?
Masks? What for?
For the Carnival of Venice!
Tonight is the Carnival's
Masquerade Ball.
Tonight is the Carnival's
Masquerade Ball.
That sounds amazing!
But we're here
to pick up a biscuit tin.
Shame. You know,
the best costume wins a prize.
Shame. You know,
the best costume wins a prize.
Ha! It sounds like
something Odlulu would like.
It sure does. It's a good thing
she's nowhere around here.
It sure does. It's a good thing
she's nowhere around here.
Ugh. These aren't good, either.
I've tried every shoe
in this entire city,
and none of them
have that "wow" factor I need
and none of them
have that "wow" factor I need
to be the Belle
of tonight's Masquerade Ball.
I have the dress,
I have the mask.
Now, all I need are the shoes
to bring it all together.
Now, all I need are the shoes
to bring it all together.
It's all about the shoes,
Fritz? Now, what are you
Wally and Wenda!
What are they doing here?
Come on.
Look, Elisabetta.
Down here!
This is a private canal.
Are you sure
this is where you need to go?
Yup, this is it.
WENDA: Artbeard's signature!
Which makes this canal
Which makes this canal
an Artbeard original.
Well, if you need another ride,
just whistle,
and Elisabetta will take you
wherever you need to go.
We will.
Thank you!
We will.
Thank you!
Who goes there?!
Gondoliers or Wanderers?
BOTH: Uh, Wanderers?
Gondoliers or Wanderers?
BOTH: Uh, Wanderers?
Ya know, red stripes,
ya never can tell.
Ha! Welcome, Wally and Wenda!
I am Wizard Artbeard!
Nice to meet you, Wizard-
No! Don't move.
Nice to meet you, Wizard-
No! Don't move.
Oh, the light is just
absolutely magnificent!
I must
Ha ha ha, right?
Wow, that's amazing!
To me there is no city
To me there is no city
more inspiring for an artist
than Venice.
I absolutely must show you around.
But Wizard Whitebeard's
biscuit tin?
No worries.
The paint is still drying.
No worries.
The paint is still drying.
In the meantime,
I can show you
all the wonderful art
Venice has to offer.
That sounds great,
Wizard Artbeard!
Ha! Excellent!
Then, let's go, Wanderers!
Ha! Excellent!
Then, let's go, Wanderers!
There's so much to see!
There are so many different
kinds of art in Venice,
from paintings
to architecture
to sculptures.
to sculptures.
But this
this, Wanderers,
is my favourite work of art
in all of Venice!
is my favourite work of art
in all of Venice!
Wow! That stained glass window
is absolutely beautiful,
Wow! That stained glass window
is absolutely beautiful,
Wizard Artbeard.
It certainly is.
Look at all those colours.
Wait. Is that a..?
A magic key.
Yes! May I present
the Crystal Glass Key!
And if you couldn't guess
by its name, it has the power to
And if you couldn't guess
by its name, it has the power to
..turn stuff to glass!
The key has lived in that window
for generations.
It's there for all the guests
of Venice to enjoy.
It's there for all the guests
of Venice to enjoy.
People come from far and wide
to see the beautiful window,
never noticing
the magic it holds.
(SOBS) This piece
gets me every time.
Now, let's return
to my art studio.
Now, let's return
to my art studio.
I have a lovely biscuit tin
ready for delivery.
A glass key, Fritz!
That's exactly what I need!
Yum! Uh ah!
That's exactly what I need!
Yum! Uh ah!
With that key,
I can make myself
a pair of one-of-a-kind
glass shoes!
I'll be sure to be named
the Belle of the Masquerade Ball.
Let's go, Fritz.
Let's go, Fritz.
There'll be time for
cicchetti sandwiches later.
I smell a crystal glass key
with my name on it.
I give you
my latest masterpiece:
The Biscuit Tin!
I take it you approve.
Thank you, Wizard Artbeard.
Wizard Whitebeard will love it!
And it has a bottom.
Please, say hello
to my old friend Whitebeard.
Please, say hello
to my old friend Whitebeard.
Tell him to come visit soon!
We will.
OK, Wenda.
BOTH: Glass bike?
How am I gonna ride this?
How am I gonna ride this?
(GASPS) Oh, no!
There's only one thing
in all of Venice
that can make a glass bike!
The magic key it's gone!
The magic key it's gone!
How could someone do that
to a beautiful work of art?!
It's ruined. Ruined!
It's ruined. Ruined!
Now no-one can enjoy its beauty!
(SIGHS) This is truly
my Blue Period, Wanderers.
Don't worry, Wizard Artbeard.
We have a pretty good idea
who took your key.
And we're going to get it back.
By following that trail of glass!
And over there.
More glass!
This is getting out of control.
More glass!
This is getting out of control.
Excuse me, sir.
What happened to your broom?
A girl turned it into glass!
A girl turned it into glass!
And then her squirrel took
my cicchetti finger sandwiches!
Just as we thought, Wenda.
It's definitely Odlulu.
It's definitely
It's definitely
And that wasn't a squirrel.
He's a ferret.
Who's not a squirrel?
Did you see where
the girl and the squirrel-
I mean, ferret, went, sir?
Uh, yes. They went
Uh, yes. They went
Sorry about your ball.
BOTH: Odlulu!
I might be even more confused now!
BOTH: Odlulu!
I might be even more confused now!
Ugh. I don't want a glass bike!
And I definitely
don't want a glass football.
And I definitely
don't want a glass football.
I want glass shoes!
Why won't this key
just work with me?
Whoa! Watch out, Fritz!
Cicchetti sandwich.
WALLY: Odlulu!
Hey, Wanderers!
This key's not really
zapping straight.
Why do you need it, Odlulu?
Why do you need it, Odlulu?
Besides to make
a glass mess everywhere.
For glass shoes, of course.
If I'm going to be the Belle
of tonight's Masquerade Ball,
I'm going to need the right shoes
to match my fabulous dress and mask.
I'm going to need the right shoes
to match my fabulous dress and mask.
And with this key, my shoes
are guaranteed to be one of a kind!
The key belongs in that window,
The key belongs in that window,
so everyone can enjoy it
not for you to make shoes!
He's right.
Now give us back that key, Odlulu.
He's right.
Now give us back that key, Odlulu.
Does that ever work?
She's getting away with the key!
We have to stop her!
But how are we gonna
get across this canal?
But how are we gonna
get across this canal?
Hold onto your stripes, everyone.
I'm on it!
Come on, Wizard Artbeard!
Come on, Wizard Artbeard!
Ah! Do you Wanderers ever quit?
No, we don't!
No, we don't!
I thought you'd say that.
Well, how about this, then?
Wow! This is
Kind of beautiful.
No, I mustn't. Not now.
Maybe just a quick sketch.
Maybe just a quick sketch.
Ah, grazie.
OK, let's try this again.
OK, let's try this again.
Come on, key.
I pointed it at the shoe,
and hit gelato.
Maybe if I point it at the gelato,
I'll hit the shoe.
The perfect shoe!
There they are.
If they see us coming,
they'll run off
and we may never be able
to get the key back.
Right. Well,
what shall we do, then?
Right. Well,
what shall we do, then?
So let me tell you
what we're gonna do.
Ball of yarn,
some jumbo-sized paper clips,
Ball of yarn,
some jumbo-sized paper clips,
old takeaway menu
We're going to order a takeaway?
Nope. We're going fishing.
Ha ha.
Almost got it
Aah! Uh, Odlulu?
Aah! Uh, Odlulu?
Hurry, Wally.
Fritz is onto us.
Hang on, Fritz. I'm trying
to tie glass shoelaces here.
It's not easy.
The key!
It's not easy.
The key!
No, you don't!
I have
Unh! Aah!
I have
Unh! Aah!
One more Oop!
Ohh! Aah!
..shoe to make!
..shoe to make!
She's getting away
with the key again!
OK, glass trainers,
not good for running.
Ugh! Wanderers again.
Ugh! Wanderers again.
Sorry! Need to borrow this.
Looks like we're goin' up!
ODLULU: Uh-oh.
What is it, Fritz?
What is it, Fritz?
Hey, you're pretty good at that.
Arrivederci, Wanderers!
WENDA: Odlulu, wait!
WENDA: Odlulu, wait!
They're getting away!
Not yet, they're not.
Ha ha ha!
WENDA: Hold on, Wally!
I have an idea!
(WHISTLES) ARTBEARD: It's not time
to clean my brushes!
(WHISTLES) ARTBEARD: It's not time
to clean my brushes!
Oh! Uh!
Ciao, Wally.
Where to, my friend?
Elisabetta, after that gondola!
Paddle harder, Fritz.
Paddle like there's
a cicchetti sandwich up ahead.
Oh, cicchetti!
That squirrel is quite a gondolier!
He's not a squirrel, he's a ferret!
Need some help? Ha!
You already have the striped shirts.
Need some help? Ha!
You already have the striped shirts.
Grab a pole!
OK, time to finish the job.
OK, time to finish the job.
Let's get out of here, Fritz.
Oh, no! Odlulu turned
all the water into glass!
Oh, no! Odlulu turned
all the water into glass!
And Venice doesn't work
without the canals.
Unhh! This gondola's not moving
not matter how hard we push it!
Unhh! This gondola's not moving
not matter how hard we push it!
If only we had wheels!
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
WALLY: Pardon me. Coming through.
Wally, what are you doing?
Wally, what are you doing?
That flower cart
won't hold all of us.
Elisabetta, may I borrow
your gondola for a minute?
This is fantastic!
What did you call it again, Wally?
The Wally All-Terrain Gondola-nator.
It is truly, dare I say,
a work of art.
Ha! I must sculpt it for posterity!
Ha! I must sculpt it for posterity!
Pull over here!
WENDA: Why are we stopping?
We haven't found Odlulu yet.
Odlulu wants to be
the Belle of the Ball.
Like Cinderella, right?
Like Cinderella, right?
So that's where we'll find her
and the key.
At the Masquerade Ball.
All we need are some disguises.
Welcome to the Masquerade Ball.
(GASPS) Your shoes, madam!
They are fantastic!
(GASPS) Your shoes, madam!
They are fantastic!
Why, thank you.
You see, Fritz,
I knew these shoes would be a hit.
I knew these shoes would be a hit.
Thank you, magic key!
Yes, Fritz.
They have cicchetti sandwiches.
But we're not here for sandwiches.
But we're not here for sandwiches.
We're here for me to be
the Belle of the Ball!
Now, I'm going to help
my fellow gondoliers
get their boats
off the glassy water.
get their boats
off the glassy water.
Good luck. And if you ever
want to become a Wanderer,
let us know!
You'd be a great one.
You already have
the red-and-white striped shirt.
Ha! I might just
take you up on that.
Ha! I might just
take you up on that.
Arrivederci, Wally and Wenda.
(GASPS) Ciao, Vittorio!
How will we find her?
Everyone's wearing a mask.
WALLY: But not everyone's wearing
glass shoes.
We find those trainers,
we find Odlulu and the magic key.
Smart thinking.
Let's split up.
Smart thinking.
Let's split up.
Oh! Pardon me.
Oh! Hey, Wally.
Any luck?
Wait. You're not Wally.
Wait. You're not Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
WALLY: I'm actually down here.
Huh? Are you
walking on your hands?
Huh? Are you
walking on your hands?
Yep. Just easier
to look at shoes this way.
Huh. Great idea.
Find anything?
No. Nothing yet.
Let's keep looking.
No. Nothing yet.
Let's keep looking.
I adore your shoes.
Glass sneakers.
How creative.
Oh, stop.
No, wait. Don't stop.
No, wait. Don't stop.
Now it's time to win this contest!
Um, I think things
just got even harder.
Um, I think things
just got even harder.
Now everyone has glass shoes!
Oh! We'll never find her!
What. Just. Happened?!
What. Just. Happened?!
How am I going to win the prize
if everyone's shoes are the same?
Forget it.
Let's get out of here.
Forget it.
Let's get out of here.
(GASPS) Look!
Well, we found Odlulu's trainer.
But where's the rest of her?!
I have an idea.
But where's the rest of her?!
I have an idea.
Wizard Artbeard, can you make this
into a fancy-looking trophy?
Glitter glue, anyone?
Glitter glue, anyone?
WALDO OVER PA: Ladies and gentlemen
of the masquerade!
It is now time to present the award
for Belle of the Masquerade Ball:
for Belle of the Masquerade Ball:
The owner of this glass trainer.
Glass sneaker?
Yes, this year's Belle
of the Masquerade Ball
Yes, this year's Belle
of the Masquerade Ball
will receive this beautiful trophy!
Ohh. Odlulu, unh-unh.
Ohh. Odlulu, unh-unh.
Yes, but our Belle of the Ball
must reveal herself
by coming up
and trying on this glass trainer.
by coming up
and trying on this glass trainer.
That's my shoe!
I'm the Belle of the Ball!
Now you must try it on
so we can be sure.
Now you must try it on
so we can be sure.
Let me hold that for you.
It's me!
I'm the Belle of the Ball!
It's me!
I'm the Belle of the Ball!
Me, Odlulu!
I Huh?
Uh, fine. But I'm keeping
my glass trainers
Uh, fine. But I'm keeping
my glass trainers
and the trophy.
Wanderers, I can't thank you enough
for returning the key
and putting Venice back to normal.
for returning the key
and putting Venice back to normal.
Happy to help!
Ahh, look at that.
Ahh, look at that.
Makes me want to paint.
Ya know, Wizard Artbeard,
I don't think
there's a more beautiful
work of art than Venice itself.
Wally, Wenda
Wally, Wenda
I couldn't agree more.
Ciao, Francesco!
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