My Everlasting Bride (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

[My Everlasting Bride]
[She can't lose one day of her life!]
[Episode 13]
Dr. Zhao,
what's your next requirement?
Next step,
let's play Russian roulette.
You want to kill me!
Didn't Ms. Yan tell you?
Your wife is hopeless
after she takes the poison.
How do you want to play?
Very simple.
One bullet means one antidote pill,
and there are five pills.
Even missing one pill,
your wife will face certain death.
You can now rely on your luck
to fight for more chances
for Xiaodie to live.
It's so meaningless.
She can't
lose one day
of her life!
What are you doing?
Putting in five bullets,
and I will only fire once.
That's great.
Taking one shot for all the pills is
more exciting.
Here, Grand Marshal,
it's time to have your treatment.
You can slowly savor
the suffering I endured back then.
We have plenty of time.
Young Marshal!
Nie Zhen!
♪You and I missed each other♪
♪In countless intersections♪
Nie Zhen!
♪Every step of the way♪
♪With one look back♪
♪Smiling at each other
but no longer lingering♪
Don't be afraid.
Someone thinks that I was cheating,
so he is checking the gun now.
Take the antidote now.
I thought
I would never see you again,
- Nie Zhen.
- Don't be afraid.
♪Nodding politely♪
♪Back then, I never thought♪
the drug
he gave me
is really horrible.
♪For so long♪
Nie Zhen!
Nie Zhen!
I have to congratulate you both
for actually surviving.
Young Miss,
to what extent are you going to spare us
before you're satisfied?
That will never happen.
No matter how you see me now,
I'm only asking you to tell me
what exactly needs to be done
to save Nie Zhen.
Return to me everything
that should be mine.
Give away everything
that doesn't belong to you.
If you do that,
I can consider it.
Everything that doesn't belong to me.
including Nie Zhen.
As long as he lives.
♪I saw your smile again♪
♪Amidst the clouds♪
♪The same forbidding visage♪
♪The same crying♪
♪I dare not go forward♪
♪Joining you in your act♪
♪The final meaning
hasn't been pursued yet♪
♪Letting our sweet dreams♪
♪Hold up the ignition point
that's cooling down♪
♪Drawing the bright moon and stars♪
♪Gradually sobering up
as I wipe the rainwater away♪
♪The flooding dark nights♪
♪Leaving behind lonely shadows♪
♪Seeking out the distant night stars♪
♪Only to find them in your eyes♪
♪I'm willing to flip the world
upside down for you♪
♪And listen to you♪
♪To your beckon♪
The most important thing is
I have feelings for you.
♪I saw your smile again♪
♪Amidst the clouds♪
♪The same forbidding visage♪
♪The same crying♪
♪I dare not go forward♪
♪Joining you in your act♪
♪The final meaning
hasn't been pursued yet♪
♪Letting our sweet dreams♪
♪Hold up the ignition point
that's cooling down♪
♪Seeking out the distant night stars♪
♪Only to find them in your eyes♪
♪I'm willing to flip the world
upside down for you♪
♪And listen to you♪
♪To your beckon♪
Here she comes!
Miss Shen!
I heard you have
some big news to announce.
- What is the news?
- Is there anything you can reveal?
Is it about the Nie family?
Please be quiet, everyone.
Dear journalist friends,
I have gathered everyone here
at the Nie manor tonight
to announce one thing
regarding my identity.
I am not Shen Qingxia,
the Young Miss of the Shen family.
I am just an ordinary maidservant
called Xiaodie.
I don't even have a surname.
That day, I acted selfishly
and took the place of Young Miss
to marry into the Nie family.
The Nie family has now
uncovered the truth,
so I will be
leaving the Nie manor.
My marriage to Nie Zhen,
the Young Marshal,
is hereby annulled.
Young Marshal.
You are awake!
How long have I been passed out?
For a whole day.
Where is Xiaodie?
Young Marshal
Answer me! Where is Xiaodie?
Young Marshal!
Young Marshal!
Young Marshal!
Young Madam said that
she wants you to live a good life.
Get lost!
♪In every word between us♪
Young Marshal!
She said with your abilities,
it's impossible for Yan Bingbing
to keep you trapped forever,
but you have to survive first.
Get lost!
♪Seeing through myriad facades♪
Young Marshal!
Hey, Ma'am!
Please answer us!
Please explain what you just announced!
What did you mean?
Please answer us!
♪My love♪
Young Marshal!
Please look at the camera and talk to us!
Make it more clear!
Please spill more information!
Please don't sidestep our questions!
♪Nowhere to hide♪
♪Fear not when love runs over♪
♪Loved too much turns the heart a demon♪
♪To think myself unworthy♪
♪My love♪
♪You've done no wrong♪
♪Your understanding is♪
♪Already so rare a thing♪
♪Grasping what is not yours♪
♪Letting go of what has not left♪
♪One thought becomes more steadfast♪
♪In every word between us♪
♪Tales of one-sided love unfold♪
♪The sun, moon, and stars♪
♪Unspoken, yet yearning♪
♪Loneliness sealed away♪
♪Grows only deeper over time♪
♪Seeing through myriad facades♪
♪Sorrows become empty♪
♪My love♪
♪Deep affection♪
♪Rooted in the depths of the heart♪
♪Nowhere to hide♪
♪Fear not when love runs over♪
♪Loved too much turns the heart a demon♪
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