All That Glitters (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Who is this man?
I think I've seen him somewhere.
You might have seen him
at the police station.
The police station?
He's a detective.
The Criminal Investigation Department.
You're a detective there, right?
Li Weihao.
I never thought my sister
would bring a detective here.
Officer Li, right?
Welcome to my yacht.
Officer Li, I want to lodge a report.
Illegal activities are taking place
on board these yachts.
you're not allowed to exercise
your authority here.
We're on the high seas.
Every client on every yacht is my VVIP.
They include royalty, military leaders,
high-ranking politicians,
business magnates
and tech start-up founders.
They all come here
to enjoy wine and women.
Of course,
there's something more thrilling.
It's gambling.
Both of you, go to the yacht opposite
and entertain our VIPs.
Every one of my yachts has a VIP lounge.
You can play any game you fancy.
And we don't accept cash.
We use Bitcoin.
Cryptocurrency is truly
the greatest invention of this century.
It's not visible or tangible,
but it exists.
Why do you need to see cash
and witness a deal taking place
to arrest someone for gambling
or corruption?
Because the law calls for evidence.
There's always a way around the rules.
I specially created
a comfortable environment
for these VVIPs
so that they'll enjoy themselves here
and leave happy.
They give me returns
that you'd never imagine.
Of course.
They scratch your back
within their respective industries.
You gain a lot from that.
This is my clever and scary sister.
Officer Li, you'd better be careful.
No matter what you do in future,
it'll never escape her eyes.
I always have to be honest with her.
How far have you progressed?
Tell him.
I've only seen Miss Mo once.
I'm here to ask her something today.
I thought both of you
were already on intimate terms.
It's possible.
I'm quite interested in him.
I'll have to treat him
like my brother-in-law then.
Officer Li, have a good time with Suzanne.
My sister and I have
family affairs to discuss.
My dear Xuemin,
I'm really disappointed in you.
I only found out about Dad's decision
to sell the nightclub
after receiving the lawyer's letter.
Daddy means to do everything
strictly by the book.
That old man might have had a stroke,
but he's still very sharp.
What does he want?
To settle matters
between both sides of the family
before he passes on?
Daddy said
that once the nightclub is sold,
you and First Mom will get every cent
that's rightfully yours.
As I told you,
I don't care for
that old man's miserable assets!
But my poor, pitiful mom
doesn't feel that way.
She's pitiful because
she's only ever loved one man,
but that man has never loved her.
She's pitiful because
she knows she can't beat a certain woman,
but she's still fighting back.
Do you know who the woman
I'm referring to is?
It's not our place to question matters
involving the previous generation.
Trust me, I wouldn't want to
poke my nose into them either.
The old man has five nightclubs
in his name.
My mom is especially attached
to two of them.
The old man met my mom
at the first nightclub that he set up.
She says she's especially attached
to those nightclubs.
She won't let them
fall into outsiders' hands.
If she can't bear to lose them,
she can buy Daddy's and my shares
I told her that too.
But she wants the nightclubs
and won't pay a cent for them.
I told her,
"Mom, there are many other easier
and more profitable ways to make money."
I invest in land
I invest in gold.
I invest in online casinos.
All of them are more profitable
than those pathetic nightclubs.
And if there's trouble,
you can always find a scapegoat.
People die for money.
This has always been so
since time immemorial.
There's a price to pay for everything.
You'll pay the price too.
I know there's a price
to pay for involvement in crime.
Life is full of ups and downs.
Sailing on stormy seas is exciting.
So regarding those lousy nightclubs
Why don't you teach me?
Teach me what to do.
Bro Richard, I know nothing.
Why don't you teach me?
Do you know why I asked you
to come out on the high seas?
No one can exercise any authority
on the high seas.
It's the best place to kill someone
without any complications.
Bro Richard,
have you ever done such a thing?
Of course not.
I was joking.
Even if I were to do so,
I'd do it in front of that old man.
I believe
that this is the only way
to make that old man realize
what it feels to lose a loved one.
Daddy is ill.
Can't you let him off?
Dad wouldn't let Mom off,
and Mom wouldn't let me off!
You're not to sell any of the nightclubs.
Otherwise, I can't guarantee
that what I mentioned won't happen.
Why are you ignoring me?
Liu Mu, the water has cooled.
Get up and drink it.
Why are you ignoring me?
Why? Tell me.
Why are you ignoring me?
What are you talking about?
Should you ignore me for life,
I deserve it.
What are you saying?
You're-so-Pretty, I'm sorry.
So you're talking about Li Zhenyu.
Liu Mu, wake up.
You're burning up!
Liu Mu, drink some water, quick.
You're-so-Pretty, I'm sorry.
I should have listened to you.
Don't say any more.
Grandma says you should use
a thick blanket if you're feverish.
If you perspire, you'll be fine.
It's serious if you can't perspire.
it has only been a few days.
You've aged so much.
People often say that
a day can seem like a year.
It's really just like the way we are now.
How did our life turn out this way?
I still can't believe
that such a thing could happen to us.
We committed murder
and went on the run.
It feels like we're in a TV drama.
But we aren't actors.
Otherwise, we'd be rich.
You'd be the main lead,
I'd be the second lead.
We'd stand a chance
at winning an award next year.
Liu Mu, you were too rash.
You shouldn't have killed Jianzhi.
He did lots of wicked deeds,
but you should have
just let heaven deal with him.
Had you remembered Boss's mantra
that anything can be resolved
with tolerance and magnanimity,
we wouldn't be in this state now.
What's the point of saying that now?
We can't go back in time.
But if we could start all over again,
I hope we could work for the boss
as home movers,
like we used to.
You'd be the supervisor,
and I'd be the driver.
You'll correct me
whenever I go the wrong way.
We shouldn't have attempted
to walk on golden paths.
There's a price to pay for that.
We're now living in fear
every single moment,
afraid that the police
might turn up at any moment.
Who is it?
I live next door.
What is it?
I picked up a cap in the corridor.
Did you drop it?
Liu Mu told me to be wary of him.
Could he be lying to me
because he wants to see what we look like?
I'll leave it outside the door then.
Go, Jintiao!
-Go, Jintiao!
-Get up!
-Get up!
-Stand up! You'd better not lose!
Why are you so worried?
It's not an official match.
I'm worried about my wallet!
This is a test. If he doesn't pass,
I'll have to keep paying for his training.
Don't worry.
Should he fail to be promoted this time,
it'll be my turn to pay for him.
You should have said so earlier.
One two
It's my favorite tom yum soup!
I came to Thailand for you.
You must try this pork knuckle.
It's really crispy.
To think I regarded both of you
as my buddies!
I'm not even as important
as pork knuckles and tom yum soup to you.
It's good.
Do you really think
we flew over to see you?
You exaggerated
about having an important competition
and a grand graduation ceremony.
It was nothing like that.
Had I not said that,
would you have flown over?
But Jianzhi,
you look completely different.
Look at the way you're dressed.
He's different now.
He's the big boss of a car dealership.
I'm not a big boss.
I'm just a second-hand car dealer.
I can't compare to him.
He drives a brand-new imported car.
Liu Mu, you're rich!
Buddy, drastic changes can happen
within six months.
You're right.
It is said that one will never be rich
without a sudden windfall.
It really happened to you, Jianzhi.
It'll soon be the middle
of the seventh lunar month.
You'd better buy some gold ingots
and candles for that loan shark.
Eat this!
I'm just reminding him.
I'm worried that loan shark
might have died with a grievance.
He deserved to die!
Do you understand what that means?
I know. He deserved it.
How many times must I tell you this?
Throughout the years,
I must have paid him hundreds of times
the amount I borrowed from him.
I only wanted to get back what was mine.
Was I wrong in doing that?
Sorry. It was just a casual remark.
There are some things
you should never talk about,
whether casually or not.
Get it? You'll get into trouble.
I just wanted to remind you.
But two people have died.
There you go again!
What are your plans?
Huang Jintiao, I'm talking to you!
Have you lost your tongue?
You told me not to talk.
You may talk now.
Of course I have to buck up.
You're both bosses now.
I want to be a boss too. When I go back,
I'm going to start a Muay Thai school.
You'll support me, won't you?
The food here is really delicious.
-Shall we order more?
Let's order another fried egg
and mango sticky rice.
-Where shall we go after this?
-I'm talking to you.
If I set up a Muay Thai school,
will you support me?
-It's quite good.
-Let's go.
-Eat up quickly.
-I'm talking to you.
If I set up a Muay Thai school,
will you support me?
I told you. Forget him.
We must have been indebted
to him in our past lives.
Yes, we even flew all the way
to Thailand to see him.
And you said you didn't come to see me?
Here's to our Muay Thai school.
Let's drink a toast.
Let's drink a toast.
Give this to me. Here.
Are we really doing this?
-Bottoms up!
-Bottoms up!
Here. Bottoms up!
Bottoms up!
Did Xiaomei ask about me?
How could that be?
Didn't you say
she didn't answer your calls
or reply to your messages?
I think you'd better give up.
She has
What does she have?
Tell me. What does she have?
There's someone she likes.
You're lying to me, right?
You must be lying to me.
You're always doing such things
to tease and provoke me.
Before I came here, I told Xiaomei
that I was going to
marry her when I got back.
She said, "I'm not as crazy as you."
But I know she was happy deep down.
That man's name is Fu.
He likes Xiaomei's coffee.
Everyone likes Xiaomei's coffee.
You like Xiaomei's coffee too, don't you?
You're-so-Pretty even told me
that Xiaomei has a good impression of him.
She finds him humorous.
Fu is in his forties.
Just because You're-so-Pretty said
that Xiaomei has a good impression of him,
you say Xiaomei likes him?
A good impression of someone
isn't the same as
having romantic feelings.
To like someone,
you need to have a good impression
of them first.
What does he do?
He's a director.
He directs dramas for the TV station.
He fell in love with Xiaomei's coffee
after he stopped by the shop.
Now, every day, he drops by before work
That's enough!
Why are you telling me all this?
Wait till I return as a big boss.
I won't lose out
to a mere director named Fu!
Thank you.
Give me a kiss.
It's very pretty.
Let's have something to eat, all right?
All right. What would you like?
-What's good here?
What a coincidence to run into you here!
You know him?
Yes. Jianzhi, this is Patrick.
What a coincidence!
You're here in Thailand too?
Liu Mu and I are here to visit Jintiao.
Zhenting, I wanted to tell you
that I noticed someone
secretly taking photos of you two earlier.
What did you say?
Someone was secretly taking photos of us?
Actually, I'm not certain either.
But when I walked past this store,
I saw someone sneakily taking photos
of the interior with a camera.
I was wondering what
he was taking photos of,
and I saw Zhenting.
They're waiting for me. I'm going.
Why are you so nervous?
He might have been
photographing the jewelry.
I'm afraid my wife might have sent
a private
investigator to Thailand after me.
Don't say any more.
If you're afraid, go home.
Go back to your wife.
I'm sorry.
I'll go back and deal with this, okay?
Here. Him.
Liu Mu!
Liu Mu!
All right.
Let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
All right.
Rock, paper, scissors!
-Eat it.
-Eat it.
Give me one more chance.
You'll have one more chance.
All right. Get ready.
Rock, paper, scissors!
Choose for yourself.
There's no need to.
Here, try the biggest one.
Open your mouth.
Isn't it delicious?
Rock, paper, scissors!
Eat them!
All right, let's eat them. Cheers.
You're all doing really well
after just half a year.
You're doing well too.
You're a Muay Thai exponent now.
Of course.
That's very low. Kick higher.
Where is he going this time?
Ignore him. He's always preoccupied.
He seemed to be waiting for this call.
Sure, I'll make the arrangements.
Okay. See you later.
-It's different.
-What's different?
Forget it.
I have a friend who runs a car dealership.
She's in Thailand now
and wants to see me.
-I'm going to see her.
-You're leaving again?
He's acting strange.
I know another move.
You're here. Sit down.
Thank you for joining me for a drink.
It's boring to drink alone.
Where's your friend?
You said someone was taking photos of us.
He was spooked.
He thought his wife
had sent someone to spy on us.
He flew back to Singapore immediately.
Sorry. I didn't know
it'd turn out this way.
It's all right.
Anyway, it's his loss.
He gave me a necklace worth over S$10,000.
He had to leave without doing anything.
Who is he?
My boss.
He's a partner at a law firm.
I heard from Liu Mu
that you're now working at a law firm.
Do you think I'm a cheap woman?
Why would I think that?
In the past, I went all out
to snag a rich man's son.
Now I'm seeing a married man.
Where relationships are concerned,
there's no right or wrong.
Everyone has their pursuits,
their goals and their rights.
I know I'm materialistic.
I hanker after their wealth
and social standing.
But at the same time, I really like them.
I believe they truly like you too.
It's hard not to like a girl like you.
You're just unlucky.
You're always meeting the wrong men.
I'll tell you a secret.
Only my sister
and Jiahui know this secret.
It was when you sent me to the hospital.
You can check with other dealerships.
It's really a good price.
And I can let you drive your car
till the new car arrives.
-Is that okay?
-Take your time to consider.
I like it. Arrange the purchase for me.
Hello, this is He Jianzhi.
All right. Ask him to call me. Bye.
Why are you here? What a coincidence!
It's really a coincidence.
I'm here to view a car.
Are you planning to buy a car?
I can't afford a car.
A friend and I have a business
buying and selling used cars.
An owner wants to trade in
his old car for a new one.
I'm here to give him a quotation.
How about you?
I'm here to test a car.
So you're the one
who wants to buy a new car.
Arthur meant to buy me a sports car.
But he's worried that
I might be too reckless.
So he bought me a sedan instead.
Hello, baby.
I've tried it.
I like it. It's very comfortable
and performs well.
Dinner? All right.
Your mom wants to see me?
Why didn't you say so earlier?
I need to be prepared.
How could they speed on a narrow road?
Zhenting, wake up!
Wake up quickly!
Zhenting, wake up!
Wake up! Zhenting!
I had a miscarriage.
That was what they wanted.
Do you mean
they'd planned that accident?
Do you know who was behind it?
Who else could it be?
It was the person who didn't want me
to be with Arthur
or to give birth to the child.
Did you report it to the police?
That would have been useless.
There was no evidence.
I don't believe Arthur didn't know
who was behind it.
Of course he knew.
But he chose to run away.
Later, I heard that he followed
that rich girl to the US for her studies.
He changed his phone number
and shut down
all his social media accounts.
He didn't want me to contact him.
What a jerk!
You'd better forget someone like him.
What else can I do?
Later, I became a paralegal
and started seeing my boss.
Jiahui said
she once thought of being a bad girl.
As for me,
I didn't even have to think about it.
I was born a bad girl.
I'm cheap and low-down.
Don't say that of yourself.
In my eyes, you'll always be a good girl.
I'm a good girl?
I know reality is cruel.
No one can be young and beautiful forever.
A woman's beauty is just like a rainbow.
It's over in the blink of an eye.
I want to make use of my beauty
to achieve my aims.
I'm mercenary and grasping.
How could you call me a good girl?
What's wrong with being mercenary?
Everyone wants a better life.
You didn't want to serve coffee
all your life.
And I didn't want
to sell satay all my life.
We're just working hard
to change our destiny.
So you're also mercenary?
We're the same.
So I'm a good woman,
and you're a good man?
Come on, good man.
Good woman.
My head!
Wait, let's go in first.
You drank too much.
Be careful.
Turn in early.
I'm leaving.
Don't go, good man. Come here.
You like me, right?
I like you.
But you don't like me.
I like you.
Why else would I be friends with you?
It's different.
It's a different form of affection.
It doesn't matter.
Friends can sleep
with each other too, right?
We'll no longer be friends
if we sleep with each other.
You'll look down on me.
I'll never be able to hold my head high
in front of you.
That's what happened with Jiahui.
She was drunk at the time.
From then on,
she looked down on me.
I know she despises me deep down.
We couldn't remain friends either.
I know I can never have you.
But I'm even more afraid of
losing you as a friend.
Turn in early.
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