El marginal (2016) s01e13 Episode Script

Capítulo 13

PIPITA: We must go back
and continue the work.
There's not much left to do,
but I need you to be my eyes.
Why hasn't
anyone ever discovered
this passageway
in all this time?
It's because this
part of the old jail
is practically inaccessible.
Over time, small holes
have opened up
along the drainpipe.
As I said,
I think it almost reaches
the underground canal.
From there it
connects to chambers
along the side streets.
I know because
that's how I escaped
from the jail in Podesta.
PASTOR: You dug out
all of this on your own?
I didn't trust anybody,
you know?
The guys from the courtyard
are loyal, but sometimes
they go too far.
But Cesar is different.
Yes, you're right.
Bringing him in was
the right thing to do.
PASTOR: There it is.
There are the explosives.
I'm not surprised
you were injured.
That means we're close.
You'll see, I'm not crazy.
Yes, I can hear the water.
I can hear the water.
It's the sound of freedom.
I was such an asshole.
I ruined it all
by rushing things.
If I'd had a pickaxe,
I'd be out by now.
Calm down.
Let's take the time
to do things properly,
without explosives
or anything.
We'll get there, you'll see.
We're ruined!
We're done for!
No, an old guy died
while he was fucking.
It happens every day.
Didn't you read
the papers this morning?
"Luduena prison
system attorney dies.
"The legendary
prison system attorney
"died last night
of a cardiac arrest
"in the home that he shared
with his beloved wife.
"According to
reliable sources,
"Luduena was reading
to his grandchildren,
"as he did every night,
when he felt a sharp pain
in the chest
"and passed out on
the living room floor."
Stop crying!
Are you listening to me?
You should congratulate me.
Today, the governor
informed me
that I'm the new
secretary of security.
So let's not cry, sweetie.
Let's celebrate. Come here!
I can't believe it!
You're a genius!
What happened?
You took a long time.
Hold onto me.
It was a long way back.
This guy's like an engineer,
that's a long tunnel.
So? What do you think?
It's possible.
It'll take a lot of work,
but it's possible.
Keep this quiet.
If anyone from
Sub-21 hears about this,
word will spread to everybody.
That's what I was saying.
Why didn't you tell me
about the tunnel, Pipita?
Right, ladies,
let's get this
show on the road.
One screen will go
in the dining room,
the other by the stairs,
and another in this cell here.
See, they'll be isolated.
And when they realize
Do we really need
Bruce Lee here with us?
What? There's nothing wrong
with Soya, he's fine.
He's part of the family now.
What's more,
he's highly trustworthy.
Mainly because he doesn't
understand anything.
Right, Chinaman?
You don't understand
any of it, do you?
I don't think
he's such an idiot.
He must realize
we're planning something
for those
low-lifes in the courtyard.
Don't worry.
He's dumb, look.
Soya, come here.
Come here, Chinaman.
See how he comes?
Here he is.
You call him as
if he were a dog.
Sit, Soya.
Come on.
DIOS: Go on.
Can we get back to business
and stop messing around?
Soya, bring me
another beer. Bottle.
Bring one. This one empty.
Bring a full one
from the storage room.
Go on.
Look, he's going. See?
It's a good thing
we're not claustrophobic.
What does that mean?
PIPITA: It's the fear of
being in confined spaces.
Everything okay? Want to swap?
No, we're fine.
What are you
going to do, Pipita,
if we manage to get out?
You're blind,
how will you manage out there?
PIPITA: Do you imagine me
bumping aimlessly into walls
until the cops arrest me?
No, I have a girl.
CESAR: Now that's my man!
You've always
been driven by
your cock, right?
I met her in here, by mail.
CESAR: Really?
Yes, she's waiting for me.
We're going to Paraguay.
Do you know
anything about Paraguay?
Come on, let's change over.
I have a son,
he's six years old.
Good for you! We didn't know.
Who is he with now?
He's staying with somebody.
We can't let anyone
through this hallway.
We must keep these
access points blocked.
Marito is making a list
of all of the friendly guards.
I hope we don't
miss any goals.
Guys, hang on a second.
Gladys wants to
tell you something.
I'm putting you on speaker.
GLADYS: Hello, how are you?
Hello, Gladys.
Gladys, is everything okay?
Listen, I've got
everything ready for you.
they'll deliver the screens,
the projectors
and all of the plastic chairs
so that everybody
can have a seat.
Send vuvuzelas, Gladys.
You be quiet,
you always fuck
things up, Diosito.
The boxes are
sealed to look like
brand new electronic products.
Please check
them over properly.
The boxes with
a red mark are for you.
It's critical that those
boxes do not fall into
anybody else's hands
as they contain our surprise
for the guys in the courtyard,
got it?
Sounds good.
Don't mess it up,
for fuck's sake.
Promise me not to leave
any one of those
murderers alive.
You're avenging
my brother's death.
No problem, sweetie.
We promise.
I love you, sweetie. Ciao.
may I have your attention
for one minute, please?
I look like a politician
but I wouldn't be in jail
if I were a politician.
I really hope that this
helps to improve
communal living here
and reduce
tensions between us.
We brought these screens in
so that we can watch
the game against
the Brazilians.
the screens will remain here.
ALL: Bravo!
They are a gift from me,
from my heart. For all of us,
for all of you,
so that we can
enjoy them forever,
because they're
going to stay here.
Let's embrace our differences,
fuck the guys
in the courtyard,
they can connect
an antenna to their asses
if they want to
watch the soaps.
Argentina, that's it!
Everything okay?
Did you know,
I've been looking for you?
What for?
I want to ask you something.
One of your kind
joined our ranks,
he's really feisty.
I made friends with him.
He's a real fighter, you know?
I can't understand him,
so I want you
to translate
for me, all right?
Where is he?
Come, I'll get him for you.
I love it.
This menu is so colorful!
Lots of colors!
Let's see what we have here.
There's coffee, tea, mate
What a variety!
Chocolate milk
I love it!
I'm going to order.
Is the mate any good?
Is it sweet or bitter?
It's very sweet.
Very sweet.
I'll order a mate
and some buttered bread. Okay?
Thank you.
I'll be waiting here.
EMMA: What do you recommend?
Is this today's menu?
this is today's menu.
EMMA: Really?
That's great. I love what
you've recommended.
Is it today's special?
LUCAS: Yes, my recommendation.
EMMA: Great!
Let's see the special
and the menu again.
That's crazy!
It's as if I'd blocked out
the fact that I'm a father.
Since everything
with my brother happened
Lucas was on his own
and you brought him here.
I can't stop
thinking about it.
I can't get it out of my mind.
Lucas is a very
special little boy.
He was so precious
as a baby.
He was so sweet.
I'm his father,
of course I'd say that.
But he was very
But afterwards
his life was awful.
It beat the shit out of him,
well, not literally.
But his mom fucked up
and so did I.
Something that
For a while,
I thought it would
change his personality,
ruin him.
Yes, but that didn't happen.
Good things happen to you too.
You came into my life.
No, really.
Having you, for me, it's
And? Do I have you?
You know you do.
No, I'm asking if
you'd come with me.
You ask a lot of things.
What's your answer?
I don't know,
it's all too rushed.
You talk as if
getting out of here
were easy.
I'm not saying it's easy.
But I have a plan,
I know how to do it.
That's what I'm telling you.
It's true.
As soon as I
get Borges' money,
I'm leaving.
I already know how to do it.
I'm getting close.
What do you
want the money for?
Why don't you just go?
They killed my
brother over this.
I lost my family,
my son disappeared.
I'm going to get
something out of it.
This is very dangerous.
Do you realize
they can kill you?
How are things?
Good, everything's fine.
Sorry, am I interrupting?
No, we were just
We were talking
about the event
they're organizing
for the Argentina game.
The people from the courtyard
are annoyed that
they've been excluded.
There's trouble.
Can I discuss
this with you, Pena?
Yes, sure.
Come to my office,
let's go now.
Go on.
And? Is everything okay?
Do you know each other?
His name is Jun Sung.
Right, tell him
his name in here
is Soya now.
Ask him why he's in jail.
He killed four
of his enemies.
To hell with them, right?
Enemies from what?
The Chinese Mafia?
I want to know.
What type of
business is he in?
Of merchandise?
No, of women.
Ooh. He's a serious
criminal, then.
Listen, ask him this
He seems to have an issue
with a friend of mine
from the courtyard,
a guy by the name
of Pastor. Why?
What's he saying?
He said that this Pastor
isn't your typical inmate,
he's different.
He's a cop.
He's a cop.
What do you mean, a cop?
Ask him properly.
Yes, he's very sure.
He says he arrested
him a few years ago.
He hit him, spat on him
and tried to kill him.
And he never forgets
the face of a person he hates.
Tell me, Pena.
I want the truth.
Just now, when I found you
chatting with Mrs. Molinari,
were you really
talking about the match,
and issues concerning
the courtyard, and Sub-21?
Don't you have
more important things to do?
Aren't we all
just wasting time?
Not you.
You're not just wasting time.
Tell me, Miguelito Palacios.
Do you know where
Borges has hidden his money?
Are you nervous?
Do you know
where the money is?
How long have
you known who I am?
Borges suspected
there was a snitch
but he didn't do anything
because he thought it was me.
I've always had my eye on you.
I've been
monitoring your activities.
Connecting the dots was easy.
How much money do you want?
How much money do I want?
No, I want all of that money.
That money is mine.
You have to give it to me,
it's your ticket out of here.
We could fix this,
Pastor Pena dies.
He no longer exists,
he never existed.
And you give
that money to me.
What if I say no?
If you say no,
I spread the rumor
that you're an undercover cop,
a son of a bitch.
It's your choice.
Stop bothering me.
But I'm quiet.
I didn't say a word.
Who are they?
This is Emma, pregnant.
This is dad, and this is me.
Are you going
explain what's going on?
Antin knows who I am.
What do you mean?
He found out.
He put two and two together,
he's not stupid.
My police colleagues
had only agreed to
cover me for a few days.
That's all over now.
What does he want?
He wants me to
steal Borges' loot
and give it to him.
If I don't, he'll tell
the other inmates I'm a cop.
Calm down.
I'm going to fix this.
I'll find a way.
I'll get into Borges' stuff,
I'll get the money,
you'll see.
I'm asking you,
please forget about the money.
I can wait for you, I mean it.
You can tell
the authorities everything.
I can't.
Listen to me. I can ask
for custody of Lucas.
We can come and visit.
I'll wait for you.
It'd be our chance
to start over again.
Start over again where, Emma?
Here inside?
Do you know what
they'll do to me
if they find out I'm a cop?
I won't survive 10 minutes.
I have to get out now.
Don't cry.
We'll fix it.
We have to trust in that,
it's all we have left.
It'll all work out.
And if not,
you must promise me
that you'll stay with Lucas,
that you'll look after him.
You promise me, right?
Dios, the Colombian says
What are you doing,
son of a bitch?
Don't touch me! Do you hear?
GUARD: Get back! Don't move!
Answer me, asshole!
What's up with you, man?
GUARD: Mind your own business.
Get back.
I'm not asking you
to do this for me,
this is for everybody.
If you only knew how
we used to live
together there.
That courtyard used to be
a real courtyard.
Now it's no man's land.
It was destroyed by
those Sub-21 niggers,
they break everything.
You know what
the difference is
between an inmate
with principles
and one without?
If we don't do
something about Sub-21,
we're in danger, you guys
One day you
guys will come here
and this place
will be infested,
there'll be as
many niggers here
as there are cockroaches.
Think about Rico.
That guy deserves justice.
And the next victim
could be one of you.
Can you wait a second?
I'll be right back.
What are you doing?
Stop breaking things.
Let me go!
Fucking hell!
I don't want any tantrums!
I'm making arrangements
for tonight.
You're making me
look like an idiot!
I'll be back in a while.
I want to know what
the fuck is wrong.
With Capece around,
it's risky.
Should we wait?
No, we should take advantage
of Antin having one
foot out of the door.
What? They demoted him?
No, he's climbing up
the ladder.
He's been named
secretary of security.
That sly bastard
What should we do?
Let me do my thing.
You clear the hallways
providing access
to the first floor.
Turn a blind eye.
How should I know?
PASTOR: Pass me the chisel.
Do you have it?
I have the hammer,
here you go.
PASTOR: Shine the light here.
There it is.
I can feel a breeze.
A draft.
There's light there.
We're close.
I knew it.
I think we'll make it out
either tonight or by dawn.
Let's go!
I have to go back,
they're looking for me.
DIOS: Come on.
I think that son of a bitch,
Pastor, is around here.
Pastor. Who knows
what his real name is?
He's asking if he
can kill him first.
It's a question of honor.
We'll confront him first,
and see what he has to say.
Then we'll decide
whether Soya kills him,
or the three of us do.
It's your turn to hide, go on.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
I found you!
It's okay, come here.
Sorry, but as you said,
it's a question of honor.
Do you understand?
I can't have anybody knowing
that I killed my friend,
my best friend.
I don't want Marito
to know, or anybody else
for that matter.
I won't say anything.
You know I'm trustworthy.
I know I can trust you.
We've known each
other for years.
Can you pick him up?
We need to hide the body.
Hey, this turned out
really well.
That's great.
If Argentina wins,
we'll get wasted tonight.
That's right!
Argentina will win.
Throw that shit away, Susto.
Don't! I'm saving it,
for when I go home.
Does your mom know yet?
No, I'll just show
up as a surprise.
PEDRO: You're really lucky.
Yeah, it's cool,
it's all good.
What is Cesar
doing in the old jail
with Pipita and
Pastor all the time?
What? Are you a cop?
Pedro, calm down.
It was just a question.
If you want to know anything,
ask Cesar!
What's his problem?
Right, Susto?
Yes, ask him.
Search, let's go,
everybody out.
Come on, move it.
All right, for fuck's sake.
Move, get on with it.
Come on, walk.
Fine, relax.
Get in line. Come on, move.
Come on.
Stop it, you jerk.
Get moving.
Where were you?
Smoking a joint.
You still don't know
that you can't
smoke joints in here?
I didn't realize
we were in church.
Did you get what you wanted?
Search them,
don't fuck with me.
Let's go.
You're Borges' puppet.
Well, look who's here.
Calm down. What's wrong?
Guilty conscience?
Everything's fine, man.
What's wrong with you?
Are you mad at me?
If you thought I'd
chosen the Chinaman
over you, you're mistaken.
I prefer you.
Coming to see the game?
Yes, I guess so.
With your friends
in the courtyard?
Are you bringing
your girlfriend?
I hadn't thought about it.
I wouldn't, if I were you.
They'll want to rape her,
even through the bars.
Thanks for the advice.
Listen to me.
I miss you, man.
I want us to be
friends like before.
But no kissing.
Let's go, Pena.
Be careful with him,
he's my best friend.
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me ♪
What the fuck were you doing
causing such a disturbance?
Nothing, I was having
an anxiety attack,
but I got through it.
What time is it?
I can't wait to burn it all.
It won't be long now.
Don't do anything stupid.
Watch this.
Borges' wife always comes
to the visitors' room,
she never misses a visit.
They go through
the same routine
every time.
First they make out,
they hold hands,
they look at
each other and talk.
Then he pulls a package out
from his clothes
and puts it in her hand.
I can't help but
notice the expression
on her face.
Every time she gets a package,
she's happy.
She sees dollar signs
dancing before her eyes.
And she carefully
puts it away.
And then, look.
The cell.
Borges' cell.
Whenever his wife comes,
before he goes to
the visitors' room,
each time his wife
comes to visit him,
he asks everyone
to leave the cell,
and he spends
four or five minutes
there alone.
Then he walks
through this hallway
to the visitors' room
and he's always
playing with his dick.
It's as if he were
adjusting his balls
through his pocket
but that's not
what he's doing.
He's actually
groping around to check
that he still has the package,
the package he's
delivering to his wife.
Do you
understand the sequence?
More or less.
Don't you see?
He has the money in his cell,
he's hidden it there.
It seems like a crazy idea
to keep money in jail,
but where else
would he put it?
It's safe with him here,
no one's going to steal it.
He has the money in the cell.
EMMA: Hello.
Hello, Emma.
How are you?
Did you have fun?
Did you have fun at work?
More or less.
Anything new?
No, nothing. You?
MARIO: They're all
in a straight row.
Those houses
are going to
light up like matches.
Those people disgust me.
They lead such shit lives,
we'll be doing them a favor.
There you go, kid.
The antenna looks good,
my friend.
I had the same
model at my house,
it even gets HD.
I hope so, or else
you're in trouble.
A little patience, Cesar.
What are you looking at, fags?
Are you having a good time?
Yes, you?
We're watching the game
on our HD screen.
Why don't you go and
watch your soap, fag?
Why? We can watch
Animal Planet here live
and it's free.
It's much more fun.
I can't wait to
catch them off guard.
I'm not so sure
they're off guard.
I don't know
what they're up to.
I'd light those
sons of bitches on fire
right now.
Calm down. Let them have
some alcohol first.
That way they'll burn faster.
Pay attention.
James and I are
going to take our men
to douse everything
down the sides.
On my signal,
you start throwing
down the bottles.
Wait, are you
coming down with me?
I want to
slaughter them alive.
Don't touch Cesarito.
I'll take care of him myself.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
here we are in
Monumental Stadium.
We're waiting
for the presentation of
Argentina v. Brazil.
We're waiting for
the Argentinian team.
in this broadcast
with all of you.
It's a beautiful night.
There's an important group
of 20 Brazilians
who are arriving
in the stadium.
Stand up, Argentinians!
Brazil, how does it feel
to be defeated on
your own turf ♪
Yes! Fucking San Onofre!
I knew it! We'll be out today.
PASTOR: There's a bar.
PIPITA: What bar?
PASTOR: There are bars,
There are bars!
PIPITA: What bars, man?
What bars? Where?
Fucking son of a bitch!
It'll take us about a week
to cut through that.
I can't wait that long.
PIPITA: Fucking hell!
Fucking son of a bitch!
What are you doing here?
I've been here waiting
to escape with you.
Were you planning to
run off by yourself?
I understand.
Your police squad
must be waiting
for you, right?
Dear Pipita.
I can understand you,
because you're blind.
But this one pulled the wool
right over my eyes.
He has a visible
mark on his cap.
He's a cop.
One of the boys in blue.
Or should I call you Miguel?
Let's go, guys!
They're playing the anthem.
On your feet.
Let's go.
Mortals! Hear the sacred cry
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Hear the noise
of broken chains
See the noble
Equality enthroned
The United
Provinces of the South
Have now opened up
their very honorable throne
And the free people
of the world reply
We salute the great
people of Argentina!
We salute the great
people of Argentina!
And the free people
of the world reply
We salute the great
people of Argentina! ♪
Go Argentina! Let's go!
Come on, Messi!
Let's go, you pussy!
(CHANTING) Argentina!
PASTOR: You're
out of your mind.
You think I'm a cop?
Are you crazy?
I'm not crazy at all.
You're a cop,
you son of a bitch.
That's enough.
It suddenly all
became clear to me.
Put that down.
PIPITA: You might
hurt somebody.
That's the idea, idiot.
What are you talking about?
You're an undercover
agent, a snitch.
If I'm a cop,
why would I be
digging an escape hole?
Shut up, motherfucker!
Are you sure about this?
Yes, absolutely.
He's a cop.
Fucking Marito was right.
Why didn't I listen?
Calm down, you might
accidentally pull the trigger.
Mario, can I talk
to you for a second?
Does it have
to be right now?
What happened?
Look, I'm sorry but I'm out.
I can't do this.
I thought we'd
fuck them up a little
so they stop annoying us,
but this is
Have you lost your nerve?
Some of the people
in the courtyard
They're friends of mine.
Your friends are in here,
We're your family.
I'm your family, Triste.
Yes, but
I'll always remain
loyal to you, okay?
I won't say a word about this.
You better not.
Go and watch the game
with the others.
But leave your pants here.
Your pants.
Take your pants off, go on.
Take your pants off
and leave them here.
Another one bites the dust.
Another one?
Listen, idiot,
where the hell are you?
We're working on tonight's job
and the only one
missing is you.
Do you always have to be
the center of attention,
You little shit.
I want you here, right now!
If I'm a cop, why the fuck
am I digging an escape hole?
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up.
PIPITA: Are you sure of
what you're saying?
When he came in,
everybody said
he was strange,
but I trusted him,
I believed what he said.
I gave you everything,
son of a bitch.
I made you my best friend.
You told them
about the escape!
That's why they
put the bars there.
Those bars have been there
200 years, idiot.
Listen to me Stop!
Why the fuck did you
come to San Onofre?
Who sent you?
I'm an inmate, just like you.
Who sent you?
Tell me, asshole.
Antin lied to you.
You know what's going on?
He wanted me to steal it
and give it to him.
He threatened to tell
everybody I'm a cop,
if I didn't do it.
So you really
are called Pastor?
It's Antin's bullshit?
It's Antin's bullshit.
Because it wasn't
Antin who told me.
Chinaman told me,
he said he'd never
forgotten your face,
after you kicked his head in.
He said you sent him to jail.
Is that right?
I don't even know who he is.
You believe Chinaman over me?
Yes, I do believe Chinaman,
I'm gonna fuck you up!
You cocksucker!
Wait! You believe
the fucking Chinaman?
Do I have to fuck you
to make you listen to me?
Feel it?
Do I have to fuck you
to make you see?
Fucking piece of shit!
Answer me!
Answer me, you son of a bitch!
MAN: Capece, can you hear me?
Yes, boss.
Check if there's
anybody in Borges' cell.
There's nobody here.
They're all watching the game.
Okay, thank you.
What the fuck
is going on here?
Make your way to
the monitoring room,
cut all of the cameras.
clear the access
to the courtyard.
Stop, I need to talk to you.
Let's talk.
What do you want?
I want to look
into your eyes.
Can I look into your eyes?
I'm your friend, Dios.
Calm down for a moment.
I love you.
I love you, brother.
You're my friend,
you saved my life.
I would've died in
here without you.
We'll escape together.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Okay, man? I love you.
I know the way.
We'll remove those
damned bars, and get out.
You're my friend.
What's wrong with you?
I love you,
you're my best friend.
You don't love me.
You have your little whore!
You have Molinari,
for fuck's sake.
What whore?
I have nobody, I'm nobody.
It's Pastor, calm down.
Come on, Dios.
Where did you get that?
I have people
working for me outside.
I have a friend,
and if you don't tell me
who you are, he'll go in.
They call him the Violator.
The Violator.
Right now she's eating pizza
with the little kid.
If you're not
careful in what you say
Bang! My friend's going in.
What is the key box made of?
Of bottles.
Of bottles?
Bottles that are
stuck together with
With tape.
Do the pieces come off
Are you in your
apartment eating pizza?
I don't understand.
There's a guy outside,
Dios sent him,
he works for him.
They know who I am.
Get out of there.
Do you have anywhere to go?
LUCAS: Red is
What happened?
Call 911.
Right now. Do you hear?
Hello, Pastor?
Come on! Move down the field!
To their feet, idiot.
Off you go, guys. Keep calm.
Come on, Messi! Let's go!
Come on.
Come on!
(CHANTING) Argentina!
Fucking Brazilians!
Go, Argentina,
kick their sorry-ass butts! ♪
I liked you.
Don't let him suffer.
Finish him off, quickly.
The courtyard's on fire!
It's on fire!
Where the hell is Capece?
I haven't seen
him for a while.
Close it.
Open this one, quickly.
I heard a rumor
they're smuggling drugs
through here,
those sons of bitches!
Don't let anybody in.
Stay here.
Don't open
the door to anybody.
Fucking shit.
It's catching fire!
OTERO: Antin, can you hear me?
What is it, Otero?
There's a fire
in the courtyard.
Do you expect me to
put it out myself?
Call emergency services.
Call the firemen!
I already did.
Let's go. Come on,
everything's burning.
You have the asshole.
Come on,
everything's catching fire.
Come on, guys.
Close the door.
Close the door.
Son of a bitch!
Let them burn, assholes!
Mario, it's Dios.
What the fuck
were you doing there?
Idiot, son of a bitch.
Tell me you're okay.
You're okay
You idiot!
What were you doing there?
Son of a bitch! Nurse!
Help him.
Help him, idiot.
Save him for me.
Save him for me!
Help him, you asshole.
Take him away!
Save him!
It's okay, Mario.
Save him for me!
It's okay, Mario.
Let me go, get out of here.
WOMAN: Emma!
EMMA: What happened?
They say a lot of
people have died.
Antin's not answering.
I called him and
he won't answer.
I don't know,
I think he went in to help.
Do know anything about Pena?
Is there a list?
I think there's
a list for the families.
WOMAN: Emma, be careful.
Amaya, is there
a list of the deceased?
There's still
no official list.
These are the injuries
caused by
If you don't mind
Get out.
I made it out, right?
The bearded guy
will have to wait.
EMMA: No, I wasn't on-site.
It wasn't my shift.
As soon as I found out,
I went straight there.
There was a war
between two gangs.
There was a lot of tension,
something was bound to happen.
I knew Pastor Pena, yes.
He was an inmate.
I had sessions with him,
just as I did
with all the others.
No, there wasn't
anything in his file
that caught my attention.
Many inmates don't have family
or their files don't say much.
It's very common.
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