Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e13 Episode Script

Lost in the Sewers

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
It looks like you ordered
your feet to go.
Look, I'm just being careful so
I can stay as dry as possible.
Sometimes you're
a little too careful, Craig.
Besides, we're going
into the sewers.
You're gonna get wet.
Hey! These tunnels
belong to the Sewer Queen!
State your business
or move along, baggy-boy!
Oh, it's, uh, Craiggy-Boy,
actually. Or just Craig.
And I've come fully prepared
with my waterproof map
and markers to --
Get to the point.
The Sewer Queen asked me
to make a map of the sewers.
I doubt the queen is meeting
with a dry footer.
Yeah, especially one
who wears bags on their feet.
[ Laughter ]
-Craig! It's good to see you.
-Your Majesty.
I'm sorry if my guards
gave you a hard time.
They should know that all feet
may tread in our sacred waters.
Now, let's get started.
We've got work to do.
That's it!
Keep up the training!
My Queen, Tiny Trunks
has gone down another size.
He refused the shorts?
Yes, and it's cutting
off his circulation.
Try to reason with him.
My Queen, can I play
you my pool tuba?
Why, yes, of course!
[ Inhales ]
[ Pipe toots ]
It needs to be
louder and prouder!
My Queen, the mushroom harvest
is dangerously low.
We may not have enough
for the winter.
[ Chuckles ]
Nonsense. Seal the grates!
Fungus thrives best
in darkness.
[ Sniffles ]
My Queen.
Man, she's so in command.
She has an answer for
everything just like that.
I wish I could be like her.
My hair's just not big enough.
I'm so glad
you're here, Map Maker.
We're in desperate
need of your help.
The underworld in which we
dwell is a maze of tunnels.
Even I get lost
from time to time.
But very rarely.
[ Laughter ]
Well, I'm trying to map
out the whole Creek.
And I'm happy to help do
the same for the sewer kingdom.
My Queen!
Last night's storm
has caused flooding
in the northern pipes.
That's strange.
The pipes are supposed to
re-route rainwater to the creek.
I wonder what could have
caused the flooding.
Speedicus, Aquatina,
go and make sure that area
has been fully evacuated!
And take floaties.
The flow is strong today.
With the water
at a dangerous level,
I'll need more assistance
for this mapping journey.
Frisboy and Scuba,
will you assist us?
Both: Yes, My Queen.
[ Goggles snap ]
Into the pipes!
Man, so, this is what
a plumber must feel like.
Plumbers are the servants
of the pipes.
We are their masters.
So, why does your king
wear bags over his feet?
Kelsey: King?
No one was Kelsey's king,
for she was the main
character of this story.
She was the hero
of this epic.
She was the protagonist with
the clearest emotional arc.
She was
the one with the sword!
Your Sewerness, if I may, your
ability to lead your people --
It's inspiring.
How did they come
to follow you?
How I became queen?
Well, a heat wave passed
through a few summers ago.
My friends and I needed
a place to cool off,
but we dared
not go to the pool,
lest we be judged
for our weird toes.
Or for not taking
your shirt off in the pool!
Or for taking too much
of your shirt off at the pool.
We were left to sweat it out,
until the day
I found the sewers.
It was scary at first,
but with a flashlight,
I led the way,
clearing cobwebs and raccoons,
making the sewers safe.
Soon after, everyone was
following me into the depths
and calling me the queen.
Anyone can be a leader,
I suppose.
A leader is just someone who
steps up when they're needed.
And I will always be here
for when my people need --
The queen!
Where is she?!
Whoa! You guys,
I found something!
Frisboy: The queen's
prescription goggles!
She's lost without them.
Queen: [ Echoing ]Polo!
All: Marco!
[ Gasps ]
Queen: [ Echoing ] Polo!
Oh, no!
She could be anywhere!
What are we gonna do?
We have to find the queen!
Frisboy: But there are
so many pipes!
It would take a lifetime
of searching!
If only the queen were here.
She'd help us find the queen.
The queen is gone!
She's gone, and we're doomed!
Someone do something!
All is not lost, children
of the sewer, for I am here --
Craig, Maker of the Map,
Wearer of Bag Shoes.
Follow me henceforth,
and we will find your queen.
[ Crying ]
Ohh, thank you.
Wow, Craig is really
stepping up.
Oh, and now
he's stepping down.
Now, let us go
that way!
Craig, do you know
where you're going?
Of course!
To find the Sewer Queen!
Yeah, but do you know
whereyou're going?
So we're just wandering
through these tunnels aimlessly
without a plan?!
Shh! There was
no time for plans.
Frisboy was losing
his Fris-mind.
Someone had to step up
and take action,
like the queen
would have done.
-Oh, no!
-What is it, Frisboy?
It's a r-r-raccoon!
Probably a leftover
from the great Fur Wars.
Here for revenge.
He's gonna wash our corpses
with his weird little hands!
What should we do?
Should we turn back or?
[ Craig grunting ]
It was just some cans.
That was so brave of you,
My King, uh, I mean, Map-Boy.
Please don't let the
queen know I said that.
Whoa! He could have
gotten rabies!
Or at least tetanus.
I like Reckless Craig.
So, she's at the end
of thistunnel?
Yeah, I know. I said that
about the last tunnel.
But they're all kind of
one tunnel, you know?
The queen!
Full speed ahead!
[ Soap bubbling ]
What the?
This must be runoff
from a car wash.
No! Mortimer!
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Pop! ]
Hey, thanks, JP.Just being tall.
Stick close together, guys.
It's hard to see here.
Frisboy? Whoa!
[ All screaming ]
[ Gasping ]
My shoes!
-We're trapped!
The walls are
too soapy to scale!
-Oh, no!
Why did you lead us here?
You didn't know what
you were talking about!
Hey! Hey, he stepped up
when someone had to!
And look
where that got us!
At least he did
something about it!
Why didn't I use my map?
Why didn't I just
stop and think?
You just stand there
with a Frisbee on your chest!
I hate baths.
I like being dirty.
[ Gasps ] I think I know
how to get out of here!
The Sewer Queen said
these tunnels
were built to drain water
into the creek.
There's a clogged-up
hole beneath us.
I bet if we clear it out,
we can drain ourselves
back to the creek.
Is that why we don't
drink the creek water?
You guys don't drink
the creek water?
I'm not following you
I messed up, I know.
I thought we needed
someone to step up and --
and be a leader.
But I wasn't thinking
things through.
That's why this time I'm not
telling you to follow me.
I'm asking you to help me,
so we can get out of here
and find your true queen.
All right, wet footer.
It's worth a try.
Better than
drowning in bubbles.
-[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry, man. did you
want a turn with these?
Yeah. I do.
[ Grunts ]
[ All grunting ]
[ All screaming ]
[ Laughter, cheering ]
I'm stuck under a car!
[ Coughs ]
Sewer Queen!
Okay, we got to get
that car off of her.
Let's take our time
and think things through.Hyah!
-Oh, My Queen!
-Oh, My Queen!
[ Clears throat ]
Thank you.
Here, I think
these belong to you.
Our home is safe,
thanks to these brave souls.
They've solved the mystery
of the Great Clog
and saved me
from certain peril.
Pool cleaner, extend!
For your bravery, I bestow
on you the highest honor.
Craig: Water shoes!
Thank you.
And you, for rescuing me
from the car,
I give you the car!
I've got a chariot.
I know how lines work,
so it's my turn!
To you I offer
a firm handshake.
[ Music stops ]
My Queen, what about me?
I already gave you
a flying disc.
It represents
your playfulness.
I had it in me all along.
Where's JP?
Right here.
I don't know
about you fellas,
but all this queen saving
has me famished.
To the Duck Mart!
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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