Firebuds (2022) s01e13 Episode Script

Hanukkah Hullabaloo/The Christmas Car-Sled Race

(bell rings)
Firebuds, let's roll.
If you need a helping hand
or you need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
are here for you ♪
Just listen to our
siren squeal ♪
On your block or on the town ♪
There's nothing we won't do ♪
To help our friends
and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through,
our rescue crew! ♪
ALL: Let's roll,
let's roll, Firebuds ♪
JAYDEN: We're grabbin' our
gear we're hittin' the road ♪
ALL: Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
JAYDEN: We're savin' the day
we'll crack the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get
into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
BO: Bo and Flash,
Jayden, Piston Violet, Axl ♪
Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best Firebuds forever
Here we come ♪
ALL: And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
BO: We're grabbin' our gear
we're hitting the road ♪
ALL: Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
BO: We're savin' the day
we're crackin' the code ♪
ALL: When trouble comes
around the bend ♪
On us,
you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll,
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
BO: "Hanukkah Hullabaloo".
You know what I love best
about the holiday season?
Tasty holiday treats?
Holiday decorations.
Then you're in luck, Bo.
'Cause Dad is making the most
spectacular ice sculpture ever.
We better not bother him,
Ice sculptures
are very delicate.
At least that's what he said
the last time I bothered him.
(engine revving)
Well if you wanna see more cool
decorations, come see our house!
Everyone meet
"Jolly Holly doing an Ollie."
BO: Whoa.
It's like she's in mid-air.
What's an ollie?
An "ollie" is a super-high
snowboarding jump.
Then it just needs one thing.
Now she's doing a safe ollie.
Well Holly, I'd like ya to meet
a friend of mine I call Santa.
Where are your decorations, Bo?
(wind whooshes)
Well, because my dad is Catholic
and my mom is Jewish,
we celebrate Christmas
and Hanukkah.
But Hanukkah comes
before Christmas this year
so our Christmas decorations
aren't up yet.
What about your Hanukkah
Mom never puts any up.
-Really? How come?
-I don't really know.
-Maybe we should ask her.
(engine revving)
BO: Hi, Mom.
Oh, you're all just in time
to try the latkes
I'm frying up
for the first night of Hanukkah.
And I used the oil to make
the vehicles a treat, too.
fried potato-y goodness.
Mom, how come we don't put up
any Hanukkah decorations?
Well, some people decorate
for Hanukkah,
but my family never did.
What is Hanukkah?
Hanukkah honors our peoples'
victory a long time ago
over a group who attacked us
to stop our way of life.
Against all odds, we won.
But we only had enough oil to
light our lamps for one night.
the oil lasted for eight nights.
I wish these latkes
lasted for eight nights.
So to celebrate that miracle,
we light a new candle
every night
for the eight nights
of Hanukkah.
Tonight is the first night,
so we'll light the first candle
on the Hanukkiah.
Then each night
we use the center candle
to light another.
That's a lot of open flames.
(chuckles) We never leave it
unattended, Piston.
And after we light the candles,
we eat latkes and jelly donuts,
which we call sufganiyot
and we play a game
called Spin the Dreidel
where the prize
is chocolate coins called gelt.
Jelly donuts and chocolate?
Hanukkah just gets
better and better.
(dramatic music playing)
Hanukkah sounds
like a really special holiday.
It is especially to Mom.
I just wish I could share
its special-ness with everyone.
So why not share it
with everyone?
Let's decorate the house
for Hanukkah.
We'll make this the biggest,
brightest Hanukkah house
that Gearbox Grove
has ever seen.
And since Mom never had
decorations growing up,
I bet she'll love it.
-I'm so in.
-Me too.
-Oh yeah.
-Let's decorate, Firebuds.
(upbeat music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
Oh, you decorated.
Uh-huh. Do you like it?
Yes of course.
It's very nice.
Thank you for doing all this.
Anyway, I'm off to take some
treats to Floyd and Town circle.
See you soon.
Did y'all see that?
She likes the decorations.
She liked them, Flash.
But we want her to love them.
We need to put up
the biggest, brightest,
most Hannukkah-est
decorations ever.
There's more than
just one holiday ♪
That can rock a cool display ♪
Festive sights
shining lights ♪
All ablaze
for eight whole nights ♪
Oh Hanukkah is here! ♪
The house is starting
to look great ♪
So let's find more
to decorate ♪
Keep the pace
Make our place ♪
Bright enough to see
from space ♪
Oh Hanukkah is here ♪
-It sure is.
-FLASH: Wow.
Now this is a Festival
of Lights.
I'm gonna need tinted windows.
All right,
we're almost there, Buds.
What else could you want?
Now we have got
to finish strong ♪
If you go big,
you can't go wrong ♪
We need more make it soar ♪
Ten times taller than before ♪
ALL: Oh Hanukkah is here! ♪
It's crystal clear
So give a cheer ♪
'Cuz Hanukkah is here ♪
That is one huge dreidel.
I know. Isn't it beautiful?
Now everyone will see
how special Hanukkah is.
(wind whooshes)
It's getting windy.
We better tie it down.
Whoa. Uh-oh!
My J-nukkiah!
It's a runaway dreidel!
Got it! Whoa.
Please stop, please stop
I think I mighta taken
the decorating too far.
You think?
(suspenseful music playing)
It's cold out here.
How are we gonna clear
all this snow?
Problem solved.
(upbeat music playing)
Jayden, can you pop the dreidel
with your J-hook?
It's moving around too much!
-MAN: Hey.
-MAN: Watch it.
Oh, dreidel, dreidel,
dreidel, dreidel!
Gettin' a little shouty, dude.
BO: Whoa.
PISTON: Sorry about that.
(wind whooshing)
(upbeat music playing)
BO: Firebuds, we gotta
We gotta stop this thing!
(suspenseful music playing)
Axl, Piston!
Let's do
the Double Reverse Roadblock!
Roger that!
Hang on!
We got you, Bo.
BO: Whoa.
FLOYD: Anddone.
Let's take a moment
to enjoy its peaceful beauty.
BO: Watch out!
-BO: Happy Hanukkah?
-Bo?! Are you okay?
I am.
But the ice sculpture
sure isn't.
-I'm sorry, Uncle Floyd.
-Oh, that's all right.
I'm just relieved
you're not hurt.
On the bright side,
now it looks like
you have a bunch of snowflakes.
Eight snowflakes to be exact.
Like there are eight nights
of Hanukkah.
Maybe we could turn this
into a Hanukkah decoration?
I know. We can use my cable
to make a mobile.
A snow-mobile!
-Get it?
-Oh, Dad.
Technically it's an ice-mobile.
Let's get building.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I just wanted to decorate
the house for you
and show everyone
how special Hanukkah is.
But I guess I got carried away.
Bo, that was so sweet of you.
But I don't need
a bunch of decorations
to make Hanukkah feel special.
Although your friends
have done a nice job
with the ice sculpture.
Whoa. Great job, Buds.
Let's go home
and I'll show you
what makes Hanukkah
special to me.
When I was young,
my father said
it was a big honor to light
the first night candle.
I think you should light it.
With my help, of course.
First we light the shamash,
which is the "helper" candle
we use to light
the first night candle.
Baruch atah, Adonai ♪
Eloheinu, Melech haolam ♪
Asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav ♪
V'tsivanu ♪
L'hadlik ner shel Hanukkah ♪
Now use the shamash
to light this candle here.
You're right, Mom.
-This does feel pretty special.
-That's the thing, Bo.
Everyone has their own
unique way
of celebrating the holidays
whether it's Kwanza
or Christmas
BO: Or Hanukkah.
"The Christmas Car-Sled Race."
Mission: Christmas
Shopping is go.
Oh, I'm gonna get perfume
for my moms.
And air fresheners for my dad's.
My mom would love a new sweater.
And my dad needs new hubcaps.
(sighs) I wish getting a present
for my dad was that easy, Flash.
I never know what to get him.
Why don't you just ask him
what he wants?
I did. He said he's just happy
to see my smiling face,
but if I really want
to give him something,
he could use some socks.
He loved those socks
you got him last year.
But this year I want to get him
something really special.
A gift that says,
you're the world's greatest dad.
I bet there are socks that say
"World's Greatest Dad."
Oh, but first we gotta check out
the world's greatest car-sled.
The Frostbite 5000.
CHIEF BILL: Morning, boys.
-Hi, Mayor.
-Hey Dad.
Are you two going to enter this
year's Christmas car-sled race?
We would if we had a car-sled.
If we had that car-sled.
Aw, you don't need
a fancy new sled.
My old Snow Rocket sled
is faster than that.
Perfect. Because we have
an incredible prize this year.
A parol?
What's a parol?
A parol is a Filipino
Christmas star lantern.
When I was growing up,
we'd go to the Philippines
for the holidays
and see parols hanging
all over town.
But those were usually made
from bamboo and colored paper.
This one is made
with capiz shells.
I always wanted one of those.
Oh, we better get going.
We have a meeting at Town Hall.
But I'll see you at home later.
I found the perfect
Christmas gift for my dad.
The parol!
But we'd have to win the race
to get it.
We'll use dad's old car-sled.
He said it was fast.
(car approaching)
Feast your eyes on the sweet
ride our dads just bought us.
And its sweet, sweet horn.
(horn honks harmoniously)
We're gonna win the car-sled
race for sure.
Hey, let's go pick out
a spot in our room
-to hang that star thingy.
It's called a parol!
How are we gonna beat
the Frostbite 5000?
Dad's Snow Rocket, that's how.
That's the Snow Rocket?
Oh yeah. Your Lolo and I
built this beauty
for the Christmas Car-Sled race
back when I was your age.
Uh, maybe we should replace
these old wooden runners
with new ones?
Nah, we just need
to sand and wax 'em.
(sandpaper scraping)
Thenhow about
we add a tail-fin?
To help it go faster downhill.
(chuckles) Trust me.
The Snow Rocket
is already plenty fast.
But will it win? I need to know
it'll definitely win.
'Cause we gotta win.
Bo, I can't guarantee
you'll win.
But the most important thing
is to have fun, right?
Oh, sure, of course.
I just want us to, you know,
give it our all.
Well, I guess the Snow Rocket
could use a tail fin.
Yes, cool, thank you.
Now let's get the Snow Rocket
ready for takeoff.
(upbeat music playing)
Hold up! I've never seen
something so old look so new.
You two ready to race?
Ready to win!
Mm. Feels good.
Let's get on the starting line.
Jayden? I didn't know
you and Piston were racing.
And where's your sled?
-Oh, you mean my J-Sleigh?
-Sick sled.
It sure snowed a lot last night.
VIOLET: Hoods up!
You're racing too?
When has there ever been a race
we didn't enter?
(horn honks harmoniously)
'Sup, Fireduds. Ready to lose?
(horn honks harmoniously)
Shh. That horn is way too loud.
With all the new snow
on the mountain,
too much noise could
easily trigger an avalanche.
-An ava-what?
-An avalanche.
It's when a ton of snow
rushes down the mountain,
covering up everything
in its path.
Maybe you, but not us.
We're too fast.
We'll see about that, Iggy.
everyone to Gearbox Grove's
Christmas Car-Sled Race!
JUNE: Hola, JuneTube viewers!
This is June Ramirez.
My trusty camera-van Vance
and I
are gonna drive up the hill
so you can see
all the action up-close.
We are?
MAYOR WAWETSEKA: On your marks.
Get set.
(cheers and applause)
JUNE: The race is underway
and Bo and Flash
have taken the lead.
Rod, we're falling behind!
I got an idea, hang on!
(horn honks harmoniously)
You hear that rumble, Bo?
I don't know but we gotta catch
Iggy and Rod. Come on.
ALL: Whoa!
Yes, JuneTubers,
I can hear them coming now.
Uh, June
-JUNE: What's happening?
-FLASH: Avalanche!
June, we gotta get outta here.
It's an avalanche!
Let's roll, Faye.
That was a doozy.
At least everyone's okay.
VANCE: Help!
BO: Is that Vance?
We are still live on JuneTube
from the middle of an avalanche
calling for help.
BO: We'll save you!
The Firebuds are coming
to the rescue,
but will they get us out?
Stay tuned June-Tuned.
Rod, they're all distracted.
We can win the race.
It's too deep, dude. I'm stuck.
(Iggy straining)
Okay team,
we need a rescue plan.
Well, the snow is too deep
to walk across
but I could use my J-Hook
to grab onto Vance
-and pull him out.
-JUNE: Breaking news!
Iggy and Rod are digging
themselves out
and could be back in the race
any second.
Also, I'm getting cold.
Bo, we gotta get back
on the course
if we wanna win that prize
for your dad.
Is that why you're racing, Bo?
Yeah. Parols are
a Filipino tradition
so it would mean a lot to him.
Then you hafta go.
We'll rescue June and Vance.
Okay, thanks, Buds.
JAYDEN: Aw man,
my J-Hook won't reach.
ROD: (strains) Yeah!
Come on Rod. Let's win this.
Bo, it's now or never.
(sighs) I can't leave without
helping June and Vance first.
Huddle up, Firebuds!
Jayden, if you get
in Flash's bucket,
he can extend his ladder
until you're close enough
to use the J-Hook.
Hop on.
(upbeat music playing)
Okay, Flash. Reel 'em in.
Hey JuneTubers, we're still live
in a snow-filled gully
and sinking fast.
Will we be rescued in time?
I, for one, hope so.
Flash, lift your ladder!
Axl, Piston, help pull.
(all straining)
Hey, everybody.
-Thanks, Buds.
-You saved us!
What a rescue!
I've never been so proud
of so many people at once.
What a race Gearbox Grove.
-(laughs) Yeah, look at this.
-We won!
IGGY: Oh, yeah.
I, uh, gotta go do some
last minute Christmas shopping.
I'll see you at home, Dad.
What's up with Bo?
He's disappointed
he lost the race.
He wanted to win that parol
so he could give it to you
for Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Dad.
Look at all the little parols!
I wanted to give you
something else
but I couldn't get it.
Bo, come with me.
There's something
I want to show you.
I know you tried to win
that parol for me.
But you already gave me
something much more special
for Christmas, anak.
What do you mean?
Give me a hand
and I'll tell you.
(upbeat music laying)
The thing I remember
from this holiday ♪
Is helping your fix up
the sled for the race ♪
And watching you go out
and rescue your friends ♪
These are the moments
I don't want to end ♪
So don't feel like
you gotta win me a prize ♪
We have all we need
right in front of our eyes ♪
The present I want
isn't fancy or fine ♪
I'd much rather have
the gift of your time ♪
'Cause bein' with you ♪
Doin' the special things
we do ♪
Always gives my spirits
a lift ♪
Time spent together ♪
Is the perfect gift ♪
But is hanging out
really enough? ♪
Don't you want a lot
of cool, cool stuff? ♪
No presents are needed
in any amount ♪
The people I love
are all that count ♪
'Cause bein' with you ♪
Doin' the special things
we do ♪
Always gives my spirits
a lift ♪
Time spent together ♪
Is the perfect gift ♪
Oh time spent together ♪
Is the perfect gift ♪
(theme music playing)
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