Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e13 Episode Script

The Art of Turmoil

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
-What brings you here?
-It's about
Chairman Shin's heart operation.
May I be the first assistant?
Times of needs.
Make sure you are
a part of that operation.
Tell me everything that happens
in that operating room.
The others' needs are prioritized
over one's own decisions.
Do you have experience
in cardiothoracic surgery?
Before you even realize
what you really want
the world forces you to
adapt to its standards.
When I was an intern,
I have participated
in a heart transplant operation once.
It makes you add things.
I've also been
in an aortic dissection once,
in a cardiovascular
bypass operation four times,
Things get exaggerated.
ECMO operation once,
and VAD operation twice.
Sometimes, you exaggerate the facts
with lies.
It sure is
good to have a powerful dad.
You're more experienced than I thought.
Back then, I couldn't decide whether
I should be a general surgeon
or a cardiothoracic surgeon.
If you take the first assistant,
that will exclude Dr. Yun.
Do you understand that?
Is there
any way I can participate?
In the end,
it requires you to make others
fall in despair.
This is the world we live in.
When do you plan to operate
on Chairman Shin?
I made a request
to the manufacturer for the parts I need.
They told me that it'll be
either this weekend or early next week.
Do you have an operation team
in your mind?
I'm not sure.
Our only cardiothoracic surgery doctor
is not in a good condition.
You said it won't be a difficult operation
because you only need
to change the batteries.
There might be something wrong
with the artificial heart itself.
I see.
there had been many reports made
on the defects
of Chairman Shin's artificial heart.
Have you come up
with a specific operation schedule?
I have to take many variables
into account.
It'll probably take ten days.
What? Ten days?
Do you think she got it?
I think so.
-Dr. Yun.
You got a parcel.
Thank you.
It got here faster than I thought.
What's in there?
Purse string suture?
Have you done it before?
We use it to finish off
an acute appendicitis operation.
Is it difficult?
The suture method itself isn't too hard,
but you need to be careful
because serosa is very thin.
The serosa is about 2 to 3mm thick
and you need to suture that.
-That's very thin.
-You need some experience.
Well, I guess being experienced
is a part of your ability.
What about veins? Have you ever
done it on veins before?
No, you need to relax.
When you suture organs, you have
to use the right amount of pressure.
If you use too much pressure,
it rips, but if you don't, it won't work.
I know that much.
Do you want to do this alone?
No, Dr. Kang. Please continue.
Now, the essence of purse string suture is
to stitch up as thin as you can.
You must stick a needle
into the blood vessel
and pull it out right before
you reach intima.
What if I cut through the endoderm?
General surgeons like me can
wash out the excrement
from the bowel.
But for cardiac surgeons
The pressure in the aorta
will cause blood
to shoot out to the ceiling.
My gosh.
What? Does your hand still hurt?
It's usually fine.
But it does get a bit stiff
when I get too focused or stressed out.
Let me see that.
You go from here
to here.
Use your wrist to snap out.
-Let me try.
Like this.
-Like this.
-No, it has to be thinner here.
-Like this.
-And snap.
Go in as thin as you can
and turn out right before the intima.
Like this.
That's it.
-Like this?
Like this.
You're good.
One more time.
Go in a little harder.
-That's it.
-You're great.
-It was okay, right?
Manager Jang.
What's going on?
Teacher Kim is finally
about to announce the staff members
of his operation on Chairman Shin.
As you all know,
Chairman Shin will be hospitalized here
as of tomorrow.
We'll get prepared for the operation
to change the batteries,
but things may change anytime
after we conduct some examinations.
So remember that.
I'll hold a conference about the operation
every day at 8 p.m. starting tomorrow.
Make sure all of you are prepared.
who will be the first assistant
of this operation?
The first assistant of
Chairman Shin's operation is
Yun Seo-jeong.
You'll take the position.
That's all.
Everyone, today is the day!
The chairman of the foundation,
the hidden sponsor of Doldam Hospital,
Chairman Shin will be
hospitalized here at our hospital.
It's such a historical day.
Make sure you clean this place
as if you're cleaning your own home.
Put all of your efforts in.
-Yes, sir.
-The chairman will be here.
What on earth is going on?
Just keep everything as it is.
But it's him who's coming.
What do you think
about laying out a red carpet
from the door to lobby?
I think it's overdoing it.
Is that so?
Be careful.
Make sure it looks artistic.
Turn the lights on.
Yes, sir.
That's great.
Think of it as a Christmas tree
at your own house.
Is it Christmas already?
For the time being, I will be in charge
of Chairman Shin as a cardiac surgeon
and not as an emergency medical personnel.
Congratulations, Dr. Yun.
I guess reading those books
on artificial hearts paid off.
-Did you notice?
-Of course, I did.
-It's so awesome.
Thank you.
You'll still visit
the emergency room sometimes?
What do you mean, sometimes?
I will be around.
Well then, you should
-treat us food!
-Treat us food!
-Treat us food!
-All right!
Yes, Kang Dong-ju speaking.
Come to my room for a second.
Yes, sir.
We tried to put everything together
for you, Chairman Shin.
If you ever need anything else,
please do let me know.
I am Jang Gi-tae,
the manager of Doldam Hospital.
This is enough.
Thank you for your kindness.
Who's this?
-Are you my doctor?
-I am
Song Hyeon-cheol, the chief surgeon
from the main hospital. We've met before.
And this is Doctor Do In-beom.
He's President Do's son.
-Hello, Chairman Shin.
-Is this young man
-my doctor?
-No, he's not.
We just came by
to say hello to you, Chairman Shin.
So what?
Where is my doctor?
What happened, Manager Jang?
Why isn't his doctor here?
I'm here.
Hello, Chairman Shin. I am Yun Seo-jeong.
I am your doctor.
A woman?
Don't you have
any male doctors?
-Chairman Shin.
-Where's Teacher Kim?
Tell him to come immediately.
How dare he do this?
He must know that I'm here.
How can he not show up yet?
-Call him immediately!
Put some time aside tonight.
What is it?
I have to hold a video conference
with some doctors in Cleveland
regarding artificial hearts.
I have a lot of materials to cover.
Teacher Kim. You have to go see
Chairman Shin immediately.
There is a problem.
Hey. Why are you here?
He's the chairman of the board.
Of course I have to be here.
I'll give him my regards
and introduce myself to him.
I'm worried Dr. Yun might not
handle the operation very well.
Perhaps you should consider replacing her.
What are you standing there for?
I said, get out.
I'll give you an explanation
of the tests you'll undergo.
Hey, lady doctor.
You will go under a blood test
and an X-Ray scan today.
Did you not hear me?
You will have to go on a fast
starting this evening,
and we'll do a CT scan on you
tomorrow morning.
I said, I will talk to Teacher Kim.
Bring him here.
Teacher Kim
has many things to do
for preparing the operation.
Simple tests like these
can be done under my supervision.
Like I said,
I don't feel comfortable
with a female doctor.
So am I, Chairman Shin.
-What did you say?
-Put yourself in my shoes.
If I said I felt uncomfortable
treating you because you're a male,
would you feel pleased?
Then let's call this off.
Get me a new doctor.
That can't be done.
I'm a doctor and you're a patient.
If you have any complaints
in the future regarding the treatment,
I'd be happy to oblige,
but if you make complaints
regarding any other issues,
I'll disregard them.
What did you say?
What are you talking about?
Are you joking around with me?
I'm trying not to be intimidated by you.
If I don't, I won't be able to
proceed with the treatment.
When did you start coughing?
When people get old,
coughing comes naturally.
When it started is none of your business.
I understand.
Please change into a hospital gown.
Please check his temperature
-and take his blood sample.
-Yes, Doctor.
Until later, then.
Teacher Kim.
Have you gone out of your mind, Dr. Yun?
Disregard him?
He's not someone you can disregard.
What was I supposed to do, then?
Should I sue a patient
for sexual discrimination?
Do you think
you can run the tests on him
without any problem?
I'll finish running the tests in two hours
and get him to rest.
Is there anything I should take care of?
There isn't.
-Off you go, then.
Is that all you have to say?
Didn't you see how rude she was
to Chairman Shin?
The moment a doctor gets
intimidated by the patient,
the whole medical treatment
goes down the drain.
She's doing everything by the books.
-Teacher Kim.
Shouldn't you pay him a visit?
He's looking for you.
I'm very busy right now.
Tell him I'll come by later.
We shouldn't neglect a VIP patient.
Oh, my goodness.
This is Dr. Kang.
We have an emergency patient.
It's a 7-year-old boy with
a 10cm-long lacerated wound on this head.
I'm on my way.
He's refusing to be tested?
Yes. He keeps asking for Teacher Kim.
-Did you take his blood?
-He won't let me.
His body temperature is 38.3 degrees.
Give me that.
I'm going to take your blood,
Chairman Shin.
When did the coughing get more severe?
It became more frequent last week.
Does he have phlegm?
I think so.
Have you checked the color of it?
What do you think you're doing?
I was watching that.
What are you doing right now?
I'm treating a patient right now.
You can keep watching after I'm done.
I told you I don't want to be
treated by you.
Bring me Teacher Kim, right now.
Do you know how much money
he took from me?
I'm not going to let someone
like you be my doctor.
Someone like me
is more than capable of doing this.
So let me listen to your chest.
Get Teacher Kim to do it!
You might have pneumonia, Chairman Shin!
-If that's the case,
you need to take antibiotics right away.
Otherwise, you can't go
under general anesthesia.
That means no operation for you.
Not only that,
Teacher Kim will be furious with me.
He'll call me an idiot who couldn't
even diagnose pneumonia
and a quack who is worse than bacteria.
Well, that's--
You've never heard
Teacher Kim ranting, have you?
The worst thing in the world is
to be scolded by Teacher Kim.
That being said,
please cooperate with me.
I'm begging you.
My gosh.
I'll start with the auscultation.
Take a deep breath.
One more time.
Once more.
Let me take a look at your wound.
-It won't hurt if I--
He fell from the slide at a playground.
Did you fall on your head?
He must have.
I don't know for sure.
I didn't see him fall.
Are your parents not here?
They're both working right now.
My mom said she can be here after 7 p.m.
Please let me take a look.
-Good boy.
Do you
want this candy?
What's wrong? Don't you like sweets?
I want two.
If you let us treat you.
I'll give you two more.
Can we take a look at it now?
Here you go.
You're good at this.
This is nothing.
Can I take a look at you now?
Good boy.
It'll sting a little.
I'll have to stitch up the open wound.
Then a brain CT, please.
Yes, Doctor.
Let's see.
Good boy.
Are you not feeling well?
I'm just a bit tired.
Should I page a different doctor?
It's okay. I'll do it.
He's been overdoing himself all this time.
He has.
It's an emergency patient!
Don't die. Don't die on me.
This way.
-Move away.
-Don't die.
-What happened?
-She became unconscious from pills.
-One, two, three.
-Two, three.
Excuse me!
What's wrong with him?
My son is running a high fever.
Please come this way.
Ms. Eom.
-He has pneumonia?
His chest sounds are not good
and his temperature is 38.7 degrees.
We're running tests
on sputum smear and blood culture.
Follow guidelines
for Community-Acquired Pneumonia
and give him triaxone and azithromycin.
Yes, Doctor.
There's something else.
This is a different model
of artificial heart
than the one in Chairman Shin.
Chairman Shin's artificial heart
is Model A.
That model is reported to have a defect.
I heard it could get discontinued soon.
Are you considering
the replacement of his artificial heart?
Go over the data thoroughly.
We'll talk about the details
at the conference meeting at 8 p.m.
This is going to be tough.
In-su, are you leaving already?
Is it already 6 p.m.?
Not yet.
But my wife and mother-in-law
are here already.
So I'm leaving a bit early today.
You should still stay here until 6 p.m.
Chairman Shin shows signs of pneumonia,
so I'll be busy until then.
Actually, I asked Dong-ju
to take care of the emergency room.
I'm sorry. My mother-in-law is so fussy.
That's her.
I will come back as soon as I can
after dinner. I'm sorry.
Hello? Are you here?
Okay. I'll be there.
Gosh. Dong-ju and I are such pushovers.
Don't even ask.
I won't fill in night duty for him.
Dong-ju has been on night duty
for three days in a row.
Don't you feel sorry for him?
No. Not at all.
I will be right back after checking
Chairman Shin's condition.
Can't you do that for me?
I said, no. I have a lot to do.
Okay. You are so cheap and nasty.
I will be there in a second.
Don't ever ask me
to fill in night duty for you.
I will never do it.
He's not just changing the batteries,
but replacing the artificial heart?
I guess that's the plan.
That lunatic.
He's really going to create a fuss.
It seems difficult to go ahead
with the surgery, though.
Apparently, Chairman Shin is
showing signs of pneumonia.
I think they'll have to postpone it
a few days because of inflammation.
Okay. Keep me updated on what's going on.
Replacing the artificial heart?
Su-jeong, are you all right?
Wake up, Su-jeong. I'm sorry.
-Excuse me.
What medication did she take?
Do you have them with you?
There you are.
She took a handful of them.
What's your relationship with her?
I'm her boyfriend.
Actually, we had a little fight.
That's why
Can you please wait outside
while I check her condition?
This way, please.
Su-jeong, please don't die. Hang in there.
Miss, please get up now.
Open your eyes.
Your boyfriend is not here.
You should be honest with me now
so that I can treat you properly.
How many pills did you take?
Are you going to tell my boyfriend
about that?
No, I won't.
I took the medication
because I had a stomach pain.
Then why did you lie to him?
We just had a little fight,
and I messed with him in a fit of temper.
I didn't lie to him, though.
It is true that I had a stomach pain.
Even so, you are not supposed to do this.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry.
I will give you some fluid.
Get some rest before you go home.
Is she okay? Is she dying?
It won't affect her life.
I will give her some fluid
so that she can get some rest.
Thank goodness.
Thank goodness. Su-jeong.
Su-jeong, I'm really sorry.
I won't do that again.
Su-jeong, I'm sorry.
-Get her some fluid.
-Yes, Doctor.
There's a patient with high fever.
The whole family doesn't look good.
-Ms. Oh.
-I'm coming.
What's the matter?
The coughing started
to get worse since last night.
Excuse me.
He's not getting better even
after taking the medication.
All the family members are coughing.
How long has it been?
I've been coughing and feeling chilly
since three or four days ago.
I thought I'd get better.
But my wife and son picked up
a cold from me instead.
Let me listen to his chest first.
Take a deep breath.
The lung doesn't sound so good.
We should X-ray his lungs.
Isn't it just a cold?
I need to check your condition, too.
Please sit on the bed behind you.
Breathe in deeply.
Have members of your family
traveled abroad recently?
No, I just went
on an overseas business trip
for about two months.
-Which country?
-Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia?
When did you come back?
four days ago.
You don't think
Ms. Oh. Can I see you for a moment?
Just listen.
As of now,
we'll lock down the emergency room.
Dr. Kang, what are you talking about?
We have suspected cases of MERS.
Isolate the suspected patients
in the hybrid room
and close down the emergency room
according to the manual.
Prepare protective films
to block the entrance of the hybrid room.
And make sure to have enough N95 masks,
disposable gloves, and gowns.
Pull yourselves together.
The faster we move,
the less serious it gets. Okay?
Put on the protective gears first.
Hello? Teacher Kim speaking.
Please stay in the hybrid room
until further notice.
What is going on?
Family members of a man back
from Saudi Arabia
has a high fever and are coughing.
They are suspected MERS cases.
Dr. Kang Dong-ju just ordered
to shut down the emergency room.
How many are in the emergency room?
The number of patients is unclear,
but the number of medical staff are five
including Dr. Kang, Ms. Oh,
Mr. Park, and Ms. Eom.
We gave them two boxes of
bottled water, and N95 masks.
Report to the public health center
and Center for Disease Control.
Ask the public health center
for protection suits.
Also, discharge the patients
who may leave the hospital
and contact the hospitals designated
for MERS, too.
I will do that.
Teacher Kim.
I'm sorry.
What happened? Is something going on?
We're in trouble.
There is a suspected patient of MERS
in the emergency room.
His temperature is dropping.
It's at 37.8 degrees.
We have to see the results
to discern what caused this,
but I started administering
experiential antibiotics.
If this works,
you'll feel better very soon.
If it doesn't, we'll check
the test results
and switch the antibiotics.
Why is
Teacher Kim nowhere to be seen?
He called me here,
but he's so busy minding his own business.
Why would a doctor be busy?
It's because of his patient.
Teacher Kim is
really busy right now
to prepare for your operation.
You surely do talk a lot.
You should have been a newscaster
instead of a doctor.
You would have been good at that.
My gosh.
Actually, I really don't talk that much.
I am very introverted, Grandpa.
What did you say?
I meant Chairman Shin.
We just installed
a brand new air purifier.
It also emits hot air.
You can keep that in mind.
It's not that hard to operate.
I have to go.
Get some rest, Grandpa.
I mean Chairman Shin.
She's a bit of a fool.
Yes, I understand.
What's going on?
What's with the Code Green?
There is a suspected patient
of MERS in the emergency room.
The orders are to remain in your post
until further instructions.
And you are to be extra careful
as Chairman Shin's doctor.
Dong-ju was in the emergency room,
so I asked him to cover for me.
Dr. Yun, are you listening?
Dong-ju was in the emergency room,
so I asked him to cover for me.
Dr. Yun.
Get away from the door.
Do not come anywhere near
the emergency room, Seo-jeong.
Are you
Why do you look so sick?
I'm fine.
So stay away from here.
Dr. Kang.
Did you call the public health center?
Did you ask for protection suits?
Actually, Teacher Kim
They won't pick up.
It looks like
everyone has gone home.
What about the Center for Disease Control?
I called, but they only told me
to move the patients
to a designated hospital.
Call them again.
I heard about it.
are you sure the patient has MERS?
You people are the ones
who have to make the diagnosis!
So send the patients
to the designated hospital.
We have given those hospitals
everything they need,
so if you send them over--
We have
three patients here.
How are we to send all of them?
If the public health center can't,
you can just call 911.
There is only one ambulance
which is designated
for this entire area.
How are we supposed
to go back and forth three times
to Gangneung, which is two hours away?
Do you want us to do that all night long?
If one ambulance is not enough,
you can call a private ambulance.
Stop talking
nonsense already!
All of the emergency crew members
must wear protection suits
to transfer the suspected patients
of MERS.
We don't even have
any protection helmets,
let alone a protection suit.
How can you tell us
to call a private ambulance?
Yes, Doctor.
Like I said,
we have given everything you need
to the designated hospital.
You just have to transfer them there.
Transportation itself is
the big problem here!
The transportation!
Why can't you understand?
You are the central control center!
Understanding is
Did you just talk down to me?
We need to find
a way to work around this.
Screaming at me
won't solve any of these problems.
Forget about it.
I'm hanging up, you idiot!
You are unbelievable. Hello?
Doldam Hospital?
Who does he think he is?
Teacher Kim.
I just discharged
everyone on the second floor
who can leave.
You can take charge of the emergency room.
I'll take care of the second floor.
Teacher Kim.
Hey, why are you down here?
Didn't you hear what I said
about keeping your post?
What will happen to those people
in the emergency room?
What's your plan?
We're trying to reach
the public health center.
You should keep your post upstairs.
Emergency room.
How are things going in there, Ms. Oh?
Teacher Kim.
The possible MERS patients were
moved to the hybrid room.
We have sealed the room
with a plastic curtain.
What about other patients?
We have not informed them
about the situation yet.
I thought it would cause
a big turmoil if they find out.
I think you should still
tell them about it.
Get blood samples
of the suspected MERS patients
and take the samples
of their sputum as well.
Leave it out the back door,
and we'll take it from there.
After that,
the emergency room will be
completely quarantined.
And it will remain sealed
until we have a definite diagnosis.
I understand.
Don't worry too much
about this place, Teacher Kim.
I'll do my best.
Aren't you going to answer it?
It's from Dr. Yun.
Mr. Park and I will
take charge of the hybrid room for now.
No. I'll go with you.
I'll go with Mr. Park.
-Would that be okay with you?
-Of course.
I have a very strong
immune system, Ms. Oh.
Let's go in.
What's going on?
Are we in danger?
You have heard of MERS, right?
Are you saying that we have MERS?
The symptoms of MERS are similar
to those of a cold.
It's hard to tell them apart.
Since your husband traveled
to the affected country,
we have every reason to doubt it.
My goodness.
Are we going to die?
Not all MERS patients die.
Besides, we don't even have
a definite diagnosis.
Please don't worry too much.
We'll run some basic tests.
You will get a blood and sputum test
and a chest X-ray.
Please give them bottles
for sputum samples.
Let's run CBC, blood chemistry test, ABGA,
and take a chest X-ray for each of them.
Yes, Dr. Kang.
Please take this.
It's for your sputum sample.
The number you have dialed
is not available at this moment.
Ms. Oh, Dr. Kang isn't looking so well.
I think he needs to take some rest.
What's going on? What's going on
in the emergency room?
Excuse me, ma'am. We are closed for today.
Please come back--
I heard that my children are
in this hospital.
He's a seven-year-old boy.
I heard he hurt his head
and came to the emergency room here.
In our emergency room?
What are you talking about?
We can't go home now?
-Why can't we go outside?
There are possible MERS patients in there.
Are you saying
that those people have MERS?
All of them?
We're not sure yet.
They might not have it.
So please go back to your bed
and follow our instructions.
This is completely ridiculous.
You should have let us go first.
How could you lock us all in here?
Do you want all of us to die together?
People from the public health center
will come and take each of you home.
Until then, you are not allowed
to leave this hospital.
Gosh. I can't believe this.
Sir, please stop it.
That's enough already!
Please go back to your bed.
Let go of me.
I said, let go!
Why should I stay with MERS patients?
Move away. Open the door!
There are also children in here.
Please don't arouse anxiety
by raising your voice.
Follow our instructions for now.
Open the door right now!
I'm sorry, sir. Please stop making
a scene and go back to your bed.
-You might cause a bigger turmoil.
-Do you understand?
-Damn you.
Su-jeong, what's wrong?
What is the matter?
Ma'am, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?
My stomach. Oh, no.
It hurts so much.
Please lie on your back for me.
With your knees bent.
I'll press your abdomen for a second.
-Does it hurt here?
-A little bit.
When you press there,
the right side hurts even more.
Rovsing's Sign?
How about here?
This time, I'll press your abdomen
a little longer.
Please hang in there.
What? Acute appendicitis?
Yes, she has severe rebound tenderness
and shows Rovsing's sign
and Dunphy's sign.
First, check her OP lab.
-Please check her OP lab.
-Yes, Dr. Kang.
Can she wait for the protection suit?
I'm not sure yet.
I think I'll have to see.
Let me know if she's about
to fall into a critical condition.
Yes, sir.
Ms. Oh, please administer
one ampule of tramadol by IV.
Yes, Dr. Kang.
Dr. Kang.
You startled me.
We have an acute appendicitis patient
in the ER.
Get ready for a surgery.
My shift is over.
It can worsen the situation
if she doesn't get a surgery.
Let's prevent it while we can.
You know the situation we're in right now.
Why would I cut open the abdomen
of a possible MERS patient?
It's not contagious because
the incubation period hasn't passed.
There is a zero percent chance
you'll get MERS.
Still, I don't want to do that.
I refuse to perform that surgery.
Doctors are humans, too.
Doctors get sick,
and we can get MERS, too.
If we're unlucky, we can die from it.
You know that?
I have my rights to protect my own life.
You should know that.
You are absolutely right
about everything you said.
That's why you should get ready, you jerk!
Darn it!
At least give me a protection suit!
Teacher Kim!
Teacher Kim!
What now? What is it?
Dr. Kang Dong-ju is
Dr. Kang, are you okay?
I'm fine. I'm all right.
You can't go on like this.
Please go take a rest, Dr. Kang.
It's not that bad, Ms. Oh.
-Dr. Kang!
-Dr. Kang!
Dr. Kang, wake up.
Dr. Kang.
No, Teacher Kim. You can't go in there.
Dr. Kang, wake up.
Dr. Kang.
Teacher Kim, Dr. Kang is unconscious.
His pulse is weak, and he has a fever.
What should we do, Teacher Kim?
Please give us an order.
Put him on a bed
and check his vital signs.
I will call you right back.
-Let's move him to a bed.
-Yes, Ms. Oh.
I knew it.
I knew one of us would end up
dying because of him.
Mr. Gu.
Bring me N95 masks and gowns.
I will go in.
What did you just say?
Did Dong-ju pass out?
He seems to be in a critical condition.
So who went into the emergency room?
No one.
No one?
Are you saying there is
no doctor in the ER?
What about Dong-ju?
Who is taking care of him?
Hold yourself together, Dr. Kang.
Dr. Kang.
Dr. Kang.
His vital signs are not good, Ms. Oh.
Dr. Kang.
You can't do that, Teacher Kim.
President Yeo.
There's no time for this.
You are the control tower
of this hospital.
You can't just get carried away
by your feelings
and go into the emergency room now.
What about the public health center?
Our staff are on the way.
Dr. Song.
Do the operation as soon as
we get the protection suits.
What are you talking about?
I'm not performing the operation.
Don't be so selfish.
Do you still call yourself a doctor?
A young doctor
is lying in the bed right there.
How dare you say such a thing?
Please think it all through once again.
You can't do this with
Chairman Shin's operation ahead.
Do you know what they say
about this situation?
For patients,
it's not the order of arrival.
It's the order of emergency.
The emergency patient here
is not Chairman Shin.
They're in the emergency room.
I will get in there.
I will get in the emergency room.
I will get in there.
Please let me.
Dr. Yun.
I told you
to keep your position.
Just go.
I've completed the change-over already.
I'm Do In-beom, sir.
I will be taking care of you
on behalf of Dr. Yun Seo-jeong.
Who told you to do so?
Do you think you're the boss?
An emergency medicine specialist
should be in the emergency room,
not a surgeon.
I know you are a surgeon
with triple board,
but the doctor who has to be in there
is me.
If the patients are
confirmed to contract MERS,
you will be excluded
from the CS operation.
Are you sure you've thought about that?
Yes, I have.
I will
go in.
Please let me.
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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