Wonderful World (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

[opening theme playing]
[Jiwoong] I told you.
Nothing would happen.
What about the boy's mother?
Poor thing.
Do I have time to care about that kid?
Don't say ridiculous things.
[melancholic music playing]
- What brings you here?
- Hello?
[Soohyun] Apologize.
[Jiwoong] Just earlier today
I was punished for my crimes in court.
[Soohyun] So apologize properly!
- [Jiwoong] What the hell? Seriously?
- [glass breaks]
Do you know how many deals I've lost
because of your kid?
He could've died anywhere else!
Why did he have to get hit by my car?
- [Eunmin sniffles]
- I'm going to kill the person
[Eunmin crying]
- who did this to my father.
- No. Please, don't hate her.
Why do you keep telling me
not to hate her?
I also feel bad for her.
It'll be too hard for you if you hate her.
I'm begging you.
[Eunmin] Stop Eun Soohyun
from going to prison.
I know you can do it.
[Joon] What are you saying right now?
[Eunmin] If you pretend like
you don't know, I won't stay quiet.
[vehicle accelerates]
[loud thud]
[melancholic music continues playing]
[Seonyul] Mom! Mom!
[crying] Mom
Mom, Mom! [crying]
Mom, Mom!
- Mom!
- Sir, wait here.
You can't go in there. Wait here.
Why did you drive like that?
Why did you do it?
- Let go!
- [cop] Calm down.
- Let go!
- [cop] Calm down, please.
- Why did you do it?
- Seonyul.
[cop] Hurry and stop him.
[inspector] Congressman.
- What brings you here?
- He's like a son to me.
I want a proper investigation.
I'll be keeping an eye on you.
[Seonyul panting]
[melancholic music continues playing]
Make sure he's punished properly.
Yes, I will.
I promise on your mother.
[machine beeping]
[Joon sighs]
Come out.
Come out.
Come out!
Mister, I know you're inside.
Come out!
You're being so loud!
He moved out of there.
Can you be quiet?
- Are you joking?
- [Seonyul] Mister.
How can you be released
without punishment?
Come out right now.
Come out!
Did you ask me for his address to do this?
Mister, he wasn't punished.
I know that.
I heard the verdict
and just went and raised hell on them.
I mean,
my mom's on the verge of life and death.
How is it a mistake? How is he not guilty?
I'm sorry, Seonyul.
I'm so sorry.
I should've put him in jail.
The law is crappy.
[Seonyul breathing heavily]
[Seonyul sighs]
[dramatic music playing]
Honey, what do we do?
Be quiet.
Are you sure Mr. Kim will make sure
Huiseon gets the surgery?
He'll keep his promise.
[dramatic music continues playing]
What do you want?
Are you the wife of the driver
of Kim Eunmin's accident?
I know your husband
caused the accident on purpose.
Please, that's enough.
- What do you want me to do about that now?
- Kim Eunmin
is still in the hospital.
Junseong Foundation
promised to do my child's surgery,
but my baby died
before she could get it. [crying]
My husband was tormented to death too.
[dramatic music continues playing]
That woman's son and now you.
Stop harassing me now!
[Soohyun] Junseong Welfare Foundation
Kim Joon?
Seonyul knows too?
[music fades]
Now, let's eat. [chuckles]
[all] Thank you for the meal!
Eat some burgers too.
Come this way! Here, shoot!
Goal! [laughs]
Great job!
What's your name?
[in English] Merry Christmas!
-Thank you.
- [in Korean] Goodness. [chuckles]
-See you again.
- Goodbye.
-Come back again!
- Goodbye.
-Come again!
- Goodbye!
- [smacking lips]
- [car doors closing]
Give it to me.
Did you find anything at Seonyul's place?
[assistant] There was nothing there.
[mysterious music playing]
He said he was looking
into his mom's accident.
But he's hanging out
with Eun Soohyun. [chuckles]
What's he trying to do?
If he finds out the truth,
they both won't be able to handle it.
[dramatic music playing]
[Soohyun] What's your reason?
Why do you work for him
when you know everything?
[Seonyul] Thank you. Thank you so much.
Hello, please look. Thank you, sir.
Hello. Please take a look.
- Hello.
- [store owner] Hello.
Did you witness an accident here
on the 13th at 6 p.m.?
Excuse me?
Hello, can I look
at the security footage here?
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Seonyul] I couldn't make a move
while my mom was still alive.
Because Kim Joon was always watching me.
[music fades]
[phone vibrates]
This is Kang Yunseok from Baekdudaegan.
I sent you an email in regards
to the consultation you asked for.
[suspenseful music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music continues playing]
[Soohyun] These people
were on Gunwoo's case.
They all switched over
right after Gunwoo's case.
[dramatic music playing]
Kim Joon?
Soohyun! Don't worry.
I'll do everything I can.
- Don't worry, okay?
- [tearfully] I'm sorry.
Let go of me! Damn it!
Hang in there for me.
I'll keep my promise
and do everything I can in my power.
[mysterious music playing]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music ends]
[door locks]
[device beeps]
Take a seat. Let me get some tea.
What is this?
[melancholic music playing]
They were all working together
to get Gwon Jiwoong out.
Kim Joon's in the middle of it all.
Why did you stop?
You knew all of this.
Why didn't you go all the way?
You would never give up!
Does Kim Joon have
something on you?
Back then
I didn't have any power. I'm sorry.
That was the best I could do.
You had
no power?
I'm sorry.
No, you
should've gone all the way.
[breath trembling]
Our son
It had to do
[emotional music playing]
with our son.
[Suho] Soohyun.
You're just as important
as Gunwoo was to me.
Let's let Gunwoo go now.
[emotional music continues playing]
[door opens]
[Soohyun] If you don't do it, I will.
[crowd chanting] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
[crowd chanting] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
- [crowd chanting] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
- [people cheering]
- [crowd chanting] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
- [people cheering]
[phone vibrating]
You got a call from Director Kang Suho.
[phone vibrating]
[people continue cheering]
To what do I owe this pleasure,
Director Kang?
Can we meet?
[Joon] Of course.
You're asking after all.
[mysterious music playing]
[call disconnects]
A world worth living in!
Who will make it for you?
[crowd] Kim Joon!
I, Kim Joon, make this promise
in front of you all today!
I will make a world worth living in!
[people cheering]
- Ma'am?
- [shop owner] Come on in.
It's been a long time.
[Joon] You wait outside.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[Joon smacks lip]
Will you have a drink?
You said you didn't like skate before.
I know.
The smell of it disgusts me,
but I'm sure there's a reason
people like it.
After the segment aired,
people were raving more about you than me.
[Suho scoffs]
Other camps are trying to recruit you.
They were so eager.
Isn't that true?
I don't know. [chuckles softly]
What do you think, Congressman?
Me? Of course.
I want to wear the same colors as you.
You know how I think about you, don't you?
Why is that important?
It's not like politics is about
making friends.
As for me,
I'd have my enemies next to me if I need,
and abandon my friends
if they become useless.
Even if someone could never be on my side,
I'll turn them if it's necessary.
That's politics.
[chuckles softly]
[mysterious music continues playing]
I'll stand by your side too.
Will you accept me?
[dramatic music playing]
What's with you?
You played so hard to get before.
- [chuckles]
- [Suho] You said it yourself.
You'd keep enemies by your side
if necessary.
I don't have anything left to lose.
What's more fun than having power?
If you give me power,
I'll do whatever I can to help you win
the presidential election.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Your dream
I'll make sure it comes true.
[Joon continues laughing]
[smacks lip]
I will make sure
you don't regret joining me.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Why is it so hard
for our family to have a meal?
Right? We're all so busy.
How are your grades?
I tried my best.
- But they're not good.
- Then you didn't try.
- I did.
- You should've tried harder.
Enjoy your meal.
Hello. Are you Congressman Choi Juseok?
Can I get your autograph?
Yes, of course.
Thank you. Here you go.
[mysterious music playing]
You bastard,
it's you who took that photo!
I'm going to kill you
[recorder beeps]
[Joon] Hold onto these photos.
Once I become president,
release Choi Juseok's photo first.
[dramatic music playing]
If Kim Joon becomes president,
you're the first one out.
What do you say?
[indistinct conversation]
[door closes]
[dramatic music continues playing]
You must know who I am.
I'm sure you heard from Congressman Choi.
I'm the one who found your faults
and made Kim the presidential candidate.
Congressman Choi's drugs.
Congressman Son's corruption.
Congressman Baek's son's
military corruption.
I put all of that in Kim Joon's hands.
All of this still remains
in Kim Joon's hands.
If he becomes the president,
it's clear you'll have to serve him
like dogs.
What are you trying to say?
I'm the one that made him
a presidential candidate,
so I'm going to try to bring him down too.
If you're on the same page as me,
this is your only chance.
I interviewed an expert in the field
over the accident
at the apartment site in Jangyeongdong.
It's the biggest issue lately
except for the election.
I think it's worth covering
for an article.
[producer] Then let's do that.
Today's main news will be on Kim Joon.
Foreign media have picked Kim
as the future leader of Asia.
I'm sure you all saw it.
[upbeat music playing]
Let's prepare with that.
Also, has the presidential polls
been released?
Yes, Kim Joon is in first place
with 28.5%.
[snaps fingers]
Okay, let's open with that.
Let's get moving.
Hello, viewers.
Today's first news begins with the results
of the presidential polls
conducted by ABS.
[upbeat music continues playing]
In this poll
of all the candidates of each party,
Kim Joon, of the Hankuk United Party,
has been slightly rising to maintain
the number one spot.
What's gotten into him?
He hated him before.
Do you think he joined Kim Joon?
[staff member] No way.
[Hansang] Hey, Kang Suho!
[indistinct murmurs]
What have you been doing?
People are whispering, you jerk!
The great Kang Suho has decided to side
with Kim Joon now that he'll be president.
Kim Joon's sniper
has become his sycophant!
Let go! I was doing just fine
before you came to me!
Yes! Go ahead, be his loyal dog!
Feel free to fawn over him all you want,
you bastard!
Got it?
Let go of me!
Let go! Damn it
Damn it! Let go!
Let go! Damn it!
[upbeat music continues playing]
[phone vibrating]
[music fades]
[phone vibrating]
- Yes, this is Kang Suho.
- [Joon] Director Kang.
What's going on?
You went through something rough
because of me.
It's got me so upset.
[Suho] I'm fine.
What people say doesn't bother me.
Of course.
By the way,
when will you join the camp?
To raise your approval rating
for a clean finish,
I say right before the third TV debate.
Until then, I'll continue to support you
with the press.
[Joon] Let's do that then.
I'll call you again.
[call disconnects]
[pensive music playing]
[cameras clicking]
- [crowd] Kim Joon! Kim Joon!
- [man 1] It's Kim Joon!
[crowd cheering]
[man 2] Kim Joon!
[crowd continue cheering]
[announcer] Kim Joon for the people!
Number one!
Kim Joon!
[crowd] Kim Joon!
[crowd] Kim Joon!
[crowd] Kim Joon!
[melancholic music playing]
Yes, I need a favor.
[crowd cheering]
Find out about Junseong Foundation.
[crowd] Kim Joon!
[music fades]
[melancholic music playing]
[Soohyun] He manipulated alcohol levels
to cover Gunwoo's case.
The legal team that was recruited.
Buyeongdong Corruption.
[melancholic music continues playing]
Laundered money using his lover,
Yoon Hyegeum.
Circumstances of attempting
to kill Kim Eunmin.
All of this is connected to one person.
Kim Joon.
Kim Joon and Gwon Jiwoong
had close business relations.
I'm sure there's something between them.
He tried to get Gwon Jiwoong out,
so why did he kill Kim Eunmin?
What are you hiding?
What type of person is Kim Joon?
I'll expose it all.
[music fades]
[gentle breeze blowing]
The reason Kim Joon tried
to kill your mom
I think it has to do with your dad.
Also, Kim Joon is connected
to my son's case too.
I have to find out.
Make sure you check
if you didn't miss anything
in your mom's case.
Think about it one more time.
My mom said something before she died.
- [machine beeping]
- Seonyul's on his way. Just wait.
[labored breathing]
[weakly] The tablet.
[Sujin] What?
[weakly] Tablet.
She mentioned a tablet.
[melancholic music playing]
I looked everywhere.
I couldn't find it anywhere.
My mom's never used one before.
Someone broke into my house recently.
I bet Kim Joon's looking for that too.
[Soohyun] When faced with death,
the last thing someone would say
will be the most earnest
in any circumstances.
Necessary words that
were left unsaid until now.
[melancholic music continues playing]
I'm leaving soon.
Did Kim Joon
ask you to do that?
Why would someone like you
do such bad things for him?
Think of Heejae.
Don't live like that anymore.
He's a terrifying person.
Don't think
of going up against him.
You'll only get hurt.
What mother in the world
would be scared of getting hurt
for their child?
[pensive music playing]
All this time,
I didn't know anything
about my son's accident.
I'm going to set things right now.
I'll make it known.
[pensive music continues playing]
[locks car]
I go back and forth from work and home.
There's nothing to monitor.
Go home, I bet you're tired.
[pensive music continues playing]
[door lock beeps]
[door lock beeps]
[sighs wearily]
[mysterious music playing]
[melancholic music playing]
[Gunwoo] I want to see you too.
Wow, it's you! It's my dad!
- You're so cool.
- Do you like me that much?
- Yes, you're the best!
- Gunwoo's the best to me.
The best!
[melancholic music continues playing]
[Gunwoo] Congrats, Mom!
[all cheering]
One, two, three!
[all laughing]
[tearily] Gunwoo
I'm so sorry.
[tearily] I'm sorry, Soohyun.
[music fades]
[objects clattering]
[dramatic music playing]
[Hyegeum] Go slow.
- Hello!
- Hi, Heejae.
Heejae, shall we go around now?
Get your balance.
[dramatic music continues playing]
What you said
kept bothering me.
To be honest
I saw Gunwoo
leave with a tablet that day.
That's all I know.
I'm sorry.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
A tablet?
[Gunwoo] Mom, take a picture with this.
- What?
- You can't see it now.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[phone vibrating]
[Soohyun] Suho,
do you remember
seeing a tablet among Gunwoo's things
- from the accident that day?
- A tablet?
No, there wasn't. Why?
Hyegeum saw it that day.
She saw him with a tablet.
I mean
I've been looking everywhere
and it's not in the house.
[Seonyul] My mom said something
before she died.
She mentioned a tablet.
[dramatic music continues playing]
I'll call you back.
It's time for the meeting.
I'll be right back.
[coworker] Director? Director!
[music ends]
[sales lady] Ma'am?
Coming. Just a moment.
You should have a look at the product
I mentioned earlier.
- This?
- Yes.
Uh, check if we have this in stock.
- Also, match the colors here
- [phone vibrating]
and reset everything.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.
[phone vibrating]
[breathing heavily]
[Goeun] You should come.
[pensive music playing]
[car accelerates]
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
[utensils clattering]
[Goeun] Mmm.
[pensive music playing]
Come here and take some food.
[Goeun exhales]
It's Soohyun's birthday.
I put some aside for you too.
Take it with you.
Did Soohyun get back okay?
- From where?
- What do you mean?
She went on a business trip
to that conference.
You're supposed to be her manager.
Where's your head?
Suho and Gunwoo are alone.
We should take some food to them, right?
[Soohyun] Make sure you check
you didn't miss anything
in your mom's case.
Think about it one more time.
[Eunmin] Seonyul.
I have to go somewhere. It's urgent.
There's soup in the fridge.
Heat it up and eat it.
- [lady] What happened with your son?
- [Eunmin chuckles]
[Eunmin] He got into medical school!
[lady 1] Really? Congrats.
[Eunmin] Thanks.
[man] Still, how could you work
in a restaurant?
[Eunmin] I have to do what I can
to pay for his tuition.
[soft music playing]
- [Jiwoong] Honey, do you have it?
- [Eunmin] Yes, I have it.
But what is this, honey?
[lady] Eunmin, why won't you come?
[Eunmin] I'm not feeling well today.
Next time.
[Seonyul] I'm home.
[soft music continues playing]
[phone vibrating]
Mom, you got a call.
[phone vibrating]
I'm not feeling well today.
Next time.
- [call disconnects]
- Are you sick?
You have a fever.
[chuckles softly]
No, I'm fine.
I'm just tired.
Let's go to the hospital.
You have no idea how reassured I am
to have you as my son.
What's gotten into you?
[soft music continues playing]
Look at this necklace.
You know it's special to me, right?
I know.
I want you to have it.
Make sure to never lose it.
[foreboding music playing]
- [Jiwoong] Honey, do you have it?
- [Eunmin] Yes, I have it.
But what is this, honey?
- [Jiwoong] Honey, do you have it?
- [Eunmin] Yes, I have it.
[the necklace clicks]
The necklace.
[foreboding music continues playing]
[doorbell rings]
[music ends]
Soohyun? [pants]
[phone vibrating]
Hello? Hey.
[coworker] Director, where are you?
It's a company meeting,
the CEO's here too.
Okay, I'll be right there.
[call disconnects]
Where would she go without her phone?
What are you saying?
[Soohyun sighs]
The tablet your mom mentioned
I think it was Gunwoo's.
I have to find it.
You asked me
if I had missed anything from back then.
[necklace jingling]
She gave this to me
a few days before her accident.
[pensive music playing]
Can we
open this?
[objects clattering]
[dramatic music playing]
[objects clattering]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[unlocks car]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[starts bike]
[tires screeching]
Yuri, put this in the car.
Let's go. Let's go see Gunwoo.
Mom? Let's go with Soohyun
when she gets here.
Did Soohyun say she was coming?
I'll call to see where she is.
- Wait here.
- Yes, okay.
[doorbell chimes]
[call connecting]
[exhales] Soohyun, please, pick up.
[call connecting]
[phone vibrating]
Mom? Mom!
[suspenseful music playing]
[music fades]
Here you go.
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
Thank you.
[emotional music continues playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
Happy birthday to you! ♪
Happy birthday, dear Mom! ♪
Happy birthday to you! ♪
Mom, I love you this much!
I love you!
[Happy barking]
Happy, where are you going?
Don't go.
- [Gunwoo] What?
- No.
Don't go. You can't.
[melancholic music playing]
[melancholic music continues playing]
[breathing heavily]
[Joon] Jiwoong, come quick.
[Gunwoo whimpers]
[Soohyun sniffles]
[Joon breathing heavily] I hit a kid.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jiwoong] Wait.
What do you mean by you hit a kid?
[Gunwoo faintly] Mommy
[Jiwoong] Shouldn't you take him
to the hospital?
[Joon] Jiwoong.
Did you forget we were drinking?
[dramatic music continues playing]
The kid
saw my face.
What do I do about this?
[Jiwoong] What?
[Joon] I'm so close to the Blue House
Do I have to stop in my tracks
just because I stepped on a little bug?
Or shall we make sure it's dead
and keep going?
- [Gunwoo faintly] Mommy
- [Soohyun crying]
[Jiwoong] Congressman.
This accident
was caused by me.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Joon] Jiwoong,
will you do that for me?
[Jiwoong] In return,
you have to save
my son, Seonyul.
[Joon] Clean it up and make sure
there are no loose ends.
[Jiwoong] Yes, sir.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Gunwoo crying weakly]
[car starts]
[car accelerates]
[soft pop song playing]
[Goeun] You're the son of a murderer,
aren't you?
I'm the mother of a murderer.
[Seonyul] Gunwoo,
I promise
[Joon] Keep your wife in check.
-[audience gasp]
- [Soohyun] It's the hidden truth
about my son's accident.
I'd like to file a report
on Kang Gunwoo's case from 2015.
Kim Joon as the new perpetrator.
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