Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e13 Episode Script

Arpeggio: A Broken Chord

That concludes the 38th
regular meeting of
the Korea Association
of Violin Professors.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Good job.
- You too.
Professor. Are you
joining us for dinner?
I can't make it today.
Why not?
I founded a chamber orchestra
and I'm meeting
the members today.
You must be so busy as dean,
and you have a chamber too?
You're so hard-working.
Come to our first performance.
I'll give you the tickets.
Your students must've had a
hard time buying up the tickets.
Up to 80 percent of my tickets
are bought by the public,
so I don't need my
students to buy any.
Since you got into it, you
might as well do your best.
I'm sure you'll
gain fans in time.
Oh, by the way,
the middle-school girl who won
Seongju Daily's competition.
She's your pupil, isn't she?
Oh, you mean Ji Won?
Kids who learn from you
really need to know
just how lucky they are.
Could you share with us
your teaching techniques?
- Oh, come on.
- Yes, Jeong Hee.
Don't just let Jung
Kyung teach your pupils.
Ji Won's assistant tutor
is Jung Kyung, right?
You treated Jung
Kyung like a daughter.
You must've taught her
how to teach students too.
They seemed very close
and it was lovely to see.
You did the right thing.
Jung Kyung, I came first.
Yes. I did as you taught
me the day before.
Hello, Professor.
I'm a bit late. Do
we have a big group?
- Yes, almost everyone's here.
- Okay.
By the way,
you gave me the list of members
and how many tickets they bought.
You wrote down that you'd
buy the tickets too,
but there's no need.
You're already working
so hard as my assistant.
There's no need for
you to buy tickets.
Just the orchestra members
who will play can buy them.
Professor Lee.
Am I not an orchestra
member then?
No. I've only gathered
the talented players.
I hired you as my assistant
from the beginning.
Come inside after
you're finished.
Hello, everyone.
- Professor Lee.
- You look great.
Just a moment.
Hello, professor.
You must think you can get into
Seoryeong University on your own.
To see that you
stabbed me in the back.
What do you mean, professor?
That's not true. I
What's wrong?
Who was the call from?
Professor Song Jeong Hee?
What did she say?
I tutored Ji Won.
I think she found out.
Ji Won? The
middle-school student?
What should I do? I think I
need to see Professor Song.
I knew you since
you were a child,
so I guess I thought
you were young.
I thought you
relied on me a lot,
and that you were an
ally I should take in.
Now I see that you
can manage without me.
How could you think
of stealing my pupil?
It's not like that.
That's not what I was doing.
I just
I just thought of
when I was younger.
I wanted to help her.
I'd had such a hard time.
When you were younger?
Ji Won's not like you.
Do you think she'll
fail as you did?
Welcome home.
- Where's Jung Kyung?
- Jung Kyung
She left things like
that during practice.
She rushed out urgently.
She rushed out?
Let's go home.
Get some rest.
I'll put away your violin.
I thought of my mom.
I saw Ji Won,
and I thought of my mom.
No. I did it because
I thought of me
and the hard times
my mom gave me.
Still, I shouldn't
have done that.
I acted too impulsively.
Try to rest for now.
I shouldn't have done what
I did to you in New York.
Joon Young. Do you
really no longer
have any feelings for me?
Then what am I to you now?
Do you feel sorry for me?
Why? Because I don't have a mom?
Or is it because I lost my
talent and became ordinary?
- Jung Kyung.
- You're the one I feel sorry for.
You can't express how you feel,
so every birthday, you send
a recording of you playing.
You think you're holding
back because of a friend.
But was that really
because of Hyeon Ho?
I'll be honest.
I received
many things from your family.
Money. The piano.
Because of all that, I
never once wanted you.
I received so much that
even when I don't
want to see you, I
you let me go.
Please let go of me.
I don't want to
get anything from you anymore.
Your father called me earlier.
Why would my father
call you?
Did you send him money?
- Did you?
- Yes.
I did.
Joon Young, no
matter what you say,
you need me.
And I need you too.
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry. I didn't
know you were here.
Is this why you were helping
Joon Young all along?
Then why did you help him?
What were you hoping for?
I wasn't hoping for anything.
I just wanted Joon Young
to play the piano happily.
Then you failed.
Because Joon Young
has never been happy
while he played the piano.
He was just weighed down
by the money we gave him
and had no choice but to play
for you, me, and the foundation.
But I became too used to it.
To Joon Young playing the piano.
What consoled me
was not you, nor Dad.
It was Joon Young
playing that piano.
I have no talent left,
and I even broke
up with Hyeon Ho.
I can't lose Joon Young either.
Joon Young, I can't reach you.
I got the money.
Your dad took care of
it, so don't worry.
I'm on my way to Seoul.
I'll talk to you later.
Joon Young, you're home.
Mom, what are you doing?
What? Oh, well
I was just waiting
and had nothing else to do.
Did you see my text?
Your dad called me
after I got on the bus.
So I just came.
I wanted to see where you lived.
Where did Dad get the money?
Oh, well
From Jung Kyung?
Joon Young.
The thing is I
really didn't know.
Joon Young, it's
Your dad probably
I think he had no other
choice, so he called her.
Why would you accept
money from Jung Kyung?
I begged you not to.
I begged you
not to make me more miserable.
I begged you last time.
You took Jung
Kyung's money again?
Wait, Joon Young
If Dad had not done that,
if he hadn't
received the money
At least
At least I would be
happier than I am now.
Mom, I am
not happy at all
playing the piano right now.
Congratulations on
getting accepted.
Congratulations on
getting accepted.
Congratulations Dear Song Ah.
Congratulations on
getting accepted.
- Good on you!
- Congratulations.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Are you happy?
Yes. I'm happy.
Song Ah.
Were you practicing?
I have a lesson starting
soon, and I just dropped by.
I see.
How was your
gathering last night?
Did you meet many
of your seniors?
I'm sorry for not
calling you yesterday.
My battery died.
It's okay.
I don't think it's okay.
I saw you and Jung
Kyung last night.
You were in a taxi.
Where were you going?
After my practice with
Jung Kyung yesterday,
she had to go see
Professor Song.
Why did you go there with her?
Something suddenly came up.
And then
Did you send him money?
I did.
I came home,
and my mom was there. That's it.
I'm sorry. I thought
it wasn't a big deal,
so I didn't tell you.
It keeps concerning me.
You playing for Jung Kyung.
I thought I was just
being sensitive
and tried to trust you
and not worry about it.
I thought it would be okay,
but it's not.
I'm sorry.
you don't have to be
concerned anymore.
I'm not going to
play for Jung Kyung.
I shouldn't have started
in the first place.
I made a mistake.
Oh. Hello.
- Hello, professor.
- Hello.
Thanks for sparing the time.
- I should thank you for calling me.
- Oh, don't.
Where is Director Nah?
- She arrived.
- Okay.
Tell me if you need anything.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Did you enjoy the
dinner yesterday?
Thank you for helping
out with the event.
I didn't do anything. Ms. Cha
did all the work and I just talk.
By the way,
Jung Kyung told you, didn't she?
Yes, she did.
She tutored Ji Won once.
I'm sorry to say that
Jung Kyung wronged me terribly.
You don't know
her that well yet.
She's used to doing
what she likes.
I have a lesson soon.
I must leave now.
Good luck with the
talk and take care.
Thank you for
showing me the way.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Kyunghoo Cultural Foundation
is giving a special talk today.
Oh, right. That's today.
Will it be worth going?
It started a while
ago but still,
you should know as
you interned there.
I'd like to check
it out. Let's go.
- Shall we?
- Yes.
Sorry, I'm late.
Did you complain to the TA
about the practice room piano?
The pianos there are
in a terrible state.
You can come here if you
need a place to practice.
Now let's see
To summarize what I said today,
good skill is a must to a
classical musician these days.
On top of that, you must
also be able to plan and
promote events on your
own if you're to make it.
That concludes my
talk for today.
Thank you for coming.
Kyunghoo Cultural Foundation's
Director Nah Moon Sook
and Ms. Cha Young In gave
us many helpful insights.
Will you keep playing like this?
How many times must
I say that's wrong?
Will you play however you want?
Can't I do that?
Can't I at least
play the piano how I want?
My goodness.
You said you want to win.
If you want to play
as you wish and win,
have talent greater than anyone
so no one can find fault with you.
Like Seung Ji Min
and Kim Kyu Hee.
You're not them.
Don't you get my point?
Call it a day.
Take a break.
I'm a flutist,
but I'm also interested
in event planning.
But most music majors
who get into
event planning don't
keep their jobs for long.
Is there a reason for that?
Out of the music majors
who got into event
planning as a career,
I'm hesitant to say that
they couldn't control or
stand their own emotions,
and that's why they
ended up quitting.
They wear dark clothes in the
back so as not to stand out
and must watch friends and
classmates they studied with
sit in the spotlight
and play for others.
That's very hard on them.
Giving up a dream that
meant so much to them
is easier said
than done, I feel.
- Bye.
- Ms. Cha.
You made it.
Of course I did.
I enjoyed the talk so much.
Song Ah. Come here.
Hi, Song Ah.
How are you?
Song Ah.
Our summer interns?
By the way, Ms. Cha. I
remembered last time
how you complimented
Song Ah on her good work.
So I made Song Ah
my assistant
for my new chamber orchestra.
I see.
She's so thorough
and meticulous.
Ms. Cha
and Joon Young both are
great judges of character.
Song Ah would make a great wife
for any professional musician.
- Pardon?
- They say that women
should all have a career,
but frankly, people like Joon
Young who tour constantly
need a wife to pack
their bags and manage
their schedule for them.
That's not a bad thing.
That way they can focus on playing
without having to worry about
money and the small things.
Joon Young
isn't the kind of person to
put that first when dating.
Oh, of course. You're
right, director.
I just spoke my mind
because it's so sweet
- to see them as a couple.
- Yes, of course you did.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Take care, then.
- Thanks.
- See you around.
- Sure.
- Bye.
- Take care.
- Joon Young.
- Mr. Park.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Joon Young. Can we have a word?
All this time,
I've hurt many
people in my life.
The closer they were to
me, the more I hurt them.
Joon Young.
About Jung Kyung's
dad, Chairman Lee.
He's someone who even struggles
to keep his own position.
He's too naive.
I thought I needed
someone to protect the
foundation after I passed away.
So I wanted Jung Kyung
to meet someone
that suited that position,
rather than someone she wanted.
The position as the son-in-law
of Kyunghoo Group
and director of the foundation.
I was looking for someone who
wanted to sit in that position.
I thought about myself too much,
and I couldn't
understand how you felt.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I realized too late
what you meant to Jung Kyung.
Joon Young.
Can you stay beside Jung Kyung?
I'm sorry.
I have gotten over
my feelings for her.
I see. I realized
that too late as well.
I'm sorry.
People tend to be
so rude, right?
It's not like they all
become adults when they age.
Still, I envy them.
What? Envy what?
People who say
everything they want.
I envy them.
Even if they hurt
others by doing that?
at least they can
protect themselves.
So other people can't
hurt them easily.
You don't have to
come, it's okay.
I'll walk you to your car.
No, it's really okay.
I think I'll be able to hear
you play his pieces now.
I really hope to
hear it someday.
Will you let me?
Okay. Thank you, Joon Young.
Goodbye. Take care.
Did you meet Director Nah?
What about you?
Did you meet Young In?
I have to go see Jung Kyung.
I'm going to return
her sheet music.
Today will be the last time
I see her.
It sounds amazing.
The sound seems bolder,
and the echo is stronger.
Did you adjust the sound post?
Yes. I'm glad you like it.
Gosh, instruments
are so fascinating.
They're sensitive and expensive.
That violin is cracked.
Yes, the bridge collapsed.
I've heard of bridges collapsing,
but it's my first time seeing it.
It happens sometimes.
It sometimes collapses
from strong impacts too.
- I see.
- Oh.
By the way,
I heard you quit
Professor Lee's chamber.
Yes. It suddenly happened.
How did you know?
Word spread so fast.
You know how small
this field is.
If I sit here, I hear all kinds of
stuff I don't even want to hear.
Is there anything interesting?
People usually don't talk
about others succeeding.
They only gossip
about them failing.
Wait a minute.
So are you saying I'm a failure?
Hey. Come on, tell me.
Is there anyone else
more unfortunate than me?
Wait, is there someone?
It's Jung Kyung.
What about her?
Jung Kyung has been disowned
by Professor Song.
I can't play for you.
I'm sorry.
I'm about to fail to
become a professor anyway,
so there's no need
to play for me?
Is that it?
Then why can't you play?
Is that all you have to say?
I'll give you
the money back.
Let's not
see each other again.
You can come here if you
need a place to practice.
I'm going to go soon,
so practice comfortably.
If I'm making you
I was about to go home.
See you.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Let's eat.
- I hope you enjoy it.
- Thanks.
It's good.
Yes, it is.
Were you flustered when I suddenly
asked you out for tteokbokki?
No, I like tteokbokki too.
Do you really?
Instant tteokbokki
is my favourite.
I see.
I couldn't have any since
I returned to Korea.
How are you?
Instant tteokbokki.
Song Ah.
I'm so glad that
Joon Young has
a good person like
you next to him.
I really mean that.
I don't believe how
things ended up this way.
I had lots of dreams when I
graduated and came to Korea.
What did you dream of?
I wanted to make a living
playing the cello I love
and start a family
with the woman I love.
That's much harder
than I thought.
So far, I got back as much as
I put in with the
cello and with love.
But now everything
feels so unfamiliar.
I took a step of courage
only twice in my life.
Song Ah, instead of finding
a job, you'll major in music?
Yes. Good luck to me too?
You're out of your mind.
I'm not out of my mind.
You'll major in music
instead of finding a job?
Song Ah. Are you
talented at playing the violin?
To play the violin.
I like you, Joon Young.
And for love.
I loved it so much.
Am I not an orchestra
member then?
I've only gathered
talented players.
Even if I get hurt
Song Ah is my assistant.
again and again,
I thought
I could go on loving.
Perhaps that was
Jeong Hee?
I heard you let Jung Kyung go.
She hasn't yet pulled out of
applying for the professor position.
Do you think she's able to
think about that right now?
Of course.
I suddenly think it
would be nice if
she were to teach here.
I might back her up.
There's no reason I can't.
What's the occasion?
You won't have called
just to see me.
Could you
book me any recitals or events?
Of course. I can do that.
I'll ask around.
Thank you.
Your pay.
Do you want the amount
Kyunghoo Card promised you?
Do you think you
could ask for
a little more than that?
Song Ah. What's the occasion?
Hello, professor.
I have something to say.
Okay, go ahead.
I should wear this
on the side
without the pocket,
don't you think?
How do you think?
There. Does it look nice?
By the way, are you and Joon Young
discussing a time for our lesson?
Since you're dating him already,
try to play to his whims.
Musicians are
sensitive and picky.
They aren't like ordinary people
so you can't date like others.
Anyway, talk to him and
get him to come over.
I'm thinking of asking him
to collaborate with us at
our orchestra's new year
performance next year. Okay?
Oh, what was it
you wanted to say?
- Professor.
- Yes?
I will quit
working for the
chamber orchestra.
I didn't mishear
what you said, did I?
You'll quit working for
the chamber orchestra?
It's not like I forced
you to play the violin.
Your job as an assistant
requires you to use
a laptop and a phone.
Are you saying the
work's too hard?
Or is it because I
mentioned Joon Young?
making a very bad decision.
Think about it again
and we'll talk later.
No, professor.
I thought about it a lot.
I will quit
being your assistant.
Does she not want to get
into graduate school?
Did something happen today?
I don't know why I think
of you on bad days.
You can call me when
you're having a rough day.
I'd rather call
you on a good day.
That's even better.
Make sure to call.
I will.
Joon Young.
I want to meet you today.
Do you have time?
I have some business
to take care of.
I'll wait for you tonight
at the café near the school.
Let's see. You need
a deposit of 100,000 and 500
dollars a month for rent.
Why? Does it not
fit your budget?
Song Ah, do you
have time to meet?
Due to these characteristics,
Bartok considered
these chords
as long and short chords.
The method of distinguishing
them could be vague.
Since each chord is
lined up identically
Joon Young.
I think my lecture will
end a bit late today.
It's okay, I'll wait.
Joon Young, I know you
don't want to talk to me,
but I felt I had
to tell you this.
Listen to this. Isn't
this you playing?
But why does it say
Professor Yoo is playing it?
Song Ah, something suddenly
came up, so I'm going home.
I'm sorry.
Jung Kyung.
It's easy for me to be mistaken
if you come here so late.
No matter how close
of a friend you are.
I wish
you stop coming here now.
A teacher stole his student's
piece? How sexy is that?
I hope they remove this
video as soon as possible.
I don't want Song
Ah to be concerned.
Do you know why I didn't
tell Song Ah about this?
It's because I like Song Ah. Not
because I haven't forgotten you.
Do you know what it means
for him to play it again?
No matter what others say,
make a decision that
will make you happy.
I want to see you
and feel better.
It's so hard for me.
I wanted to rely on you.
It's all my fault, so
you can rely on me.
You can rely on me.
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