Pact of Silence (2023) s01e13 Episode Script


[cell phone vibrates]
- [tense music playing]
- [Omar sighs]
- [Omar breathing shakily]
- [phone beeps]
Answer, motherfucker. [sniffles]
- I said answer, motherfucker!
- Okay. Wait, Martina. Hang up the phone.
- No, no!
- Would you stop calling him, please!
[crying] He has to tell me to my face!
He has to call me a whore
to my face if he has the balls!
Honey, what the hell happened?
Well, you told me that man loved you.
- What did you say?
- Stop it, Mom! Shut the hell up!
Hold on.
Don't talk to your mother like that.
- Go away! Please! Leave me alone!
- [Fer] Listen, Julio.
She's really stressed right now.
- She needs to be alone.
- We wanna help her.
Yes, that's right. That's what I need.
- C'mon, Dad. Go! I'm begging you!
- [music ends]
[woman hushes, echoing] Silence.
Irene seemed pretty tense
after Brenda arrived.
[indistinct chatter]
I'll go get them.
You wait here.
[tense music plays]
[quietly] I wanna know
where the hell you got the idea
that I buried someone.
- [Brenda] From your friend Fernanda.
- That's a lie.
She also told me
what that gardener did to Martina.
That's not true.
You don't get along with Fernanda.
This was before we had our fight.
One day, I went over to her place,
and she was so drunk and high
that she told me everything.
You're so full of lies, Brenda.
No. Drunks always tell the truth.
You can't even imagine
what Fernanda says about all of you.
Especially you.
Of course, if you confront Fernanda,
she'll deny it all.
But you and I both know
she's very unstable.
And when she's been drinking
a while, and she's really high,
her filters fall, and she starts talking.
[Irene] I don't believe a word of it.
[Brenda] I didn't either, at first.
But you know what?
I dug around a little on my own.
And I found something that implicates you
in Pedro Silva's death.
He was murdered
the night he raped Martina.
And you were there.
I have the evidence,
and I'm taking it to the police.
Stop this and tell me
who the fuck you are!
- Why are you so upset?
- Who are you?
- Was it you?
- Who are you?
- [Brenda] Was it you?
- Mom?
- Did you kill him?
- Tell me who you are!
- Things all right?
- They're fine, dear.
[Brenda exhales]
[footsteps fade]
Were you involved in that crime?
[somber music playing]
[sniffles] No.
[crying] It's all my fault!
- This happened because I'm an idiot!
- [Fer] How can it be your fault?
- Because I believed that asshole, Fer!
- Don't think like that. Look!
This is not because of you.
Look at me. None of what happened
had anything to do with you.
[sobbing] Why is he doing this to me, Fer?
What did I do to him?
What did I do? Nothing!
[gentle music playing]
- I love him. I love him so much.
- Come on.
- Just breathe.
- What am I gonna do with this?
Honey, none of this is important.
Please just forget about all that.
[sobs] You should've heard
the things he said to me.
[gentle music continues]
[cell phone vibrates]
Would you let me go, man?
Stop pointing that at me.
Look, let's just wait for Brenda
to call me and tell me you're good to go.
All right?
[Omar sighs]
You haven't answered me.
I don't like your question.
Do you really think
that I could murder someone?
No, of course not.
What I want to know is why Brenda says
she has evidence against you.
Because she's a liar and a manipulator.
That's what she's doing with you.
Where's Fernanda?
Sofía and Fer took Martina out the back
so that she wouldn't run into the guests.
[Irene] Where'd they go? Ugh!
- I'll be back. Take your dad to the house.
- [Adriano] Where are you going?
What were your mom
and Brenda talking about?
They were arguing. But it's nothing.
Nothing for you to worry about.
And why did Irene leave in such a hurry?
Because she wanted to be with her friends.
They all want to be
with Martina right now.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Fer] At least the asshole didn't wait
until after the wedding.
That would've been worse.
But all the things he said.
None of this is like him.
Why were there so many lies? Why?
Why the hell did he have
to hurt me this way?
I don't get it.
I brought you some tea.
It'll be good for you.
[Martina] Thanks, but I don't want any.
[Fer] I can't find
my grandmother's necklace.
Have you seen it?
Martina, sorry to have to ask you this,
but when you went
to my house to pick up some clothes,
was Omar with you?
[Martina] Mm-hmm.
It's just 'cause my necklace is missing.
You remember it, don't you?
The diamond one my grandmother gave me.
[suspenseful music playing]
And you think he stole it?
[Sofía] Don't torture yourself
with this, Martina. Okay?
- [Fer] What are you doing?
- [Martina sniffles, sighs]
[Fer] What is it?
There's 500,000 pesos missing
from one of my accounts.
I can't believe this.
[cell phone vibrating]
- It's Brenda.
- [Antonio] Well, answer it, dude.
So she doesn't think
you're turning on her.
- [Omar] Talk to me.
- I just wanna remind you.
My friends will be following
every step you take.
If you even think of betraying me,
or get close to Martina,
I will not be very understanding.
Is that clear?
Or should I send my friends over
to explain it to you?
[Omar] I hear you loud and clear, Brenda.
[Antonio] I think you'd better disappear
for a while.
Where the hell am I gonna go?
I spent all the money I have on my family.
I've got nothing.
Look, dude.
See this girl?
She's in Puerto Vallarta,
and she'll do anything for me.
She's probably got
some rich friend for you.
I was about to totally lose it
and tell Irene who I really am.
But then Adriano showed up,
and I held it in.
Do you care that much about this guy?
I thought you said
there was nothing between you two.
I just don't want him
to know what Irene did.
Or maybe the guy already knows,
and you're worried about upsetting him.
- There's no way in hell he knows. No.
- How can you be so sure?
Or do you think Irene
is keeping secrets from her stepson
so that he doesn't screw up
her shitty campaign?
Adriano is an honest person.
- He's transparent.
- [scoffs] Yeah, right!
- That guy's a real daddy's boy.
- Hey. Don't talk about him like that.
[tense music playing]
He's not your boyfriend.
Why are you defending him like that?
If Adriano has
to save his mom from going to jail,
whose side do you think he'll take?
I know it may be hard for you to hear,
but you know
I'm telling the truth, Brenda.
Just remember that
when Adriano turns his back on you.
[music intensifies]
[door opens]
Where did you get that information
I asked you for on Brenda Rey?
Tell me. What was your source?
Why are you asking, Councillor?
Because your report
doesn't feel quite right.
Like something's missing.
Ma'am, are you insinuating
that I may be withholding information
from you?
With all due respect,
I would never do that.
I can assure you.
I want you to dig deeper.
There's more out there,
and I wanna know what it is.
Whatever you say, Councillor.
Look into the story of the man
who disappeared 25 years ago.
Most importantly, find out
if he has a connection to Brenda Rey.
And what is the missing guy's name?
Pedro Silva.
[suspenseful music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
Adriano, what are you doing?
You've been in here
ever since we got back.
Nothing. I was
looking at some campaign stuff.
[cell phone rings]
It's kinda late to call.
Is something wrong?
[head of security]
I spoke to the councillor.
She thinks the report
on Brenda Rey was altered.
[call disconnects]
You know, I didn't lie to your wife
just for the money, Ricardo.
I did it because you asked me to.
What else did you talk about?
She asked me to investigate a Pedro Silva.
[Ricardo] I don't know anyone
by that name.
She wants to know if he's a relative
or in any way connected to Brenda Rey.
I don't know where to look for him.
He said they were renovating
his apartment,
so he was here all the time.
He was here the last few days.
I have no idea where he lives.
No idea whatsoever.
[Fer] Well, it's obvious
what this guy wanted.
A life of luxury, with you paying for it.
Come on, Fernanda.
You're adding fuel to the fire.
I know. But who knows
what else he took from of us.
You're right, Fer.
And I brought him to your house.
- Please forgive me.
- No, forgive me.
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
I've gotta take care of something.
Be right back.
- [man] Good evening, ma'am.
- [Fer] Thank you.
- [door closes]
- [Fer] Martina's so upset.
Why did you tell Brenda
about what happened with Pedro?
- With Pedro Silva?
- Yes.
She said you told her
during one of your drinking binges.
- [Fer] That's not true.
- No?
Can you swear
that you remember everything you say
and do when you're in that condition?
Wait a sec.
I may have done a lot of stupid things,
but I never said anything to anyone
about Pedro or Lucía.
[Irene] She knows what happened.
She knows that Martina was raped.
If it wasn't you, then who told her?
I don't know. But it wasn't me.
She says she has evidence implicating me
in what happened to him!
Irene, please. You can't believe her.
She's lied to all of us.
Really? Well, I hope that's the case.
Because if I go down, you do too.
We all go down. We're in this together.
Don't say anything to Sofía and Martina.
Martina's very upset,
and this'll only make it worse.
I'm gonna wait until I receive
the information I've asked for.
After that,
I'm gonna tell them everything.
I hope you're prepared
for what this will do to your family.
[monitor beeping]
[Rodrigo] You all right?
There's a lot going on right now.
[somber music playing]
[Fer] I don't wanna leave Tomás's side.
[Rodrigo] I know
how difficult this is, Fer.
But Tomás is gonna be okay.
We just have to be patient.
- [music fades]
- [breeze blowing gently]
[grunts] It was pretty awful.
She finds out he's ditching her
in front of all of their guests.
No, for real.
Couldn't have been worse. Here.
Complete asshole.
I mean, the guy waits to tell her
he doesn't wanna go through with it?
If you ask me, he's an idiot.
Because Martina's a catch,
and letting go of a woman like her,
someone who's as special as she is Hmm.
It's something he'll regret
for the rest of his life.
- [whimsical music playing]
- What's up with you?
- What do you mean?
- [clicks tongue]
- This whole Martina thing. It's weird.
- No.
- You're talking about her like
- We're friends.
- Nothing's weird.
- [Sam speaking]
[Manuel] Princess!
- Have breakfast.
- [Rodrigo] How are you?
- Morning.
- [Rodrigo] My sweet pea. Come here.
- [Manuel] Sit on your thone.
- [Rodrigo grunts]
Hey. How's Tomás doing today?
[exhales] Tomás is the same.
- I just came to grab a quick shower.
- [Sam] Mm-hmm.
- You should have your breakfast.
- Yes.
Look at this. Manuel made
some nice waffles for us.
- [laughs] Thanks.
- [Manuel] The best waffles.
- [whimsical music continues]
- Yeah. Right?
- [Sofía] Are you sure this was it?
- Yes.
I came here a few times.
We were standing right here
when he told me
about the immigration thing.
But with the wedding coming up,
he was supposed to keep
his medical office.
Can you help us?
My friend has been scammed.
Who's the tenant here?
Someone rented this office
for a couple of weeks.
They were shooting a commercial.
So, he probably didn't even work here.
He's not a doctor or anything.
He made it all up to trick me.
[exhales] I can't believe it. Oh my God.
Wasn't hard to find this Pedro Silva.
The police just reopened his case.
[Ricardo] He was a gardener
at La Victoria Boarding School.
[head of security] They found his remains
not far from there.
- [Ricardo] So, was he murdered?
- [head of security] Yes, he was.
What now, Ricardo? What do I do?
Your wife is expecting me
to bring her this information.
[sighs] My wife's losing trust in you.
I don't want any more problems.
Give her a copy of the file.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Ricardo] Who's this?
[head of security] Pedro Silva's brother.
He's the one who asked
that the case be reopened.
How could Irene have kept
something like this from me?
We still don't know if she had anything
to do with the death of the gardener.
[Ricardo] Well, she should've said
something to me.
She's investigating him for a reason.
I thought we didn't keep secrets
from each other.
Don't worry about it.
I won't let anything bad happen to her.
Brenda's behind all of this, dammit!
I just know it.
Brenda is not the problem.
The problem's the gardener's brother.
He wanted the case reopened,
and he needs to be out of the picture.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[knocking on door]
- [Martina] They told me to come in.
- Of course. Martina.
- I'm sorry I didn't come see you.
- Don't worry about it.
- Um we have a situation
- Omar not only ditched me.
He stole from me too.
[sighs] Oh, Martina.
I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.
What do you need? Do you wanna report him?
- No.
- [Irene] Why not?
No, no, no, no. I'm too ashamed.
I feel so damn stupid.
I feel just like I did 25 years ago.
Look. What happened 25 years ago
is not related
to what's happened to you now.
You have no reason to feel that way.
Know what my mom told me?
That all this is my fault.
Because apparently, I always think
with my vagina and not my head.
I don't wanna report him yet. [sniffles]
I want you to help me find him.
[music intensifies]
Because I'm gonna rip his balls off.
[tense music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[cell phone rings]
- I'm at work. What is it?
- [Sofía] Where is Camila?
When you left the wedding, I thought
you were coming home to sleep here.
I'm never sleeping in that house again.
What part of that don't you get?
Listen. You can do whatever the hell
you want, but not with her.
I don't even know where you live.
[Manuel] Yeah, well, don't worry about it.
Your daughter's being better taken care of
than she would be with you.
Where is she?
I left her at Fernanda's with Samantha.
What do you think?
I'd leave her just anywhere?
Look, Manuel, calm down!
If I'm asking, it's because I have
the right to know!
By the way, I have the right
to have my daughter with me
wherever I choose to live.
And I don't need your permission, Sofía.
- [huffs]
- [doorbell rings]
[suspenseful music playing]
Finally, you decide to show up
after that stunt you pulled in Puebla.
I think you have more important things
to worry about now.
I'm guessing Irene already told you.
Told me what?
Come on
You're saying Irene
didn't tell you what happened?
I know everything.
I know what you did to Pedro Silva.
Don't you have anything to say?
Irene was right.
She always thought
you were related to Pedro.
So it's true.
Listen, Brenda.
I get that if Pedro is family to you,
you want to have justice. But, look
He raped Martina. I know.
Put yourself in our shoes!
We were 16 years old.
Irene, Fernanda, and I tried
to defend Martina,
but Pedro tried to attack us as well.
- All we did was defend ourselves, and
- [Brenda] And what?
Have the courage
to acknowledge what you did.
We defended ourselves, and
Pedro fell off the bridge.
[music intensifies]
But we didn't mean to do it.
If Irene didn't tell you that I knew,
it's because your friends
don't care about you.
To them, you'll always be
the "poor" friend.
The one who can't afford
to defend herself.
The easiest one to blame.
I'm sorry things happened
the way they did.
I was starting to care about you, Brenda.
So tell me, all the things you told me
for the book, was any of it true?
The book?
I never asked you to write a book.
And I definitely didn't sign a contract.
Did you seriously have to go that far?
You spent session
upon session lying to me about your life!
The only liar here is you.
You're lying to your husband.
Are you actually saying
I commissioned a book from you?
And, wow.
Apparently, you're also lying to the bank.
[scoffs] Without a book to sell,
you won't have money to pay.
[footsteps fade]
[engine starts]
[phone beeps]
[Sofía] We defended ourselves,
and Pedro fell off the bridge.
How is their investigation going?
They've identified the body
and believe he was murdered.
Because his skull was broken
and then he was buried.
Any suspects?
[head of security] Nope. Not yet.
But Brenda Rey is not involved.
Neither with the crime
or the investigation.
There's no connection
between her and Pedro Silva.
Do you need anything else?
Yes, actually. I need you to find a
a man named Omar Santana.
I'm gonna give you
my friend Martina's phone number.
Call her as soon as you get
any information on him.
That's all.
If you'll excuse me.
[tense music playing]
[door opens]
[tense music continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano grunts]
[César groans]
[both grunting]
[César panting]
[metal clangs]
Who are you?
[intense music continues]
[glass smashes]
[César moans]
Fucking shit! [grunts]
- [panting]
- [cell phone rings]
- Well, did you deal with it?
- [Adriano] No, I couldn't.
- But I promise I'll take care of it
- Enough, Adriano!
Enough. [sighs, panting]
- You're out of this now.
- [call disconnects]
- [call disconnects]
- [tense music playing]
[line ringing]
I need to see you. It's very important.
- [knocking on door]
- [tense music plays]
[Gustavo] Sorry. It was open downstairs.
- [César exhales]
- What happened?
It's nothing.
You need something?
César, why didn't you call me?
I'm your lawyer.
Police confirmed the identity of
the remains. They called you.
You did your job, Gustavo.
Look, I'll be honest with you.
Walk away from this.
I don't want you to get hurt.
So those injuries are
because of your brother's case.
I have the right to know
if there are dangerous people
involved in a case I represent.
- And I have to call Brenda.
- But why?
Because she's in danger too.
[monitor beeping]
- [tense music playing]
- [sighs]
[heart thumping]
- [music fades]
- [sighs]
[tender music playing]
[softly] Son.
Honey. Do you hear me?
Do you?
[doctor] I need you to blink twice
if you can understand
what I'm saying, Tomás.
[Fer] He can hear us.
We're here, son. We'll always be here.
Very good.
You're doing an excellent job, Tomás.
I'm going to call the nurses
and get them to remove the tube,
so that he'll be able to talk to you.
You're gonna feel better
very soon, sweetheart.
[tender music intensifies]
- [Rodrigo exhales]
- [Fer laughs]
I can't believe our son is awake
and well and he's gonna be okay.
He's gonna come home.
[Rodrigo grunts]
[music stops abruptly]
I'm sorry.
Sorry. It's just that, I don't know.
With everything
we've been through together
[Rodrigo] Hmm.
I thought that maybe we could wipe
the slate clean
and make a fresh start for the two of us.
Fer, I know
I know that you're making a real effort
to change. Hmm?
I see your dedication to Tomás.
The way you've accepted Sam.
And I know you're doing everything
you can to stay off those pills, but
You don't love me?
No, Fer, it's not that. I swear it isn't.
But we've just drifted so far apart.
I don't know how to get close again, Fer.
And I don't wanna try.
I'm sorry.
- [somber music playing]
- [Fer sighs]
Yeah, I know.
I'm not gonna persist
or try to justify myself, because
I don't wanna put myself
in the position of begging for your love.
- Come on. It's not like that.
- [elevator beeps]
[Sam] Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom.
- [Fer gasps]
- Is it true? Is he awake?
- [Fer] Yes.
- [Sam] Yeah?
[Sofía] I've got a shitload of problems,
so go back to where you came from
and leave me alone.
I call, you don't answer.
I leave messages, and nothing.
What the fuck was that thing at the hotel?
Tell me.
I don't want to have
anything to do with you.
Don't you get it?
- You and I are finished!
- Let's get things straight, little girl.
Your career depends on me,
and you know it.
You and I are gonna be connected
for the rest of our lives.
Or would you rather tell the whole world
that the real author
of Learning to Love is me?
That you just put your name on it.
Hey. You okay, Sofía?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano] Come in.
- Want somethin' to drink?
- [Brenda] Yeah, thanks.
[cell phone rings]
[Brenda] You seem nervous, Adriano.
What's up?
[Adriano] I heard you talking to my mom.
You told her she was involved in a crime.
I just don't understand why you care.
What do you have against her?
[tense music playing]
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- No.
[sighs] When I told you I was leaving
I said you were
the most important thing to me.
Let me prove it.
If I tell you some of the things I know,
you will hate me.
I swear that won't happen.
When I called, it wasn't about my mother.
It was about us.
Because whatever happens,
I'll never judge you.
The thing with your mom and her friends
is a lot more serious
than you can imagine.
When I first met you, I said to myself,
"That person seems lonely."
You find it hard to trust people.
It must be because you've been hurt.
But you're not alone.
Let me prove to you that you can trust me.
When I was born,
I was left in an old house.
It looked abandoned.
But it wasn't.
Someone found me
and raised me until I was ten years old.
[gentle music playing]
That person told me that
they saw four girls running away
after they left me.
And those girls were my mom
and her friends?
One of them is your mom?
Why didn't you tell them who you were?
Because I knew if I told them,
they'd just deny it.
Also, I wanted to see if they felt guilty
or something.
But no.
They all went on with their lives
as if nothing happened.
This has to end now.
You're in danger.
- Do you think your mom is capable of
- Pfft. No, of course not.
She'd never hurt you.
But the people in her party
won't let you screw up their election.
- This is more powerful than us.
- I'm sorry, Adriano.
I know this must be so hard for you
Do you think it's fair for my mom
to go to trial for burying a rapist?
Whether it's fair or not,
I owe it to my best friend.
She was like a sister to me,
and she was killed because of me.
- Look, I'd better go.
- No, no, no, no. Don't do that.
- Stay here with me.
- [Brenda sighs]
If you have nowhere to go,
then come and live with me.
No one will dare hurt you if you're here.
Are you really taking my side
after everything I just said?
[Adriano sighs]
Circle in my sights ♪
Like a dark ballet ♪
Phantoms on a stage ♪
[both panting]
Distant memory ♪
[Brenda] What happened?
[sighs] It's from working out.
[sultry pop music continues]
I know better ♪
Running forever ♪
I know better ♪
Than to show my face round here ♪
Before I disappear ♪
[monitor beeping]
How's my beautiful boy?
How do you feel?
We're all here for you.
- I love you.
- [weakly] Forgive me.
[Rodrigo] Everything will be okay.
I love you.
I I need to talk to you.
[monitor beeping]
How are you doing? Hmm?
- [crying] Please forgive me.
- [Rodrigo] Hey, listen to me.
There's nothing to forgive, son. Huh?
Don't worry about what happened.
We're gonna fix it.
It'll be all right.
B Brenda.
[Rodrigo] What about Brenda?
I need to talk to her, Dad.
[tense music playing]
[Antonio] Omar, what the fuck?
Why you so gloomy, dude?
You've gotta move on.
- [knocking on door]
- That must be the food.
Open the door. I'll get money.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Antonio] How much is it?
You attacked me, didn't you?
[dramatic music playing]
- Listen to me.
- [Martina] Get your hands off.
- Don't touch me!
- Calm down.
- Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.
- Who are you, Omar?
- Let me explain.
- Explain what?
That you live with that fucking asshole!
That you preyed on me?
That you're a con artist?
- I'm gonna put you in jail, asshole!
- No, please! Please, Don't report me.
- [Martina] Don't fucking touch me!
- Don't. Okay. I won't touch you.
I had to do it for the money.
Because my mom is sick.
Who the hell are you?
Why are you doing this to me? [crying]
Why? What did I do to you?
Why did you screw me around like that?
For Brenda!
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Brenda?
- [Omar] Yes.
- But
I don't know why she did it,
but she hired me.
And I know that doesn't justify it
But it was Brenda.
It was Brenda's plan
to hurt you all along.
- But why does she wanna hurt me?
- I don't know, but she threatened me.
She said that if I told you,
she would have me killed.
I'm sorry.
[music fades]
Well, here I am.
We don't have much time.
I managed to get Fernanda
and Samantha out,
but they'll be back soon.
- What could Tomás have to say to me?
- I don't know.
I just want you to know, Brenda,
I don't trust you. Okay?
And the only reason I agreed to this
was to appease my son.
[tense music playing]
If you're thinking of reporting me,
it'll be your word against mine.
[Tomás] No, no. It's not that.
What do you want, then?
Brenda, please don't do anything
to hurt my mother.
You have no fucking idea
what you're talking about.
I'm not some con artist.
Your mother and her friends
owe me an explanation.
And as twisted as it sounds,
I think that your mom is the one
who sent you to do all this shit.
- It wasn't her.
- [Brenda] Then who was it?
Who told you to follow me?
Who told you to give me that drug
and then bury me alive?
Who was calling the shots, Tomás?
[music intensifies]
It was It was Adriano.
[dramatic music playing]
Do you think I'm an idiot?
Why would you blame Adriano?
Just to play with my head?
He crashed your car that night.
And then he stayed
with you at the hospital,
so you wouldn't be suspicious.
- He told me that.
- No, no, no, no, no.
You crashed that car, Tomás.
You caused the accident.
You followed me for months.
You sent me photos.
He asked me to send you those photos
when he knew he was gonna be with you.
There's a place.
It's Adriano's.
[breathing shakily]
All the proof you need is there.
The laptop, the messages, the photos,
and even the cell phone
he used to call me.
Everything that proves it is there.
And where is this mystery location?
Please. Just swear to me
you won't say anything to Adriano.
Swear, Brenda.
I won't tell him anything
because this is embarrassing.
I'm betraying him
just by listening to this.
He doesn't love you, Brenda.
He wants you close to him
so that he can keep an eye on you.
That's it.
Even if it was true,
why bother saying this now?
The last time I saw you,
I was pointing a gun at you.
[Tomás] Because you didn't shoot.
Because I knew you couldn't do it.
Or hurt my family.
But Adriano would.
So, I've put my faith in you.
I tried to leave you alone,
but he stalked me.
He threatened me.
- He wouldn't leave me alone
- Stop playing the victim, Tomás!
You're a fucking murderer!
- You admitted you killed Itzel!
- No. I'm not lying.
Do you think
I'm gonna believe you over my boyfriend?
- Who do you think you are?
- It's the truth!
[Rodrigo] Fernanda will be here soon.
Are you okay? Why are you crying?
- It's nothing, Dad.
- [Rodrigo] What did you do to my son?
[dramatic music intensifies]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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