Ghost Force (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

Krik Krok / Burghorror

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Here we are. With this new pot,
you're all dressed up
to welcome the students today,
Hey, cool cactus, Mike!
It's a pachycereus-pringlei,
a Mexican species that
Four three two one
Yes! I'm on time,
which means I win our bet, sis!
Congrats, but didn't
you forget something?
Oh, no!
Our class on photosynthesis!
- (Buzzing)
- Eugh!
A plant! A plant!
Gotta find a plant!
Oh, I know!
(Groans) I don't know.
- Hello?
- Hi, sweetie.
Just wanted to make sure that
Oh, Jay, nudge the projector
a bit to the right
er, that you remembered
to take your plant this morning.
Uh-huh. Yep. Totes. Totally!
Excellent! I'm sure Professor
Pascal will be pleased.
I really hope
you get a good grade for once!
Ooh, fascinating find, Rajat!
I've never seen a hybrid amarant
up close before! You get an A+!
Oh, yeah!
I'm for sure getting a D, again.
You're seriously gonna take
Prof Pascal's plant
for your presentation?
Relax, he won't even notice,
even with his glasses.
A fantastic specimen, Drake!
- But that's stealing.
- More like sneaky borrowing.
Hold up, Andy.
This is not cool.
- Phew!
- Geraldine!
What are you doing on the floor?
- Boo!
- Ghost!
(Evil laugh)
Everyone calmly
make your way to the fire exit.
That ghost saved my day!
Ahem! Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- Aaah!
- Oh, no!
- (Screaming)
- (Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
- Hey, kids!
- Hey, Ms Jones.
It's heading
towards Fifth Avenue!
That ghost is called Krik-Krok,
a Level-4 that attacks
by spreading plants everywhere.
Enough to turn New York
into an urban jungle!
What's so bad
about the city going green?
I'm as eco-friendly as you are,
But Krik-Krok is no
garden-friendly petunia.
It ravages everything
in its path.
So hurry up
and pluck that weed
- before it feeds on fear!
- And goes into booster mode.
Don't worry Ms Jones,
we know the drill!
I'll send Glowboo as soon
as he's finished recharging.
Happy hunting!
Good going, Myst, who knew
you had such a green thumb?
Me? This wouldn't have happened
if you didn't forget your plant!
Callaghan reporting for duty!
The situation is under control!
In the name of the law,
put your branches up!
That's it! Run away, leaf face!
We can't let him go
in booster mode!
Uh-oh! It's the not-so-jolly
green giant!
Er, I don't like
the looks of that!
We can't fight it as long as
it's spitting out seeds!
ALL: Huh?
(Evil laugh)
Fury, we create a diversion.
you attack it from the back!
(Battle cry)
Still thinking
that ghost saved your day?
Just so you know, you're
the reason we're in this mess!
Excuse me?
I'm not the one
who woke that ghost up!
You were stealing Prof Pascal's
plant, which is totally uncool!
What would you prefer?
That I get another D?
That I disappoint
Mom and Dad once again?
Just sayin' you should own up
for your mistakes.
- Aaah!
- Myst!
- Oh!
- It's working!
Oh, no!
- Fight without me.
- No, no one gets left behind!
Krush can't do this alone.
You got to block its leaves,
so we have a fighting chance!
Listen to me!
You can do this. You have to.
I've saved New York City
once again.
Big muscles like that
imply great looks!
Er responsibility!
You hired more extras?
Ha, ha! Excellent!
Bravo! Keep filming, sweetie!
Uh-oh! Mom and Dad!
Fury, remember the plan!
OK, nice work!
I guess it's between
you and me now!
Fractal Mace!
Glowboo reporting for duty!
You'll be safe here, citizens.
Wow! Thanks, Fury!
What an honour to meet you!
We're your biggest fans!
You are such a great
role model for our kids!
You should be proud.
Like Solarman says,
"With cool powers
comes great responsibility!"
use your powers to blind it!
Mayday! Error detected.
System damaged.
Your move, Krush!
Back for Boofight!
Oh, no! Glowboo?
System damaged
Congrats, guys!
Now I can finish the job!
BOTH: Myst!
Excellent work, kids!
But can you tell me
where Glowboo is?
It's all good, Ms Jones.
But we may need to send him
back to the lab.
I was scared
of getting another D.
So I took your plant
thinking you wouldn't notice.
I'm sorry, Professor Pascal.
Thank you, Andy. You're excused.
Huh? That's it?
You're not flunking me?
Owning up for your actions
is not a flunkable offence.
I was so worried about you!
I'm proud of you, bro.
You did good.
Now we can prepare
a new presentation!
(Chuckles) And now that
everything's square,
I can go shoot some baskets!
Some things never change.
All fresh for the day!
Hey, ghost fans!
Welcome to another
exciting ghost blog!
we're talking to New Yorkers
about Ghost Force's
latest adventures,
with my new cameraman!
Say hi to the camera, Mike!
- Um
- So, how was I?
Um, you were a star.
Thanks so much
for filling in for Liv.
When she said she had to bail,
I thought, "Show's over!"
I'm just happy to be with you
I mean, help you.
- They're so cute together!
- Yeah, adorkable.
Anyway, now that
your matchmaking mission's a go,
can we grab a bite?
I am starving!
So, what do you wanna do
for lunch?
Quick sandwich
or an actual sit-down thing?
Um sitting down together
sounds nice.
But, er, a quick sandwich
would be equally cool.
Come on, Mike.
A proper lunch is way more
romantic than a sandwich.
I would not say no to that!
I mean,
both have pros and cons.
Ah! Forget lunch!
We've got our first interview!
Morning, Lt Callaghan.
This is Charlie,
reporting for the ghost blog.
As a member of the force,
you must often work side by side
with the Ghost Force,
but how well do you know them?
Wait a minute.
Am I being interviewed?
Well, it's your lucky day,
ghost fans,
'cause no one knows the Ghost
Force better than yours truly!
I'm kind of an expert.
Between you and me, they always
come to me for pro tips.
Hey, who wants to come along on
a little tour of the places
where the star lieutenant
helped the Ghost Force?
- A one-on-one interview?
- An exclusive!
So, should I ride up front
or in the back with you?
You know, for camera angles?
Uh, well, it's really your call.
But if you ride shotgun,
we won't
Hop in!
(Switches on the sirens)
- What are they doing?
- Double cheddar cheese,
with chocolate sauce
and extra pickles!
I thought this moment
would never come!
So, what are you having, Liv?
- (Evil laugh)
- A ghost!
(Evil laugh)
No, no, no! Not Roland's truck!
My burger!
We barely had any time together!
- Ms Jones, we're kinda in
- I know.
You're dealing with a ghost
I don't know anything about.
- He merged with my burger!
- Oh, no!
I guess that makes it
a Burghoerer!
(Snorts with laughter)
But, seriously, you three
will need to be on guard.
Uh, where's Mike?
Yeah, he's kinda got a thing.
But we can handle this!
Oh, OK.
I'll send Glowboo as backup.
Happy hunting, kiddos!
No way we're ruining
Mike's big day with Charlie.
He's had
a crush on her for weeks!
We'll eat that Burghoerer
for breakfast!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Did I mention that time
a super stinky ghost
took over Times Square?
Made my nostrils flare!
So I said to myself,
"Let's show it who's boss."
- So that's what I did. The end.
- Right
Uh, I was hoping you'd tell us
about the Ghost Force.
And didn't Krush step in
to save the day?
More like tiptoed.
I, on the other hand,
- scaled the Empire State B
- Aaah!
RADIO: Calling all vehicles.
There's a ghost on 5th Avenue.
- Aaah!
- Boo! Ha, ha, ha!
Ghost Force!
Talk about an exclusive!
You must be my lucky charm,
We've got a front seat
to all the action!
Not sure that's a good idea.
All units remain calm.
Lt Callaghan
is large and in charge!
(Evil laugh)
Yes, the Ghost Force!
Flexy blast!
- It wasn't even affected!
- Negative, you made it laugh.
- Aaah!
- Spectral Gate!
Get ready, Mike!
Buns where I can see 'em!
I'm warning you, I'm taking
an online class in karate!
What do we do, sis?
We gotta keep it
from splitting into layers!
You recording this?
Karate rate rate
Myst! Behind you!
BOTH: Myst!
You just messed
with the wrong Lieutenant!
You have the right to remain
silent. Anything you say
Can I have fries with that?
We've gotta combine our powers
to attack all those layers.
Let's de-boost
that fast-food phantom!
But where's Krush?
What are you waiting for, Mike?
Your team needs you!
Mike! Let's move, the Ghost
Force is in Times Square!
Stop! I mean, you should stay
here, Charlie, it's not safe.
Don't be scared.
I'm right by your side.
We're a team now,
so we're sticking together!
We are?
Flexy shield!
We could really use
Krush's help.
You getting this, Mike?
We're just reaching Times Square
where the ghost has unleashed
a chaos of condiments.
Oh, no, Charlie!
Thanks. Where's the phone?
We need to film this!
- I I can't.
- What? Why?
Sorry, Charlie. I can't explain.
- I thought we were a team?
- Just be careful. Promise?
I can't do this without you!
I'm sorry.
(Groans) Well, if I'm gonna be
stuck, might as well enjoy it.
Not now!
(Evil laugh)
Sorry I'm late! I had a thing.
(Battle cry)
- Krush!
- (Evil laugh)
Dinner's served!
(Cry of panic)
All units, stand down.
Lt Callaghan
has subdued the ghost.
Weird, Mike's never late.
Except when he plays Romeo!
Charlie must hate me right now.
Chill, dude, superheroes
gotta make tough choices,
but I got a feeling it's
all gonna turn out just fine.
And how exactly is that
Mike, we need to talk.
How did you get my phone
back into my locker?
Liv said you knew
how to work a camera,
but this footage is insane!
I love it!
I just had a good view
from my hiding spot!
My hero!
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