Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

You're Not Her Brother

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 13)
Fired, just like that?
Ding, you're at the top of the list.
(Retrenchment Notice) Ding, all the work you've put in
over the years were wasted. How could they do this?
What should I do now?
What's happened?
My mom is in the hospital. My wife has to look after our two kids.
I'm the sole breadwinner of the family. Now I've been fired.
How will my family survive?
Calm down first.
Calm down. We'll figure out a way.
What do I do?
This is too unfair.
-My kids are waiting for me. -They fired us just like that.
-That can't be right. -Yeah.
We worked hard for so many years, no?
How are we supposed to live now?
My fellow workers.
At this time,
we must stand together.
Only when we stand united
can we get our due recompense.
We don't want to fight for nothing.
So we have to remain united.
Yes, we have to be united.
Guys, we have to be united. Stand united.
Yes, stand united!
-Stand united! -Okay, stop. Don't make a scene.
Let's remain composed.
That's good. Seeing everyone's vigor
makes me more confident about winning.
Mr. Meng.
The man named Song Zhi Yong
leads the bunch of retrenched workers
to rally at the company every day.
They are demanding for labor compensation.
They said they won't stop otherwise.
Their leader, Song Zhi Yong
is as shameless as one could get.
How much are they asking?
In total, it's about 1.8 million.
How about this?
Let Human Resource negotiate with them again.
If that's the best we could get,
then just pay them.
I think
we shouldn't give them even one cent.
We must never compromise with a guy like Song Zhi Yong.
Just let it go.
If this matter gets out of hand, the company reputation would be affected.
That would cause more problems.
This is about principle.
If you make an exception this time,
what will happen next time?
Whoever causes a ruckus gets their money.
Besides, we are currently undergoing structural changes.
We don't have any spare funds.
I agree.
We must not pay.
Those bunch of people
are just beggars.
-They only want money. -Greedy lot.
No way we're paying.
Song Yan.
Sleep early after you finish your homework.
Okay, Mom.
I'm going out.
Don't go off playing outside after you finish.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the dance hall.
What? Can you please stay away from those places?
What kind of place?
Did I lose my freedom because I married you?
I mean, the dance hall is filled with men and women.
Getting so close to one another in summer
It's not proper.
You want to manage my affairs?
Just like how you manage your colleagues'?
Tell me. Do they pay you for helping them or what?
If you're that free,
you should fix the family up properly.
Did I not fix it up?
Did I starve you? Did I not let you dress nicely?
What more do you want?
All you ever talk about is money.
Give it a rest.
Other people who works in the same position as you
have fat wallets and full accounts.
They drive big cards
and live in big houses.
What do you have?
Aside from a good name, what else do you have?
Doing homework?
I got you some mandarins.
Here you go.
Take this one. Peel one for me.
And I'll peel you one.
Let's see if it's sweet.
Your mom is all dressed up today.
Lovely, isn't she?
-Is it sweet? -It's good. Thanks, Dad.
Come, give me a slice.
Mr. Zhao, what did I do wrong?
At least tell me before you fire me.
Someone reported you for receiving bribes.
Mr. Zhao, you could've said anything else,
but there's no way I'd take bribes.
Who reported it? Ask them to come.
We'll sort it out face-to-face.
Your good friend.
Ding Ming.
You foolishly led them to ask for recompense from the management.
(But they've long given in.)
I regarded you as my brother and stood up for you!
But you framed me over some dirty money!
How could you do that to me?
You're inhuman.
You're inhuman!
What benefits did they give you?
What exactly did they give you?
-Tell me! Why are you keeping quiet? -Stop!
-Stop it. -You worthless piece of crap.
Stop fighting.
Go, leave.
Dad, eat while it's hot.
Drink some water.
Let me help you to the bed.
I'm sorry.
Don't cry, Dad.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
I want to pee.
Dad, why are you out here?
You can't sleep here.
Look how big the hornet's nest is.
It's dangerous.
I poked a bee hive for fun when I was a kid.
I almost got beaten to death by my dad.
Guess you really deserve your name.
Ge, get a ladder.
You two, put on the protection suit.
-Got it. -Jun Ping.
Disperse the nearby crowd.
Move back. Set up a perimeter.
Go, put on the suit.
Yang Chi. You and Jiang can sit this out.
(Let the juniors do it.)
All right. This is a chance for the rookies to perform.
-Stay safe! -Okay.
Do a good job.
Somehow, I have a bad feeling.
I'd be shocked if those two bumbling guys can do it.
Could you record me?
Record a video.
I'm doing my first ever main mission.
I want to show it to my mom.
-I'll do it just this once. -Thanks, Cap.
Pi Pi.
-Pi Pi. -I'll take that.
Captain, take a photo of me.
Da Peng, watch out!
Cap, careful!
-Get him in. -Slowly.
-There you go. -Careful.
Like I said,
we can't be too nice to them.
It's okay, Cap. There's a first time for everything.
That's right. It was Da Peng's first main mission.
And it's your first time getting stung by hornets.
Cap, we'll wait for you outside.
Where were you stung?
I don't see any swollen parts.
-Right hip. -Where?
The butt's ride side.
Take off your pants.
How am I supposed to treat you if you won't show me?
You don't have to treat it. Just get me some medicine.
Some hornets are quite poisonous.
If left unchecked, stings could be lethal.
Must I
do it here?
We can go to the observation room but there are more people there.
The observation room is packed. We should go there and help.
-Is it packed? -Yes.
Lots of people. Let's go.
We're off.
Come on.
Close the door.
You can take it off now.
Doesn't ER have any male medical staff?
Are you doubting my professionalism?
Captain Song.
I think you're thinking too much.
To me, you're just a patient.
Nothing to do with gender.
Take it off.
Captain Song.
I didn't think you'd be so shy.
It's out.
Avoid getting the area wet when you shower. Don't eat spices.
Dr. Xu.
Sorry. The center said
a patient with food poisoning is being sent here.
I'm coming.
Is it done, doctor?
Is everything okay?
Song Yan.
Can we chat?
Wait for me in the truck.
I'm busy.
Make it quick.
I know what you're thinking.
But I urge you to face reality.
You think you could be with her just because she's back?
Even if you're standing next to her,
you two are still not from the same world.
That wall separating you
will always be there.
What a coincidence.
I'm really good
at dismantling walls.
Song Yan.
You and her will never be together.
Can you please just leave her alone?
You're acting like a dog
that is constantly following her.
I'm free to be where I want.
It's not up to you.
who gave you the right
to decide for her?
If you had the power to decide,
you wouldn't be standing before me right now.
Because I'm her brother.
A family member she can never forsake.
So you know you're her brother.
But your care and possessiveness
over your sister
is a little excessive.
Even as a family member,
you should have a sense of propriety.
I forgot.
You're not her real brother.
Meng Yan Chen.
You don't even dare to face yourself.
What a hypocrite.
Only a guy who can't manage his own life
would impose on other people's lives.
-Nice. -Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday. -Help serve it.
All right.
In the blink of an eye,
the two kids are all grown up.
A child's birthday
is the mother's day of suffering.
Yan Chen.
Your mother went through so much giving birth to you.
She struggled for seven years in the hospital
but couldn't birth you.
At the time, your dad said this child
would surely cause a lot of worry and heartache for me
in the future.
But your dad was wrong.
I said wrong.
Our dear Yan Chen
is the most considerate child a parent could ask for.
He's never made us sad.
Never let us down.
It's all thanks to you.
You are a good mother.
You taught him well.
You raised me well, Mom.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mom.
-Let's start. -Let's.
-Here. -Raise your glasses.
Happy birthday.
The Cypris morpho.
Also known as the Diamond morpho.
They can only be found
in the jungles of Columbia and Panama.
Hope you like it.
Yan Chen.
Happy birthday.
Do you know why these specimens
are so beautiful?
To preserve the vivid colors,
a living butterfly has to gutted bit by bit
without outright killing it.
So while its survival instinct is at its peak,
you need to set it in the final position.
That's so cruel.
I feel like we're just like them.
We're disciplined by Mom bit by bit.
We lose our ability to think.
We cannot grow out of shape.
There can't be any tarnish or stain.
We have to grow up according to Mom's rules.
We have to be perfect.
Only then,
could we be placed on the wall
and garner people's admiration.
I think it's absurd,
but I can't bring myself to fight it.
Because she is Mom.
I think it's unfair for you
to be in this family.
But sometimes,
I think selfishly.
With you here,
that would mean I'm not alone.
I wouldn't be so scared then.
Today is your birthday.
Cheer up a little.
I hope we don't argue again.
I'm not arguing with you.
I'm just reminding you.
Remind me of what?
Stop looking for Song Yan.
I told you there's no future for you two.
And I told you to stay out of my business.
Qin Qin.
Are you still the little girl
living in a fairy tale world?
Dad and Mom will never agree.
If you want to be with him, you'll have to give up everything.
What's so great about him?
Why would you do all this for him?
It is my own choice.
What are you doing to do?
What do you expect me to do?
Watch you plead with Dad and Mom over him?
Or watch your relationship
with Dad and Mom disintegrate?
At this time, should I be backing you up
or shouldn't I?
Qin Qin.
Are you really going to give up Mom and Dad,
this family, and me
just to be with him?
Why must I give up on family if I wish to be with Song Yan?
Mom didn't like him before
because of his lowly family background.
But Song Yan is doing good now.
He's a fire station captain.
He's saved many lives.
Yes, there were some misunderstandings and friction in the past.
But it can all be resolved with proper communication.
I will find a way
to slowly but surely convince Mom and Dad.
That's just your own wishful thinking.
Mom and Dad will never agree.
Neither will I.
You can be with whoever else.
-But not him! -Why?
If you're willing to turn on the family to be with him,
-then why can't we -Meng Yan Chen!
Have you lost your mind?
I won't give this family up.
And you'll always be my brother.
I can't believe you still brought it home.
If Mom finds out, you're dead.
Because someone said
they dreamt about eating it.
The smell is strong.
Mom will notice.
If you get into trouble, leave me out of it.
It's not my fault.
If I die,
then no one's going to bring you nice foods again.
And you won't have anyone to play with.
Why are you gorging it down?
Eat slowly.
I have to gorge.
I can't let Mom find out and take your life.
Come, face me.
-It's so good. -Wipe your mouth.
It's delicious. Do you want some?
No thanks.
Meng Qin?
That's right.
We should've changed it long ago.
We've long accepted you as our daughter.
You shouldn't remain as a Xu.
But what?
Regarding this,
I think you should respect what she thinks.
Qin Qin.
What do you think then?
All this while,
did you not think of me as your mother?
No, Mom.
I just wish to keep my original surname.
I guess you're not happy with Dad.
It's not that.
Dad treats me very well.
Then what is the reason?
Why are you so against
being one family with us
and take the same surname?
We are already a family.
-The surname -I didn't ask you.
That's enough.
If Qin Qin is not willing, why force her?
Not having the surname Meng is not important.
If she's not Meng,
does it mean she's not my daughter?
It is very important.
It has to be changed.
The daughter of the Meng family has the surname Xu.
If people found out,
what would they make of it?
They'd think we got a child bride.
-Wen Ying, could you let this -Dad.
I will take on your surname.
This is my home. All of you are my family.
All right.
That's good, then.
Why did you force Qin Qin to change her surname?
That's the only thing her birth parents left her with.
Is that the real reason why you don't want her to change it?
You better think before you speak.
If she wants to remain in this family,
she has to be called Meng Qin.
She can only be your little sister.
You don't want this little sister,
then fine.
I'll send her abroad to study.
What should be done
is up to you.
How come you're here today?
Aren't you spending your birthday at home?
I was about to head there when I saw your car up front.
I can't see how "happy" is related to you right now.
What's with you?
Fill the glass.
-Cheers. -There's no more wine.
Waitress, fill the wine.
How old are you?
Don't go.
Where do you think you're touching?
What did I touch?
You walked past me and touched my hand yourself.
I'm not dumb.
You did that on purpose.
Did you look in the mirror today?
I wouldn't want you even if you offered yourself.
Who would touch you?
You're truly shameless.
Who are you calling shameless?
You're the shameless one here.
You hear?
No upstanding lady would work in a wine bar.
Watch what you say!
What's wrong with working at a bar?
She's earning honest money.
Men with no manners and proper upbringing like you
can keep your money to yourself.
Who are you criticizing?
Put that down.
What do you think you're doing?
Do you know how much this wine costs?
It'd be a shame to waste it on him.
Apologize right now.
Don't move!
-Everyone, stand back. -Don't move!
-Stop right there! -What?
-You want to call the police? -Go on then.
Should I call the police for you?
The cameras caught everything on tape.
How dare you make trouble in my shop,
and harassed my female staff, too.
You guys can talk to the police when they come.
I can't stand men like you who get drunk and lose their heads.
A group of men taking advantage of a woman?
Shame on you!
Enough of you. Get the hell out of my shop!
-Leave! -Get lost.
You're not welcomed here. Scram!
You all wait.
Are you two okay?
That's good.
You can go home early.
Go back and rest.
Thanks, boss.
Sorry about that, guys.
Sorry for the disturbance. The bill's on us today.
Color me surprised.
When did you learn to fight?
Are you okay?
You're doing so many part-time jobs.
Don't you go to class?
There aren't many professional courses in the final year.
Are you in need of money?
A little.
You're not fit to work at a bar.
I happen to know a better job.
It pays a lot more than what you make now.
I won't do anything that is against my values.
Even if it pays super well.
Did you think I'd let you take on weird jobs?
When you said it pays a lot,
I thought
Let's move!
(There's a fire on Anhua Road.)
(Dispatch one city fire engine, )
(two tankers, )
(and one rescue truck.)
(There's a fire on Anhua Road.)
(Dispatch one city fire engine, )
(two tankers, )
(and one rescue truck.)
(The specific location is a shanty town, west entrance of Anhua Road.)
Roger that. We'll arrive in two minutes.
Stay in touch with the caller.
(Roger that.)
All vehicles, take note. The shanty town fire is spreading quickly.
Gear up for action.
Roger that. Gear up, everyone.
-You guys got here quick. -Did you make the call?
Yes, I'm from the neighborhood committee. I called for help.
Is anyone trapped?
No one. This zone is set for demolition.
All the resident moved out last month.
-Are you sure? -Water and electricity have been cut.
It's inhabitable. There aren't even any stray animals.
Okay. Please register yourself there.
Come with me.
-Jiang Yi, head to the west side. -Yes, Cap.
Yang Chi, control the fire with a water gun.
-Got it. -Jun Ping.
The caller said no one is trapped inside.
-Keep monitoring. -Will do.
Set up two water guns.
Hurry up! Get the fire under control.
We have to stop it from spreading.
Got it.
Water on!
-Water on! -Got it.
Make sure the fire doesn't spread!
Focus on extinguishing the fire.
We've cleared all possible combustible.
It's all abandoned houses.
They are set for demolition.
Get ready. We'll sweep the area.
Sweep for what? The caller said the place has been evacuated, no?
Those were the residents.
This urban village is in a good location.
To the west is a food street.
And a wet market lays to the east.
We can't rule out the possibility of homeless elderly living there.
Check this out.
Pretty fancy device, sir.
Wait. Go back.
Zoom in.
These are untreated waste.
Those bottles look like they are sold for money.
There's high chance someone else is in there.
What happened? Did it break down due to the intense heat?
-Yang Chi. -I'm here.
-Take the thermal imager. Let's go. -Got it.
Captain! The hose is not long enough.
-Lengthen the hose! -Yes, Cap.
-Jiang Yi. -Here.
-Sir. -Get backup for the captain.
Got it. Liu Kai, come here!
-Here. -Zhan Da Peng!
-Here! -Get over here.
We're going in.
Got it. Thanks, Yi.
Be serious! Listen to my command when we're inside.
Check your equipment.
Take care.
Da Peng, stay close to me.
The juniors are in your care.
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