Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Wyldly Inappropriate

These "Walls of Punishment"
aren't as fun as I hoped.
You were expecting them to be fun?
I always expect fun.
At least it can't get any worse.
[both grunt]
When am I going to learn
things can always get worse?
Worse? It's finally interesting.
That's what you get!
[laughs] Eat wall!
It's not too late for you
to save yourselves!
We'll pull you out if you give us back
our sacred gems!
We don't have them. Promise!
We're Ninja on an urgent mission.
We just stopped in your forest to rest!
Plus, why would we steal 'em anyway?
They're mega-ugly!
Not nice!
Last chance.
The gems,
or we let the walls finish their work!
You don't have the guts!
Get it?
Skeleton joke.
Stop insulting them!
Oh, they love it!
I'm hilarious.
Face punishment, gem-thieves!
[both grunt]
Don't make fun of people
who have you in a death trap!
Not my fault! [groans]
How could I know
they're so sensitive? [grunts]
They've got pretty thin skin
for folks with no skin.
Three, two, one
Have you spotted the pattern?
Yes. Way before you did. Let's go!
You thought I needed ninja training?
Not when I've got moves like this!
And [grunts]
Danger's not over yet.
If you won't be polite and get crushed
by the Walls of Punishment,
then we'll just have to destroy you
the old-fashioned way. [grunts]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[electricity crackles]
[light music]
Tea time!
Grandma's recipe.
Thank you, I
Oh. Ugh. Um
Looks nutritious.
However, Nindroids
do not require nutrition.
Oh, my sincerest apologies.
I'll dispose of it immediately.
[burps] Oh, heavens.
Oh, this is what teleported you Ninja
back from Imperium?
How does it work?
I do not know.
It is mystical, not technological,
so it is difficult to scan.
But if I can re-activate it,
it may help explain
the secrets of the Merge,
including the whereabouts
of those still missing.
Oh, like Arin's parents.
And the other Ninja.
Master Wu, Jay and Cole.
But they are not
the only loved ones I seek.
Is there any way, as Monastery Assistant,
I can be of assistance?
I am not sure you can.
This device should analyze the Gate.
But Yes, as I feared.
It requires a new Wyconium coil,
which is difficult to acquire in Ninjago.
Before the Merge, maybe.
But in the Crossroads,
we've got stuff
from all the combined realms.
I bet you'd find a Wycomi-whatever
pretty easily now.
Oh, right, right, right. You just woke up.
You don't know about
the hottest new neighborhood
in the Ninjago City greater metro area.
Well, you are in for a treat.
Hmm. However, a legendary
and believed-missing Ninja
just showing up in town
would cause quite a stir.
Any chance you own a fake mustache?
That's the second fastest I've ever seen
someone grow a mustache.
Let's try the junkyard first.
[Mr. Frohicky]
It's the best place to find parts.
[Kreel laughs]
Heh. Huh?
Mr. Frohicky's got a new friend.
Who is he?
Um, never mind. Don't care.
What are you doing here, Kreel?
You haven't heard?
It's my junkyard now.
Won it in a lice game.
-You mean a dice game?
We require a Wyconium coil.
Wyconium is a rare,
almost unheard of element,
with an indestructible
I know what Wyconium is.
We got a ton of coils in back.
I'll grab one
while you cough up the coins.
Um, coins?
I lack coins.
Well, let's head into town.
I assure you, Master Zane,
opportunities are around every corner
in the crossroads!
I swear, we don't have your gems!
Yes, you do!
Return them at once!
[groans] Fine, if you want 'em so bad.
You had them the whole time?
It was a prank!
I was gonna hide em all over,
like a fun little treasure hunt!
Only without a map.
[growls] We should eviscerate you!
Wait, wait, wait!
You got the gems back,
can we just call it square?
Kids, am I right? [nervous chuckle]
[sighs] Fine.
You can go.
If you promise to never come back.
Let's shake on it!
Prank! Fire handshake!
[bones yelling]
[Kai] You said we could go!
No backsies, bye!
[laughs] Classic Wyldfyre!
I never miss a chance to do
the "fire handshake prank"!
You should've seen the look on his skull!
[Kai] Elemental Powers are
not practical jokes, kid!
You have to take the power
you've been given seriously.
[snores] Sorry, nodded off there.
Forgot you're
the Elemental Master of Boring!
Whatever. No more stops.
We get to the Wyldness,
get the Dragon Core,
and get back to meet the others
so we can save the world.
Saving the world's important.
Glad you have some priorities.
Because if the world is destroyed,
who'd be left to prank?
Ugh. Look, Nya said the Core
is probably being protected
by people called the Lava-tides, who
You don't need to
Ninja-splain Lava-tides to us.
Heatwave and I are from the Wyldness.
The Lava-tides are my peeps!
They love me!
-No core for you!
-No core for you!
[sighs] Some BFFs you've got!
-No core for you!
-No core for you!
What's the deal?
You said the Lava-tides loved you!
They even have your picture up!
I know. They're obsessed with me!
[Lava-tide 1 imitates buzzing]
That image is so all can identify
the face of the enemy!
Like a wanted poster?
Okay. Yeah, should've guessed that.
What'd you do to make them so mad?
Oh, pfft. They're not really mad.
We're super mad!
The maddest!
I just did fun stuff,
like hiding rotten melons around town
to stink the place up,
or dressing their village statue
to look all fancy.
[Lava-tide 2]
You made our monument
to the great hero "Lava-Todd the Wise"
look silly, an object of ridicule!
Classic! See, they loved it!
They were always leaving
presents around for me,
like cool metal jaws.
You're describing traps.
They set traps to catch you.
I'm Kai, the Red Ninja.
We've come to get the Dragon Core,
to stop the MergeQuakes
that threaten all the merged realms.
We've heard great tales of the Ninja,
even before the Merge.
For generations, our people
have been entrusted
with protecting the Dragon Core
until such a day
that a great Hero came to claim it.
Is today that day?
Are you that hero?
Me? Yes.
Absolutely, 'cause I'm the leader.
-What? No! She's not
-No, enemy!
Surely you are not the foretold hero,
with your terrible cry of "Haha, prank!"
as you commit your crimes.
No Core ever for you.
Or anyone who has the bad judgment
-to be associated with you.
You know we were always
just joking around, right?
Um that was the old Wyldfyre.
What if she could prove
she's gotten better?
Maybe fix all the bad stuff she's done.
Then, would you let us have the Core?
Come on, we're talking
about saving the world here.
Fine. [sighs]
We already have a list.
Bring forth the scroll of grievances.
That's a long list, but we can
More? Okay. Fine.
We can fix
Wow. Okay. We'll
Okay, this is just getting silly.
[frustrated groan]
-[upbeat music]
Oh, don't worry.
We'll find a way to earn enough coins.
Oh, you wouldn't happen to have
a karaoke mode?
If so, we could
Oh, excuse me, you're not
What is going on here?
Ah-ha! I forgot that's today!
Happy Zane day!
The annual celebration of the long-lost,
but mightily beloved,
Ninja-hero known as Zane,
the titanium ninja!
[all cheer]
"Zane Day"?
I do not understand.
You do know you're really famous, right?
I'm honored to even be near you,
even with that mustache.
Excuse me.
This is a community event
devoted to m to Zane?
[in robot voice]
Today we engage in Zany games
and consume Zany foods.
Mmm. Yum-yum.
And today shall culminate
with a Zane-alike contest
with a big cash prize.
Beep-boop! Beep-boop!
A cash prize could be used to purchase
the needed Wyconium coil.
And I do believe I am optimized
to win a Zane-alike competition.
Difficult to argue with that, sir.
Mm. I'll go register you.
-[upbeat music]
-[all cheer]
I do not dance like that.
[microphone feedback]
Let's hear a round of applause
for our finalists, Lobbo!
And a newcomer named
And for the finals,
we have a celebrity head judge,
all the way from Shintaro,
Chancellor Gulch!
Thank you, thank you!
[all cheer]
Now, Chancellor, you were friends
with the real Zane, correct?
Yes, Zane and the other Ninja
helped my people, the Geckles,
and we became the best of friends.
I knew him well!
Then let the Zames begin! [gasps]
-[man coughs]
-[upbeat music]
-Okay! The Sound-alike Round!
Let's hear whatcha got!
I'm Zane, feel my ice.
[all cheer]
[chaotic electrical chiming]
That is actually quite offensive.
[all cheer]
I [clears throat]
I am Zane.
Zane was my dear friend.
My hero.
I would know his voice anywhere.
And that was not it!
[audience booing]
So this round goes to, Tope-epot!
-[cheers and applause]
[sniffs] Whoa!
Okay, these smell like rotten eggs!
Oh, but they are so good!
I mean, yeah, sometimes,
you get one infested with death wasps
but they are not infested
when they're so good!
Oh, man, dressing up
their statues to look dumb!
Good times!
You heard the Lava-tides.
You were having fun but they weren't.
If everyone's not having fun,
it isn't pranking, it's bullying.
[scoffs] Whatever.
They just don't get comedy.
Or they don't see you as funny.
[sighs] Look
Here's the bottom line, do another prank
and they'll never give us the Core.
No more, okay?
People are counting on us.
[sighs] Fine.
No more pranks.
For now. I promise.
[suspenseful music]
[all cheer]
Surprisingly, you've made amends,
and proven your worthiness.
Yeah. Under my leadership,
Kai did an okay job!
Not great, but okay.
I was wrong about you.
Let us shake hands as friends.
Handshake? Oh, no.
[tense music]
Not the fire handshake prank.
Not the fire handshake prank.
[Kai sighs]
[gasps] What?
[laughs] "Prank!"
Now the Core is in the pit of no return!
You're a bully and you'll never change.
But at least you cleaned up
our village, thanks!
[all laugh]
Without that Core,
the whole world could be destroyed!
Yeah, but you should see
the look on your face!
[all laugh]
[sighs] Good one.
Round Two, the Power-alike Round!
It's time to ice blast these targets!
Show us whatcha got!
Ice blast, lobbo-lobbo!
Uh, better luck next time, Lobbo.
Tope-epot, care to give it a whirl?
[all cheer]
That was cool! Get it?
[crickets chirping]
Okay, moving on.
Blane! You're up!
-[audience gasps]
-My deepest apologies!
[tragic music]
Another pit?
Why is it always pits
when I hang out with you?
Oh, well, we gave it a shot.
Where you headed off to?
We need that Core!
Look, Kai, it's called
the "Pit of No Return"
for a reason. And I like returning.
It's the thing I always do after going.
This is too important.
We can't just walk away.
I can. Watch. See? Don't worry.
I'll let everyone know
what happened to you.
Maybe someone will be sad.
[sighs] You're right,
I'll never get out of this alive
unless, maybe
if you were to lead me?
Well, yeah, now that you mention it,
my leadership is your only hope.
One last round, sir.
I am confident
a legend like you can win this.
Okay, contestants,
get ready for the Tech-alike round!
[all cheer]
Zane was a tech genius.
To prove you're like him,
you must reprogram these ordinary toasters
to do something cool in under 30 seconds!
And go!
Party toaster online, lobbo-lobbo.
-[firecrackers crackle]
-[all cheer]
[electricity crackles]
[Tope-epot] I made a, uh
sideways toaster?
Simply by rewriting
this humble toaster's operating system,
I shall create a device
that walks your dog,
cleans your room,
and files your taxes automatically.
Is there a problem, Blane?
[sighs] I have been offline
for some time
and it seems there are updates
I must install.
You understand there's a time limit?
Three, two, one.
And time's up!
And the winner is
The most Zane person alive!
[gasps, groans]
[all cheer]
[suspenseful music]
[Kai screams]
What was that? Huh?
I said we should go carefully!
As leader, I decided careful was boring.
You're welcome.
What are you doing?
Eat wyldmelons later.
First, we need to live!
[grunts] No, I can almost reach
The Core!
How could I have lost
the me-alike competition?
Did the Merge change me?
Am I not the Zane I once was?
The way others see us
isn't always the way we truly are
But I see you,
and you are the same hero
you've always been,
my good sir.
My condolences, friend.
Yours's was an admirable attempt.
And yet, I failed.
Zane had such impressive shoes to fill,
no one could live up to him.
Maybe not even Zane himself
But here's your 3rd place prize,
a gift card for Kreel's junkyard.
Use it to build something incredible,
as Zane would have done.
Excellent work, Blane!
The Wyconi-whatsit will be ours!
-Just a little closer.
-[Kai grunts]
The vine is breaking!
[Wyldfyre grunts]
Got it!
Going up! [groans]
Why'd they even call this
a "Pit of No Return"?
We're going to return so hard right now.
[low buzzing]
Uh-oh. Remember how I said
some wyldmelons are infested?
Yeah, with death wasps!
[Kai gasps]
We're alive. I can't believe it.
And we have the Core!
Think again!
Your prize has been stolen
by a handsome and mysterious stranger.
But you'll never guess his true identity.
Aren't you that "Dorama" guy?
It is I, Dorama,
with my trusty Stagehands.
And this will be your curtain call!
[Kai groans] I hope my sister's
having an easier time than we are.
[thunder rumbling]
According to the Spirit,
the Dragon Core we need should be right
[both grunt]
This can't be good!
[thunder rumbles]
[closing theme music]
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