Call of the Night (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

Yofukashi no uta

Guess I should go.
Komori Housing Complex Council
Nazuna Nanakusa
Ko Yamori
That day we were accomplices under the apple tree
We tried stepping over the line
Immediate black out
Oops, you're angry
Chased away to this unfortunate dimension
I can't believe I
Someone like me
Of all people, I couldn't
Wait, no way
I blamed you
Got hold of a secret
The fig leaves go right and left
In a blink of an eye I wake up
But then I'm falling toward the sky
I don't know, I just can't stop
Just one more bite
Again, Fallin' fallin' down in a spiral, falling on a skyscraper
Fallin' fallin' two all alone, we don't even notice the curtain call
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, forever
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, I let myself go
And just like that
The wounds are being filled, yeah
Again, Fallin' fallin' down in a spiral, falling on a skyscraper
Fallin' fallin' two all alone, we don't even notice the curtain call
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, forever
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, I let myself go
And just like that
The wounds are being filled, yeah
Why don't you come in?
I'm home.
There's someone here?
Of course there is.
Welcome home!
Hey, everyone.
I did just as I was told!
Me too, me too!
I did my very best to make you proud, Hatsuka-sama!
Yeah? Good job.
What  What is this?
She praised you!
I'm so jealous!
I'm so jealous!
What's their relationship?!
Me too, me too! Say I did good! Please!
I was standing the whole time! Hatsuka-sama, I swear!
Anyway, I'm sorry this is so sudden
but I have a guest tonight.
Can you all leave?
But why?!
A guest?! Who is he?!
It's not fair you're gonna hang out
with some little squirt!
You won't do as I ask?
Didn't I say he's my guest?
And you're going to badmouth him?
I don't like that kind of behavior.
You can be good and do as I say, can't you?
So I'm supposed to sit and wait,
but why is there only one sofa seat?
Besides, what was the deal with those people?
They're not family, are they?
Then I guess they're offspring or potential offspring.
But there were both men and women.
I guess that can happen?
And what's the deal with Hatsuka-san?
She seems kind of unusual, even compared
to the vampires I've met so far.
Or maybe she's normal, and I just don't know.
I just know so little about vampires.
I didn't get any new information,
and now the night feels distant.
I let her turn this night into a disappointment.
Shoot, and now I'm getting confused!
Can you come here for a sec?
I forgot to grab a towel.
Sorry, but could you bring one for me?
I kinda spaced out.
I don't usually get one ready myself.
Hey, sorry about that.
I thought you knew already.
Did I give you a shock?
Um, I just want to get this straight.
You're a guy?
What's the matter?
Uh, it's just too much for my brain to take.
Well, I'm surprised too.
I assumed you would've heard from Nanakusa-san.
Nazuna-chan never tells me anything.
Rather, I never made an effort to ask properly,
even though there must have been
plenty of opportunities.
I don't know.
Nanakusa-san does have a way of being evasive.
What? Are you two fighting or something?
So yeah, I don't think Ko-kun is going to be a vampire.
Uh? What's this all of a sudden?
Why don't we discuss this proper-
Even if he doesn't, I want you to leave him alone.
I want you to give him a pass
even if he doesn't become a vampire.
What do you mean by that, Nazuna?
He has the potential to alert humans to
the existence of vampires,
and you want us to just leave him alone?
That's awfully different from what we agreed on.
Stop with the annoyed look!
So I apologized, didn't I?
What the hell, idiot?
You think "sorry" is gonna cut it?
I'll friggin' murder you!
If you murder me and end it at that, go ahead.
I won't die that easily, anyway.
Oh jeez, you pulverized the table.
Niko-chan, you shouldn't take your anger out on stuff.
Shut it.
You obviously came here prepared to face
some kind of consequence.
But did you really think it would be that easy?
Killing amongst ourselves
isn't technically allowed, you know.
Honestly, I'm not feeling it, either.
So killing Yamori-kun is way easier
and solves everything.
Then, I'll be the one killing you.
That ain't the way to go about
asking for something, is it?!
I asked you once before, didn't I?
Just what is Ko Yamori to you, huh?!
How's he different from the other humans before him?!
You'd better answer me, Nazuna.
If at all possible, I just want to enjoy some love talk
and leave it at that, y'know?
Huh?! What?!
You're not sure whether you want
to be a vampire, after all?!
After you went and made a big show of
declaring you're going to be one?!
Uh, well
Th-that's so lame
A lot of stuff happened, and-
Wait! Lame?
A human who can kill vampires, huh?
You're right, that's a huge problem.
Any idea how she did it?
I think she deliberately made him drink her blood,
and the vampire said it tasted awful.
And she handed him something, I think.
Then he was exposed to the sunrise,
and he turned into something like ash
and disappeared.
I thought so.
I can't say anything for certain,
because to tell you the truth, vampires don't
know much about vampires, either.
Humans don't really know that much
about humans either, do you?
You have a vague idea from what you've
learned from smart people,
but you don't fully understand.
Vampires don't do anything other than live life.
That's why none of us actually know anything at all.
So I don't think Nanakusa-san is trying to
withhold information from you.
You just talked about awful tasting blood,
but we don't really know why there's a difference
between good and bad tasting blood, either.
I-I see
By the way, your blood's supposed to be tasty, right?
At least according to Nazuna-chan.
I see, that's intriguing.
By the way, you would've been in a fix tonight
if I hadn't given you a place to hide, right?
Y-you can't tell me I owe you!
Don't worry.
See, I totally look like a girl, don't I?
So come on.
That's beside the point!
H-how come you dress like a girl, anyway?
Because I look good that way, of course.
Th-that's your reason?!
Well, yeah.
For some reason, both men and women
are attracted to me this way.
I see
I don't really understand that kind of thing.
I tend to assume people like what they do
or someone's making them do it.
Well, I do enjoy it because I look so good.
You fell in love once too, right?
With a vampire?
Before you turned, were you conflicted at all?
Or scared?
O-oh, that's mine.
What's this?
Yamori-kun, this might be bad.
Nazuna, you'd better explain yourself.
C'mon, let's talk about love.
Do you get what Nanakusa-san was saying?
If I don't become a vampire,
I could be killed at any point.
That and also that Nazuna-chan's
trying to protect me.
Just so you know, you being killed isn't a definite thing.
Vampires have no clear cut rules.
So I really don't know what will happen to you
and Nanakusa-san from here on out.
But there are consequences.
And sometimes we demand harsher consequences
from each other than from humans.
Right now, you're not the one
in real danger, Yamori-kun.
It's Nanakusa-san.
So here's my proposition.
You should become one of my offspring.
How can you save Nanakusa-san, who's about
to face the consequence for her actions?
By becoming a vampire.
Exactly, that solves everything.
It's extremely unlikely that you're going to
fall in love with Nanakusa-san.
Nanakusa-san may be odd,
but you're a fourteen-year-old
in the midst of adolescence
and you don't feel even an inkling
of attraction right now.
But still, that doesn't mean it has to be you.
Why? Because I'm a guy?
Uh, no, I don't mind that
My point exactly.
You know now that I'm a guy,
but in all honesty, you don't really care.
I mean, you have a cute face, after all.
It's true; I am pretty cute.
Yamori-kun, you don't hold back, do you?
Why are you embarrassed?
Well, you don't seem like the type who'd say that.
You caught me off guard.
Anyway, being who you are,
I think I'm the only one who can really understand
how you feel as a guy.
I'm positive I can turn you into a vampire.
It's true, there's a big divide between men and women.
I've always felt that the two sides will
never truly understand one another.
But is that really true?
You said I don't feel an inkling of attraction,
but isn't that true towards you, as well?
Oh, that's easy.
I'm not nice like everyone else.
All I have to do is to trick your brain
into thinking you love me.
Romantic attraction is basically like
being brainwashed, anyway.
That's why my offspring all seem really happy.
Uh, are you kidding me?
So yeah, why don't I turn you?
No thanks.
It's true, I think there's a big divide
between men and women.
We can't understand each other.
But when I think about it,
that has nothing to do with gender.
I've never really understood anyone else in my life.
I don't think I'll ever understand Nazuna-chan,
nor will I ever understand you.
It's not a matter of gender.
Even if I were a girl
I'd still want to fall in love with Nazuna-chan.
I think.
Then what are you going to do?
Niko-chan's pissed.
Who knows what she's going to do?
I know I said, you being killed isn't a definite thing,
but in other words,
that doesn't mean you won't get killed, either.
Are you prepared for that?
Do you intend to kill me, Hatsuka-san?
If you don't intend to kill me, I figure it'll be okay.
I'm not prepared at all.
I just don't want Nazuna-chan to be bored, I guess.
Thanks! I feel a lot better.
I'm gonna go!
Hey, boy, you're late.
Nazuna left just a moment ago.
Then Nazuna-chan's okay.
That's good.
I don't know about "okay".
She won't be capable of proper
conversation for a while.
It's in return for your safety.
A cheap consequence wouldn't cut it.
What did you do to Nazuna-chan?
Where are you going?
I'm going to go look for Nazuna-chan.
Nazuna said she doesn't want to see you right now.
Will you shut up?!
I want to see her, okay?!
Did he leave already?
Honestly, this is too much.
What am I, stupid?
I forgot that detective called the cops on me.
Hey there, kid, can we talk to you?
Nazuna-chan, the night isn't all fun and games.
Oh, don't be frightened.
It can be scary or boring.
Oh, don't be frightened.
That's definitely true, I guess.
But I wonder why?
But I wonder why?
We just want a quick word with you.
I was actually scared
Actually worried
But really, to tell you the truth
it was kind of fun!
He's fast!
Denshinnashira no neiki ga
Telephone poles snoozing
Kansen douro no akubi ga
Highways yawning
Utatane shita jihanki ga
Vending machines dozing
Shizuka ni kanaderu
A quiet melody
See, Nazuna-chan
Shingouki no matataki
Traffic lights flashing
You taught me this:
Gaitou no saeta me ga
Streetlamps with wakeful eyes
Mado ga kobosu itonami ga
Windows glowing with life
Kirakira terashiteru
They glimmer and illuminate
That the night can be so much fun!
I wonder if Ko-kun's pissed?
I hope he isn't.
But man, all I did was lie to him.
I don't really know how to have fun at night.
I go on walks, drink booze, or play video games
That's about all I know,
but I tried to act all cool in front of Ko-kun.
I wonder why?
You're buying booze again.
I finally found you.
Wh-why?! Why're you here?!
Because I wanted to see you, duh.
That's not what I mean!
I looked all over for you!
Huh? Wait
A-are you okay?
Aren't you, like, injured?
Nah, I'm fine.
Don't worry about it.
What?! R-really?
But Niko-san said-
I said I'm fine, didn't I?!
Sure, consequences are important.
But y'know, no amount of beating
is gonna get through to that moron.
Plus violence isn't my thing.
Yeah, right.
What I like is to talk about love.
And that's how I ended things, like I promised.
Nazuna-chan, I want to apologize!
No need, that's all over already.
Huh?! It's not over though!
Seriously! It's done!
I was always bored until I met you, Nazuna-chan!
But not anymore!
We're going to go all out and
root for you two lovebirds.
What about you, Nazuna-chan?!
So Nazuna, you'd better do whatever it takes
to make Yamori-kun fall for you.
That's the condition for us not killing him.
Sure, it's been fun.
So much so that I forgot that I'd been bored for ages.
That's not any different from our initial agreement, is it?
I hung out with you like a know-it-all just to look cool.
But I never intended for any of it to be a lie.
Everything we did was so new and fresh to me.
I'm sorry about our date.
But it was fun in the end.
That's why
That's why I have to say it.
Ko-kun, Ko-kun, I promise
Then we're okay!
Me too! I had fun, too!
Everything was new to me.
If you thought so too, then we just have to
keep finding new things to do!
You and me both, we're no good at being alone.
Nazuna-chan, I'm going to fall in love with you!
So, I won't let you ever get bored.
Let's stay together!
Uh, s-sorry!
I got too excited and I wasn't thinking
about how to phrase things!
I'm just glad you're not hurt, Nazuna-chan.
Ko-kun, Ko-kun, I promise
I was really worried they might actually kill you.
I'll become a vampire worth falling for.
13th Night
So we're in this, together.
The call of the night
Light it up, moonlight
Eye caught by blue light
Neon signs call to the surface and below
The call of the night
Take me away, midnight
Bloodshot red eyes
A lullaby for grownups
I liked the night from when I was a kid
I kinda hated going to bed at nine
It just felt like a waste somehow
I wanted to get to know you better
Hey hey
The early bird gets the worm
But forget that, I want to see further and further and further in
Unravel in deep shades
From 12 o'clock to the hours of the ox
The first time I stepped over you
No, the first I mounted you was at fourteen, I think
Me, just an ignorant wannabe
Led by the hand, everything was new
That appearance and that fragrance
That dark skin that fits well with the quiet
I was drawn in, submissive to the beckoning
Then you gave me music
You showed me a woman's naked body
I put my lips to alcohol I'd never drank before
And snuck a cigarette from my pops and lit it
Things I shouldn't do flood the space
Things I shouldn't know all over the place
Hidden in the darkness that comes to greet me
You were always so fickle
The call of the night
Light it up, moonlight
Eye caught by blue light
Neon signs call to the surface and below
The call of the night
Take me away, midnight
Bloodshot red eyes
A lullaby for grownups
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