Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

The Golden Pineapple

[Might Eagle whistling]
♪Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[hard rock music playing]
For catapultin'! Slingshottin'!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip'n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, dodgebird
Borb tennis -- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, and Chuck ♪
Flyin' fast
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life you'll be glad
you had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[peaceful music playing]
Campers who signed up
for Capture the Golden Pineapple,
we're meeting over here now, because--
Aw, do we have to?
All this competition
makes me feel kinda… explodey.
Um, can I be on not his team?
[chuckles] 'Kay, thanks.
Look, this game isn't for the weak.
It's about total domination
of your opponents.
And the glory that comes from
being the first to find that!
[electronic voice]
The Golden Pineapple! ♪
[chuckles nervously]
Yah! Awww!
I can't wait to sink my beak
into that sweet, juicy
delicious, 24-karat goodness!
Uh, it's not real gold,
and you're not supposed to eat it.
I'm out!
Okay, we're gonna split up into…
[snores and gasps]
Sorry, dudes. [chuckles]
Wild night last night.
Oh, yeah!
Ugh! Okay, Cheeps!
Rules go like this,
Mighty Eagle splits us into three teams,
then he hides this baby somewhere in camp.
What she said. [snoring]
First team to find it and get it back
here to the dining hall wins. Capisce?
-[snoring continues]
[gasps] Okay, so, captains.
My main pig, Penley!
[Penley squeals]
Last captain is… Red!
Okay, you dudes
are with the Red dude.
You dudes are with the green dude.
And the rest of you dudes
are with the pink dude.
Oh, man. You two on opposing teams?
Should we be scared?
We should be scared, right?
Why would you say that?
Because once you start
going at it,
Stella will morph into
an unstoppable competitive beast!
Yeah, and you'll puff up like a ferocious
angry blowfish!
Things'll get real crazy.
Blood will flow.
Tears will be shed!
[both] Happens every time.
Nope, not gonna happen!
Exactly! Our friendship's too important.
Then let's make a pact.
We're in it to win it,
but let's keep it clean.
Right. No sabotage, no backstabbing.
Just a fair fight.
Glad to hear you'll keep the carnage
to a minimum.
I'm gonna hide this thing.
Nice job. He totally bought it!
Now, how are we really gonna win this?
I made a promise and I meant it, okay?
No funny business.
And as your team captain, that's final!
Ugh. Okay, sheesh.
[gasps softly]
Can I try your balloon launcher?
Yeah, sure.
What the--
Uh-- [muffled protest]
Wow, you're seriously
breaking the pact already?
Uh, if I wanted to beat you, I wouldn't
need a cheap shot to do it.
Oh, yeah, she'd totally crush you.
Sure, if she played dirty!
Ooh! Sounds like that
really triggers you!
Oh, I'm triggered!
I should have known this would happen!
Why? Because you were sure
Stella couldn't keep her word
and would instantly resort to sabotage?
Ohh! Can you believe
what he's saying about you?
You know what? Pact is dis-pacted!
-Bring it.
[both] Fine!
Well, that was easy.
[Red grumbling]
-Every time.
-Every time.
Right. Listen up! No more Mr. Nice Bird!
Uh, when was there a Mr. Nice Bird?
The game just started.
Red wants to mess with us?
Well, you don't mess with a messer.
I'm gonna mess him up but good!
That's more like it. Unleash that beast!
[meows like cat]
Are we still trying to get the pineapple?
Uh, duh! But the best offense is…
A good defense?
Not if you take out the competition first.
Exhibit A. I know from a school field
trip to a jelly factory
that Red hates jelly.
Stella looks brave, but did you know
she's terrified of googly eyes?
Hot tip. It's impossible for Red not to
dance salsa when he hears the maracas.
So, if you need a diversion…
The Dojo is Stella's
favorite spot in camp.
She's bound to start searching there,
and it's about to become her nightmare.
-So let's get out there--
-And crush--
What are we supposed to be doing again?
No clue. I want to be away from
the atomic blast of those two going at it.
More lemonade slushy?
Ooh! Don't mind if I do!
The Golden Pineapple's gotta be around
here somewhere!
But if I know Stella,
she's already covered her tracks
with tons of booby traps.
-Hey, I found something!
[gears click]
Avenge me!
I gotta good feeling the pineapple's
in here--
Oh no! Googly eyes!
Nice to "see" you, Stella!
-[Red] Whoo!
Incoming grape jelly.
Grape jelly? Aah!
[both yelling]
Whoa! Whoaaa!
Avenge me, too!
Let's find that pineapple already.
[both shout]
Yow! Grr!
Somebody get me out of here!
Ugh! Ooh!
Uh, your victory dance is
looking a little weak.
-You're right! I like yours better.
-[maracas rattling]
[gasps] Not the maracas!
Can't. Resist. Moving. Feet.
Well, it doesn't matter anyways,
because I know where the pineapple is!
[Red chuckles]
[Stella grunting]
-Every time.
-Every time.
[both slurping]
-Red's gonna find that pineapple!
'Cause he's playing dirty. So you…
-[mud splashes]
Gotta get dirtier!
Puh! I just did.
Okay, let's do this!
-[Red] Just as I suspected.
You totally forgot
to hide it, didn't you?
[gasps] Oh, yeah!
My bad, bro!
Knew there was something.
Unh! [snoring]
Attention, campers!
Gather round to hear the secret
Red doesn't want you to know.
Stella, no!
The year was… not that long ago,
and Red really needed to use the bathroom
in Arts and Crafts.
-So bad,
-What the--
he earned the nickname
Pee Pee Glitter Pants.
-No! [sighs]
-[campers laughing]
Wow, nice work, Captain!
I wasn't sure you had it in you.
You crossed a line, Stella!
A solid friendship line!
So covering the Dojo in googly eyes
isn't crossing a line?
You told the entire camp
about Pee Pee Glitter Pants,
and you glued my feet to the floor!
Oh, no. That was moi!
-I'll take that, thank you very much.
-Give that back! Ooh!
I don't think so.
I'm going to take this pineapple
to the dining hall and win it myself.
What, no way! Grr!
Oh! Huh?!
Oh, I glued your feet as well.
How did you do that?
We were standing here the whole time!
Oh, I'm just that good.
I mean, I got Stella to backstab
and betray her best friend!
-[both gasp]
-All it took was
one well-placed water balloon.
Well, I'm sure you two have a lot
of stuff to work through.
I'm gonna go claim my victory.
Wow, I should have seen that coming.
That, and I'm sorry, for everything.
Me too.
The whole point of our pact
was that our friendship
was way more important
than some dumb game.
It totally is!
I don't give a bird's squirt
about anything that happened today.
You're my best friend.
[Robin] Get out of my way!
I'm gonna win!
We can't let her do that.
[both grunting]
These skis are slowing us down!
Oh, no, they're not.
[both grunting]
[Red and Stella yelling]
Oh, no, you don't.
You're not gonna stop me! [chuckles]
Get off! Let go!
The dining hall!
[grunting continues]
Today has been truly delightful.
Agreed! Right, Penley?
All right! My main pig Penley's team wins.
I need a do-over! Ugh!
What are you two dancing about?
You lost!
You losing is our victory.
[dance music playing]
Team Lemon Slushy for the win!
I never doubted us for a second.
Come to Papa!
Eh! [champing]
So good!
[theme music playing]
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