Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Open the door!
Open the door!
Who's it going to be, me or her?
Jae-hui, I'll get you out.
What the hell? There's a fire.
You don't think…
No, it can't be. Let's go.
-It's too dangerous.
-I have to save Jae-hui.
Jae-hui. Come on, please.
Mr. Nam.
If something happened to you too, I'd…
Mr. Nam.
Mr. Nam.
Wake up, Mr. Nam.
Who's the pretty girl?
But why are you here
and not inside Han-jun's room?
I've never seen Han-jun like that before.
What? What did he look like?
Han-jun is the most cool-headed person
I've ever known, but back there,
he looked like he couldn't see
or hear anything,
other than Detective Han.
It seemed that way.
-I think I'd be like that too.
I think I'll die without you now.
you better not die before me.
I'm going to chase you down
to the end of the afterworld and kill you.
Don't worry.
I won't go anywhere. I'm going to stick
to you like this for the rest of my life.
Same here.
Are you awake?
I was afraid I'd dreamed I rescued you.
I'm so glad it wasn't.
Were you that scared that I might die?
I promised Jae-jeong
I'd protect you.
Are you trying to tell me that you
think of me as your little sister again?
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I tend to overreact.
And I scare easily.
That's why…
I might run again. Because I'm afraid
I might lose someone I care for again.
But I realized something today.
Even if I run,
I'll end up coming back to you in the end.
Could you wait for me a little?
After I catch Gopuri
and get Jae-jeong's permission,
I'll give you my entire heart.
Don't pull away.
So what if the evidence was there?
Do you think you have nine lives?
What's going on?
I'm a detective
and there was a ton of evidence there.
-Next time, just walk straight past it.
-I think it's Han-jun.
-Save yourself first, got it?
-Those idiots.
-I stayed here,
-to give them the space,
-and they're staging a soap opera instead.
Nam Han-jun!
-Jeez, you startled me.
When on earth are you going to grow up?
I'm sure he will, someday. Come on.
-Hey, I'm your big brother.
-"Big brother"? Thanks for bringing it up.
But if you want me to treat you like my
big brother, then start acting like one.
-All that "love yourself" crap, and--
Aren't you being too harsh
on your brother? Come on, he's hurt…
What? Now that I think about it,
I'm hurt too.
And don't talk like that to my girl.
I mean, my sister.
Your sister? How's she your sister?
She's Mr. Nam's sister.
Why are you yelling at him
when he's done nothing wrong?
-Hey. Are you my sister, or his?
-My goodness.
Him. His sister.
After all I've done to raise you.
Why are you being so hard on her?
What are you suddenly throwing a fit for?
"Fit"? I'm not having a fit.
And you didn't pay me the rent last month.
-The rent.
Are you crazy? Jeez.
It's okay.
Ma'am, you scared us half to death
when we heard the news.
You were admitted yesterday.
Is it okay for you to go home already?
I only breathed in a little smoke.
I'm perfectly fine.
Damn it, this is all Gu Tae-su's fault.
That scumbag.
I'm the one hurt.
Why isn't anyone asking how I am?
I heard you saved Ms. Han.
-Wow. I didn't know you had it in you.
-I know, right?
It's the unimpressive ones
you need to watch out for.
You certainly are amazing.
Your words seem
to have some thorns in them.
Never mind. What about Gu Tae-su?
What happened to him?
We're working with the local precinct
to chase him down,
but I think it'll be hard to catch him.
I can't believe Gu Tae-su tried
to kill an officer, that bastard.
When I get my hands on him,
I'm going to snap his neck and rip out--
Mr. Jang.
We did get evidence.
I wasn't sure until now, but Gu Tae-su
really is Lim Yeong-ju.
Wait. Do you know him?
How do you have this picture?
He was the suspect
in my first murder case.
But he must have been a kid then.
A murder suspect?
He didn't have it easy.
I'm your father.
You better damn well listen to me.
Come here.
You think you can ignore me?
Damn it, listen to me when I tell you
to do something. Okay?
Lim Yeong-ju's father was an alcoholic.
Go and get the things I told you to.
His mother had run away already,
leaving that little kid alone
with his father.
Though he hardly deserved to be called
that, his father was drunk all the time,
cursing at him, hitting him,
and sending him to get more liquor.
He didn't take care of the kid at all.
He didn't even send him to school.
And then it happened.
I'm sorry, Dad. Please, don't hurt me.
Those eyes.
You're exactly like your mother.
You think your father's a loser, right?
You bastard. Just die.
You're going to die today, that's right.
You're dead. Just die.
You little…
He should have stopped there,
but he set the place on fire and ran,
knowing his father was still alive.
I'm sure there were plenty of chances
to reform him. So why…
He didn't have anyone around to teach him.
Since he was was a murder suspect,
people must've been scared of him.
So Lim Yeong-ju's been missing ever since?
I've kept asking around about him,
but he didn't go
to his relatives or his mother.
This is the last picture his mother took
with him before she left.
So that's why he put those white shoes
on the victim.
We need to find out
what happened to him since then.
There must have been an accomplice.
Yes and Auntie Im could be that person.
It's Na-dan.
-Hey, Na-dan.
-Hey, aren't we going to open the café?
-Did we close down?
-What is it?
-Did you not open the café?
I'll get going first.
Where are you off to?
Shall we get going too?
Are you okay?
Of course.
I'm so glad you're okay.
I've unlocked Gu Tae-su's laptop
and found this weird picture.
Do Jun-ha, and…
Han Jae-jeong.
It's my brother's name.
Jeez, that's creepy.
It's like old Korean ghost stories.
He wrote down the names of the people
he was going to kill on the gopuri cloth
and took pictures of it? Jeez.
But there's more.
Gu Tae-su also has folders
of everyone's sex videos.
It's a two-person system.
Auntie Im makes the prophecies,
and Gu Tae-su makes them come true by
blackmailing people and calling in favors.
And when her prophecies came true,
people's faith in her would have grown.
So that's how she got those people
in the top one percent as her clients?
Hey, wait.
This place,
doesn't it look like a dance club?
N.Joy Club.
This place is really hot these days.
Celebrities, conglomerate heirs…
Anyone who has money
and likes to party gather there.
Those initials in the file names
might be for the N.Joy Club.
The dividends that the cartel members
received were from this club.
-Ms. Han, are you okay?
-I heard you got hurt.
-I'm fine.
She's fine, except that
she couldn't catch Gu Tae-su.
No need to worry.
I was talking to Ms. Han, not you.
The source of the Joyce Partners'
dividends. Great.
Good job. Very nice.
How good does business
have to be to give back to the investors
100 times what they put in?
Do all the young people in Korea
go to this club?
There's a rumor that drugs
are being dealt in N.Joy Club.
And that money is being laundered
and handed out as investment returns?
Narcotics trafficking is a felony.
Can't we just round them up on that?
They could claim
the club had nothing to do with it.
Then we'd only end up
with a few bottom-feeders.
We need actual proof,
not just circumstantial evidence.
Why don't we go undercover
to see if it's true?
What? You would go undercover?
Why? You don't think it'll work?
That's a great idea.
It's getting late,
so let's wrap it up for today.
We'll go undercover tomorrow
and collect anything we can use as proof.
How do you know about N.Joy?
I'll take her.
I'll take her since you were injured too.
Come on, I said I'll do it.
You're going to drive with that hand?
Go get some rest.
It's just a bandage, okay? I'll take her.
I'll do it.
-You go in and rest.
I live so close by.
Why would I take a car home?
I'll just walk and get some exercise.
I'll go for a walk as exercise too.
Drive home safely in that car of yours.
Mr. Cha.
-What are you doing?
-Cheer up.
You'll find somebody too.
He's right. Mr. Cha.
Good luck and call me
if you need me to set you up.
Give me your hand.
This is in the opposite direction
from my apartment.
All roads are the same.
Let's just take a more interesting one,
even if it takes more time.
Well, going slow isn't so bad.
It's just nice to see you smile.
I wondered how you were doing
and worried too.
If you were so worried,
you should have let me visit you in jail.
Why did you always send me away?
The three of us are going
to put everything behind us
and start over in the United States.
So even if Jang-mi comes,
don't meet with her.
This is the last favor I'm asking you
as Jae-jeong's mother.
I'd hoped you'd forget everything bad
that'd happened and have a normal life.
You should've just let yourself forget.
Then you'd have
seen nicer things like you're
doing now, and laughed more.
Have you ever regretted
becoming a police officer?
Do you regret becoming a shaman
to catch Gopuri?
No, I don't.
I told you, I'd do anything
to catch the killer.
And you know, the money's good.
Plus, it kind of suits me.
You, though…
I happen to be very happy and energetic.
I do regret it sometimes.
I regret how stupid I was
to fixate on Gopuri,
and how I doubted
and hated you even for a little while.
Now that I think back,
I have a lot of regrets.
I'm very glad
that I came back to Korea
and became a police officer
and met you again.
Gosh, I'd better catch Gopuri quick.
That way, you and I can be
like any other normal couple in love,
taking walks, eating out,
and going on dates.
I'll think about it when we catch Gopuri.
Wait. I thought we were going to go out
after we catch Gopuri.
I don't think I ever promised
anything like that.
So I misconstrued things on my own?
All right. Then promise me now.
Come on.
Hurry up and stamp your thumb.
Jeez, my heart nearly dropped.
Yes, they startled me too.
-They did?
But doesn't Han-jun hate crowded places?
Did love change him?
Or was he like that all along?
Maybe it's love.
Why do you have your eyes closed?
I got dust in them.
I see.
That can't be them, can it?
What? Do you know them?
No, just some strangers.
I heard there are boats here
during the day.
I saw them earlier, floating around.
Let's go.
Mr. Shaman, I'm here.
Mr. Shaman. Wait, stop.
What the hell?
-Unbelievable. Who the heck is it?
-Lee Min-gyeong, jeez.
You're such a pain, Jin-sang.
Move your car already.
-Why? I got here first.
-I'm going to miss Mr. Shaman.
-Mr. Shaman? Really?
-Hurry up. Come on.
-Come on!
-Nothing goes right when I'm with you.
The entrance is that way.
Be careful.
And you get a hold of yourself.
-Shall we?
Oops. I'm okay.
Go ahead, miss.
Thank you.
All right. Let's go.
I've never been here before.
-Hey, I don't know who that is.
Damn it, come here.
I knew you'd get us stopped.
Where the hell did
you even find these clothes?
What? You told me to dress fancy
for parties like these.
You don't think they stopped us
because of my outfit, do you?
This is so embarrassing.
Come on, give me your hand.
Take it already.
Come on, I'm in a hurry.
Go right in, sir.
See? I told you it wasn't me.
-I can't believe that worked.
-Me too.
-You're younger than you look.
-Have a good time.
-Go in, sir.
Let's go.
I know him.
He's a friend.
How do I look like a "ma'am" to you?
The hotel entrance is that way.
What the hell are you thinking right now?
-Hey, move. Come on.
We're at the right place.
I'm in a hurry, so move, okay?
This is so annoying.
-What? "Annoying"?
Come on. Throw them out.
-Wait. What do you mean "throw" me out?
-Hey, wait.
Let me go before I buy this club
and fire you all.
-Yes, sure.
-You think I can't do it?
-Let go.
-Yes, thank you, ma'am.
-"Thank you"? Let go of me.
-Yes. Thank you.
-You look pretty.
That way.
Let's go!
I knew you had it planned all along.
Hey, take it.
Here, take this too.
-I don't have any more hands…
-Just take it!
I should have suspected something
when you said yes so quickly.
I want to go dance too.
Na-dan. You see this loser here?
A loser?
Watch it.
Keep an eye on him and make sure
he doesn't get into any trouble.
You're in charge, okay? He's new to this.
Do-won, do you want to advertise
that you're undercover?
Stand straight, clench your butt.
Thrust your chest out.
Hold your tray higher.
Like that, with one hand.
Na-dan, you better keep an eye on him.
Okay, then. Go around the place,
and if you see anything suspicious--
If you see anything suspicious,
call me right away, okay?
-But where are those two anyway?
Let's go.
-It's nice here.
-Come on.
Damn it.
-All right. Just go, I've got it.
Go already.
Over there.
I think those red pills are the drugs.
Yes. Su-cheol,
I think we found the seller.
We'll mark him,
so you can catch and interrogate him.
Let's go.
Oh, no!
-Damn it.
-What room were the guys in?
Not that way. This way.
Let's go see the guys.
There he is.
Let's get him and find out
where his boss is.
I said, let's get him
and find out where his boss is.
Prosecutor Cha. I think we'd better
call Han-jun and Su-cheol.
If we wait, we might be too late.
-I'll go in first, you--
-Bottoms up!
-Damn it, just hold this.
My goodness. Hello.
-What is it?
Don't drink that.
He drugged the drinks.
-No way. What's he saying?
No, I didn't, wait…
Here's your fruit platter.
This one's on the house.
-Have fun.
Fucking hell.
Who the hell are you?
You guys said you'd turn a blind eye.
You sold me the drugs,
so why the hell are you interfering?
-What do we do?
What do we do?
-I'm sorry.
-Yes, I'm sorry.
He's new, he doesn't know how things work.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'll bring over women who are even hotter.
Just give me a minute.
-Please wait.
Where are you going?
Call them over from here.
From here?
-They're awfully suspicious.
-You two call the club manager.
We're calling them.
Yes. I'm a bit busy,
I can't talk right now.
I'm talking to your boss right now,
so call me back later.
You know Gu Tae-su, don't you?
I really can't say I do.
Damn it.
Hey, boss man. You're next.
I do. I know who he is.
-You do?
Who the fuck laid a hand
on my little brother? Was it you?
She's smoking!
-Yes, I like this.
Prosecutor Cha.
Your nose is bleeding. Are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine.
But they were trying to drug women and…
What? Drug them?
You assholes.
-What are you doing hiding here?
Why were you hiding out here to eat?
I'm telling you. This is huge.
I don't care if it's huge,
we've got a Narcotics
Investigation Division.
Why would you guys raid a club?
Lieutenant Han was
secretly on Gu Tae-su's trail
and ended right up at N. Joy club.
And there she found
evidence of narcotics trafficking.
This is huge.
You just won the lottery.
This isn't a cause of celebration,
it's a ticking time bomb.
-Come on.
-Right. Water.
Just give us the necessary backup,
and we'll wipe out an entire drug cartel.
I'll make sure
to wrap this case up all clean and pretty
and send you to the headquarters.
This isn't a guess or conjecture, right?
You have solid proof?
I'm a million percent sure.
Lieutenant Han has all the evidence
and witnesses rounded up
and is waiting for us.
Right to the headquarters.
-Right to it?
-Right to it.
It is a pretty name for a drug. "Ruby."
So you're saying this drug, "Ruby",
was sold at the club,
and Gu Tae-su managed the operations?
We need to find the ledger
that Gu Tae-su kept.
That ledger would be clear proof
that they paid the dividends
with the money from the drug trafficking.
Where is it? Did you find it too?
So the ledger is in a hidden safe
on the top floor.
But it won't be easy to crack into
if it's an older model…
Then how do we open it?
then Su-cheol will have
to bring out the whole thing.
What? Come on.
Who knows how big it might be?
We don't even know where it exactly is.
Can we even get in?
Hacking into the hotel's server is easy.
The problem is the guards.
There are more of them than I thought.
Prosecutor Cha and Major Crimes
Division Seven will take care of that.
I called it in saying
it was under your orders.
You two clean up the club
and draw attention,
and we'll go look for the ledger.
Couldn't you have told me
before pretending to give orders from me?
So that's why you said
we should wait here.
The operation is about to start,
aren't you going?
Come on, move.
Let's go.
-Prosecutor Cha.
Sorry I couldn't tell you.
Thank you for getting
the Chief's approval, Mr. Jang.
Thank you.
It was nothing. Never mind that.
I boasted to the Chief that we had
all the evidence and witnesses rounded up
before I came here.
Are you sure about this?
If this goes wrong, we'll be in trouble.
We're sure, so trust us.
Well, if you say so too.
-Let's have faith and get in there.
This is my first time, I'm so nervous.
Let's go.
Stop them.
Gosh, I think I'm drunk.
Mr. Shaman…
It is him.
It really is Mr. Shaman.
Mr. Shaman.
-Mr. Shaman.
-Mr. Shaman?
This must be a sign from the spirits.
The spirits.
-Park Jin-sang.
Your father owns this hotel, right?
Yes, he does.
Mr. Shaman, I have lots of hotels too.
-Stay out of this.
I came because
the aura around this place felt so dark.
And look at what I find.
A scene like that.
But that's not the end of it.
There's ominous energy
coming from the top floor.
The top floor? The Royal Floor?
Director Gu's
in charge of the Royal Floor.
Yes. Mr. Shaman was saying…
What was it? That he saw
something that looked like a safe.
The spirits are telling me
that the root of all this evil
lies in a safe on the top floor.
You must get rid of it quickly. If not,
your entire family will be ruined.
How do you know about a secret safe,
that even I haven't seen?
That's not the point.
He says your family will be ruined.
Right, that can't happen.
If you want to save your father,
find out where that safe is,
and its password.
My goodness. I pray unto thee.
Yes. Secretary Lee?
You need to take the private elevator
to the Royal Floor.
But a CCTV control room
has a live feed
of the elevator at all times.
The CCTV in the security room
of the Royal Floor is hacked.
You can take the elevator now.
I have to pee.
Damn it, you idiot. Not again.
What the hell? What's happening?
Damn it, the hotel's
Wi-Fi is too unstable.
Hurry before they find out.
Who are they?
-Hey, are they going up right now?
Follow me.
We have to take the elevator, right?
Hye-jun, just a moment.
God, I can't believe this.
Where are they?
Hey, over there.
Damn it.
-Operation Cockroach has failed.
I'll do my best to hold them off here.
You go ahead.
Will you be okay? There are a lot of them.
I'm this close to exploding, but I'm okay.
Clench hard. Don't embarrass yourself.
All right.
Now, come on. Come at me.
Hey. You over there. Come here.
Come on. Come here.
Come on, stop moving around.
I'll take the files and go.
It's not your mother's birthday
or wedding anniversary.
When did your mother pass away?
It's already been--
Hurry up. I don't have time.
-April 1st.
-Mr. Shaman, did it open?
-Yes, it did.
-Mr. Shaman?
-Okay, I'm hanging up now.
-Wait, so…
that was it?
"Cha Seung-won Inspection Report"?
Why would this be…
Nam Han-jun.
I should have taken care of you earlier…
Please. That again?
Don't give up this time.
I'm bleeding…
I make a living on this face, damn it.
Han-jun, what happened?
Oh, no. What happened?
Get up. Are you okay?
Gu Tae-su took the files.
What? All of them?
I did manage to hide away one.
Damn it.
Old habits do die hard, right?
Well done. Nicely done.
-Help me up.
-Yes, okay.
One, two.
I haven't had the chance to go yet.
Jeez, you really are something.
I can't believe you got hurt again
so soon. Let me see.
Gosh, it hurts.
It hurts.
Hey. So, the N. Joy Club
made money by selling Ruby,
and used the money to do, what was it?
-The Shovel of Sinmyeong.
-Yes, that.
They used the money for that, and…
Damn it, what a headache.
So what does this all mean?
I don't have to listen to this, right?
Go on.
I'm only going to tell you this once,
so listen up.
The cartel, which Auntie Im runs,
invested in Joyce Entertainment.
Joyce reinvested the money
into N.Joy Club,
Gu Tae-su made money
by selling Ruby there,
and gave the cartel members their payouts.
They've had a taste now, so they
pester her for an even bigger profit,
and Auntie Im planned a bigger project,
the Jakdu-dong land development project.
Their victims will be the innocent people
who'll buy the apartments,
unaware of the plot afoot,
making the cartel rich beyond imagination.
Cha Seung-won is trying
to become the chairman
by ripping off innocent people.
I should have taken
Cha Seung-won's inspection report first.
An inspection report? What's that?
I think it's a ledger of their crimes
that Park Dong-gi prepared
as a contingency plan.
I found a document about
how Cha sold the Jakdu-dong land
for a marked-up price in there.
Isn't Choekang doing
the construction for the project?
Yes. It's genius.
He sells his cheap land
to the government for a higher price,
while moving up the construction plan.
They're playing in the big leagues.
It's nasty, but also cool.
But Gu Tae-su took the file.
So who has it now?
Wouldn't he have taken it to Auntie Im?
It must be in Gu Tae-su's master's hands.
The police opened the safe?
But how did they know about it?
They stormed in all of a sudden.
Thankfully, we managed to save the ledger.
What about the files in the safe?
Did you get them all?
Yes. I have them with me.
Hold on to them.
Don't show them to anyone.
You can't let anyone else
get their hands on them.
-Yes, sir.
He was pretending not to be interested,
but he's trying to push me aside
and become the chairman?
What were you two doing
while Uncle was preparing
to stab me in the back?
They don't have the evidence yet,
but the investigation will begin soon.
If they close in on us,
it'll delay our development project.
What should we do?
We need to hurry.
Stoke up a big frenzy about the project
until the groundbreaking ceremony.
Start selling the apartments right after.
We just need the construction fee.
We wrote the contract so we'd get
half the fee even if it went bust.
We won't lose anything
even if things don't go as planned. No?
I'll move up the date for the ceremony
and start the propaganda machine.
And one more thing.
Take care of Uncle
before the shareholder's meeting.
But he's involved
in too many of our projects.
If he starts talking--
If he can talk,
then he hasn't been taken care of.
Didn't we have all of this planned
when we started siphoning off
his assets overseas?
I have no interest in what you get up to.
cause any trouble for my succession,
and that's a whole different story.
Yes, sir.
I'll deal with Chairman Park.
I found something odd with the cash flow.
Like what?
The dividends paid out
to the cartel members used to be
invested only in the Jakdu-dong
land development project.
But lately, it's been flowing into
a company called KM Leaders.
Hold on. KM Leaders?
There was a file on that in the safe too.
I think it's a paper company
Auntie Im established overseas.
All of Chairman Park's investment
has been directed into it.
Wow, she's impressive.
I see what she's going for.
She's going to steal the investment
for the Jakdu-dong project
through KM Leaders.
So Auntie Im is conning the others?
She's been feathering the nests
of the cartel members
and gaining their trust for this moment.
Seeing their blind trust in her,
she set up this last con.
"Invest in the Jakdu-dong
Land Development Project."
Then you'll all become chaebols.
All of her plans until now have succeeded,
so everyone said yes.
Not knowing the game was rigged.
But now Cha Seung-won knows.
You said Park Dong-gi made
a blackmail folder on Cha Seung-won.
Doesn't that mean
Auntie Im is in danger now?
No. If Cha Seung-won and
Auntie Lim are in it together,
they're going to try to get rid of
Park Dong-gi, I'm sure of it.
They told me Gu Tae-su left with Father,
and his phone is off.
The spirits were right.
He must have been kidnapped.
My father's okay, right? Nothing's going
to happen to him, right, Mr. Shaman?
If we don't move quickly,
I can't promise you anything.
No. This can't be.
I haven't had a chance
to be a good son to him yet.
Mr. Shaman, please. Save my father.
Stop crying.
I'm going to look for a way
to get him back safely,
so get it together,
stop worrying, and wait.
Can you check his recent movements?
Shoot, those sneaky weasels.
They've moved to an area without CCTVs.
If this is the final round,
he might kill Park Dong-gi and disappear.
What should we do?
We don't have much time,
so let's work on his exact location
on the way.
We have to head to where
he was last seen on the CCTVs.
After Gu Tae-su kills Park Dong-gi,
Auntie Lim will try to leave the country.
Prosecutor Cha,
stop her any way you can. Let's go.
Bye now.
-Good luck.
-Wait. Am I not going with you?
That way.
I'd be better in a situation like this.
-Let's go.
She's driving?
Yes. What do we do?
Wait. Sit in the front. Here, come on.
There you go. All safe.
-It'll be fun.
Come on. Do something.
-What do you expect me to do?
-Come on!
You'd better steel yourself.
Prepare to be
excited to death.
Let's go.
We're off, then.
Can you figure out
where Gu took Park Dong-gi to?
Gu Tae-su isn't like other serial killers.
His mind is under Auntie Im's control,
and he doesn't choose his victims
and the sites himself.
He's been under rigorous control.
So, where would he take him?
To deduce that, we have to consider
both Gu Tae-su's and Auntie Im's MO.
Auntie Im's MO?
If this is the last round and
she's going to wrap everything up,
she would have picked a place
that holds meaning for Gu Tae-su.
That way, Gu Tae-su will never talk,
even if he gets framed for everything.
A place that holds meaning for Gu Tae-su…
Arson is Gu Tae-su's trademark.
The place where
his identity began to take shape…
Where was the house
he killed his father in?
It was somewhere in Taekseong. Hold on.
Hi, Mr. Jang.
Where is Gu Tae-su's family home?
Yes, got it.
Wonhan-dong, Taekseong.
Okay. You're all dead now.
-Let's go.
Step on it!
He's alive.
Mr. Gu. Are you really going
to blow up this place?
I'll put all my fire into my last flame.
Why? Did Auntie Im tell you to do that?
To kill yourself in that last fire?
Don't move.
I just want to know one thing.
All of your loyalty made Auntie Im rich.
But what did you get out of it?
Don't you pull your tricks on me.
I said I'm going to blow it all up.
If it's for him,
sacrificing my life is nothing.
I don't know who your master is,
but I guess
he doesn't really care about you.
Seeing as how he took away
someone dear to you.
Kang Eun-hye.
You cared for her, didn't you?
That's why you gifted her with
the white shoes your mother used to wear.
Come here.
They're so pretty.
Try them on.
Thank you so much.
Auntie Im knew that but didn't care.
No. She took away your chance
to atone for your crimes
and made you a beast.
She must have done the same
to Kang Eun-hye.
Even if Auntie Im ordered you to,
if you had really cared for King Eun-hye,
you should have protected her.
You're not the kid
who couldn't protect his mother anymore.
You're a grown man now.
Someone who can protect people.
You must be cursed.
Your body is covered in flames.
He's like a blackbird.
They're black all the same,
but one is called a crow
and is considered ominous,
while the other is called a magpie
and is welcomed by all.
I don't care if you're cursed.
You're now my magpie.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
A wonderful leader who took
his life to take responsibility
for the cancellation of the Jakdu-dong
development project.
Keep mouthing off like that
and you might end up dead
like your brother.
You murderous bastard!
They probably want to play up the media
to boost up sales as much as possible.
We need to arrest them
before that happens.
I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
When I'm allowed to be happy…
I'll tell her then.
I'm not going to give up.
We'll strike during the ceremony.
The gods of heaven and earth!
You should stop your evil deeds
and pay for your crimes.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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