Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e13 Episode Script

Something More Important Than Life

I've done a good job until now!
I have what it takes!
And not today
or any time in the future!
Even if I'm broken
I'll never give up no matter what!
Where are you, Tanjiro?
I can still hear that creepy sound.
Just be safe and sound, Tanjiro!
Um, Zenitsu,
is it just me, or are we
just going around and around in circles?
I knew it!
I was getting the same feeling!
That's my boy, Shoichi!
I knew I could count on you!
All right, could you check to see
if this room is safe?
What the heck? All right, all right,
just stop giving me that look!
Fine, I'll do it myself!
There's nobody around.
Let's go this way!
please show up!
Th-The room
just flipped!
I can do it!
I know I can do it!
I'm a guy who gets things done!
Broken bones or not
No matter what
I can do it!
I can fight!
Show him how unstoppable you are!
Broken bones or not!
It's no good! Nothing's changed at all!
Spirit alone isn't gonna get me anywhere!
Your head
Use your head, not just spirit!
Think! Think! Think!
Close call!
I barely survived that one!
Damn! This is so annoying!
I gotta consume some marechi!
There's no time to lose!
There isn't even time to stop and think!
Hey you!
What's your name?
I'm not handing over Kiyoshi
the marechi to you!
I'm not gonna cave!
I'm not giving up!
Just give it up, will you?
I'm going to get my hands
on some marechi
and reclaim my place
among the Twelve Kizuki!
Just give it up, will you?
It's so boring!
Your writing is just so boring.
Every last word is utter trash!
No beauty, no fragility, no impact.
Why don't you forget about writing?
It's just a waste of paper and fountain pens!
You never even step outside
anymore these days.
So no wonder you're so boring!
You should just enjoy your hobby,
playing the tsuzumi
as long as you're shut in here.
Not that you have the skills
to teach that, either!
Out of my sight!
You damn insect!
Rapid Drumming!
Don't tell me he can strike
that tsuzumi even faster!
The speed of these rotations
is making me dizzy!
This is bad!
What an amazing skill!
Not only that,
but now he's got five claws
instead of three!
Got it.
Because I dodged his blows
without stepping on the papers,
I now know how to move my body
without aggravating my wounds,
and how to breathe!
Take shallow breaths. Quickly!
Use that breathing technique to reinforce
the muscles around your broken leg!
And right before the claw attack,
there's the scent of mold!
Here it comes! The claw attack!
He's evading all of my attacks!
Total Concentration
Water Breathing!
Ninth Form,
Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!
Minimize the landing time and area
as much as possible!
He's adapting
to the room's orientation changes!
Go! Get in there!
Within striking distance!
Get right up in his face!
I see the Opening Thread!
Your Blood Demon Art was incredible!
Ouch, ouch, ouch!
I took a deep breath by mistake!
I'm the eldest son!
The eldest son!
Answer me.
You think my Blood Demon Art
was incredible?
It was amazing.
I can't forgive you for killing others.
I see.
Oh, wait. I gotta get a blood sample.
It extracted the blood.
So, it really does extract blood
automatically if you stick it in there.
That Yushiro sure is skilled,
creating something like this.
A cat?
So, you're the one who's going to deliver
this to Miss Tamayo, huh?
There, there. Thanks!
Now you're all set.
All right, take care now!
I was told that under Yushiro's spell,
it would be invisible until it meowed,
and then vanish again
when it meowed a second time.
So it's true, huh?
Where are those two?
I gotta search for them!
Your writing is just so boring.
Every last word is utter trash!
No beauty, no fragility, no impact.
It wasn't trash at all.
At the very least, not to that kid.
He saw fit not to trample on it.
Rest in peace.
Both my Blood Demon Art
and my tsuzumi playing
have been recognized.
Why are you throwing stuff at me?
We're so sorry!
The tsuzumi vanished, so we panicked.
I see.
Well, I'm glad you're safe.
You did a good job hanging in there.
You, too, Kiyoshi.
Come on, let's head outside.
Climb onto my back.
Is your leg okay?
You just have to be brave
a little longer.
I'm picking up
Zenitsu and Shoichi's scent.
They must be outside.
Both of them safe—
I smell blood!
What's wrong?
Let's hurry!
Take this!
Move it!
Take this!
Draw your sword and fight me!
You spineless punk!
I protected it.
Because you said
this was more important
to you than your life.
The thing is
I've always had really good hearing.
One time, I knew
what people said while I was asleep,
and that creeped everyone out.
I'm not hearing any more demon sounds.
Tanjiro, you defeated
that demon, didn't you?
I can hear you guys, and also these
weird-sounding, loud footsteps.
itsu! Zenitsu!
Thank goodness! Are you all right?
When the room spun around,
we got thrown outside.
We fell from the second-story window.
Did we now?
You were protecting me,
so I'm totally fine. But
I'm glad to hear that.
So, tell me, why all the tears?
Now I get it!
I fell right onto my head, didn't I?
Am I gonna
Am I gonna die?
My head is starting to spin.
What's this? What's this? What's this?
Comin' through! Comin' through!
There it is again!
The monster boar!
I'm getting a demonic vibe.
It's him!
I was able to tell from his voice!
He's the fifth survivor!
During Final Selection,
he was the first to rush up the mountain,
and then he came down
from the mountain before anyone else!
Mr. Impatient!
Hey, found it!
Cut it out!
Who the hell are you?
Get out of the way!
I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma!
I'm with the Demon Slayer Corps like you!
Demon Slayer Corps?
Then I shouldn't have to tell you!
We gotta get rid of that thing!
Now, get the hell out of my way!
I'm not moving!
This is Tanjiro's—
Don't argue with me!
In that case, I'm gonna demolish him
and the box together!
I said move it!
Why, you
Inside this box
Inside this box is something
I'm not letting you touch!
Something precious to Tanjiro!
Oh, hey, come on!
What are you talking about?
There's a demon inside that box!
Don't you get that?
I've known that from the very start!
I knew he was traveling with a demon.
Because the sounds demons make
aren't anything like human sounds.
I can pick up a sound so gentle and kind
from Tanjiro, it makes me want to cry.
So kind, I don't think I've ever heard
anything like it before.
All living creatures
constantly give off sounds.
The world is full
of all these sounds spilling out.
Breathing, heartbeats,
the sound of blood circulating
By listening closely,
I could tell what someone was thinking.
But I've been deceived by others
time and time again.
I've always believed
in whomever I wanted to believe in.
Tanjiro, despite being a Demon Slayer,
is traveling with a demon.
But I'm sure he has a reason for that.
And that it's a reason I can accept!
I believe that!
I'm going to ask Tanjiro directly myself!
So, you
You can just back off!
Let go of me, dammit!
You're so annoying!
You're not laying a finger on that!
That's something
precious to Tanjiro!
You're not touching it until he gets back!
Damn you!
Take this!
Move it!
I won't!
Take this!
Move it!
Take this!
Draw your sword and fight me!
You spineless punk!
I protected it.
Because you said
this was more important to you
than your life.
After all that bluster,
you won't even draw your sword,
you dumbass?
If you're a fellow Demon Slayer,
then let's see you fight!
If you're not gonna fight,
get the hell out of my way!
Move it!
If you won't get out of my way,
I'll just have to skewer you
along with that box!
Knock it off!
Knock it off!
That was some Blood Demon Art
to make the room spin around and still attack!
Maybe the closer a demon is to Kibutsuji,
the more potent and troublesome
his Blood Demon Art will be.
I wonder if I really have
a chance of beating them.
Now, it's time for a Taisho secret!
Kyogai, the demon in that house, is a fan
of "The Legend of the Eight Samurai,"
and I hear that he was writing
a biographical novel of his own.
Right, this is no time to be banged up!
Next, Episode 14,
"The House with the Wisteria Family Crest."
Your big brother's gonna kick some butt!
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
I forgot about my broken bones!
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