Wind Breaker (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

The Dependable One

I think Sakura-kun will be a good fit.
Hold on a second!
Oh, so that's what
you were gonna say?
Then I also think
Sakura-san would be great.
You were cool on your first day,
and you really showed us
your stuff yesterday.
I vote for you, too.
You too? What are you saying
Same here!
I'm voting for Sakura-chan, too.
Me too!
I vote for Sakura-san!
Hold on, you guys.
That guy's more fit for a role like this!
He's not the type
who'd like to do stuff like this.
Neither am I!
Besides, I don't even know
what I'm supposed to do.
Plus, I'm an outsider.
What does that matter?
You're here now, anyway.
And you and Sugishita saved
that middle school boy, right?
And you wiped the floor
with Shishitoren's second-in-command.
the three strongest guys in
our class are voting for you.
We have no complaints.
If you're up for it,
I'll be your vice-captain.
As for the other one
-How about you, Nirei-kun?
-What? Me?
everyone here insists
you should be our leader.
Do you still want to turn us all down?
Grade captain is like
the class's top, right?
It's just that I had something
I wanted to do by becoming the top.
I only thought of becoming the top
so I could accept myself.
I don't have anything else
I want to do besides that.
I've been thinking about it
since that day
might just be the same as him.
And yet they choose me?
What are you punks
wasting my time for?
We're not telling you
to represent the school!
Don't take so freaking long
just to decide a goddamn grade captain!
Who gives a crap? It doesn't
matter all that much who does it!
Aren't you a little too loud?
That was so sudden,
it surprised me.
Like I said!
Just pick someone already.
He was listening to us
through that loud music?
-Hey, you.
You do it.
There, we're done.
Huh? Why do you decide?
It looks like the class
is voting for you.
So why do you keep draggin' this on?
So he didn't hear us at all
Nobody expects you to be
perfect at it from the start.
And if you won't do it,
somebody else will do.
There! We're done!
Hey, you're the grade captain, aren't you?
Why are you letting him take the lead?
Wha Sakura-san!
Huh? The hell are you sayin'?
Tamon Team's second-year
grade captain is him
Ren Kaji!
This guy's the grade captain?
This guy
is the second-year's grade captain?
There you have it, Tamon
first-year's grade captain is Sakura!
Huh? Hold on a second!
I haven't said I'm doing it!
Besides, how do you know my name?
You're the one who said the grade
captain should be the one to lead.
And said grade captain made the call.
We've gotta follow his order.
It'll be all right.
We aren't saying you should
do everything yourself.
You've got us too.
You heard him, Sakura-kun.
Letting other people show their stuff
is my virtue.
Although I'm not your vice,
I'll still help you!
Yup, yup! Since we're making you
deal with those stuff.
You jerk, so that's what you're after!
You don't have to think
too hard about it.
The grade captain is still
one of the members of the class.
Just take it easy.
There you have it, Sugishita-kun.
Let's all get along!
Oh, he's sleeping.
Um. Excuse me!
Can we make a Tamon
first-years chat group?
Yeah! Let's go for it!
Give me your ID!
I'll mass invite everyone!
Sakura, Suo, Nirei.
We'll give you us second-years' IDs.
Whoa! The second-years' contact address!
Good for you.
The class here
sure has a bunch of good guys.
You gotta lead 'em well.
Lead them?
What am I even supposed to do?
Well, for starters
just lead them however you want.
But I don't have things I want to do
Tamon Team's got the patrol duty today.
You newbie captains go follow Kaji.
Watch how our second-year leader
does his job up close.
Sakura-san, you don't have
to glare at him like that.
Huh? I'm not glaring at him.
But, I mean
Kaji-san was apparently
quick to jump into fights
and hard to handle
when he was in middle school.
We don't know just what could
set him off, like in the classroom.
So it's better not to irritate him.
What's the matter?
My girl Risa-chan has
gone missing again.
A lost child?
Huh? Again?
I told you to look after her properly.
I'm sorry. I was careless.
Good grief, stop crying.
We'll do something about it.
Are there any details on her looks?
She's wearing a pink ribbon today.
Got it.
She might have gone home already,
so you should get home now, Granny.
Got it?
Thank you! Thank you!
Kusumi, take care of it.
He gave the job to someone else?
He's not going to do anything himself?
Is that what a grade captain,
a leader, is supposed to act?
I thought a leader is more
It looks like he just forwarded
the info over. He's quick.
But it still worries me.
We need to find the kid soon.
You bet.
We must find her no matter what.
Who said you should do that?
It's fine, isn't it?
I'm sure everyone will be hyped to help.
But if nobody responds,
I'll just embarrass myself!
See? Everyone's hyped up.
Is something the matter, Sakura-san?
Your face is red.
He's embarrassed.
Who cares about that?
Let's go!
Ouch What was that?
Are you okay?
There it is! Over here!
Sakura! Grab hold of her!
Huh? Why?
That's her! That's Risa-chan!
Catch that cat!
She's already so high up
There's nothing we can do
if she got up that high
Argh, damn cat!
Hold up!
He's like a monkey.
-I gotta hand it to you, Sakura-kun.
Let's get ahead of them so we can
catch the cat when she jumps down!
Got it!
Stupid cat! Not there
Kusumi and you guys
go help get Kaji outta the water!
You call the grandma!
I'll go borrow some towels!
Got it!
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Nah, we ain't the ones
who caught your cat.
Thank you.
Thanks to you,
Risa-chan is back home safe.
Don't ever let this happen again.
It'd be too late if anything happened.
You're right. I'll be careful.
Boys, please, take this with you.
Thank you for helping my mother.
Huh? Sakura-san?
I only became the top because
everyone supported me.
They agreed with my vision
and wanted to help me.
What is it that you want to do?
You became the grade captain because
you have something you want to do, right?
What is it?
Nothing. What the heck
are you talking about?
Besides, I didn't become
the grade captain because I wanted to.
Huh? Then why did you become one?
It's because they told me to.
That's just like me.
Take care of it.
why does it have to be you?
If I run out of candies,
I can't make them myself.
I can't lead people like Enomoto.
I can't communicate well
with others like Kusumi.
That's why
I always rely on them.
they still rely on me.
That's why I'll do what I can
to live up to their expectations.
That's all.
Hey, Kaji!
You're gonna patrol looking like that?
Put on your clothes!
So I don't need to have any goal?
Huh? But
To answer their expectations
Is that the thing he wants to do?
To answer expectations huh?
But, wait
To begin with, I'm
Here's dango from Kikuchiya.
Their dango is delicious!
But, man, you were like a ninja!
You were chasing after a cat, after all.
I thought you'd lose her quickly.
If she was a human,
you'd have caught her immediately!
You're so amazing, Sakura-san.
I knew we could rely on you.
The reason you guys
voted for me to be the grade captain
is it because you guys rely on me?
Why, of course, Sakura-kun.
And you should rely on us, too.
You should learn how to fight, first!
Goodness, what's the matter, dear?
Huh? Sakura?
What happened?
Whoa, are you feeling sick?
Maybe I gained weight?
It's nothing
I just tripped, that's all.
You look terrible.
Not getting enough sleep?
I can't tell her
I spent all night thinking
about what I could do
I can't tell her that!
Come to think of it, have you guys
decided on the grade captain?
Whoa! You're really sick, aren't you?
Wait, are you the grade captain?
Well, sorry 'bout that.
Huh? Why do you say that?
I think it's great.
I don't think there's anything great
about having a captain
who doesn't even know
what he's supposed to do.
If you don't know what you should do,
you should just start with
what you can do.
That's exactly what I'm
It's none of your business.
"You," huh?
You know the names and faces
of everyone in your class, right?
Oh, what? You don't?
Goodness, how rude of me!
Then learning their names
is one thing you can start with.
And make sure you call them
by their names.
Saying their name is a declaration
that you're facing that person properly.
Come to think of it
Have I called anyone by their name before?
That includes me.
You never called me by my name.
Let's practice!
Come on!
I'm Chiyoko!
Nobody was asking!
Come on, come on!
Thanks for the food!
Ah, he ran.
He must be embarrassed.
I don't think that's the only reason.
I think
he's scared
of being in a close relationship
with other people.
Do your best, Sakura.
The guy with the buzz cut on the right
is Kurita-san.
The guy with a manbun
in the middle is Takanashi-san.
And the black mushroom cut
is Kakiuchi-san.
Black mushroom?
The one wearing a hoodie.
Dammit, I can't memorize
this many in one go!
But I'm glad.
When you asked me to tell you
everyone's name.
The responsibility
as the grade captain got into you, huh?
That's not it.
I mean, it won't hurt to
at least know their names.
You don't have to be
so embarrassed.
Oh, then what's my name?
What's mine?
Quit badgerin' me!
I'll knock you guys flying!
Okay, next!
-Oh, how mean!
-Oh, how mean!
Next is
Anzai-san's hurt
Did something happen to him?
I didn't hear any news
about him, though.
Hey! All first and second year
grade captains and vice-captains
gather up on the school roof!
Umemiya! I told you you're gonna
startle 'em if you start without warning!
Oh, that ding dong, dang dong thingy?
-Which button?
-Too late for that now!
Just ban him from
the broadcast room already.
We're already being called upon, huh?
The first thing in the morning?
What could it be about?
Let's hurry and get going,
Sakura-san, Suo-san!
I get it! You don't have to pull me!
-See you!
-See you!
Everyone's already here!
Huh? Isn't that Sugishita-san?
No wonder he wasn't in the classroom.
Hey, Sakura, Nirei, Suo.
Over here.
What are we doing so early in the morning?
It's a meetin' to see
all of the new captains.
That bein' said, most second-year captains
were the captains in their first year.
The first-years are all kids
who were famous in middle school.
Everyone here knows each other.
Do you know them too, Suo-san?
Let's see
Not exactly everyone,
but I've talked with several of them.
I have to learn the names of
everyone in the class, plus these?
You don't have to, Sakura-san.
If you don't know someone,
I'll tell you about them.
I'll give you a quick rundown first.
The guy in a red shirt there
Hold on a minute.
You know all the grade captains
in the school?
Oh, no
I simply know all the names and faces
of the students here.
You memorized them all?
Yes. I borrowed the
student list yesterday.
I can't be much help in fights,
but I'm relatively good at
remembering names and faces.
I figured if I memorized them,
I could help make
Sakura-san's life here smoother
Since I've decided to show you
all the way to the top.
That's impressive, Nirei-kun.
I can't do that in such
a short amount of time.
Oh, no. This is nothing, really!
Let's see. As for me
How about I handle negotiations?
I'm good at making people
accept my terms.
And I can casually extract
information from people.
That's kinda scary.
Well, we should do what we're good at.
These guys are ready
to take anything on with me
They know full well
what they can do.
And put them into action.
Well, I'll count on you guys
on that.
Nirei, Suo.
Thank goodness, you remembered our names.
Of course I do!
Sorry guys, we're late.
Ugh, there are more of them?
Hey, just how many
grade captains are there?
Those people aren't the grade captains!
They're the Four Kings of Furin High
and their advisers!
What are you mumbling about to yourself?
It's nothing!
I heard him clear enough, though.
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