Cracked s01e13 Episode Script

The Light in Black

- Previously on Cracked - What kinds of things would Dr.
Ridley tell you about Detective Black? She would keep me apprised of Aidan's state of mind.
Aidan, I'm really sorry.
I can't do this anymore.
You broke it, you have to fix it.
Until further notice, Aidan, you're partnered with Leo.
- Poppy, you're with Daniella.
- What? - I read the scene report.
- Put it down, buddy! Detective Black had his weapon trained on a suspect, - and then the suspect ran away.
- Something happened with Aidan.
I don't know where his mind went, but he was gone for several seconds.
Looked like post-traumatic stress.
This is serious.
I shot someone.
I didn't get the result that I was hoping for.
The question you need to ask yourself is: Are you still doing your job well? Backyard fences and Things you fly to Pretty child, you think you have not Hey, little girl, you OK? So, a couple noticed her walking around sort of dazed.
They approached her, she ducks under here.
I don't know.
I tried coaxing her out, but she just keeps holding on tighter.
- Anyone report a missing child? - No.
Hi, I'm Leo.
I'm a nurse.
Do you mind if I sit next to you? And you called Psych Crimes.
Why? Why not? Well, I can see the psych here, but not so much crime.
It's my last piece.
You know, I tell my kids all the time that they can't chew gum laying down or else they'll choke.
So if you can sit up, the last piece is yours.
What do you say? Want to sit next to me? See the police officer over there? That's my partner, so you're safe.
So, what's your name? Ooh, it's cold.
How about I put this around you, OK? Nice to meet you, Olivia.
Police radio: [Papa Charlie-1, school records list.]
[182 Roxborough Lane for student Olivia Wallace.
We're safe here, Olivia, OK? Can you tell me who you live with? Olivia, can you tell me who's in your house? My partner is in your house.
Is there anything he needs to know? Aidan.
[Call EMS.
Take the girl to the hospital.
Stay with her, and call Caligra.
Tell her I need Ridley.
I got out of bed today Swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today Staring at a ghost Oh, have you seen my ghost Seen my ghost, seen my ghost Oh, have you seen my ghost Staring at the ground Na na na na na na na His name's Oscar Wallace age 39, history professor, avid sailor, kids' baseball coach.
His wife's been in Africa for three weeks.
- She's due back this morning.
- Safari or something? No, she's a human rights lawyer.
Esme Belk.
Have you heard of her? - Mm-mm.
- I guess she's famous or something, according to the neighbours.
Circumferential laceration on his neck.
It looks like ligature strangulation.
Nine years old and you wake up, all you want is a waffle.
So, uh, you and Ridley are partners again? No, I just need her brain on this.
The brutality is striking.
Yeah, bruising on the shoulder.
Must have just stepped on the arm and grabbed the wrist.
Unbearable pain ensued unless he snapped the arms post mortem, but I'm thinking ante mortem.
- Why? - Well, it's a nice house, he's got money; Killer probably wanted some of it.
There's easier parts of the body to break if extortion's the name of the game.
"Give me the money or I'll break your arms.
" First one, then the other.
Then his head's bobbing up and down, so the killer slips a ligature around his neck, and then it's nothing but darkness.
The arms, they gotta be a message, an allusion to something, a sign.
What do they signify? Aidan, Caligra said that you wanted me here with you, but I don't What are we doing here, Aidan? Dead guy, weird arms? I thought you were paying attention.
This is my house.
- Esme Belk Wallace? - Yes.
What's going on? Where's my daughter? Where's Oscar? - Hey.
- Hey.
- How is she? - You're her uncle? - Yeah, Elliott Belk.
- Leo Beckett.
We spoke on the phone.
Um Olivia's still in shock.
She's responsive to a degree, but she's not talking yet, and we're still waiting for your sister to call.
Her neighbour said that she's away on business? Uh, yeah, she's supposed to be back this morning.
- Can I? - Yeah.
Hey, sweetheart.
Hey, it's Uncle Elliott.
How you doing? I'm hoping, with some familiarity and some comfort, that she'll come around soon.
Hey, it's gonna be OK.
So, what do we got? Victim's wife, the human rights lawyer.
- Yeah, Esme.
- We got her travel records.
She's been in the Congo for three weeks, right? Uh-huh.
You said her flight arrived at 8am this morning? - Yup.
- It didn't.
Her flight got in at 8am - yesterday morning.
- I just watched her climb out of an airport limo an hour ago, luggage and everything.
Well, either Esme Belk's records are wrong, or she likes to dabble in deception.
Well, where's she's been for the last 24 hours? - Where you headed? - To bring her in.
Are you going? What's the deal? You guys are working together but you're not? I don't know.
And together they left Valley Haven.
They journeyed deep into the woods through icy trees and snow drifts, through day and night, until they finally came upon the home of their beevevolent ruler.
And they slowly walked up to the house and took off their snowshoes, leaned 'em up against the wall before knocking on the door.
How's she doing? She's making eye contact once in a while, but she's still not talking.
Look, where's Esme? Why isn't she here? As far as I know, she's at headquarters talking to our investigators.
Look, I don't want to leave Olivia, but I have this this work project that was due about an hour ago.
Hey, if you need to duck out, it's no trouble at all.
I'll stay with her.
Hey, baby.
I'm gonna be back soon, OK? Call me the minute anything changes.
Esme, can you think of anyone who would want to kill your husband? I'll make you a list.
Please take me to see my daughter.
There's a list? I get death threats, a couple a year.
Mostly they're aimed at my husband or Olivia.
That's how they do it nowadays; They threaten your family.
We go on vacation, security guards go on vacation too.
So, you just got back from the Congo? Uh, yes.
Three weeks of witness interviews there.
They won't go to the Hague, so I go to them.
Do you miss Olivia when you go away? Of course.
I came to terms a long time ago with the guilt that goes hand in hand with being a working mother.
When did you get back from the Congo? I don't know You saw me this morning, what, 9am? Right, but when did your flight arrive? - Eight am.
- This morning? - Yes.
- It's just, your travel records state you arrived yesterday morning.
OK, hang on a sec.
I did not I was at the Ambassador Hotel all night.
Room 1126.
You can ask the concierge.
OK, so, you fly home after not seeing your daughter and your husband for three weeks, but you don't go see them right away? Yes.
My work is difficult.
I deal with war criminals, dictators, torture victims.
I decided a long time ago that I was not going to bring that home to my family, so I take a night at the Ambassador to clear my head.
Are you charging me with my husband's murder? Then I want to see my daughter.
I'll see what I can do.
She's lying.
- Lying doesn't mean guilty.
- It means shit just got real.
She's not strong enough to break her husband's arms.
But she's rich enough to pay someone to do it for her.
What are you doing?! No, no, no.
Ugh! Ah! No! No! No! No! Door number one: Aye Min Than.
Burmese national.
Threw a grenade through her living room window last year.
Wasn't real, but still.
Goran Milovic.
A Serbian.
He was arrested outside the house a few years ago when Esme was defending a Croat rebel leader.
He set fire to a tree in their front yard.
- What about her current case? - Door number three: Enioke Adeyemi.
He's a landed immigrant, originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
His mother and sister were victims of the former child soldier.
Esme's defending, Fasina Gowon.
The guy was enslaved to the Lord's Resistance Army when he was eight, and brainwashed.
Adeyemi confronted Esme at a café a few weeks ago, started yelling; He had a pocket knife on him, but he didn't use it.
And these are just the suspects that aren't in jail or deported already.
Why has Esme Belk not been taken to see her daughter? Because she's lying, so I'm stalling to give her time to ponder what incarceration is gonna look like from the inside.
We can't keep her any longer unless we charge her.
You can let her ponder on the way to the hospital.
Olivia? Sweetheart? - Mom.
- Oh! I woke up 'cause there was screaming, and I didn't know what to do, so I hid under the covers, and when I walked down the hall, I heard somebody, like, running, and I heard the door shut and then I went down the stairs, and I saw It's OK, it's OK.
It's OK, sweetheart.
I'm so sorry.
I should have been there.
Olivia didn't you go to a sleepover last night? Your Daddy texted me last week that you got invited to a sleepover.
You didn't go? I went, except I got scared later, so Lauren's dad drove me home.
Olivia, when you got home, where was your dad? Watching TV.
He tucked me in and said, "Love you, Livia-bug.
" It's OK, pumpkin.
Shh, shh.
It's OK, it's OK.
So, the killer heard Olivia get out of bed.
It surprised him, and he ran.
- He thought he had more time.
- And more privacy.
Could be he didn't know Olivia was there, or even that Oscar had a kid.
Or he knew Olivia's schedule and knew she wasn't gonna be at home.
And she woke up because she heard him screaming, so his arms were broken before he died.
You sticking around? Yeah, for a bit.
I'm gonna see if Olivia can remember anything else.
- OK.
- Aidan, wait.
I don't want to go on working near you and not with you, so if we can't ever be partners again, can you just let me know now? Excuse me.
Oh, hi.
I'm Daniella Ridley, a psychiatrist with the police.
Are you with the Wallace family? Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm Elliott Belk.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Uh, Esme's brother, uh, Olivia's uncle.
- Everything all right in there? - Well, uh, Olivia's finally asleep, and Esme's in there with her, so OK, well, maybe now would be a good time if I could ask you some questions about your sister and her family? Uh, yeah, yeah, sure.
Were you and Oscar close? Well, uh, I was probably closest with Olivia.
You know, Esme goes out of town all the time, and Oscar teaches his night classes, so I end up babysitting for Olivia a fair bit.
She's lucky to have you.
Ah, yeah, I don't know about that.
Um, we have this little inside joke where she doesn't call me "Uncle Elliott", - she calls me "Uncle LPS".
- LPS? Yeah, "Lame Parental Substitute".
You see, I'm the guy that burns all the chocolate chip cookies, and I end up falling asleep while I'm reading her the bedtime stories.
Esme, uh, Esme's really great with her, but, you know, she's gone all the time.
We're really proud of her for that, because she's out there, you know, making the world a nicer place to live.
But look who I'm talking to, right? Um, what do you mean? You said you're a psychiatrist with the police department, right? That's gotta be really demanding talking to people when they really need you, helping them through tragedy.
I'm I'm nowhere near the league your sister's in.
Aidan, we just picked up Enioke Adeyemi.
The guy's parents who were killed by the child soldiers she's defending? - Yeah, that's the one.
- What about the other two? Well, it turns out one of them's out of the country, and the other one's dead.
Forensics just lifted Adeyemi's prints off the sliding glass doors at the Wallace house.
Interrogation Room B.
- Hey, Leo, where are you going? - I'm going with her.
- Oh, you're dumping me? - Call me sometime.
I was raised in an orphanage, and then I come here, and I am working, and I have friends, and then I read the newspaper.
Fasina Gowon.
Refugee, reformed child soldier, a free man.
But he killed my family, and Esme Belk is defending him.
Everyone deserves a fair trial.
He is no victim.
Where were you Wednesday night? We know you like to follow Esme.
OK, we know you stalk her, you know her schedule, you know a lot of things about her.
You would know when the best time is to go in and kill her husband.
Why would I kill someone? To make her know what it feels like to lose family.
I was on shift.
You can check the GPS in my cab.
- Verify with dispatch.
- We're doing that already.
OK, you listen now.
The more I follow Esme Belk, the more I know she is not a good person.
You all think that this woman is a good human rights lawyer, that she is a saint, but you don't know her.
You don't know her.
What don't we know? - Excuse me.
Alistair Coupland? - Yes.
I'm Detective Aidan Black.
I'm with the Metro Police.
What's going on? Are you aware that Oscar Wallace was found murdered? Yes, the entire faculty is devastated.
Did you know that his wife Esme was being stalked by a man from the Congo? Yes.
We spoke with this man, and he told us that you pick her up at the airport whenever she returns home from a business trip? Were you with her at the Ambassador Hotel - on Wednesday night? - Yes.
Can we not involve my wife - in this? - How did you meet Esme? A holiday faculty party a couple years ago.
And, yeah, we get together at the Ambassador when she comes home from a trip.
- And Wednesday night? - I left around 12:30.
I had a conference in Guelph the next day long drive, early start.
You can talk to my doorman at the building.
He'll confirm it.
So you don't know where Esme was after 12:30? Esme is a good person.
She's complicated, yes, but she does things not everybody agrees with.
She wouldn't kill someone.
She sure as hell wouldn't kill Oscar.
Well, what can I tell you? Esme grew up privileged downhill skiing, yachting, horseback riding, the best private schools.
What was Esme's relationship like with your parents? Good.
Yeah, it was good.
Um, and what do you mean by "good"? Um to be honest with you, I, uh, heh, I don't know exactly.
You see, Esme and I didn't grow up together.
When I was eight years old, my father shipped me off to boarding school in Switzerland.
At eight? That's very young.
Yeah, my father wouldn't accept anything less than excellence.
Do you think Esme fulfilled his expectations? She didn't get sent to boarding school in Switzerland.
I don't know.
You know, I've had virtually no contact with Esme for 30 years.
You never came back to your home for 30 years? Mmmmm.
No, after school, I travelled around for a bit, and I've travelled with work for the last 10 years.
How well would you say you know her, then? Pretty well.
Look, Doc, why all these questions about Esme? I'm sorry, we have to be very thorough.
Look, I should get back to Olivia.
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
All right, here we go.
Oscar Wallace's phone records.
Esme's number.
All right, well, he called Esme a lot, but there's another number here he called a whole bunch - in the last week.
- His office? Oscar had a lover of his own? Or he was on to hers.
All these calls are to a private investigator.
He's gathering evidence for a divorce case? Getting photos of your wife hooking up with someone else.
Good times.
So if he was preparing to divorce her, she finds out - He wants custody.
- Boom.
Excuse me.
I'm Detective Aidan Black.
This is Daniella Ridley.
- Are you Kasper? - Uh, no, no, - I'm Kasper's assistant.
- Is Kasper upstairs? - He's not here today.
- Well, maybe you could help us.
We're looking for some information.
Kasper has a client named Oscar Wallace.
I'm sorry, I really can't talk about clients.
What if I told you Oscar Wallace was dead? He was murdered yesterday.
Was Oscar's case about infidelity? Did Oscar Wallace believe his wife was cheating on him? I I don't know.
I really don't know anything about the case.
Kasper was dealing with Wallace, so Where can we find Kasper? Well, he was supposed to be here this morning to take some meetings, but he never showed, and now he's not answering his cell phone.
So that's weird, and, uh I was just heading over to his house right now.
OK, shit, um why don't I let you in? There's a case box in Kasper's office.
I know you've got a soft spot for overwhelming paperwork.
- Great.
Thank you so much.
- All right, hey, man, when you're done setting her up, come on back down.
I'm gonna follow you to your boss' house, all right? I'll meet you at the station.
" Thirty-five years ago.
Elliott, do you know - why you're here? - 'Cause my dad made me come.
- Why did he make you come? - 'Cause he found the shoeboxes.
- And what was in them? - Birds.
How did you get them in there? Well, I'm really good at catching things.
I can sneak up really quiet, and I can just grab them.
How did you hurt them? I take their wings and I OK, OK, yeah, got it.
Aidan just got back from the PI's house.
He found a file there from Hong Kong.
Apparently, Elliott Belk was arrested there a few years ago.
Wait, Elliott Belk? Yeah.
The PI wasn't investigating Esme for adultery; He was investigating her brother.
I was told you broke some bigger bones - last weekend.
- Esme's.
Esme's too? She's practically a baby.
- Why did you hurt her? - Ah! I was looking at her arm.
And I wanted to.
She cried.
- Now, how did that make you feel? - I liked it.
Yes, I remember Elliott Belk.
He's not a man you easily forget.
- What was he suspected of? - First-degree murder.
[It was about five years ago.
[The victim was one of Mr.
Belk's coworkers, .]
And he was killed after a party for CXB Bank executives.
Detective Sung, what led you guys to pursue Belk? He attended the party, and he was caught on building security cameras In the end, we did not have sufficient physical evidence to charge.
We'd be really interested to look at your files.
If it will help, absolutely.
- Hey, Ridley.
So, we found some papers in Kasper's desk at home.
Looks like Elliott bounced around a lot Switzerland, Hong Kong, Rome, London.
He was married for two years in Zurich, had a couple of domestic violence charges, but those were dropped.
Anyway, Ridley, call me back.
- Hey, Ridley.
- Uh, no, it's Damian.
Why are you calling me from Dr.
Ridley's phone? Where is she? I don't know.
Uh, her things and her purse are here, but the Wallace files are gone.
Crime scene photo from Hong Kong.
Ugh! - Ugh! Ugh! - Help! Inspector, there are more.
Schaffhausen, '99.
A drifter found dead in a rooming house.
Elliott Belk was living there at the time.
Palermo, 2001.
A British tourist found dead in a hotel room under Elliott's name.
Both of them had their arms broken.
And these are just a few that we know about.
You might as well add that private investigator to the list.
We're thinking Elliott went back to Kasper's office to get rid of any evidence collected against him, found Daniella there.
So, this is what we know about Elliott: He likes to break people's arms while they're still alive, which probably makes him a sadist, which means he gets a thrill from seeing his victims in pain, so he'll want to see Daniella alive until he gets that thrill.
What if she doesn't give it to him? Well, if anybody knows how to handle a guy like Elliott, it's Daniella.
No matter how afraid she is or how much pain she's in, she'll hold off as long as she can.
What is this place? Did you enjoy watching these? No, but they helped me understand.
Helped you understand what? That your parents sent you away to protect Esme.
And kept me away.
After I graduated in the top 5% of boarding school, my father actually paid me to keep me from coming back home.
Five years ago, I missed my mother's funeral.
About a year ago, I made sure to come back for his.
He's probably rolling over in his grave.
But I can tell you don't plan to hurt Esme and Olivia.
How can you tell that, Doc? Because I think you like having a family.
I think you like having people who admire you.
I think it makes you feel normal, makes you blend in.
Why did you kill Oscar? Oh, Oscar.
He got jealous that Olivia started to love me so quickly, so he hired a private investigator to try and dig up anything he can to try and squeeze me out of my sister's life.
I was gonna bury him on the hill behind the house, but You never answered my question.
What is this place? It's home.
Until you were eight? Yeah.
It hasn't been in my family for decades, but, uh fortunately enough for me, the owner died.
You know, after I left here, I I tried to fight the urges.
Yeah, I did pretty well for the most part.
But it's just not easy pretending to be somebody that you're not.
Is it, Doc? It feels so good to be home.
Doctor Ridley, I'd like you to meet Oscar Wallace's snoop.
All my life, I was told that Elliott was smart and special, and that he was just away at school, so when my father died, I just I was happy to have him back in my life.
I mean, what you're saying to me, I can't - I mean - OK, Esme, I get it, but just think for a second.
Has Elliott mentioned any place beside his condo that he likes to go? No.
A cottage, storage space anything.
He tells me stories about a castle.
- Olivia - A castle? About a boy and girl who live there.
They go on adventures in the woods.
They wear snowshoes.
A boy and a girl snowshoeing.
I know where that is.
Police radio: [The address is I'm assuming you know what will happen to you if you get convicted of a crime involving sadism.
Of course I do.
But I'm not getting caught.
But you might.
Oh, well, in that case, I would be found not criminally responsible, I'd be sent to some cushy facility somewhere where I would sit around in a circle and talk about how I shouldn't have done what I did and then I'd go have lunch.
But that's not going to happen, Elliott.
You're not mentally ill.
You don't have a disease.
No amount of medication is ever gonna change your behaviour.
Maybe 30 years ago you would have been sent to a facility like that, but now they just send people like you to jail.
Well, if I'm not ill, then what am I? You're just bad.
You don't have any fancier words for me, Doc? No, I do.
I want you to scream when I do this to you.
I'm not gonna help you enjoy this.
Oh, yes, you will.
Oh, you're not gonna scream for me? What are you gonna do, break my arms like you did the others? 'Cause they remind you of birds' wings? I like the sound that it makes.
Now, come on.
Let me hear you scream.
- Scream for me! - Police! Elliott! Don't move! Drop the knife, man! You drop your gun.
You know what I'll do.
I'm not dropping this gun.
You and I, we're gonna talk.
No talking.
Give it to me! Do it now! Drop that weapon! You drop the gun.
All right, all right, all right, all right.
I'm gonna put the gun down.
What do you need, man? You want to get out of here? You want my car? I'll give you the keys, I'll slide 'em over, whatever you need.
I need you to shut up and kick the gun over here.
Do it! Now! All right, all right.
- Ugh! - Tag 'em, tag 'em.
- Daniella, it's Leo.
It's Leo.
You're safe now.
You're safe.
You OK? Ridley, you OK? You OK? Are you OK? Hey, Leo, call it in.
It's OK.
Hey, you're safe, you're safe, you're safe.
This is Leo Beckett with Psych Crimes.
I need paramedics at 14 Meadowvale Lane.
Suspect's been shot.
I don't think he's gonna make it.
A storm is coming But I don't mind People are dying I close my blinds All that I know is I'm breathing now They say that we can't control the things that happen to us, but we can control the way we react to them.
I say "they" are wrong, 'cause no one can control PTSD.
It just does what it wants to you.
But I can control how I react to the knowledge that for the second time I had a flashback in a critical situation.
My partner's life was at risk.
Aidan, this time you had a flashback, you didn't lose touch.
You kept a clear head, you read Daniella's signals, you did something that every fibre in your body was telling you not to do you put down your gun.
And you didn't make those decisions through strategy.
It was also your gut and your trust.
You did it with empathy and you got the job done.
This is not doom; This is progress.
Now, you are supposed to be here.
Now, please, get your ass back to work.
All I can do is keep breathing Broken trust isn't easily mended.
It's just this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
- It's gonna take time.
- Hey.
There's only one way to kill it.
Let's try again.
All we can do is keep breathing OK.
All we can do is keep breathing There's a lot of good in this job, a chance to make a difference in people's lives, but there's a lot of bad too.
The guy who kidnapped my partner, he's a bad guy through and through.
So, do you feel lately the bad has eclipsed the good? That there's more darkness than light? All we can do is keep breathing I don't know, I mean anything good just seems so small in comparison to all the bad that I have a hard time seeing it.
Detective Black.
OK, thank you.
Elliott died in hospital.
You see more than most people, Aidan.
Bad things happen near you, to you, but good things happen because of you.
Do you ever think maybe good and bad are part of the same single feeling? What would you call that feeling? A sense of wholeness.

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