Call It Love (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

Do you want me
to console you or something?
Get back inside. You'll look weird
staying out here like this.
Our family members were always
scattered and doing their own thing.
-We don't like to gather together.
…after some things happened,
we started gathering together
to drink and sing
when one of us seemed down or depressed.
We feel too awkward
to directly console them.
So we just spend time together.
So that the person
won't be depressed all alone.
And today, it's our mom.
Jigu, do you know this song?
Sing this for me.
She doesn't seem like it, right?
Everyone in this family is like that.
They don't show anything.
The girl you're seeing
is kind of like that too.
So in a way, you fit right in.
I don't know how to say it…
…but you seem like
a good match with our family.
Why aren't you singing?
I don't know which song to pick.
I'm sorry to just show up
unannounced every time.
You don't have to be sorry
about small things like this.
Actually, I enjoyed it.
If you are free tomorrow evening,
please join us for dinner.
I really mean it.
He's busy with work.
He has a business trip, too.
I just want to see him some more.
When do I get to see you again?
I'll come to visit you in Tongyeong.
Okay, please do.
Yes, I'll be leaving now.
See you later.
-Have a good night.
Who made all this food?
I want to go
to the farthest place ♪
I wonder what kind of people
I will meet there ♪
-I want to go to the highest point… ♪
I forgot to give you your bag.
If you haven't gone too far, wait for me.
No, don't bother.
I'll come to you.
I'll be back soon.
Why would you see him again? Just go home.
I won't be long. You go ahead.
Gosh, that nutjob.
Just look at the time, huh?
It's really quite dangerous at night.
If it's something that ordinary,
I'll also just let it slide.
I'm sensing something else.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Let's just go.
Is there a problem with Mr. Han Dongjin?
How serious is it?
I thought I told you.
I don't want to extend my contract.
No, don't bother. I'll come to you.
I could have come to you.
My family is waiting, so I'll be going.
Get home safely.
Could you hear me out for a second?
I know what you're going to say.
A part-timer quitting work
isn't a big deal.
So please don't worry about it anymore.
You don't have to be so worried about me.
The bag was just an excuse.
I went there because I missed you.
I wanted to see you.
I thought it would make me feel calm.
Was he married before?
Or does he have a child?
What, so does he have debt?
How much then?
Is it over a hundred million won?
Don't call me like that.
You're scaring me.
Sit down, okay?
Let's sit down and talk.
The way you're so calm means
that it's something big, isn't it?
Tell me. What is it?
Why do you two seem so tense?
I can't talk about it.
I don't even know where to begin or how.
She wants you here right now.
She says she'll call Mr. Han Dongjin
if you don't show up.
I don't think she'll back down.
So just come here.
And we'll deal with this together.
Haesung, do you know who this is?
Mr. Han. Get up.
We need to talk.
Even if you end up breaking up,
at least try dating him.
There's no harm in trying.
No way.
It won't happen,
not even over my dead body.
I think I'm going to regret it.
I know I'll regret it.
But I want to be here right now.
I want to be with him.
Hey, what are you doing?
He's married, isn't he?
It can't happen even over your dead body.
And you want to be with him
even though you'd regret it.
That can only mean he's married, right?
You've gone and done
that despicable thing!
Sim Woojoo.
You know that
this simply can't happen in our family.
When others spout nonsense
such as, "It's not an affair, it's love,"
we're supposed to say,
"You're just terrible people
who drive stakes through others' hearts."
Because we saw what Mom had to go through.
And that's why, for me…
…I feel more miserable now
than when Dad had an affair.
So miserable that I want to kill myself!
I'm sorry.
Did you even think about Mom
when you were seeing him?
Did you even think about our family?
He's not married.
That's not what this is.
That guy, Han Dongjin…
He's the son of that woman.
The one your dad cheated on your mom with.
She got the job
at that company to take revenge.
But things turned out differently.
Jun, you knew this all along and…
What an admirable friendship.
It's impressive.
It's so deeply moving, really! Huh?
I'm sorry, Haesung.
It's all my fault.
Haesung, let me talk to you.
-Where are you going?
You and Woojoo are both lunatics!
Does this make any sense to you?
This has to be a joke.
to think I said all those things
to that woman's son…
-I'll explain. Let's head inside.
- Explain what?
What can you possibly explain?
I'm really sorry,
but I was going
to keep it a secret until the end.
I felt bad for Woojoo.
I've felt sorry for her since we were 17.
When she jumped onto her dad's car
and when she gave up on college
to work and make money.
It broke my heart to see her
living such an aloof and stoic life.
So when she finally found
someone she liked,
I pretended to believe her
when she said she'd end it.
It was probably tougher on her,
so what could I do?
Now that you know about it,
she'll take care of it and end it.
She wouldn't continue things
at the cost of hurting her family.
You know this too, Haesung.
What a load of bullcrap.
What are you doing?
I see.
You're planning to make food
for Dongjin, right?
You've only met him twice,
isn't that too soon?
I need a reason
to see him for the third time.
-So we can get closer.
So my sisters take after you.
So driven.
What dishes does he like?
He likes meat. Make him some meat dishes.
Like braised beef?
Yes, that works.
What does she do for a living?
You wouldn't buy this stuff.
Someone prepared it for you.
What does she do?
I'm going on a business trip tomorrow.
I won't be back for a week.
Have a good trip.
What? Are you afraid
I'll just settle down here?
Well, don't worry.
Because we've lived apart
since you were little,
I feel uncomfortable living here too.
I'm going to leave!
Have you set a date for the move?
Not yet.
I'll pack a few things
and move in with my parents.
They caught me living recklessly.
It's for the better anyway.
The fair's starting soon, right?
You must be so busy.
Why did you stop by here?
I used work as an excuse
not to pay enough attention
to what my mother was doing.
It must have been very hard for you.
I'm sorry for not picking up on it sooner.
It's late, but I apologize.
I should have told you everything sooner.
Your words make me feel better instantly.
I apologize too.
About the wedding invitation
my mom sent you.
It might sound like an excuse,
but I found out later.
I always felt horrible,
thinking about how much you'd hate me
and how terrible I must seem to you.
Don't feel like that anymore.
It's okay now.
I'm relieved.
You're with someone nice.
Let me know how much it is.
I'll pay you back.
Will you pay me back
even if I say it's okay?
But don't rush to pay me back.
Haesung, just give me two days.
I'll quit the job in two days
and end everything.
I promise.
Quit the job today.
Or do as you wish.
I'll do as I please too.
I'd like to mark the booths
early tomorrow morning.
Is that possible?
Yes, we can contact
a local business in Gangwon-do
and move up the schedule.
Is it because of Hojin Trading Company?
We can't expedite the electrical work.
Are they okay with that?
We've decided to just place
the materials at the booths for now.
Then, I'll head out first
with the planning team.
I guess you'll have to leave tonight
instead of tomorrow.
We should both be present for the marking.
We should.
Gosh, the office stuff alone
must be quite a lot.
Woojoo is packing them in advance.
What does a part-timer know?
You should have just let Ms. Kim do it.
-Should we have a lunch break?
This goes here and…
I wanted to buy you something delicious.
This is delicious.
Why do you want to buy her
something delicious?
I'm quitting.
Let's get together to eat
when we're done with the fair.
You've worked so hard.
It wouldn't sit right with me…
…if I sent you off
without doing something.
Ms. Sim, did you break up with Mr. Han?
No, what I mean is…
I was kind of looking forward
to having Ms. Sim as my junior coworker.
You're not the most friendly person,
but you're good at your job.
And now that you say that you're quitting,
I'm just taken off guard.
Hurry up and eat.
Thank you for everything, Ms. Baek.
I always thought you were really cool.
I really mean that.
Please take my calls.
Don't mark me as spam
just because you quit.
Check this for one last time.
Yes, sir.
Tell him that I packed small amounts
because I didn't know how much he'd eat.
And that he should
come back for more later.
Gosh, who would think this is little?
People would think
you emptied out a grocery.
Also, tell him to add more seasoning
if my cooking is too bland for him.
My gosh, Madam Kim. Stop.
Put away the kimchi container.
Your son doesn't have a car
and can't carry all that on foot.
Then let me just pack some fresh kimchi.
Just a little bit.
Okay, as you wish.
It's only your son's arms
that will suffer.
Gosh. Wait a minute.
First floor.
Oh. Hello, ma'am.
Huh? Me?
I'm an acquaintance of Dongjin,
and I'm on my way to his place right now.
Ma'am, I saw you in the photo.
Oh, okay. Nice to meet you.
Yes, nice to meet you too.
My name is Sim Jigu.
Uh, Dongjin isn't home right now
because he's at work.
I know, so I'll just
leave these by his door.
These are side dishes made by my mother,
and she's a really good cook.
So she packed some food for him.
Then please put them in the fridge.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Would you like the door code?
No, I know it.
Then I'll leave you to it. Okay.
Yes, ma'am.
-To Yeonhui-dong, please.
-Yes, ma'am.
What a nice house.
Nice, nice, nice.
Take a look.
Didn't I tell you
the front yard is wonderful?
Hmm. It's pretty nice.
The inside is even nicer.
-Okay, let's head inside.
-Let's go.
Thank you. I'll give you a call.
Darn it.
How did it go?
Gosh, you were right, Namil.
As soon as you left that house,
she went to every single realtor
in the neighborhood
and put the house up for sale.
My goodness.
I told you she'd be quick.
She doesn't waste any time.
And the house has finally been sold.
She did put the house
for cheaper than the market value,
and since the house is so nice,
they signed the contract right away.
Deposit to this account, please.
You're getting a great deal
considering the current market value.
What will you do now?
I'll take care of the rest,
so step back for now.
This is outrageous!
The will doesn't mention my name anywhere!
I've done more than enough
for him as a wife,
and he couldn't bother
to even leave me a penny!
Even the house in Yeonhui-dong?
The only asset he has left is that house,
and even that is left to his kids.
Darn, I'm so mad right now.
What would have happened
if I hadn't found this?
So what will you do now?
I'm going to keep this hidden
and wait till he dies.
Is the guardian
of patient Sim Chulmin here?
Hey, I'll talk to you later.
-Yes, it's me!
This is outrageous!
The will doesn't mention my name anywhere!
I've done more than enough
for him as a wife, and he couldn't…
That lunatic! Gosh.
Even the house in Yeonhui-dong?
The only asset he has left
is that house…
I'm really sorry…
…but I was going
to keep it a secret until the end.
I felt bad for Woojoo.
I'm sorry, Haesung.
It's all my fault.
I've been taking medicine
for a panic disorder.
Ever since that woman
grabbed my hair and made a scene.
I see.
I understand.
This really isn't that big of a deal.
It's something I can casually share
with my coworkers and friends.
So I don't know why it's so difficult
to tell my family about it.
Yes. It's hard.
Maybe it's because you know
they'd worry about you more than yourself.
And it would be tough for you
to see your family like that.
I guess so.
But you should tell them
what needs to be said.
My parents found out about me
getting scammed long after it happened.
And my mom couldn't eat for three days.
She said she was hurt,
and that she felt like
an unreliable mother.
That really caught me off guard.
Cheer up.
Do you have something to say?
Did something happen
between you and Ms. Sim Woojoo?
Why? Did she say something?
You know…
With all the preparations for
the camping fair and the overseas fairs,
things have been hectic.
What could possibly happen
between the CEO and a part-timer?
Can you stop calling her a part-timer?
She has a name. Call her by her name.
Okay, Sim Woojoo.
Is that better?
I thought you were going to Ilsan.
Don't you have to go?
Well, I'll go first.
Take care driving at night,
and call me when you're about to leave.
Did you pack the pamphlets
with the fair map
that were delivered this morning?
They're inside the yellow box in there.
I've marked them.
So you did pack them.
Thank you for the good work thus far.
How long do you think it'll take us?
There's no traffic,
so we'll be there
in about two and a half hours.
I'm sorry, but please wake me up
when we arrive.
Yes, sir.
The van just left.
I know. I wanted to talk to you,
so I waited.
I can be back at the office
by seven o'clock.
Please wait until then.
I'll come to get you.
Don't take these and go home alone.
I'll see you later.
Why are you home already?
Are you done for the day?
I didn't say I was thirsty.
What are you about to tell me?
Drink this whole thing,
and then I'll tell you.
Drink, it's lukewarm water.
Okay, have a good day.
-Going to the practice room?
-No. I can't today.
I'm taking Mom to the bus terminal.
Oh, thank you.
- Could I have a cheongsimhwan?
Why do you need it all of a sudden?
I don't know. Haesung told me to get it.
She'll pay for it too.
Where is she right now?
Home. She told me to come home too.
After your divorce and you got sick,
things that were
most difficult for me were…
…you not picking up your phone,
or Woojoo or Jigu calling me
at work out of the blue.
"Why are they calling me at this hour?"
"Did something happen again at home?"
Each time,
my heart would beat really fast,
and it was difficult.
I'm still like that.
My heart sinks
when Jigu suddenly calls me.
I think that's why I had such a hard time
telling you about how we lost the house.
"When should I call Mom
so that she wouldn't be in such a shock?"
I'd mull it over
and then lose the opportunity.
Again and again…
I know.
I understand what you kids
have gone through.
I hit Woojoo.
I wanted it to hurt.
So I hit her with all my strength.
She didn't even squeak.
She's a former athlete,
and she just let me hit her.
Mom, what do we do about Woojoo?
Han Dongjin…
Han Dongjin, that guy…
He's that woman's son.
The man
our Woojoo loves so much is…
He's the son of that woman.
Whose son?
The woman who took our house.
Yes, that's right. It's Dongjin.
We're living together.
You crazy idiot!
Are you insane?
I know everything.
I know what kind of relationship
Dongjin's mom and our mom have.
Didn't you already know this?
Darn it. I can't believe this.
This isn't right.
You know this is messed up.
Be quiet and sit down.
Woojoo knew all along.
Back when I was staying at his house.
No, way before that, she already knew.
She knew and still dated him!
We don't need you
freaking out as well, so just stay quiet!
I just went over there and met that woman.
I even bowed to that woman like a fool!
I lowered my head to her
when I should have just ignored her!
So what?
Then go back and take your greeting back!
Are you kidding me right now?
Both of you, just stop!
Mom, have a cheongsimhwan.
- Please take it.
We can't have you faint from this.
Okay, Mom?
Does he know?
Did he meet her knowing this?
No, he didn't.
I don't think he knows.
Haesung is home right now.
Don't hate her.
It must've been hard for her
to come to that decision.
I don't hate her.
Okay, I'll see you at home.
I'm Han Dongjin from Best Fairs.
I thought I recognized you from the back.
Hi, how are you?
You could have just gotten the notes.
Why come here when you have a fair to run?
You sure work hard.
If you have that much time,
let's get some tea.
Sure, let's do that.
It's an organizational
fair, so the budget is kind of tight,
but they can be helpful
for overseas fairs,
so even new companies
are jumping on the bid.
I guess it won't be easy.
The bidding competition must be tough too.
Quit whining.
Best Fairs is regarded
as a veteran-level company around here.
You know you'll crush it.
You received the invitation, right?
Yes. I'm going to take my team
and head over there on opening day.
I might as well collect some intelligence
on how an outdoor camping fair is run.
By the way, that man…
Isn't that CEO Choi Sunwoo?
It is him.
The employees are all there.
I just got a call from them.
I mean…
I thought
I had to talk to you,
so I came all this way.
But this is…
I don't know if it's for your sake,
or I just don't want to be blamed later.
It's confusing.
Just tell me.
Once you tell me,
it's all my responsibility.
Whether I suffer or endure it…
I'll deal with it myself.
So if it's something
I should know, tell me.
It's about Ms. Sim Woojoo.
Cha Youngmin came by the office.
He was asking to be rehired.
In the midst of talking,
he asked why Ms. Sim can be
given a chance and he can't.
He said that she helped him.
I didn't believe it either.
he was dead serious about it,
and it was kind of concerning.
According to him, she came to him…
and told him of her own accord.
What did she tell him?
What did she tell him?
"You've been caught for being the spy."
"Han Dongjin knows all about it."
"So if you want to ruin
this company, then try harder."
So if you really want to ruin
this company, then try harder.
I asked her straight up.
I asked if she'd ever said that
to Cha Youngmin.
She said she had.
She admitted it outright.
Did you ask her why she did that?
I did ask her.
She wouldn't tell me.
She just asked me for a favor.
She said that she'll tell you herself
after the fair is over.
She asked for more time saying
that's the only way you'd be hurt less.
But what would she know
when she's the one inflicting the pain?
Pain is all the same.
There's no such thing
as one that hurts less.
Wait inside.
I was
being careless.
Please don't be mad.
You said you still wouldn't tell me…
even if it happened again.
You're right.
You wouldn't tell me.
That's your loyalty toward Woojoo.
I do understand.
It just…
hurts a lot.
I'm no longer going to like you.
Don't talk to me anymore.
Let's just be…
how we were before.
I heard you met Heeja's son.
But he was still looking for us.
To apologize to us.
I also told him that it wasn't his fault.
Just like how we suffered because of Dad,
he seemed like
he suffered a lot because of his mom.
So I forgave him.
The number you dialed is turned off.
Please record your message after the beep…
The number you dialed is turned off…
She's not answering.
Her phone's been turned off all day.
Call him.
Ask him if he's with her.
What if he says he is?
Tell him everything?
The number you dialed is turned off.
Please record your message after the--
Dongjin knows everything.
Where are you?
Why did you turn off your phone?
I told you to wait for me at the office.
Where are you?
You heard everything.
You should be asking about that first.
I warned you.
I'm evil and selfish.
I blatantly lied to you
and manipulated you.
I know you're not like that.
I know you're not that type of person.
It was back
when Mr. Cha was still with us,
and we weren't seeing
each other like this.
It wasn't something major
that you lied about.
And I'm okay with it.
So it's all good. Nothing changes.
Let's meet up.
Let's talk in person.
This was my home.
I lived here for over 20 years.
All the happiness,
and pain from my life…
They're all in that house.
And someone took that house from us.
I've lived there for 20 years,
and I got kicked out of there in 2 days.
What about this house?
How many times do I have
to tell you this house is mine?
The deed of our house got transferred
to a total stranger overnight.
What happened to the people
who were living here before?
How would I know the phone
numbers of the kids I kicked out?
You look well.
Like someone
who's forgotten all about the past.
Dongjin is here.
I found out
that my father was having an affair.
Why do you keep saying sorry?
You don't even know
what it means to be truly sorry.
I wanted to take my revenge,
and I wanted payback.
I realized only too late
that it was a mistake.
I'm sorry.
I'm most sorry to you, Mr. Han.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
It must've been hard by yourself.
Now that I know…
…if you could give me some time--
What are you doing?
You should be mad.
"How could you do this to me?"
"You had so many chances to tell me,
so how could you deceive me like this?"
You should be yelling at me.
You just got stabbed in the back.
You got played by a woman
who was determined to deceive you.
Aren't you upset at all?
Why are you sorry?
Why are you looking at me like that?
But in the end,
you couldn't take your revenge on me.
I wasn't ruined.
Right now I'm just…
I'm sad.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault.
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