Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Ye-bun really does take after Mi-ok.
Not only her looks
but also her personality.
So lively
and daring.
Mi-ok was exactly the same way.
And to think she broke your heart
by doing that to herself.
- Sir!
- Grandpa.
- Grandpa!
- Can you hear me?
What should we do first?
We have to plan the funeral
and rent mourning clothes.
Or should we contact people first?
I signed up for a funeral service agency.
Should I call them first?
I'll look into it.
How was Mr. Jung
when he was brought to the hospital?
He'd already lost a lot of blood
due to the stab wound in his heart.
He was also unconscious,
so he went into emergency surgery.
What's happening?
I don't think
you'll be able to hold
the funeral right away.
Why not?
They'll need to do an autopsy
to determine the cause of death.
And since the case is still open,
they'll need to
investigate more on Dr. Jung
as he's still the murder suspect.
But you can tell them he's innocent.
That my grandpa isn't the killer.
There's a procedure to follow.
I guess we can't help it then.
I don't want to leave my grandpa
where he doesn't know anyone.
I know what it is like to be alone.
I won't let him stay there for long.
Hello, I'm from the Violent Crimes Unit
at Mujin Police Station.
What do you mean, Parkinson's disease?
Mr. Jung Ui-hwan's disease
had progressed to stage three.
When he first came to our hospital,
he had hand tremors and rigidity.
He had trouble keeping his balance,
and he couldn't walk properly.
We slowed down
the progress with medication,
but I'm sure he had
a lot of discomfort in his daily tasks.
Would it have been hard for him
to hold things if he had hand tremors?
It was hard for him to even hold a pen
because he was
in the early stage of rigidity.
Then are you saying
that he couldn't have been
able to hold a weapon?
That is my medical opinion.
Do you think an elderly man
with Parkinson's disease
can stab a man in his twenties
dozens of times?
The old man couldn't move fast,
let alone walk properly.
So how could he have attacked
the victim who was on a motorcycle?
And how could someone
who couldn't even hold onto a pen
dump a 52 kg woman into the sea?
I don't think any of that is possible.
What if Assemblyman Cha Ju-man's murder
is unrelated to all the other cases?
Compared to the other victims,
his wounds are much more well-aimed.
It might not be
the work of the same killer.
The killer must have evolved
along the way.
We found that the wounds of the victims
got more meticulous with each murder,
although slightly.
There's only one killer.
It's the same guy.
So are you saying
that Assemblyman Cha
is also a victim of the serial killer
and that Mr. Jung isn't the killer?
Mr. Jung Ui-hwan
didn't kill Assemblyman Cha.
He was a witness who was killed
by the serial killer and framed.
But we can't ignore
that Mr. Jung had the motive
to kill Assemblyman Cha.
To avenge his daughter.
A motive that can't be ignored.
That's exactly what this guy
is trying to play us with!
He's starting to have fun now.
He'll be killing more people
and won't need any reason to kill anymore.
We can't play his game!
I rented the mourning clothes.
You can ask an employee for them.
I also scheduled the departure
for the procession and burial.
You can have a look and discuss it more
with the hospital staff.
And you'd need a funeral portrait.
See if you can find
a nice picture of your grandfather.
There probably isn't any.
He didn't like taking pictures.
He hated taking pictures.
When did he go
and have his funeral portrait taken?
Hey, Gwang-sik.
Come sit over here.
You're here early.
- Yeah.
- We are.
So you came with him.
- Hello.
- Yes.
Of course,
we're like two halves of a whole.
By the way,
when's the wedding going to be?
If Dr. Jung were alive,
he would have gladly
officiated your wedding.
Dr. Jung!
Dr. Jung!
Come now.
You can't break down like this.
You're grieving the family even more.
I know this is inconsiderate of me,
but I just can't stop crying.
When I first moved here,
everyone gave me dirty looks
because I was a shaman.
Dr. Jung was the only one
who treated me like a normal person.
He was such a good person.
it's such a relief
that he cleared his name.
It's already tragic
that he passed away like that.
Imagine he was framed too.
Come on,
who here suspected him in the first place?
So what's going to happen now?
I heard the case will be reinvestigated.
Why are you getting up?
I should get going.
I have to repair
the milking machine early tomorrow.
Let's go.
But I'm not done eating yet.
Just get up.
What's the hurry?
We have to go.
- All right.
- See you.
- Take care.
- Bye.
Kim Seon-woo isn't here.
You're here, Detective Moon.
Are you here by yourself?
Where's Kim Seon-woo?
I'm not sure.
I haven't seen him all day.
Is that so?
To be honest with you,
I can't explain right now
why Kim Seon-woo is the serial killer.
But it will be revealed soon.
So you want us
to keep an eye on him until that happens?
I won't lose him this time.
You've been up to something without me?
Detective Na.
I'm counting on you.
Yes, sir.
He's changed a lot
since he first came here.
How so?
At first, he was a douchebag.
But now he's just a bag, so to speak.
I just can't
understand my father.
If he thought Ju-man harmed Mi-ok
from the beginning,
why did he stick by him like that?
It would have been tough
trying to prove
that Mi-ok didn't kill herself.
And it would have been even tougher
to prove that Cha Ju-man killed her.
That's probably why
he stayed close to his side.
He must have investigated
the redevelopment cases
and looked for things
to hold against him to bring him down.
He must have been living in hell
all those years.
He was keeping all that pain to himself
and even got sick.
But he never said a word about it
to me or Ye-bun.
He was probably trying to protect you two.
He must have wanted
to take on the painful burden
of revenge by himself
so you and Ye-bun could live in peace.
I understand him.
My poor father.
What are you doing here?
You should get some sleep.
I'm okay.
Shouldn't you eat something?
You haven't eaten all day.
I've been thinking…
about why I acquired…
this power.
And I think…
my mom gave it to me…
so I could understand my grandpa.
I never…
used my power on him.
I didn't even know he was sick.
All this time,
I thought he hated me.
But I was the one
who turned my back on him.
I should've touched him sooner.
I should have tried to understand him.
Yes, Detective Na.
Kim Seon-woo isn't home?
- He's not at the workshop either.
- He quit his job too.
His things are still here,
so it doesn't seem like he ran.
He might have made it
look like that on purpose.
He's a smart guy.
What happens if he really did run away?
Then we'll have a mad dog out there.
There's nothing we can do
since Cha Ju-man died.
But I think it's only right
to give you
what your grandfather left behind.
I added to what your grandfather
had investigated.
With that, you'll have no trouble
revealing what kind of things
Cha Ju-man had been up to.
All you have to decide
is whether you want to or not.
There have been allegations
that the late Assemblyman Cha Ju-man
had been involved in a speculation scheme
regarding Mujin's redevelopment plans.
It has been revealed that he accumulated
immense wealth through this scheme
and that there was a mysterious death
in the process, causing an uproar.
The prosecution plans to launch
a full investigation,
including a search and seizure and summons
based on the obtained evidence.
From now on, the Major Crimes Division
will investigate the serial killing.
So don't get in their way
with your bullcrap sense of justice.
No, scratch that.
You have the face of a troublemaker.
I forbid your unit
from gathering in one place at all.
We can't do our jobs and help people
without gathering in one place though.
Why not?
Just do it online!
Still, that's not right.
You think so?
Would you rather
I kick a sinkhole into your knees?
What did the chief say?
It's just as we expected.
The Major Crimes Division
is taking on the serial killer case.
We are to focus on protecting
people's livelihoods.
But you know…
A serial killer is a threat
to people's livelihoods, isn't it?
If life and death aren't
part of livelihood, then what is?
Listen up.
From now on,
our strategy is ELIS.
Externally livelihoods,
internally serial killing.
We protect people's livelihoods
while looking into the serial killing.
Hey, that's too tight.
Were they able to track
Kim Seon-woo's phone?
No. It's been off since last night.
Check his credit card history too.
Yes, sir.
Let it pass.
No credit card transactions.
Something's definitely fishy.
He's not using his phone or card
as if he's determined not to get caught.
What if he's left Mujin completely?
Secure the security camera footage
of Mujin Terminal.
Yes, sir.
You're here again?
You must be tired.
I'm fine.
I can't seem to fall asleep, same as you.
Let's go in.
Come here.
Eat while there aren't any guests.
I'm fine. I don't have an appetite.
That doesn't matter.
You should still eat regularly.
I'm sorry.
I really don't feel like it.
I don't think she's eaten a single meal
since her grandfather passed away.
I'm starting to get worried.
Come with me.
I asked Ok-hui,
and she said you liked this.
You have to eat
to have energy for the funeral.
Touch me.
You probably won't see clearly.
You said the memories are low quality
and blurry when you're not feeling well.
We can't catch the killer that way.
What happened to your grandfather
isn't your fault.
It's the killer's.
Don't blame yourself.
Eat up.
Eat this
and help me catch
whoever did this to your grandfather.
The departure is at daybreak, right?
I'll be here early.
You don't have to do that.
I want to.
Eat well and get enough sleep
so we can catch the killer.
Thank you
for clearing my grandfather's name.
Maybe he really is the killer.
Why else would he disappear
right after the incident?
How many times did I tell you
that something was fishy about him?
But you kept talking nonsense
about aliens and psychics.
How could I have believed you
without any evidence?
What if a mad dog really is out there,
just like Detective Moon said?
If Kim Seon-woo is the killer,
his final target
would have been Cha Ju-man.
Now he wouldn't need to
kill anymore, don't you think?
What if this is the beginning?
He's already killed people
who weren't his target.
He could keep killing random people
for the same reason he killed the others.
You're so pessimistic about everything.
I was trying to be positive.
What's there to be positive
about a serial killing?
All right.
Then he'll keep killing more people,
and you and I will get fired.
You'll become a housewife
and chase after
your husband's lovers all the time.
Sounds great.
Detective Moon, let's think positively.
If we're sure
that Kim Seon-woo fled Mujin,
then we should tell
the Major Crimes Division.
Finding and stopping him comes first.
There's not much going on here either.
Yes, I'll be joining you guys soon…
I'm sorry.
Kim Seon-woo is here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm not even dressed properly.
Have you eaten yet?
I've been away to look for my mom.
They found an unidentified body
that resembled her.
It's always been like this.
I run over, thinking that this time
it could really be my mom.
And every time, it's not her.
But I still can't seem to give up.
Whether it was
a psychiatric hospital or a morgue,
I ran over as soon as I heard
they had someone who resembled her.
"What did my mom and I…
do so wrong?"
"Who should I blame?"
That's when I met Assemblyman Cha.
My family was living in misery,
but he was smiling.
I wanted to kill him.
But once I got here,
I didn't know what to do.
"Would killing him
bring my mom back?"
"Would killing this asshole…
make my life any better?"
He's finally dead.
But nothing's changed.
I still don't have my mom with me,
and my life…
hasn't gotten any better.
It will
get better now.
What are you doing here?
I'm on a walk.
You came all the way here on a walk?
Yes, I sleep less and less as I get older.
I started walking, and I ended up here.
Why are you still up?
It's late.
I'm throwing out the trash.
I'll take care of this for you.
No, I'm good.
It's no problem.
- I'll throw…
- Come on…
Oh, no.
Look what happened.
I'm so sorry.
Your pants got dirty.
I'll brush the dust off for you.
It got all over here.
My goodness, it's all dirty.
I'll get going now.
Ae-ran is waiting for me.
See you.
- Detective Moon.
- Yes?
- I have something to tell you.
- What is it?
Someone tried to kill
Assemblyman Cha recently.
Assemblyman Cha?
Who did?
It was the shaman.
- The shaman?
- Yes.
A few days before Assemblyman Cha died,
I saw the shaman
go into Assemblyman Cha's office
with a knife in his hand.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I even touched his leg
just now to be sure.
I'm certain of it.
Did you see his memories
on the day of the murder?
No, I didn't see that much.
I just saw him follow Assemblyman Cha
into his office with a rose knife.
And behind him was…
What was behind him?
Is what you just said true?
- That's--
- I didn't ask you.
Did you really witness it?
What are you doing?
What are you looking for?
What's going on?
I don't know.
The knife isn't here.
Do you recognize this knife?
Yes. It's…
Where did you put it?
Excuse me?
Mr. Park Jong-bae.
You're under arrest as the suspect
for the murders of Cha Ju-man
and Jung Ui-hwan.
Wait, but…
So did the shaman kill
Assemblyman Cha and Dr. Jung?
What were you doing
on the night of November 1?
What did I do that day?
What did I…
I don't remember.
Do you want me to remind you?
You went to Cha Ju-man's office
to kill him, didn't you?
There's a witness who saw you that day.
A witness?
I saw him going into the office…
He said you were holding a knife.
The same knife as this.
It is the same one, but…
After you failed that day,
you went back there
and killed him, didn't you?
No, it wasn't me.
What were you doing
on the night of the murder?
I don't know.
You don't know? So you've got no alibi.
Then where's the knife from that day?
You don't know that either?
You killed Assemblyman Cha
and put the knife in Mr. Jung's hand!
No, I didn't.
Then where is this knife?
I threw it away.
You threw it away?
What happens if they can't find the knife?
That would mean that the knife
Dr. Jung was holding at the scene
belongs to the shaman.
Because the shaman's knife
wasn't at his house.
It's quite ironic.
If they find the knife,
the shaman's innocent.
And if they don't,
it means he's the killer.
And that would mean
that Kim Seon-woo wasn't the killer.
We've been working in vain.
It's not the shaman.
It doesn't fit with our deduction.
He went there with a weapon to kill him.
The fact is indisputable.
There's something more reliable.
If this is about
that psychic nonsense again--
I'm telling you the truth.
The shaman's alibi has already been proven
in the previous victims' cases.
Okay, so by who?
By Dr. Bong.
She has the ability
to see other people's past.
It's called psychometry.
Detective Moon!
- Oh, come on.
- I'm sorry.
Goodness gracious.
Detective Moon is right.
I can see people's past
by touching their butts.
That's absurd.
You spied on
your husband's lover illegally.
But that's no news, is it?
Dr. Bong, I feel like you've lost it a bit
since you started hanging out
with Detective Moon.
You went to a motel in Seoul
with my aunt and wore handcuffs.
I didn't wear handcuffs.
I believe you completely.
No, I'm good.
Go over there.
It's true that Mr. Park
was at the office with a knife.
But he didn't go inside.
I stopped him,
and we left together with the knife.
Why didn't you tell me that sooner?
I didn't tell you
because nothing happened in the end.
Then do you know why the shaman
tried to kill Assemblyman Cha?
Mr. Park…
So the shaman
had the same motive as Kim Seon-woo.
Mr. Park really isn't the killer.
We don't know that.
If he returned home with the knife
that day as you said,
it should've been there in his house.
But it wasn't.
And he's unable to prove his alibi
for the day of the murder.
Don't be so quick to side with him.
I'm saying that Mr. Park
isn't the one who killed my grandpa.
I wasn't making a quick judgment.
I want to catch the killer
more than anyone.
But I don't want an innocent person
to get hurt in the process.
Let me…
touch Mr. Park's butt.
Let me see him.
Wait, so…
All we have to do is let you see him?
"I'm working late today."
"I think he's the killer,
but there's no murder weapon."
There's no weapon yet.
How did you know that?
I can read what he's typing
by looking at where his fingers are
on the keyboard.
"I ordered ox bone soup for dinner."
"Don't wait up."
"Smiley face. Heart."
Oh, give me a break.
Where did you learn to do that?
I figured it out on my own
while spying on my husband.
He never calls his lover
when he's at home.
They text.
- It won't take long.
- "It won't take long."
"I'll question him all night
and find out."
You can hear him?
Of course not. I read his lips.
My husband always calls his lover
when he takes out the trash.
I'm getting annoyed again.
Who's the psychic here?
He said he'd question him,
so I bet the shaman's
in the interrogation room.
How do we sneak in there?
If we go in there and get caught,
we'll all be fired.
Ox bone soup.
He said he ordered ox bone soup.
These cheaters have been getting
more and more careful.
They don't open their doors
unless I'm disguised to this extent.
This is amazing.
I kind of get why your husband is cheating
now that I'm seeing you like this.
- This is just amazing.
- Thank you, sir.
We combed through the mountain,
but there was no knife.
You can't clear your name
unless it's found.
There's no other knife, is there?
The one found at the scene
is yours, isn't it?
It really isn't.
Ox bone soup delivery.
- Put it here.
- Yes, sir.
I'll do it. You can go.
It's included in the price.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
I'm such a klutz.
I'll give you a sausage for free.
Dr. Bong.
Detective Moon.
What do I do?
For goodness' sake.
You're the one in charge
of the serial killer case, right?
You're Detective Kang.
Yes, I am.
I'm the captain
of the Violent Crimes Unit.
We've been investigating
this case until now.
I know.
I've been meaning to talk to you about
something extremely important.
What is it?
To tell you the truth,
I'm very sensitive to cold.
What does that have to do with anything?
This is frustrating.
You see, I'm sensitive to cold.
All right.
Then let's talk some other time
at a warmer place.
Hold on.
What he means
is that he's prepared to hang up
his uniform over telling you this.
It's a phrase used in Chungcheong-do
during the winter.
What is this about?
From now on, you are
two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.
Excuse me?
The only way for you now is up.
So what is it you want to tell me?
Do you go to church?
Church? Why are you asking me that?
He wants to know if he can trust you.
So what is it that you want to tell me?
Just get to the point.
Mr. Park, listen carefully
to what I'm about to say.
I told you about my special power, right?
I'm actually psychic.
What do you mean?
I can see people's past
by touching their butts.
So I have to touch your butt right now.
Whether you believe me or not,
this is the only way
to save you right now.
- What?
- Hurry. We don't have much time.
Like this?
Mr. Park.
Is this it?
No. This is the other night.
I don't have time for this.
The night of the murder…
You moron! Do you have a death wish?
You're late, Mr. Kim.
It wasn't me, right?
- No.
- See?
I really am innocent.
Detective Moon,
please tell them it wasn't me.
They won't believe me.
Then what am I supposed to do?
You met Seon-woo that day, right?
Yes, I did.
We were supposed to meet
at his workshop that day.
Tell that to the detective.
Then your alibi will check out.
Why are you miming golf
and not saying anything?
What is this?
He's saying you swung and missed today.
You've offended him,
so he's not going to tell you.
Detective, I remembered something.
I met someone on the day of the murder.
He almost died
- while jaywalking that night.
- You moron!Do you have a death wish?
The driver cursed the crap out of him.
When was that?
Do you remember the time?
Let's see.
That was…
We had just finished
making bean-powder rice cakes,
so it would have been around eight.
Yes, that's right.
Mr. Park and I were to meet
at my workshop that night.
He was sleeping on the couch
when I arrived.
Do you remember what time it was?
It was around nine.
Dr. Bong.
It must have been tough. Have some tofu.
Could you actually make me
a stew with this instead?
I'm craving spicy food
after a rough night.
Just eat it.
So that you don't come back here.
Thank you so much, Dr. Bong.
I remembered meeting Mr. Kim,
thanks to you.
To think I almost went to prison
on false charges.
But how did you not remember that?
This all happened so fast
that I was out of it and scared.
Plus, I wasn't sure if I really met him
because I was half-asleep at the time.
Was there anything strange
about him that night?
About Mr. Kim?
Not really.
I see.
Come to think of it,
he was a bit late.
How late?
We were supposed to meet at 8:30,
but he showed up around nine.
Why was he late?
I don't know.
It's a 30-minute walk
from his workplace to the workshop.
We were supposed to meet at 8:30,
but he showed up around nine.
That leaves an extra 30 minutes.
Did he stop by somewhere?
Kim Seon-woo
left the convenience store at eight.
If he had stopped by here,
it would have been 8:20.
It's 8:50.
But he arrived at nine.
Ten minutes is enough time
to kill both Cha Ju-man and Dr. Jung.
What are you doing here?
On the night of the murder,
you were to meet Mr. Park
at your workshop, right?
You met him at nine, correct?
It probably was.
But you left
the convenience store at eight.
It's a 30-minute walk to the workshop,
but you met Mr. Park at nine.
That leaves an extra 30 minutes.
Did you stop by
Cha Ju-man's office or something?
That does fit the time frame perfectly.
Am I wrong?
You're right.
That night,
I walked Dr. Jung
to Assemblyman Cha's office.
He seemed to have trouble walking.
Usually, it takes 20 minutes
to get to Cha Ju-man's office
from the convenience store.
You probably know that already.
Dr. Jung had an especially hard time
walking that night,
so it took ten extra minutes.
And that's why it was nine
when I arrived here.
So why didn't you mention that?
You're already suspecting me.
Would you have believed me
if I had told you I was there that night?
You would have pinned me as the killer
one way or another.
I'll believe
what you just said.
But there's one thing I need you to do.
What is it?
Sitting on The Butt of Truth?
Why do you want me to sit there so badly?
Could it be…
that my assumption is correct?
Are you going to make Dr. Bong
touch my butt?
That's a great guess.
Or did you know about it
from the beginning?
I wondered why the two of you
were hanging out together.
"Is she helping Detective Moon
with some kind of investigation?"
"But why butts of all places?"
It makes no sense.
I'll let you in on a secret.
I have a special power.
Who would have known
that Dr. Bong can perform psychometry
to figure out who the killer is
by touching butts?
How smart of you.
And that means
you obviously won't accept my offer.
I'll do it.
Dig through my past
all you want.
It's okay, Dr. Bong.
I'm sorry.
Dr. Jung, are you okay?
Do you need help?
Going up.
Be careful, sir.
Thank you.
You're late, Mr. Kim.
I told you that I'm not selling it.
If we build a resort on your land…
I'll give you two million won per pyeong.
Then let me have a talk with Gwang-sik.
You have to take this call.
- Who is it?
- The representative of the Central Party.
Hello, Cha Ju-man speaking.
Seon-woo was telling the truth.
He walked my grandpa there and left.
And I took a look
at the night of the meteor shower too.
He was by the pillar
but not at the location
Gwang-sik told us about.
And he left the barn
a little before the meteor shower.
Seon-woo's not psychic,
nor is he the killer.
Maybe he used some kind of power
to manipulate what you saw.
Neither Gwang-sik nor I have
that kind of ability.
If it's not Kim Seon-woo,
then who could it be?
I don't have a suspect anymore.
Where did I go wrong?
Were they perhaps separate killings
and not part of a serial murder?
The stab wounds have gotten neater,
but that just means he's evolving.
It's clear that he stabbed them
with his eyes closed.
He couldn't have found that place
unless he was psychic.
He definitely used psychometry
on Bong Ye-bun.
In any case, my theory still stands.
This is definitely a serial murder case,
and the killer is psychic.
Are you going out?
I'm going on a house call.
Why don't you take a few days off?
Grandpa wouldn't have taken
any days off, would he?
Of course not.
See you later.
Dr. Bong.
How did you know my number?
It was on the business card
you gave me a while ago.
This is my number.
Are you going on a house call?
How did you know?
There are a lot you can find out
without having to touch butts.
I'll get going then.
Can I ask you something?
You didn't let me touch you last time
because you knew I was psychic.
Why did you let me touch you this time?
Back then,
I didn't want you to find out
that I was having bad thoughts.
You thought I was a good person,
so I didn't want to disappoint you.
Dr. Bong!
Come and have some fruit.
Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- It's nothing.
Should you be working so soon
after what happened?
If I take a break,
who will take care of the animals?
The cows seem to like you so much.
Is it because you're psychic?
Excuse me?
Gwang-sik actually told me.
He doesn't keep anything from me.
I heard you have the same power as him.
I do.
This is where I first got my power.
There was a meteor shower
while I was treating Geumsil.
Can you see what people are thinking too?
I can only see what happened in the past.
Then would you be able to help me
find something I lost?
Something you lost?
Gwang-sik bought me a gold ring,
but I can't remember
where I put it at all.
I can't bring myself
to tell Gwang-sik that I lost it.
So I've been turning down his offer
to massage my legs these days.
I'd love to help.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
Why are you trying to touch her butt?
I'm sorry.
Why are you so upset?
We were just goofing around.
There's no time to goof around!
Dr. Bong is busy working.
Don't bother her and go inside. Go.
Were you on a house call?
You should have called me.
Seon-woo gave me a ride.
So you think it's safe
to get closer with him now?
It's not like that.
What's wrong? Did something happen?
It's just that Gwang-sik
was acting a bit strange.
What did he do?
He didn't let me touch Ae-ran's butt.
Could there be something
he doesn't want me to see?
Of course!
They're a new couple.
Everything you see
would have been R-rated.
Is that why?
if it's not Mr. Park or Seon-woo,
who could it be?
The silhouette Gwang-sik saw.
He's the third psychic and the killer.
So why can't you tell who that is?
I know you have a keen eye.
I didn't see it.
It's something Gwang-sik saw
when he touched my leg and…
What is it now?
What if the killer
isn't the third psychic?
No, what if there is no third psychic?
What? Explain so I can understand.
What if
everything Gwang-sik said was a lie?
What if there are only two psychics
and that silhouette never existed?
What if everything we've done so far
was dictated by what Gwang-sik told us?
From what I saw,
he reached about here.
Yes, he seemed to reach about here.
So he's taller than me
- but shorter than Detective Moon.
- He was the one
- He's definitely on the slim side.
- who saw the silhouette
and estimated the killer's height.
By doing so, he cleverly got himself
off the suspect list.
He does seem similar
to the silhouette I saw.
He was also the one
who accused Kim Seon-woo…
I saw the shaman…
- …and the shaman of being the killer.
- with a knife in his hand.
What if…
we've been played by him
this whole time?
- Oh, you're badly hurt.
- Don't touch me!
- Gwang-sik, I'll be in touch!
- Ae-ran!
He also held a deeper grudge
against Ji-suk than anyone.
Jeon Gwang-sik is psychic.
Jeon Gwang-sik knows
Bong Ye-bun is psychic.
Jeon Gwang-sik
hides his crimes from Bong Ye-bun
by keeping his eyes closed.
Does this mean…
Jeon Gwang-sik is the serial killer?
Please be on your way.
I was going to.
I have a lot of deliveries to make.
Can I help you?
I'm here to deliver milk.
Don't bring it anymore.
There's no one to drink it anyway.
Is that so?
We just had another murder.
The murder weapon
should still be in the house.
He could have thrown it out at daybreak.
I'm going to go check on something.
Track Jeon Gwang-sik's location for me.
Excuse me.
You're making me
suspect you all over again.
The serial killer is psychic too.
Then you don't know
exactly what kind of power he has?
I might be the killer's next target.
Bong Ye-bun's in danger.
Who's there?
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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