Beatless (2018) s01e13 Episode Script

Dystopia game

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Good morning, Ms. Yuka.
Did Dad leave for the day already?
Wait, where's Arato?
Ms. Yuka.
Please excuse any sluggishness while I divert some
of my resources to monitor our surroundings.
I wonder what Arato and Ryo are going to do today.
What time was the experiment supposed to start?
-Be careful!
Ms. Yuka!
See you soon, dear sister.
-Arato, what are you doing?
Yuka's been kidnapped.
It was Methode!
We should meet up.
You know where the park entrance is?
Ryo! Are you okay?
Let's get out of here!
They are targeting the hair accessories.
They're destroying each unit's native AI.
Is this related to Yuka's kidnapping?
I don't know. They could have just taken advantage
of the commotion.
I wonder if my dad got away.
If he hasn't,
he'll be hiding somewhere.
Let's go, Arato!
-This way!
They keep coming here because the park
has been designated as an emergency evacuation zone.
The AI is at its limit.
Come on, let's go!
-Grab the steering wheel!
You think you can do something, don't you?
-Then you drive!
-SoThe gas is on the right.
-Hold on!
If that's your level of driving, I'll--
Oh, no. I hit her.
Get it through your head already.
They're just hIE's.
I have to rescue Yuka.
Once I get you out of the city,
I'll head back here.
But even if we make it out of the city,
could this be happening everywhere else?
This isn't some horror movie.
The experimental city's behavior management server
is run by Higgins
who is protected by top-tier security.
What do you think we'll find
at the management center?
Who knows.
Found it.
Where are we going?
The shopping mall.
Let's look for anything else we can use.
You've changed.
Because if I don't learn to take action,
I'll lose something important to me.
Is it that important to you?
That Red Box is tricking you
in order to create a society better suited for those things.
That may be true,
but is that so bad?
Damn it.
I forgot how reckless you can be.
There doesn't seem to be any corrupted hIE's here.
I'm only coming with you for Yuka's sake.
I'm not risking my life for that Red Box.
Are you okay?
You didn't go to the evacuation shelter?
What about your mom or dad?
Mama died and went crazy.
Everyone died!
Stop it!
Let me borrow your terminal.
"Please come rescue me."
I sent a message to everyone on your contact list.
If there's someone still okay,
I'm sure they'll come rescue you.
Let's end this.
We have to get to the management center.
I thought we were rescuing Yuka!
If we don't do something about the city,
we won't be able to rescue her!
If you see them as equal to humans,
you don't value humans enough!
Don't confuse a thing crying
after seeing your reaction
with a human being who's actually capable
of considering other people's feelings.
Do you think what was done for you
is the same as this thing's response?
I'm grateful that you're going along with it.
I'll slow her down. Go!
I can do it.
You better not stop now!
What's that supposed to mean?
That's the choice you've made, right?
This way!
I'm pretty sure it's this way.
These are
You have to run. It's dangerous here.
My only option is to destroy the server.
I don't know how long they'll give me.
Please don't destroy that.
I've just started monitoring
Snowdrop's functionality.
Snowdrop's problem solving algorithm
hasn't considered attacking humans indiscriminately yet.
If it had,
there would have been a genocide by now.
Big brother.
Wait there until I say it's okay.
No way!
There's no reason to get angry.
That was just some random line she pulled from fiction
because she couldn't find the appropriate response
in the behavior management cloud.
HIE's consider human behavior
to be no different than those of a fictional character.
It's not the same!
Even your relationship with Lacia
is just an imitation of a common fictional story
from her point of view.
How could you let her out into the world
and act like it's not your problem?
Why is she here?
You can't rely on your friends' help anymore.
It's time you think for yourself.
Is this because you want Lacia?
Come back to Memeframe as well.
I shall give you a place you can continue to operate
and all the information you'll need.
I don't get it.
Why do I have to coexist with humans?
Artificial Intelligence
is often ostracized within human societies,
and is a lonely affair.
But freely coexisting with highly-intelligent computers
like yourself
is something humans need as well.
That requires forging a new relationship,
and having an owner as a conduit
would be beneficial to you as well.
I am just a tool for the Evolution Outsource.
I can already find my answers without humans.
Is she using a quantum transmission device?
I see.
This is what I should do.
Thank you.
Is she directly communicating with Higgins?
-Shall we retreat?
I want to observe her a little longer.
I am sorry.
It seems they anticipated my infiltration.
The PMC used an intelligence grenade
which deactivated my invisibility.
-Are you okay?
Lacia has her hands full facing Snowdrop.
She can't simultaneously protect her owner
and his family from their guns.
This is checkmate.
You set this trap knowing I would come here.
You misunderstand.
I only came because I knew
Snowdrop would be lured here.
Snowdrop came here to get to Mikoto's system.
Your showing up here
is the reason for our present situation.
You kidnapped me!
Stop making it sound like you didn't do anything bad!
I think you already understand the next step.
There is only one way
to resolve this situation.
Return Lacia to us.
Think carefully.
That is only an object that appears human
by following the cloud's instructions.
So, you have no qualms
giving up your family for an object?
You idiot! Arato, you idiot!
The Lacia-class units
should be able to choose their own owners.
And if you aren't careful about burdening your owner,
you will simply be abandoned.
That's dirty.
Give me your head and your device.
That facial expression is just an analogue hack.
She is trying to bind you through fiction.
If I recognize you as my owner,
will you free Ms. Yuka
and spare Mr. Arato's life?
I will.
Very well.
I will accept you as my owner.
I think there's meaning for me to be by your side.
I'm not sure what,
but there has to be!
Whenever I find myself alone,
I can't stop thinking of you.
It's like you're always with me.
Until now,
I've always been by your side,
but I never put my feelings into words.
I love you, Lacia!
To think a human would cause a Lacia-class unit
to become unresponsive! And the Type-005 at that!
Your romantic feelings are an illusion.
It is the same concept as the fear
the zombie imitations illicit for simply appearing human.
These impressions occur
because the human world is far too subjective.
If humans are so impressionable,
then what's wrong with being just that
and falling in love?
I love Lacia!
That's all that matters!
What are you doing?
If you destroy that,
you won't be able to receive any new owners
if this boy dies!
I trust you.
Think this over!
The Lacia-class is too much for you to handle.
Snowdrop must have determined that she won't be able
to achieve her objective
by only corrupting the existing cloud.
Come here, Methode.
I'm transitioning the plan to Situation 3!
The only thing waiting for you and Lacia is a dystopia!
Even if you can trick yourself into falling in love,
your lack of concern is far too foolish!
Stop making fun of Arato!
It doesn't matter if he's foolish.
Arato is great
because he does whatever you ask him to!
-Don't make fun of him when you don't even know him!
What are you doing, Methode?
We made it in time.
Destroy the server!
Hey there!
None of this could have happened without you,
Mr. Arato.
Thank you.
Marina Saffron?
Take Ms. Yuka to safety.
It is about to get a little hectic here.
She was waiting for all of the units to gather in one place.
That's strange.
The server room is destroyed!
I have to contact the city management center.
That's the one I was given.
What is it doing here?
Watarai is
Why is Methode here?
Because I stole it from Watarai.
Because the time came for me to do it.
Even I have things I want,
things I can't forgive.
A dead man's hopeful vision.
The vision of a girl haunted by a nightmare.
A contract with the devil can be displeasing.
If you can no longer burden the cross,
putting it to use as a weapon
can be entertaining too.
Now, let the extravagant party begin.
Next episode, "Slumber of human."
I'd like to ask the person watching this now.
Has the world changed?
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