Legend of the Seeker s01e13 Episode Script


That spell, it's awakening the dark spirits that guard this place.
It's a wolf.
The wizard who sold me this scroll swore it was a spell of opening, not awakening.
Then the evil spirits were already awake.
Stop thinking about spirits.
Let's think about the treasure that's inside.
Old idols with emeralds and ruby eyes.
Scabbed and encrusted with moon diamonds.
Open it then.
Follow me.
Don't be a fool.
It's not real.
Let's get those statues.
Hold the door! Ignaz, hold! Ignaz! Open that door! Who are you? Legend of the Seeker SO1E13 "Revenant" subtitle by rogard The Seeker's last battle had been won.
But the Seeker was mortally wounded.
The Confessor knew that she too was dying, but she had no thought for herself, only for him.
My quest is finished.
And now, Vivian, I am dying.
We die together, as it should be.
Their deaths were witnessed only by the Great Wizard Anfortas.
He picked up the sword, knowing he must keep it hidden until the rise of a new Seeker, who might also be asked to die for a glorious cause.
It's too bad they couldn't have lived to see the world they've saved.
But they died, knowing they'd fulfilled their destiny.
And at least they died together.
Soon we'll arrive at the crypt of Tavarang, and you'll see wher the ancient Seeker lies buried.
And there, we'll hide the Box of Orden, where Darken Rahl will never find it.
Are you sure the Box of Orden will be safe there? The outer door is sealed by magic.
And I have the only key to the crypt where Kieran lies.
It's fitting that he will for one last time help protect the world against evil.
Richard? What is it? I was thinking.
My quest will end with the death of Darken Rahl.
Are you worried you won't succeed? No, it's not that.
Then what? The prophecy says I will defeat Rahl.
It doesn't say what will happen to us.
This way.
Here, look.
There's the story from the book.
There's the Sword of Truth.
It's hard to believe this is the same sword.
It's more than just a story.
This is it.
The inner crypt where Kieran lies.
I would've liked to have known him.
Ancient Seeker, you once defeated those who would enslave the Midlands.
We ask you to keep this box safe and aid us once again.
Take the box, Richard.
Place it inside with Kieran.
Where is the remains? There's nothing here.
No bones, no burial cloth.
I don't understand.
This key has been held only by wizards since the day Kieran was buried.
Something's not right.
Zedd? The door.
It sealed itself.
We must've sprung some sort of magical trap when we opened the sarcophagus.
We need to find another way out.
Wandering around blindly we'll get into even worse trouble.
Worse than being trapped alive in an ancient tomb? What was that? Maybe this wasn't some magical trap.
Maybe we're not alone in here.
Someone's crying.
Richard, be careful.
Who's there? Apparently it's not as hard to get in as it is to get out.
Stop! Richard! KAHLAN: Richard? Where are you? Kahlan, wait! Stay where you are.
Wait for me.
Kahlan? Richard.
I'm right here.
Then who was I following? Who are you? What do you want? Don't follow her.
She's crying.
She needs help.
How did she-? She is not of our realm, Richard.
She's a spirit.
I thought that spirits were supposed to spend eternity in the underworld.
Most spirits are content in the underworld, reunited with the people that they loved in life.
But sometimes they have unfinished business.
She was wearing a confessor's dress.
Maybe she was Vivian's spirit.
Vivian helped Kieran complete his quest.
She died with him.
What unfinished business would she have? Maybe she's trying to tell us.
There's a door here.
Maybe she was trying to show us a way out? Can you open it? Stop! Don't open it! Stay back! You don't know what you're doing! The door must not be opened! No! Who are you? Why did you attack us? I came to steal treasure.
I didn't believe the tales of evil spirits.
But then I found myself possessed by one.
That light that left you? It was the spirit who has owned me for five long years.
It forced me to attack you to keep you from opening that door.
Why? This place is full of great evil.
Get out.
Get out while you still can.
We are dealing with more than one spirit.
One of them led us to this door and the other tried to kill us to keep us from opening it.
It could be a way out.
Restless spirits are unpredictable.
I've heard stories of the spirits of mothers mourning for their children, leading them to their deaths.
But Vivian was a confessor.
Even as a spirit she'd never harm the Seeker.
We should open the door.
I don't know.
What choice do we have? There is no other way out.
It's an ancient language.
The same as the Book of Counted Shadows.
It says: "Here lies Kieran, the True Seeker.
" Why would his body be hidden away in a plain casket when a secret crypt was built just for him? We don't know for certain that his body is even in there.
Let's find out.
Richard, don't.
You don't know what's in there.
Someone's cut off his head.
Why? This is a wizard's spell.
These magical bindings keep the spirit from moving to it's final resting place in the underworld.
So he's never been reunited with his family, his loved ones? That must be why Vivian walks here.
That's why she was crying.
Because the Seeker is trapped here.
She can't be with him.
And she's been waiting for a thousand years to be reunited with him.
We might wait for her for the next thousand years if we don't find a way out.
I think this is our way out.
Maybe Vivian trapped us here because she wanted us to help Kieran.
And maybe, once Kieran's free, she'll free us too.
Undoing another wizard's magic is a violation.
So is beheading a Seeker.
Kieran gave up everything for his quest.
His spirit should be with his father, his mother, his confessor.
People he loved.
Not trapped here alone in the dark.
I agree, it's terrible, but wizards don't do things like this lightly.
Who knows what will happen if we unbind him? We can't leave him like this, alone.
Think of everything he sacrificed.
I sincerely hope I don't end up regretting this.
As I destroy these bindings, so shall this spirit be free.
As this cloth is consumed by flame, so shall the bindings release.
Richard! Can you hear me, boy? I'm fine.
Are you sure you're not hurt? Now let's see if that door is open.
Not yet.
Kieran's spirit is free, but his body is still hidden, like something shameful.
We need to return him to the crypt.
When the road you walk is dark, may you always see the light ahead.
May you always remember that you do not walk alone.
Now that Kieran is laid to rest, let us hope our task here is done.
Lead the way.
Richard, what are you doing? Richard! It's not Richard anymore.
It's Kieran.
Fight this, Richard.
Fight this spirit that possesses you.
He can't hear you anymore.
Richard freed your spirit, and this is how you repay him? I'm taking back what that wizard Anfortas stole from me a thousand years ago.
What are you talking about? He didn't understand the bond between Confessor and Seeker.
And he betrayed me.
Kieran, Vivian must leave us.
Why? There is too much between you.
I see it in oyur eyes.
- You love her.
- We've done nothing wrong.
I have watched the two of you growing closer.
Vivian has become a distraction, and that's putting your quest in jeopardy.
I swear I will remain true to my quest, but you must swear you won't send her away.
Swear it.
I swear.
But Enfortas lied to me.
Just as you lied to him.
I'm a confessor.
I can see that you loved Vivian.
What if I did? My feelings for Vivian weren't keeping me from my quest.
But Anfortas wouldn't trust me.
Vivian! Wait! Where are you going? Anfortas thinks that it's too dangerous for me to stay at your side.
How could the? He swore he wouldn't send you away.
He said that you think more of me than you do of your quest.
Oh Vivian.
We belong to each other.
We never can, and you know why.
Because your love would enslave me? Yes.
Vivian, there's no harm you could do to me.
I will already do anything that you ask, because I'm already yours to command.
She gave in to her passion.
And you were confessed.
She violated her most sacred duty, to protect the Seeker.
Our love only strengthened our bond.
But Anfortas thought as you did.
He was determined to destroy us.
What you did was wrong.
What you're doing now is wrong.
You have to release the Seeker.
Release him? Why would I do that? What good does it do you to possess his body when Vivian is only a spirit, waiting for you to join her in the underworld? Stay back! You won't do anything to hurt me.
You hurt me, you hurt your Seeker.
I have no intention to join Vivian in the Underworld.
I have a body now.
And once I finish with this grace, Vivian will have a body too.
Richard! Kahlan! Stay back, creature, or I'll blast you back to whatever dark hole you came from.
If you do that, you, your Seeker and your Confessor will be trapped in this tomb for all eternity.
Who are you? I am the spirit of Anfortas.
Wizard to Kieran.
Now when your Seeker killed this body, I've used an ancient spell of awakening to occupy it once more.
But I only have a thousand heatbeats before it dies again, so listen to me.
- Can you open this door? - Not until you listen to me.
I'm the one that tried to stop you from unbinding Kieran's body.
Why? Because the story you know of Kieran is a lie.
How did you come to learn this magic? Maybe you don't know as much about Seekers as you thought.
One thousand years ago, Kieran and Vivian did the worst thing a Seeker and a Confessor could do.
- They consummated their love.
- Yes.
And it ruined Kieran.
He let Count Elrond, his greatest foe, slip through his fingers because he thought only of protecting Vivian.
I need to protect my Seeker, my Confessor.
Now open this door! You must listen to me! I went to Vivian and made it clear she had a terrible decision to make.
He is unsure in battle.
He thinks of nothing but you.
You must release him.
Do you know what you're asking? There is only one way to release a confessed man.
The Seeker can not fulfill his destiny as long as you are alive.
Has she defied you, the Seeker remained confessed and failed his quest because of it.
No, wizard.
Vivian knew her duty.
Vivian! Vivian, where are you? Vivian.
Vivian, what have you done? What I had to, Kieran.
I will wait for you in the underworld.
No, Vivian, you can't leave me.
You have betrayed me, Anfortas.
I will never stop loving Vivian or hating you! I've never seen a look full of such loathing.
But we had a quest to complete.
I thought once Kieran was no longer under Vivian's control, his grief would fade, and he would come back to himself.
But he didn't.
A normal man, freed from his Confessor, would return to his former life as if nothing had happened.
But a Seeker and a Confessor have a special bond.
It's stronger than even I could fathom.
And even Vivian's dath could break it.
It was as if Kieran's soul had been torn from him, leaving nothing but anger and hate.
When he took up the sword again- The Sword of Truth feeds on rage.
It made his anger grow.
It overtook him.
It drove him mad.
These people weren't soldiers.
You have betrayed innocence.
This world has no innocence.
You have betrayed your quest.
You have tarnished the name of Seeker.
And you took everything from me! Vivian and I won't be kept apart.
Even if you kill me, you won't stop me.
I must! I will! I feared Kieran's vow, that he wouldn't rest, even in death.
I realize in my prey of the spirits of the underworld, destroying the peace they'd found in life.
So I had to bind his spirit.
If you had allowed his spirit to reunite with Vivian, then Kieran would've found peace and none of this would be happening! If you hadn't unbound Kieran, Kieran wouldn't be trying to reunite with Vivian now in the flesh.
Vivian? Kieran.
My love.
He's using Kahlan's body as a vessel.
Richard will be confessed.
He'll become a monster, just like Kieran.
Finally what the wizard stole from us is ours, forever.
I have enough power left to cast a spell that will keep him here in the crypt.
You can't do that! Without the Seeker, Darken Rahl will conquer the world.
Thousands will die.
And how many will die if Kieran's wrath is unleashed upon the world again? Then let me into the tomb and I will drive Kieran's spirit from Richard's body.
And if you cannot? Are you willing to kill your Seeker? No.
This is wrong.
We can't do this.
We sacrificed our love.
Once we deserve to be happy together.
You said you would wait for me, and you did.
We're finally together.
We can't throw this chance away.
Richard is more than just the Seeker to me.
That was Kieran to me.
I loved him, protected him, taught him.
So I hesitated because I loved him.
That hesitation led not only to the loss of many innocent lives, it led to the loss of Kieran's soul too.
You led a wizard to my hiding place where Anfortas had bound me.
Why would you do that if you didn't want us to be together? I only did that so that he would free your spirit.
So we could be together in the underworld.
Our love is beyond flesh.
That is a lie that the wizard told us, so we would be content to live without something everyone else takes for granted.
But this Confessor, this Seeker, they have a destiny too.
A destiny that is destroying them, just as it did us.
They love each other.
I know you can feel it.
This will be a way for them to be together too.
Oh, Vivian.
I've wanted to touch you for so long.
And I missed you so much.
This is all that matters.
We're all that matters.
If you tell me you don't love me, I will release you.
Tell me you don't love me, that you don't want me.
I can't tell you that.
The door to the outside world is open.
If you're unwilling to do your duty, wizard, then leave.
I will do my duty as First Wizard.
Now let me in! You said you could open it.
This body is weakening.
I'm not strong enough.
Maybe if you join me.
Look! Remember what happened to Kieran.
Death is not the worst fate that can befall a Seeker.
No! Stay away, Wizard.
Your Seeker and Confessor are gone.
Kieran, stop! What are you doing? This time the story is gonna end the way it's supposed to.
I won't let you kill him.
Vivian, don't make the Seeker lose everything for a love that is not even his.
And what about my love for Kieran? Go back to the underworld and let Kieran follow you there.
I trusted Anfortas and I waited in the underworld for a thousand years! - Alone! - That won't happen this time.
You'll bind him again and we'll never be together.
I left him once.
I'll never leave him again.
No! Anfortas was right about one thing.
A Confessor can be replaced.
A Seeker cannot.
Stop it! What are you doing? I will do anything to protect the Seeker.
Including killing his Confessor! I will drive Vivian from this body and I will bind her spirit so that you'll never be together, in this world or the next.
Please! then leave Richard's body and I will allow Vivian to follow you in the underworld.
Why should I believe you? Because I do not Anfortas.
I believe a Seeker and a Confessor belong together, Kieran.
In the Underworld, you and Vivian can exist in peace.
But you can't be together here.
Your only choice is to trust me, Seeker.
Then this time, Vivian, it is I who'll be waiting for you in the underworld.
You're free, Vivian.
Go find him.
Thank you, wizard.
Obviously we can't leave the box in this cursed place.
The Story of Vivian and Kieran, the one that's in the book it's been handed down for a thousand years.
Passed down as truth.
Maybe it was a necessary lie.
People need a heroe.
So the legend can be preserved no matter what the truth is? I won't judge Anfortas for changing the story.
It's a great responsibility to name a Seeker.
One mistake and send them spiralling into darkness.
When Kieran possessed me, I sensed that darkness.
And there was something else.
Something I've never felt before.
A power.
Magical power.
Kieran had magic.
He was strong enough to draw a grace.
How could he do that? It's Rahl.
- I don't understand.
- It's a tracer cloud.
Powerful magic.
He's tracking us.
I don't think it's us he's focused on.
It's the Box of Orden.
I'll cast a Spell of Obscuring.
Following the box won't be such an easy task for him now.
Where do we take it? Not we.
You can't go off on your own.
I won't allow the box to be the beacon that leads Rahl to Richard.
I'll rejoin you once I'll hide it.
Where? It's safer if only I know the answer to that.
I'll find you once the box is hidden.
I don't need to tell you both Be careful.
I don't like it when Zedd goes off by himself.
He's willing to take the risk for the sake of your quest.
In the crypt he was ready to sacrifice you.
He was jsut doing what he had to.
To keep us from becomeing like Vivian and Kieran.
That won't happen.
They probably thought the same thing.
But in that moment of weakness, they lost everything.
You know, we're stronger than they were.
I hope you're right.
Love isn't something to fear, Kahlan.
For me it is.

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