Little Einsteins (2005) s01e13 Episode Script

The Mouse and the Moon

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
The Mouse and the Moon.
[Annie] Ancient Greek and Roman mosaics.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Hi, I'm Quincy.
It's nighttime.
My friends and I are camping out.
Look-- Rocket made a tent for us.
[xylophone plays notes]
Hi there.
June brought her telescope
so we could look
at the stars and the Moon,
But where is the Moon?
Do you see the Moon?
Yeah, there's the Moon.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[June] Wow, the Moon looks marvelous.
I wish the Moon could see us.
Hello, Moon, look at me. I'm Quincy.
I don't think the Moon
can hear you, Quincy.
The Moon is very far away.
Maybe the Moon will hear me
if I play my violin.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Look at that. It worked!
The Moon sees Quincy.
Quincy, the Moon is saying hi to you.
[all] Hooray!
Do it again, Quincy!
Yeah, we want the Moon to see us.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
See the Moon ♪
I hope the Moon sees me ♪
See the Moon ♪
I hope the Moon sees me ♪
The Moon sees
The Moon sees Leo.
The Moon sees June.
The Moon sees Rocket.
[plays notes]
[all] The Moon sees you!
The Moon is shining so brightly.
Let's wave to the Moon.
Hi, Moon!
The Moon sees everybody.
[clarinet plays notes]
I hear something.
It sounds squeaky.
[plays notes]
Look-- It's a little mouse.
[plays notes]
Hello, Little Mouse.
I'm Quincy.
[plays notes]
He's so cute!
What's he holding?
Oh, wow, he's got a present!
Little Mouse, who's that present for?
[plays notes]
[Annie gasps] It's a present for the Moon.
Oh, that's so nice, Little Mouse.
I'm sure the Moon will love your present.
[plays notes]
I'll help you, Little Mouse.
I'll use my violin to call to the
The Moon already left.
[plays notes]
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Do you see where the Moon went?
Oh, yeah, look.
The Moon is going
behind that far, far, faraway mountain.
The Moon went all the way
to the Matterhorn in Switzerland.
Wait, Moon, come back!
Little Mouse has a present for you.
It's too late.
The Moon is so far away,
she can't hear us now.
[plays notes]
Aw, Little Mouse,
you really, really want to give
your present to the Moon, don't you?
[plays notes]
Well, we can help you.
We'll get you to that mountain.
Then you can give
your present to the Moon.
[plays notes]
Will you help Little Mouse
get to the mountain
so he can give his present to the Moon?
We've got a mission!
We have to get Little Mouse
to the mountain
so he can give his present to the Moon.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on.
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled!
Prepare for blast-off!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
Little Mouse is patting his paws.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "Blast-off!"
[all] Blast-off!
[Annie] Hold on tight 'cause here we go!
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Come on.
We've got to help Little Mouse
get to the mountain
so he can give his present to the Moon.
See the Moon ♪
I hope the Moon sees me ♪
Leo, we need to hurry
and get to that mountain
before the Moon goes down.
[Quincy] I hear something.
Look-- It's the musical roller coaster.
That will help us go fast.
Rocket, to the roller coaster!
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[all] Whoa!
We are flying high ♪
Through the sky, me, oh, my ♪
Then we feel our rock et jump ♪
What was that?
[Leo] Check out that sign.
[Quincy] Oh, yeah.
Look at those big bumps in the track.
The music is staccato, all right.
[violins play notes]
Let's keep going,
but we're going
to have to be on the lookout
for more staccato music.
[clarinet plays notes]
I don't see staccato.
We need your help.
Can you say "Staccato"?
Say "Staccato."
If you see any bumps in the music track,
say "Staccato."
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Okay, team, hang on tight.
[Annie] We are flying high ♪
[all] Through the sky, me, oh, my ♪
Then we feel our rock et jump ♪
Big bumps!
[plays notes]
Keep watching.
Remember, if you see any bumps
in the tracks, say "Staccato."
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Yikes! Hang on, team.
The tracks are going to get very staccato.
Sing with us.
We are flying high ♪
Through the sky, me, oh, my ♪
then we feel our rock et jump ♪
[all] Whoa!
[Leo] Oh, no!
Little Mouse's present for the Moon.
It's falling, falling, falling.
Go, Rocket, go!
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[June] Open, close. Open, close.
Quick-- Help Rocket
catch Little Mouse's present.
Open your hands like the grab-nabber.
Stretch your fingers.
Now close them.
Open, close. Open, close.
Open, close. Open, close.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[Annie] Did Rocket get the present?
[all] Hooray for Rocket!
[Leo] He got it!
Thanks for helping.
There you go, Little Mouse.
[plays notes]
Look-- We're getting closer
to that mountain.
And the Moon.
Yes, but first we have to go
through that dark, spooky forest.
[all] Dark, spooky forest?
[all] Ooh!
[plays notes]
Don't worry, guys,
we can get through
this dark, spooky forest
as long as we stick together.
Hey, I don't see Little Mouse.
Which way did Little Mouse go?
Into the dark, spooky forest?
Oh, no.
Come on!
He went in all by himself.
We've got to find him.
Little Mouse, wait!
[all] Ooh, dark and spooky.
Little Mouse sure is brave
to run in here all by himself.
That little guy will do anything
to bring his present to the Moon.
Little Mouse, where are you?
[woodwinds playing notes]
I hear a lot of animals,
but they don't sound like Little Mouse.
Hey, guys, I think
there might be animals in this forest
who will try to take
Little Mouse's present.
[clarinet plays "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
I think I heard him.
This way.
[clarinet plays "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Do you hear Little Mouse?
Yeah, he sounds like he's right nearby.
Maybe he's hiding in the grass.
[orchestra plays "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Does that sound like Little Mouse?
No, it's crickets.
Maybe he's hiding in the bushes.
[flute plays "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Does that sound like Little Mouse?
No, it's a little bird-- A nightingale.
[Leo] Nightingales love to sing at night.
[June] They are nocturnal.
Maybe he's hiding by the tree.
[clarinet plays "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"]
Does that sound like Little Mouse?
Yes, it's Little Mouse.
And, look, there he is.
What's he doing?
[June] He's hiding.
I wonder who he's hiding from.
Oh, I see what animal he's hiding from.
What animal is that?
An owl. Right.
[Leo] Yikes!
Little Mouse is worried
that owl will try to take
his present for the Moon.
We need to help Little Mouse
sneak past the owl.
I have a plan.
We can sneak past the owl
when he's not looking.
Let's clap softly to the beat.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
Can you clap softly to the beat with me?
We have to be careful.
When the owl opens his eyes again,
you have to stop clapping and freeze
so the owl doesn't see us.
Let's clap the beat.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
-[music stops]
[plays notes]
Ooh, that was close.
The owl didn't see us.
Keep clapping softly to the beat.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
-[music stops]
[plays notes]
Phew! The owl didn't see us.
Come on. We can make it past him.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
All right! We got past the owl.
[plays notes]
Way to clap softly to the beat.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[Leo] Look-- Little Mouse
found the way out of the forest.
Now we can find that mountain
so you can give your present to the Moon.
[plays notes]
I think he's excited.
Ohh, there are so many mountains.
You're right, Annie.
I don't see the mountain
with the Moon on top.
Do you see it?
Oh, yeah, there's the Matterhorn.
And there's the Moon right behind it.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
See the Moon ♪
I hope the Moon sees me ♪
[plays notes]
[all] Snow!
[xylophone plays notes]
[all] Super skis!
Great idea, Rocket.
We can ski down this hill
to the Matterhorn mountain.
To Rocket!
Hang on tight.
We're going to ski!
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[all] Whee!
We ski ♪
To and fro through the snow
Here we go ♪
Then we feel our rock et jump ♪
What was that?
[Annie and June] Snow bumps!
[Leo] We're going to have to be careful.
We need your help.
If you see any bumps in the snow,
say "Staccato."
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Okay, team, hang on tight.
We ski ♪
To and fro through the snow
Here we go ♪
Then we feel our rock et jump ♪
-Big ones.
-Big bumps.
[clarinet plays notes]
Keep watching.
Remember, if you see
any bumps in the snow,
say "Staccato."
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Are the bumps big or small?
Hang on, team, we're going to have
to bounce over the bumps.
Sing with us.
We ski ♪
To and fro through the snow
Here we go ♪
Then we feel our rock et jump ♪
[all] Whoa!
Very staccato!
Thanks for helping.
Great skiing, Rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
Now we're ready to climb
the Matterhorn Mountain
so Little Mouse can give
his present to the Moon.
[clarinet plays notes]
[Annie] But how are we going
to get all the way up
to the tippy-top
of the Matterhorn Mountain?
[xylophone plays notes]
I think Rocket has an idea.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
Look-- Those gondolas
go up high into the mountain.
Great idea, Rocket.
[plays notes]
Rocket's giving us a gondola ride.
[all] Whee!
Ooh, it's hard to go so high.
Rocket needs more power.
Pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
See the Moon ♪
I hope the Moon sees me ♪
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[Leo] We made it!
Good patting.
Okay, Little Mouse, this is it,
and I'm going with you.
I'll make sure the Moon sees you.
[clarinet plays notes]
Come on.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
They made it to the top.
[all] Hooray!
And look.
[Leo] The Moon!
[plays notes]
The Moon didn't hear Little Mouse.
[gasps] The Moon is going down!
Quincy, hurry!
We have to get the Moon
to see Little Mouse.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
[plays notes]
She still didn't hear us.
We have to play forte.
I need your help.
Will you play your violin with me?
Great! Play your violin with me.
[violins play
"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" forte]
Fortissimo! Play your violin.
[violins play
"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" louder]
Does the Moon see Little Mouse?
Go ahead, Little Mouse,
give your present to the Moon.
I wonder what's inside the box.
[Leo] It's stars.
Little Mouse gave stars to the Moon.
What a present!
They're so sparkly.
[Quincy] Look, Little Mouse,
the Moon loves your present.
And listen.
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
All the nocturnal animals,
who stay awake at night,
love your present, too.
They're singing to the stars.
They're singing to the Moon.
[plays notes]
[all] Aw!
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us!
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
Little Mouse-- Clap for Little Mouse.
[clarinet plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for the ancient
Greek and Roman mosaics.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for--
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today
["Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" plays]
"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"--
"A Little Night Music"--
Movement One,
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
[all] Yay, Mozart!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-You rock!
Yay for you!
See you on the next mission!
[cheers and applause]
[all] Ooh!
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