Snowdrop (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

Episode 13

I'll go in first.
I'll shout "Yeong-ro" as a signal.
Then come in through the shrine.
We must kill him.
Understood, sir.
Captain, kill them all
when I give the order to shoot.
You're an expert marksman,
so I trust you not to miss any of them.
You must get rid of them
without getting caught.
Don't worry, sir.
I'll take out anything that moves.
I'm back, sir.
He's still the director of the ANSP.
Will it be okay?
Hui-jun, I'm doing this
for our country and people.
He only cares about saving his daughter.
We can't leave our fate to him.
If the election scheme succeeds,
I'll make you a member of Dongsim Society.
You must climb the ladder
to help me become
the presidential candidate.
The moment I entered the Military Academy,
I swore to serve you, Tae-il.
Is it true
that you're going to kill us all?
Of course not.
-Who told you that? That's absurd.
-Please stop it.
I know all you're thinking about
is winning the election.
What are you talking about?
I really want to save you.
Not just me. You must save my friends too!
The students!
There are more than 30 students
in the dorm!
It's all my fault.
No, it's not.
-Why do you think that way?
-Don't move.
And my brother…
died because of me.
If my friends die too,
I won't be able to…
I'll do my best
to persuade them not to hurt anyone.
Don't move!
Were you only going to save me?
You were going to kill him
and all my friends inside, weren't you?
What? What the hell is she doing?
Your brother asked me to protect you.
While drawing his last breath,
Yeong-u asked me to keep you safe.
I want to save you first
because you're my daughter.
Can't you understand that?
Open fire!
What was that? Are they going in
without telling me?
Damn it. Follow me.
Hey, Woo! Follow me with the camera!
-Hurry! Block the rest!
Hurry up!
-You, with me!
What about us?
Come in!
-Come in!
Move back!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Hold fire!
Who the hell is shooting?
It's all right.
It's okay.
You're safe.
Hold fire!
Kill him.
I'm the ANSP director! Hold fire--
Mr. Eun!
Mr. Eun!
-Mr. Eun.
-They brought a reporter.
Mr. Eun!
Move aside. Mr. Eun!
Damn it!
We need a medical team.
-Bring a stretcher!
-I repeat!
-The director's down.
-Mr. Eun's unconscious!
-Hurry up.
Move faster!
I was worried
something had happened to you.
I was quite scared.
We're all going to die in a week anyway.
We're all going to die?
Watch what you say.
Shut your own mouth.
You're a warrior of our great Republic,
and you beg your enemy for your life?
And a romance
with the ANSP director's daughter?
Just for that,
you should be shot to death.
The ANSP director's daughter?
All that's left for us now is all-out war.
Search the room for lanterns.
They'll cut off the power
before breaking in.
If they come in, I'll defend the basement.
By yourself?
Untie me.
You're not telling me to die
by enemy hands tied up like this, are you?
You can't, Comrade Lim.
If we untie him,
he'll try to kill you first.
If the power is cut off,
come up to the second floor with him.
What do I do? I have to find
a way out before they break in.
That damn wench. What a sly minx.
She's been pretending to be
a rice cake shop's daughter all this time?
The daughter of the ANSP director
who might kill us all…
Hold on.
What if I use that fact to my advantage?
The radio.
I should find it first.
Why aren't you saluting me? Huh?
How's Eun?
The wound is severe, so they'll know
for sure after the surgery.
Is he going to make it or not?
The best surgeon in Korea
is doing the surgery.
I'm sure he'll make it.
"What happened?"
The reporters keep asking me that.
What should I--
Are you seriously asking?
He tried to go in to save his daughter…
and those damn spies got him.
Lim Soo-ho shot him? In front of Yeong-ro?
I mean, last time--
Listen, you bastard.
Don't you know he's an armed Northern spy?
You saw how frantically he provoked us.
You still think he wouldn't do it?
Understood, sir. I'll tell the reporters
that's what happened.
If people think Eun got shot trying to
negotiate with them to save the hostages,
he will be hailed as a hero, again.
Damn it.
Hello, doctor. How are you?
He's been shot?
How is he?
You must save him. Please.
Okay. I'll be right over.
It was supposed to be a put-up job.
But they shot the ANSP director?
MBS breaking news.
Director Eun Chang-su of the ANSP
was shot by the armed spies
near the Hosu University dorm.
In an unprecedented turn of events,
two SWAT team members
were killed at the scene.
We'll hear from our reporter
on the scene for further details.
-Reporter Wi?
-Those goddamn bastards…
What's going on?
That's a lie. Don't believe what they say.
There are people
killed or hurt, but you didn't shoot?
Are you saying it was friendly fire then?
The last thing we want is to make the
public angrier. Why would we shoot them?
Until we figure out what's going on,
you should all stay
in the prayer room. Now.
Get up, everyone. Let's go. Now.
Yeong-ro failed
to convince her father, didn't she?
Anyway, who shot them?
You must have a hunch.
My hunch is
that Eun Chang-su is opposing using force
because of Yeong-ro,
so they took the opportunity
to get rid of him.
If that's true,
they won't hesitate to kill the students.
Go to the prayer room.
Right. To the prayer room…
The prayer room.
It's all right.
No one's going to die.
Don't worry.
I apologize, sir.
I tried so hard to stop him,
but he went to get his daughter out, and…
How dare they shoot my right-hand man!
They're just pawns. They wouldn't
have done it without the North's orders!
That's not true, sir.
Since they found out
the North was trying to kill them,
they've been disobeying
their country's orders.
They sent such idiots to carry out
this crucial scheme that will decide
our country's fate?
Go and kill those
commie bastards yourself right now!
I will, sir!
I will go in and kill them myself tonight!
Don't worry a thing, sir!
I swear on my life--
God damn it. Since when
was Eun Chang-su his right-hand man?
Didn't he say
he wanted to watch the Olympics with me?
Will it be okay if the hostage situation
doesn't last until the election?
We have the upper hand now.
-Yes, sir.
We'll take them out secretly and quickly.
Prepare two teams of the most
loyal guys with good combat skills.
Then cut off the power.
We will go retake the dorm in ten minutes.
Yes, sir.
Seriously wounded, the ANSP director
is being taken to the hospital.
And two SWAT team members were killed.
It's such a brutal tragedy.
Who did such a horrible thing?
It must be Nam Tae-il.
Nam Tae-il?
They both aspire
to presidential candidacy.
Tae-il has been keeping an eye
on Eun for a long time.
Hold on.
we have been trying
to resolve this situation peacefully.
However, this incident triggered
public anger,
and we have decided
we can no longer ignore it.
Therefore, the ANSP is declaring
that as of this moment,
we will take a hard line without mercy.
Fellow citizens, we will not let them
have their way anymore.
Taking a hard line? Does that mean…
They're making up
a reason to kill us off
including the hostages.
They'll frame us for killing the hostages.
That's obvious.
The hostages know
this is their election scheme.
On top of that, you and Gang-mu
are working together to ruin it.
Now Tae-il has no reason to wait
until the election to end this situation.
will it be tonight?
We should get ready to fight right now.
Now that Eun's out,
it's a perfect opportunity for Nam.
To the library?
How are the two of them
going to protect us?
What do we do now?
Stop the nonsense and find your mask!
Hurry! They're going
to raid this place soon.
Two cops were killed,
and the ANSP director was shot.
He was shot?
Why are you so surprised?
You heard gunfire.
Yeong-ro, what are you doing?
Find your mask and lantern!
Hurry up!
We have to go to the library asap!
After the incident,
Director Eun of the ANSP
was taken to Hankuk Central Medical Center
and is in surgery as we speak.
According to the medical staff, the bullet
missed the aorta,
which prevented immediate death.
They say they will know for sure
after the surgery
and are not sure yet
if the surgery is going well.
Meanwhile, some are worried
that Director Eun might end up
in critical condition
even if the surgery goes well.
By the looks of it, he might be
unconscious and on a ventilator--
I told you to move in lines!
Move in lines!
Move in lines!
Are you okay?
My dad…
How did my dad get shot?
Go stay in the library. Now!
Take Yeong-ro with you.
Let's go, Yeong-ro.
Hey! Seol-hui! Here!
Listen carefully.
We can't stay here and get killed.
It's better to escape here
and cooperate with the ANSP.
He's right. We can't trust these guys.
They might blow themselves up!
Hurry up, Hye-ryeong!
Come on!
This is crazy!
No. That's too dangerous.
Is there any way to ward them off
other than this?
Since Eun is seriously injured,
Nam must be leading the operation.
It's worth a shot if it's Nam.
If this is one of your tricks,
you better stop.
Because I'll be right behind you
pointing my gun at you.
Hurry up. Time is running out.
As you know, the armed spies are occupying
the Hosu University dorm.
The first goal of this operation
is to kill the Northern spies
and everyone helping them.
And the second goal
is to rescue Dr. Kang.
If possible,
we'll rescue Dr. Kang.
Everyone here? Is anyone missing?
Hye-ryeong and Seol-hui are not here.
Gwang-tae and Byeong-tae
aren't here either.
Those damn brats.
Wait. What if they're trying
to sneak away by themselves?
Everyone wait here.
-Where are you going?
-I need to go to the cafeteria.
Come on, Ms. Oh.
Walk slowly.
Comrade Joo!
Comrade Joo!
If he attacks you again,
don't hesitate to shoot him.
I will. I will put a hole in his head.
Go up.
No! Don't shoot!
I passed the Civil Service Exam for--
Get down!
Get out!
Get out now!
Come on!
Hurry up! Come on!
It's clear, sir.
We'll proceed with the operation.
We're going in.
Room 202, clear.
No targets found.
Lounge, clear. No targets found.
Don't shoot!
I'm Dr. Kang Cheong-ya
from Hankuk Central Medical Center.
Please help.
Dr. Kang! I'm Nam Tae-il!
Where are you?
Come on out, ma'am! We'll protect you!
She's there! All units, hold!
Hold! Stay where you are!
If you don't stop the operation,
I can't guarantee Dr. Kang's safety!
We don't mind blowing ourselves up.
M1 dynamite
is strapped to her body.
If you don't leave on the count of ten,
we're all going to die here.
That goddamn bastard!
-Damn it!
I visually confirm
at least ten sticks of dynamite!
We can't retake the dorm
in this situation!
Move aside.
Sir! It's dangerous!
Wait, sir!
Please. Please don't come any closer.
God, it burns.
I'll save you
at all costs.
So hang in-- Damn it!
Leave now. Please…
Abort the mission!
All units, retreat!
I told you, we're retreating right now!
You're just rats in a trap!
Let go of me!
I'll make sure to come back!
I will come back
and blow your heads off, you bastards!
All units, retreat!
Sir! Put on your mask!
Abort the mission! Retreat!
Abort the mission!
You jerk! You're such an idiot!
You coward!
Why did you do something so stupid?
If it weren't for Soo-ho,
you would've all been killed!
It's really true
they're trying to kill us all!
They've all retreated!
Go wash up now!
Hurry up!
Eung-cheol, lock Comrade Joo and Ms. Oh
in the basement.
It's been confirmed that Director Eun, who
was taken to the hospital and had surgery,
is in critical condition at the moment.
Director Eun was injured
while trying to rescue
the hostages himself,
so many citizens are praying
that he get better soon--
Mr. Choi.
Yes, ma'am?
Was it really the spies that shot him?
Pardon? I'm not sure what you're asking.
Isn't this an election scheme?
The North and South planned
this hostage situation together.
But the mere pawns dared to shoot
the director of the ANSP?
It doesn't make sense.
Well, that's true.
But Mr. Eun went in to save his daughter,
and the spies--
I can't wrap my head
around this situation.
Your boss has been shot, Mr. Choi.
But you don't have any doubts about it?
Confronting their frantic provocation,
we tried to take them down using force,
but the spies
strapped bombs to all 34 hostages.
So we had no choice but to
regretfully retreat for their safety.
The bombs they have
are too many for this hostage-taking
to have been accidental…
The bombs we have are too many?
So this is how these bastards
are covering it up?
How's Mr. Eun?
They said the surgery went well,
but he's still unconscious.
Keep monitoring him. And Han-na,
stay safe. Over and out.
Eun is still not conscious.
Before Eun Chang-su comes around,
Nam Tae-il will desperately
try to end this hostage situation.
To make a great contribution
and make up
for trying to kill Eun Chang-su.
Bombs strapped to the hostages
and too many bombs…
Seeing how they're lying,
I think they're planning
to set off the bombs around the dorm.
We must let the press know
that they're going to blow up the dorm.
But that's not going to save us.
We must cut off their money.
If we do that, both the South and
the North won't be able to kill us rashly.
You mean the money
the South is going to send the North?
If we can get our hands
on that huge amount of money…
We might be able
to make a deal with Lim Ji-rok,
who wants us dead.
That's right.
Then we will have the upper hand
in this damn game.
But how on earth
will we cut off the money?
I will go out there
and intercept the money.
Look, doctor.
You're talking absolute nonsense.
You know that, right?
An Gyeong-hui is the Chief of the OPC
and in charge of the money.
And you'll take it from him?
As you all know,
I can find out
Nam Tae-il's real intentions if I want.
He's the ruling party's secretary-general
and the former ANSP director.
I'm sure he knows inside out how much
is supposed to be paid to the North
and how it's managed.
Besides, An's wife and I are acquainted.
But will it be enough to make it work?
An's wife is quite easy to handle
because she's very greedy.
And she has a head for managing money,
so she has complete control
over her husband when it comes to money.
That's true. An made quite big money
by using the ANSP's
secret fund as his wife said.
I heard him boasting about it.
I'll go out and intercept the money.
As long as the money is our possession,
they can never set off the bombs.
Can I have a word?
I found it weird when she suggested the
dynamite bit. This is what she was after.
Can't you see what she's up to?
She wants to get out of here.
If that was her goal,
she would've told Nam Tae-il.
That the dynamite
and detonator were dummies.
Then they would've killed
all the hostages who know she's a spy.
She helped us instead,
but you're suspecting her?
Let's say I'm convinced and we trust her.
How will she intercept that huge money?
You think it's even possible?
Don't underestimate what she's capable of.
All right, fine.
Let's say
our great Comrade Kang intercepts
that large amount of money.
She's coming back here with it?
Do you believe that?
Or are you pretending to?
Whichever the case,
do you have any other plan?
As soon as she gets out--
As soon as she gets out of here,
they'll blow the dorm up.
We'll stop Nam from doing that.
How will you?
Tell Eun's wife that Nam's the one
who got Eun shot right now.
And that he's planning
to blow up this dorm.
She'll stop it since her daughter's here.
As you say,
even if Kang doesn't come back here,
I have no choice but to bet on this plan.
If we do nothing,
we have no chance of getting out alive.
But with this plan,
we have a 50-50 chance.
So we have
a 50-50 chance?
Han-na, do you copy?
Tell Director Eun's wife this right away.
Excuse me.
How can I get to the VIP ward?
-The VIP ward?
-You're looking for the VIP ward?
Director Eun of the ANSP, right?
-I'll tell her.
-Yes, doctor.
How is the director doing?
He'll wake up soon, right?
Of course. Don't worry too much.
Oh, right. Could you give this
to his wife for me?
She asked for it.
She said I did?
I have something to tell you
about how Mr. Eun was shot.
I'll be waiting
in the ladies' room downstairs.
-Let's go to the camp.
-Yes, ma'am.
My emergency frequency is 3-8.
Let me know as soon as you get the money.
I'll distract them
to help you come back in safely.
Didn't you tell me
to leave for another country?
And now you're making sure I come back?
To be honest,
I still hope
you'll stop being used like me…
and leave for another country
to live a happy life.
But you need to come back
for the hostages,
my comrades,
and my sister Su-hui to live.
Are you
scared that I might…
not come back?
Then give me…
a reason I must
come back.
For instance,
"If you come back with the money,
I will leave with you to another country."
Of course,
I'll be betraying my country then.
But if I can leave with you…
Eun's wife is already moving.
You should get ready.
Think carefully.
This is
the only way you'll live.
Dr. Kang first!
We must save Dr. Kang first, okay?
Understand, you bastard?
What are you doing here?
Are you insane?
Why'd you come here at this hour?
Ms. Hong told me to come here
without telling me why.
She practically threatened me
saying she'd run over
to the First Lady if I didn't.
What? Eun's wife really did that?
Mr. Nam.
Hello, ma'am!
Give us some privacy.
Get out, guys.
-Mr. An.
Do you have any beer here by any chance?
I'm quite thirsty.
You should really know your place, woman!
If you want to be the leader of the wives,
you should do it properly!
So this is what they call
a bolt from the blue.
Ms. Hong, what the hell are you doing?
You heard my husband would become
the president if 13 people died.
So did you encourage your husband
to kill my husband?
What? Are you out of your mind?
Have you gone insane?
My goodness.
Since your husband, who's aspiring
to become the president, is in critical
condition, you must've lost reason.
Get it together
and go home, please.
So you're playing innocent?
As soon as I tell the First Lady,
everyone around you will be questioned
and evidence will turn up.
Will you be okay?
Oh, my God.
Hey, do you call this
delusion or paranoia?
You betrayed your commander
who'd saved your life three times.
And joining in the President's coup,
the First Lady hates you for it.
God, it's come again.
Even though
my husband didn't join the coup,
he stayed loyal to his superior
until the end.
So the First Lady recommended him
to the President repeatedly.
You know that, right?
If she finds out
my husband was
in fact shot
by some vicious insider,
and not by the Northern spies,
how do you think
the First Lady will react?
"Once a mongrel, always a mongrel"
is a philosophy she lives by.
Why don't you
go tell her if you have time for this?
For Code 1
and the First Lady, our party's winning
the election is the most important thing.
So that they can
keep playing at King and Queen.
That's right! Absolutely!
Of course.
The election is in seven days now.
You think they'll side with Eun,
who's useless?
Those people need me,
someone who'll wrap up
the election scheme successfully.
They need me! No matter what I've done!
Well done!
Do you think
they'll keep you by their side
after the election?
Once it's over,
you'll end up like a mongrel
kicked out of a feast.
You wench! I'll kill you!
-No, honey!
-Oh, my God!
-Let go of me!
You bastard!
How dare you call me after that?
It's me. Please help me.
What? Hey, what's going on? What happened?
Remember the sleep-inducing shot?
I stabbed the guy guarding me with it.
The rest are all
in the prayer room to eat right now.
What do I do?
Get me out of here. Please!
Of course! Listen.
Go to the washroom
in the basement right now.
There are windows there.
I'll send my guys there
to pick you up. Go now!
Okay. Hurry up.
I'm so scared.
I understand. Of course, you're scared.
We're heading there right now.
Hang in there.
We'll be right over.
-Come over here!
-Yes, sir?
-Yes, sir?
-Understood, sir.
Is someone escaping through the basement?
I love you!
Go back home. Now!
Go now!
What's gotten into him?
Honey! Stay safe, okay?
Why did he do that here?
That's embarrassing.
Stay safe.
You too.
Good luck.
Promise me…
you'll leave with me if I come back.
I guess I must come back
to hear your answer.
Han-na, listen carefully.
Dr. Kang Cheong-ya of Hankuk Central
Medical Center is a Northern spy.
Secretary-General Nam Tae-il's doctor
is a Northern spy?
I'm sure they're more than that.
So you must find evidence of it.
We need it to stop him
from blowing up the dorm.
But… God, Kang acted
so nonchalantly all this time.
And she will soon
get out of the dorm on the pretext of
intercepting the payment for the scheme.
Watch her every movement too.
You can't miss anything.
I'll watch them in bed together
if I have to, so don't worry.
-Damn it.
Turn on the lights. There.
You're home!
I'm so relieved.
I'm not dreaming, am I?
Why don't you hit me?
Slap me. Here. Come on.
That hurts so much.
Do you know how much I resented you?
I know I told you to leave,
but how could you run like that
when you saw the dynamite?
What do you mean, run?
I was scared they might blow you up.
I was so scared my gorgeous Cheong-ya
might be blown to pieces.
Although the President ordered me
to kill them all,
I chose to retreat to save you.
God, do you know how sad I was?
I realized I was the only one
who could save myself.
So I decided to escape at all costs.
You did well. I've been thinking
how to get you out of there all this time.
Well done.
How could you let those spies
go wild like that?
Joining hands with the ANSP team leader
and shooting the ANSP director.
Those damn bastards.
How could they send such idiots
for the 300-million-dollar scheme?
They should've sent guys who would die
if their country told them to.
Instead, they sent
some soon-to-be traitor.
It must've been hard for you.
You did well.
Wash me. I want to take a shower.
Sure, sure. All right.
Let's go take a shower.
Let's go.
Please… Dad…
-Thank you.
-Happy New Year.
Help the less fortunate.
I told you, the fortuneteller
promised to pick them out.
But the money must be sent to the North
as soon as the election's over.
We still have as many as six days left.
You're number two in the ANSP now.
You can find out
companies' confidential information.
If you use that much money,
you can even pull off a scam.
A scam?
You can make a 30% profit in a few days.
30% of 300 million dollars
is 90 million dollars.
With that much money,
we can buy a hundred of
those popular apartments in Apgujeong.
-A hundred?
If we snowball that money into a fortune,
who knows?
You might end up becoming the President.
The President?
Now that Nam Tae-il
got rid of Director Eun,
if you take care of Nam, why not?
You have a chance.
And the weapon you need
to trample on him is money!
I'm sorry, sir.
Those bastards
even strapped bombs
to Eun's daughter, all over her body--
Will you keep letting me down?
Sir, I should have told you this sooner.
I apologize.
But the truth is, because Director Eun
failed to keep his man under control,
an agent named Gang-mu
has joined hands with the spies.
On top of that, he has told the hostages
that this is the election scheme.
The only way to take care of all this
neatly is to blow up the dorm.
But Director Eun has been strongly
against it because of his daughter.
If you say yes,
I will put an end to it at once.
Did you have breakfast? Eat with me.
I really appreciate it, sir!
How on earth…
Weren't you
being held hostage in the dorm?
I was instructed
to give you this urgently.
Her lifetime wish is to see her son,
who parted ways with her during the war,
once again before she dies.
What do you need me to do?
They're all useless.
But I've picked out just a few
based on the companies'
top-secret info my husband found out.
You'll soon meet someone
who will come across the sea.
And that person is so precious that you
might not able to meet them ever again,
so you should never miss them.
The deity told me
to make sure to tell you.
"So precious," you say?
That person will change your life
Make sure you get it delivered today.
I'm flying to New York tomorrow morning.
Of course. Don't worry.
Ms. Kim!
-You're back, ma'am.
A person who's come across the sea…
It must mean a foreigner, right?
I guess so.
Right. What's that? A customer's come?
Yes. She's getting changed.
She's bought as many as three dresses
from your collection!
Oh, is that so?
Where do I send them?
Actually, I am staying at the Marine Hotel.
-You can just send them to my room.
She's a foreigner.
-Can you leave this?
This is my room number.
Please have the clothes delivered there.
Oh, my.
A fund manager at ABK Partners?
Isn't this company a private-equity firm
based in Hong Kong?
One of the best, at that.
She's impressed that you're a fund manager
at ABK Partners.
She's wondering if it's the famous
asset management company
for equity funds in Hong Kong.
She heard its outstanding reputation.
You've heard us? I'm flattered.
You must have great interest
in investments.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Nice too meet you.
I came to Korea to look for investors
for a private equity fund that I started.
You need to know that
it's a quite a sizeable fund.
She said she came to Korea
to look for investors
for a private equity fund that she made.
She says the fund
deals with very large sums.
I'm sure it is.
48 VIPs all of over the world
have already subscribed.
But as you know,
we can only take 49 people.
So only one spot's left?
Which means you're just in time.
We have exactly one spot left.
Would you like to sign up?
She asked if you'd like to sign up
for the last spot left.
Oh, my.
My goodness. Thank you so much.
Of course, I should. Translate it now!
I'm sure you got that one.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Director Eun Chang-su, who was shot by
the armed spies around 7 p.m. yesterday,
underwent surgery
but is still unconscious.
Dr. Song Hyeon-tak of Hankuk Central
Medical Center, who did the surgery,
said they should watch him
closely for a few more day
to check on Mr. Eun's progress.
I did everything you told me to do.
And Dr. Song has announced
that you're in critical condition.
Nam Tae-il…
must not find out.
Of course.
I find Choi suspicious too,
so I'm keeping this from him.
You were very lucky.
He said only 13 people would die…
Honey, it really must mean
that you'll become the President.
how did the bullet a sniper shot
just graze your ribs a little?
The deity kept you safe.
we must come up with a plan
to bury that bastard Tae-il alive.
Damn, the short rib soup was amazing.
Keep up the good work.
I've got to say,
she's a good luck charm.
As soon as she got out,
everything's going well.
I wonder what my little pretty thing's
doing. Hey, give me the phone.
My God.
Just when I was about to call you!
When the hostage situation's over,
how about we go on a trip?
Just the two of us, let's go some place
where no one knows us.
I want to go around holding your hand.
How about the Maldives?
You precious little fox.
Let's go at the end of the year.
Book tickets.
Really? You really mean it?
Tell me your passport number then.
Got it. I'll book the tickets.
I know. Me too.
Is this the Tokyo branch of Swiss BR Bank?
I'd like to open a secret account.
Kang Cheong-ya just called
the Tokyo branch of Swiss BR Bank,
lying that she's the wife
of Secretary-General Nam Tae-il.
As soon as she told them Nam's passport
number, they said they'd send their staff.
Swiss BR Bank? Is she planning to flee
after opening the secret account?
If she goes to the airport or
tries to stow away, arrest her right away.
Arrest her?
Me, who's being chased by the agency?
Even if I arrest her,
I have nowhere to hand her over.
Who said anything about the agency?
She must bring the money here
for us to ruin their scheme.
That's the only way to save the hostages
and arrest Taedong River 1 and the rest.
Over and out.
I sent him a message
that his sister will die if he doesn't
blow himself up
with the hostages by midnight.
So trust me and be patient.
That's great!
Them blowing themselves up?
That's way better.
What if Kang makes off
with 300 million dollars?
Just trust her and wait for her?
Once she has that much money,
she might flee to another country.
I'll help you
get only Yeong-ro out of here.
Your father is the ANSP director?
Isn't he the one trying to kill us all?
Yeong-ro's such a murderer's daughter?
That's so creepy!
I want to help you get out alive.
I'll get in the same car as Soo-ho.
I'm sorry I've put you
through all this.
I'll stay by your side until the end.
You're Linda Young, a fund manager
at ABK Partners based in Hong Kong.
And you're flying to the New York HQ
tomorrow morning
to have a conference meeting.
I'm Gong Gil-sun,
who used to scam US soldiers in Osaka.
I'm the Gong Gil-sun.
Don't you know my nickname?
Of course I do. "Threatening Gong."
Ripped and synced by
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