Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 33: Excuses]
It's good.
You made very good seaweed soup.
Shall we get married?
Would you like to marry me?
[What are you doing?
She's asking if you want to marry her.]
[Are you listening?]
Love cell. Wake up.
What's that?
Yu-mi's asking
if Woong wants to marry her.
Marry her?
Yes, marry her.
They were eating.
While eating?
Whatever. She just asked him.
Do you plan to marry her?
That's in the sea.
So, is it a no for now?
Well What?
Then I will say no.
Wait. Hold on, Reason.
Wait a minute.
Why are you talking
like it's none of your business?
What? You said
he has no plan to marry her.
He doesn't,
Woong, here.
It's hot. Be careful.
It's so good.
-It's so good.
It's fantastic. It's the best choice.
-Do you want some more?
-I'm good. You eat it.
No, I don't need it.
How come? Your razor is broken.
I won't shave.
Are you going to grow your mustache again?
I'll shave you if you want.
With the shaving cream.
Like this. I'll do it for you.
A sharp man.
Let's go home.
[Since he started living with Yu-mi,]
-A bit more.
[-it's nothing special,]
[but when he does it with Yu-mi,]
[he's just so happy.]
[So, the last time I saw it,]
[it was deep in the sea.]
[But maybe now]
[Reason. Can you hear me?]
Yes, I can hear you.
Did you find the marriage desire?
[Yes, the box is up.]
-What a relief.
-That's great.
Really? Then can I answer her now?
[Marriage desire]
say of course to Yu-mi's question.
Okay. Let's answer her now.
What do you think?
Where do you think you're going with that?
[Marriage desire]
He's going to marry Yu-mi.
I see.
Says who?
[Marriage desire]
What? Can't he marry Yu-mi?
Have you ever thought of the worst moment?
The worst moment after getting married?
Like fighting and divorcing?
[Not that, you punk.]
Woong. I'm so cold.
Are you cold?
Turn the heater on high.
The heater?
Are you okay?
I'm so cold.
I want to sleep on the bed.
[If anything goes wrong,]
[Yu-mi has to experience
his worst moment too.]
Don't you know he might lose the studio
in the worst-case scenario?
[Marriage desire]
What? That is
-Are you still going to marry her?
-Are you still going to marry her?
[Love. What should he say?]
What? Love?
I guess I have no choice.
Woong likes staying with Yu-mi.
But since he's financially
unstable at the moment,
[they should think about it again
when things get better.]
That's what he should say.
He must answer in five seconds.
Yu-mi's face is changing.
Now, she's getting angry.
No, he already took so long to answer her.
If his answer is too long,
it will get awkward.
Delete everything unnecessary.
[I got it.]
[Woong. Say, "When things get better."]
I haven't answered yet.
I just
wanted to know what you were thinking.
You don't have to think about it so much.
-I mean
Yes, I'm home.
Haven't you received it yet?
I got the text that it arrived.
The situation is over.
Woong has turned down Yu-mi's proposal.
What? He was about to answer her.
-It's too late.
-What? Can't he answer her now?
It's too late.
[Anything he says will only be an excuse.]
It was Mom.
She said she hasn't received
her package yet.
I see.
You weren't eating? You should.
-By the way, Yu-mi.
-Oh, right.
Let's stop talking about it.
Don't mind it.
-I mean it.
You don't have to answer me.
Don't feel pressured. I'm serious.
That's right. Let's light the candles.
[Happy birthday, Woong.]
Then are you working all night
and coming home in the morning?
Yes, there's a test early in the morning.
I won't be able to go home.
I'll be home tomorrow night.
I see.
The bus is coming.
I really liked your seaweed soup.
And the cake too.
The sweater looks good on you.
I like this too.
Get in.
Have a good first day of work.
[Yu-mi doesn't look happy.]
Should he get off the bus and answer her?
-It's too late.
-How about texting her?
It's too late.
What on earth is this?
Then when should he answer her
so it doesn't sound like an excuse?
[The bus has left.]
[The next chance is
when Woong is actually stable.]
That almost got me happy.
Emotion. What are you doing?
I feel weird, Reason.
How do you feel?
grateful to Woong,
but I'm disappointed at the same time.
I like him, but I also hate him.
So I told you not to ask him
about marriage.
Then was she supposed to wait? Endlessly?
Until she turns 35? 40?
Stop exaggerating.
It wouldn't take that long.
I want to get married in spring.
In spring of 33.
I'm not asking for something big.
I'm not telling him to get a house.
I don't care even if he has no money.
I just want to live with him.
That's all I want.
But he turned me down!
He didn't turn you down.
He just didn't answer.
That means no, you idiot.
He was about to answer,
but you stopped him.
If it takes fives minutes
for him to answer, that means no.
That's how you reject.
One cappuccino please.
You're alone today.
My boyfriend is working graveyard.
I see.
Bobby. I just got here.
I'll wait. Take your time. Okay.
[Did she just say Bobby?]
Could it be Yoo Bobby?
It's probably someone with the same name.
Bobby isn't a common name.
He lives in the same neighborhood.
It might be his girlfriend.
I guess so.
-Thank you.
Yes, Su-jin.
No, I'm in Ilsan. Near Bobby's house.
No, I'm still dating him.
I didn't have time to.
We're so busy.
It's not even easy to break up.
No, I'm going to tell him today.
[What's she talking about?]
Break up? Now? Here?
Emotion. It seems
Bobby's getting dumped today.
Who knows if it's Yoo Bobby
or Kim Bobby or Park Bobby?
[It is Yoo Bobby.]
My goodness.
It's really Yoo Bobby's girlfriend.
Is he coming to get dumped?
He has no idea
that he'll get dumped in five.
Look how bright his smile is.
That looks like Yu-mi an hour ago.
You're early.
Yes, there was no traffic.
Did you order?
Not yet.
What do you want to drink?
Have a seat.
I have something to say.
What is it?
You fool. Don't sit. Don't ask.
Can't you see from her face?
Do you want to end up like Yu-mi?
Why are you so slow?
Emotion. Calm down.
It's none of your business.
Yoo Bobby. Get up
unless you want to get dumped!
If you avoid this moment,
she might change her mind!
I was thinking about taking time,
but I don't think that's right.
Is it about something bad?
What is it?
I think
we should stop here.
Let's break up.
You know it's already over between us.
That flat? She's tough.
See? What did I say, Bobby?
My goodness.
That's a male Yu-mi right there.
Slow Yu-mi season two.
What a day.
You got dumped. I got dumped.
Have you gone mad? You're scaring me.
I'm sorry. I'll get going.
All right.
I'll leave now.
Yu-mi. I'm disappointed.
I'll visit you every day.
Let's have lunch together.
Okay. I'll see you later.
Kim Yu-mi. You can do it.
Don't be discouraged.
Yu-mi. Good luck.
-Good luck.
-Good luck.
Good luck.
Good luck.
-Bye, Yu-mi.
[Marketing Department]
[Marketing Department, Kim Yu-mi]
[Daehan Noodles, Kim Yu-mi]
Your keyboard looks cool.
That's one extraordinary keyboard.
It's from my boyfriend.
To celebrate my first day
in the marketing team.
Really? I see.
The general manager might make you
say hello to the whole team.
You have a ring, right?
I went back to the cafe last night
because I left the ring.
They said that a regular customer
from our company took it
saying that
she'll give it back to me at work.
The only regular customer there
from our company
is you.
I went there by chance,
and I saw it.
It was really by chance.
But this
It looked really expensive,
so I wasn't sure how to give it to you.
I was thinking about how to do so, and
Thank you.
She said she was too busy,
and that breaking up would be
the best thing for me.
She wants to break up for me.
What a strange excuse.
What should I do with this?
What would you do with this?
I'm not sure.
Good morning.
[Episode 34: Awkward Gathering]
Today's our first together.
-It's your first day
on the Marketing Team.
Yes, it is.
I was counting down to the day
that you'd be here.
You were?
Bobby spoke highly of you,
so I was so curious.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Assistant Manager Kang Han-byeol.
I hope we can get along.
Yes, of course.
Please take good care of me.
My desk is the one diagonal
from yours in there.
If you have any questions,
feel free to ask me any time.
Okay, thank you.
I don't have anything to ask yet.
Were you always close with Bobby?
We're not really close.
We just live in the same town.
Oh, you live in Ilsan too?
But even if you live in the same town,
it's hard to get close.
I guess you've known each other
for a while.
Why is he asking so many questions?
I don't like him already.
Should I tell him off?
Calm down. Today's her first day.
Let's not give off a bad first impression.
We just bumped into each other
a couple of times while working out.
There's a big park in our town.
Oh, I know of that place. It's famous.
A lot of people fall in love
while working out.
I heard that happens often.
-Hey, Bonnie.
Come here and say hello to Ms. Kim.
This is Lee Bonnie.
This is Kim Yu-mi,
the person that Mr. Yoo
recommended strongly.
Oh, hello.
She lives in the same town as Bobby.
Oh, really?
They work out together at the park too.
Mr. Kim.
Okay, everyone. Come here
and say hello to Ms. Kim,
the new member of our team.
Right. Come here.
She was highly recommended
to join our team
by Mr. Yoo
Mr. Kim.
I will introduce myself.
Hello. I'm Assistant Manager Kim Yu-mi,
and I transferred from accounting
in the Finance Department.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Please take good care of me.
I'd like to add that
she was highly recommended by Mr. Yoo.
Please take good care of us.
What's up with him?
Is he set on starting a rumor
in the company?
He's creating a situation
to make people think that
there's something going on
between Bobby and Yu-mi.
She has to explain herself.
Why bother explain herself?
The talisman is going
to resolve everything.
[The talisman?]
Ms. Kim. Have some coffee.
Thank you.
Is that your boyfriend?
Your boyfriend must've taken it
without telling you.
Yes. He took it to tease me.
You guys look really happy together.
We are.
You can go back to work.
Don't worry about anything else.
Just focus on doing a good job.
You can do a good job.
Are you just getting off?
What do you think about
the Marketing Department?
I'm not sure yet.
It's just a bit hectic right now.
The work and the people.
It's your first time.
I'm sure you'd get adjusted soon.
I hope so.
Oh, right. I'm going to see Woong.
Oh, really?
Woong said he has plans.
He has plans with me.
We're going to have a drink together.
Want to join us?
Can I join?
I'm sure he'd be happy about it.
I doubt he'll like drinking just with me.
Then I should go without saying anything
and surprise him.
-I'll go get my car.
I'll wait out front.
Ms. Kim.
Mr. Yoo.
You must be exhausted from today.
You haven't gotten used to the work,
but there was so much to do.
No, it's okay.
To be honest, I'm not sure.
It's not easy.
You can get adjusted slowly.
Don't stress yourself out.
Also, don't worry about Han-byeol.
He likes to meddle.
Nobody can stop him.
Oh, I see.
Did you have dinner?
Do you want me
to treat you to dinner to comfort you?
No, it's okay. I
I already have plans.
Oh, is that your boyfriend?
No. That's Assistant Manager Chae Ugi
from the Sales Department.
My boyfriend and Mr. Chae are close.
Oh, is that so?
Yu-mi! Ruby is going too!
I wanted to have a goodbye party with you,
but we couldn't do it.
But I bumped into Ugi in the elevator.
He told me you guys were getting drinks.
So I'm going to join you.
To catch up with you.
You want to catch up with me?
No way.
Hurry up and get in.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't you live in Ilsan too, Mr. Yoo?
Yes. He lives in the same town as me.
You should come with us.
We're going to Ilsan.
Me too?
Do you want to? I can drop you off.
What's taking him so long to get here?
What took you so long
Hi, Woong!
What's with this group?
Woong, get in.
Do you have enough space?
-I think we're okay.
-Excuse me.
Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
-I'm sorry about that.
-It's okay.
That must hurt.
Where should we go?
We should go here.
This place is amazing.
We can have unlimited wine for free.
There's no such place.
My cousin owns it.
Let's go! Go straight!
Hurry up and go straight!
I guess we'll go there.
How was it?
-Your first day.
Oh, right. Woong. Say hello.
Assistant Manager Yoo Bobby.
I told you about him.
He's the one who recommended me
to the Marketing Department.
Oh, that was you?
This is my boyfriend, Goo Woong.
Hello. I'm Yoo Bobby.
Mr. Yoo lives in our town too.
I told you about him.
He found my umbrella.
Oh, right. I remember.
Hold on.
[Daehan Noodles,
Assistant Manager Yoo Bobby]
-Oh, your business card.
You could've given it to me later.
I'm going to get off soon.
Ugi, can you drop me off
at the next intersection?
-I can walk home from there.
Why? You should come with us.
-Me too?
You could come with us.
You guys are all close.
I don't want to intrude.
I'm not close with her at all.
My gosh, you're so funny.
Come with us.
Ruby is always open to hanging out
with handsome guys!
I think Mr. Yoo feels uncomfortable.
Is it okay for me to join you?
I don't really want
to go home alone tonight.
Yes! Sounds good!
Ruby loves things like this.
Awkward gatherings.
Let's go!
It feels so empty without you!
I had no idea your absence
would be so big.
I was really sad.
You were sad?
I saw you laughing and having a ball
in the hall earlier.
You're so funny. You're hilarious!
You're handsome and funny.
That's cheating!
You're funny.
Right? Isn't Ugi funny?
-I was talking about you.
Thank you.
He said I was funny!
Mr. Yoo. You have a good eye for people.
-I've been told that.
-I like that.
Bobby. Ruby.
It's nice, right?
The vibe at work must be nice.
Are you having fun?
I had more fun
when I was working with you.
Then come back!
I'm just kidding!
[My plan was to leave at around 10 p.m.,
go home,]
[and make Yu-mi feel better after
what happened yesterday.]
[I had a feeling that today would be
an important day for our future.]
-Mr. Yoo.
Am I really funny?
You must not know about your charms.
[So at first I used
the fish lips technique.]
Fish lips.
A technique
where you say something to someone
just by mouthing the words.
Couples often use this when they want
to leave at a gathering.
My gosh. What do you mean?
It's a compliment, right?
Of course.
-We should get going.
-What's your blood type?
My blood type is O.
-Let's go.
My blood type is B.
-What did you say? I can't hear you.
-Your blood type is B?
What is it?
You should've said it louder!
-Okay! Cheers!
[Then I sent her a message with my eyes.]
A message with your eyes.
A technique
where you express yourself with your eyes.
Couples who work together often use this
to leave team dinners.
[What is it?]
[Let's go.]
[Let's leave after we finish this.]
this technique is not very secretive.]
What is this? So they want to leave?
Who says you can?
If they leave, Ugi will leave too.
That won't do.
The wine is going down so easily today.
Don't you agree?
Let's have another bottle.
[A bottle of wine has about five glasses.]
[There are five people here.]
[Even if she opens a new bottle,
it's only one more glass per person.]
Here. I'll pour some for Woong first.
[Let's revise our plan to leave
after downing this glass.]
[However, our opponent is Ruby.]
[-Ruby quietly filled everyone's glasses.]
[she's discreetly pouring more wine]
[into everyone's glasses with
nobody realizing it.]
Thank you.
[If she pours a little more into
the first four glasses,]
[then the final glass]
[can't be filled.]
What? It's empty.
There isn't enough for Ruby.
We should get another bottle.
[Is this the endless circle of alcohol?]
The endless circle of alcohol.
When you pour alcohol, you intentionally
make it impossible to fill the last glass
so that you must open another bottle.
Is it okay for us to drink this much wine?
Of course we can!
I'm buying drinks tonight!
This place is owned by my cousin.
Okay. Everyone lift your glass!
-Want me to drink for you?
-No, I'm okay.
Ugi. I'm drunk. Can you drink for me?
Ms. Kim. You didn't even major in Korean
Literature, but you're a great writer.
Stop hyping me up like that.
No, you're right!
My dear Yu-mi will do a great job.
She has a ton of books at home.
An entire wall is filled with books.
Oh, really?
She likes Lee Dong-gun's work.
Woong. Are you okay?
-What's going on?
-What is this?
The power went out.
-I'll read your palm.
-You should read Ugi's palm.
I don't read palms for just anyone.
[He still has some energy left.]
[There must be an error
because he drank too much wine.]
Then we have to reboot.
That's right!
He's waking up again.
[That's right. Wake up, Goo Woong.]
[You need to sit down and have
a serious conversation with Yu-mi today.]
To be honest,
I was sitting behind you yesterday.
Oh, really?
I had no idea.
I didn't listen to your conversation
on purpose.
You will forget about it, right?
I'd really like it if you did.
Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.
[What are they talking about?]
[It seems like it's a secret.]
Thank you.
[Goo Woong, wake up!]
[Get up! You can do it!]
Oh, no.
He must've used up all of his energy.
I really want to know
what they are talking about.
Let's connect the emergency power bank.
It'll work for a short while.
Wake up, Goo Woong!
This isn't the time to sleep!
[Where is this?]
[I think some time has passed.]
[What about Yu-mi? Where is she?]
It keeps getting canceled.
You must be cold.
No, I'm okay.
Put this on.
No, it's okay.
Put it on. It's still cold at night.
[What's this?
Why would he take off his jacket for her?]
[No. Wake up, Goo Woong!]
[That behavior is a bit strange.]
No. We've spent all of our energy.
We have to wait for it to recharge.
There's no time.
That punk Bobby seems dangerous.
Then let's turn to our last resort.
[Last Resort]
We'll reactivate Woong
by recharging him ourselves!
Open your eyes, Woong.
This is no time to be sleeping.
There's a jerk giving her his jacket
in front of her boyfriend!
When I woke up, I was at Yu-mi's place.
It must've been late because it was quiet.
And Yu-mi was next to me.
I had never
even imagined breaking up with her.
But that night, for some reason,
I couldn't help but feel uneasy.
Put this on. It's still chilly at night.
-It's okay. I'm really okay.
Kim Bobby.
-That's right. Kim Bobby.
It's not Kim Bobby, it's Yoo Bobby.
What are you doing?
What's your problem?
I thought she may be cold
What? Look at this punk.
What's wrong with you?
Yu-mi, stay put.
Hey. You punk.
Woong. Calm down. Woong. Calm
Why are you taking off your clothes?
You'll catch a cold.
Dress warmly.
-I'm fine.
You need to dress warmly, Kim Bobby.
Listen to me while I'm being nice.
Okay? You're breaking my heart.
I'll be heartbroken if you catch a cold.
Gosh. Okay. Give me that.
Thank you.
It's so cold.
Woong. Put this on.
So cold.
Oh no.
I'm still cold. It's so cold.
Get up. Let's go upstairs. Come on.
-You're so heavy.
-I'm cold, Yu-mi.
I'm sensitive to the cold.
It's cold, right? Let's hurry on upstairs.
I did that?
Yes, you did that.
You took off your jacket
and put it on him like a gentleman.
You were so sweet.
So you bring it over, okay?
-Since it's yours.
Yes. I have to go out.
I need to eat quickly.
Can't you go with me?
Eat up.
Go with me.
Drink it. You said your stomach hurt.
Do you feel okay?
Yes. I'm sorry.
I must've been a nuisance
because I was so drunk.
Not at all.
I was truly moved
by how thoughtful you were of me.
Yes, that's right.
Okay, then.
Yes. I had fun last night.
Me too.
-I'll see you around.
What uneasy feeling?
It was a total misunderstanding. Right?
Why? Does it still bother you?
Yes, something still bothers me.
The truth is, me too.
[Episode 35:
Yu-mi and Woong, Solving Problems]
-See you later.
It'll be summer soon.
Was that your boyfriend?
Was that your boyfriend who just left?
Yes. We live in the same town,
so he dropped me off on his way.
You really did have a boyfriend.
Pardon? Did you think I had put up
a picture of a random guy?
I thought it was a smoke screen.
Why would I put up a smoke screen?
To keep your office romance a secret.
Are you really not with Bobby?
I kept saying I was not,
but you keep saying I am.
I'm starting to get angry.
Oh no. I'm sorry.
I just Well, I had other clues.
Did you try to get Yu-mi
and Bobby together?
No. It was a reasonable deduction.
He was quiet for a while
but he's at it again.
The reason he's like this is,
we played truth or dare last week
during our team dinner.
-Truth or dare?
-Yes. And during the game
Bobby said he was interested
in someone at work,
and that person has the letter U
in her name.
The alphabet letter U.
I think I figured out something!
Hear ye, hear ye!
Yu-mi has the letter U in it!
He just got out of jail not long ago.
Yoo Bobby likes U!
Are you mad? Shut your mouth!
Bobby loves U!
Yu-mi's Guards!
Darn it. He likes someone
with the letter U in her name.
Am I wrong? What did I do wrong?
-Stop babbling.
There are other women
with the letter U in their names too.
Ju-hee, Ji-young, Eun-ah, Yu-mi]
There are four in Marketing alone.
Many names have U in them.
It's pretty common.
Anyway, I think Bobby made it up
just to get out of it.
But I don't have U in my name.
We can narrow it down.
Now, listen.
Bobby broke up with his girlfriend
in early March.
Bobby, there's a typo here.
Where's your ring?
The ring that you always wore.
-The matching
His ring suddenly disappeared.
And last week,
he said he is interested in someone.
There was a change during that time.
He met someone
whose name has the letter U
after he took off his ring.
Do you have any idea?
You're close to him.
We're not close.
A coworker that he met
after taking off his ring
whose name has the letter U?
Hold on. I think I can figure this out.
Someone whose name has U in it
that he met after dumping the ring.
The answer is Ruby.
Did you think of someone?
Yes, you did.
She seems to know who it is.
I don't know. I have no idea.
But Han-byeol,
you seem very interested
in Bobby's love life.
Don't listen to him too much.
It's bad for your health.
According to him,
I like every woman in the company.
What's your problem?
You can't show up
when we're badmouthing you.
You have no manners.
You said yourself
that her name has the letter U.
Let's start the meeting.
Hi, Ruby.
When are we hanging out again?
The Y family needs to get together again.
I'm always in if you invite me.
Nice. We'll have to gather the troops
sometime soon.
Let me know once you set it up.
It's on you this time, right?
Just set a date.
The by-bys are the best.
What a cute couple.
They make a cute couple.
The letter B?
Yes. I think I got it.
There's a B in the name, right?
Another hint please?
There's definitely no B.
Darn it.
We're out of eggs.
And scallions.
Do you need a bag?
Yes, please.
That's 50 won.
I'll just carry them.
[I'm on my way.]
[Here is a quiz to fight the boredom.]
[First question.]
[What is the likelihood
that Yu-mi is on that bus?]
Let's see.
[Yu-mi got on the bus
in front of her building]
[at 11:28 p.m.]
[The bus Yu-mi is on]
[It takes about 24 minutes to get here.]
[Right now, it's 11:53 p.m.]
[The likelihood that Yu-mi
is on that bus is]
100 percent.
[Answer: 100 percent]
That's it.
[Correct, 100 percent.]
[Second question.]
[What is going on right now?]
[Yu-mi: We're having a team dinner,]
[so I'll be home a little late.]
[Eat without me.]
[Yu-mi has a team dinner tonight.]
[Bobby lives]
That's right.
We live really close to each other.
Yes. We even ran into each other
a few times in the supermarket.
[Answer: They took the bus together
after the team dinner.]
Isn't that your boyfriend?
It's been a while.
It has. Have you been well?
Are you visiting Yu-mi?
[Third question.]
[Is Woong visiting Yu-mi?]
[Multiple choice question.]
[A. Yes, I'm visiting.]
[B. No. I have nowhere to go.]
[A. Yes, I'm visiting.
B. No. I have nowhere to go.]
First, A is not the answer.
B is the answer, but
[But how can we say it's B?]
[We have our pride.]
-Yes, he's visiting.
I see.
I'll see you around.
See you tomorrow.
Okay. Get home safely.
Did you come to greet me?
Nice, Woong.
You did very well.
Let's go.
That's a relief.
At least Yu-mi answered.
How humiliating.
What's wrong?
It's so humiliating.
Woong looks so Darn it.
How humiliating in front of Bobby.
Who would believe he's just visiting?
What did you get?
Eggs and scallions?
To make instant noodles? Right?
[Next question. Fourth.]
[Which of the following
lifts a person's spirits?]
[A. Stand tall.]
[B. Laugh out loud.]
[C. Crack a joke.]
Woong. I got a very fun intuition today,
Remember our wine gathering?
I think another couple may form.
I'll move out this week.
[D. Move out of Yu-mi's place.]
You'll move out?
Is it
because I brought up marriage?
Is that really it?
[Fifth question.]
[What is the correct answer
to Yu-mi's question?]
[A. It's humiliating
to freeload off of my girlfriend.]
[B. The marriage talk made me
[C. I suddenly fell into money
and got a nice place to live.]
Why do you suddenly want to move out?
Let's talk about it later.
[D. Do not give an answer.]
Let's go. It's cold.
[Yumi's Cells]
[I'm leaving now.]
[I'll leave the key on the kitchen table.]
[Your boyfriend isn't
waiting for you today.]
[Sorry, but do you have some money
I can borrow?]
[Don't you dare send the money.]
I broke it.
So naturally, I should pay for it.
[It's nice to suddenly see you again.]
[Isn't it your duty to preserve love]
[no matter what?]
I'll keep it short.
-It's over!
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