Flex x Cop (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

[Ganghyun] On the body, I saw
a tattoo of the Oryun Community.
[sister] Drowned to death?
He was a survival swimming instructor.
[mother] He suddenly said
he'd join a meditation center.
That's not a meditation center.
It was kind of a false religion.
Did you talk to Lee Seongwook?
You already know
that it's Lee Seongwook.
You always overreact
every time the Oryun Community
is mentioned.
You are under probation from today.
[Byungsik] You're investigating
Moon's case, right?
[Seongwook] It's been a humble life.
- I lived
- Goddamn!
"Autopsy, please."
Great job.
[Isoo] So, is this
the scene of exploitation?
Anyone needs a cop?
[Woohyuk] I'm the founder of this place.
You're so young and handsome
for a cult leader.
[manager] Welcome to Na Han Won, everyone.
Please go to your rooms
and come back after unpacking.
[Woohyuk] In this world,
special people exist.
Some people like me
realize the truth about life and death.
Then, I finally realized
that I had already lived
five other lives before.
I decided to live
to spread my huge realization.
I help hopeless people by telling them
there's next-born life.
[manager] Write down
your long-cherished wish.
Your earnest wish
will reach the Heaven.
We give you a tea of peace.
You'll sleep tight tonight
with no agony.
[door creaks]
[footsteps approaching]
[Sunggu] Lee Ganghyun,
she's Lee Hyungjun's daughter.
I don't know where she is.
[Jeongyeon] I've met you once before.
I'm Kim Jeongyeon, an SBC reporter.
Escape from this place.
It seems like Bori noticed
that you're here.
I'll sneak into Bori's residence
at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
Get the manager.
[Jeongyeon groans]
Open the door.
Where's the manager?
- Everyone's here now.
- You want to confess?
[fighting sound]
[gangsters shout]
[fighting sound continues]
[Ganghyun grunts]
Finish it now.
[Ganghyun grunts]
[Isoo grunts and groans]
Wake up!
How many people have you killed so far?
I don't know. I stopped counting
after reaching 100.
A drone developed by Hansu Electronics,
which is invisible and inaudible.
Our colleagues are on the
way here. You got it, idiot?
You want a next-born life?
There's no such thing.
This is how they killed Moon.
[siren wailing]
[siren wailing continuously]
[Hyungjun] Where's Lee Ganghyun?
[yelling] Where is she now?
It's a water tank.
- A water tank is under the floor.
- Hurry up! Water is rising.
[Ganghyun] You're arrested
for suicide abetment,
murder abetment,
and attempted murder.
[tires screeching]
You okay?
Good job.
What's this?
Lee Seongwook risked his
life to reveal the truth inside it.
is in this USB. Please catch
Shin Woohyuk with this.
[Sunggu] You mean, you want me
to stop the investigation?
Hopeless people
need a religion.
[Changun] You're arrested for accepting
bribes, divulging official secrets
and obstructing official duties.
Please appoint Lee Hyungjun,
who was dismissed unfairly,
as the senior superintendent.
To show the innovation
of the police organization.
[birds chirping]
[passersby chattering]
[soft music]
[Hyungjun] It's time to go.
[shallow exclamation]
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
[Misook sobbing]
Why are you crying now?
You were so happy last night.
[breathing in tears]
I'm not crying.
[Hyungjun] Honey, thank you
for holding out all of these.
[Misook sobbing]
[Hyungjun] How do I look? Cool?
[Misook] You look great.
[Hyungjun and Misook laugh]
[door opens]
[Hyungjun] Hey, Mr. Park.
[Changun exclaims shallowly]
Please forgive me.
No. I'm sorry, too.
[Changun] Let me escort you.
See you at the station.
[Ganghyun] Okay.
[Misook] Thank you.
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[Misook laughs]
You're crying again?
[camera shutter sound]
Certificate of appointment.
As of October 24, 2023,
Superintendent Lee Hyungjun
is appointed to the Senior Superintendent
of Seoul Gangha Police Station.
[bright music]
[commissioner] Congratulations.
Thank you.
[people cheering]
Thank you.
[tires screeching]
[dark music]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[heavy breathing]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[Daehoon grunts]
[Daehoon breathing shakily]
[heavy exhaling]
[heavy coughs]
[shallow groan]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[call starting sound]
[line ringing]
[shallow groan]
[shallow groan]
[line ringing continues]
[shallow breathing]
[announcer] The Seoul mayor election
is now one week ahead.
Here in SBC yesterday,
Jin Myeongchul from Future Hope Party
had a debate with Wang Jongtae
from National Liberal Party.
[Jongtae] Here's what I think.
Mr. Jin is from a rich family,
and so are his two sons.
[Jongtae scoffs]
[Jongtae] They never understand
how common people's life is.
So, how could he make a policy for them?
[Myeongchul] I think
a CEO and a Seoul mayor
basically do the same job.
They offer a vision,
revise unreasonable rules,
and promote welfare.
That sort of job
is in my area of expertise.
[Jongtae] A company works
to make a profit.
[pressing enter key]
[Isoo] What did your doctor say?
I was told to be careful.
It hasn't fully healed yet.
Come on, it's been several days
since you broke it.
With such a weak body,
[Isoo tutting]
[Ganghyun scoffs]
how can you work as a detective?
[Ganghyun] Look at this smart-ass.
You should've given me CPR
instead of hitting me.
I also did CPR.
[interesting music]
[water trickling]
[Isoo] CPR was not enough, so I hit you.
There was no other way.
[Isoo tutting]
Aren't you getting too cheeky
with the person who saved your life?
If I wasn't there, you--
[Ganghyun exclaims]
[Ganghyun] Gosh, stop. It's enough.
[exhaling] You want any drink?
I'm going for a coffee.
- Vanilla latte.
- Okay, iced vanilla latte.
[door opens]
[Isoo] Wake up, Ganghyun!
Wake up!
[Kyungjin] Bro.
I watched the chairman's debate.
You did?
He did so well.
It's easier said than done.
Oh, is one of them for me?
[Isoo] Oh.
I got it for myself,
but you can take it.
I'll vote for the chairman.
It's okay. Even I won't do that.
Really? Why?
I don't like both of the candidates.
- Coffee for me?
- [Isoo] Hey.
[bright music]
No, it's for Ganghyun.
What about me?
Go buy it yourself.
You speak casually to each other?
It's been a few days.
You look so close.
[Isoo and Junyoung] We're not.
Yes, you are.
[engine revs]
[shallow exclamation]
[garage door opens]
JIN 46%, WANG 39%"
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
[tense music]
[Seungju] What's that?
[chauffeur] Well, I don't know.
Tell them to move it.
[chauffeur] Yes, sir.
[sweeping sound]
[birds chirping]
[Heeja sighs shallowly]
[housekeeper1] Ma'am.
[Heeja] Oh.
[glass thuds]
[Heeja sighs shallowly]
[housekeeper2 sniffling]
[sweeping sound continues]
[glass thuds]
Tell him to do it later. It's distracting.
Yes, ma'am.
[Heeja sighs]
[heavy music]
- [housekeeper1] Gosh.
- What's up?
[housekeeper2] Ma'am.
You'd better not see that.
[Heeja] What's up?
[housekeeper2] There's a man
Why are you stammering?
- That's--
- Get off of me.
[housekeeper2] No.
[housekeeper1 gasps]
[eerie sound effect]
Noeul-ro, Gangha-gu?
Okay, I'll be there.
[putting down the receiver]
[Ganghyun] A dead body was found.
Let's go.
[cup carrier thuds]
[car door opens]
[engine starts]
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[seatbelt unfastening]
Is this the scene?
[dark music]
It's my father's house.
Who's the victim?
It's an outsider.
[seatbelt unfastening]
[radio signal sound]
[car door closes]
In Jin Myeongchul's house?
[file thuds]
Was the victim identified?
Not yet.
Team 1 is there.
Should we send the support team?
Let's not make it complicated.
- [Hyungjun] Okay?
- Yes, sir.
[shallow sigh]
[camera shutter sound]
[dark music]
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[plastic bag rustling]
[shallow sigh]
[Ganghyun] He climbed the wall.
[Junyoung] Yes.
[KCSI] There's no bloodstain on the inner side of the wall.
Bloodstains were found outside.
[Ganghyun] Let's go check it.
[camera shutter sound continues]
[crows cawing]
[Junyoung] He stepped on here
and climbed up the gate.
[shallow sigh]
[camera shutter sound]
[Ganghyun] He was stabbed
And drove all the way here.
[camera shutter sound]
[Ganghyun] I'll go talk to the witnesses.
[taking out pictures]
Do you know who he is?
No. I've never seen him before.
Did the security alarm wail yesterday?
There's no alarm in the yard
because of cats and birds around here.
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[Ganghyun] Did you notice
anything strange around the house?
Anyone suspicious?
I didn't notice anything.
Who is inside now?
[dark music]
[glass thuds]
[shaky breathing]
[housekeeper2] Detectives are here.
Excuse me.
We're from Gangha Station.
Why are you here?
- I'm investigating.
- [Heeja] You're a detective?
- Get out!
- [Ganghyun] Calm down.
Please just answer a few questions.
[Isoo sighs]
About the dead body outside
Do you know who he is?
No, I don't.
[Ganghyun] Where were you last night?
Stop making a fuss and leave.
[Heeja] I was at home yesterday.
We'll do when the investigation is done.
By the way,
how did he
[Ganghyun] We're not sure yet,
but he seems to have been stabbed.
I don't have anything to tell you.
Stop asking me.
[shallow sigh]
[Ganghyun] We might call you again.
Keep it.
[footsteps receding]
[Myeongchul] What?
A dead body?
[secretary] He seems to have died
while climbing over the wall.
Police officers
are investigating the scene.
[Isoo sighs]
[Ganghyun] Are you okay?
She's always been like that.
Kind of a consistent character.
[Seungju] Isoo.
[Isoo] Seungju.
What happened? Who's the victim?
We don't know yet.
[Ganghyun] Hello.
[taking out a name card]
I'm Lee Ganghyun from Gangha station.
Oh, hello.
I'm Jin Seungju.
[Ganghyun] The victim
climbed over the wall
after being stabbed by someone.
[Ganghyun] Did you have anything
on your mind
or anything bothering you recently?
No. Nothing special.
I see.
I heard my mother was shocked a lot.
I should go check her.
- [Seungju] I'll call you later.
- [Isoo] Okay.
[Heeja sighs shallowly]
[dark music]
[Heeja] Seungju.
[Heeja sighs shallowly]
[Seungju sighs]
[Seungju] Are you okay?
[Heeja] I'm scared.
I'm so scared.
[Heeja breathing shakily]
[Seungju exhaling]
[Heeja breathing shakily]
[Heeja sighs]
[tense music]
[recording ending sound]
[garage door opens]
What happened?
[lighter opens]
[lighter lighting sound]
Here's a light.
[manager responds shallowly]
[mysterious music]
Why did he get into that particular house
[Isoo] while bleeding?
We'll figure it out after identifying him.
[Kyungjin] We identified him.
Han Daehoon, 59 years old.
No criminal record.
He was reported missing recently.
Let's go see his family.
[Ganghyun] Ask them to rush
on forensic analysis.
Check his dashcam
and the security cams in the alley.
[Daehoon's wife] He
was dead?
[dark music]
You're not shocked.
I knew this would happen
[Daehoon's wife] He disappeared
six months ago.
He needed to be declared missing
if I wanted to divorce him.
That's why I reported him.
[Ganghyun] Why did you think
Mr. Han Daehoon would die?
I married him ten years ago.
[Daehoon's wife] At first,
he was a decent businessman.
But he closed one business
and started another one
again and again.
He was always building castles in the air.
And a few years ago,
he quit all the business
and started gambling.
Since then, he hardly came home.
And six months ago,
he disappeared, and I couldn't reach him.
I thought he was involved
in something bad
and died.
How did he
[Ganghyun] We're not sure yet,
but he seems to have been murdered.
[shaky breathing]
Does he have anything to do
with Hansu Group?
[dark music]
Hansu Group?
Why would he have anything to do
with such a big company?
What's this?
It's an exclusive.
You're doing it again?
I mean, I won't take one side.
I'll keep writing articles.
This is a mere fact.
What's more,
it's a scoop.
[tense music]
[secretary] What should we do, sir?
[reporter1] Jin Myeongchul is here!
[reporters murmuring]
[camera shutter sound]
Stop the car.
[camera shutter sound continues]
[reporter2] Mr. Jin.
Is it true that a dead body was found
in your house?
Is the victim related to you?
[reporter2] Please say something.
Police is investigating this case.
They will find out the truth
about this case.
I don't know who he is
and what's going on
[reporters murmuring]
[Giseok] What if the victim is related
to your family?
If his death
has anything to do with my family,
I'll take the responsibility.
[reporter3] How will you do that?
[reporters continue asking]
Is he related to you?
What are you thinking?
- Are you suspecting me?
- Just answer my question.
No, I don't know anything.
If that's a lie,
you'll be in trouble.
How dare you suspect me?
Alcohol dependency is a mental disorder.
Get a treatment after the election.
[picking up the cup]
[glass shattering]
[dark music]
How could a dead body be found
in my front yard?
Who is he?
I don't know yet.
[Myeongchul sighs]
Your mom might have something
to do with this case.
How about you?
You don't, do you?
Mom said she didn't know him, either.
[shallow sigh]
Do you
trust your mom?
[Myeongchul] If his death
is related to my family
[Jongtae] That's interesting.
[Myeongchul] I'll take the responsibility.
[Jongtae] What about the one
I asked you before?
I'm working on it.
[chattering in screen]
[Jongtae] Why don't we
reveal it
in this chaotic time?
Good idea.
[chattering in screen]
[Kyungjin] He was with this man at first.
[pressing enter key]
[pressing enter key]
[pressing enter key]
[pressing enter key]
Who's that man?
This is him. Oh Gwangsik.
Track his location by phone.
[Kyungjin] Okay.
[dark music]
- [Jiwon] You're early.
- Yes. It's urgent.
The autopsy is done.
[Jiwon] He was strangled
with something like clothesline.
He has various bruises on his body,
ranging from old ones
to recent ones.
The deadly stab was on the abdomen.
It's 2.8 inches deep.
From the width, maybe it was a jackknife.
Fortunately, he had no organ damage.
He could've survived
if he went to the hospital,
but he went somewhere else
and died from excessive bleeding.
Why did he do that?
[Junyoung] He was so desperate
that he forgot his pain.
Oh, I've been stabbed once, too.
Can I take a look?
Where is the wound?
[closing the note]
[putting down the note]
[mellow music]
It must've been hurt.
That's my job.
You don't feel pain
when preoccupied with fighting criminals.
When an ambulance arrived,
I realized it was painful.
That's what adrenalin does in our body.
[Jiwon] It's good to see a healed wound
after seeing dead bodies every day.
[Junyoung] Maybe
he had something desperate in his mind.
Yes, maybe.
[Jiwon] Something like anger
or desire.
[tires screeching]
[phone vibrates]
[Ganghyun] We got a suspect.
Oh Gwangsik, a previous assailant.
Go to Taegwan Mountain.
I think the victim was stabbed there.
[Isoo] Where is he?
In Room 501.
How long has he been staying?
[owner] It's been four days.
[Ganghyun] Did he pay?
He paid for two days in advance.
I'm a motel staff.
I'm here for your payment.
[Gwangsik] I'll pay for it when I leave.
Hey, open the door.
My boss wants you to pay it now.
[Gwangsik] Gosh, you're so annoying.
I told you I'd pay
What the hell?
[Isoo] Police.
[Gwangsik] Damn it.
[Isoo] Hey, hey.
That's not a good idea.
There's no descending line.
You might die if you're unlucky.
He's right.
Just come and cooperate.
Okay. Fine.
Oh, look at that!
[kicking sound]
[Gwangsik groans]
Look at what?
[Gwangsik groans in pain]
[Ganghyun] Oh Gwangsik.
You're arrested for Han Daehoon's murder.
Han Daehoon is dead?
[tense music]
[engine turned off]
[birds chirping]
[Junyoung] They started
climbing together
[tense music]
at 1:10 a.m.
He came down and got on the car
at 1:55 a.m.
[watch button beeps]
[scene change sound effect]
[Daehoon groans]
[Gwangsik grunts]
[Gwangsik exclaims]
[camera shutter sound]
No, it's not me.
You're not what?
Gosh, I mean
[door opens]
[Gwangsik sighs deeply]
[door closes]
[Gwangsik inhaling]
[Kyungjin] Open your mouth.
[Gwangsik opening mouth]
[Gwangsik coughs]
[Gwangsik exhaling]
Hey, I'm not the one who did it.
[Ganghyun] You didn't do what?
[door closes]
Just say it.
I got a private loan for gambling,
which is from gangsters.
And Han also borrowed a lot from them.
They said if I could collect Han's debt,
[dark music]
they'd write off my debt.
That's why I hung around with him.
[Ganghyun] You didn't
hang around with him
but watched and assaulted him.
It was not an assault.
I just beat him lightly.
[scoffing] I had to make him obey me.
But he still disobeyed you,
and you stabbed him in the mountains?
No, it's not that.
Do I have to beat you
to make you tell the truth?
[kicking sound]
[Gwangsik groans]
He said he knew a way
to solve everything.
His debt was about 1.2 billion,
and he said
he could pay it at once with this.
That's why I followed him.
- So?
- [Gwangsik] We climbed up the mountain,
and some strangers suddenly appeared
and attacked Han.
[Deahoon groans shallowly]
[sharp sound effect]
[Daehoon groans]
[Ganghyun] We'll talk again
after the DNA result comes out.
I only peeled apples with that.
I carried it with me to look cool.
He's a petty criminal.
Peeling apples? What a bullshit.
[Isoo tutting]
You got a hunch?
Yes, I did.
[door opens]
The forensic results for Han's phone
are out.
Oh Gwangsik appears most often
on his call list,
but his last call was
[Kyungjin] The call
was not answered, though.
[heavy music]
[heavy sound effect]
I'll go ask him.
[Isoo] Seungju.
[Seungju] Oh, you're here.
[door closes]
- [Isoo] Busy?
- [Seungju] Yes.
I'm doing all the company work.
- [Seungju] Have a seat.
- Okay.
[shallow exclamation]
What's up?
We identified the victim.
His name is Han Daehoon.
[calm music]
Do you know him?
I'm not sure.
He looks somewhat familiar.
The last person he tried to call
was you.
[Seungju] Hold on.
[closing the box]
[Seungju] You know,
Father's autobiography
was published last week.
We had a publication party here.
And you didn't attend.
I think I got his business card that day.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- How are you doing?
- [guest] Good.
[people chattering]
[soft music playing]
[Myeongchul] Yes.
Thank you for coming.
It's been a long time.
Please take care of Seungju.
[rich son1 and 2] Sure.
Have a seat.
[rich son2 exclaim shallowly]
If the chairman wins the election,
are you going to be the chairman?
What do you mean?
[shallow laugh]
[rich son1] Don't play dumb with us.
You'll take that position, of course.
[rich son2] Becoming the chairman
of Hansu at 40?
[admiring] I envy you.
I'm still a general manager.
[rich son3] When will it be my turn?
My old man is still healthier than me.
[rich sons laugh]
[rich son3] I'll get a chance
only if he gets sick.
[Seungju] You guys
should watch your mouth.
[Heeja laughs]
[fingers tipping]
[Seungju] Mom.
- Should we leave now?
- My son.
[Heeja laughs shallowly]
Escort her.
[drunk Heeja breathing]
I'm fine.
[Daehoon] Hello.
[foreboding music]
I'm Han Daehoon.
Is that all?
By the way, why did he try to call me?
The victim went to Father's house
after being stabbed.
And he called you
right before his death.
If you know something,
please tell me.
Have I ever
lied to you?
- No.
- Trust me.
[calm music]
He's a total stranger to me.
[elevator dings]
[door opens]
[elevator button sound]
[staff] Oh, Mr. Jin.
How may I help you?
[Isoo] I need copies
of all the security cam footage
for the day of the publication party.
[tense music]
Can I ask why?
Do I have to explain it to you?
[staff] Oh, no.
We'll do it right now.
[keyboard clacking]
[mouse clicking]
[Daehoon] I'm Han Daehoon.
Let's talk in private later.
I have something to tell you.
We've met before. Don't you remember me?
You were this tall at that time.
[shallow sigh]
[Kyungjin] DNA found on the clothesline
didn't match Oh Gwangsik's.
So, there are at least two culprits.
- Yes.
- Should we release Oh Gwangsik?
[Ganghyun] Let him stay.
He admitted the assault.
[door opens]
[Hyungjun] Ms. Lee.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
[door closes]
Detective Jin
will be ruled out of this case.
[file thuds]
[dark music]
[keyboard clacking]
[file thuds]
[drawer closing sound]
[shallow sigh]
The victim might have something to do
with Jin Myeongchul's family.
It's not clear yet.
It'll be too late when it becomes clear.
Jin is a member of a conglomerate family
before being a police officer.
[Hyungjun] He's different.
I told you before
that he could be dangerous.
[Hyungjun] Don't get too close to him.
People with huge trauma like that
have cracks in their minds.
They'll break someday.
You know,
since what happened to you,
I'd never trusted my colleagues.
But now I realized
what a colleague means.
I want to trust him.
- You know--
- [Ganghyun] And captain,
[banging desk]
please don't sneak through my drawers.
[door opens]
[shallow sigh]
If Jin hadn't saved me,
I would've died there.
[door closes]
[phone ringing]
[Ganghyun] Yes.
[Junyoung] An article about Jin is up.
About what?
[reporters murmuring]
[heavy music]
[camera shutter sound]
[camera shutter sound continues]
[car door closes]
[reporter4] Did you know
that you're an illegitimate?
[reporter5] Since when?
[reporter6] Your father
was having an affair?
[reporter7] Did your mother
commit suicide?
[reporter4] You don't get along well
with Chairman Jin
due to your mom's death?
[reporter5] How do you feel?
[reporter7] Is your mother's death
related to Jin Myeongchul?
[reporters continue asking]
[beeping sound]
Don't you know what time it is?
Stop making a fuss!
Be quiet!
[horn honking]
[tires screeching]
Jin, get on.
[dark music]
[reporters chattering]
Get on.
[Misook] Jeez.
[reporters exclaim]
Stop shooting.
He's busy investigating.
You guys go home now.
Hey, ma'am.
Why are you interrupting?
I'm the town master here.
Show me your name card.
[reporter4 responds shallowly]
Reporter Go Sangsik.
Are you happy to make money by touching
someone's sore spot?
Go home, everyone.
Call it a day for today.
[reporters complaining]
Go home.
- [Misook] Dismiss!
- Let's wrap it up.
She's right.
[Misook talking]
And it's no use staying here anymore.
[Giseok] Let's go.
[reporters murmuring]
[heavy music]
[zoom-in sound effect]
Stop the articles at any cost!
[phone thuds]
Turn the car.
[tires screeching]
[mellow music]
It'll blow over soon.
Interesting articles will keep coming up.
[Isoo] I'd heard that story
so many times
that I thought I got used to it.
A lot of rumors were flying around
when I was young.
But at some point,
everyone stopped talking about it,
so I thought it had faded away.
[sighing] They're right.
I'm an illegitimate
from an extramarital relationship.
[Ganghyun] And you
are a rich son
who power-trips
and condescends.
But you're actually generous enough
[Ganghyun] to hold a funeral
for someone without family and friends
and to open an exhibition
for a painter who died unfairly.
They'll need some time to realize
that you're quite a decent person
unlike your appearance.
if you make a desperate effort,
you might become a decent cop
some time in the future.
[phone vibrates]
[Ganghyun exclaims]
[Myeongchul] Come here.
[mellow music playing]
[door closes]
[shallow sigh]
[Myeongchul] You want a drink?
I've always wanted
to teach you how to drink
[laughing shallowly] and share
a drink with you.
Now I've got the opportunity.
[ice rattling]
What the hell do you want?
It's not like you.
[gloomy music]
I'm sorry
to make you go through this.
I'm also sorry
to be a nuisance in your election.
I wanted to be a good father.
- That's why I let you in.
- No.
You failed.
[Isoo] Since I became your son,
I've never been happy.
I just wanted
to let you know
that it was not
just a casual relationship.
I met Seonyoung before Heeja.
We went to the same college--
It's too late to tell me that story.
[ice rattling]
[Isoo] Teaching how to drink
and sharing a drink?
You dreamed of that bullshit
while hiding everything from me?
It's way too late.
You really didn't know
that I'd go through this
if you went for a mayor election?
[front doorbell ringing]
[door creaks]
[phone vibrates]
Where are you now?
[Jeonghun] Come to the hotel.
I booked your room.
I'll go to my house.
[call ending sound]
[reporter8] He's here.
[reporters chattering]
[reporter4] Say something
about the scandal.
[reporter5] How do you feel?
[reporter6] Say a word.
[camera shutter sound]
Get out of my way before I get mad.
[gloomy music]
[Junyoung] Is Jin okay?
He can't be.
[Kyungjin gasps]
[Junyoung] You worked all night?
[Kyungjin exhaling]
Who else could solve this case?
It rubbed off on you from Jin?
Mr. Park.
[Kyungjin] Ms. Lee.
I found the suspect.
[tense music]
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
[Kyungjin] This car,
[mouse clicking]
[pressing enter key]
[pressing enter key]
this car
[mouse clicking]
this third car
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
[pressing enter key]
[tires screeching]
[mouse clicking]
[pressing enter key]
and this car.
These are all the same car.
You saw the driver's face?
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
- You--
- I identified the car owner.
That's what you wanted, right?
[Kyungjin] Choi Hyeonbae.
He has seven convictions for assault.
Seven convictions for assault?
Hey, Kyungjin.
Great job.
You did it right
for the first time in a year.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
[Kyungjin groans]
[Junyoung] Great job.
[reporters murmuring]
[phone alarm sound]
[phone alarm sound continues]
[netizen1] A silver spoon
who bragged about himself
was the son of a secret mistress?
Poor punk.
[netizen2] I envied him. How embarrassing.
[netizen3] An illegitimate
pretended to be a rich son.
[netizen4] Silver spoon? Bullshit.
Get lost, punk.
[netizen5] This arrogant bastard
is finally falling.
[Junyoung] We'll go get the suspect.
Hey, master key, you're not coming?
455/87 Oseong-ro.
[Junyoung sighs]
Should I disguise myself
as a delivery man?
[car door opens]
[Isoo] The master key is here.
[car door closes]
You scared me.
Who else could solve this case?
[Junyoung] Jeez.
Hearing that once a day is plenty.
[Isoo] Who else said that?
We have one more guy like you in our team.
One more guy as cool as me?
[shallow laugh]
[shallow sigh]
[door closes]
He's out.
- [Isoo] That's him?
- [Ganghyun] Yes.
Choi Hyeonbae
with seven assault convictions.
[tense music]
[Isoo] Let's get started.
I need some refreshing.
[Ganghyun] Let's follow him
and get the accomplice, too.
[seatbelt fastening]
[seatbelt fastening]
[engine starts]
[car door locking sound]
Let's just get in.
What about me?
[whispering] Where's my gun?
You can't use one yet.
[whispering] Two, three,
- [Ganghyun] Freeze!
- [Junyoung] Police.
[suspenseful music]
That punk.
[Hyeonbae groans in pain]
[shallow groan]
[snatching sound]
[Hyeonbae groans]
[Hyeonbae groans]
[Ganghyun breathing heavily]
Go help Jin.
[tense music]
[Hyeonbae groans]
[Hyeonbae exhaling]
[handcuffs rattling]
[banging sound]
[shallow groan]
[shallow groan]
[banging sound]
[Isoo exhaling]
[Isoo and suspect grunt]
[Isoo and suspect fight]
[suspect groans]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
[shallow groan in trunk]
[shallow groan in trunk]
[Miyeon groans shallowly]
[Isoo exclaims]
[suspect groans]
[Isoo] You may remain silent
and challenge the legality of arrest
[suspect groans]
[dark music]
[heavy sound effect]
[closing theme]
[Isoo] What's going on?
Why were you there?
[Daehoon] 100 million.
I got something
- on Chairman's wife.
- What?
[Heeja] He knew that I was cheating,
and blackmailed me.
Maybe I could get a share, too.
[Daeyoung] Choi wants to confess.
[Ganghyun] We still don't know
who ordered him.
[Junyoung] You know who the accomplice is?
I could do everything
to protect my family.
[Daehoon] Now, he should know who I am.
Find someone who can finish it clearly.
You ordered his murder, right?
[Myeongchul] I want the truth.
I can't let that kind of person
be the chairman of Hansu.
You didn't trust me.
You lied to me first.
[Ganghyun] If your brother
violated the law,
can you arrest him?
[Isoo] I'll find out the truth.
[birds chirping]
[mellow music]
[ball rolling sound]
What's up?
[Isoo] I'm just
thinking about our old days.
It's been a while.
[shallow laugh]
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