Rubicon s01e13 Episode Script

You Can Never Win

Previously on AMC's Rubicon (gunshot) The companies have taken analysis's and intelligence from API And made money, off unforseeable events.
I think they might have been engineering the events themselves.
The train crash, Katherine.
Travis knows our names for christ sake.
(gunshot) I use to be with hiim too.
We just work together.
One-quarter of America's oil supply moves through Houston.
Cleaning up this mess is going to block the harbor for at least three months.
(indistinct, overlapping chatter) (overlapping chatter) (sighs) SPANGLER: We suffered a massive intelligence failure yesterday.
Because of our negligence, our inability to stay ahead of the narrative, terrorists were able to explode and sink an American oil tanker in Galveston Bay.
Galveston Bay.
I want everyone in this room, everyone at API, to bend their minds to this single aspect of existence.
Who was responsible for this attack on our native soil? Our government, our president, needs to know.
Our answer to that question will determine his response.
Team E will ride point on this.
Everyone else, comb through your individual areas of responsibility and pass on to them anything, Anything you think relevant! The entire intelligence community is looking to us.
to come back with the truth.
The truth.
Just the truth.
(murmuring) ♪ Rubicon 1x13 ♪ You Can Never Win The intelligence is clean on this.
We have the chain.
George to Yuri, to Tanaz, to Kateb, to boom.
But none of them was the mastermind, which is made abundantly clear by the fact that they're all dead.
Will, this has Iran written all over it.
The Iranian e-mail code Tanaz used, her meeting with the, uh, Iranian intelligence officer.
Varaz Fard, aka Paul Green.
She was also seen with Ashtad Madari, which implicates Iran financially, too.
We have the wedding video.
WILL: But they were barely hiding.
It's almost as if they wanted us to find all this.
Slam dunk.
Now, we've already had one failure.
I don't want to just spin some theory here.
I want to make a case, and I want to make it airtight.
It is airtight! This is intelligence, not law enforcement.
CIA and DIA have already made up their minds, FBI is right behind them.
We're just stalling.
No, no, no, no.
Let the CIA and the FBI and whoever else jump to whatever conclusion they want.
We are not gonna do that.
We are API.
We are the safety.
We have to get this right.
No guesswork, no supposition.
I want to look at the whote picture here.
So can we get back to work, please? Well, I guess this hasn't been exactly a red-letter day for any of us.
Now, suppose we all relax and enjoy a nice, leisurely meal? TOM: Is it on, David? DAVID: Yeah.
Are you ready? Just uh, stand over here.
Just look-look straight in the camera.
Darling Katherine.
We'll-We'll get to that.
First? My name is Thomas K.
Rhumor, and I have proof that Truxton Spangler is manipulating intelligence at the American Policy Institute.
Happy? Katie, none of that is important.
I hope you never have to worry about any of it.
I'm sorry for what I may have to do, and for what you may one day discover about me.
Commit this address to memory.
Use it only in emergencies.
701 Mott Street, Apartment 2D.
If you are ever in danger, go there.
Katherine, please be careful.
I love you.
I have always loved you.
I can't do this.
Your turn.
(sighs) (sniffles) Will if you are watching this, what you have to remember is, just please be careful (sirens blaring) (pinging) The real goal wasn't the tanker.
They're after the backlash.
You need to make a strategic retreat, Will.
Focus your team on Iran.
What are you talking about? We can't let this happen.
We can't just accept this.
In fact, we can.
We lost the battle, not the war.
A good soldier knows when to fall back, regroup, live to fight another day.
I mean, my God, Will, intelligence is largely a failure business.
You win some, you lose a lot.
Get used to it.
This is not business! This was my life! This was David Hadas' life! This is not a score sheet.
There are dead bodies here! I understand your emotional investment in everything that's happened, but you need to watch it! It's a weakness.
(sighs) I killed a man.
I took his life.
Someone you knew.
He went there to kill you.
He knew the risks.
Is he even buried? Damn it.
Was he cremated? He's out there.
It's what he wanted.
He grew up right over there in Williamsburg before it was full of stockbrokers and babies.
He loved this river.
He kept a place smack dab in the middle of the Hasids.
He needed that connection.
How soon do you think your team will be ready to present your report? (siren blaring) (crowd chatter) Miles.
We're working.
I promise.
I just needed to get some milk.
It's fine.
Just come here.
Will, what's up? What are you doing? Will? Whoa.
What the hell was that? Sit down.
(sighs) Listen to me.
What I'm about to tell you is very dangerous, so you cannot tell another living soul about this.
Do you understand? Okay.
I believe the attack in Houston was planned by Truxton Spangler, and other very powerful men, and they're using Iran as a scapegoat.
Oh, this is a joke.
Miles? They dropped the evidence of Iran's involvement right into our laps so that we could come to the conclusion that they desired.
Why would they do that? Over the past 20 years, API analysis has been appropriated by these men to manipulate world events and make money off of them.
David-- he was close to figuring that out, and that's why he was killed.
Will, I'm your friend.
I am.
And I I care about you, but, this is Trust me.
For once, operate as if I know what I'm talking about.
Just today, and I'll prove it to you.
I'll prove it to you, Miles.
(sighs) We want you to stop.
Stop what? Everything.
The whole operation.
Galveston was a success.
(sighs) The harbor is blocked.
Give me a few more days, I'll have everyone in this country clamoring for revenge against the Iranians.
This is a good plan, and it's working.
You have exposed us to unacceptable risk this time.
Exactly when did you all lose your nerve, hmm? (sighs) You don't listen to other people, Truxton.
You never have.
You're the smartest man I know, but you are pig-headed and arrogant.
(chuckles) This mess is your fault.
What mess? Will Travers is in our backyard.
He's on Fishers Island, for God's sake.
Katherine is talking to him.
(door opens) (door closes) Joshua.
I'm not surprised the others have panicked but you? (sighs) I have to get back to work.
No trust anymore? No faith? Is that it? After 50 years of friendship? Stop the operation.
I won't.
I can't.
That would be the wrong thing to do.
I'm sorry.
(sighs) So am I.
(phone ringing) Hello.
KATHERINE: Uh, Will? Katherine, where the hell are you? Are you hurt, are you okay? I-I have something you need to see.
(sighs) Do you know someone named David? Meet me in Central Park.
Um, Bethesda Fountain-- do you know where that is? Listen, you need to stay in crowded places.
You are not safe alone.
I'll meet you there in an hour.
Here we go, come on.
Bloom was a great tenant.
He always paid on time, never complained about anything.
(keypad beeping) Ved Mehta, please.
Hey, Hal, it's Will.
I-I know, I know, yes.
Listen, do you know how to crack a safe? (knocking on door) Uh, m-my name is Katherine Rhumor.
Were you followed? I don't think so.
He was supposed to keep us separate.
This is wrong.
I-I don't know what you're talking about.
You're not supposed to be here.
Who are you? You're not safe here.
You're under surveillance.
How did you find me? I got a message from my husband saying if ever I was in danger, I should come here.
You are in danger.
Who are you? My name is Andy.
I'm one of the people protecting you.
You'll have to trust me.
We got to go.
It can't look like we're together.
I'll be ten steps behind you.
Don't look back.
I have to make a stop in Central Park.
We can't stop.
Then I'm not coming with you.
Rhumor without me, you're dead.
I have to meet someone in Central Park at 11:00.
It's important.
We'll stop for two minutes.
If they're not there He'll be there.
(sighs) Where's Will? I'm sorry, but where is he? I mean, today.
I'm sure he has a good reason.
You're probably right.
We just got FBI analysis on torpedo fragments Navy divers found in the bay.
And? The torpedoes were Soviet-era Squalls.
They found a serial number on one of the fragments.
It was part of a shipment that entered Iran two years ago through Bandar Abbas.
Well that it, right? That's what Will was looking for.
It's too much to be a coincidence.
Everything points to Iran.
We should keep looking.
Jesus! This is an epidemic today.
We should look for something more.
What?! What, Miles? This is what we've been looking for.
Confirmation! This is what we always want and never have: a clear answer for once.
Why is everybody fighting this? Because we want a different answer.
We're all secretly hoping that Joe Purcell acted alone, that he's a one-in-a-million nutjob with a homemade bomb.
But he's not.
And that's scary.
It means Galveston was a state-sponsored act of terrorism.
It means there are more where Purcell came from and a lot more people are going to die in the retaliation.
MAGGIE: Sorry to interrupt.
(clears throat) Grant? Mr.
Spangler would like to speak to you.
Okay, um, do I bring anything? No.
How's your team faring? We're getting there.
Time is of the essence, hmm? (chuckles) I understand.
Where's Will? He had to step out for a bit.
He does that quite often, doesn't he? Why, I wonder did he have to step out? Seems there are fairly important matters at hand.
Yes, sir, very important.
Between you and me, I worry about him.
Will? Yes.
I worry that he won't have the nerve to do what must be done.
You mean, start a war with Iran? If that's what must be done.
(chuckles) I think Will is doing a very good job.
So you don't think I should promote you to team leader? (indistinct crowd chatter) (indistinct crowd chatter) (indistinct crowd chatter) Excuse me.
(child laughing) Whoa! Oh, no.
Katherine? Katherine? Katherine, it's Will.
You You okay? What happened? No, no, no, no.
What happened? What happened? (overlapping crowd chatter) (onlookers murmuring) (sighs) (phone ringing, chatter) Will? Are you all right? Katherine Rhumor's dead.
But I just saw her.
No, she's dead.
She was murdered.
In the middle of Central Park.
What?! I saw it.
I was right there.
Oh, my God.
Are you okay? I think I made a mistake.
I think I made a huge mistake staying here.
No, you-you did You haven't.
All I wanted was some answers.
Maybe with time I don't sleep anymore.
You need to take care of yourself.
This job-- it's all about not taking care of yourself.
I'm sorry.
I'm No.
It's okay.
Will? Hey, I'm here to talk.
Or anything.
Okay? You can trust me.
You can trust me.
I promise.
(sighs) (sighs) Tanya, I'm glad you're here.
Um, I have a bit of an announcement to make.
I've been promoted to team leader.
Well, what about Will? He's been demoted.
Apparently, Spangler was unhappy with Will's absences of late, and thought I'd be better suited to the position.
Now, I want to assure you, nothing will be different.
I'm still Grant.
I quit.
(sighs) No.
Not because of you.
(sighs) I just told Ingram that this is my last day.
I can't do this anymore.
You can and you will.
I am not letting an analyst as good as you slip through my fingers.
That's what Ingram said.
I have to leave.
I really do.
I sort of hate it here.
So why do I torture myself? What are you gonna do? I'm gonna do what you should be doing.
I'm gonna write a book and get rich.
Really? This is nuts.
(elevator bell dings, phones ringing) Oh.
Sorry, sir.
I have found, Mr.
Fiedler, that it actually pays cash money to watch where you're going.
This is a difficult day, for all of us.
Try to keep your spirits up.
The best thing we can do is solve the problem, and we can't do that if all we want to do is dive back into our bunks and burrow under the covers.
(sighs): Yes, sir.
It's only bullets whistling by.
They can't kill you.
(water dispensing) (door opens, closes) Where have you been? Things are getting out of control out there.
Yes, Miles, things are very out of control.
Oh, Jesus.
What is th-- What are you doing? Miles, if I can connect all this-- David, the oil tanker and Bloom-- if I can connect it to Truxton Spangler, then I can't walk away, I can't.
Why not? Why can't you? 'Cause then it's nothing.
Then it means nothing, then it's all for nothing.
Miles, I need your help.
(sighs): Oh, God.
(mumbles quietly) Um, yeah, all right, yeah.
W-What do you got? These are photos from Bloom's personal camera.
Bloom's personal camera? Like, what, you just politely asked for them? You know what, I don't even want to know.
It's got to be Houston, right? Uh, says "Moses Lake," so That's just north of Galveston.
Yeah, great.
So we knew Bloom was in Houston, and now we know he was there fishing, too.
No, wait.
These are all dated June.
So? So he wasn't there in June.
He wasn't? No, believe me.
I've looked at his travel records a hundred times.
There's no record of Donald Bloom being in Houston in June 2010.
We need to look at the travel records of his aliases.
Where you going? Hey, Hal.
Coming to thank your savior? Listen, can you check airplane passenger manifests from here? Yes.
Peter Kline, June 2010.
Look that up.
Also Andrew Hauer.
Same month.
All right.
(computer beeps) Um, yeah Peter Kline, Andrew Hauer.
Ah, here it is.
Uh, Peter Kline-- pops up, uh, June 2, 2010.
He flew out of Teterboro into Sugar Land.
Teterboro into Sugar Land-- is that commercial? No way.
It's private.
Whose plane? Trace the plane.
I've got a tail number, but I have to check a different database for ownership.
Uh, can you check that, please? I'm going as fast as I can.
The plane's owned by Amalgamated Transit Partners, Inc.
Yeah, that's a dummy company, got to be.
Nobody picks that name.
(mutters) Uh, let's see.
(computer beeps) Bingo.
Wholly owned subsidiary of Atlas MacDowell.
That's it.
What? Shh.
(quiet knocking) Enter.
These just arrived for you.
Leave them there.
Thank you.
You're welcome, sir.
(sighs softly) If Bloom flew in an Atlas MacDowell plane-- Truxton is part of Atlas MacDowell-- it closes the circle.
There's no way he can escape it.
Yeah, but is it proof? No.
It's not gonna hold up in court, but it'll make a hell of a New York Times story.
Well, okay, Will Listen to me.
Just-- I know what I'm doing.
I have this figured out.
Just trust me.
What are you gonna do? I'm gonna do my job.
I'm gonna present the facts to my superior.
Hey, Will.
(clears throat) Uh, we need to talk about something.
(sighs) Well, there's no easy way to say this, but Spangler has promoted me to team leader.
And I-I didn't want you to think that I-I was jockeying for the position or going behind your back.
It just sort of came out of nowhere.
And I'm really Grant.
Good job.
This promotion should have been yours a long time ago.
You deserve it.
(laughs) You know, uh, I was half thinking Uh, I got to go.
(clears throat) Hey.
You all right? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm good.
Tell me what's going on.
I don't know, everything.
Everything is different.
U-Us? No.
You mean with the team? Tanya and Grant and all that? Yeah, sort of.
It's gonna be okay.
Right? I don't know.
I don't know.
Um, wow.
I need to be alone for-for a moment.
I'm-- plea-- I'm-I'm, uh, I'm sorry.
I, uh-- yeah, I just need to be alone.
(door opens, closes) Will.
Is that you? (chuckles) Look at this view.
(chuckles) I don't know why I didn't think of coming up here before.
It's much better than wrestling with that window of mine.
I know about Bloom.
And his connection to Tanaz.
And their connection to Houston.
I have evidence that conclusively connects the murder of David Hadas to the attack in Galveston Bay and to the activities of an Atlas MacDowell.
And to you, sir.
I have a full report ready, well-documented.
I'm-I'm having one problem, though.
There's one flaw in my analysis, and I was hoping maybe you could help me out.
I have failed to identify a motive to this operation.
I'm impressed with your research.
Very impressed.
But I had expected more from your analysis.
After all, that is your domain, hmm? Analysis.
You killed David Hadas.
I cared deeply for that man.
As you well know.
Then why did you do it? Reasons you may never understand.
Reasons so much bigger than David.
Or you.
Or me for that matter.
There's no reason in this world that any sane person would accept for murdering a train of innocent people just to kill one man.
We all make choices along the way.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
But we choose.
It's what makes us unique.
(chuckles) Special.
David didn't choose.
I know I didn't choose.
You did this.
Make your report, Will.
Knock 'em dead.
I'm sure it'll make for very exciting reading.
Skullduggery in high places and all that.
Do you really think anyone is going to give a shit? Do it.
Do it.
(door opens, closes)
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