365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Lee Shin's Game Begins As She Shows Herself After Seven Months

(Episode 13)
Ms. Lee Shin knew the dates of deaths
because she already knew about their deaths.
What are you talking about? They were all alive.
What if it wasn't before the reset?
But the life before the reset?
What if she observed us,
so she knew what would happen to us in advance?
That's right.
All of you
dead before.
It's cozy and nice.
I've always wanted to visit.
How long has it been?
Has it been around seven months?
Who are you?
- Where have you been - So?
Are you not happy to see me?
I'm sure you have many questions.
Look, let's hear her out first.
What do you mean by we were dead?
During the first five resets,
you've all died each time.
But during the sixth, I decided to save you.
And I've invited you for the seventh.
Didn't we meet for the first time at Zian Clinic?
So when and how did you save our lives?
It was actually quite easy.
You just had to avoid the place on the day of your deaths.
(The elevator is being repaired.)
- Fix it and come on over. - Okay.
Mr. Choi couldn't go to the get-together
because he had to fix the elevator.
Ms. Seo couldn't go to the park because her clothes got wet.
Mr. Cha was arrested for compulsive gambling.
Are you Mr. Cha Jeung Seok?
Where are you taking me?
(Handong Logistics)
What happened?
Mr. Park was late to work because of a flat tire.
Ms. So was out delivering flowers.
Flower delivery.
You all evaded death.
You saved our lives through a phone call
and a cup of coffee?
Do you really think we'd buy that?
If the fate is already known,
it's easy to change it.
You've all experienced it.
You saved your once-dead colleague.
You're walking once again.
You didn't need any superpowers, did you?
what about us?
How did you save us?
I'm not sure.
How did I save you again?
What's wrong with you?
What grudge do you have against us?
I don't have any resentment against you.
I just have a lot of time.
I was curious
whether fate
was destined
or changeable.
That's why I carried out this experiment.
I wondered how things would pan out if I saved those who were
meant to die and convinced them to reset their lives.
I even gave you hints by sending those bouquets.
Are our lives a joke to you?
- Detective Ji. - Calm down, Detective Ji.
You don't have much time.
Do you want to spend what's left of your time as an assailant?
Darn it!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Aren't you all curious
when, where, and how you'll die?
If you're a bit more polite, I could tell you.
Did you say, "polite"?
And what's your definition of that?
Do you expect us to beg and be willing to do anything
like an animal being dragged into a slaughterhouse?
If that's what you want to see,
you will never get what you want.
I wonder if you can be this confident until the end.
The next victim
will die a gruesome death.
Don't be too scared.
I still have hope
that you can change your fates.
You're going to get even busier.
Stop right there. Stop!
Detective Ji.
Do you think there's a way to win against her?
We'll either tremble in fear and die
or save ourselves by begging.
Either way, it'll be what she wants.
I'm sure there's a way.
I'm positive.
The next victim
will die a gruesome death.
Did you find him?
He neither emigrated nor died,
so why can't you find him?
Come on.
(Ko Seok Gyu)
("Ko Seok Gyu, Minister of Education,")
("Soon to Undergo Confirmation Hearing")
("Will He Make It?")
(Choi Kyung Man, 62 years old)
(Seo Yeon Soo, 29 years old)
(Cha Jeung Seok, 41 years old)
(So Hye In, 32 years old)
(Park Young Gil, 37 years old)
(Park Young Gil, 37 years old)
Hyeong Ju.
Ji Hyeong Ju.
What's on your mind? I just called you.
Someone's here to see you.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
It's him, isn't he?
He's that senior you saved.
Why are you here?
You're the one who should tell me.
Don't you have any questions for me?
A detective of Violent Crimes.
That's a dangerous job.
And for people like you, it can be threatening.
I know.
I'm sure you want to find something and put those handcuffs on me.
I hope you do that before you die.
I clearly said
the next person who dies will die a gruesome death.
Don't you want to know who it'll be?
Your plan is evident.
You'll want to control me with a few words I can't confirm.
I won't let you do that anymore.
In that case,
you'll have to do better.
You don't have much time left.
I put a tail on Ms. Song.
I don't know why all of you gather at Zian Clinic
or why you're dying one at a time.
But what I do know
is that Lee Shin is capable of anything.
It's as if she knows the future.
She knew everything about me.
Are you suggesting that she had been putting on a show?
She might have done as she's told because Lee Shin knows her weakness.
Anyway, ever since Ms. Lee Shin came to the café,
Ms. Song had been very busy too.
What about this? What's this?
Right here. Take a closer look.
It's a law firm called Park and Park Law Firm.
They're the best and the most expensive attorneys in Korea.
Is she preparing for a fight in the court?
There is something I'm suspecting.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
When can we have the result?
All right. Thank you.
- Is that for Bae Jung Tae? - Yes. You were right.
He applied for parole.
- When is the evaluation? - Next week.
You know Attorney Park Won Jun of Park and Park Law Firm, right?
He specializes in paroles.
He'll be 100 percent approved if he has Park on his side.
Anyway, why do you suddenly want to know about Bae Jung Tae?
I clearly said the next person who dies will die a gruesome death.
You don't have much time left.
Thanks for looking into it.
Hey, Hyeong Ju
What's with him?
Bae Jung Tae will be released soon.
(Apply for a visit)
Mr. Bae Jung Tae is unable to see you today.
He's meeting someone else.
You kept refusing to see me.
Why did you call?
Choi Min Ho.
You haven't found him, have you?
He's pretty difficult to find.
It was really tough for me to find him too.
You haven't found him to this day,
but you found him while you were stuck here?
- Do you expect me to believe that? - I don't care if you do.
What's important is the fact.
I have Choi Min Ho in my hands now.
But over the last seven months,
my pricing for information went up a little.
Are you asking for money again?
How much more do you need
I don't need money.
I need you to help me with something else.
Se Rin
Ga Hyeon.
What's wrong?
Why were you at Zian Clinic?
Did you meet with Ms. Lee Shin?
Why? What did she say?
You came much later than I expected.
I thought you would come running first.
Can you just tell me
when I'll die?
If you want to know something,
you'll have to pay the price.
But I don't want anything.
As you know,
I already have a lot.
What I need is
She told me who'll die next.
When and how that person will die.
- What? - She said she'll let me live
if I let that person die.
She told me to choose
either to save that person or save myself.
What should I do, Ga Hyeon?
Who is it?
Who's that person?
Was it me?
Tell me.
Did she say I'll die next?
Yes, Ga Hyeon.
How will I die?
Stop crying and start talking!
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(You have 7 missed calls.)
(Kim Se Rin)
(Kim Se Rin)
Ms. Lee.
It looks like you had a good talk with her.
- Great job. - Wait, Ms. Lee.
Don't worry.
I always keep my promises.
Should I escort her to the counselling room?
It's way too late for a counselling session.
This is fun. Let's keep watching her.
Open the door.
Open the door.
Please open this door.
Will you please open this door?
I know you're in there.
You're lying again, aren't you?
You're experimenting with us again!
Open this door!
What about your appointment with the professor?
I'll call.
The next person will
die a gruesome death.
Please. Please open this door.
Stop lying.
You're lying, aren't you?
Gosh, it's freezing.
Man, are you working at home too?
- Let's eat. - I'm not in the mood to drink.
That's exactly when you should drink.
I heard Bae Jung Tae will be released.
That jerk must have some affluent person behind him
to have Park and Park Law Firm work for him.
How's your leg?
My legs still hurt.
They hurt even more whenever you cause trouble. It hurts now.
Anyway, it's not like this is the first time we got hurt.
We need to quit Violent Crimes if we get scared of that.
You're right.
You live knowing you'll die one day.
You work as a detective knowing you'll get hurt.
That's how I lived to this day.
Why am I suddenly scared?
Did I think I'm invincible?
Everyone is like that.
It seems like death is for everyone else.
You feel like death might just pass you by.
That's how you could live.
If you worry about death every day, that's barely living.
Why are you suddenly so serious?
You aren't even drunk.
(Koo Seung Min)
(Missed calls: Koo Seung Min, Kim Se Rin)
Is it Bae Jung Tae?
Is that why you reappeared after seven months?
Why do you think so?
If not, there's no way you'd give him
the best law firm in Korea to get him out on parole.
I knew it. You really are a detective.
Is Bae Jung Tae related to the death
of the next person?
You have a lot of questions.
I thought there was nothing you want to hear from me.
You said you won't let me fool you anymore.
If you're scheming something with a petty criminal like Bae,
then you'll never get me.
Detective Ji.
You should be thanking me.
I'm paying
for the mistake you made.
What are you talking about?
Well, it's not like a detective is a deity.
You could always make a mistake.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
I'm sorry.
I'm expecting an important guest.
Ga Hyeon.
Why are you here?
I'll tell you later.
Was there an emergency last night?
Why were you looking for me so desperately?
Is there a way for me to live?
If I do as you say,
could I really live?
Of course.
Only if you ask politely.
What do I have to do in return?
We'll have to think about that together.
I think
things will be even more fun with you, Ga Hyeon.
We still have a lot of time.
You said I'm next.
Who said that?
- I never said that. - What kind of a joke is this?
I'm not joking.
It means someone is lying.
Who do you think is
Ga Hyeon.
What's wrong?
I heard I'll be next,
that I'll die next.
But it was a lie.
What are you talking about?
(Kim Se Rin)
Why are you calling her?
Se Rin.
Se Rin, are you home?
Who are you?
Are you looking for Se Rin?
Are you her friend?
Can you reach her right now?
I'm her sister.
Mom said she couldn't reach her, so I came by. Is she not at home?
You You're her sister?
- Her biological sister? - Yes.
I was the weakling,
but my older sister passed away first.
It was the same way your friend passed away.
She got into a car accident.
She tried to save me but got hit by the car instead.
Are you really her older sister?
This time, did she say I died?
If she's not here, she's probably at the club room of her university.
Her university?
Isn't she a repeater?
I can't believe this.
(Volunteer Club Voluntas, Jangmoon University)
- Kim Se Rin? - You know, with Young Woong.
Oh, the terminally ill one?
"Terminally ill"?
She lied to Young Woong saying she's terminally ill, got caught,
and created huge chaos.
She does look pretty feeble and weak.
She fooled us too.
Young Woong is going to the army because of her too.
She had been stalking him badly.
(Ms. Lee Shin: 1 image)
Are you sure you can do anything?
Who do you think will die next?
(Episode 14 will be aired shortly.)
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