Hellcats s01e13 Episode Script

Worried Baby Blues

Previously on "Hellcats" You sure school's worth all this? Dan, I'm going to graduate, pass the bar up north and work in a D.
's office.
You're applying for a scholarship? I have one now for cheerleading.
Cheerleading? - Oh.
- Hello, Marti.
Welcome to Cheertown.
I need two pre-law students to help me.
A man that's sentenced to life in prison for a minor burglary.
My laptop was stolen from my dorm room.
Hey, Lewis, have you seen my laptop? I think somebody's been in here.
I heard about an engagement.
I want to say congratulations and I wish nothing but joy and happiness for the both of you.
Let me see the wrist watch.
I'm considering going pro.
Kept a little souvenir of our adventure together.
Why don't you watch that video and we'll discuss your future with a little more perspective.
I took a bunch of pregnancy tests and they all said positive.
- Have you told mom? - No.
She's gonna realize when you start to show.
1, 2, 3, 4 Move to the left, move to the right Work it.
on a Saturday night I'm gonna settle on the sofa and turn down the lights Yes, good! All right! I've got 900 channels, but there's nothin' to see no one to doubt that You are beautiful! ohh, ohh ooh, hoo we want to be famous ooh, hoo be a face on the screen ohh, ohh ooh, hoo read our name in the papers Come on, hit me with that cupid! everybody wants to be on TV Now, we're talking.
na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na everybody wants to be on TV forget Audrey Hepburn, forget Bette Davis Yes, good.
All right! I want to be known just for bein' famous Beautiful.
I can't act, I can't dance That's it.
I can't sing, can't you see? but I'm young and I'm pretty Yes.
### and that's all that you need ### ohh, ohh ooh, hoo we want to be famous ohh, ohh ooh, hoo be a face on the screen What are you wearing? First Monday in October.
She's Supreme Court Justice.
You've got to be kidding me.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a cheerleader.
Baton twirler, actually.
This is a cheerleading calendar, it's supposed to be sexy.
Anyway you slice it, Supreme Court Justice isn't sexy.
we want to be famous we don't want to be on TV That is fabulous.
we don't want we want to be famous That's it.
we don't want to be on TV Nice.
everybody Good, Marti.
That's good.
we don't want to be on TV Ok.
That's a little sexy.
Wow, this is good.
Good enough to pay for a new sprung floor? I'd say so.
Looking fine, Lewis.
You, too.
Uh, no, uh-uh.
Ok, these stay under wraps until the launch party.
I can see you, Lewis.
Drop it.
Champagne on the house.
Consider it an engagement gift.
Well, thank you, Wanda, that's very nice.
So, have y'all set a date yet? Oh, right now we're just enjoying the engagement.
All good venues book up quick.
You let me know if y'all need some professional help.
Professional? What, you mean I mean me.
I'm getting into event planning: Weddings, theme parties, that sort of thing.
I'm helping with the Hellcats launch party.
You can come down and see my work, no pressure.
Oh, unfortunately, I can't be there.
Um, my Army Reserve Unit is actually training.
Oh, no.
Can you get 'em to change the date? Um, the Army paid for my medical school, Wanda, So it's definitely not optional.
Vanessa's gonna be there though, and she'll get a chance to see you in action and she can give me a full report.
I think you'll be very impressed.
Thanks a lot.
Now, I have to be the bad guy.
Come on, it might be nice to have a wedding planner.
It would definitely take some of the weight off of us, right? Yeah, but it's premature, we haven't even set a date.
Well, we should.
What are we waiting for? Are you in a rush or something? You're not getting cold feet, are you? No.
Because I would've never asked you to marry me if I wasn't ready.
Vanessa, I asked you a question.
Of course I'm ready.
But let's change the subject 'cause I don't want to encourage Wanda.
Wow, this breakfast looks great.
Derrick, you had the greek omelet with dill.
You had corn beef hash with two poached eggs.
And who had the rye toast? That would be me.
Thank you.
Mom? Dad? They're at lunch with Pastor George.
This is what you did.
It's coconut boy bait.
If you can bake a cake, you can land a man.
Hey, how are you doing? Any word from Dan? No.
No, but it's for the best.
What are you eating? Food.
Junk food.
This isn't healthy for the baby.
Well, it's the only thing I can eat that doesn't make me throw up.
Well, you need to eat a balanced diet.
Fruits and vegetables.
Here, I got you some prenatal vitamins and "What to expect when you're expecting.
" Thank you.
I folded down some pages for you.
The lady in the store said this book is the best.
It's divided in trimesters.
Wait, I can't keep this stuff here.
- What if mom finds this? - She's gonna figure out eventually.
When's your due date? I don't remember.
You don't remember? Your doctor must have told you.
He wasn't really sure.
Wasn't sure? Char, you haven't seen the doctor.
- I'm sorry.
- Ohh.
I couldn't.
He would tell mom.
What is wrong with you? This is really hard, ok? You can't keep sticking your head in the sand pretending you're not pregnant.
You have no idea what I'm going through.
I'm telling mom.
Somebody needs to keep an eye on you.
You swore you wouldn't! I guess we're both breaking promises these days.
I hate you! Well, I love you.
And I love your baby.
Let's talk about the athletic director.
Bill Marsh.
What's he got to do with anything? Think about it.
How does Bobby Overton, a middle-aged furniture dealer get past a security gate and into a locked dormitory and steal your laptops without appearing extremely conspicuous? He had someone on the inside? Assume he does and what's his only known connection to Lancer? The athletic department.
He's a booster.
And I did some checking into the University records.
Guess who has a lucrative deal to provide the furniture to the entire athletic department? - Bobby Overton.
- Bingo.
That's the obvious answer, it hardly warrants a bingo.
How did you get into the records? Well, Eileen in facilities is a bit sweet on me.
Huh, well, it pays to have a faculty I.
And a honey suckle southern accent.
Honey suckle? Honey suckle? What? Has nobody ever told you that before? Well, that particular compliment has been tragically withheld until today.
Anyhow, what I find interesting is that Overton hasn't given a dime to the program for over 2 years, but he still gets premium Generous treatment for a booster who doesn't boost.
Or an award for something else.
Implicating Travis.
Only Bill Marsh has the power to reward him like that.
Or Red Raymond.
Yeah, but Red Raymond wasn't at Lancer when Travis was convicted.
I mean, why would he help maintain a cover-up he had nothing to do with? - To protect Football.
- Good point, Mr.
We are gonna consider him an unknown.
From a legal standpoint, we got nothing.
It's got to be a frame-up job, that's the only thing that makes sense.
And Overton paid off Travis' ex-girlfriend and the pharmacist, so they'd change their statements and Marsh rewarded Overton in return.
A furniture deal and season tickets, it's not exactly evidence of a crime.
Maybe you can pay him a visit and lean on him.
Might panic and give something up.
Uh-uh, the minute he figures out that I've taken an interest, he's gonna circle the wagons and right now it's better that he thinks he's up against Nancy Drew and Harry Potter.
Whoa, whoa.
Why does she get to be Nancy Drew? Harry Potter's not even a detective.
Look, you can be Nancy Drew if you want.
That is not the point.
Listen, Bill Marsh is a powerful man at this school and if we're gonna go after him, I need concrete proof.
How do we get it? Who am I to tell Nancy Drew how to do her job? We'll reconnect when I come back from Washington.
And I look forward to being impressed.
Miss Perkins.
I despise Harry Potter.
Savannah, I need to get a check for the caterer.
What? Oh, yeah, sure.
Hey, have you talked to Marti? She's not answering her phone.
I think she's at the law library doing some research.
Everything ok? Yeah, sure.
Never better.
Oh, look at this.
Baby book.
Did I say you could go through my stuff? Anyway, it's not mine.
Oh, you can't fool a fellow mother.
I can smell it on you.
No, seriously.
It's for my friend.
Is it Marti? Oh, dear lord.
Ok, I can take it.
Who is the baby daddy? I mean, is it Lewis? Dan? Morgan? Ok, it's not Marti.
Well, now, I'm curious.
Which friend got knocked up? Alice? - It's got to be Alice, right? - It's no one you know.
Well, then I was right the first time.
It is you! Honey, don't worry about that mama of yours.
Who said I was worried about my mom? Your friends will stand by you.
I will stand by you.
I will love that baby like it's my own.
What do you think of the name Ike? I think that is a very strong name for a boy.
Ok, can you please stop talking? You sound like Marti right there.
It's not for me it's for my little sister.
I don't really know her.
You can't tell anyone, ok? Especially not my mom.
Honey, she's gonna find out.
I mean, come on.
You think I don't know that? Babies are a joy, but they are also a nightmare.
I mean, if I didn't have my mother's help, well, I'd probably would've ended up on the TV news.
It was really that bad? What your sister doesn't realize is that she's gonna need her mom now more than ever.
My mom is gonna be furious.
She'll get over it.
When she holds that fat baby in her arms, all will be forgiven.
But she needs to tell her.
I know.
What I don't know is how.
Would've been funny if it was Alice.
Will you stop obsessing over the stupid NFL draft? Shane Villano's gonna go in the first round.
The guy's got an arm like cooked pasta.
I prefer mine al dente.
Yeah, if he could go first round, I could go first round, too.
You obviously want to go pro next year.
Why haven't you declared for the draft? Bill Marsh wants me to stay at Lancer.
He says the team needs me.
Oh, I am so over that jackass.
Just tell him to go to hell.
Yeah, I can't do that.
Why not? You're a free agent.
That's not exactly true.
What do you mean? Jake? Tell me.
I did this prank freshman year.
Stupid football initiation thing, it just it went really, really wrong.
What kind of thing? It was bad, Ok? That's all you need to know.
Bill Marsh helped me cover it up, he called in a lot of favors.
When I went in to talk to him about the draft, he opens up his safe and And? And he kept evidence to use against me in case I ever tried to cross him.
What kind of evidence? You know what? Forget I said anything.
Ok? I actually care about you, Alice, and I don't want you anywhere near this.
Oh, Jakey, don't tell me what to do.
I really, really hate that.
Fair enough.
My first kiss went a little like this and twist and twist well, my first kiss went a little like this and twist and twist I said no more teachers and no more books I got a kiss under the bleachers hoping that nobody looked tastes like licorice, tongue like candy excuse me, miss, but can I get you out your in the back of a car, on the way to the bar I got you on my list I got you on my list at the foot of the stairs, with my fingers in your hair baby, this is it Ho ho ho! Beautiful ladies, I know you all need calendars to keep track of all your dates, right, huh? Can I interest you gentlemen in a calendar? Complimentary.
Of course we take very good care of our boosters.
These aren't free.
This is a fundraiser.
Bill me.
Not worth it.
Come on.
my first kiss went a little like this and twist and twist yeah, she won't ever get enough once she gets a little touch if I had it my way, you know that I'd make her say ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh she will never get enough once she gets a little touch if I had it my way, you know that I'd make her say ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh she will never get enough once she gets a little touch if I had it my way, you know that I'd make her say ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh she will never get enough once she gets a little touch if I had it my way, you know that I'd make her say uh One please.
Well, Marsh seems pretty settled in.
You thinking what I'm thinking? I'm thinking "Stop staring creepily at my photo.
" Ahem.
You know, the entire athletic department is here tonight.
It'd be a perfect time for you to sneak into his office.
Me? Why not you? Because you already have a rich history of breaking and entering.
One of us needs to stay clean.
If I get caught, I could get expelled.
This might be our only shot, But if you would rather leave Travis to rot in jail, then stay here and dance.
You don't think Marsh locks his office? The secretary may leave a key in her desk.
Many of them do.
I'll let you know if Marsh leaves the party.
Now, go.
You totally suck.
Our calendars are selling like hotcakes.
Why hotcakes? I always wondered that.
Hey, thanks for planning this party.
You know, don't thank me yet.
UhThe party was just the tip of the iceberg.
Savannah? Mom? Oh, don't you look nice.
What are you doing here? Well, Wanda here called me and she said you needed something.
Perhaps a sweater.
Now, you can thank me.
The sun is so hot the drinks are so cold your clothes just fall off as the day goes we're gonna stay up and gonna lay low we're gonna dance all night because we say so no, no, no, I'm thinking maybe I can't have relationships 'cause lately they're not making any sense and, baby, you're the one thing on my mind but that could change any time 'cause there are so many fine women that my head is spinnin' and I've forced all feelin' everybody's singin' like her nah, nah, nah hey, hey nah, nah, nah, nah Is one of those drinks for me? If you want.
I want.
'cause there are so many fine women that my head is spinnin' and I'm seein' double vision everybody's singin' like her Now, why am I here and what is it you need to talk to me about? nah, nah, nah hey, hey nah, nah, nah, nah Let's take a walk.
I want to show you my dorm.
Shut down the whole block watch the girls drop by like it's a catwalk we're livin' easy, we got the whole day and we can go hard, no matter what the cops say nah, nah, nah I'm thinkin' maybe I can't have relationships 'cause lately they're not making any sense and, baby, you're the one thing on my mind but that could change anytime 'cause there's so many fine women that my head is spinnin' Boo.
What are you doing here? What are you doing here? I have a personal issue with Bill Marsh.
I'm trying to get into his safe.
Personal issue? He's blackmailing my boyfriend.
What about you? Well, I think Marsh has something to do with my guy being in prison So I'm looking for evidence.
I didn't know he had a safe.
You want to work together? Anything incriminating Jake is mine, Anything else we find is yours.
You have any idea what the code is? I was working on that before you walked in.
I tried all the obvious stuff.
Home address, phone number, birth date.
I was running out of ideas.
Good thing I have a file on him.
I'm impressed.
All right, let's start with the Social Security number.
the last 4 digits.
No go.
All right, 3-0-6-0, it's the first 4 digits.
as athletic director.
We could be here a while.
'cause there's so many fine women that my head is spinnin' and I'm forced all feelin' everybody's singin' like I've got all covered and I'm already doing Dan's brother's wedding.
It's gonna be the bomb.
You need a professional eye.
I don't know what to say.
Say yes.
I want you to have the most perfect wedding ever.
nah, nah, nah, nah So c'mon! What do you say? Thank you, Lancer! Thank you! We're 303.
Thank you! Whoo! Wanda, it's so generous, you know, and, uhYou know, uh Hey, coach, can I steal you for a second? Oh, Wanda, I got to go because this is very important University business.
It is.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
You remember my niece, Jenny? It's her sweet 16 tomorrow night.
She's almost 16? I know.
I can't believe it either.
Her father passed away last year and I'm supposed to dance with her.
I'd rather not make a fool of myself in front of a bunch of high school kids, so Oh.
You're asking me for dance lessons? It's not funny.
Oh, the big athlete can't dance.
You ever seen me dance? I just thought that was because you were too damn cool.
Well, I'm too damn cool for most things, but just not dancing.
SoWill you help me? Now? In the middle of the party.
Are you in a hurry to get back to Wanda? Now would be good.
Let's go.
So, this is Cheertown.
Co-ed? Yes.
Aren't you the bohemian? Would you like some tea? I would like to know what is going on here.
I'll make some tea.
Your roommate's mother calls me out of the blue practically begging me to come here.
How did she even find my number? I have no idea But she's right.
Sort of.
There's something you need to know But you have to promise not to freak.
I will do nothing of the sort, but after that awful calendar there's not a lot that would shock me now.
Charlotte's pregnant.
She needs your help.
I'll skip the tea.
Mom, we need a plan.
We have to talk this through.
I will deal with this.
Let me help you.
I think you have done enough.
Handling this will take the entire family.
We need to sit down together.
You have been a terrible influence.
I do not want you anywhere near her.
How can you say that? The calendar, the stripper outfits.
What is poor Charlotte supposed to think when her big sister is making so much hay out of acting like a cheap whore?! What's that? The year the Beatles broke up.
I'm all out of ideas.
He's evil.
Try 6-6-6.
That's only 3 numbers.
Add a 6 for extra evil.
Tuna fish.
What are you doing? I'm gonna stuff this in his credenza.
He'll be smelling it for weeks.
That's mature.
Hey, you should shove it behind the drawers.
It'll be harder to find.
There's numbers taped to the inside of this drawer.
Shut up.
Please, please, please.
- Yes! - Yes! Ok.
Here we go.
Hey, what's up? I lost him.
Get out of there.
What? How'd you lose him? I am surrounded by naked cheerleaders and human beings are hardwired to procreate, So, excuse me, for having split focus.
Ok, we have to go now.
Alice, just leave it.
We'll come back.
You'll be thanking me later.
What? This is a felony.
Only if they catch us.
I'll leave this for Bill.
Do you even know what a felony is? Hey, Char, it's me.
What's going on over there? I need to know that you're ok.
Please call me back.
I'm not ok.
Remind me never to tell you anything again.
What happened? She went ballistic and locked me in my room.
She locked you in your room? Not literally.
But it was clear I wasn't allowed out.
She also called me a slut.
She called me a whore.
Well, at least you earn money.
My pimp takes most of it.
And so, I packed a bag and I went out the window.
Come on, I'm taking you home.
Just put me up for the night.
Then I'll be out of your hair.
I promise.
Where are you gonna go? I don't know.
I'll get a job.
And then when I start to show, they'll owe me maternity leave, right? I love you with all my heart, But you can't handle a baby on your own.
You just can't.
Do you think I don't know that? Look, I know I'm not ready.
I don't want to be a mother, but it just happened.
What am I supposed to do about it? You need your family.
Come on.
Come on.
- One, Two, Three.
- Ok.
- From three ok? - Ok, got it.
Eyes on mine and Can you not look constipated? Are you this nurturing with all your students? Only my pets.
Ok, don't look at your feet.
Ow! Ok.
Look at your feet.
I'm sorry.
Ok, let's do it again.
You set a date yet? No.
When I do, we'll send you an invitation.
Don't waste the stamp.
Oh, come on, I'll save you a dance.
The only way I'm coming to your wedding is if I'm the groom.
Don't talk like that.
I want more than a dance.
But wanting isn't getting.
It's just wanting.
unbreak my heart my heart take back that sad word good-bye bring back the joy to my life You happy now? For now.
You proved your point.
You win.
I am engaged to someone else.
Someone who deserves better than this.
I should be happy.
I should be planning my wedding.
Instead, I'm here kissing you.
unbreak my heart It was just a moment.
I don't think so.
undo this hurt that caused him to walk out the door and walked out of my life uncry these tears I cried so many nights What's this? October 13, 2008.
Give me that.
This is from the day the Kimble pharmacy was robbed Supposedly by Travis.
Let's see what's on this.
Why was this not in the court records? How did Marsh get this? Is that Travis? I don't know.
It's hard to make out.
Hang on.
This thing lets me zoom in and move the window around.
Hmm, right there.
- Jake? - Jake? Why would Jake rob the pharmacy? That's the prank.
Prank? That's what he called it.
Hell of a prank.
So, they caught Jake on tape and Marsh had Overton cover it up and frame Travis.
All to save the football star.
If I get this disk to Julian, He can get Travis out of prison.
I can save his life.
But then Jake will go to prison instead.
He broke into a pharmacy, Alice.
Tell you what, why don't we flip a coin to decide what to do? Ok, fine.
Leave the DVD.
Yeah, right.
Hey! Give it to me! No! Hey! Get off of me! Alice, get ow! Ow! My hair! Ow! Ugh! Aah! Get your stupid moose legs off of me! Uh! Uh! Ow! You just bit me! Ow! Ugh! Let go! Ow! I'm gonna bite! I'm gonna bite! I'm gonna bite your hand! No! No! Ow! - Whoa! - Sorry, sorry.
Hey, we need a speed bump here? Ok, what happened? You ok over there? No.
Well, if you do hear from her, would you please call us? Yeah, God bless.
Oh, it is so good to see you.
Oh, honey.
We have been worried sick about you.
I'm 19.
I'm allowed to leave the house.
Yeah, but in your condition.
I'm pregnant, but still 19.
And I suppose I should be thanking you for bringing her home.
I was selling my body for cash on the street corner and she just happened by.
All right, I get the point.
Oh, I do charge by the hour.
I shouldn't have said what I said! So, I should be going.
Maybe I should make some cocoa.
Would everybody like some cocoa? To tell you the truth, I was hurt that you felt you couldn't come to me.
And you wonder why? Would it kill you to take a little bit of responsibility? Would it? This is not Savannah's fault! It's mine.
And it's yours, too.
Oh, no, no, no.
Don't you dare try and pin this one on me.
I couldn't tell you I was pregnant Because you scare me.
I thought if I told you, you would just yell at me and give me some lecture on abstinence and that's exactly what you did.
Well, you should've abstained.
Yeah, but I didn't! That was your choice.
Because you raised me wrong.
You raised me in some stupid bubble that has nothing to do with the way the world really works! All right, that's it.
You go to your room! Oh, what are you going to do? Ground me? I hope the Ob/Gyn makes house calls.
She is pregnant, Lane.
Oh, hush, Parker! Oh, don't tell me to hush! You are a terrible mother! Shut shut up! This family is a mess.
We don't communicate.
We repress and repress and we let things fester until there's a big explosion and somebody ends up in tears.
Well, we are baptists.
It's got to stop.
We've got to open up, talk.
Stop pointing the finger at one another and start acting like a team.
We are not cheerleaders.
I am.
So am I.
And we win because our squads pull together when the pressure's on.
It's not about the individual.
It's about something bigger.
I don't have to listen to this.
Yeah, well, like it or not, there's a baby on the way and we control the world he or she enters.
Is it going to be a world where everyone yells and fights and attacks one another? Or is it gonna be a world of comfort and nurturing and a strong, supportive family? We have to choose.
And we have to choose right now Because the child in there can hear everything we say.
So, what's it gonna be? I apologize, Charlotte, for losing my cool and for making you feel like you couldn't talk to me.
I never wanted to scare you.
I appreciate that.
And I also want to apologize to you because I said some very ugly things that you did not deserve.
It's ok, mom I can take it.
I know you can.
I know.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Come on, dad.
Hey, baby, what are you doing here? Um, I just needed to get out of Cheertown for a bit.
Well, I'd think you'd all would be flying high.
I heard you sold all the calendars.
Yeah, thanks.
Something wrong? Yeah, I'm just preoccupied.
Can I stay at your place for tonight? I can't go back to Cheertown.
Why not? Well, it's complicated.
I need to ask my Professor about something first.
You can always come home.
You still have your key and I'll meet you there when I lock up.
Thanks, mom.
Rob any good pharmacies lately? Aw, hell.
So, you were the one with Marti's laptop all along.
Bobby Overton had me steal both of them 'cause we know how close they were getting Who they'd been talking to.
Actually, I kept Marti's 'cause I wanted to copy her music library.
It's spectacular.
An innocent guy is sitting in prison because of you.
How could you do that? We didn't know that was gonna happen, Alice.
It turns out the pharmacist was a freaking Lancer fan.
He saw me take the drugs.
He recognized me, contacted Marsh, who got Overton to do his dirty work, so he could keep his distance from this.
So, Overton saved your ass.
Yeah, I mean, he paid off the witnesses.
He got the pharmacist to change his witness statement.
I mean, the guy made up some fake B.
description of the robber, no one had any idea that the cops were gonna pick up a guitar player and charge him.
Oh, my gosh.
After that, things, they spiraled.
Ok, I wanted to come clean, But I was in too deep.
Bill Marsh had already gotten people to lie for me.
We had to protect ourselves.
And protect football.
That's the same thing.
Look I felt awful about it, ok? I still feel awful about it, Butlt was out of my control.
You got to believe that.
So you knew an innocent guy went to prison for you.
UhThe guy was homeless, Alice, At least in prison he got 3 meals a day and a roof over his head.
Wow I meanWow.
Alice? I got to go.
Alice? Alice? Wait.
Alice? How did you find out? Marti figured it out.
She has the DVD of you stealing the drugs.
She does? She does.
How? Like I saidI got to go.

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