NCIS: Origins (2024) s01e13 Episode Script


FRANKS: I ain't letting this guy
get away with what he done to you.
TISH: I told you to
let the FBI do their job.
FRANKS: They ain't doing it.
TISH: This is the last
time I'm telling you.
- Let it go.
- Okay.
I will.
MAN 2: Fifty meters! RPG! RPG!
MAN 3: Franks is down!
Franks, you alive?
Can you grab your rifle?
Grab your rifle. Franks!
OLDER GIBBS: Most people
they want to be seen
for who they are.
They want to be understood.
WOMAN: Your brother called last night.
Mike, you hear me?
- Said your brother called.
Someone's scamming you, Mary.
I ain't got no brother.
I'm coming.
Ms. O'Neill?
Got a big one for you.
Going to California.
San Diego.
Buyer needs it by Friday.
You get it there on time
without no heat, you're good.
How good?
Two grand.
Hey. You leave here again,
don't bother coming back.
Franks was like anyone else.
He wanted to be seen
for who he was.
He wanted to be understood.
Tish found him.
She understood him.
And he loved her for that.
But then he made her a promise
he couldn't keep.
OLDER GIBBS: He couldn't stand by
when the man that hurt her
was out there.
he broke his promise
and he waited.
He waited for the person
that hurt his person.
He should have told me about it
when it was happening,
'cause I would have
understood that
pretty damn well.
No. No, I thought
I'd be home, too, babe.
Still stuck at the office.
Nah, I'll just shower here
before everyone starts barking at me.
Yeah. Okay. I love you, too.
understand what I'm saying?
- MAN 2: I don't want to complicate
- MAN: Take a step back.
MAN: I need you to calm down.
MAN 2: Well,
I-I'm just trying to report it. Sir,
- this is a public area.
- You cannot be staying here
with your friends. You cannot stay here.
- Look, man, I'm just
- Sir, I need you
to calm down.
I'm trying to report it, man.
- Take a step back or
- Hey, hey!
- You're not listening!
- Sir, stay where you are.
- I didn't I'm asking
- Federal agent. What's going on?
Guy's loitering.
I'm not loitering.
You were in the Corps?
2/26 in Khe Sanh.
I got him.
You sure? I don't
want to dump that on you.
I'm good.
Can't be here, brother.
Want a lift to a shelter?
I'm not loitering, man.
I walked up to ask him for help.
My buddy is gone.
Underpass ain't far from here.
Think he could have gone there?
No, man.
He's gone.
He's dead.
A friend led you here?
Yeah. (SIGHS)
Wonder how long
they've been living out here.
Friend give us the victim's name?
Marine Lance Corporal Peter Rice.
He was with 2/26 in Vietnam.
I didn't find anything up the hill.
Anything down here need tagging?
Brick, brick.
RANDY: Looks like our
murder weapon, huh?
LALA: Yeah.
Red mark on the outside of the hood
- lines up with the wound.
- RANDY: Wow.
Who knew brick could
disintegrate like that?
It's old enough and you swing it
hard enough, why not?
RANDY: You okay, boss?
You look exhausted.
Not in a bad way. You just have
huge bags under your eyes.
Long night.
I'm still fuzzy on the details.
You were walking down the street
and the victim's friend
flagged you down?
I didn't know he was walking.
Why were you walking in
Oceanside at the crack of dawn?
You thought he was driving?
Why would that
- make more sense than walking?
- LALA: I don't know.
What were you doing on the street?
I was helping him.
His name's Tom Molina. Lance corporal.
He's taking it hard.
GIBBS: You were the one that found him?
TOM: Yeah. I mean, we went to sleep,
same as always.
Then I woke up and he was gone.
I walked out and I saw him just
l-laying there.
And we head down that way
to go to the bathroom or something.
Maybe he got up to go in the night.
Someone hit him on the way.
You hear anything? See anything?
In Vietnam
Pete saved my life.
He pulled me and three other
guys out of a VC tunnel.
We got home
and people spit on us.
They kicked us when we were down.
And we couldn't find a way
to get back up.
People never saw him as the guy
that pulled us out of that tunnel.
Stay here. Federal agent.
I just want to Hey.
Stop! Hey!
Federal agent!
Damn it!
Mary Jo. Living it up at the front desk.
Hey. How you doing?
We seeing any action on that BOLO?
- Which one was yours?
- Uh,
guy that ran from Gibbs at
our crime scene. Denim jacket,
eagle on the back.
Yeah, no. No one's called it in.
- Okay.
- Oh, dang it.
They weren't supposed to fold these.
Mm. What is it? (SIGHS)
Motivational posters.
There's this new store at the mall.
They didn't have the ones I wanted,
so they said they'd mail them.
But all of these have creases.
Hey, MJ.
Any hit on our BOLO?
How about I let you know
if anybody sees the guy.
Like every other BOLO before.
May I? "Teamwork.
"Reaching toward tomorrow
- "before the end
- "Before the end
- of today."
- of today."
That's actually not what teamwork is
- at all.
Kind of sounds more like "scheduling."

- How are you?
- You know what,
it's nice to just be asked.
- How may I help you?
- Detective Archer,
Oceanside PD.
An Agent Franks
- put out a BOLO.
- Eagle jacket?
- Yeah. You Franks?
- No. Randolf.
Franks is in with a witness.
This is Agent Dominguez.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Well, I got some stuff on your guy.
I'm underselling it. I've got this whole
huge folder I can run you through.
Yeah, great. Follow me.
Thank you.
Oceanside detective just came through.
Easy on the eyes, normal, no ring.
No, girl, not for me,
I'm talking about for you.
ARCHER: Front and back.
That the guy you're looking for?
Yeah, that's him.
How's that for interagency cooperation?
Heck, yeah.
Name's Jonathan Smith.
Homeless, another veteran.
He was the victim of
a similar attack two weeks ago,
few miles from yours.
Suspect hit him in the ribs
with a pipe and then fled.
You mind?
No, take 'em all, buddy.
- Whole file's for you.
- So, Smith
walks up to our crime scene
wondering if our killer
was the same guy that hurt him.
Then why'd he run?
Scared of cops.
He's terrified.
I managed to take those photos,
but he's been dodging us ever since.
- You've been looking for him?
- Yeah.
Smith's the only
solid witness we've got.
We've documented four other attacks
on homeless in the area
over the past three months,
all by the same suspect.
White male,
wears a hoodie and a low cap.
Sometimes uses his fists,
sometimes he uses a pipe.
He's a real class act.
Yours was the first time
he used a brick.
His first homicide. But, makes sense.
Guy gets his rocks off
doing random violence.
Sorry to interrupt.
Um, I do profiling.
That's what I do.
My two cents, uh,
your guy has a superiority complex.
He, uh, preys on people
- he thinks nobody cares about.
- Well stated.
Profiling, huh?
Yeah. But don't mind me,
I'm just, uh,
delivering paper clips for Mary Jo.
Last attack,
we tracked the suspect back
to Markley's Tavern on 5th.
Photos of all the viable
suspects in the bar that night.
I questioned them at length,
they all denied it.
But you think our guy is somewhere
in this group?
ARCHER: Yeah. And you're looking for
the one witness that can ID him.
Our friend in the eagle jacket.
Jonathan Smith.
Smith was the only victim
who got a good look.
But now that I've got the suspects,
I can't track him down.
Even if you manage to,
good luck getting him to talk.
Like I said, he's terrified of cops.
You'll keep me in the loop?
I got to run.
Got some more crime to fight?
Something like that.
Wow. He's got, like,
a real Kevin Costner
thing going on, right?
Like Robin Hood:
Prince of Thieves.
- Oh, yeah!
- Yes!
VERA: He's like Robin Hood,
- but with a beard.
- LALA: Yes.
- I love that movie.
- Oh, I saw it twice.
- Oh. So good.
- So friggin' good. Wow.
You sure you didn't know the guy
that was running?
I never seen him before.
Once you get something to eat,
I'll take you over to the VA.
They'll help find you a place to stay.
I was thinking I should write down,
like, what I know about Pete.
You know, um, his stories.
Maybe one of his family members
will come forward and
and they'll want 'em.
He's got a niece somewhere.
That's good thinking.
What we saw over there
shouldn't get buried.
Even if nobody wants to hear it.
- Draft get you?
- Yeah.
Army. I went Marines instead.
I got a tattoo.
It's a butterfly.
We saw a whole swarm of them
one day in the jungle.
Couple of us guys got the
tattoo when we came back.
Pete, too.
I don't know what it's supposed to mean.
(GRUNTS) We were drunk when we got 'em.
You think I should draw
that here for the niece?
You mind if we stop at my place
on the way to the VA?
We can eat there.

Hey, how much gas you want?
Pay me now. I'll pump
while you clean up.
I'm good. Nothing for today, thanks.
Then you're stealing water from me.
Come on, man.
No, you pull your bike up,
make it look like
you're filling up so's you
got time to steal my water.
I'm thirsty. Give me a break.
Zero scruples, people like you.
Look, I got just enough gas
to get me where I'm going.
I got a package to deliver.
Way back, I'll have the money
to fill up here.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, sure you will.
I can tell just by looking at you.
Zero scruples. Zero honor.
FRANKS: Son of a bitch.
Stop! Hey!
This is delicious. Thank you.
Not a problem.
Sure you don't mind?
We'll just wet you down for now.
You're welcome to take a shower
when you're done.
Wash off the hair.
Thank you, ma'am.
Let's scoot you a little closer.
This thing takes forever
to get warm. Sorry.
That's okay.
TISH: Here we go.
Let me know how this is.
Still too cold?
- Are you okay?
- Mike.
- Tom?
- Hey.
I'm sorry, it's the s-sound.
Them jungle monsoons
they slide back to you
real easy, don't they?
Yeah, me too.
You ain't alone.
RANDY: Look into my eyes,
you will find ♪
What you mean ♪
To me. Oh, gosh.
Where are the addresses? (GROANS)
(GRUNTS) Hey, Mary Jo?
MARY JO: Why'd you stop singing?
Didn't know you were back here.
Mm, that Robin Hood song
really gets you going, huh?
Yeah, it's-it's stuck in my head
'cause that detective
reminded Vera of Kevin Costner.
Hey, I can't find the
I marked all the suspects for
you on the map, clear as day.
Yes, but I need the actual
addresses instead of
Back of the file, just like I told you.
Oh, thanks.
No one's gonna see
your poster back there.
(SIGHS) I don't like the creases,
but I don't want them going to waste.
- This is Randolf.
- FRANKS: Rando.
- Checking in.
- Oh, hey, boss.
We got a hit on the BOLO.
Yeah, I know all that.
I talked to Gibbs earlier.
Oh. Well, I'm about to head out,
chat with our suspects.
Gibbs is at Doc Tango's.
Lala's back at the crime scene,
canvassing for our witness,
Jonathan Smith,
- eagle jacket.
- Yeah. We think he can ID our guy?
Well, if anyone can get him
to do it, it's Lala.
Anyway, we got to find the guy first.
We tried getting info on him
from the VA,
but they didn't have him on file, so
I'm here with Molina now.
You're still at the VA?
Yeah, I'm trying to get him signed up.
He wasn't registered, either.
Lot of these guys got back from the war,
last thing we wanted
was anything to do with the government.
Listen, front desk is backed up.
We've been waiting in the hall
the past hour.
I don't know when I'll be back.
We got it covered, boss.
All right.
Haircut looks good on you.
TANGO: Death is a direct
result of cerebral trauma
caused by multiple blunt
force impacts to the head.
Wasn't much blood at the scene.
Well, his hood was up.
Attacker struck him
on the outside of it.
It was pretty absorbent, though,
far as containing the spatter
and soaking up the bleeding.
We were careful to preserve
any of the fragments
on the outside of the hood.
Woody should be able to confirm
the brick was your murder weapon.
Tell him the rest of the stuff.
Irrelevant to the cause of death.
Yeah, we gave him the cause of death,
and now
we are moving on
to the impressions and musings.
Between his haircut and my haircut,
you wouldn't guess that I'm the one
who's in touch with the universe.
Both his legs and torso
were riddled with shrapnel.
He had half a bullet
lodged in his left shoulder.
His right kneecap was obliterated.
- GIBBS: Vietnam?
- TANGO: Mm-hmm.
FRIEDMAN: His lungs were a mess.
Whatever he breathed in over there
has been slowly killing him for years.
Agent Orange.
What's the "universe" part?
When he was a baby
somebody cared.
Somebody changed his diapers.
Somebody fed him.
Somebody loved him, probably.
And somehow,
he has a body full of metal
and he was living on the streets.
Prime example
of a universe out of whack.
San Diego Veterans Affairs.
FRANKS: Hello.
San Diego VA, can I help you?
Yeah, I'm out here,
my bike just got lifted,
everything got taken.
I just, I, um I
Are you registered with us?
No, but I am a vet.
I just
I need someone to come out here
and pick me up.
Sir, before I can help you
with any request,
I'll need you to come down and register.
Do you have a family member
that could pick you up
and bring you into the office?
What about a neighbor or-or
Maybe this is what you want ♪
Make me believe ♪
That I am here ♪
And if there's ♪
One more chance ♪
I'll give you the vial ♪
Hey! Hey, stop.
Your tire!
Hey, your tire's flat. Hold up.
You're driving on the rim.
(SIGHS) Damn it.
Didn't hear it?
My radio was up.
Didn't feel it hit nothing?
If I would have felt it hit
something, I would have stopped.
You got a minute
to help me with the spare?
WOMAN: Agent Franks, if you'll
sign right here at the bottom
Agent Franks?
If I could just get your signature,
we can help Mr. Molina from here.
Apologies for the wait.
- FRANKS: Find him a place to stay?
- For sure.
We'll keep you posted on where he lands.
You'll be able to contact him
when you need to.
Thank you.
- You good?
- Uh,
I left some stuff back at your office.
I-I don't need the jacket, but
you'll get what I wrote to
Pete's niece if she asks for it?
I will.
I'll be in touch.
I'll let you know when we catch the guy.
- Molina's all set?
- Yeah.
You went to Doc Tango's?
I had a thought.
Our witness, Jonathan Smith.
He's a vet, right?
I figure if anyone
knows where he is,
if anyone understands him,
maybe knows how to ease his mind,
get him to talk to us,
it'd be another vet.
I knew they had
support groups here.
Lady up front said that there's
a bunch of 'em meeting today.
I thought that we could
ask around.
Least we might
get people talking,
asking their friends.
These guys that come here,
they make it a point
to be connected.
Someone's got to know someone
that knows him, right?
We find him,
then all we got to do
is get him to talk.
Mr. Smith. Hello.
Have a seat, please. I don't want to.
That's fine. Standing is good, too.
I'm Cecilia. It's too bright.
I can't. I can't.
- It's okay. You're okay.
- No, no. See that?
That's better, right?
Look at that.
Just like candlelight Mass
on Christmas Eve.
He goes to my church sometimes.
That's how we know each other.
Mr. Smith, we can do this really fast
and you can be on your way.
You don't have to be afraid.
The man that hurt you
he's hurting other people, too.
We just want to stop him
from doing it again.
I didn't do nothing wrong.
- I know. I know that.
- You're gonna lock me up.
- After this, you're gonna lock me up.
- No.
- I'm-I'm
- You're gonna tell him who I am
and he's gonna come back and get me!
No. I won't tell.
I won't tell.
You have my word.
Mr. Smith,
do you see the man that hit you?
It's okay.
Don't let him hurt me again.
Jeremy R. Brody.
Ignore the other pictures.
That you?
You know why you're here?
- Not really.
- Oh, come on, bud.
I explained the whole thing
on the ride over.
FRANKS: What were you up to last night?
(EXHALES) Sleeping.
FRANKS: Got anyone that can verify that?
I already told him. I live alone.
What, you got plans?
So do I, man.
This isn't necessary.
Wait You think
I'm out killing people?
I was home sleeping.
That's what I do at night. I sleep.
- I called Detective Archer.
Left a message with an update.
Vera had this guy pegged.
Superiority complex, big time.
FRANKS: We got a witness. ID'd you.
Said you hit a homeless guy in the head
with a pipe two weeks ago.
Who's the witness?
Like I said, we don't divulge
None of your damn business.
Well, whoever it is,
you better go get their eyes checked.
I didn't hit anyone.
Ask the other cop.
I told him all this before.
He was writing it all down.
- Detective Archer?
- Yeah, that guy.
Grilled me about it for two hours.
Searched my car for that pipe,
didn't find anything.
We found the pipe.
Has your prints on it.
LALA: Watch and learn.
Franks can sell a lie like no other.
Yeah, okay.
I hit a guy with that pipe.
I was wasted.
It was a joke, man.
I knocked him down
and he stood right back up.
Wasn't no joke.
I did the pipe and I hit the other guys,
but that's it.
I didn't kill anyone.
You own this room?
You stand here getting guys to
admit to things they didn't do?
You don't own me.
I didn't kill no one
and you're not gonna get me
to say that I did.
You're nothing
but a badge in pants, man.
You're nothing.
Randy's getting him booked
for the assault.
Let him simmer for the night.
He'll be ready to talk
about our victim come morning.
Got a problem?
Good as new.
It'll get you to where you need to go.
I appreciate it.
I was feeling kind of seasick ♪
But the crowd called out for more ♪
The room was humming harder ♪
Thanks again.
As the ceiling flew away ♪
It's not a handout. You helped me.
For another drink ♪
I was on a plane once, going overseas.
Kid next to me was playing this song
on one of them little radios.
And so it was ♪
He didn't want to leave home, you know?
You a veteran?
You an Indian?
Among other things.
That her face ♪
Things like what?
I'm a hairdresser.
Shade of pale ♪
What do you charge for a cut?
(EXHALES) You scared me.
I thought you were working late.
I meant to stop going after him
like you said.
Took this to the office to shred it.
But I put it in my desk drawer instead.
Got Wheeler to call in
another favor at the FBI.
They said that
part of your statement
was that, when he held you down
you saw burn scars on his neck.
They got a tip that
one of his victims saw him
coming out of a laundromat in
Oceanside, middle of the night.
I've been staking it out since Monday.
I lied to you about being at work.
Now, I'm in that laundromat
and I'm watching
the clothes go around.
And all I can think about is you.
Rolling up in that old Chevy.
And saving me.
And I know there's no saving you back.
And I know I promised you
that I would stop
going after him, but
I can't.
Now, I'm asking you to love me anyway.
Can you?
I don't know.
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Okay. Thank you, Woody.
Murder weapon was the brick
we found at the crime scene.
Woody confirmed it.
We'll let Franks know
before he questions
Brody again in the morning.
Randy's just finishing up
with the booking paperwork.
You ever hear back from Kevin Costner?
No. Left him another message
with an update.
- Holding pattern till tomorrow, then.
- Mm-hmm.
Franks couldn't wait
to get out of here tonight.
You know why?
Maybe to check on Molina.
He's at a shelter now, right?
Has Franks ever
talked to you about Vietnam?
You think he would ever
go to one of those groups at the VA?
A support group?
(CHUCKLING): Oh, hell no.
You think those groups help?
understood or
getting the universe back on track?
Wh-What do
I got your messages.
The hell?
You find Smith? You get him to ID Brody?
You get Brody to confess? (CHUCKLES)
Feeling pretty awful
about my skills over here.
Sorry to barge in,
there was no one at the front desk.
We've got Brody down in Holding.
- He confessed to your homicide, too?
- Just the assault.
He's claiming he was at home sleeping
when Peter Rice was killed.
We're gonna let him simmer.
Question him again in the morning.
You mind if I give it a go?
I put in some time questioning
him on the assault.
Got to know him a little.
His buttons.
I mean, you guys got him on the ropes.
Maybe I could help out.
Mr. Brody.
- It's good to see you again.
How's life?
- You eat yet?
- What are you all Oh.
Detective Archer's trying to
get your guy to cop to murder
that's, uh, that's interesting.
You didn't hear?
What? No, no.
No, I, uh, I just came down here
to see if you saw
the inspirational poster
in the bathroom.
Look into your heart ♪
You will find ♪
There's nothin' ♪
There to hide ♪
I can't help it ♪
There's nothin' I want more ♪
Yeah, I would fight ♪
Archer's got
a little bad cop in him, huh?
Should we let Franks know he's in there?
BRODY: You a big, tough guy?
You're nothing
but a badge in pants, man.
You're nothing.
Come here!
- Oh, crap.
- BRODY: Get him off me!
Get off me! Off
Get the hell off me!
Get off! That's enough.
Too good to be friggin' true.
You good with black?
Um, uh, yeah.
Yeah, thanks.
That stuff that kid said in there
about me being nothing?
My wife said pretty much the same thing.
Then she left me.
I got behind at work.
I should have been able to
close this case two weeks ago.
Maybe your victim would still be here.
You know, people
think that I've got it all together.
Sorry, I sound like I need a shrink.
Think it would help?
Detective Archer?
Mike Franks.
I'll walk you out.
Meet me in the bullpen.
- Is he mad?
- Yeah.
Was he icy?
Icy is definitely the worst.
But icy followed by yelling
that's just duck and cover.
The detective is on his way home
to think about what he done.
I'm having it out with
his captain in the morning.
Now, which one of y'all
let him into my room?
- Me.
- I did.
You should know better than that.
So should you.
Sorry, boss.
Sorry's a sign of weakness.
Ain't y'all ever watched the Duke?
Well, what are you waiting
for the guy do it or not?
- He lawyered up.
- I know he lawyered up,
Dominguez, thanks to you all,
he ain't gonna talk to me now.
I'm asking if he killed our Marine.
Get the damn phone, Rando.
Yes, sir.
Special Agent Randolf.
Jeremy Brody admitted the assault,
- denies our murder.
- GIBBS: He's still claiming
he was at home sleeping
when Rice was killed.
- Alibi is basically nonexistent.
- Evidence?
Woody confirmed the brick was
our murder weapon,
- but nothing to tie it to Brody.
- Thank you so much. Bye.
That was the VA.
There was an incident at the
shelter where they placed Molina.
He woke up having some
kind of war flashback.
He got violent
with another guy in there.
He didn't realize
what he was doing.
The staff intervened,
no one got injured,
I guess it was pretty bad.
FRANKS: We tested the
particles with Forensics.
They match the brick
that was the murder weapon.
Think you had a flashback,
like what happened
at the shelter last night.
I don't remember what
happened at the shelter.
All I know is I woke up
and everyone was
Yeah, I know.
I killed Pete?
It wasn't really you.
It was the war.
I'll make sure
they take that into account
when it comes to sentencing.
Nah, keep it.
Keep it till you can't.
They train you to kill.
How come they don't untrain
you when you come back?
OLDER GIBBS: Most people,
they want to be seen
for who they are.
- They want to be understood.
- Hey.
It's good to see you again.
Glad you decided to join us.
Take a seat wherever.
There's coffee, then let's start.
This taken?
We skipped the light fandango ♪
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor ♪
I was feeling kind of seasick ♪
Franks was like anyone else.
He wanted to be seen
for who he was.
For more ♪
He wanted to be understood.
As the ceiling flew away ♪
I do love you anyway.
She said there is no reason ♪
And the truth ♪
But I can't be with you anymore.
I'm sorry.
My playing cards ♪
OLDER GIBBS: Tish found him.
She understood him.
Would not her be ♪
And he loved her for that.
One of 16 vestal virgins ♪
Who were leaving for the coast ♪
And although my eyes were open ♪
They might just as well been closed ♪
And so it was ♪
I think we should keep some.
Later ♪
As the miller told his tale ♪
That her face,
at first just ghostly ♪
There you are.
Turned a whiter ♪
Shade of pale. ♪
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