Doctor Slump (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

All of our previous tutors
were from Hanguk National University,
so I began to have serious second thoughts
about hiring you.
- I see.
- But Professor Jang recommended you.
He said all your former students
got into HNU's med school.
It still wasn't an easy decision,
so please do your best.
Yes, ma'am.
You know the credentials
my husband and I have, don't you?
Yes, I'm aware.
Getting into HNU's med school is expected…
No, it's the least
one can do in our family.
Yes, ma'am.
Jeong-woo will be here soon,
so wait for him inside.
His room is that way.
Yes, ma'am.
Right, here.
I doubled your original pay.
That's okay.
You can pay me the regular fee.
Then, you won't try as hard.
I heard your family
has it tough, so just take it.
And prove your worth.
I pitied the kid before I even met him.
I thought he'd be miserable in this house.
Hello, sir. Did you wait a long time?
I had to stay behind and clean. I'm sorry.
- It's nice to meet you. I'm Min Kyung-min.
- Hello.
I'm the top-ranked student
at Yeongwon High School.
I'm Yeo Jeong-woo, and I ace all my tests.
I hope we get along.
Right. Likewise.
Mr. Min.
Please help me become the god of calculus.
- It's too hard.
- Sure.
- Should we start?
- Let's do it!
- Right. Let's do it.
- Let's do it!
Let's go!
Okay. Let's do this.
So 1K minus BK is--
Hold on.
We need to solve this first.
- Right.
- Yeah.
What you're doing
will complicate it and make it harder.
- I see.
- Dividing them up is much simpler. Try it.
- Then…
- Okay.
- Sigma…
- Yes.
- K is from one to five.
- That's it.
Why are they so stiff?
- Goodness.
- They're so stiff.
- That's much better.
- Here?
- I can see now.
- Really?
Sigma K is AK's minimum
and maximum from one to ten.
Now, look at these two conditions
and find the suitable sequences.
Yeo Jeong-woo!
I wasn't sleeping. I was just thinking.
You really startled me.
I thought I had dozed off at school.
We're almost done.
You can sleep once you solve this.
- Where were we again?
- Where were we?
Should I start all over again?
Jeez. Come here.
- For this question…
- Yes?
Isn't our session at 8:00 p.m.?
You're early.
I wanted to drop by a bookstore,
but it was closed.
That's great.
Buy me some ramyeon. I'm hungry.
I can't believe
you've never treated me to a meal.
I've wanted to, but I never could.
I was afraid of your mother.
- She'd think we were slacking.
- Jeez.
Let's go. I'll buy you some ramyeon.
And some cheese kimbap too.
- Seriously?
- Yeah. Let's go.
I eat a lot since I'm still growing.
Is that okay?
Gosh, this looks good.
- Thanks for the meal.
- Eat up.
- The kimbap is here.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you.
Dipping kimbap in the soup is the best.
Right. Never call me
Kyung-min in front of your mother.
- She warned me.
- I know.
"Being friends will make you chat,
and it'll hinder your studies."
"Don't make me fire him
because he grew on you."
"Consider him a stranger."
That's what my mother told me as well.
Are you okay?
- Yes.
- I didn't even say about what.
Whatever it is, I'm okay.
I don't know
if I should pity you or feel proud.
- I feel resentful sometimes.
- Of what?
Of my situation.
My parents.
My thoughts.
I'm sometimes put off by them.
But seeing you makes me realize
that I need to work on myself.
Why did Haesung's vice president
attend Jeong-woo's hearing?
I ran into him at court that day.
You must've seen the wrong person.
We'll soon find out if that's true or not.
There will be tons
of CCTV and dashcam footage.
Haesung has something to do
with that medical accident, right?
Are you…
involved in Jeong-woo's medical accident?
What did Jeong-woo ever do to you?
He didn't do anything to me at all.
Would it be an excuse if I said…
that tormented me more?
Why aren't you making any dumplings?
The wrappers are stuck together.
- Then, use another one.
- Hold on.
I did it.
What brings you here at this hour?
- Come on in.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- The lights were on.
So I came to see if you were here.
- You're making dumplings.
- Yeah.
- Gosh, what a surprise.
- By any chance…
Ha-neul hasn't come home yet, has she?
No, not yet.
Give her a call.
I did, but she didn't pick up.
I see. Here.
Yes, ma'am.
How are they?
Nam Ha-neul, 33-year-old female.
She was barely conscious when we arrived.
Blood pressure is 80 over 40.
Pulse is 120 and respiration is at 35.
She has hypotension
and she's hyperventilating.
Let's start with FAST.
- This way.
- Okay.
What do you mean?
Are you telling me
Ha-neul was in a car accident
and is unconscious?
Yes, we suspect
severe bleeding in her chest
that requires immediate surgery.
We'll begin surgery
once we have your consent.
What is he talking about?
Any other signs besides than hemothorax?
Only the surgery
will tell us more details,
but the heart could've been ruptured too.
Her heart could've been ruptured?
Isn't that dangerous?
Yes, in such cases,
it could be fatal to the patient.
Ms. Kong, you need to consent to surgery.
We should hurry over
and see what's going on.
- Okay.
- Please.
Perform the surgery!
Please save my daughter!
She has multiple rib fractures
from a traffic accident.
The sonogram shows signs
of hemothorax and lung injury.
Cardiac injury was difficult to assess
based on the ultrasound,
so we need to open her up.
I'm maintaining her BP at 90 over 60
with the IV drip and blood transfusion.
May I begin?
Yes, you may.
It's been a while,
but I'm sorry we had to meet like this.
So what exactly happened?
I asked around.
To put it simply,
she hurt her chest badly in the accident.
She broke her ribs,
and the bones have pierced her lungs.
It's dangerous if we don't stop
the bleeding in her lungs,
so she needed immediate surgery.
If her lungs aren't too damaged,
they'll just remove a part of them
and mend her broken ribs.
I know her ribs will heal, but will she
be okay with parts of her lungs removed?
It's okay to remove parts of them.
The lungs are divided into many sections,
and they'll soon grow back in size.
It won't affect her
when exercising or in everyday life.
She won't need to take
medication her entire life either.
Mom, where's Ha-neul?
- Is she in surgery?
- Yes.
I'm sure Ha-neul will pull through,
but we need to stay strong
to be by her side.
I used to train at this hospital.
They have great cardiac surgeons,
so let's trust them and be patient.
Sit down, Ba-da.
You must've been startled.
It's okay.
How did it go?
It took longer than we expected.
But luckily, there was no heart rupture.
Her broken ribs pierced her pleurae
and punctured her lungs.
But we removed that section.
How are her vital signs?
Was there coagulation in her heart cavity?
Could there be complications
such as pyothorax or fibrothorax?
Thankfully, there was
barely any coagulation.
We drained it out, so you won't need to
worry about complications.
She's still unconscious,
but she has no additional injuries.
As long as she recovers
from her concussion, she'll be all right.
Thank you.
Thank you for your work.
- The surgery went well.
- Right.
- So don't worry.
- Okay.
What? The morning visitation hours
are already over.
How can we wait until evening?
She's all alone in that room.
She must've been frightened
and in pain all night.
It's not too bad though,
and she'll be okay
as long as she recovers, so don't worry.
There's still a lot of time
before the next visitation hours.
How about one person stays
and the rest goes home?
I think we should take shifts.
Then, I'll stay.
She might want to see me
when she wakes up.
I'm staying too.
She might ask for me.
She actually could ask for me.
Then, it'll be better
for the elders to stay,
so you two can remain here.
Ba-da and I will go home
and pack some things
she might need for the general ward.
You're leaving too?
I have surgery at 9:00 a.m.
Right, you have to work. Go on then.
Don't worry.
We'll call you if anything happens.
Please take good care of her.
Go. Go do your job.
You too.
Jeong-woo, I brought some towels.
Hey, you know what?
I think I've been the worst brother.
She must've felt more pressure
since I was a good-for-nothing.
She had to work even harder
to be a good child and do my share.
But all I did was ask her for money.
I never listened to her.
I think I was five.
The very first word I learned
in school was "sweet potatoes."
But it turned out
the question was asking
who had created the Korean alphabet.
She was scolded so much that day.
She cried and said
she hadn't written that.
But our dad thought
I didn't know how to write,
so he scolded her even more for lying.
I was too scared to tell the truth.
When I thought about
what I had done wrong to her yesterday,
I remembered that day.
I'm afraid she might be gone
before I can ask her to forgive me.
Hey, she's not going anywhere.
You know what? I'm going to
work hard in life once she recovers.
I'm not religious, but I prayed all night.
I promised to work, donate,
and live a righteous life
as long as she pulled through.
All right.
She'll recover, so don't worry.
You should get some sleep.
Take a taxi back.
I'm okay.
It's unlike you to say no to 50,000 won.
Take it.
Take a taxi and eat something good.
Buy some porridge on your way there,
so your mother and uncle can eat too.
Let me know once she wakes up.
Ha-neul, your mom is here.
Uncle Tae-seon and Ba-da are here too.
Open your eyes.
Goodness, my poor baby.
No, it's okay. I'm okay.
Let's wake up after your nap.
- Hey, Jeong-woo.
- Hey.
Will she be okay?
Of course.
The surgery went well.
Let's put our trust in her and wait.
Ha-neul, Jeong-woo is here.
You said it was just a concussion.
Why is she still unconscious?
The CT scan showed
no bleeding in her brain.
Often, there are cases when the patient
has a brain hemorrhage later on.
They'll monitor her a bit more
and then do another CT scan.
Let's be patient.
The incision has healed well,
and there's barely a scar.
You don't need to worry.
- Thanks for toughing it out.
- Not at all.
You're the one who did all the hard work.
Let's grab a meal with Ha-neul sometime.
I'll treat you to something
more delicious than tteokbokki.
By the way, I heard she's not here today.
Is she sick?
I'm not sure.
Come on. You're her friend,
so you should know.
Seeing how you're working together,
it seems you don't despise each other
like you used to.
I hope you two get along.
Hey, do you know what I found yesterday?
Here. Take a look.
It was the day you both fainted
and went to the nurse's office.
I picked it up in the hallway.
What's this?
She must've written it for you
but never got to give it.
She must've hesitated
about giving it to you and kept it.
And I had it with me all along.
Jeong-woo, let's not exhaust ourselves.
I'll stay strong.
You should stay strong too.
Everything will be okay. From Ha-neul.
Looking back,
we were always together
during those hard times.
Darn it!
We always ran together.
Sir, Ha-neul fainted!
Jeong-woo fainted too!
We were in pain together.
Even when we needed comfort…
- Unbelievable.
- We were together.
It felt like the words
you wrote in the past…
were trying to comfort me
in the present as well.
I couldn't stop crying.
I don't know exactly
what it means to love someone.
But nevertheless…
I knew for certain that this was love.
She was more than just a friend
or a romantic partner.
It was just love.
I'm sorry.
You must've been so worried.
I love you, Ha-neul.
Gosh, you went through so much.
Thank you for waking up.
But it breaks my heart to know
that they removed a fourth of your lungs.
I'm okay. It isn't that serious.
It won't affect my daily life either.
Is that so? Does that mean
you can still drink and run?
Yes, it won't be a problem.
I heard you didn't get any sleep.
You must be tired. Go home and rest.
We're not going anywhere.
We need to take care of you.
One person will be enough.
It'll make me uncomfortable
if you're all here.
Then, I'll stay. You guys can go.
Forget it. I have more stamina than you.
You're in your fifties,
and you're in your forties.
I have the best stamina here.
- Rock, paper, scissors then.
- Forget it. Let's not be childish.
Jeong-woo, you too?
It felt awkward to not participate.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Gosh, I guess I won. Oh, no.
You cheated!
No, I didn't. I'm not dirty like that.
But since we're on the topic,
I say I have better stamina than you.
You're young, but you don't work out.
I jog every morning, ride horses,
and scuba dive. I do everything.
What does nursing
have to do with scuba diving?
I know exactly how to react
during an emergency.
In fact, I was trained at this hospital.
It's practically my turf.
So let me take care of her
while you guys rest up. Okay?
You need good sleep
if you want to take over tomorrow morning.
You also need to eat well
to have good stamina.
Don't worry. I'll take good care of her.
Just focus on resting up. Goodbye.
Were you disappointed to see me cheat?
I had no choice.
I had to stay by your side.
You should sleep more.
You must be exhausted.
No, I've slept enough. I want to be awake.
Then, should we get some fresh air?
There's an outdoor garden I used to go to.
What just happened?
I was in the room just a moment ago.
I know.
He'd be a great salesman.
I feel bewitched.
Isn't he ridiculous?
He was so mature
when Ha-neul was unconscious.
But now that she's awake,
he's become childish again.
How could he cheat
at rock, paper, scissors?
He must've really wanted
to stay by her side.
Imagine how worried he must've been.
He had to take care of us
and look into what was going on.
He worked so hard.
Right, and he probably knows best
since he's a doctor.
It's better that he stays. Let's go home.
It's steaming hot.
Isn't it warm?
I asked the head nurse for a favor,
and she got this
from the director's office.
Don't they give these out
if we just ask for one?
She gave me the warmest one.
Because it was me.
If it wasn't for me,
you'd have a lukewarm--
No, a cooling sheet.
And this wheelchair. I brought it
since it seemed like a new design.
I think they recently
replaced them. It's new.
- Really?
- Yeah.
My family must've been so shocked.
Thank you for comforting them.
I'm more thankful to you
for pulling through that tough surgery.
The detective working
your accident stopped by yesterday.
He suspects it was
sudden unintended acceleration.
As for the other passenger…
He's recovering in the ICU.
He'll stop by again to explain more.
I know you have many questions right now.
But can I explain after clearing my head?
- I'm not ready yet.
- Sure.
Recovering should be
your top priority right now.
A thought crossed my mind yesterday.
I had never known
what love really was.
But I thought
it could be something similar to praying.
I always pray that you'll be happy
and successful.
Last night,
I desperately prayed you'd wake up soon.
I love you with all my heart, Ha-neul.
Gosh, are these footrests all right?
Hey, are you okay?
What is all this?
Hello. Why are you here, Dae-yeong?
Why do we keep gathering?
Are we the Power Rangers?
Of course, I should be here.
She's our colleague.
Ha-neul, how are you feeling?
I'm okay.
I'm sorry that I had to
suddenly be away from work.
Goodness, please don't say that.
I was worried sick
after hearing about what happened.
- I almost cried.
- Jeez.
But of course, not as much as Jeong-woo,
who loves you with all his heart.
You heard that?
Yes, I did.
You prayed that she would be happy
and wake up soon.
All right, that's enough.
- Love is something similar to praying--
- Stop it.
Are you studying literature these days?
You're suddenly a poet.
- Can you come with me?
- Me?
- Yeah.
- Why?
I think you can leave now.
Already? It hasn't even been a minute.
That's enough. It's more than enough.
Come here.
- Come on, I want to stay.
- There they go again.
- People shouldn't change so abruptly.
- Jeez.
- You must've been so startled. I'm sorry.
- Yeah, I was worried about you.
They must still be talking.
I guess so.
There must be a lot to discuss.
Should I tell Hong-ran to stay?
What are you talking about?
You should leave soon.
Why? Do you want
some alone time with Ha-neul?
No, she needs to rest.
Anyways, you did a great job.
By the way,
was Ha-neul driving by herself?
I think she was with someone,
but I don't know the details.
Why not? Didn't you talk to her?
She needs to recover first.
Then, we can talk.
To be honest, I had so many questions.
Why was she with him?
Had she been in danger?
I was worried.
But most of all, it broke my heart
to think of how scared she must've been.
Let's hurry. Ha-neul must be waiting.
Jeong-woo must be so tired too.
Why are you sighing?
Her surgery went well. Everything's fine.
It's just that she's been through
so much this year.
I just feel uneasy. That's all.
But good things happened to her too.
She met Jeong-woo.
I now see him in a different light.
He seemed so reliable
when he took care of us all.
I thought he'd get mad at her.
She was with some other guy
during the accident.
"Some other guy"?
Don't say it like that.
He was just her senior colleague.
Exactly. Senior colleague. A guy friend.
Guys hate people like that.
Plus, the accident happened at night.
You think he'd be happy?
You think he stayed behind
to put the screws to her?
Don't be absurd. He wouldn't do that
to someone who's hurt.
She's lost a gall bladder
and a fourth of her lungs.
Who knows?
Hell no. This won't do.
I need to protect her.
There you go running wild again.
It's hot. Be careful.
What are you doing? Come on.
I told you not to exhaust yourself.
Let me do all the dangerous stuff.
To be honest, it was a bit much.
You're like an affectionate puppy.
And you're a mischievous squirrel.
What are you saying?
You're so silly!
You're so adorable.
- Hello, Ms. Kong.
- Hey, you two.
Jeez, you are so lovey-dovey.
Were things okay last night?
Yes, her doctor came by in the morning.
They said she's doing well.
But she needs to get an X-ray later today.
All right.
Leave this mischievous squirrel
to us and go to work.
Yes, ma'am.
Goodbye, then.
Gosh, it's hot.
Right. I packed Jeong-woo's lunch.
I'm sorry for everything.
For stealing money from you
and for not looking for work.
And I'm really sorry
for the sweet potato incident.
"The sweet potato incident"?
Here. Take this.
I packed you some rice and side dishes.
- Have them for lunch.
- Thank you.
But you didn't have to.
Of course, I had to.
You've helped out so much.
And as for that guy who was
in the car with Ha-neul yesterday,
he was just a senior colleague,
so don't worry about it.
- I know who him as well.
- Is that so?
Thank goodness. I was worried
that you'd get the wrong idea.
By the way, how is he doing?
I'm not sure.
I heard he went to the ICU after surgery.
But that was it.
His vitals are weakening and his HB
and platelet levels are dropping.
His liver and kidneys are failing too.
He's suffering from multi-organ failure
since he lost a lot of blood
before and during surgery.
I'm afraid DIC is in progress.
I don't know if he'll make it.
I heard their part-timers are handsome.
It's cold and cloudy today,
so I'm craving some hot soup.
How about some kalguksu?
Yes. Pasta sounds good.
I didn't say "pasta." I said kalguksu.
Okay. Let's have pasta.
I said kalguksu, not pasta!
Jeong-woo, do you want pasta…
How about kalguksu for lunch?
I brought my own lunch.
And I have to go somewhere.
I see.
Are you visiting Dr. Nam?
Can we come?
Of course not.
- She needs rest. You shouldn't visit.
- Right.
Please tell her
we're thinking a lot about her.
And we'll delay your schedule
as much as possible,
so don't worry and focus
on nursing your girlfriend.
Thank you…
How did you know?
What? Do you all know?
It wasn't me. I never told you!
Be honest. How did you all know?
How could we not know?
He kept dropping hints.
I caught on when they kept going
to the stairwell.
I caught on when we ate
those rolled omelettes.
I saw you getting an earful from her
after you said she needed some work done.
I witnessed it.
You told me to keep it a secret,
but you let it show to everyone.
This won't do.
You're paying
our electric bill from now on.
Why do you keep telling me to pay
your utility bills? Are you short on cash?
It's a trendy joke.
Dr. Bin.
Isn't the joke, "Pay double in tax"?
He remembered it incorrectly.
I feel sorry for you.
- Can we have pizza?
- I'm down for both pasta and pizza.
I'm a bit flustered
to suddenly see you here.
But thank you for coming.
I called you several times,
but you never called back.
It made me feel uneasy.
You mustered the courage to step forward,
and I couldn't even thank you--
Are you really thankful?
I set up all those cameras in your clinic.
you had your reasons.
I'll be honest.
I told the detective I hid six,
but I hid seven cameras in your clinic.
I have the last one.
Do you know what it recorded?
Hold on.
Why are you bringing this up now?
You should've told the detective
about it instead of telling me.
Where is it?
This is how one would normally react.
I said the same thing
to Min Kyung-min as a test.
"As a test"?
Are you saying that was a lie?
The whole incident seemed too odd.
I wanted to get to the bottom of it.
But he reacted differently.
He said it wasn't his fault
no matter what was recorded.
So doesn't that mean
someone is to blame?
I think he knows something
about the medical accident.
- The man who stalked me was--
- Correct.
They're the same black jacket and pants
Mr. Nam Ba-da mentioned in his statement.
To plan to have that murder
take place at your clinic,
there were many things he needed to check.
For example, the layout of the OR
and the location of CCTV cameras.
But after searching through
the CCTV footage,
the only people we saw visiting the clinic
were your employees and patients.
Except for Min Kyung-min.
But he came with you once
when you visited me.
You two seemed very close,
so I never suspected him.
But maybe that's exactly why
he decided to come with you.
So we looked into the footage again
and found this.
This was the day before the incident.
He acted brazenly since he knew
there were no CCTV cameras there.
But Kang Jin-seok's spy camera caught him.
We should've detected this sooner.
In any case, Ms. Nam played a key role.
Mr. Nam came two days ago to give
his statement, and she came with him.
She was also the one who realized
Min followed you on the day you moved in.
I don't know how, but she knew
Haesung wanted to manipulate stocks
with a false dissertation.
She also said it could be connected
to a gang in Macau.
She saw this footage afterwards.
I think that's why she went to him.
We restored a part of the dashcam footage
that was damaged in the accident.
This was their conversation
right before the accident.
Why did Haesung's vice president
attend Jeong-woo's hearing?
Haesung has something to do
with that medical accident, right?
Are you
involved in Jeong-woo's medical accident?
What did Jeong-woo ever do to you?
Meeting Kyung-min was because of me?
Is it true?
This happened because of me?
How did you know?
Why did you go alone
when you knew how dangerous he was?
You should've told me.
Why did you go and get hurt instead?
You were on the verge of death.
When I had to send you into surgery
without getting to see your face,
how do you think I felt?
It was scarier because I knew
what the surgery was.
I could clearly see you
lying on that cold table.
That made it more painful
and it was driving me insane!
And it was all because of me?
Why would you put yourself in danger?
A car crash allegedly due
to sudden unintended acceleration
occurred in Yeoksam-dong,
Gangnam-gu last Wednesday night.
The police are investigating the cause
using eyewitness testimony
and dashcam footage.
According to reports, the driver
of the vehicle is still unconscious.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry, but is Mr. Yeo Jeong-woo here?
He's not here right now.
May I ask who you are?
He came and ordered
this flower basket earlier today.
He asked me to call him
when I arrived, but he hasn't picked up.
I'm sorry, but is it okay
to leave this here?
Have a nice day.
Ha-neul, I'll stay strong.
So you should stay strong too.
We will be okay.
Here you are.
I'm sorry for putting myself in danger.
But in that moment,
I couldn't think rationally.
I desperately hoped I was mistaken.
I wanted to meet him
and hear him say it wasn't true.
I didn't expect
it would turn out this way.
But even if I went back in time,
I still wouldn't tell you.
You're just starting to heal.
You're finally good enough to do surgery
and carry on with daily life.
So I couldn't hurt you again.
How could I possibly tell you?
Before we met…
when I collapsed
and almost died in front of the hospital,
do you know what I was thinking?
"Sure, let's just die."
I thought that would be the better option.
But this time,
all I could think of was one thing.
And it was you.
I could've died then and there,
but all I thought about was you.
I wanted to tell you that I loved you.
This is my love.
For even a day or a few hours,
I wanted to postpone
telling you for as long as I could.
For as long as possible…
I wanted you to be free of pain.
I'm sorry.
Are you going home now?
- Don't you have an umbrella?
- No, I do.
Then, why are you still here?
I was just watching the rain.
This is the perfect weather
for some seafood kalguksu and soju.
Right? Kalguksu and rainy days
go hand in hand, right?
That's what I said, but my colleagues said
pasta suited this weather better.
So we had pasta for lunch.
I understand.
Let's have some kalguksu
and soju like you suggested.
I never said we should.
It was just a thought.
Then, you should act on your thought.
All right.
Let's go.
I know a good place.
I feel a little bad for Ha-neul.
She was at the brink of death last night,
but I'm sitting here drinking.
She asked me to look into Kyung-min
and then got into that accident.
I don't know what's going on.
Didn't I say we should talk about us
the next time we met?
Well, is there anything
you'd like to talk about?
I divorced my husband because he cheated.
Excuse me.
We met each other in college.
I suffered so much as an intern
and needed someone to lean on.
So I asked him to marry me,
and he said, "Sure."
We got our parents' blessing,
and he went alone
to register our marriage.
Then, he proposed
while I was still in my scrubs.
That's how we got married.
That's quite romantic.
At first, yes.
But later, it all fell apart.
He started coming home late
after expanding his business.
And he started staying out all night.
- Then, he cheated on me with his employee.
- What?
- But I was pregnant back then.
- That crazy bastard!
You did the right thing!
I'm glad you divorced him.
Why are you so loud?
Are you holding a microphone?
I'm sorry.
I just got worked up.
You mentioned your divorce in the past.
I only told you since I thought
it was unfair of me to not share mine.
It's raining today,
and I'm feeling down, so…
Why are you feeling down?
No reason.
I feel like life is difficult.
I know this is about Ha-neul again,
but look at what happened.
I thought she was doing fine
at her hospital,
but she quit.
Then, as she was getting back on her feet,
another bad thing happened.
Things will look up for her again.
Like this.
Anyway, that's why.
We're done with our drinks, so let's go.
Ma'am, we'd like to pay now.
- Here's my card.
- Okay.
- Let me treat you next time.
- Sounds great.
- What? Where did it go?
- What's wrong?
This is the same color, but it's not mine.
Oh, no. I think the customer
who just left took yours.
I'll call and ask them to return it.
Could you take that one for today?
It's okay. We can share mine.
- Would that be okay?
- Sure.
It started pouring
even heavier that night.
That rain
marked a new beginning for some.
For others,
they hoped the rain
would wash away their pain.
Gosh, you just had to pick the time
when we were out of ingredients.
Why did you buy groceries
in this rain to make milmyeon?
I'll teach you tomorrow.
No, it has to be today.
I promised to work hard
once Ha-neul woke up.
But why do I need to be a part of that?
Come on, Uncle Tae-seon!
What should I start with?
Prepare the ingredients.
And for others,
they kept their promise despite the rain.
And for us,
we desperately hoped the rain
meant this suffering would end.
Just like how
the rain would eventually stop,
we wanted to stop thinking
that this sadness would last forever.
I heard you listened
to the dashcam recording.
But the most important part
came after that.
I was still conscious
before the ambulance came.
And that's when I heard him.
He must've thought
he couldn't hide it anymore.
Why did you already shower?
I was too sleepy,
so I thought it would help me wake up.
I'm sorry. It must be tough
to stay awake because of me.
It's okay. We only have three weeks left.
You're right.
Three more weeks, and you can escape.
It's stifling to live here, isn't it?
Just a bit.
I'm kidding. I like your house.
I'm making tons of money thanks to you.
Then, will you buy me ramyeon
and kimbap again after exams?
Just ramyeon? I'll buy you some clothes.
A suit for graduation
and your first day of med school.
Are you talking about those black suits?
Men should wear black.
So you know a little bit.
Okay, I'll get you a black suit,
so study. I'll check in ten.
- Let's do it!
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- All right.
Where was I again?
Hello, ma'am.
It's medicine for my indigestion.
Good night.
I'm sorry to tell you this.
But the bar called and said
my father was very drunk.
I'm the only one who can pick him up.
Could you give me two hours to go--
The CSAT is in three weeks.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
Actually, my father has been asking me
to have a meal with him.
It's unlike him to do so.
- I'm worried something is up--
- I said the CSAT is in three weeks.
Don't you get it?
Yes, ma'am.
Like he said, Jeong-woo
didn't do anything to him at all.
According to the bar owner,
your father kept lying down
and said he wanted to sleep.
He must've thought he was home
and took the sleeping pills.
But perhaps since he was drunk,
he took eight pills at once.
He drove drunk
after taking too much Ambien.
His truck crashed into a guardrail
and died instantly at the scene.
I'm sorry for asking,
but I heard he called you
many times to come pick him up.
May I ask why you couldn't?
Foolishly enough, his resentment
was dreadful and brutal
like his circumstances.
What? There's more alcohol.
Cheers, Kyung-min.
He wanted Jeong-woo's family
to suffer the same way his family did.
But that was just self-justification.
He claimed to have been torn
between affection and hate.
But that was just an excuse.
He claimed Jeong-woo's kindness
made him feel pathetic.
But that was just wretched self-pity.
That's impossible.
I know nothing of this.
And committing the unthinkable
was of his own doing.
So I hope
Jeong-woo will never forgive him.
What is this?
Did you deliberately cause
that incident at my clinic?
I didn't know at first
that it was your clinic.
How can I believe you?
I know the situation I'm in right now.
If I was going to lie…
I wouldn't have asked you to come.
I found out the day before.
And I tried my best…
to dissuade them.
But I'd already come too far.
So I had no choice.
What do you mean?
What do you mean by "too far"?
The stock manipulation? For what?
I purposely didn't visit you
because of this.
I didn't want to see you in pain
and feel sorry for you.
I was afraid I'd hurt for you
when you didn't deserve it.
I'm sorry.
I know…
I hurt you.
When you needed help,
I was sincere
about helping you out.
Your sincerity means nothing now!
Don't waste your time…
resenting me.
Damn it.
Even if I die…
please forget everything…
and move on.
What happened?
Why did he suddenly want to see you?
He apologized.
So? What did you say?
I couldn't say anything.
He might not make it.
- Maybe I should've forgiven him.
- What for?
Let's say he was hurt because of you.
But that doesn't justify
his cruel actions.
Does he deserve forgiveness
because of that?
Give yourself time to process…
and don't suppress your feelings.
If you forgive him now,
then the tears you shed
will be meaningless.
I can't do it just yet.
I can't forgive him.
You don't have to.
It's okay.
I refused to forgive him in the end…
for the sake of my own pain.
It's been a while, Dad.
How much time needs to pass
for things to feel okay like that?
- Hey, Jeong-woo!
- Kyung-min!
I'm such an idiot.
I can't forget how good he was to me.
I'm having a pretty tough time.
You forgive someone not for their sake
but for yours.
You should go back
before it's too late.
- Bye, Uncle Tae-seon.
- Bye.
Go do your job.
Actually, I got an offer
to be an assistant professor.
You're the best!
To be by your side,
I made a huge decision.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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