Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

How We Approach an Unsolvable Conjecture

Why are you here at this hour?
I saw this long line
outside a donut shop and got curious.
Here's a snack for you.
-I was actually craving something sweet.
Wow, they look delicious!
-Don't they?
They smell so good.
Someone else killed him.
I'm a witness.
Do you mean you witnessed the murder?
Your Honor, let's briefly adjourn--
I followed him.
I used to feed some stray cats.
But all of a sudden,
they started to get killed or injured…
by metal balls shot by someone.
So I was patrolling the area
to catch the culprit.
Why are you doing this to me?
Don't come near me!
Don't come near me!
Please don't do this.
Don't come near me.
Did you see the culprit's face?
No. His cap was pulled over his face.
the hands that were choking me
were long and white.
And his index finger
was calloused.
It was extremely hard and rough.
Can you look at question number four?
I think this should be two,
not negative two.
The suspect's account is pretty detailed.
Wasn't this investigated beforehand?
He hasn't…
talked about this before.
Your Honor.
From early on,
the police suspected my client
without any solid evidence.
And they remained prejudiced
throughout the investigation.
They also pressured
my mentally unstable client
into remaining silent about the truth.
As my client has not been proven guilty,
I ask you to dismiss
the arrest warrant request.
All right. Pens down, everyone.
Pass your answer sheets forward.
Hae-e, what are you doing?
All right.
Great job, everyone.
I know midterms are over,
but don't stay out too late.
That's all from me. Dismissed.
We're free! Let's party!
-I aced it.
-I'm so happy.
-I screwed it up.
-I totally aced it.
Sun-jae. We need to talk.
Hae-e, a word?
-Come. We need to talk.
About what?
How come you're the only one
who got a perfect score in math?
The second short answer question
even threw off Seon-ju and Jeong-a.
So how did you get it right?
It wasn't even on
the academy's practice exam.
What do you think? I solved it.
Let go of me.
Choi Chi-yeol and our homeroom teacher
have been friends since college.
Did they strike a deal?
How can you…
You must be stressed out by the exams.
Just go home and sleep.
Who are you to tell me what to do?
-Who do you think you are?
-What's going on?
-What's wrong?
-Let her go!
-Are you okay, Hae-e?
-What's with you?
-Are you okay?
-It's so sweet.
Is he the sweetest man
in the world or what?
But he didn't have to.
Just seeing him this morning
seemed to give you a sugar rush.
You saw that?
We have windows, you fool.
You two seemed so lovey-dovey
that I got jealous.
Anyway, this donut is really good.
I know.
Thank you.
It's hot.
You should've been careful. Slow down.
I'm fine.
Hold on.
What's going on here?
Do you owe her something, Jae-woo?
I think you do.
Do you have something on him?
-It's not like that!
Leave Yeong-ju alone, Haeng-seon!
What did I do?
I forgot to put up the no parking sign.
What's with that brat?
No idea.
Gosh, it's cold.
Why are you walking on eggshells
around me?
No, I'm not.
You are, you little brat.
Even that dull Haeng-seon caught on.
Is this about yesterday?
I think I made a mistake yesterday.
What I meant by "gross" was…
Come on.
It was the alcohol talking.
Don't dwell on it.
Don't you know how I am?
I'm careless and whimsical.
And I like all men.
I know that, but…
You take everything too seriously.
What should I do with you?
Stop it. Just go back to normal.
Hey, Jae-woo.
This is a warning.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
You made a fool of me in court.
You never asked.
-You suspected me from the beginning.
Like those cops.
Where are you going? The car's that way.
Hi, Sun-jae.
What on earth did you do, Mom?
Lower your voice.
-You want everyone to find out?
Did you double-check your answer sheets?
I hope you didn't make any mistakes.
That's not the point.
The exam questions were exactly the same
as the ones you had given me!
Down to a T!
It's what you think it is.
Even after I told you to study hard
and get Level 1 in Language Arts
at all costs,
you couldn't focus.
Still, how could you…
This isn't right.
This is cheating, Mom!
You gave me no choice!
You had your head in the clouds.
So what else could I do?
You must nail
both early and regular admissions.
Don't you know?
But still,
this isn't right, Mom.
I hate this.
Can't we just tell the school?
This is driving me crazy!
Suit yourself.
If you want your mom
in the hospital again.
No, that's not what I mean.
Mom, please don't do this!
Your call cannot be completed…
What happened?
I thought you'd be celebrating
after your exams. Back so soon?
Well, I'm a little tired.
I see.
-I'll go upstairs and rest.
Did she not do well on her exam?
Why is she feeling so down?
Damn exams. Damn college admissions.
To hell with them.
A math camp?
It's called
Choi Chi-yeol's Math Camp. Wow.
Think of it as an upgrade
of the existing info sessions.
It will be a half-day
full of sample lectures
and math quiz shows.
Isn't it a great idea?
I'm not sure.
I'd rather focus my efforts on teaching
than host an event like that.
Why? This event could mark
your official comeback.
If we decide to do it, how big will it be?
I think we should have
at least 2,000 participants.
Still, there will be even more applicants.
With that many people,
the event will have to be held
outdoors or in a gymnasium.
You read my mind, Mr. Ji.
Ms. Jung is already looking for a venue.
Let's do it, Mr. Choi.
This is the least I can do
when our star teacher's making a comeback.
Can't you see I put my heart and soul
into these slides?
What do you say, Mr. Ji?
This isn't a publicity stunt.
The aim is to refresh the kids.
I'm all for it, Mr. Choi.
I'll prepare thoroughly.
If that's what you think,
I'll give it a try.
Let's do it.
Okay, great!
Let's have a blast!
Open the door, Su-a.
Midterms aren't everything.
Pull yourself together
and start preparing for the finals.
You can't give up like this.
Open the door, come on.
If you keep this up, I'll be really upset.
Open the door, Su-a.
Open the door, Su-a!
Open the door, Bang Su-a.
Ms. Jung just called and said
Hyeseong University's gymnasium
is available
and has the best offer.
I'm checking the place out
tomorrow morning.
You're coming along, right?
I should since I said yes.
Is Hyeseong University in Gangbuk?
Yes, it's a 40-minute drive.
I'll pick you up in the morning.
Once you get back,
you have online classes to record--
Hold on.
What? Is that too informal of a way
to greet someone older than me?
No, I just got off work.
I'm tied up with course preparations.
We're doing a math camp
instead of an info session,
and there's a lot to prepare.
I'm recording online classes tomorrow too.
It feels like torture
getting back to work after a break.
Guess I'm not capable of taking one.
Shall I stop by?
Yes, I am tired, but I could…
What is this?
Are you worried about me
or trying to get rid of me?
Okay, then I'll go home and rest.
By the way,
how did Hae-e's exam go?
It seemed she did well in math yesterday.
Oh, no. How badly did she flunk it?
How bad?
The place feels completely different
now that I'm alone.
It's unnecessarily spacious.
It only makes me cold.
Gosh, it's cold.
Is this why they told me
to have it checked?
It must be broken.
Dong-hui, my thermostat is broken.
What's the superintendent's…
Never mind.
Everything's okay now.
I'll give them a call. Bye.
What do I do?
Hi, Jae-woo.
It's so nice and toasty here.
Why are you here this late?
You do have excellent heating here,
don't you?
No, the heater's off.
Haeng-seon won't turn it on
unless it's under 20 degrees Celsius.
Then the house must have great insulation.
Stop beating around the bush
and explain what's happening.
It's really nothing serious.
I happen to be sensitive to cold,
and it gets chilly at night these days.
I went home
after talking to you on the phone,
and I felt like I was
coming down with a cold.
But the thermostat wouldn't turn on.
It's broken.
It won't be fixed until tomorrow,
but I kept shivering.
So I had to do something.
I can't afford to fall ill.
Your point is,
you came over
because your thermostat is broken?
That's exactly right.
And what's this?
I brought a change of clothes, underwear,
a toothbrush, a razor,
supplements, and medicine.
One would think he's moving in.
Right, Jae-woo?
Does this mean we'll sleep together
in my room tonight?
Yes. That would best fit
the norm of Korean society.
It's also in line with
traditional Confucian values.
I'll get you a blanket.
Mr. Choi.
Hi, Hae-e.
You're still up.
My room's this way.
Give me just a second.
Come on! Play fair, you bunch of cheaters.
You should do whatever it takes to win.
-Right, Hae-e?
-Hae-e, look.
-It's your turn.
Try this one. Number two.
Be careful.
-Oh, my!
What was that?
I have a little headache.
Can I go to my room?
Is it bad?
Are you having a migraine again?
-Want some medicine?
-No, that's fine.
Have fun. I'm turning in.
-Good night, Mr. Choi.
-Good night.
Is she okay?
Go ahead.
Is it my turn?
-Let's see here.
-It's not going to be easy.
It's too risky.
This won't be easy.
I could try this one.
-Where? Which one?
-This one.
Gosh, you scared me.
Why would you blow in my ear?
What about playing fair?
Cripes, who cares?
I'll do whatever it takes to win.
Have some pride
as a former national athlete.
Jae-woo, help me stack these again.
You're mean, Haeng-seon!
You're ugly!
-She's not ugly, Jae-woo.
What do I do?
What should I do?
You're awake.
I think I hurt someone.
You hurt someone?
Yes, so I apologized to them,
and they said it was fine.
But I can't tell
whether they meant it or not.
And it is bothering me a lot.
So it's a woman.
Well, it's not a man.
If it's bothering you,
you must have feelings for her.
If it bothers me,
does that mean I like her?
Your sister was like that to me.
I was bothered, upset, and worried by her.
Do you get it now?
Then stop thinking about it and sleep.
You should go to sleep early.
You have work tomorrow.
No, it's okay. Everything's okay.
-It's fine, Jae-woo. Go to sleep.
You're thinking too much.
It's okay. Let's sleep.
You need to sleep now more than ever.
Let's sleep. It's okay.
-I'm not asleep.
-You're very sensitive.
I have too much on my mind
and can't sleep.
It's okay. That happens.
But you can still sleep.
You should sleep. It's okay.
Stop thinking.
You're too sensitive.
You can sleep.
You're tired.
What if the kids see you?
Shush. It's okay.
Is Jae-woo asleep?
He's fast asleep, so don't worry.
-This is still not okay.
-It's fine.
No, it's not.
-Seriously, what's with you?
-It's okay.
Let's sleep. It's okay.
-No, it's not.
-Don't worry.
-It's okay.
-What are you talking about?
-It's really fine.
Take this.
Let's sleep.
Let's sleep.
My goodness.
You're crazy.
You're out of here in five minutes.
Just five minutes.
-No more.
-No more.
Mr. Choi!
Mr. Choi.
You're up early.
My eyes just opened.
-Go back to sleep. I'll make juice.
-I'll do it.
-It's okay. I'll do it.
I have nothing better to do.
Okay then.
-Go back to sleep.
-I will.
Brother-in-Law, where--
Listen to me carefully.
I was with you in this room all night.
But you weren't.
You weren't here
when I went to the bathroom at 4 a.m.,
-or when I woke up--
there are secrets that must stay
between two men.
A promise between one man and another.
Do you understand?
"One man and another."
-Off to school?
I heard from your mom.
You can't ace every test.
Don't let the past exam mess with you.
Shoulders back.
Mr. Choi.
Do you have time this evening?
My schedule is pretty full today.
What is it?
Do you have something to tell me?
Never mind. Some other time then.
-Hi, Mr. Choi. I'm already--
-Sorry, Dong-hui.
I should've called you sooner.
I'm at Haeng-seon's right now.
I'll drive myself.
You're still home, right?
Then I'll meet you at the venue.
You know those pictures
and videos we took in Incheon?
Can you send them over?
It slipped my mind.
I'll send them now.
Where's Jae-woo?
He's out on a walk.
Same time every day.
He takes his routine seriously.
He's just like Kant.
Kant took his walks
at the same time every day.
That's how the people
in Königsberg set their clocks.
Did you call Mr. Ji?
Yes, I told him I'd drive myself.
-Here they are.
-What is it?
The pictures and videos from the yacht.
Look at the camera.
We look great.
It's actually a video.
The colors look insane.
The models did a great job too.
Plus, the weather was wonderful…
that day.
I'm truly sorry.
I should've been more careful,
but the waves suddenly hit.
This is great!
It looks amazing.
No, I'll take it for you.
Okay. Is everyone here?
I have no special announcements to make,
but your midterms
have been unofficially graded.
I think one of our classmates
will be in first place again.
Lee Sun-jae.
You must've worked really hard.
You did well in Reading, your weakness.
You should all study hard
until the finals.
And pay attention in class today.
By the way, Hae-e,
come to the teachers' office.
What happened?
Sure, the Reading section was difficult,
but it's been your forte.
You get nearly all questions right
in mock exams too.
Were you feeling unwell?
-I miscalculated…
I miscalculated the time.
I should've set aside time
to mark my answers,
but I failed to.
It's not like you to make such a mistake.
I'm sorry.
Do you have something to say to me?
Your call cannot…
Why won't Mi-ok pick up?
I have news on Sun-jae's brother.
Why does she keep calling me? So annoying.
It's Su-a's mom.
She calls me all the time,
asks me what I'm doing,
and tells me to come and go.
I know. She can be a bit pushy.
She gossips too much too.
She makes me uncomfortable.
She's such a mean person.
She doesn't understand
that what goes around comes around.
Who doesn't?
Su-hui! You scared the life out of me!
Who were you talking about
so enthusiastically?
-You didn't even notice me?
Why weren't you picking up?
-You called me?
My phone was on silent.
I totally forgot.
I see.
We ran into each other just outside
and decided to grab a coffee.
I needed a little caffeine.
You love coffee, don't you?
Why didn't you invite me?
I love coffee too.
I heard they let him go home.
But who knows if he really is innocent
or if his mom pulled some strings.
If he'd been guilty,
he wouldn't have walked free.
Oh, boy.
My goodness.
-What is it?
-What happened?
Dan-ji just texted me saying…
Sun-jae got first place in the midterms.
Sun-jae's always been in the top five,
but he's never gotten first place.
When his family is going through
a rough patch at that.
He's one strong-willed boy.
He must take after his mom
to be so unsympathetic.
By the way, didn't you say
your phone was on silent?
That's not the point.
Hold on a second.
I thought Sun-jae always struggled
with Reading.
Has he been getting tutored?
I'll call his mom and ask right away.
Hello, Ms. Lee.
What's going on?
He did?
Not yet.
A secret method?
He did seem to spend more time
studying that subject.
No, he hasn't been tutored.
He doesn't have time.
I've been busy lately too.
Okay. Let's meet for coffee soon.
Snap out of it and look at the results.
All's well that ends well.
The door is opening.
That's right.
He's been paying for the treatment
and surgery costs for the injured cats
out of his own pocket.
Recently, he even went so far
as to arrange a funeral for a dead cat.
But why do you ask?
There were a few things
we needed to check.
Thank you, ma'am.
What is it?
Okay, we'll be right there.
I did hear about star teachers
manipulating public opinion online,
but Jin I-sang went above and beyond.
He logged into
and as Chiyeolsucks
no less than 2,100 times
over the past 4 years.
He wrote and deleted 138 malicious posts.
He sent 372 messages
to top university students offering money
to leave hate comments.
It seems like he spent all his time
trying to bring Choi Chi-yeol down.
How could he do this for four years
without getting caught?
He always used proxies and VPNs
to change his IP address
to another country.
Those crooks and their clever tricks.
I'll meet with the last person
Jin I-sang talked to on the phone.
This is some solid evidence.
It's basically undeniable.
Hi, it's me.
I need you to do
a background check on someone.
The name's Jeong Seong-hyeon.
The ID number is…
That's right.
It's the boy from the murder case
of a middle schooler's mom.
Making money while seeing your boyfriend.
What a multitasker.
Deliver to the church first.
Don't get overexcited
and go straight to Mr. Choi.
Of course not.
I don't just work here. I own this place.
Fine, but you're in love, boss!
You seem a little distracted these days.
He's recording classes all day.
I just made a bit extra while I was at it.
I get it. Whatever you say.
Ride safe anyway.
Got it.
Off you go with love!
The expression on the left
indicates the slope
between the origin and a,
and the expression on the right
is the slope between the origin and b.
So the value on the right
is less than the value on the left.
Therefore, the first option is true.
Let's move on to the second option.
-Mr. Ji.
-Hi. What brings you here?
I was on a delivery nearby.
Eat this with your team
when you're hungry.
You didn't have to. They'll love it.
Mr. Choi just started recording.
Too bad you missed him.
No problem.
-Don't tell him that I was here.
-Thank you.
The wet wipes!
What are you doing?
I've had my doubts, but…
Is this your true nature?
Or are you only doing this to me?
Was it intentional that day too?
I didn't see any waves in the video.
The weather was indeed
lovely that day, wasn't it?
What are you trying to say?
are you accusing me
of putting you in danger on purpose?
Yes, I saw it.
You turned the yacht on purpose.
I told myself that I must have been
mistaken and was being sensitive,
but I just realized.
I wasn't mistaken.
It was completely intentional.
What did you say?
There must've been a misunderstanding.
There's no reason why he'd do such…
I know.
You can't believe it.
I know you don't want to.
But Mr. Choi.
My vision is better than average.
My eyes haven't started aging yet.
Fine, I may be mistaken about the yacht.
But not about today.
I caught him red-handed.
I won't ask you to side with me.
I know Mr. Ji means a lot to you.
I am confused.
I need some time to think.
Okay. I'll call you after work.
I'll call you when my mind becomes clear.
It's absurd, Mr. Choi.
Why would I intentionally…
She could've gotten badly hurt.
Her life could've been in danger.
I didn't do it. She's framing me.
About today…
Fine, I was being petty.
We had already eaten,
and we're all on edge
when we're recording.
She meant well,
but she was being a nuisance.
Who is she to show up unannounced
and drop those sandwiches on us?
It was too much, and I was annoyed.
I apologize.
But the yacht thing isn't true.
I get it, but you…
Let's finish recording first.
Meet me at the playground.
I'm not leaving until you come.
-Don't come over.
I'm not coming.
we need to talk in person.
You can't avoid this forever.
The exam was exactly the same
as the material you gave me.
-So what?
My mom has a knack
for acquiring past exams.
It could be a coincidence.
Do you really think so?
I know you don't.
What are you trying to say?
Should I report my mom?
Is that what you want?
Don't tell me you…
I told you it was just for you.
I told you numerous times
not to show it to anyone else!
Are you saying
this is all my fault?
Get out. Get out right now!
Sun-jae, hear me out.
Hello, is this Hae-e?
It's Sun-jae's mom.
So what's your plan?
Why did you want to see Sun-jae?
It seemed like
you were asking him to meet up.
I was going to persuade him
to tell our homeroom teacher.
Then you'll face discipline too.
You'll get a zero,
and your grades will take a nosedive.
I already submitted my exam blank.
This isn't right, Ms. Jang.
-It's not too late to make it right--
Then I wouldn't have even started.
It is what it is.
If you truly are Sun-jae's friend
and care about his future,
please look the other way.
How could I do that
when I've found out everything?
Sun-jae is torn apart--
My son's fine.
Everything will be okay
as long as you keep quiet.
Many people's lives
could be ruined because of you.
Will you be able to handle that?
I risked my career and life for Sun-jae.
It wasn't for him.
It was for yourself.
Sun-jae isn't fine.
And I'll do what I think is right.
Do you really have to?
I'm sorry.
I'll call you when my mind becomes clear.
So many customers
asked for braised pollock today.
When we have pollock,
they want anglerfish.
And vice versa.
It's odd, isn't it, boss?
I guess.
Anyway, our sales have fully recovered.
Nation's Best Banchan
hasn't had a get-together in a while.
Should we all go…
What do you say?
How does that sound, Jae-woo?
I don't want to drink.
Then you can just eat food.
Forget it. I have to go to the market
early in the morning.
Go home. I'll finish up.
I can stay and help.
Just go home. I feel bad that
I've been away a lot lately.
If you say so, boss.
Jae-woo, you can go upstairs too.
I'll finish up.
No, I want to go home with you
after cleaning this.
Let's go.
-Let's just go.
See you tomorrow. Good night, boss.
-Good work today.
Come on. Let's go.
This just gets better and better.
-Hi, Mom.
-Are you home, Hae-e?
No, I'm out.
I was with Dan-ji,
and I'm heading home now.
At this hour?
Anyway, can you get
a large trash bag on the way?
A trash bag?
Yes, one just burst. It's a mess.
Hurry up. You have money, right?
Got it.
The largest one, right?
-Yes. Hurry up.
Why isn't she…
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected
-What happened?
-to voicemail after the beep…
Why won't she pick up?
I can't wait forever.
I'll go get one myself.
I waited outside the academy for hours.
They said you'd left,
but you wouldn't pick up.
I almost filed a police report.
Why are you soaked in sweat?
What did you do?
Did you walk home from the academy?
Why would you do that?
There's no time to lose!
You have an online chemistry class too!
What should I do with you?
Have you gone crazy?
I must've gone crazy.
I'm out of my mind. Or maybe…
I'm turning into a monster.
What are you talking about?
You're turning into a monster?
What monster?
What's with you?
Why are you crying? What is it?
Tell me so I can understand.
Get it together, Su-a.
Tell me why you're crying.
Stop crying. Get it together.
Why are you crying? What's with you?
Oh, no.
It's not that scary.
Hold on.
Hold on a minute.
Good grief.
Why isn't she home yet?
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected to voicemail…
Did her phone die?
Hi, Dan-ji.
I'm sorry to call so late.
It's Hae-e's mom.
Did Hae-e go back to you?
I haven't seen her
since we were at school.
You didn't see her earlier this evening?
She called me around 10 p.m.
saying she'd met with you.
No, I didn't.
She's not home yet?
I wonder what happened.
Let me try calling Sun-jae.
I'll call you back.
Okay. Thanks.
Hae-e didn't meet Dan-ji.
Where could she be, Jae-woo?
No, I didn't meet her. Why?
Hae-e told her mom she'd been with me,
but she hasn't come home yet.
So you didn't see her
or talk to her on the phone?
Okay, I'll call you back.
Call me if you hear from her.
Call her mom first
and then call me, okay?
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected
to voicemail after the beep…
Your call cannot be completed…
No luck at the internet cafe.
What about the karaoke rooms?
She wasn't there.
What on earth is going on?
Maybe something happened at school.
I don't know.
I'm sorry I woke you up.
That's not the issue here.
Where in the world did she go?
It's way past midnight.
Jae-woo will call you
if Hae-e comes home, right?
-Have you found Hae-e?
-Not yet.
I called him.
We need all the help we can get.
Are you okay?
Don't worry. We can find her.
Let's report to the precinct first.
We can report her missing
since she's a minor.
Let's track her phone.
-Let's go.
I understand your concern,
but there are procedures to follow
to track a phone.
We'll try to hurry.
It's possible that she just ran away.
It'd be a relief if she simply ran away,
but we don't know that.
Can't they skip the formalities
during an emergency?
What if something bad happens? No.
That's unlikely, but you never know.
They told us to wait at home.
So go home. Your mom must be worried.
Don't worry. I can call her.
I'll stay. You can go home.
I'll call when we find Hae-e.
Don't worry too much.
This often happens
to students getting ready for college.
Even Hae-e could be stressed out
about college admissions.
Get some sleep.
I'll wake you up if someone calls.
You should sleep too. You have work later.
I'm fine.
I'm used to staying up all night.
Hello, ma'am.
I'm calling from the precinct.
Your daughter's phone is off,
so it can't be tracked.
Since the phone was last used
near your house,
we'll start by searching the neighborhood.
Also, she talked to another person
before she talked to you.
The number is 010-0869-5999.
Do you know this number?
Was that 0869-5999?
One second, please.
What are you doing?
You'll be late for school.
I'll give you a ride. Come out.
Hello, Ms. Nam.
Hi, I'm sorry to call you so early.
By any chance, did you talk to Hae-e
on the phone last night?
-Sun-jae didn't tell you?
Hae-e didn't come home last night.
The police checked her call history,
and you were the last person
she talked to on the phone.
Yes, I talked to her last night.
I was wondering if Sun-jae was with her,
but he wasn't.
He came straight home from the academy.
I'm sorry. You must be so worried.
I see.
All right.
I'm sure she'll come home soon.
Don't worry too much.
You talked to Hae-e last night?
What did you two talk about?
None of your business.
She's missing. I can't reach her!
Why did you lie to her mom?
What did you say to Hae-e?
Did you…
meet her last night?
You came home late last night.
Where were you?
I met her.
I told her to keep quiet, but she refused.
And what did you do?
What do you think I did?
What do you take me for?
I'm late for work.
Go to school or whatever.
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected to voicemail…
This is driving me nuts.
Where in the world did she go?
I'm freaking out, Geon-hu.
I just talked to my mom,
and the police began a search
assuming she went missing.
My mom checked with them.
What about Sun-jae?
She hasn't called him either?
No, she hasn't.
I can't believe Nam Hae-e is missing.
Hey, she'll be fine, right?
Nothing bad will happen, right?
Let's hope so.
These are just some questions
we're required to ask.
Did anything unusual happen
before she left the house?
-Did she fight with her family?
-Not at all.
Was she bullied at school?
No, none of that happened.
Hey, Jong-ryeol.
You're here.
Hello, Mr. Jeon.
This is my kid's homeroom teacher.
I was going to call and tell you,
but I thought Hae-e's mother should know.
The thing is,
Hae-e submitted a blank Reading midterm.
She told me she had run out of time,
but I thought it was odd for her
to make such a mistake.
Then this happened.
-I thought you should know.
-I see.
Why did she submit her exam blank?
I don't know.
Your call cannot…
She had studied so hard
to maintain good grades.
Plus, Reading…
has been her strongest subject. So why?
Could that be related
to her going missing?
-It seems most likely for now.
-Your call cannot be completed…
She must've been tormented
for failing her exam.
-Your call cannot be completed…
I don't think that's it.
She wouldn't run away from home
because she messed up an exam.
It's not like her at all.
Hae-e's phone is ringing.
Give it to me.
Your call cannot be completed…
Your call cannot…
Oh, no. It got cut off again.
But the phone had just turned on.
Try calling again.
Let me try.
Your call cannot be completed.
You will be redirected to voicemail…
It's off again.
Where could Hae-e be?
-Oh, no!
-Call an ambulance.
Someone call an ambulance!
-My gosh.
-Hurry up!
-Is she dead?
-She got run over?
What do we do?
Let's stay strong.
We need to protect Haeng-seon and Hae-e.
She's too impatient
to be lying down for too long.
She'll wake up soon.
We're almost there.
In six months,
you can get into your dream university.
I really don't think
she attempted suicide.
What are you doing?
Are you suspecting me?
After what I've done for you!
But I don't know anymore…
about what kind of person he is
or why he's by my side.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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