Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e13 Episode Script

The Silver Surfer and the Return of Galactus

Hey, ain't this great, Alicia?
I mean, here we are, inside
outside the storm
we're in here nice and cozy.
We got cocoa, popcorn, pork rinds
and each other. Hey
It's lovely, Ben.
And Reed and Sue have gone to a lecture
and Johnny is at a rock concert
which means we're here alone.
Hot dog!
We got the TV all to ourselves!
Fightin' fat guys.
I mean, is this the best or what?
Oh, Ben.
It's perfect.
What the Hey!
I've got pork rinds in my hair.
What happened, Ben?
Huh? Uh Nothin', I mean, I guess.
Hey, my Pearl Jam concert
got rained out.
Oh, man, sumo wrestling. That sucks.
Iron Man, cool.
Hey, who asked you to butt in, Butthead?
You gimme that, come here
Wait, there's three of us,
let's ask Alicia what she wants.
Please, settle down,
I'm spilling my cocoa.
- Yikes!
- Oh, my!
- What happened?
- You got me.
But I'm glad we weren't
watching a buffalo stampede.
I'd better change
to something safer, fast.
Now, the haunting call
of the ever-popular Tufted Titmouse.
Oh, man, that big robot Último
came right out of the TV set.
- Well
- Mind if I change the channel?
The lecture was cancelled
because of the storm.
What on earth happened to this room?
Later, sweetheart,
I want to watch my favorite program.
- Hey, hold on, Stretcho.
- Reed, no!
Don't press that Button!
And now,
The March of Science.
What is wrong with you three?
And now, our special presentation
a study of raptors and pterodactyls.
Beeth! Thanks a lot, Big Brain!
Look, you just gave us
Jurassic Park on 29th Street.
Stay close, Alicia.
Something incredibly weird is going on.
Here they come.
Okay, you be Barney Rubble,
I'll be Fred Flintstone.
It's time to "yabba dabba doo!"
Uh, flamin' on, Fred!
Take a hike, Dino!
They're becoming pure energy
and returning to the televisión set.
That leaves us
with one pterodactyl to go.
- The TV!
- What happened?
- It's off.
- I turned it off.
Good thinking, Alicia.
But shutting off the televisión
won't benefit us for very long.
Those televisión images
were effectively brought to life
by a gigantic infusión
of elemental life energy.
You see, all matter is composed
of the same basic components
atoms, ions, neurons and so forth.
The power of elemental life energy
is so great
it can reassemble them
and literally bring anything to life.
Hmm. I'm sorry I asked.
If we don't find its source
and shut it down
there's no telling
what else it may affect.
We've got to hurry.
My sensor indicates
the elemental energy source
is now two miles above Manhattan.
- And moving fast.
- Look! There it is!
- Say "Ahhh", Buttercup.
- I triangulated the coordinates.
Hang onto your shorts
'cause the G-force'll
give you a wedgie!
Adapt for space capability.
Good luck!
A strange warm light, moving
toward me from a great distance.
Somehow I'm not afraid.
It is you!
The Silver Surfer!
Yes, Alicia Masters.
I've returned to see the Fantastic Four
on an urgent matter.
But they just left.
They went to investigate
a strange outpouring of energy
which seems to be coming
from somewhere in space.
Then there may yet be time.
Time to do what?
To stand with them in final battle.
Their lives and the lives of all who
dwell on Earth are now in deadly peril.
We're all in danger?
I was flying above your worid
when suddenly
I felt a surge of incalculable energy
draining freely into your atmosphere.
Such energy could have come
only from Galactus
the devourer of worids.
I remember hearing how you helped
Ben and his friends
to save our planet from him.
But I can only imagine how it happened.
Then let my thoughts be your eyes
so your mind can see.
From time beyond imagining
I was herald to Galactus
endlessly searching the Cosmos
for worids abundant with life
upon which he could feed
and slake
his ever-gnawing great hunger
no matter how many lives it consumed.
But the Fantastic Four would not allow
Earth to be devoured.
And with your help,
I learned to see your worid as it is
to recognize its capacity for goodness.
And so I chose to defy my master
and fight for this planet.
But now I must find the Fantastic Four.
When Galactus releases elemental life
energy into a planet's atmosphere
it means he is ravenously hungry
and salivating like a wild beast
before it seizes its prey.
He will not rest
until he has eaten his fill.
Do not lose hope, Alicia.
To be alive is to believe in miracles.
It's Galactus's sphere.
Looks like his warranty ran out.
Galactus, of course.
Who else would possess
enough elemental life energy
to bring televisión images
to life on Earth?
And yet, my scanners
don't indicate his presence here.
Stop your gabbin' and pay attention.
I'm hitting the headlights!
That's strange.
I expected the technology
in Galactus's sphere
to be much more advanced than this.
Look, an anti-matter generator
to transmit elemental life energy
to Earth in the form of lightning.
And those strange empty pods.
- Prepare for space walk.
- Suiting up.
Outfitting complete.
If this is Galactus's sphere,
where is he?
The Silver Surfer Dude!
What's he doing up here
in East Nowheresville?
We must leave this place at once,
it is a trap.
I don't understand. We just got here.
- What's the problem?
- You're not making sense, Chrome Dome.
This is not the universe-spanning sphere
of Galactus.
So maybe he got a brother Irving
and this is his jalopy?
No, Ben,
my scanner proves those pods contain
concentrated life energy
in synthetic form.
Why would Galactus
need synthetic life energy
when he sucks up the real thing?
That is
an excellent question, young man.
- It's Doctor Doom!
- Hey, what's he doing here?
Where is the creep?
I'm far over your head, as usual.
You're playing a dangerous game, Doom.
So much energy is highly unstable.
The forces you unleashed
could have destroyed you.
True, but I had to risk it
to make the Silver Surfer
believe Galactus had returned.
Only then would he come here
to try to rescue you
from his former master.
Why did you want me to do that?
So I could accomplish something
that would be impossible
within Earth's gravitational field.
The theft of your cosmic powers!
The power of the Surfer's
strength flows through me now!
His skills are mine!
Surfer, are you all right?
Weak My legs and arms are heavy.
It is as I have told you.
With my genius
and the Surfer's cosmic powers
nothing can stop me from grinding the
governments of the worid beneath my heel
and dominating this planet!
Well, why don't you stop me?
Well, I thought you'd never ask,
Rust for Brains.
Okay, it's clobberin' time.
Come, Johnny Storm!
It's your turn to save the planet
from the threat of Doctor Doom.
The anti-matter generator, Johnny.
Heat it to fusión temperature
and it'll draw the Surfer's powers
out of his armor.
Thermite flame on!
A brilliant counter-move, Richards.
But useless.
You wisely employed thermite flame
to burn in oxygen-less space.
But when your flame goes out
your body will expand with the vacuum
until you burst! Ha!
Stay in the capsule, Johnny.
- Reed, we've gotta get him to Earth.
- Yes, all of you, run for home
with your tails between your legs.
Your time in the sun has ended
and mine has begun!
No, don't pursue, Surfer.
You don't have the strength.
He's falling!
Easy, Surfer. I'm coming to get you.
- Surfer, are you all right?
- No use.
I'm de-energized. Stripped of my powers.
Fender Head booby-trapped the joint.
We gotta get outta here.
Doctor Doom
was dangerous enough before.
How can we stop him
now that he has the Surfer's powers?
I don't know, sweetheart,
but we'll think of something.
If we don't,
our worid will truly be doomed
in every sense of the word.
Citizens of the worid
pay close attention
to the following demonstration.
I have arranged this
to show you the folly of resistance.
Contact your leaders
and order them to step aside
by noon tomorrow
when I shall preside at my coronation
and take full command.
Do this and you shall be allowed to live
and serve me.
and I shall exterminate you!
All hail Doctor Doom!
That tin-can clown
is holding all the aces.
It's the Surfer!
Reed's got him flying again and
Hey, watch it, will you?
Look out, Alicia!
What is it? Ben, you sound so concerned.
Did it come this way?
You mean something that looked like
a double exposure of the Surfer
getting electrocuted?
It came in,
went right through Alicia's head
- And took off through the wall.
- I suspected as much.
I've been trying to bond
a film of elemental life energy
to the Surfer's metalloid skin
in an effort to restore
at least some of his cosmic powers.
Well, that was as close as I've come.
It still wasn't close enough.
Poor Foo Foo!
I know you want to see
your Lassie re-runs.
But there's nothing on except this
tacky man covered in aluminum siding.
However, Mummy's little boy
still has to eat his nummie nums!
Please, precious.
It's full of nice gooey oatmeal
chicken hearts and
Oh! Mercy!
No! No! No!
Go away!
I've never felt so helpless.
If only we possessed
the awesome power of Galactus.
Well, we do have one weapon.
Our intellects.
Ahh! A golden energy
has come to replace the silver.
And then it, too, vanishes.
I'm so sorry.
If Doctor Doom was able to
remove the Surfer's powers
there must be some way
to restore them, darling.
There is, sweetheart.
I just have to find a way to make it
stick for longer than a few seconds.
Out of my way, you great orange yahoo!
Hey, you can't go in there, lady.
Oh, no? This is my building,
I'll go where I like.
Miss Forbes, we're in the midst
of an experiment. I can't
Well, don't I know it?
Some flying apparition
resembling Mr Silverman, there
flitted into my apartment
without a by-your-leave
and completely discombobulated
my darling Foo Foo.
Excuse us, please.
Yeah, don't think we didn't
enjoy your visit.
I'm not finished!
This is my building and I have rules.
Rules which must be obeyed.
Miss Forbes dictates rules
for her own benefit
and then gets angry
when others don't follow them.
Please don't judge
the rest of us by her.
I shall not.
- No, you should.
- What?
A rule can be a wonderful thing
especially if it's been made
by someone
who will stop at nothing to enforce it.
An inflexible rule.
Of course, that is the answer,
Reed Richards.
- Will someone please explain?
- There's no time now, Sue.
Ben, Johnny, we may still be able
to defeat Doctor Doom!
The moment of destiny is upon me.
Turn on the televisión cameras
so the worid may witness my coronation.
- Sorry, Doom.
- Huh?
Your coronation is being canceled
because of a missing crown.
No monarch can tolerate an act
of such defiance and rule.
You shall bend to my iron will
or I shall obliterate you!
Stop! You cannot escape my domain!
Return my crown!
And then prepare to taste my wrath!
Reed! It worked. Here he comes!
Galactus himself!
Who violates the edict of Galactus
with such arrogant abandon?
I am Doctor Doom!
I have broken no rule of yours.
Now, stand aside.
I must deal with these upstarts.
I realize now that it was my mention
of the word Galactus
that spurred you into action.
Do what you must, Reed Richards.
Yes, Surfer Now!
We meet again, Galactus.
Yes, Herald.
But we meet beyond the barrier
which I had forbidden you to cross.
It was a journey I could not have made
without the Fantasticar.
Because the cosmic powers you bestowed
upon me were stolen by him.
This armor-clad microbe dares undo
what Galactus has ordained?
Let his deed now be undone!
Ahh! The radiant energy returns!
The power cosmic is mine once more!
- The Surfer is himself again!
- Way to go!
Yeah, but where does that leave
old Iron Butt?
I am destined to rule the worid!
As for you, my once and former herald
you shall return to the exile
I have imposed upon you.
The solar system is yours to traverse.
But only Galactus shall roam the Cosmos.
- Well done, Surfer!
- Way to go, dude!
- Yeah!
- Now let's go home.
Imagine! With seconds to spare
we saved the Earth
from the tyranny of Doctor Doom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the best part is
if we get back fast enough,
we can still catch the beginning of
Iron Man!
There's Galactus
looking hungry
And Doctor Doom is near
Here come
the Skrulls invading
Do you run
and hide in fear?
No way, no way, no way
Just call the Four
Fantastic Four
That's all, no more
Now, that's grammatical
Reed Richards is elastic
Sue can fade from sight
Johnny is the Human Torch
The Thing
just loves to fight
Call for the Four
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four
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