Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

(Hurry up, what are you doing?)
(I'm coming.)
(All of us)
(are more or less passionate)
(about dress-up and role-playing games.)
(That's because these kinds of games)
(can satisfy many of
their subconscious needs.)
(Maybe they don't even realize)
(these needs themselves.)
(Nor will they admit them.)
(Who says that games are all fake?)
(they're more honest than you are,)
(which also make you more aware of yourself.)
(At the same time,)
(they will also let you understand)
(all these are after all)
(Wake up!)
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 13=
Tong Yao.
What are you thinking?
You are here to play the games,
not for love.
You said you wouldn't fall in love
with an e-sports player.
You've forgotten the goal
you set for yourself?
You can't be influenced by Jinyang's words.
Ultra Kill.
KING's jungler, Guang
has completed Ultra Kill.
Once again, we marvel at
how excellent this talented e-sports boy is.
Although he is in the second league team,
it can be said that
his operational skill
is no weaker than any other junglers
in the league.
Tong Yao.
What are you doing?
You wrote this?
You've taken notes on
all the habits of our opponents from KING?
Only when we have known both the enemy
and ourselves can we win the battle.
Let me take a look.
Good for you.
We should learn from you.
This is
It's really good.
These things
should have been done by data analysts.
But since the qualifying rounds just started,
and we'll be against a rising team like KING,
we don't have to worry too much about it.
I thought you guys were tired yesterday,
so I made you relax.
The meaning of rising team is
one going from a lower division
to a higher division.
We can't look down on KING
just because it's a rising team.
It's not that we are looking down on them.
It's because there are
stronger teams or us to face.
There are already a lot of analysis to do
in terms of a transformed YQCB.
You also worked late last night
to organize the information, right?
Go for it.
Let's go.
Go for it.
If we get to level 3 first,
the chance of our shooter coming up
and containing the opponent
is 85.37%.
Why are you stealing my book?
What if it's a girl's diary?
Where did you get the decimal point?
Of course, I figured it out
after watching dozens of games.
You've watched dozens of games
of the rising team?
That's right.
You've got nothing to do, huh?
Why are you guys so proud?
Watch out for the failure today.
(Speedy Battle, Never Working Overtime)
You don't feel a pain anymore?
A little bit.
Then why don't you wear slippers?
Who has pains for four or five days
during her period?
That'd kill me.
Then have some breakfast.
Why are you like a breakfast butler?
Put on your slippers before you eat.
I'll wait for you outside.
Let me see your girl's diary.
Why do you want to see my girl's diary?
KING's data analysis.
Didn't you say it's not a strong team
so we don't need to read it?
You have written it.
Why do you mind that I take a look?
What's wrong?
Take a look.
Gain our own jungle all the way
to reach the fourth level,
then invade the opponent's jungle
to gain their monsters.
After the first set of monsters
are done gaining,
we most likely will appear
in the middle lane to catch people.
Catch someone if we can.
If can't, we can cause some damage on them.
The opponent's midsolo
then returns to the base.
There should be an ambush here.
What the hell?
Teach you to ambush, don't you understand?
I didn't get it.
This tactical analysis
Why is she always so dramatic in the profile?
Because she's a natural born actress.
Drama queen.
♪Facing the wind,
with our own hot stubbornness♪
♪After all the adversities♪
♪We will not shed tears♪
♪To stand up, to stand up♪
♪Don't be afraid to take chances♪
♪Better be sober You know how it is♪
♪We'll surprise you♪
♪You can take it, hit it, watch it♪
♪And then you'll like it♪
♪So you better hold on tight♪
Hello, dear audience on the site
and in front of the TV,
welcome to the 2020 National League
of Onmyoji Arena.
I'm Dudou.
I'm Qiu.
Now you can
follow my gesture to look back.
What's on the screen
is the introduction of KING's players.
The first one to appear on the screen
is KING's captain slash jungler, Guang.
He is the one
who carries KING by himself
from the seat match to the National League.
We have climbed up from the secondary league
with our bare hands
and are desperate for victory,
as strongly as a dying man
craving for the last drop of water.
This is the battle for survival.
We will give it our all.
ZGDX veterans,
get ready to be trampled under our feet.
(Guang, Jungler
Young and ambitious player)
(Guang is really young and ambitious.)
- What a pupil.
(- But his youthfulness)
(is not just an empty talk.)
(His confidence is quite well-grounded.)
After all, he has just reached the age
legal to participate in professional leagues.
And he has led KING
from the seat match to the National League.
(And he himself)
(is the most powerful
driving point of the team,)
(the command engine.)
(KING relied on Guang)
(to grab the snake and turn over the game)
(in the finals of the seat match,)
(allowing the team to enter)
(the Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(So I'm still looking forward to see)
(whether this rising team)
(will give ZGDX a surprise.)
(Speaking of which, although…)
Wants to target me?
Tong Yao, I'll give you the Ootengu.
(Okay, I think it's still a little difficult.)
(Onmyoji Arena)
(You can't say that.)
(There is an old Chinese saying.)
("A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger.")
(Let's wait and see.)
Let's see.
Both sides are ready to go.
Look at the final selected lineups.
Okay, let's see.
(In terms of ZGDX,)
(the topsolo, Cat, has taken Ibaraki Douji.)
(The jungler K is using Youtou Hime.)
(The midsolo Smiling chooses Ootengu.)
(And the shooter Chessman)
(has picked Doumeki.)
(Ibaraki Douji, Youtou Hime
Ootengu, Doumeki, Ichimoku Ren)
(Chubby got Ichimoku as assist.)
(Then look at KING's side.)
(The topsolo chooses Shuten Douji.)
(The jungler Guang is using Mannendake.)
(Midsolo Jung has taken Menreiki.)
(Shuten Douji, Mannendake)
(SKY and YC have separately taken Hakurou)
(Menreiki, Hakurou, Kuro Douji)
(and Kuro Douji as shooters.)
Don't forget
to aim for catching the jungler.
Our tactic is to link up
the top, midsolo and jungler.
- Copy that.
- Copy that.
Come on, guys.
Then it's up to you guys in this game.
Cheng and I will stand by.
We'll take Cheng to win today.
Tong Yao.
Do you want to carry the whole game?
Go, top and jungler.
Don't take me with you.
I'm just an indifferent midsolo,
shivering from the dominance
of the opposite jungler.
It's the opponent's jungler that
should be shivering.
(Well, ten players)
(have already chosen their shikigamis.)
(So what kind of audio-visual feast)
(will these ten shikigamis)
(bring us?)
Enter the game screen now.
Do you think the tactics of
Tong Yao are reliable?
It's better to believe in
Smiling's girl's diary.
(It's weird over here.)
(K leaves a monster unattended.)
(He goes straight into the grass.)
(What does this mean?)
(Smiling is also coming to the top jungle.)
(Does K want to leave this monster)
(to Smiling?)
(He is already behind in the level. )
(If he sacrifices his gold again,
it doesn't make sense.)
And now
the opponent's level
is high enough to make a fight.
ZGDX's decision
is somewhat confusing.
(It's true.)
(It's really strange today.)
(Is the grass so attractive?)
(In addition to K,
Smiling also went into the grass.)
Support, help me keep an eye.
I'll go anti-jungle.
We can see that
Guang is coming to anti-jungle.
(Are K and Smiling)
(going to keep Guang in the jungle?)
Guang is coming. K, go.
All right.
(It's coming! It's coming!)
(Youtou Hime and Ootengu)
(surround and catch Guang.)
Keep him. Keep him.
(Ootengu uses the flash)
(First Blood Assist)
(and kill Mannendake with the first skill.)
Nice! First blood taken.
(This is amazing!)
(Midsolo and jungler cooperated.)
(K and Smiling teamed up.)
What's going on? What's going on?
Why didn't you tell me that
the opponent's midsolo has been missing?
How would I know?
I saw her push the lane
and retreated.
I thought she had gone back to the base.
How did she know
you were going to
invade the jungle at this time?
Shouldn't K
go to the bottom jungle
after going to the top jungle?
They must be cheating.
Boasted, saying you were about to
tremble on us.
Cat, keep a low profile.
Our strength doesn't allow me that.
But here is the question.
How did they
know that Guang was coming to anti-jungle
without the opponent's vision?
In my opinion,
ZGDX must have studied the opponent.
(Whether it's a normal qualification match…)
Tong Yao.
What you wrote down in that little notebook
is quite effective.
That's for sure.
Good job, Tong Yao.
(If that's really the case,)
(then it's too professional
and smart, right?)
As an old and strong team,
they're able to study a new team
so thoroughly.
It's really something.
And if ZGDX has really mastered
KING's routine,
(Girl's diary of Tong Yao: 7-8 leveled Guang)
then KING team can be really dangerous
(There is a 65% chance of)
in today's game.
(ambushing someone in their own top jungle.)
(Wait for the opportunity to anti-jungle after ganking.)
- Come on, K
- Let's catch him till he begs for us.
(We can see that)
(K is already ambushing Guang in the grass.)
(It seems that ZGDX has completely mastered)
(the opponent's jungling strategy.)
Come on.
(At this moment, KING's support is coming.)
(K's Youtou Hime lands
beautifully against the wall.)
(She goes away with the third skill.)
(Even if you support in time.)
(But it's still too late.)
What are you thinking, my friend?
(King when midsolo is in a lane alone and
there is no significant gap between both sides' blood and gold)
(There is a 72% chance to fight head-on)
(Let's look at the core skill of Ootengu.)
(This skill)
(depends on the timing of
the opponent's skill release.)
(is unreasonably tough)
(in the hands of Smiling.)
(In this game,)
(as a jungler, Guang is almost completely…)
I'll cover, I'll cover.
(That's right.)
Wait for me to develop.)
(He didn't let himself be killed.)
(But the gold is still much less
than the other side.)
That's right.
That's nice.
What's wrong with the opponent's jungler?
He's been gaining the jungle
and doesn't dare to show.
(Girl's diary of Tong Yao)
K, Guang is in their jungle.
Come with me.
We can't fight, let's go.
K, go.
Copy that.
(This is a very good timing.)
(Guang has no ultimate skill.)
(Defeat Assist)
(And KING's overall gold is being crushed.)
Tong Yao has completely mastered
the way Guang plays.
(Let's look at the bottom lane.)
(Chessman is already leading
the team to destroy the turret.)
Tong Yao, come over here.
Be right there.
(Can KING resist the pressure
and hold the base turret?)
Chubby, watch your position.
Copy that.
(Defeat Assist)
(Defeat Assist)
(After KING's team)
(missing the output of
the core fielding position…)
Retreat, retreat.
Hit him, hit him.
(Rise to Prominence)
(And you see,)
(after Chessman destroying
the second turret of the bottom lane…)
Come on, K, I'm on, follow me.
Go, go. I'm behind.
Yes, yes. We can go.
We can take the fight.
Here we go.
(In another breath,
will they have the chance?)
(They've reached the base turret
in the top lane.)
(Smiling is also helping destroy
the base turret.)
Keep going.
Hold on.
(Look at this,)
(KING can't take it anymore.)
(After the team fight,
their blood is completely exhausted.)
(Unremitting Assistance Assist)
(Directly killed by Chessman.)
(Triple Kill Assist)
Hit the base. Hit the base.
Up, up, up.
(While chasing after Hakurou…)
(Ootengu killed Hakurou.)
(Shut Down Assist)
(It's wonderful!)
(This is really exciting!)
(Congratulations to ZGDX
for winning the first game!)
(Congratulations to ZGDX
for winning the second game!)
(By now, ZGDX has won one more game in)
(the first match of group A in)
(Onmyoji Arena National League 2020 of)
(ZGDX vs. KING.)
(ZGDX currently ranks first
in the group points ranking.)
♪We will be your heroes♪
Easy, easy, I didn't even sweat.
♪Come for a pilgrimage♪
Let's go.
It's so easy.
You're great, Tong Yao.
(Over the two games,)
(there is still a certain gap in strength)
(between the rising team KING)
(and ZGDX,)
(a veteran team)
(in Onmyoji Arena Pro League.)
(It's true.)
(We can see from the first game)
(that jungler Guang was constantly caught)
(while he was gaining the jungle
in the second game.)
Why? What's that?
Let's go.
Let's go, I'm not watching.
Let's go.
(And ZGDX)
(has got a thorough understanding of)
(KING's strategy.)
(We can say)
(a veteran team)
(can understand the way of a rising team)
(so thoroughly.)
It's very professional.
- It's very rare.
- That's true.
That's why it's only natural
(that ZGDX won this game.)
(That's right.)
(We would like to congratulate ZGDX again)
(for winning the second game
of the National League.)
I didn't expect your team
would even study the information
of a team in the seat match.
You're really good.
It was a great game.
We have a midsolo
who emphasizes every team.
Don't think too much.
What are you doing?
Did you just say something bad
about me with him?
Do you have delusions of grandeur?
Then with Guang just now…
MVP interview is about to start.
Please go to the interview area.
Chubby, take this for me.
There are always unruly people
who want to harm me.
Congratulations to ZGDX.
Congratulations to Chessman for winning
the first game of
the National League Finalist
of Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
So, do you have anything
to say to your fans?
Thank you for your support.
We will do our best in the National League.
It seems that Cheng
understands the expectations of the fans.
Then I also have an issue.
You were playing against
a rising team from the seat match
of Onmyoji Arena Pro League
in today's match.
ZGDX obviously prepared well
as a traditional strong team.
This is a bit surprising.
Why did you do this?
Is this your secret to winning?
It's because our midsolo
is scared of every team.
She'd call us proud if we dare to
look down upon any team for a little bit.
Before we left this morning,
she even announced loudly at the base that
we were going to fail the game.
It seems that Cheng
and our new ZGDX midsolo
are getting along quite well.
Not very well.
But she's very good,
and has a serious attitude.
As a team captain,
I'm glad to have such a teammate.
With her on the team,
ZGDX will become
stronger than ever this summer.
Do you feel the same way?
You know what?
I saw a beauty blogger
wearing a new lipstick.
The feeling of that lipstick on her lips
was like a pixie dancing on her lips.
Why are you so slow?
My computer cable
and mouse cable got tangled.
It took me a while to get it out.
- Guys.
- What a talent.
DQ. Five that will be using the lounge later
is already on the way.
Clean up, everyone.
I'll be done eating soon.
These should also be taken away?
I almost forgot it.
The queen of morality
in the e-sports industry.
Thank you for your hard work.
This is such a moral team.
Strong and moral.
I just said to clean it up,
nobody gave me a shit.
Why is everyone listening to her now?
I'm going to go to the neighborhood committee
of e-sports industry
to denounce you.
Hurry up.
You will be the first one.
Go, just go.
I'm not afraid.
You can't get away.
Tong Yao.
When is Cheng coming back?
I don't know.
Didn't you see him since you came in so late?
Let me tell you, how many people
are going to embrace him later
with his performance today?
How long will we have to wait?
Look at the Douban group.
There is such a heated discussion
on E-sports Industry Farm.
Look at the situation.
I'm afraid
they're all against KING.
Look at these headlines.
Rising team is just a rising team.
So what if they were
the king of the seat match?
- They were beaten all to pieces by ZGDX.
- Look at this.
It's really poor, I'm speechless.
KING's jungler makes me laugh.
(E-sports Industry Farm)
He's much worse.
They employed a single tactic
in the seat match.
Though they rose up
to Onmyoji Arena Pro League,
they were destined to fail.
How come no one complimented
my performance today?
They don't have time to praise you.
A group of people are now busy
splitting the blame for
the five members of KING.
What blame?
This article.
Some people say that the shooter picked up
a team and fought with them for ten seconds,
during nine seconds of
which he was wandering nowhere.
The support was invisible all over the field.
He couldn't even put down a barrier.
Anyway, everyone was scolded,
no one was spared.
Although it's said that everyone is scolded,
I think
their team's jungler Guang,
was the worst to be criticized.
Yes, he is really poor.
From the moment he tried to
invade our jungle to steal the monsters
only to be found by Tong Yao and K
in the opening match
(First Blood Assist)
and became the first blood.
Why didn't you tell me that
the opponent's midsolo was missing?
He was exposed to our vision
almost in the whole game.
Jungler is known for
its acting swiftly and wittingly.
It can help to create
early advantage for his teammates
by attacking unexpectedly.
A goon who just spent his time
in the early stage
and disappeared into the jungle
is definitely going to be cursed by
the audience like crazy.
Guang did the same thing in the second game.
(He disappeared into the jungle
in the early stage of the game.)
(He didn't support in time)
(in the crucial team
to fight over the snake.)
(Unremitting Assistance)
(His four teammates were against all of us.
(He didn't come before they were all dead.)
(When he came back later,)
(Double Kill Assist)
(he had almost lost.)
(He came back and let us kill him too.)
After the first game,
they must have known that
something was wrong.
But at that moment,
it was hard to figure out
how to solve the problem.
So in the second game,
knowing that he couldn't gank anyone,
Guang could only bury his head
in the jungle and develop himself,
waiting for a chance
to join in the team fight.
Otherwise, what else could we do?
You think the crowd cares about that?
All they can see is
Guang failed to anti-jungle,
didn't successfully gank
and became the first blood
in the first game.
In the second game,
Guang buried his head in the jungle
with no action and no presence
in the whole game.
KING was like four against five.
These are the most superficial
and intuitive things.
That's why they scolded Guang most.
Any kind of unpleasant words have been said.
- Who is to blame?
- Such a poor thing.
(Beaten up by ZGDX,
KING's jungler made me laugh)
(Don't make it sound like ZGDX)
(won easily.)
Where are you going?
I'm going to the bathroom.
Come back quickly.
We'll leave when Cheng comes back.
The queen of morality has been laid off.
She's quick to go on and off.
This doesn't work at all.
Chubby, go.
Why me?
Go ahead.
Or I'll denounce you.
Clean it up, go.
Take it.
Good boy.
Go throw it away.
Wait for me to finish it.
I heard a noise inside.
So I came in to see.
Sorry for letting you see this.
Why are you hiding here alone and crying?
You know why.
Because you lost the game?
We got the game spot
from the second-tier team players
who were like a pack of wolf cubs.
We arrived at the gaming area with great joy.
I didn't expect
we'd lose so badly.
I was already very unhappy to lose the game.
I'm even more upset to see
how harsh the comments are on
e-sports industry farm.
It's not that we haven't seen the situation
where winner gets bloated
while loser gets cursed.
I was also prepared
to be scolded if I lost.
I still can't accept it
when it's happening to me.
I want to grab everyone to tell him.
I really had no choice at that time,
but temporarily developed myself
and waited for the team fight.
I didn't gank because I really couldn't.
The next time will be better
if we are prepared.
But there is no chance.
So many people.
So many posts.
So many people cursing.
I can't respond to all of them.
You know what those people are like.
Why do you still care so much?
Because I used to say
I can lead the team to win,
I'm the best at creating opportunities
for my teammates.
Although I seem to be the only one
who is trying to chase the opportunity.
What they don't know is
every single player in our team
is eager for a chance like this.
They all worked very hard,
dreaming of entering
the Onmyoji Arena Pro League,
proving our strength
in front of the national audience.
I know ZGDX is good.
We shouldn't be able to beat you.
I thought that even if we lost,
we wouldn't lose so badly.
At least we wouldn't have no chance at all.
Deep down in our hearts,
what we have been longing for
is a chance to win like this.
I understand.
How can you understand?
You have been in such a strong team
since you played professionally,
and you are also very strong yourself.
No one will scold you.
The only one who wouldn't be scolded
may be just our captain.
If one day ZGDX loses a game,
we will definitely be scolded
by them like crazy.
Do you think they will let me go?
In fact, the reason you have the feeling now
is because you were praised too much
when you won.
That's why it hurts to lose now.
This feeling
is quite familiar.
When I first joined the team,
I guess I was fearless as a newcomer.
When I won a training match,
I was very proud of myself.
I met South Korean TAT.
You know that, right?
I was beaten up by Tai so hard that
I was almost scared of South Korea.
Now when I play ranking games
and occasionally see that ID,
I still get sweaty palms.
I still haven't found a way to cure it.
But since the National League,
you've been acting nice.
I can't tell that you are nervous
and unaccommodated.
You work perfectly with your team.
I see that the rest of your teammates
trust you too.
You've got a good team, too.
And you're just getting started.
Your career is just beginning.
As a rising team from the seat match,
you still have a lot of room for improvement
after seeing more professional
teams' style of play and tactics.
The next time we meet on the field,
you will become even stronger.
We ended up being beaten up
by you easily anyway.
The E-sports Industry Farm says it's easy,
then you believe it's really easy?
What the hell is you being led
by the opinion?
If you want to know if it is really easy,
why don't you ask me?
I have the most right to speak.
In order to study your jungle route
and team play style,
I watched all the videos
of KING in games.
All the conclusions
were only reached
after watching dozens of games.
Before today's game,
I was even watching
the finals of your seat match.
Look at the dark rims of my eyes.
So don't cry.
Why are you crying?
Set a clear goal.
And then work towards that goal.
Isn't that a good thing?
Isn't that the point of the Finalist?
No team can easily
win another team.
So don't belittle yourself.
You've earned
the entering quality of
Onmyoji Arena Pro League.
Just hold on to it.
You seem to be benign to everybody.
I just don't like being mindlessly praised.
Let the other teams be afraid of you.
Isn't that cool?
Why is that cool?
I stayed up late every night
to review the game
that my eyes were going blind
just to brag like this?
(Triple Kill Assist)
You watched dozens of games of rising teams?
That's right.
You've got nothing to do, huh?
Jian Yang.
You have to take notes on your ex-boyfriend
before the game?
Only when we have known both the enemy
and ourselves can we win the battle.
(So, in that case,)
(I lost to Tai…)
Why don't you say something?
What are you thinking about?
While guiding you,
I also figured out a truth.
What truth?
Before others seem to beat you easily,
who knows how much effort
has been done in private?
We are all human beings.
How can there be one person
as awesome as an alien?
never take the enemy lightly.
Don't fight unprepared battles.
Thank you.
Let's go.
You didn't answer the phone
after being called for so long.
So you're hiding in here?
(4 Missed Calls)
What are you playing?
This is a surprising place you picked.
Not bad. Very clever.
What do you mean?
Can you talk in a right manner?
Thank you. I'll leave now.
Goodbye, Cheng.
Hey, I found her.
I'll be right there.
You made the other team's jungler
cry in the exit passageway.
What do you mean?
Literal meaning.
Why is he looking at you with
that sad look?
He was indeed in the exit passageway.
I was there too.
He indeed cried.
How to say?
Can you talk in a right manner?
What do you mean
I made the other team's jungler cry?
You can't just use the word "made".
Then why did he look at you with
that sad look?
How is that a sad look?
Then tell me what kind of look is that?
Don't you think that's a look of admiration?
That's the look of being tamed.
Where are they?
You did that kind of thing
and still want them to wait for you?
Do you have any kind of grudge
with the title of the team captain?
You've collected two captains
through two games.
You take it as stamp collecting?
The limited issue of stamps in 2020
Onmyoji Arena Pro League?
Shut up, you're a captain too.
Sorry, I'm late.
What did you do?
Collecting stamps.
Cheng just came back
and saw you weren't there.
He risked being chased by fans
and went back to look for you.
He called your phone
and you did not answer it.
He thought you had been kidnapped.
Why would anyone kidnap me?
Kidnap me to be their jungler?
- Tong Yao.
- I'm not losing anything.
What on earth did you do?
Who knows?
I went to the toilet.
Why did the captain say
you love collecting stamps?
I was just in the bathroom
and bumped into KING's jungler by chance
secretly crying in the exit passageway.
So I comforted him.
But the Internet scolded him really hard,
and praised us like crazy.
This makes me very uneasy.
How dare him surf the Internet
after losing the game?
The day we lost the spring finals,
Rui uninstalled all the Douban Apps
in our cell phones
one by one.
The newcomer has just started his journey.
KING used to be very strong
in the seat matches.
They used to be praised by others.
And what the hell you go to comfort others?
That's not just someone else.
That's our enemy.
What if he grows up quickly
after being comforted by you?
They can't match with us anyway
because we are also growing up.
That's right.
While guiding you,
I also figured out a truth.
Before others seem to beat you easily,
who knows how much effort
has been done in private?
We are all human beings.
How can there be one person
as awesome as an alien?
Collecting stamps?
I refuse.
No, it's not that.
Say it.
I want to ask Tai to confront again.
You're not afraid of him anymore?
When do you want to do that?
No way.
I don't agree.
You can't do that.
Why not?
I'm with you.
No, there are still two games next week.
If it's like the last time…
You shut up.
Then I'll play
the rest of the games.
You'll lose.
Have you made up your mind?
Cheng, are you crazy?
Even if I don't help her make a date,
she can manage to do it herself.
Tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrow? So soon?
It's not too late for you to prepare today.
Go for it.
Go for it.
♪Whose reasoning and expectations♪
♪Don't seem to be my inner monologue♪
♪To be myself or to run away♪
♪Should I just sway with the wind?♪
♪You're the one
who came through the sea of stars♪
♪Those corners open unexpectedly♪
♪It seems someone will really understand♪
♪My helplessness♪
♪The loneliness that
comes with the gradual leave♪
♪I'm beginning to believe♪
♪The existence of a tacit understanding♪
♪That fate can be changed♪
♪Because persistence♪
♪Has never been pale♪
♪The successes and failures
we have gone through♪
♪The crowd of people cheering tomorrow♪
♪Your look fuels my passion♪
♪Welcome the sunshine♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine♪
♪Do you still remember♪
♪That I watched the shooting stars
pass by with you♪
♪How many times I seem to have heard♪
♪The wish I made that night♪
♪We all made a promise♪
♪Youth is about no regrets♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪The moment we ignite with passion♪
♪Will light up the night♪
♪How foolish the stubbornness
that no one understands♪
♪How strong the desire to return to glory♪
♪Remember that moment at the top♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine together♪
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