Beast Tamer (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

A Home for All

I I want to help Rein more.
I want to stay with Rein and everyone
Sure thing.
But I'm already contracted to all the others,
so I'm not sure
if I can contract with you, too.
Okay, here I go.
My name is Rein Shroud.
In establishing this new contract,
a bond is formed.
An oath in our hearts, hopes in our souls
Your power, in my hand.
Speak now your name.
The contract is sealed.
We're beast buddies!
You can call me "big sis" if you want!
Hold it, Kanade!
Leave a little cuddling for me!
I, too, have always desired
a charming little sister!
Big Sis!
Though, I can't say
I don't feel the same way!
Beast Tamer
A Home for All
A Home for All
What's the captain of the Knights
doing at the adventurers' guild?
We've been discussing
a collaboration of sorts.
I've been asking for the guild's help
maintaining order
while the city's still in chaos.
We'd never have considered it
under the old Knights' regime,
but with Captain Stella in charge,
it's a welcome offer.
Oh? Nicely done, Captain.
Glad to hear you're all getting along!
Things are looking up, then?
They are.
I'm going to make the former
lord pay all of his debts!
I feel like I've burdened you
a little with all this.
I would never have been able to openly
work for the city's sake before now.
I simply couldn't be more pleased.
Thank you again, Rein, everyone.
It's truly been my honor to know you.
I know!
Rein, the guild has business
with your party, as well!
The guild? With us?
You're officially promoted
to a C-rank adventurer!
Clap, clap, clap, clap!
Um, Miss Natalie?
I only became E-rank.
And why C instead of D?
You exposed the wrongdoings
of the lord's son,
and performed the incredible feat of
vanquishing an A-rank-equivalent demon!
That deserves far more than a single rank-up!
We made a special exception.
You can hold your head high.
This wasn't just the guild's decision.
Stella and the other
adventurers asked for it, too.
I was just trying to protect the city.
And I couldn't have done it
without my party's help
Just accept the honor!
Rein is always far too humble.
Rein's amazing!
Everyone's recognizing how strong you are!
Recognizing me?
You can expect significant
compensation, as well.
Very significant!
Okay, then we'll have a feast!
Pick anything you like!
Hot dogs!
Fried tofu
Can we have multiple helpings?
And if I might ask
As many as you like!
Have you added a newcomer?
Yeah, sorry for not introducing her sooner.
This is my new comrade, Nina.
I-I'm Nina
So cute!
But wait a minute
Is she a demigod?!
Another ultimate species?
Yeah, why?
Um do you think she's angry
that I treated her as a child?
I'm not angry.
So cute!
Wait, Miss Natalie!
Don't hog her!
I wish to cuddle her, as well!
The tails are ours!
Nina's sort of the reason we came here today.
Our room's way too small
for a six-member party.
I was wondering if the guild had any advice.
I see
Would you consider buying a house, then?
A house?
Many parties buy a house
to serve as a home base.
The guild actually serves as property agents
and provides subsidies, as well.
Particularly for talented adventurers
we'd like to lock down locally!
Her eyes are so predatory!
Feels like she wants to trap us in the city!
A house, huh?
What do you all think?
Sounds great to me!
I like this city, and sharing
a house with Rein sounds fun!
It does sound more inviting than the inn.
Th-The "staying with Rein" part
is immaterial, of course.
Having a home base would be very convenient!
Just make sure it's worthy of my greatness!
We do have quite a hefty savings,
and if the guild will chip in, too
All right! Let's buy a house!
Nothing we've seen seems right.
Here's the final property I have to show you!
It's a wooden house with a large lawn,
as Kanade and Sora wanted.
It has over ten rooms,
with large beds, as Tania requested.
And it has the kitchen and big bath
that Runa and Nina asked for!
It also comes furnished
and it's within your budget!
Well? What do you think?
Hold on.
If the property's that great,
why wasn't it the first one you showed us?
That's a very good question!
I smell manipulation!
The house is haunted.
Haunted? You mean by ghosts—
I can't s-stand ghosts!
You're pathetic.
What kind of ultimate species
is afraid of a few ghosts?
Everyone's got things they're scared of!
Physical attacks don't work on them,
and they can possess you!
There, there.
Might I ask what it is
the ghosts do, precisely?
They turn over your pillow
right before you lie down.
They turn your bathwater cold.
They swap your sugar
and salt while you're eating.
They stick rotten eggs in your shoes.
They smear leftover curry
on your drying laundry!
These awful paranormal incidents
have left us without buyers.
It all seems mild
But it does make it rather unwelcoming.
But it's too nice a house
to just give up on, right?
I agree, but
I c-can probably handle it
if you're a-all with me
I w-won't be scared of ghosts
Here's what we'll do.
We'll check out the house
and see what we can do about it.
A fine idea.
I'm in!
I'll wait here and secure your escape route!
Take care, now!
Oh, she's not coming?
Well, let's go!
Would you mind watching
where you put your hands?
C-Can't help it
Rather tidy for a haunted house, isn't it?
It almost appears
to receive regular cleanings.
What was that?
W-We didn't do anything!
Is this what they call a poltergeist?
Get out
Get out
The ghost! The ghost is here!
Calm down! We're all here with you!
Get out
Get out!
Leave this to us!
One blast of destruction magic'll
make short work of that thing!
We'll use purification magic!
Let us begin!
Holy Circle!
Did it work?
Get out.
It's still alive!
It's not technically alive at all, you know.
It moved to the astral side
just before impact, I believe.
That's a pretty smart escape strategy!
Though there are spells
that'll hit her just as well there
But they would likely demolish
the house along with the spirit.
Shall we try it?
Could you find another way?
Get out already!
Careful, everyone!
Get out, get out!
Get out, get out!
Get out! Get out!
A thought occurs.
Does that spirit lack any means of attack?
I believe that spirit just said "erk."
Guess the cat's outta the bag.
There, there.
Get out!
Get out!
Get out!
Get out!
Get out already! Get out!
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
M-My clothing!
She harmed the ghost with a physical attack?
Kanade's fear reached its limit and
allowed the body to transcend the spirit!
Or something like!
Please, spare me!
Sacred Seal!
We used a barrier to sever
her astral side escape route.
No more runnin' for you!
Nothing to be afraid of now, dear.
Huh? What was I doing just now?
Thank goodness!
Are you ready to talk now?
You don't seem to be
a bad person er, spirit.
Time to pull out all the stops
I'm takin' that body!
What's goin' on?
I c-can't move
It's because I'm a beast tamer.
Eh? What's that got to do with it?
When I was little, a neighborhood man
told me about phantom taming.
An' then what?
Eh? That's the whole story.
That don't explain
how you can control us ghosts!
We hear you.
Well, maybe it's the fact that you've got
a more intact personality than most ghosts,
so maybe my words had more impact?
How should I know?
I ain't gonna be tamed
by a whippersnapper like you!
Hold still!
Fine, I give up.
Go on an' burn me up or boil me.
I'm Rein Shroud.
Who are you?
As I said, I just want to talk.
What a weirdo!
I'm Tina Holy.
I was a maid in another city,
but I kinda died,
round about thirty years ago,
and ended up here.
Then you weren't here the whole time?
Ain't like I'm bound to a single location.
I can move around pretty well.
And how, precisely, did you end up a ghost?
Hold it, Tania!
The guy who ran the mansion I worked
at was a real sadist pervo womanizer.
He even killed me!
Next thing I knew, I was a ghost.
Don't go askin' me to explain why!
What do you plan to do next, Tina?
There's a good question.
Since I can't drive you out,
I guess I better go myself.
Sorry about all the scares.
Kanade, are you still scared of Tina?
I am.
But if you're all with me,
we could maybe get along.
Thanks, Kanade.
All right, Tina.
Would you like to live here with us?
Eh? What're you sayin' that for?
I just said I'd clear out
Actually, having you here
really knocked down the price.
So you'd be a big help if you stayed!
Y-You think?
W-Well, if you insist
Hang on, you're just makin' excuses!
That's the kind of person Rein is.
You should accept his kindness.
But you really sure you want me around?
A ghost or two isn't a big deal
to Rein at this point
Just don't scare me by passing through
too many walls, okay?
Does being a maid make you a capable cook?
I would love to take lessons from you!
We'd love to have ya!
You can skip teachin' Sis
how to cook, though!
I'm not playing here.
I mean it, okay?!
N-Nice to meet you.
You mean
I look forward to living with you, Tina.
S-Same to you!
The contract is officially established.
That house officially belongs to you now!
You truly are exceptional.
You even integrated a ghost into your party!
Her name's Tina!
Right now, we're all working
on a housewarming party!
We should go do our part, too, Kanade.
Yeah, they asked us to do the shopping!
I hope we can count
on you further in the future.
Horizon is your home, after all!
Yeah we look forward to sticking around!
Here you go.
Thank you!
Might I have a moment, shopkeep?
Feel free—
The Hero?
I'll take a week's worth of rations.
And I'm afraid I'm short of funds,
so it'll have to be free.
But you'll be helping the Hero's party,
so I'm sure you'd be honored.
To aid the Hero is a duty given by God.
We welcome your assistance.
We don't have much choice, after all.
I'm terribly sorry,
but I don't have any merchandise
to spare for you.
Do you realize what you just said?
The Hero's party is on a journey to defeat
the Demon King and save the world!
Hero's party, my eye!
You didn't even do anything to save Horizon!
I beg your pardon.
You think a mere shopkeep
has the wherewithal to criticize
the Hero's lofty decision-making?
We don't need this rotten shop.
Arios, let's take our business else—
Don't waste your time! There's not
a shop here that will gift you provisions!
How dare you—
Pretty high and mighty for a guy
who hid out of fear of a demon.
As if they could ever
beat the Demon King!
They always seemed off to me.
Get off your high horse!
Learn a little humility!
Let's go.
But Arios, our provisions—
We're never coming back to this lousy town!
That beast tamer's
more of a Hero than you'll ever be!
Rein Shroud!
I will be the end of you!
They gave us so much!
It was a little awkward, but I appreciate it.
It did seem a little noisy
in the market, didn't it?
I'm sure everyone's just happy to be back!
Really? Glad to hear it.
Oh, I know!
Welcome home!
Yes, that's right
I'm home!
Tina and Runa made all this?
Sure did!
As a ghost, I can't really taste-test it,
but I made it how the recipe says,
so it oughta be fine.
Awesome! Awesome!
All thanks to my help!
I never knew you could cook.
There wasn't anyone in my home forest
better at cuttin' up veggies than me!
That's why it's me and not Sis
who'll be runnin' the kitchen!
Please let me run the kitchen!
Runa, I'd like to ask you
what you meant by that exactly
There's so much to eat that
I don't know where to start
Meat! The meat's all mine!
Where's the fish?!
You can't grow up big and strong
without a balanced diet!
I almost never get to eat fish!
Big and strong
You should both lay off those gross
clumps of fat! They're bad for you!
You know, Rein
What do you mean?!
Runa, I'd still like that explanation
Um well
Th-Thank you!
I'm really not alone now!
My home, my family, my town
On the day I lost them all,
a large hole opened in my heart.
The same was true for all of us.
Dunno what we'd have done without ya, Rein.
We're in this together!
You're all so lucky!
What are you saying now?
Yeah! You're not alone either, remember?
Oh, yeah?
Guess I'm not!
Now, get sittin' before it gets cold!
That's right! I'm pretty hungry!
Maybe becoming an independent adventurer
because traveling with
Arios's party didn't fill that void
is just a form of escapism.
But meeting them all
What is it, everyone?
Well Rein, you're
Right, I'm probably so hungry
it brought tears to my eyes!
Yeah, yeah! It's sad when you're hungry, huh?
I'm willing to share
some of my meat with you.
You must try my own home cooking, as well!
Rein! I'll hold her off,
so run while you can!
Let's eat together!
Yeah, yeah!
Eat as much as y'all want!
Okay, then!
Let's eat!
This is the story of the beast tamer
driven out of the Hero's party
who met an ultimate species cat girl
and forged a new set of bonds
or, at least, that's the story's prologue!
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