Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Dôzoku ken'o

I see
You're an adventurer, huh?
Long time ago, I used to
dream of being an adventurer too.
It was like any other
stupid dream that kids fantasize about.
When I was a kid,
I had a best friend with whom
I had many little adventures with.
He was a reckless ball of energy.
It was as if he was a gorilla.
But he was a kind gorilla
who cared about his friends.
After we had grown up
and I had forgotten all about my dream,
he invited me
to become an adventurer with him.
Back then, if I had taken his hand,
things would've been different.
That was ten years ago already.
But I still regret it to this day.
Why are you telling me this story?
It's almost time for the harvest festival
in my village.
And my older brother told me
to pick wild herbs in the forest
so we can cook with them.
But then
I got stuck in a bottomless swamp.
done for.
But if you take my hand,
something may change.
Just a second. I'm contemplating.
What is there to contemplate about
at this point?
Your hand is dirty.
This is no time
to be caring about stuff like that.
And plus, young lady,
adults are all dirty
in one way or another.
I've never had to deal with someone
who's dirty in a literal sense.
Can you give me some time?
I'll try to remember the spell to
pull someone out of a bottomless swamp.
- Try to hurry.
- Let's see
Mistress Frieren,
did you get all the medicinal herbs?
Oh, I remembered it.
Up to here is fine.
I apologize on behalf of Mistress Frieren.
Don't worry about it.
She saved me in the end.
No, I will make sure
to scold her very firmly.
I'm staying out of it.
Are you sure
you don't want to stop by the village?
We're busy with the harvest festival,
but I can at least thank you.
We want to stock up on materials,
so we want to get
to a large town by today.
I see.
Well then, be careful.
There are a lot of dangerous,
poisonous creatures here.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I got bitten.
Didn't he tell us to be careful?
What are you thinking?
Anyway, let's stop the bleeding.
My nose is bleeding.
Analyzing types of poison
is a spell used by priests,
so it's not my forte.
I'm unfamiliar with this reaction,
so the antidotes I have may not work.
It's better to get it checked at a church.
Fern, how much longer
can you use flight magic?
It uses up a lot of mana,
so 30 minutes would be my limit.
We can't make it to town
in just 30 minutes.
Let's return to that village.
I'll carry Stark.
You're overreacting.
I'm fine.
Master used to say that poison
can be overcome with willpower.
That reminds me
Even when he was hit by poisonous arrows
that could take down a dragon,
Eisen was completely fine.
Heiter was absolutely speechless.
- You see?
- Actually,
the fact that he was speechless
means Master Eisen was not normal.
And plus, according to Master Heiter,
20% of adventurer fatalities
are caused by poison.
Let's hurry.
I'm really fine.
It's too late.
In a few hours,
your brain will start to melt
and drain out from your nose.
And you'll die.
That's so scary!
There's nothing we can do, Father?
Normally, it is only treatable
in the early stages.
But perhaps my little brother could
Brother, do you have a second?
Isn't our new washing bowl
a little too small?
We have to live modestly.
This is going too far.
Nobody else makes things this miniature
just to live modestly.
More importantly, Sein,
take a look at this man.
Oh? These are the people
who saved me.
What? Did you get bitten
by a snake or something?
Didn't I say to be careful?
Well then, now we're even.
I'll go help out in the plaza.
All right.
My nosebleed
I don't detect any poison.
Father, that guy
What are your thoughts
on my little brother?
That holy symbol
around your neck is something
the Holy City gives to the most
outstanding priest outside the city.
You must be an expert in healing.
But he instantly healed someone
whom you deemed incurable.
It must be a natural talent.
I knew you would be able to tell,
Mistress Frieren.
You know about me?
I heard about you from Master Heiter.
This holy symbol
was bestowed upon me by Master Heiter
who came here
on a visit from the Holy City.
But in the end, I am nothing
but a countryside priest.
This is the only thing
that I can be proud about.
On the other hand,
Sein's talent is on another level.
Our parents died early on.
So I raised my brother Sein,
who is much younger than me.
When he was a child,
he used to always say
that he wanted to be an adventurer.
He didn't want to be
a priest in an ordinary village like me
and do the same thing
day after day.
He told me that with eyes
filled with hopes and dreams.
But now, he resembles me when I was young.
He must be bored with life.
will you take him
out of this village for me?
I'm sure he has just been
waiting for someone to give him a nudge.
I'm for it, Frieren.
It's not that hard of a decision.
I don't want to risk having my brain
come out of my nose anymore.
It's true that it may be safer
to have a priest with us from here on.
Why are you against it, Mistress Frieren?
Maybe it's an aversion to my own kind
What are you talking about?
Anyway, I'll recruit him
even if I have to do it alone.
Where is he going?
Apparently, Master Sein spends
most of his time in the bar below.
You can't get anymore corrupt than this.
This is how you deepen friendships.
Want to join, kid?
My name is Stark.
We're looking for a priest.
Want to come with us?
You must be joking.
I'm a priest of this village.
Adventures aren't
Well, this may be interesting.
Have a seat, Stark.
If you can beat me, I'll join your group.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
Mistress Frieren,
it sounds like Master Stark
is screaming from below.
He's been stripped of all his clothes!
How terrible. Who would do such a thing?
Don't blame me.
Adults are all dirty
in one way or another.
He's been stripped of all his clothes too!
The village chief won it all.
His skills were out of this world.
I heard you're looking for another member?
Go find someone else.
You want to be an adventurer, right?
Like I said, that was a long time ago.
It's too late for that.
I should have followed after him
a long time ago.
Now I'm just a pathetic old man
in nothing but underwear.
let's take down the Demon King together.
It's too late for that.
I haven't fought an actual demon
in more than 500 years.
I've forgotten how to fight already.
I've held back
on making a decision for too long.
I was probably scared
of fighting the Demon King.
Too much time has passed
and there's no turning back.
So what, Frieren?
- I'm talking about "now."
- I'm talking about "now."
Find someone else.
You wouldn't know how I feel.
Is that right?
I can say for certain now.
I dislike you, after all.
Oh, yeah? Well then
So I will keep recruiting you
no matter how long it takes.
It's scary how much you don't make sense.
Thank you. It's so warm.
I am terribly sorry for all the trouble.
Excuse me.
How much did you buy it for?
He said, "It's almost the harvest festival
so enjoy your stay,"
and gave it back for free.
You're lucky they were nice people.
They didn't know
how to get rid of the axe.
How sad
Put these on, please.
Why are you pinching it like
it's something dirty?
This is yours, Master Sein.
What did I do to deserve this treatment?
She's mad that you stripped Stark
of all his belongings.
It wasn't me, it was the village chief.
People who gamble are the worst.
I'm sorry.
Not to mention, Master Sein is a priest.
What about priests who drink alcohol?
You don't know, Mistress Frieren?
Alcohol is the best medicine.
Darn that Heiter
What in the world did he teach you?
Whether or not he joins us aside,
I think Sein should still
become an adventurer.
Why are you so cooperative
all of a sudden?
I just thought it'd be nice
to nudge someone once in a while.
Just as Himmel the Hero did.
these adventurers
have decided to stay in the village.
Ever since that day,
they recruit me almost every day.
Even when I tried to make them give up,
it was to no avail.
With eyes filled with hopes and dreams,
just like his were,
they invite me to join their adventure.
I'm only going to go around
the northern lands a little.
I'll be back by the harvest festival
in three years.
If you're not ready now,
I'll wait until then.
Let's go on the next adventure together.
Every time they recruit me, I think,
"Why now, after all this time?"
All of that is too blinding for me now.
What does Sein like?
We're having a hard time.
So we want tips.
Let's see
Drinking, smoking, gambling
We know that already.
Is he really a priest?
So Master Heiter
was an upstanding priest after all.
What counts as an "upstanding priest"?
Other than that,
he likes older ladies.
He's basically an apostate at this point.
Older ladies, huh?
Honestly though,
what can we do with that information?
- Oh, that's right
- Brother!
Isn't our new scythe a little too small?
We can't cut grass with this
You guys again?
Can you give us a second?
You're still here?
Come on!
Look, how many times
do I have to tell you?
Go find someone else.
would you like to travel
with an older lady?
Are you stupid?
That is exactly why I wanted to become
an adventurer when I was a kid.
What a horrible motive.
So, where is she?
Where is this "older lady"?
Right here, Sein.
I am an elf.
I am a lady much older than you.
My brother mentioned
something like that before
I refuse
to call that an older lady!
He looks so distressed.
Oh, well
To tell the truth,
I don't really like doing this, but
It's time to show the seduction skills
that I learned from my master.
What was that?
I blew you a kiss.
I guess it was too advanced
for a boy like you.
Can somebody please take this child home?
That was too sexy!
What is up with you guys?
That's weird
When I tested it on Himmel,
it was so effective that he fainted.
- Himmel!
- What a heartless woman.
- How strange
- I understand that feeling.
If I had taken a direct hit,
it would've knocked me out.
I guess he really is a priest, after all.
- We've got ourselves a tough opponent.
- That's enough!
I have no intention
of becoming an adventurer.
Don't you want to go after
your best friend?
Brother, you should understand.
He said that he would
come back in three years.
But it's been ten years since then.
Obviously, he's dead already.
You're going to give up
without even finding him?
It's only been ten years.
If you don't go find him now,
you'll regret it in the near future.
You'll think,
"What if it wasn't too late?"
I bet you're thinking,
"Why now after all this time?"
I'm talking about what you can do "now,"
I can't go. It's for the same reason
I didn't go along with him ten years ago.
There's no way I could leave the village
and leave my brother behind.
What are you talking about, Sein?
When Master Heiter
came to visit from the Holy City,
I overheard you
Someone as talented as you
should have no problem
serving as a priest in the Holy City.
In the Holy City?
Yes, I'm sure of it.
Master Heiter, what would happen
to my little brother then?
He can come to the Holy City too.
I see.
Master Heiter, I appreciate the offer,
but I have no issues
with my life in this village.
My little brother lost his parents
when he was young.
As his older brother,
I can't possibly rob him
of his hometown as well.
Is that so?
I understand your decision.
I guess I came here for nothing.
But since I'm here anyway,
I'll have your little brother
listen to all the stories
from my adventures.
My brother stayed
in this village because of me.
Sein, that is what you were
thinking all this time?
Don't act like we're the same!
I have never regretted my decision.
Not even once!
Look at you, on the other hand.
How long do you plan to drown in regret?
I'm done with you.
I apologized to my brother.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
He's really kind.
He's never hit me before.
I'm the one who pushed him to that point.
I've never seen
that expression on his face.
Frieren, I've decided
to become an adventurer.
I'll chase after him.
It's only been ten years, after all.
I see.
The objective of my journey
is to find him.
I will find him
and fulfill the silly dream
I had as a kid.
So it's temporary.
I'll join you temporarily.
- I did it!
- You did it!
Have a safe trip!
By the way, what's the goal
of your journey?
Why go out of your way to travel there?
Anybody can go once you die.
Even you, Sein?
Is it just me,
or is that girl really harsh?
We can do this together.
What is going on?
How do you deal with others?
I think I'd die.
- Let's go shopping.
- It's all about helping each other.
Do you hate me that much?
"Privilege of the Young".
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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