High Potential (2024) s01e13 Episode Script

Let's Play

Walkin' in L.A. ♪
Walkin' in L.A. ♪
Nobody walks in L.A ♪
I always knew this day
would come, right?
And I did everything
I could to prepare, I just
Don't worry, Mom. She'll be fine.
And let's remember to keep
those hands at 9:00 and 3:00.
Nine and what?
I'm kidding. Relax, I got this.
- Oh! Okay.
So, why don't we stop up here, and
we'll practice your parallel parking?
Good, good, good.
Okay, so check in the mirrors
- Okay. Yep.
- put it in reverse
You should probably lower the
deductible on our car insurance.
What happened to "she'll be fine"?
- Pop it? Oh.
- [LUDO] No. All right, keep going.
- Going harder right.
- [AVA] Harder right.
- [LUDO] A little fast Too fast!
- [ELLIOTT] Sorry, Mom.
- [AVA] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Wait, wait, turn!
Nobody walks in L.A. ♪
- License plate is 2DDT456.
I'm confused. You want us
to pull over your daughter?
We're not traffic cops, Morgan.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
Ava doesn't even have her license yet.
No, she doesn't,
but my daughter and I are
much more alike than she thinks,
and trust me,
when her license does land
Hey, don't make me slam
these brakes, you thirsty bitches.
Whoa, the back seat is very, um
- Spacious?
- Yeah.
got, Five-O? Let's do this.
- Whoo!
We just all need to be prepared, okay?
[SELENA] All right, listen up.
Some of you have yet to RSVP
for the police gala,
and you know who you are.
Oh, I got that email.
I got that too. What is that though?
It's an annual gathering
of city officials,
detectives, officers.
Decent music,
open bar till 10:00. Right?
Sorry, Lieutenant. I have plans.
Change 'em.
I want the top brass to see
all of Major Crimes represented.
So that means every single one of you
is going to be there and looking sharp.
I'm only going to see if Oz makes
a fool of himself again this year.
I knocked over one ice sculpture
four years ago.
Daph won't let me live it down.
There's photos,
if you ever wanna see 'em.
- Of course I wanna see 'em.
Detective Karadec.
Uh, no, I did not. You just sent it?
Okay, we'll check it out. Thanks.
- Everything okay?
- LAPD tip line
flagged an email to Major Crimes
that just came in.
[KARADEC] "Spencer Wallace wouldn't
play with me, will you?"
Open the attachment.
[MORGAN] "Two hours to make your move."
"Two hours to make your move."
Sounds like some kind of game.
Yeah, a game Spencer here
does not look like he wants to play.
[KARADEC] We don't know
when it was taken.
We don't know who it is,
we don't know if it was staged.
I mean, for all we know,
this is just someone trying
to send us on a fool's errand.
Found him. Spencer Wallace,
37 years old, born in Riverside.
Runs a small
interior design firm. Unmarried.
A couple of parking tickets, that's it.
He's in a room with no windows.
Look, see how the only light's
coming from the camera flash?
Let's hope this is someone's
bad idea of a good time.
- Find out.
- [OZ] Yeah.
Here you go.
Spencer, it's LAPD!
If you're home, we need you to open up.
Buildings this nice
usually deliver packages
to the mail room, right?
[MORGAN] "Let's play."
Most puzzles will give you a picture
of what it'll look like when it's done.
Well, whoever left this for us
clearly wants us to figure it out.
- Or waste more of our time.
- Only one way to find out.
Okay, give me a minute.
She means that literally, doesn't she?
It looks like an elevation map.
Contour lines, color gradients.
Yeah, yeah, and these could be roads.
That's definitely Mulholland Trail.
I hiked up there last week.
- [MORGAN] One piece is missing.
- Maybe it fell?
No, I don't think so.
That's part of the game.
It's missing on purpose.
Whoever took Spencer Wallace
wants us to try
and find him right here.
Then that's exactly what we're gonna do.
Oz and Daphne,
find out everything you can
about Spencer Wallace.
You two go for a hike.
So we're looking for what exactly?
You know, probably nothing.
We get thousands of calls
like this a week.
People get a kick out of sending
cops on wild goose chases.
Makes you feel grumpy?
All right. So what games
did you play as a kid?
Yahtzee. Yahtzee was my jam.
- Yahtzee? What?
- Yeah.
Okay, it is painfully clear
I will not be inviting you
to my next game night.
Looks like you won't have to.
"Loco Ocho." You have to match
the color or the number,
and try to get rid of all your cards.
I don't like it
when you're impressed by me
when I haven't done anything impressive.
"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
Pick a card and then you'll go.
Down a path and through the shade.
Before dear Spencer starts to fade."
[MORGAN] Yeah, see how this path
veers off into two?
Yeah. You take one, I'll take the other.
I don't think it's gonna be that simple.
You telling me we gotta play a game
to figure out which one to take?
The two-hour countdown started
when the email came in.
We have 34 minutes to make our move.
Last card's a two. Okay.
That must mean we take the second path.
How do you know there weren't
other outcomes to these hands?
- You wanna play again?
- Absolutely not.
[KARADEC] Hey, we're still
searching out here.
[SELENA] Daphne and Oz found
insulin shots
in Spencer Wallace's apartment.
Our vic is a diabetic.
That means two hours could
be how much time he has
before going into diabetic
ketoacidosis without it.
That gives us just under half an hour
before Spencer could die.
This is real.
[KARADEC] I'll call you back.
You got something?
She's got something.
[MORGAN] It's addition
and multiplication.
It's either hopscotch for hikers,
or hopscotch for second grade
algebra teachers.
It's azimuth and elevation.
- Telling us where to go?
- No, telling us where to look:
240 degrees and a negative ten.
The horizontal direction
and vertical angle.
[MORGAN] "Valley Day storage."
And you know what storage units
never have?
Everybody start banging
on doors. Use your ears.
- [DAPHNE] Spencer!
- [OFFICERS] Spencer! Spencer.
- [MORGAN] Spencer!
- [KARADEC] Spencer!
- Spencer!
- Spencer!
- Spencer!
- Spencer!
- Spencer!
- Spencer!
Spencer, you in there?
Unit L4! L4!
The manager said he rents unit L4. Daph!
This is it. This is him. Spencer?
[OZ] Spencer? Spencer, can you hear us?
Spencer. Hey, buddy. Hey, hey, hey. Hey.
Hey. We're with the LAPD.
Paramedics are on their way.
You're gonna be okay.
I have your insulin from your apartment.
I'm gonna administer it
in your arm, okay?
- Okay.
[PANTING] Thank you.
I wish I didn't remember,
but I do. [SIGHS]
It's okay. Take your time.
I was walking up to my apartment
when someone came up behind me.
It happened so fast
I didn't even see their face
before they got some bag over my head.
And when it came off,
I was in this dark room
Then what happened?
They made me play games.
At least, they tried to make me play.
I was shaking too much.
I mean, they're moving these
pieces around a game board
while I'm begging for my life.
I I was too scared to play.
Did you get a look at the person?
They were wearing a white anime mask.
Rosy cheeks, real big eyes.
The room was too dark
to see anything else.
And what about the
sound of their voice?
They never spoke.
Whoever they were, they must not
have been having much fun.
Why do you say that?
Well, they got frustrated I
wasn't taking the game seriously
and they knocked me out.
I woke up in my storage unit.
Yeah, about that storage unit.
Why is it empty?
Like, usually people get a storage unit
and they fill it with stuff.
I rented it with James.
He was my partner for nine years.
"Was" your partner?
This June will be four years
since his car accident.
I'm so sorry.
We had big plans.
We needed a place to put our things
when we traveled the world,
so we [SNIFFLES]
rented that unit. [CHUCKLES]
I know it's silly, I just [SIGHS]
I haven't been ready to let it go.
I don't think it's silly at all.
Spencer, is there anyone
you can imagine doing this?
Maybe someone who wanted to hurt you?
I don't know.
[MORGAN] Whoever abducted
Spencer wanted us to find him.
They could've killed him
but they didn't,
'cause they're playing a game
with us, not him.
I think we should be looking
for someone who has a grudge
against the LAPD.
Maybe, but I don't know.
Look at these clues.
Puzzle, Loco Ocho, hopscotch.
These are kids' games.
I think he just wants to play.
So we're looking for a five-year-old.
So we just wait
for the next clue to arrive?
We gotta do something.
We can't work with leads we don't have.
Gillory Hmm.
Here we go.
- Thanks, Katie.
- Hmm. Of course.
Oh, it's already been paid for.
- What do you mean?
- Hmm.
How did you know I'd be here?
Heard you had a standing order
on Thursdays for the family.
Relax, you're not special.
I know a lot of things
about a lot of people.
Sit down.
I'm guessing
you're not here for the soup.
Is Roman one of those people?
Did you find him?
First things first, I only
wanna deal with you, all right?
'Cause I know your cop friends
have a hand in this, I get it
but I can't be seen with them
for reasons that don't concern you.
Now Roman came to me
before he went missing.
Said he was afraid for himself, for you.
Yeah, you already said that.
And now I'm telling you it has
something to do with a woman
I heard he was working with at the time.
Roman was a painter.
He didn't have any partners.
All I know is her name is Lila Flynn.
You need to write that down.
- I'm good, thanks.
- Oh, right.
I heard about this HPI you have.
That really a thing?
It's a thing that doesn't concern you.
That's all I have on Lila.
But, you know, I'll keep digging.
How do I know that?
I don't know anything about you
except what you told me.
How am I supposed to believe you?
Because you got nobody else.
Or you wouldn't be here.
Put your number in it.
So I can get in touch with you if I
find out more about this Lila Flynn.
Ava, dinner's here!
- So is your mom.
- [LUDO] Hey, how was your day?
I think it ruined
family game night forever.
This kidnapper is really toying with us.
That's a bummer.
Ooh, sweet potato fries.
Oh, good. You're home.
I just finished something
I wanna show you.
[LUDO] The rest are for Dad.
[AVA] Organizing it by year
seemed super lame,
so I kinda did chapters.
Like, my artwork,
fashion evolution, life milestones.
- Oh, is that this morning?
- Mm-hmm.
[AVA] You're lucky I didn't get
a photo of your worried face.
I wasn't worried.
You almost murdered your entire family,
there was no time to worry.
- How far does this go back?
- All the way to the beginning.
[MORGAN] Aw, look at that cowboy hat.
- I loved that hat on you.
- Yeah, Mom.
Real shame you don't get
to dress me like that anymore.
think these photos are a reminder
of why you lost that privilege.
[MORGAN] All right,
take it easy. You're adorable.
What are these for? You hate
when I pull out baby pictures.
You know, in case you find him.
You made this for your dad?
I mean, he missed my entire childhood,
so I figured we'll have to catch him up.
[CHUCKLES] If you find him.
Because maybe your job with the cops
will work out the way you said it would.
I hope so.
You know, speaking of the cops,
they're having
this big, fancy gala,
and they invited me.
[GASPS] Oh, my God!
What are you gonna wear?
I don't know.
I haven't thought about it.
Okay, it's only fair.
You got to dress me,
so I get to dress you.
- Am I gonna look good?
- Yes, of course.
[DAPHNE] You came in early.
- I wanted to get a head start.
- You got anything?
No, but we gotta find out who did this
or our victim will be
looking over his shoulder
the rest of his life.
- I
All right, all right. We're on our way.
We need to head to the
West Side, to the Marina Hotel.
Isn't that where the gala is tomorrow?
Yeah, looks like we have a new lead.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You actually picked up the phone.
Uh, yeah. Mistake.
Meant to send you to voicemail,
but I got these
long fingernails, you know?
How are you? How's the new job?
It's intense, but I'm really happy.
I mean, I do miss
a few things back in LA.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
So, I was just wondering if you're going
to this police gala tomorrow night?
Hmm. I am. Why?
Did you get an invitation?
I did.
And I thought maybe you had
something to do with that?
Of course I did.
I'm very powerful around here.
- So, you'll be there?
- I will.
Okay. That's all I needed to hear.
I'll see you soon.
See you soon.
- Another clue?
- Officer Lin called it in.
I knew this wasn't right.
[MORGAN] Oh. That's not creepy at all.
[KARADEC] "The fun has just begun."
We've been asking around to see
if anyone saw who left it here,
but nothing so far.
Okay. [SIGHS] So, whoever
kidnapped Spencer isn't done.
And they're watching us.
- Nothing about this is fun.
- [OZ] Or helpful.
Lab didn't find DNA or prints
on any of the game pieces.
That's because the kidnapper
wants us to play
by their rules not ours.
Something's going on with these dolls.
I mean, every detail the kidnapper's
given us so far has been a clue.
That's how this person has fun,
by making us work.
These babies have to mean something.
I wanna talk to Spencer again.
If he didn't tell anybody
about that storage unit,
that means the kidnapper must've
followed him there, right?
I mean, who else
would've known about it?
I did.
Well, I didn't mention it before
because the group is meant
to be private,
and it didn't seem relevant.
But now, I think it might be.
What is it, Oz?
Daph is the only one that knows this,
'cause I don't really talk
about it. But, um
I lost my dad last year.
Are you okay?
It's weird living in a world
without both of your parents.
So, I started attending
this grief group in Echo Park.
Everyone who goes has
lost somebody. We just
We share and, it's
I don't make it every week.
That's why I didn't
recognize Spencer at first.
But you remembered his story
about losing his partner
and the storage unit
they bought together.
- Yeah.
- And if you knew about it,
so does everybody in the group.
Which means any one of them
could be the one playing games with us.
[SELENA] Any idea on a possible suspect?
- No.
- When's the next meeting?
- Later today.
- All right.
You and Daphne go talk
to some group members.
And you two, figure out
what those baby dolls mean.
I want those things out of my bullpen.
Reach out and touch faith ♪
- Charles.
- Oz.
- Hey.
- We miss seein' you.
- Yeah, same here. How you been?
Not too bad. [SIGHS]
You bring a friend for group?
Uh, Charles,
this is Detective Forrester.
We're actually here
about a police matter.
We'd like to ask the group
a few questions
if you don't mind.
And if you all don't mind
talking with us.
- Come on in.
- Thank you.
So you think the person who
kidnapped Spencer met him here?
Do you mind if I ask where you
were Wednesday night around 10:30?
My boyfriend and I went to a movie.
You said 10:30? Let me think.
I stayed in on the couch.
Was anyone with you?
Just my dog. Why?
You remember Spencer?
Spencer? Sweet man.
Is he okay?
I actually had a crush on him,
before I realized I was not his type.
So sad about his partner.
Say, how do you feel about games?
Played left tackle in college.
You cops handing out Lakers' tickets?
What about puzzles? Board games?
I remember one guy who used to
come to group, he just loved 'em.
What was his name?
- David.
- Yeah, David.
He used to always talk
about how much he missed
playing games with his family.
- They died?
- His sister did.
David said his family was
never the same after that,
and no more game nights.
It was like every week he seemed
even more upset about it.
Morgan, what are you doing?
We don't know there's not
a message hidden in here for us.
- In the baby shoes?
- We don't know.
- Was there?
- No.
And now we know. Wait.
Can I talk to you guys for a second?
Gio only wants to talk to you?
- That's what he said.
- Yeah, of course he does.
Gio Conforth doesn't want
law enforcement
asking him too many questions,
otherwise his days
as a free man are over.
And what did he say
about this Lila Flynn?
He just gave me her name
and said that she and Roman
were working together.
You hired me because I notice
things that you miss.
You really think I wouldn't sense
if Roman was cheating on me?
Smart people have blind spots too.
And my heart breaks for them.
I think it's time
to cut this Gio guy loose.
- He got us a name.
- Yeah, so he says.
And after he disappeared for how long?
- No. He's gotta go.
- Detective.
Gio wasn't my first call or my tenth.
We're investigating a missing person
15 years after the fact.
And whether we like it or not,
Gio has connections that we don't.
So we use him for whatever we can.
I agree.
Just please don't trust him.
I won't. I promise.
Okay, our sketch artist is on the way.
What's wrong?
There's this woman.
Uh, you remember Sierra.
- Mmm.
- Never misses a meeting.
She usually arrives early
because she comes from work,
but she's still not here.
- Tell us more about her.
- She's an ASL interpreter.
Uh, lives on the West Side.
So, our suspect is a white male,
about 5'10", in his 30s, with a beard.
Great. He could be half
the waiters in the city.
Well, David knew about Spencer's
storage through the grief group,
and was completely obsessed with games.
[SIGHS] All that to recapture
the joy he lost when his sister died?
Yeah, I don't know if I buy that.
This guy loses his sister
when he's a kid,
and he just wakes up all
these years later and goes nuts?
Why is he doing this now?
We think because two weeks ago,
he invited the grief group
to bar trivia.
No one showed up.
Okay. So David felt rejected,
took his frustrations out
on one of them,
and now he's making us play with him.
And Spencer may only be
his first victim.
Wait a minute. I think
I just found the missing woman.
Sierra Shuman.
That's definitely her.
1459 Santa Monica Boulevard.
All right, hurry.
[LANDLORD] This is her place.
[KARADEC] Thanks.
[MORGAN] Looks like
Sierra put up a fight.
I mean, I'll rush CSU,
but going through all this
is gonna take time
we don't have, Morgan.
- That's weird.
- What's weird?
Son of a
She would never put
that bookshelf there though.
The closet door would
be banging into it all day.
Do you think it was moved?
Turn off the light.
Uh, Morgan.
[KARADEC] "You can't tell in the dark."
What's something
that you can't see in the dark
but you can in the light?
Uh, other than everything?
Well, the word has a bunch
of different meanings, right?
To direct, like to tell someone
what to do.
Or to reveal, like a poker tell.
Or to observe, like,
"Can you tell I'm mad?"
Okay. How's this gonna help us
find Sierra, Morgan?
Sierra is an ASL interpreter.
Maybe that's why he chose her.
"You can't tell in the dark"
means you can't talk in the dark, right?
You know who can't talk in the dark?
People who are deaf,
because you have to see sign
language in order to use it.
The dolls.
You see their hands?
They're all telling us
something in sign language.
- [DAPHNE] What does it mean?
- It's not a word.
Pico X1.
Pico and first.
There's an old art gallery
there. Closed a while ago.
Go see if someone opened it up.
Go. Go, go, go.
- Wait, listen.
- [MUFFLED SOBBING] Help. Please. Help.
- She's locked inside.
I'll get our safe crackers
to break her out.
Paramedics standing by.
She's been in there for 36 minutes.
However much oxygen
that's seeping into this thing,
it can't be much.
Sierra, this is Detective
Karadec with the LAPD.
I want you to try and stay calm.
Are you able to breathe in there?
SWAT's ETA is 45 minutes.
It's the art. That's the next game.
- But what game?
- Jacks.
The ball and metal things?
Yep. My dad hated that game.
It's probably why I loved it so much.
The game has different names
all over the world.
The oldest one here being
knucklebones in Central Asia.
They use goat and sheep bones
as the game pieces, ten total.
Next, in South Asia, it's called
anju kal meaning five stones.
And finally, in Japan,
they use bags filled with beans,
specifically seven bags of beans.
So, it's one ball, ten bones,
five stones and seven bags of beans.
That's gotta be the combination.
[DAPHNE] One, ten,
[KARADEC] It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. I got you.
- I got you. I got you.
You're okay. You're okay.
Hey, you're okay.
- Just breathe. Just breathe.
You know, I think this is the first time
I've ever heard you mention your father.
Probably the last.
Fair enough.
So, Jacks, huh?
Uh, one day in second grade, at recess,
a group of kids invited me
to come play with them,
which was a really big deal for me.
And it was so fun, and I was so happy.
And I couldn't wait to go home
and tell my dad about it.
- Big mistake.
- Why?
Because it wasn't shogi
or chess, it was Jacks.
A simple game for simpletons.
He said those kids weren't worthy
of my intellectual acumen.
He has HPI too.
So the next day when they
asked me to play again,
I told them why I couldn't,
- It didn't go well.
- I bet.
Yeah, it quickly spread
around the school
that I thought I was smarter
than everyone else,
and that began the nightmare
that was my next four years.
I'm sorry.
Not your fault.
All right. I've had officers assigned
to every member of the grief group.
Daphne can watch my back.
I always do.
Lieutenant, I'm afraid he's not
gonna stop until he gets a win.
Maybe we should cancel the gala.
No. Nice try though.
Tonight's not just about Major Crimes,
it's a chance to celebrate law
enforcement across the entire city,
and I'm not going to let this
sicko push us around, all right?
We're gonna put our dancing shoes on,
and we're gonna have a good time.
She's home.
- What are you doing?
- [AVA] Tell her to hold on a sec.
Oh, w-where's Ludo? What's happening?
What you Why you guys being weird?
[LUDO] Drumroll, please.
- Ta-da!
- We hit the mall.
What is this?
Most of Chloe's college tuition.
Just kidding.
We haven't started saving yet.
But we will.
This is so sweet.
And concerning.
We know the police gala
tonight's a big deal.
And we know you didn't have time
to shop, so everyone chipped in.
Are you serious?
I don't know what to say.
- Don't say anything. Just try stuff on.
- Yeah.
- Come on. Hurry.
- Okay. Okay.
Don't look at the price tags.
But also don't take them off.
I will not be taking anything off.
- I got these.
- Yes.
My kid knows me well.
Yes, she does.
You let her drive to the mall,
didn't you?
You, uh You wanna talk about it?
Whatever it is?
- Was it obvious?
- No, no, no.
Oh, this case. It's just
different than the rest.
- And why is that?
- This person
we're trying to catch
is kind of brilliant.
Okay. But so are you.
Yeah, but I don't know how to think
like somebody who would do all of this.
Unless you wanna try on dresses
No, no. Uh
I hope one of them is a winner.
And only one.
- Thank you. Get out.
- Unless you want me to
- I don't.
- I've seen it before.
- Twice.
- And a half.
Oh, my God.
Wow. This place is a lot nicer
than your last spot.
- Thanks for coming by.
- Wow.
I mean, you really splurged.
What? I can't have
nice things now? [CHUCKLES]
Oh, look at you.
You got all dressed up just for me.
[SIGHS] This is, uh,
for this year's police gala.
Remember when we used to go to those?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I remember you, uh, hating 'em.
And me always looking just
a little bit sharper than you.
Mm-hmm. Well, it's never
too late to rewrite history.
Now, I may or may not have looked
into some things on your behalf.
- And?
- And
anything I share didn't come from me.
Say less. I got it. You were never here.
- Okay.
- So what you find?
Lila Flynn was an undercover
field agent for the FBI.
- What?
- Yeah.
It was way before my time at the Bureau,
but she handled all kinds of cases.
- Most of which are classified.
- Still?
[SIGHS] What else?
She was murdered 15 years ago.
Shot in her own backyard,
execution style.
- Unsolved?
- Ice cold.
But one of the last cases she
was working on involved Roman
- Roman Sinquerra.
- Yeah.
He dropped off the grid
shortly after her death.
But I did a deep dive
and nothing turned up.
Except this.
Read and burn.
Moving outside Topeka ♪
Jeannie gonna
buy a big house there ♪
Excuse me, ladies,
I'm looking for Selena Soto
and Daphne Forrester.
- Have you seen them around?
- Ha-ha. Very funny.
Oz fashionably late again?
He has got to spend less time
with his personal grooming.
I'm gonna call him. I'll be right back.
Morgan's not here yet either.
Yeah. I'm sure she'll be easy
to spot when she shows up.
- How you feeling? You all right?
- [SIGHS] A little anxious.
I wish we would've caught our
guy before all of this, but
- we'll catch him soon enough.
- Yeah, we will.
- How are you feeling?
- Oh, better.
Now that I've got some fresh intel
on the Roman investigation.
From who?
- Ah.
- Yeah.
- And?
- And it turns out
Roman was working as an FBI informant.
Now I'll download you
on all the details later,
but for now, I just need to know
I've got your blessing to press ahead.
- Of course.
- Yeah. I'll talk to her.
[SELENA] Good luck.
Ah. You look absolutely stunning.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
My daughter did it.
Can I buy you a drink?
Are they not free?
Yeah, uh I believe they are.
Trying to make sense
of life in the middle ♪
You live then you die
But the rest is a riddle ♪
It's been almost an hour and Oz
still isn't answering his phone.
It just keeps going to voicemail.
That's not like him.
He lives nearby.
I'm gonna go check in on him.
- All right. Be careful.
- Okay. I will.
You know, we have come
a long way, you and me.
- Have we?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. When you consider it started out
with you tampering with evidence,
and, uh, getting thrown in jail
for taking a swing
at an officer, I'd say so.
All right. Well, for the record,
I was cleared of all charges.
- Mmm.
- And I helped solve that case.
Yes. And then you went on to solve
about a dozen more cases after that.
And once we put this Joker wannabe away,
we're gonna solve a bunch more cases.
And one of them will be Roman's.
Morgan, listen, I want you
to let me handle things
with Gio from now on.
What? No. No.
I know how much this means to you.
That's why it matters to me too.
Well, that's sweet. I appreciate that.
But he was clear he doesn't
wanna deal with cops.
- It has to just be me.
- No.
It's too dangerous, Morgan
- Guys like Gio, they're unpredictable.
You need to think
about what you're risking.
No. I will play this the right way.
- I'll get exactly what we need from Gio.
- I know what I'm doing.
You need to stop worrying
about me, okay?
Hey, partner.
Trust me, okay?
He wants to meet at his hotel
at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
Okay. Got it.
And I do believe someone just walked in
who's looking to see you.
Catch you later.
- You made it.
- I did.
Well, if you're not all danced out
I'm never all danced out.
Oh, no.
Everything okay?
I'm not leaving until we find Oz.
None of us are.
Morgan, what are you thinking?
I'm thinking this puzzle sucks.
Maybe there is no puzzle. He
didn't leave many clues behind.
[MORGAN] He would've left enough
clues for it to be solved,
otherwise it wouldn't be a game.
- Polo!
- Marco Polo is a kids' game.
No, I know. Marco Polo.
And also Oz's tie was silk.
Marco Polo was one
of the most well-known people
to travel the Silk Road.
That doesn't narrow it down.
There's a million
pools in Los Angeles.
- I know!
- What about the notes?
Maybe there's some hidden
wordplay in them.
Yeah, maybe.
All the fonts are different.
- What did you say?
- The fonts on each note,
they're all different.
Maybe that means something.
Yes! Yes, Daphne!
Okay, give me the names
of all of the fonts
in the order
which we received the notes.
[DAPHNE] Okay. Romana, Haptic Script,
Olicana, Kiln Sans and Avant Garde.
It's an acrostic.
It's a new word made by taking
the first letters of the other words.
- Rhoka?
- Rhoka, yes!
Before Ava was born,
her dad and I used to sneak
into open houses
for free champagne and snacks.
One of them was designed by
an architect named J. R. Rhoka.
[SELENA] All right, Daphne, how
many houses can we find from this guy?
Looks like there's a few in Los Angeles.
How many have pools?
The house Rhoka designed in Encino.
- Just the one?
- Yes.
Encino. That's gotta be it. Go, go!
We gotta split up and find the pool.
We'll take the back.
Over here!
- Oz!
- [KARADEC] I got him.
- Come on.
- Come on.
[DAPHNE] Come on.
Little bubbles means he's out of air.
- No.
- Come on.
- Get him here.
- He's not breathing. Come on, Oz.
- Come on, come on. Come on, man.
[DAPHNE] One, two, three, four Oz.
- Come on, Oz.
- Come on, come on.
- Come on, come on, man.
- Oz!
Come on. Lift him up. Lift him up.
- [DAPHNE] Get him up.
- [KARADEC] Sit up. Sit up.
Okay. Okay.
- Good job.
- Okay.
How you feeling, Oz?
Better than I look.
Always gotta be
the center of attention, huh?
Can't help myself.
Don't you dare scare us
like that again. You hear me?
I'll do my best, Lieutenant.
Let's get CSI to comb
every inch of this house.
[DAPHNE] Stay here.
You're riding with me.
[OZ] Hey, Morgan.
Back when I was a rookie,
one of my first calls
was a possible drowning
in Laurel Canyon.
Little girl, eight years old,
seconds away from not making it.
Just like me.
Well, all that matters is
that you did both make it.
You okay?
If I can't get over
nearly losing a stranger
how am I supposed to get over losing
one of the most important people
in my life?
Your dad?
I guess I, uh
I got I got some
some things to sort out.
We all do.
- What do you want?
- I'm a friend of Morgan's.
Yeah, you're no friend of mine.
- I'm also LAPD.
- I know who you are.
Now get your hands off the door
before I slam it shut.
You asked her to meet you here
today alone. Why?
Answer my question.
Hey. Lower your voice, okay?
Daddy, what's wrong?
Hey, buddy.
Up then. Okay?
I'm just talking to my friend here.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Go on back to bed, okay?
When you get up,
we'll make some pancakes, huh?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Maybe we should go
talk somewhere else.
No, we're done talking.
Do you have any idea what I went
through to help that lady?
I asked her to come here
so I could give her something,
and that's it.
Don't reach out to me again,
because I am not doing this anymore.
I already have a target on my back,
now I got one on my chest.
I don't need my kid visiting me
in a cage, or worse. Understand?
So tell me this, Gio,
why did you offer to help Morgan
in the first place?
I got my reasons.
Okay. I can respect that.
You know, maybe on some level,
I misjudged you.
Last thing I want is
for anything bad to happen
to you or to your family.
But before I leave,
I'm gonna ask you one last time
to do the right thing.
For Morgan.
What else do you have on Roman?
Come on.
[SELENA] The house belongs
to Charles and Jacqueline Peck,
who have been in their vacation home
in Cape Cod for the last two months.
But they have a son.
David Roy Peck, 38 years old.
[DAPHNE] And David's twin sister
Casey died
when they were ten years old.
[OZ] Now the Pecks have been estranged
from their son since he was 18,
but that was the home that
David and Casey grew up in.
[SELENA] Do we have a current
photo of David Peck yet?
Nothing from the DMV, no known
work history, no social media,
- but we're working on it.
- When you get that photo,
I want it plastered on every
major news channel tonight.
Understood? All right.
Now, until this guy is in custody,
it is all hands on deck.
Let's get to work, people.
Do you guys know how many
family vacations we've been on?
Define "vacation."
[ELLIOTT] Yeah. Does our trip
to West Covina count?
Our carburetor blew,
and we had to stay in a Motel 6.
Oh. It had a pool.
Oh, and free breakfast.
That's true. It did.
But, no, that doesn't count.
Well, then zero.
That's right. Zero.
It's all about to change.
- Really?
- Yes.
We're going on vacation.
I just don't know where yet.
Whoa. Uh
I do like the sun part of that.
Chloe's starting to look
a bit like a jellyfish.
Any chance we could add
The Land of Fire to the wish list?
- I don't even wanna know.
- Azerbaijan.
[ELLIOTT] Ooh, but Liechtenstein
is a close second.
This escalated quickly.
Making a run for it.
- Terrible joke.
- It was pretty funny.
Early Thanksgiving?
Uh Pot pies.
Ah. That was my favorite
when I was a kid.
You guys are very lucky.
I'm heading in. I'll take this for you.
Thank you. Have a good day.
You too.
- That's it?
- What's it?
- Your flirt game is the worst.
- Get in the car.
You gotta work on that.
- Yeah. Tahiti.
- [MORGAN] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on, we're not
Okay. And she walked away.
She's lost her marbles.
We're not going to Tahiti.
You know what I was thinking?
Something like the Grand Canyon
or Central Oregon.
Haven't done that.
I appreciate the gesture,
but Ava and I are too old for this game.
And Chloe's gonna need
a couple more years.
[OZ] Found a photo of David Roy Peck.
From a DUI in Connecticut
from two years ago.
This is our guy?
[OZ] Looks like
the sketch was a little off.
- Maybe not.
- What do you mean?
I just spoke with the rehab facility
in Upstate New York
where David Roy Peck has
been in lockdown
for the past four months.
How is that possible?
Whoever is playing games with us,
it isn't David Roy Peck.
Well, then who the hell is this guy?
Morgan, I know where he is.
What are you talking about?
- Roman. He's alive.
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