Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e13 Episode Script

The Final Episode

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
This is his town.
The place where
he can be the happiest.
Where he can be himself.
And you too, Tsukiko.
30 yen for a saury-pike,
but you can get two for 50.
How about it, Mister?
I'll take them.
And I'll give you one
for free, little girl.
You need to eat a lot to grow well.
Shonen Bat will never come here.
Let's go.
I'll protect you.
I'll protect only you, Tsukiko.
It's because
Maromi is gone now!
Maromi Goods
Sold Out
Hey, open up!
You're hiding the merchandise!
We want Maromi!
The mysterious black ooze that suddenly
appeared all over the country
is still growing larger, causing
damage in numerous places
No one can stop
his growth anymore?
Tsukiko Sagi, where are you?!
Answer me, Tsukiko!
Short Hope.
Here you go, Short Hope.
Oh, little girl, little girl!
Here you go.
Your dad got his cigarettes, you
want something too, don't you?
Wait for me!
You're smoking?
I've been off for some time, but
I thought you smoked
Mild Seven, didn't you?
It doesn't matter which kind.
It doesn't matter, does it?
Nothing matters.
Can you hear me, Chief!
I know you're there, Chief.
And you have Tsukiko
with you, don't you?
Please, return Tsukiko!
The minds of the people who
depended on Maromi emotionally
let Shonen Bat
grow infinitely larger!
Tsukiko Sagi is indispensable
in defeating him!
Are you listening, Chief?!
Maromi and Shonen Bat
are the same!
They both originated
from within Tsukiko!
The original Maromi was
Tsukiko's pet dog.
But on that day, because of
Tsukiko's carelessness, the dog
To hell with Shonen Bat.
There's no such thing in this town.
Look, the officer stopped the
poisonous broadcast!
I knew we could count on the police!
Blood pressure decreasing.
Blood transfusion, hurry up.
There's no way
There's no way she's here!
Hey, another beer!
Maybe you shouldn't drink so much.
You're such a cute little thing,
aren't you?
I'm happy that you
don't look like your old man.
You'll grow up to be
the prettiest girl in Japan.
Here you go, draft beer.
Thank you for waiting.
On the house.
You've got a tough job.
It's your favorite,
Mr. Ikari. I cooked it.
Misae, dear,
we want service, too!
Stop wasting your time over there!
Yes, coming!
I'm all right
Just a palpitation
Will you be very late to come home?
How did you get in?!
Give me back my husband!
This place is not for you.
Tsukiko, take your father and run!
No, darling!
Why does she keep clinging to me?
Are you OK, Father?
No, Maromi!
Are you OK?
Yes, of course I am.
You didn't have to do this for me.
Taking me to the festival.
You're busy with your work.
That's beside the point.
That's right, I wanted a daughter.
I didn't get along with my old man.
I thought it would be
sad to have a son.
Just to be disliked by him,
just like I did my dad.
Do you think that's funny?
I don't.
I think this is a girl.
I'm sorry!
Our baby I'm sorry!
Let's just accept reality.
The only person I really
need by me is you.
Have a nice day!
If only I wasn't with you
you wouldn't have
have to live such a hard life
Don't ever say such a thing again.
You're just trying to escape.
A makeshift salvation is
nothing but deception.
No matter how hard it is, don't run
away, and we'll overcome it together.
Thank you.
I'll be dead soon.
I wanted to say goodbye before that.
Say goodbye
to the "you" I know very well.
I know!
I know it perfectly well!
I was very happy with you.
Her heart's stopped!
Cardiac massage!
Who are you calling "Father"?
I know
Yeah, I know!
This world is all fake!
It's all a lie.
What are you doing?!
Stop it!
I'm surrounded by fools!
Stop it!
This is your world!
You're going to lose your world!
Stop babbling, you dog!
My place disappeared long ago!
The reality is that I have no place
where I'm supposed to be!
Chief is back!
What is this place?
Hey, wait!
Stop right there!
What happened to you?
We're going to split the
bill for Korean BBQ!
Everything started with Tsukiko.
Her paranoia created
Shonen Bat 10 years ago.
It came back after all these
years and caused all this havoc.
It's not Tsukiko's fault!
He's the bad one!
It's all Shonen Bat's fault!
Stop it, Maromi!
Tsukiko let you die!
Ten years ago, when you
were still a schoolchild
you were attacked
by a street assailant.
While you were walking
your pet dog, Maromi.
The attacker was a boy wearing
in-line skates and carrying a metal bat.
Despite the police investigation,
the attacker was never caught.
And no wonder.
Because such a street attacker
never existed!
You accidentally let go
of Maromi's leash
and he was run over by
a passing car and died.
But you couldn't tell
your father the truth.
You were afraid he'd punish you.
That's why you made up
a fictitious street attacker
in order to pretend that
you were a victim!
That's not true!
He really hit me!
That's why I
Your father saw through your story.
Yet, he went along and made every
effort to find the attacker for you.
Because he blamed himself for
turning you into such an introverted
child, through his strict discipline.
That is to say
this bat is an embodiment of
your father's atonement for you!
His wish that you
will tell him the truth!
Maniwa, behind you!
He's become one at last.
No matter how big you grow,
you're nothing but a deception!
Feel the power of the
sword that knows the truth!
Get up!
On your feet!
Tsukiko, run!
Tsukiko, run!
Stop fooling around!
All this for a puppy.
What kind of world do we live in?!
Don't look, run!
Tsukiko let you die!
You accidentally let go
of Maromi's leash
and he was run over by
a passing car and died.
But you couldn't tell
your father the truth.
You were afraid he'd punish you.
That's why you made up
a fictitious street attacker
in order to pretend
that you were a victim!
Hey, wait!
No, Maromi!
No! No!
Don't move!
Come on, we're going now, Maromi.
Father went through so much
trouble to get him for you.
Are you afraid of Father?
It's his fault.
Because he came!
I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry!
This is just like right after the war.
The Tokyo Reconstruction Work
Committee has declared
the completion of the
rebuilding efforts.
Marking the end of the tragedy
that took place two years ago.
Well, Tokyo may be rebuilt, but our
company still has a long way to go!
Oh no, those kind of projects
don't sell at all since that happened!
That's an animation, right?
Can't we see something
more like a normal movie?
Anything but a dog.
I'll be in trouble with my landlord!
We're up to our ears in it, too!
But nobody told me anything about it!
We're trying our best!
Let's go fmeow with Fmeow.
Don't give me that negative attitude.
I could take this story to
somebody else, you know.
To begin
The story that seems to have ended
Went round and round
and back to its beginning.
Following each stepping stone
and connecting the dots
You will find an eternally
recurring phantasmal castle.
No mystery remains unsolved forever.
And no answer is ever without mystery.
Well, then, we bid you farewell.
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