Revenge s01e13 Episode Script


Previously on "Revenge" Daddy! When I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.
- Daddy! - Amanda! Dad threw us a curveball.
I won't be fully vested in the company until I get married.
I love her, so why wait? You don't remember me, do you, Amanda? - Should I? - I interviewed you for my book about your father.
Quite the collection.
Hundreds of hours of one-on-one interviews.
No! No! Victoria gave birth to a baby girl Charlotte.
Ask her who the father is.
Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices.
But it isn't really our choices that distinguish who we are.
It's our commitment to them.
Victoria only came to the courtroom twice.
Once for the day of her testimony, and then on the day that I was sentenced.
On that day, she brought the baby Charlotte so beautiful.
Her eyes were so familiar.
I barely heard the judge when he told me that I would never leave this prison alive.
Losing Amanda was hard enough.
The thought of losing two daughters at once, it was It was unbearable.
I think that's enough for today.
So Charlotte Grayson is your sister? If my father was right.
But what I don't understand is, why wouldn't he write that in his journals? Why trust Treadwell with that information and no one else? Maybe he wasn't certain.
Which is why I'm gonna find out.
Or the Graysons are gonna find out for me.
Okay, I'll bite.
What are you gonna do with the tapes? One of them's gonna blow up Victoria's divorce.
The other ones are gonna be found on Amanda.
To frame her for torching casa Treadwell? She didn't give me much choice.
So the fact that Charlotte might be your sister makes absolutely no difference to you? Half sister, and No, it doesn't.
What about Jack? Jack is in love with a killer.
I've gotta get rid of Amanda.
Well, he thinks he's in love with you.
Meanwhile, poor puppy dog Daniel actually is.
So where, pray tell, does your heart stand in all this? My feelings are irrelevant.
Look, I came here for revenge, and you offered to help.
If you can't stomach it anymore, then how about you at least spare me your passive-aggressive judgments? Conrad's got a half dozen offshore entities holding multi-currency bank accounts in Denmark and Spain.
You got a ballpark? $500 million give or take.
When were they established? Within the last ten years.
Making them community property now that we voided the prenup.
There's something else he's withholding.
The S.
is sniffing around, looking at the company's trading practices.
So there's a bit of a ticking clock to get whatever liquid assets we can before a potential scandal blows up.
I told you Daniel would come through.
This should make today's mediation session all the more interesting.
Well, it looks like your father's deceit is good news for both of us.
How so? Because thanks to you, I'm poised to get what's rightfully mine, and you won't have go through your impetuous plan to marry Emily.
Mom Even if marrying her didn't activate my trust, I'd still do it.
I love her, Mom.
And if you truly care about my happiness, you'll find a way to love her, too.
Whoo! Hey.
Heard you guys went to paint the town.
You made it back just before the storm.
How was Atlantic City? Went big, lost big.
Emphasis on the lost And the big.
What are you doing here? Uh, well, Amanda and I made plans to go for breakfast last week.
Wondered if you'd forget.
You know how I feel about breakfast The most important meal of the day.
All right, well, you two go ahead and have fun.
Okay, what's so important that you couldn't wait until I was on dry land? Mason Treadwell's house burned to the ground the night that you left town.
Karma really is a bitch.
More like Victoria Grayson is.
I think she's the one who did it.
Are you serious? She doesn't exactly look like the type.
Looks are always deceiving with Victoria.
She despises Treadwell and she despises you, too.
You need to leave town, lay low for a little while.
What? Why? Because Victoria hates me, and you're pretending to be me.
If she can burn down a house, she can definitely pin it on you, or worse someone that you care about.
Babe, we've survived a lot worse than Ms.
And I can take care of myself And Jack.
- Declan.
- Look, I'm sorry I'm late.
You want to order something? Uh, no.
That's okay.
I filled up on beer nuts.
- It's the breakfast of champions.
- Mm.
Do you want to tell him or can I? Tell me what? Charlotte and I were talking about the future, - your future.
- Yeah, what about it? You've been through a lot lately.
I know you lost your father and that you and your brother struggle to make ends meet.
So how would you like to join Charlotte at Collins Prep this fall? I'd love to, but I don't have the money or the grades.
And what if I told you the tuition's already paid for? The grades are up to you.
You've made things easier for my daughter lately, and I just want to repay you by making things a little easier for you.
And that's the deal? That is the deal.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Now all you have to do is pass the entrance exam.
That's amazing.
Think you can pass? Do you think I can pass? You're gonna.
I don't know what to say, sir.
Thank you.
- We're going to school together.
- This is gonna be awesome.
Let's get right to this, shall we? There have been some rather interesting discoveries in our research into Mr.
Grayson's finances.
There have also been some interesting discoveries about your client's past indiscretions.
Any infidelities my client may have participated in, from a legal standpoint, was voided by your client's affair with Ms.
I'm afraid we're talking about a much more serious each of trust here, Ryan.
Do you know the name of my favorite aunt, the one who raised me? Well, Victoria does.
On the day that she was supposed to testify, she fell ill.
Weeks later, she gave birth to a baby girl.
She named her Charlotte, same as my aunt.
I think that she did it to send me a message that the little girl she was raising with Conrad is mine.
Where did you get this? My dear That's hardly the issue.
We will be ordering a paternity test.
And if Charlotte isn't mine, I can assure you that the only way you're gonna keep this from the media is to walk away from this sham of marriage with whatever I deign to give you, which won't include the Grayson name, by the way.
When we're done with all of this, you're gonna be back to Victoria Harper, which is only fitting considering you'll once again be the desperate, penniless little bitch you were when I first met you.
You've breached our disclosure contract, Victoria And not for the first time.
How do you expect me to represent you when I can't even trust you? I told you, I had an affair.
But you didn't tell me it was with David Clarke, or that Charlotte could possibly be his daughter.
What are you doing? Well, our late head of security had a number of subcontractors he hired for various tasks.
Looks like I'm gonna be needing one of them.
For what? Mason thinks that his tapes were destroyed in a fire, but I know damn well it was deliberately set - in order to cover the theft.
- By whom? Ashley.
Please invite Amanda Clarke up this afternoon for tea.
Do not take no for an answer.
Charlotte? Emily? What are you doing in here? Jack, I I'm so sorry.
I was looking for Amanda.
She was, uh, she was summoned to the Grayson manor for tea with Victoria.
Really? What's that about? Well, given how much the Graysons hated her dad, I'd say nothing good.
After what that girl's been through You really care about her, don't you? Yeah.
Thank you, by the way, for being so nice to her.
It means a lot.
I'll, uh, I'll tell her you stopped by.
Hey, Jack.
Be careful.
Uh, the storm's coming in quickly.
The strawberries were picked fresh from my garden this morning.
So you're no longer allergic? I remember a company picnic where one bite sent you straight to the emergency room.
Your father was beside himself.
Fortunately, I outgrew that.
Well, then by all means, have some creme fraiche with it.
I love summer storms.
Don't you? Not really.
Let me be direct.
Mason tells me you claim I had a relationship with David Clarke.
You don't honestly believe that, do you? I remember what I remember.
- Which is? - Same as you, most likely.
Well, I have to confess that after all these years, my memory is just a little bit foggy of those times.
You remembered my strawberry allergy just fine.
Actually, when I come to think of it, I'm not all that certain that little girl was you.
All right.
Why don't you cut the crap and tell me what I'm really doing here? Mason believes that you have some sort of vendetta against us.
And this dovetails very nicely with this uncanny sense I have that his house didn't just burn down accidentally.
Word on the street is, you lit that match so you could pin it on me.
- Is that so? - Mm-hmm.
Well, then maybe you should tell me why you sent that tape to my husband.
Is it money you're after? I don't know what you're talking about.
And apparently, neither do you.
Sit down.
I don't take orders from you.
I'm here right now.
The spoon.
I'll have the lab rush this right through.
There's no way that girl is David Clarke's daughter.
Well, we'll know soon enough.
Victoria, I just got off the phone with Conrad's lawyer.
The preliminary results from Charlotte's D.
test are in.
He's not the father.
Knock, knock.
Sorry to interrupt.
Your mom wanted me to let you know that your dad's on his way over with his lawyer in case you wanted to run for the hills.
Okay, just, uh, just let her know I won't be here.
Are you proposing to Emily? Don't say anything to my mother, all right? She doesn't need to know until Emily says yes.
You think she will? Well, after your lengthy courtship, who wouldn't? Wow.
You sound about as happy as my mom does.
What happened to being Emily's best friend? Daniel You picked a really lovely ring.
Despite the D.
results, Mr.
Grayson has no intention of voiding Charlotte's trust fund.
How very generous of you.
She's not to blame, after all.
She does realize that means we're done with the idea of mediation? You really want a protracted trial? You know you'll both be skewered in the media.
No, somehow I think it's my soon-to-be ex-wife who's gonna draw the most unflattering spotlight.
I need to speak with her in private.
That might not be the best idea.
No, I would advise against that.
It's not a request.
Must you drag Charlotte into all this? Me? That's rich.
Here are your options, and they are limited: A: You accept the pittance I'm prepared to offer you in exchange for avoiding a trial, or B: We take this to court, and it becomes common knowledge that Charlotte is the daughter of the most hated man in America, meaning you had a torrid love affair with a terrorist.
David Clarke was no terrorist, and he was twice the man you ever were.
Well, you're gonna have a very hard time convincing the rest of the world of that.
So what's it gonna be, Victoria, A or B? I did everything you asked for, and now you're prepared to throw your children to the wolves and leave me with nothing all because of your wounded pride? I'll instruct Barbara to send over my final proposal.
Reject it, and whatever happens to Charlotte will be on your hands.
Bloody hell.
It's a little early to be lighting all the candles.
What, you're afraid I'm gonna burn the place down? Okay, okay.
Look You've been like this ever since your tea with Victoria.
You gonna tell me what happened? The bitch practically accused me of burning down Treadwell's house.
- That's what happened.
- She what? That's insane.
Yeah, what's even more insane is that Emily tried to warn me she'd do it.
I should've listened to her from the beginning.
Beginning of what? Oh, great job buddy.
Do you have a broom or anything? I'll be right back.
Hey Chatty Cathy.
Zip it.
Jack can't know about anything that Emily's told you.
She's barely told me anything.
I'm practically as in the dark as Jack is.
Well, listen, Emily's been nothing but good to you.
Really? A few days ago, Emily earwigs me into getting all up in Mason's grill, and then coincidentally, his house burns to the ground? Great questions for Emily.
So till you get some answers, keep Jack out of it.
Hey, Daddy.
Declan's so blown away by your offer that we've spent the entire day prepping for the exams.
Oh, no.
What's wrong? Uh, well, Charlotte, we need to talk.
What'd she do this time? Oh, no.
It's just, um I'm going to be making some changes over the next few weeks.
It's the end of the summer, and things are heating up for me at the office so I'm gonna be going back and forth to the city more and more.
So what does that mean? I'm saying it's not practical for you to stay with me.
But I'm supposed to live with you.
I thought you were buying another house here.
Oh, I know that was the plan, but I think it's best if you go back to your mother's.
I can't stand her, Daddy.
You know that.
Then you need to work on that.
You're not a child anymore, Charlotte.
It's time you start growing up.
Okay, just a little further.
You recognize where we are? It's where I spilled my drink on your jacket.
You really kept it.
Man of my word.
Well, so much for good first impressions.
That was a perfect impression, as was your second and your third.
You know, most men in this town would've thrown me off the boat.
You were so sweet about it.
You know, most people look at me and see me for someone I'm not.
And I spent the first part of my life either disappointing them or worse living up to their expectations.
You're the first person that I could be my true self around.
Lucky me.
I know we haven't known each other for very long, and we've had to deal with some pretty unexpected things in a short amount of time.
Sort of like this weather.
You think one storm's passed, and another one's on the horizon Which is why I'm sure about the way I feel for you, 'cause as long as I have you I'm not stopping.
No one's ever made me feel as loved and as safe and understood as you do.
If you let me I'd like to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me.
Emily Thorne, will you marry me? Yes.
If only I could've controlled the weather.
Perfectly romantic.
Romance is never perfect.
But don't let me rain on anyone's parade.
Mom, hi.
We were just It's obvious what you were doing, sweetheart.
- Hello, Emily.
- Victoria.
Oh, you two look like co-conspirators.
Don't tell me you've Yet, I see that you have.
Mom, we were just coming to give you some good news.
Oh, and what news is that? - Victoria, um - Mom Did you tell your father? I'm sure he will be thrilled.
No, you're the first, then Charlotte, then Dad.
Oh, come on, Mom.
Be happy for us.
Ashley Davenport Slumming it? - Mm.
- Vodka soda, please.
- House is fine.
- You got it.
House vodka? Ash, talk to me.
Well, if you must know, I've basically shunned my best friend all summer in favor of worming my way aboard the "S.
Queen Victoria" only to find out that it's a sinking ship.
How so? All I've got to show for my summer with the Graysons is a gun-wielding psychotic ex-boyfriend who made out with you.
Meanwhile, Emily gets an engagement ring and the keys to the kingdom.
Emily said yes? According to her text.
I'm gonna go to the loo and drown myself in it.
It's back there.
Did I hear that right? I'm afraid you did.
You wanna pour another one for yourself, my treat? I'm on the clock.
What time you done? Maybe I can give you a ride home.
I am home.
I live upstairs.
- Even more convenient.
- With my boyfriend.
You enjoy your drink.
Hello, Dad.
Where's Charlotte? She wasn't in her room.
- I sent her home.
- Home? Why? Because that's where she belongs.
Why do you need her? I've asked Emily to marry me.
- She said yes.
- I see.
And is Ms.
Thorne at all aware that she's just part of a scheme for you to get your hands on your share of the company? See, I'm not half the fool your mother has clearly painted me out to be.
Okay, okay, look, I know that you're bitter over everything that's happened between you and Mom.
Bitter doesn't even begin to cover it.
But assuming you were ever in love, there has to be a part of you that still remembers how you felt when you first met her.
That's how I feel about Emily.
You're right.
I fell in love with her, Daniel, and I fell hard.
My first marriage was already a disaster when I walked into that little art gallery in the village and I saw your mother for the first time.
And, yeah, I'm sure I felt about her then the same way you think you feel about Emily now.
Except I'd never treat Emily the way you're treating Mom.
No, no, no, you say that, but you'll be at each other's throat in the end.
You'll see.
You'll cheat on her, she'll cheat on you, and then one day, you'll find out she's been keeping a secret so big, it'll destroy your whole family.
What secret? What are you talking about? Well, you know, you're so cozy with your mommy, why don't you let her tell you? Charlotte.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I was looking for Daniel.
And he was looking for you.
He went to the South Fork Inn.
Is everything okay? My dad just kicked me out.
I have no idea what I did.
Everything was fine, he offered to pay for Declan's school, and then just out of the blue I've just never seen him look at me that way before.
What way? The way he looks at my mom.
Oh, my God.
Emily Did Daniel propose? Yeah.
He wanted to tell you himself.
Is that okay? You have no idea how badly I've always wanted a sister.
At this late an hour, you must be bearing bad news.
That depends.
The lab compared Amanda's D.
samples to Charlotte's.
And? They're a match.
They're definitely half sisters.
That means she really is Amanda Clarke.
I don't believe it.
There is something more serious I need to discuss with you, Victoria, about my services and your legal affairs.
Allow me to help you, Mr.
You're fired.
What the hell are you doing? You don't want to mess with me, bro.
- I was just leaving.
- No, you're not going Aah! Ohh! You shoulda listened.
Jack, are you up there? Jack, is everything okay? Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
What happened? Jack got the crap beat out of him.
He stumbled upon some guy rifling through Amanda's stuff looking for, presumably, a set of Hi8 videotapes.
- Victoria did this.
- No.
You did this when you planted Treadwell's tapes.
I never meant for Jack to get hurt.
How much collateral damage are you willing to accept? I may have Jack's blood all over my jacket, but you've got it all over your hands.
I have something I need to do.
Don't you always? Nice ring.
I told you Jack Porter was off-limits.
What happened? Victoria called in her own guy.
There was nothing I could do.
You were supposed to control it.
They got to you, didn't they? No.
Your father did.
I told him his best shot at a new trial would mean pulling you in.
He refused.
He was afraid of what the conspiracy might do to keep you silenced.
You're lucky I intercepted that D.
test she ordered on Amanda.
If I hadn't switched the sample, you'd be finished.
I know.
Thank you.
You know I believe your father is innocent, but I can't be part of this kind of violence.
Maybe it's time you reassess what you're doing here.
I'm so sorry, Jack.
We need to talk.
No kidding.
I've got about a gajillion questions for you.
I know you've been keeping secrets from me.
You have about five seconds to start talking.
The Graysons framed my father.
They were responsible for that plane going down.
They set him up to take the fall.
Are you serious? While I was rotting away in juvie with you and my father was rotting away in federal prison, the Graysons were sitting in that house Living their lives, spending their money raising their kids like nothing ever happened.
So that's why I'm here.
I came back to avenge my father's death And to take everything away from them.
Why didn't you tell me? I-If you woulda told me, I Because I didn't want something like this to happen.
The Graysons hired that guy who beat up Jack.
And now you're both in danger.
They did this to him? You need to go to save yourself And Jack And if you care to Me.
You know I'd do anything for you.
This is your new cell phone.
I'm gonna need your old one.
Your fake I.
and passport are in your bag.
That just leaves Jack.
I can't say good-bye to him.
Then I'll do it for you.
You're up late.
How did your father take the news? He took it like you'd expect.
Except he said something else that - I can't get out of my head.
- Oh, what's that? Well, basically, the reason why he's being so nasty is because of some secret you've been keeping.
Oh, we all have secrets, Daniel.
Mom It's me.
All right? So whatever it is, you don't have to keep me in the dark.
Well, the truth is inevitable, Daniel, and I do want to tell you myself.
But I just don't want you to think less of me.
Oh, that's impossible, Mom.
Just tell me.
It's about your sister.
Well, what What about her? Conrad's not her father.
Who's Charlotte's father? D-D-David Clarke.
Oh All I wanted to Was to protect Charlotte from the truth.
That's all I wanted.
What did he do to you, Mom? Please.
I can't talk about this.
Oh I can't.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Mom.
Come here.
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, God, Mom.
I am so sorry.
Is this seat taken? It's a free beach.
- Amanda's gone.
- Yeah, well, kudos to you.
Looks like the ends finally justified the means.
Or should I say meanness? - Are you finished? - I don't know.
Are you? I'll never be finished.
But after what happened to Jack, I I think it's clear that I need to minimize the fallout from what I'm doing.
I think it's a good time to press "pause" on all of this.
And do what? Regroup.
Maybe there's a better way to level Victoria than by marrying her son.
And what do you plan to do with Daniel? I'm gonna give him his ring back.
Tell him that I need to give marrying into his family some more thought Which is actually kind of true.
For once.
Baby steps.
Don't do that.
Hey, you're up, finally.
Where's Amanda? Uh She's gone, Jack.
What do you mean, gone? I don't understand.
I'm so sorry, man.
Where where where would she go? I-I Charlotte? Where were you this morning? Walking on the beach.
Oh, sweetheart I know how much what your father's done has hurt you, but I'm so happy you've come back home.
- Let's talk about it.
- No.
- Charlotte, please, please - Mom, just don't.
I told them we were retiring for the evening.
But we do have to give our statements in the morning.
- Are you okay? - Of course not.
What we did was despicable.
But necessary.
You know that.
- I love you, Victoria.
- I know that, too.
Conrad I can't bear being alone right now.
Will you stay with me tonight? I'd like that very much.
For some, commitment is like faith A chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal.
But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question How far am I willing to go? I woke up, and you were gone again.
We're gonna have to do something about that.
Well, you crawled into bed so late, I thought I'd let you sleep a bit.
I know.
I I'm sorry.
I should I should've never gone to see my dad.
I should've stayed with you.
Is everything okay? I found out why my parents' divorce is so contentious.
Turns out my dad isn't really Charlotte's father.
Oh, my God, Daniel.
And that's not even the worst of it.
Her biological father is that madman who used to live in your house Amanda's father, the terrorist.
Does Charlotte know? No.
I don't think my mom ever intends to tell her.
The truth is too horrible.
Because of what David Clarke was accused of or because your mom was unfaithful to your father? No, that's just it.
She wasn't unfaithful.
That bastard forced himself on her.
Oh, I've never seen my mother like that.
Are you saying that he raped her? And got pregnant with Charlotte as a result.
She said this to you? If that son of a bitch wasn't rotting in hell, I'd drag him down and kill him myself.
Anyway, I don't want to think about it anymore.
So what got you up so early this morning.
Looks like you've done some heavy thinking of your own.
I have.
How's June for the wedding? You still want to marry into my crazy family? More than ever.

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