Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e13 Episode Script

It Had to Be You

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.
That damn dry cleaner
should be closed down.
Look at this. He ruined it.
He ruined it!
Too tight? No, no, no.
This is the way I like it.
Of course, it's too tight.
Hey, you?
DEREK: Yes, sir? (sighs)
Look, you went to Harvard
or someplace, didn't you?
Yes, sir.
You send something
You send
something to the dry cleaners,
it's not supposed to shrink.
Isn't that right? Yes, sir.
No shrinking. Yes,
sir, that's the idea.
J.L., you look
great, believe me.
We got to go. Come on.
I look all right, Jake?
You really think so?
You look like a million bucks.
Get your hands off me now!
Not a reason in the world
why a man should
have to dress up like this.
Well, it'll be over
before you know it.
We'll have a great time.
This is incredible. Aah!
J.L. McCabe in a tuxedo.
Well, take a good look,
because after tonight,
I'm burning the damn thing.
Oh, Jake,
you know Leslie
Randall, don't you?
The P.R. whiz who tried
to make me over for the
last election campaign?
Ah, you have my
deepest sympathies.
Well, I deserve them.
I begged this man to shave,
to wear tailored
suits, to kiss babies
and shake hands,
but he was too stubborn.
He also won the
election by a landslide.
The big guy's a legend.
You can't mess with a legend.
J.L.: Aw.
Well, I learned my
lesson, believe me. (laughs)
You're not going to the
mayor's dinner tonight?
No, thank God. I
don't have to anymore.
Oh, that's right. You're at
Owens College now, right?
Mm, and loving
every minute of it.
(elevator bell dings) Good.
Oh, here we are.
(cat meows)
Oh, hi, kid. Hi.
Did you have a good day?
Me, too.
Oh, love, I bet
you're hungry, huh?
Oh, sweetheart.
(gasps and shrieks)
(muffled groans)
Not a sound.
That's a girl. (groans)
(man coughing)
Try that again
and I'll use
(coughs) this.
Chocolate truffles.
Mango flambé.
Hot beignets
Praline sauce?
It's the most beautiful taste
I've ever
experienced in my life.
You didn't have any, did you?
Y No.
Um, yes? Oh, hello, Jake.
I-I was telling Gertrude about
(clears throat)
the mayor's speech.
Leslie Randall was
raped last night.
J.L.: Leslie, we're
so sorry about all this.
Sure wish someone would
have called us last night.
Well, there were more
than enough police
officers here to talk to.
I don't think I can answer
any more questions.
Well, we're only
here as your friends.
Now, if there's
anything we can do
I appreciate that.
Does anyone want some tea?
Let me make it, Leslie.
(clears throat)
Watch the cat.
It sheds.
Hey, hey, here,
let me have that.
I'll do it.
Ooh, I can do it.
I'm fine. I'll do it.
I'll do it this round, okay?
(sighs and sniffles)
I'm fine.
(sighs and sniffles)
No, you're not.
He hurt me.
He's hurt others,
and he'll keep on doing it
until someone stops him.
Is he the one on the news?
The Prime Time Stalker?
Yeah, it sounds like it.
Uh, I've been helping out
on the Stalker Task Force,
and, uh, he chooses
professional women like yourself.
Uh, women who
are single, work late.
He, uh
He also uses the same
pearl-handled knife
that you told the
officers about.
Last night confirms that
the common denominator
of this whole thing
is Owens College.
Not students, but
visiting lecturers,
an outpatient at the hospital
Professional women
And one of them died, Leslie.
What are you getting at?
Uh Leslie,
is there anything at all
you can tell us
that would help us?
Anything at all?
only caught a
glimpse of his face.
None of the others
got a look at him.
Why didn't you tell the officers
that you actually saw him?
Why didn't you tell them?
I didn't want to
get into all this.
J.L.: But you're in it
now, like it or not.
While it's still
fresh in your mind,
why don't you come downtown
and go through some
pictures for us, huh?
Maybe you could help
us put together a sketch
of what the man looked like.
(engine revving)

Morning, Dr. Byers.
Group's waiting.
I got hung up in traffic.
Everybody's a little off today.
The police think that rapist is
from somewhere
around here on campus.
I heard it on the radio.
It's very disturbing.
My friend in Administration said
the police showed up
there half an hour ago
asking questions and everything.
Won't be long before
the witch hunt begins.
Excuse me?
Well, you know, they'll say
it's some psycho
from this department.
Met him at a party last
weekend, and he was walk
I'm sorry I'm late, everybody.
Barbara, and this is
MAN: Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.
MAN: Nice to meet you.
Sally, you're a genius.
(indistinct chatter)
Good morning, Dwayne.
Good morning, Dr. Byers.
Dwayne, I've been
meaning to speak to you.
You know, there's no
pressure to participate here,
but I had hoped that
working in a group setting
would bring you out a little bit.
I'm trying.
I'm really trying.
Well, we'll give
it a while longer.
All right, everyone.
(group quiets)
Who would like to start?
(indistinct conversations)
BYERS: Hello, uh,
Stalker Task Force?
Listen, I was on Sharon
Street last night around 8:30.
No, uh, no, I'd rather
not give my name,
but I saw this guy
running to a car,
and this is before I heard
anything had happened,
you know, about the Stalker.
Well, he got into this car,
and he was acting kind of funny.
I think he was
carrying something.
It could have been a knife.
Anyway, he got into
a '64 MG convertible,
and I copied down
the license number.
Hey, I hope you get the guy.

Dr. Byers?
This is Lieutenant Styles.
He's asking about Dwayne Tucker.
Oh, thank you, Courtney.
JAKE: Thank you.
Looks like you
were right. It begins.
Lieutenant. Hi.
Uh, excuse me for asking,
but what was that
about, uh, beginning?
Oh, it's just that we
heard that the investigation
into the rapist was
centering here on the campus.
Well, that's not your
interest in Mr. Tucker, is it?
Well, Doctor, did you know
that he was arrested twice
before on sex-related charges?
I knew about that. Uh-huh.
But you have to understand
that the focus of
Dwayne's work has been
to put his troubled
past behind him.
Oh. I see.
Let me, uh
Right here.
I've got something to show you.
Let me show you this. Um
Does this, uh does
this look like him at all?
Well, with a little
imagination, I suppose.
(both chuckling)
You are his therapist,
is that correct?
Well, a number of us
on the staff have, uh,
taken turns counseling
him, but at the moment
(coughs) I see.
Yes, I am his therapist.
So, he would've confided
some things in you, then?
Well, please
understand, Lieutenant,
that anything that
Dwayne Tucker has told me
in the course of our
doctor-patient relationship
(coughs) is privileged.
I see. Excuse me.
Are you okay?
Yes. Are you sure?
No, it's, uh, it's
just hay fever.
Oh, yeah, well, that can be
Uh, it wouldn't be
breaking any rules
if you were to tell me
where I might
find him, would it?
I mean, he's not at work,
he's not at home, so I don't
Well, you might try
the pool or the gym.
Sometimes he
works out over there.
Good, great, okay, thank you.
Lieutenant? Yeah?
when you talk to
him, be careful.
Just the fact of being
treated as a suspect
can be very damaging emotionally
(coughs) to a man like him.
Yeah, I understand that.
I'm sure you do.
You know, I just noticed
that you've got, uh
you've got quite a
mixture here, you've got
Freud and, uh, sports cars.
(laughs) It's something else.
This is awfully nice.
It's a hobby. Really?
It's something as far removed
from the mechanics of
the psyche as I could find.
(both chuckling)
Lieutenant, uh, can I
ask you a question?
Sure, sure.
Why do you suspect Tucker?
Oh, well, we, uh, had an
anonymous phone caller
who said that he saw his car
near the Stalker's
last attack so
It's hard to believe
it could be him.
I know.
You know, sometimes it's the
people that you least expect.
But I shouldn't have to
tell you that, should I?
I'm telling you,
I was just a kid
when that happened.
A 19-year-old kid caught peeping
through a woman's
bedroom window.
Oh, man, that was a mistake.
JAKE: What about the assault
charge three years later?
You hit a woman?
I had too much to drink.
She came on to me, and then
when her boyfriend caught us,
she cried I was
forcing myself on her.
Can you account for yourself
on any of these
nights and times?
Like, can people vouch for me?
I live alone.
Does that make me guilty?
Does that make me a rapist?
The man fits your
description, Dwayne.
So what? It's not me.
(door opening)
(whispering indistinctly)
(J.L. mumbling)
Well, the police just
searched your car.
And, uh
they found this.
In my car?
It is yours, isn't it?
No way, I've never
seen it before.
According to his
surviving victims,
it matches the description
of the weapon used by
the Prime Time Stalker.
It's not mine somebody
must have put it there.
We haven't released
any information
to the media about
this knife, Dwayne.
You guys must have put it there.
You need a scapegoat, right?
And I'm it!
I did didn't do it.
I swear I didn't do it.
Uh, take your time, Leslie,
and look carefully at
each man, all right?
It was so dark.
He-he only stepped
into the light for a second.
Well, don't force it, just relax
and take your time, all right?
Anything, Leslie?
I mean, a familiar gesture,
something about the way he
carried himself, maybe?
I think that's him.
Which one?
The second one.
Are you sure?
Well, look how nervous he is,
as if he had something to hide.
That's got to be him.
Let's understand each other.
Are you telling me that
he's got to be the one,
or are you telling
me he is the one?
If I could hear his voice.
Number two, could you
please say, "Not a sound"?
Not a sound.
Could you please say the words,
"Try that again
and I'll use this"?
DWAYNE (through speaker):
Try that again and I'll use this.
Well, Leslie?
I don't know.
He looks like the
one, but his voice
(sighs): was more husky.
Thicker, more breathless.
Okay, Leslie, I want to
thank you for your help.
All right, dismiss the men,
and release the suspect.
You're not letting him go?
I mean, you found the knife.
His car was there.
Leslie, he's still a suspect,
but the lab can't
prove the knife
was the Stalker's actual weapon.
Then, there's got to be
some other evidence.
We're not giving up, Leslie.
Yeah, well, in the meantime,
you're letting him go free
and attack other women.
Now, you talked me
into coming down here
and helping, and
now you're trying
to talk me out of
identifying him.
Look, it's no good if you
don't believe it yourself.
JAKE: One more thing about
the way the guy sounded.
Do you think it
could've been a cold
or, uh, maybe hay fever?
He sounded as if he
could hardly breathe.
Could've been allergic.
(sighs): Could be.
But not at at the beginning.
Could've been
allergic to your cat.
I bet you're right.
I've seen exactly the
same reaction before.
So have I.
All right, thank you, Leslie.
We'll be in touch with you.
It's McCabe.
I want a plain
wrapped tail on Tucker
from the minute he leaves
the building around the clock.
Yeah, that's right.
(hangs up phone)
I was at Tucker's place
today talking to his landlady.
She had cats and
dogs all over the place.
Well, if Tucker's allergic,
he'd never be
able to live there.
Yeah, that's right.
Oh, I, uh
I met someone at Owens College.
He had a very strong reaction
to the hairs from
Leslie's cat on my jacket.
It was a guy.
Matter of fact
he looked very
much like this sketch.
Oh, who's that?
Dwayne Tucker's group therapist.
Dr. Robert Byers.
BYERS: Breathe deeply
like I've taught you.
Breathe out.
Center yourself.
That's better.
What should I do, Dr. Byers?
What if the police
keep after me?
Suppose they find out I hung
around the drama department.
That's where one of
those women was raped.
Remember I talked
about seeing that woman?
Yes, Dwayne, I remember.
I mean, I didn't
do anything wrong.
There's no crime
in looking, is there?
I even saw you there once.
When was that?
You were sitting in
your car late one night
when that actress
was going home.
I see.
What should I do, Doctor?
Go to the gym.
Work out.
Take a swim.
I don't really feel like
It'll calm you.
Now, I've got
some things to do
but I'll call you later.
Be home in a couple of
hours, and we'll talk then.
Go on.
Doctor's orders.
Okay, thank you.
(door opening, closing)

(engine starting)
Two-five delta, this is Hummel.
It looks like our
subject's calling it a night.
(tires screeching)
I never left my apartment
the entire evening.
I don't know how
my car got there.
Leslie, we believe you,
but we had to bring
you in for questioning.
You can see how it looks.
Your car was the murder
weapon, and you did have a motive.
I still can't believe
this is happening.
Leslie, we'll have
someone take you home.
You get some rest.
Jake and I will
sort this all out.
Come on.
If I were you, I would, uh
I would go out the back way.
There's, uh, quite a
few reporters downstairs.
Oh, great.
That's all I need.
Damn it to hell.
I got her into this mess.
Now I've got to
get her out of it.
It's my responsibility.
You can't blame yourself, J.L.
But the irony is
she didn't do it.
Yeah, and Tucker
didn't do it, either,
and you and I both know that.
I'm betting that
Byers knows that, too.
I had Derek run a check.
Byers is Mr. Straight.
No record at all.
And yet you're
asking me to believe
that he's framed two people,
he's a serial
rapist and a killer?
Let me ask you something.
Who else knew that Tucker
was our prime suspect?
Well, you've got a point there.
We zero in on the
college and all of a sudden
we get an anonymous phone
call about Byers' patient, Tucker.
I tell you, it's Byers.
He's a car buff.
He know how to hotwire a car.
Well, we can't put
him in the lineup
for Leslie to identify.
Her credibility as a
witness is shot to hell.
We've got to get this guy.
But how?
Oh, Bob?
Morning, Dr. Lynch.
Morning, Courtney.
I was shocked to hear
about Dwayne Tucker,
and the Randall woman.
It was a blow to all of us.
My phone has been
ringing off the hook.
The media's calling us to task
for harboring a
psychotic, that sort of thing.
They want to know who
on the staff was treating him.
I said most of us
had from time to time.
The calls have been
coming in here, too.
I'd like to see as
little negative publicity
reflecting on the
department as possible, Bob.
I'm doing my best, Helen.
It's not an easy situation.
Would you like me to handle it?
No, I can do it!
All right. All right,
Bob, all right.
Don't worry.
Office politics?
Uh, what? Oh, uh
she's chairman
of the department.
Boy, I'll tell you.
I know how it can be to have
a woman like that on your case.
She's a little
young, though, to be
a head of a
department, isn't she?
She's very
accomplished in the field.
Yeah, I bet she is.
I bet she is.
You were just talking about
Dwayne Tucker's
murder, weren't you?
Yes. I've got a court order
for your files on Tucker.
Oh, even now that he's dead?
Well, yeah, especially
now that he's dead.
Very well.
Uh, may I have a seat?
Thank you.
These notes cover the 15 months
I've counseled Tucker
privately and in group.
His death releases
me from confidentiality.
Any tapes?
Well, I record all my sessions,
but only for my immediate
review, and then I
record over the old tapes.
Did you record
Tucker last night?
Last night?
Yeah, he was here a
little after 9:00, I believe.
We had a tail on him.
Oh, uh, yes.
He was very upset
about being questioned,
but I was on the way out
and I didn't tape anything.
That's too bad.
It could've been very useful.
Doctor, let me
let me ask you a question.
Why didn't you pick up on him?
I mean, he was your patient.
Lieutenant, you're right.
I must confess to some
degree of responsibility.
Now, maybe if I'd been
more successful with Dwayne,
he never would've been driven
to strike out against
these women.
But in all the years of
my being a therapist,
I must've heard
hundreds of similar
fantasy-oriented obsessions.
Like this, for example?
"The patient
expresses sexual urges
towards a female lecturer
from the drama department."
It says he is
"overwhelmed by the desire
to dominate her."
Do you hear a lot of that?
Well, I realize now
that that woman
became one of his
victims Too late.
I notice that most of
these statements are, uh
from private
sessions, not group.
Is that correct?
Yes, Dwayne wasn't very
expressive in a group setting.
I honestly didn't think Dwayne
was capable of violence.
Everything in his
record indicated
that these veiled threats
were the result of
delusional episodes.
If I'd thought otherwise,
I certainly would've
warned the potential victims
or tried talking Dwayne
into turning himself in.
Oh, I'm sure you would have.
I'm sure you would have.
Well, I don't know a whole lot
about delusional episodes,
but I do know a
lot about evidence.
I know this is going to
sound real off base to you,
but I'm really wondering
if Dwayne Tucker
committed those rapes.
Why do you say that?
Well, the man who
attacked Miss Randall
was allergic to cats.
Dwayne wasn't.
Can you be sure of that?
Oh, no, I'm very
sure. I checked.
He had two cats.
Matter of fact,
the landlady said
that he had no
problem with them.
Well, allergies can
sometimes come and go.
Oh, that's true, that's true.
That's very true.
But I've got to tell you,
after looking over the
new evidence in this file
it's looking more and more
like Dwayne was
the one all along.
I appreciate your time.
(door opens and closes)
WOMAN: And to think
he was sitting here,
right next to me.
BYERS: How does that
make you feel, Kathy?
Right now?
KATHY: I don't know.
I mean, I should feel
creepy, but it's funny.
Dwayne was such a quiet guy.
So unthreatening.
It's hard to believe what
we're hearing about him now.
Dr. Byers?
Oh, yes, Kathy.
Does anyone else
care to talk about it?
I'm on my way home, Doctor.
There's a woman waiting
to see you in your office.
In my office? Who's that?
She wouldn't give her name.
She seemed really upset.
I wish you wouldn't
do that, Courtney.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
It just seemed like she
really needed some help.
My name is Leslie Randall.
How can I help you?
I understand you were
Dwayne Tucker's therapist.
Please, sit down.
I was the one he
raped the other night.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm so confused, Dr. Byers.
Please forgive me if
I don't make sense.
Just relax.
You're doing fine.
What was he like?
The man I'm supposed
to have killed?
Why do you want to know?
Feelings of guilt, maybe.
I'm not sure.
Tucker wasn't a violent man.
Not really.
He just resented
being pushed around
by certain people, and the anger
would well up in him
against those people
who tried to rob him
of his masculinity.
And he'd strike back,
finding no outlet for that
anger until he forcibly attacked
the object of that anger.
The police tell me that you
ran him down with your car.
I didn't do it.
I told them that.
I've had this dream
A nightmare, really
Where I see him.
I see Tucker.
And I'm behind the
wheel of my car
And I step on the pedal
And I see his face just as
But I didn't leave my
apartment that night, I swear.
I couldn't have.
Are you sure it
was only a dream?
I'm sorry.
Coming here was a mistake.
I don't know what
I was thinking.
I'm sorry.
(door opens and closes)
The District Attorney's
Office, please.
How'd it go?
It's him.
I know it's him.
You're sure?
It was all I could do
to stay in the same
room with him.
I'm sorry to have to
put you through this.
(engine starts)
Doctor, good morning.
Oh, hi! How are you?
Lieutenant. I was watching
you run around that track.
Healthy body,
healthy mind, right?
That's the idea, Lieutenant.
Yeah, I believe in
physical fitness myself.
Well, are you
here to run or talk?
No, I'm here to talk,
as a matter of fact.
Listen, I just, uh
I got this tape
that you sent over.
We gave a listen to this.
It's got some pretty
interesting stuff on it.
Is this privileged information?
Well, the woman came
into my office, Yeah.
Said what you heard. Uh-huh.
There's no formal
relationship between us.
Right. She's not my patient.
I see no problem. Okay, good.
I know you only spent
a few moments with her,
but, uh, in your
professional opinion,
would you say that
this tape is confession?
This one's all yours.
There's no way
for me to know that.
Well, I guess it does
pretty much speak for itself.
I think it does.
That's why I wanted the
district attorney to hear it.
Uh-huh, well, that's good.
You did the right thing.
Look, by the way,
we're going to need you
to come to court
and testify so the D.A.
can introduce this
tape as evidence.
Is that okay with you?
Of course. Great.
You know, I really
feel sorry for that lady.
Maybe she can make a
case for temporary insanity,
I don't know.
Well, in any event,
it should be an
interesting day in court.
Look, thank you for your
time. Have a good run.
Okay? All right. Bye-bye.
In the matter of the
People v. Leslie Randall,
are the People ready to proceed?
J.L.: We are, Your Honor.
The Defense? Ready, Your Honor.
Call your first witness.
The People call Dr. Robert
Byers to the stand.
Dr. Byers, for the record,
will you please tell us
your title and where you work?
I'm the Director of
Graduate Studies
at the Department of
Psychology at Owens College.
And what are your
duties, Doctor?
I teach, conduct research,
and, uh
the counseling of graduate
students for their patients.
You also see patients
yourself, don't you, Doctor?
Uh, yes.
I conduct groups
and, uh, see patients privately.
And was Dwayne Tucker
one of the patients?
BYERS: He was.
Well, we'll come
to the matter of your treatment
of Mr. Tucker, but first,
excuse me, Your Honor.
Uh, I'd like to get something
out of my briefcase.
Probably should've
done it before we started,
but you know me.
Excuse me, Your Honor.
I know it's here somewhere.
J.L.: No, excuse
Ah, there it is.
There it is. Yes.
I have here a tape recording
of the defendant's voice
which was made
in Dr. Byers' office
the night of January 12.
Uh, mark it People's
One, please.
Any objections?
We have no
objections, Your Honor.
We're aware of the tape.
Now, Dr. Byers,
before we play the tape,
I'd like to ask you a
couple of questions, if I may.
The defendant came
to your office that night.
Is that correct? Yes.
And what was the
reason for this visit?
Well, she, um,
had a dream about Dwayne Tucker,
uh, that was disturbing her.
And didn't she also
want to ask you
something about the victim?
That's what she said, yes.
And what did you tell her?
I told her why I thought
Tucker had turned to rape.
Would you now
also tell the court?
I don't think this is
the time (coughs)
or the place.
Well, it's on the
tape, Dr. Byers.
If you prefer, we
can just play the tape.
It really doesn't matter to us.
Well, I told her that, um,
he resented being
pushed around by
J.L.: By whom?
Uh, by, uh, people
Authority figures.
Authority figures.
Yes, of course.
Uh, men or women?
He felt they threatened
his masculinity
and that made him angry,
so angry that he turned violent.
I now show the court
Dr. Helen Lynch's
file on Dwayne Tucker.
Mark it People's Two,
would you please?
Dr. Lynch is dean of the
Department of Psychology
at Owens College
and has also counseled
Dwayne Tucker on and
off for the past two years.
Dr. Lynch reports, and I quote,
"Tucker suffers
"from an introverted
personality behavior
"causing him to be shy
"around women, passive,
"and nonaggressive.
"He is slow
"to anger
and when provoked,
retreats inwardly."
Now that's a direct
contradiction to your diagnosis,
is it not, sir?
She's wrong.
Dead wrong.
I knew my patient
much better than she did.
Yes, but according to this,
you concurred with
Dr. Lynch's evaluation
less than six months ago.
I changed my mind.
That's not uncommon.
Besides, Dr. Lynch hadn't
seen Tucker professionally
for some time.
J.L.: All right.
Do you remember approximately
when you noted that change?
It would be in my file there.
I show the court Dr. Byers' file
on the victim, Dwayne Tucker.
Mark it People's Exhibit
Number Three, please.
I find a notation
here and I quote,
"In a romantic
"sexual situation
"patient becomes frustrated,
"sees women as threatening,
seeks dominance."
And that's dated
October 17 of last year.
That would be the one.
You're sure?
Of course I'm sure!
Well, I don't mean to
contradict you, Doctor Byers,
but it seems that
here in her file,
Dr. Lynch does.
According to this, Dr. Lynch
had Dwayne Tucker
as a full time volunteer
in a research project for
the entire week of the 17th.
Now, how could you
have been seeing him
if he was seeing
Dr. Lynch full time?
Well, her dates
have to be wrong.
You're trying to
discredit me, aren't you?
You changed those dates.
Your Honor, may I
have a moment, please?
Thank you.
(clears throat)
Dr. Byers,
would you please tell the court
why you believe Dr. Lynch
would try to discredit you?
They're all in it together.
J.L.: Who is "they," Doctor?
They're saying I
did it, but it's not true.
They're saying
you did what, Doctor?
Raped them, but it was Tucker.
It wasn't me.
Raped whom, Doctor?
The three of them
sitting with Dr. Lynch.
Your Honor,
with the court's permission,
I would like to ask
that the spectators
seated next to Dr. Lynch
please rise.
All right, I'll allow it.
Dr. Byers,
are these the three
you were referring to?
They're the ones.
J.L.: Now, would you
identify yourselves, please,
My name is Laura Creighton.
I'm Linda Flores.
My name is Susan Barrington.
J.L.: Thank you, ladies.
You may sit down.
Dr. Byers,
I would like for
you to tell the court
how you know Miss
Creighton was assaulted?
Oh, I must have
read it somewhere.
And Miss Flores?
I don't know.
I-I saw her picture in
the papers or on TV or
How about Miss Barrington?
I'm not answering any
more of these questions.
Your Honor, let the record show
that, just as Dr. Byers
said a few minutes ago,
these women were all victims
of the Prime Time Stalker.
none of these women's
identities was publicized
by the media.
Out of all the women
in this courtroom today,
how could Dr. Byers pick
out these three women
whose pictures have
never appeared anywhere
and correctly
identify them unless
he had firsthand
knowledge himself
that they'd been
victims of the Stalker?
You set Dwayne
Tucker up, didn't you?
And when your
allergy gave you away,
you killed that poor,
troubled young man
and framed Leslie Randall,
didn't you?
Your Honor, the People move
that the case against
Leslie Randall be dismissed
so that charges may be brought
against Dr. Robert
JUDGE: So ordered.
Bailiff is instructed
to take Dr. Byers into custody.
Case dismissed.
This court is adjourned.
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