Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Tree Troubles/Big Brother's Bounty

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[birds chirping]
[inhales deeply]
-[wind whistling]
-[leaves rustling]
[coos, grunts]
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[grunts, groans]
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[grunts, exclaims]
[groans, growls]
[speaks Poobian]
-[speaks Poobian]
[pants, gasps]
[beeps, chirps]
Stacking crates, stacking crates ♪
So, where's Nubs again?
He usually loves helping out.
He's at his favorite tree.
He goes there to enjoy nature
and feel calm.
-[speaks Poobian]
Nubs! You okay?
[speaking Poobian]
-[Nubs continues speaking Poobian]
-He goes there to feel calm?
[exclaims, pants]
There's something wrong
with your favorite tree?
-And you want us to check it out?
-[pants, speaks Poobian]
You said the tree was shaking?
[speaks Poobian, raspberry]
Huh. Seems pretty not shaky now.
-[screams] What'd I do?
-[Nubs whines]
-I don't think that was you, Nash.
Yeah, something weird is going on.
Look! The tree's leaves are falling.
[whines, gasps]
[exclaims, speaks Poobian]
So, water usually flows out
from under the tree?
[speaks Poobian]
That explains why the leaves are dried up.
Without water,
this tree will get worse and worse.
Maybe the problem's under the tree.
Hey, yeah!
There's a whole bunch of tunnels
under these trees.
If they've dried up,
that could cause the shaking.
Then let's check 'em out and see
if we can save Nubs' favorite tree.
-[Lys] Wow!
-[Kai, Nash] Whoa!
-[Nubs coos]
-[gasps] Wow.
Is that sap?
Yep. These trees make a lot of sap.
Normally we drink it.
But the sap from the roots
has become hardened.
Yeah, and it's delicious. Like candy!
But it's hard to get to,
which is why it's so rare.
[groans, speaks Poobian]
The walls are wet too.
The tree's water
must've flowed through here.
But why did it stop?
-[all exclaim]
-Not again!
[gasps] Do you hear that?
Sounds like Nubs' stomach
when he's hungry.
[laughs, speaks Poobian]
Whatever it is,
it could explain what's going on.
This way!
[whirring, grinding]
-[Nubs exclaims]
-Raxlo's harvester!
[Lys] And there's Raxlo!
I love the sound of drilling
in the morning.
Last we saw him,
he was trying to cut down a whole forest.
We need to stop him.
-[Kai] Raxlo!
[shouts] Oh, it's you. You shouldn't
sneak up on someone like that.
And the rest of your little friends.
Shut it down.
-[harvester powers down]
-[Nubs growls]
-What are you doing here, Raxlo?
If you must know,
I'm collecting hardened sap.
It's delicious, and selling it
is gonna make me a lot of credits.
[moans] Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Right? So delicious.
Mmm. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
It is.
-[Kai] Whoa.
-[Lys gasps]
[speaks Poobian]
Nubs is right.
Your harvester is hurting the tree.
And it's why the ground keeps shaking.
There's nothing wrong
with a little rumble.
My harvester's built to withstand
just about anything.
All I care about is collecting
as much sap as possible.
-[all grunt, shout]
Quick! Take cover under the harvester.
[Raxlo] Whoa!
[all coughing, panting]
Oh, no.
The tunnel back up to the top is blocked.
Then we need to find another way out
before this whole place collapses.
But I'm not done harvesting sap.
Start it up.
[whirring, grinding]
-But the tree.
-What? I can't hear you.
Maybe you should find a way out
while I continue harvesting.
[groans] Raxlo.
All right.
Let's see if there's a way out of here.
Hey! There's an exit.
I mean, it's too high for us to get to,
so I don't know what to do.
[speaks Poobian]
You're right, Nubs.
Look at where we are.
The natural world is all around us.
If we clear our minds and focus,
the Force will help us find a way out.
You can join us, Nash.
But I'm not a Jedi.
It's okay.
The Force connects all living things.
-[Force rumbling]
[bubbling, splashing]
I hear something.
I hear it too. It's water.
I think I hear it too.
-[speaks Poobian]
-It's below this boulder!
[all straining]
Huh? [exclaims] Whoa, whoa! Uh-uh.
Don't move that.
This room used to be filled with water.
I had to plug it all up so I could drill.
[speaks Poobian]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay, Nubs.
I can tell he's upset,
but I have no idea what he's saying.
By cutting off the water,
you've upset the balance.
The balance?
Everything is connected.
The water, the tunnel, the tree.
Remove one thing from that balance
and bad things can happen.
The tree needs water to grow and thrive.
But if the room fills with water,
I won't be able to get more sap.
-[all gasp]
-[Kai] Uh.
-[Raxlo] Uh-oh.
-[Kai] Run!
-[Raxlo grunts]
[gasps] Raxlo!
-[straining] Oh!
-[Kai grunts]
You saved me.
Of course. Jedi help everyone.
We need to move this boulder
so water can flow like it did before.
That way, the tree will return to balance
and be healthy.
[sighs] Fine. Shut it down.
[harvester powers down]
[sighs] All right.
Let's see if there's a way out of here.
[Raxlo] One, two, three!
[all straining]
[Nubs cheers]
Way more water than I was expecting but
-Huh? [screams]
-[Kai screams]
-[Nubs gasps]
get to the harvester where it's safe.
-[Nubs yelps]
[Kai screams]
-[Nubs yelps]
[Kai grunts]
-Everybody, inside!
-[Nubs yelps]
[controls beep]
Why have we stopped drilling?
Sudden change of plans.
[controls beep]
[Kai] Uh, Raxlo?
Your harvester is floating.
That's the idea.
Yeah! Directly toward that opening.
Maybe we can reach the exit after all.
[Kai] Almost there.
-Just a little further.
-[Nubs whimpers]
[all grunt]
What happened? Why did we stop?
It appears we are caught on a root.
[Kai] Raxlo, you've got to detach
that cargo container.
But that's all the sap I've collected.
It's worth a lot of credits!
You can't spend credits underwater.
[glass clinks]
Ugh, fine.
So long, my precious sap.
I'll never forget you.
[all screaming]
[screaming continues]
[Nubs, Raxlo groan]
-Whoa. [pants] Are we upside down?
[groans] Not anymore.
Oh. Good.
The water's back,
and the tree looks healthy again.
[Raxlo sighs]
[speaks Poobian]
Me? Uh, you're welcome?
I know it wasn't easy,
but you did the right thing.
Don't mention it. Seriously, don't.
It makes me sad.
[laughs] See you around, Raxlo.
Maybe try holding off
on digging up anything else today.
Well, least it wasn't a total loss.
Mmm. So good.
Now that Raxlo stopped drilling,
and the water's flowing
And nothing's shaking.
[Kai grunts]
I'd say your tree's safe again.
-[Force rumbling]
-The balance is back.
[speaks Poobian]
[gasps] It's so beautiful.
I can see why Nubs likes it here.
[Nubs gasps, speaks Poobian]
-[upbeat music playing on speakers]
-[people chattering]
-[Kai] Ha!
Yes! Can you beat that, Lys?
-Nice one! Let me try.
-Whoo-hoo! Yes!
-[Nubs coos]
Aw! All right. All right.
-Your turn, Nubs.
-[Nubs coos, speaks Poobian]
[both shout]
-[Kai, Lys shout]
[laughs, speaks Poobian]
-You won! Good job, Nubs.
-[Nubs laughs]
-And I'm done.
Hey! You!
Uh, who? Me? Uh
-[bounty hunter] Yeah, you.
I'm looking for a bounty hunter
named Ansen Strung.
-You seen him?
[stammers, whimpers]
[Kai] You're looking for Ansen?
Maybe we can help. We're his friends.
I'm Kai, and that's Lys.
-[speaks Poobian]
-And Nubs.
I don't need help from anyone. [yelps]
Ooh! [grunts] Oh!
[yelps] Oops!
G-Got a little dust in there.
Oh. Uh Hi.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[grunts] Hi.
Huh. You kinda look like Ansen.
That's because he's my brother.
I'm his younger sister. Senna Strung.
Ansen has a sister?
[speaks Poobian]
How do you know him?
Did you hire him
to find something for you?
Actually, we helped him.
You helped him?
Uh, you said you were searching for him.
[stammers] Is he okay?
I'm not sure.
Ansen and I call each other every week,
but he missed our last two calls.
All I know is Tenoo is
the last place he was working.
-I just wanna make sure he's safe.
-[grunts, speaks Poobian]
My big brother was teaching me
how to be a bounty hunter.
He's always taken care of me.
So I have to find him.
That's what bounty hunters do.
Find people.
Wait. You're a bounty hunter too?
Uh [stammers]
Well, not yet. I want to be.
Oh! Oh! [grunting]
Not again. [grunts]
-[grunts, groans]
I [scoffs] I could use some help.
Of course!
We want to make sure Ansen's safe too.
We'll do everything we can
to help you find him.
Hmm. Senna, what do you know
about the job he was doing?
During our last holo-chat,
Ansen mentioned something
about a big bounty near Kublop Springs.
-For this lady.
-Oh, that's Weebo. She's a local farmer.
If Ansen is helping Farmer Weebo,
maybe we can ask her where he is.
Oh! Of course.
I should've thought of that earlier.
A real bounty hunter
wouldn't make a mistake like that.
It's okay, Senna.
Everyone messes up sometimes.
Okay. Let's go meet this farmer
and see if she can help us find Ansen.
So, you're looking for Ansen?
That strapping young fella?
Well, he is doing a job for me.
[gasps] Oh, that's great! Where is he?
He's out looking
for one of my farm animals.
A Burowga.
[groans, bellows]
[Weebo] They love digging,
and they help get the dirt ready
for planting seeds.
Whoa! [laughs]
I've never seen 'em before.
They're amazing.
[chuckles] They sure are,
-but they're also curious creatures.
-[groaning, mooing]
Sometimes they wander off and get lost.
Last I heard,
Ansen followed my missing Burowga
to the far side of the forest.
Have you tried calling him?
I've tried, but he isn't answering.
I figured he was busy.
I-I hope you find him soon.
It's seed-planting season,
and I need all my Burowgas to help.
Do you all know how to get
to the other side of the forest?
Yeah, but it's far,
so we'll have to take speeder bikes.
-[Kai] Whoo-hoo!
-[Nubs cheers, laughs]
[Nubs coos]
The edge of the forest is just up ahead.
Oh, no.
There are too many roots now.
We can't ride speeder bikes through these.
We'll have to walk from here.
[creatures chitter]
Which way should we go?
[sniffs, grunts]
-[speaks Poobian]
-Hear what, Nubs?
[shushes, speaks Poobian]
[whirring in distance]
[speaks Poobian]
Hey. Wait, that's Ansen's speeder!
But I don't see him anywhere.
Wonder why it's on.
[gasps] He might be in trouble.
We need to find a safe way down
this steep hill.
[Nubs speaks Poobian]
If Ansen's bike is there, he must be too.
I'm going down to find him.
-I don't think that's such a good idea!
-[Nubs shouts]
I'm coming, Ansen!
Whoa! [grunting]
-We're coming, Senna!
[all grunting, screaming]
[all grunt]
Well, that's one way to get down the hill.
-[Senna sighs]
Yet another mistake from Senna Strung.
This wouldn't have happened
to a real bounty hunter.
-It's okay, Senna. We made it down here.
-[speaks Poobian]
But next time, let's be more careful.
I will be.
Now, let's go check out Ansen's speeder.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[device beeps]
-Oh, what's happening?
A cage?
[grunting, sighs]
I can't believe it!
Everything keeps going wrong!
Remember, Senna, everyone makes mistakes.
Our teacher, Master Yoda, tells us that
a mistake is our chance
to learn and get better.
Huh. I like that.
-[Ansen] I knew that trap would get ya
ya blasted Burowga.
[laughs] Finally got ya!
Thought you could outsmart
ol' Ansen Strung, did ya?
Ansen! You're okay!
What are you doing all the way out here?
And with the Jedi kids too?
You missed our last two holo-calls!
I came because I was worried.
[groans] I completely forgot.
I'm trying to catch a Burowga.
I was using the sound of my speeder
to attract it
and I was afraid the loud noise
of my comm would draw it away.
So I turned it off.
[leaves rustling]
[sniffs, bellows]
[gasps] The Burowga!
-It's attracted to the noise.
-[Lys gasps]
-I'm sorry, Senna.
I-I was just so caught up
in trying to catch the
-Yeah. Burowga.
No, I mean, it's right behind you!
[shouts, grunts] W-Where'd it go?
-[all screaming]
-No, no, no, no [groans]
[grunting, groans]
Gotcha! [grunts, screams]
Ansen! We're coming!
Hop on.
-Here we go.
[all screaming, grunting]
[sighs] Nice work, Senna.
-[all gasping]
-[groans, whimpers]
-Nope! You're not getting away this time!
[grunts] Hey! Hey, Senna, kids!
[groans] H-Help me control this thing!
[Burowga groans]
[gasps] I know!
We gotta corral the Burowga.
We can help with that.
Then let's go.
[Lys] Hey! Look at us!
-[Kai cheers]
-[Burowga grunts]
[speaks Poobian]
[Burowga bellows]
-Over here!
-Oh, no you don't!
-[Burowga bellows]
[Nubs speaks Poobian]
-[Burowga bellows]
We gotta get it in the cage!
-[Burowga bellows]
-Whoa! But how?
-Uh. Uh. [gasps]
-[Burowga cries]
I have a plan.
Be ready to use your Force powers
when I say so.
I'm gonna get its attention. [grunts]
-[engine revs]
-Hey! You! [grunts]
[Burowga bellows]
-[Senna] Yeah, you!
-Uh, Senna.
[stammers] I can't control the Burowga!
-Watch out!
-[Burowga bellows]
[screaming, grunting]
-[Burowga bellows]
-[grunting, screaming]
-[Burowga cries]
-Ansen! Let's get out of the cage.
Kids! Close the cage, now!
-[Force rumbling]
-[all straining]
-Got him!
-[cheering, laughing]
-[cheers] All right!
Oh, no. My speeder.
[grunting, groans]
That was the last red one too.
-I'm glad you're okay, Big Bro.
I know I made a lot of mistakes.
I was trying to be a bounty hunter
as good as you,
but [sighs] I guess I'm not.
Senna. What are you talking about?
What you did was amazing!
It was?
-Yeah, you were!
-Of course!
-You found me, and you caught the Burowga.
-[Burowga groans]
[chuckles] For your first bounty,
I'd say that's a huge success.
[Burowga bellowing]
[gasps] Oh, goodness, you found her!
[Burowga bellows]
Oh, thank you for finding
my missing Burowga.
Well, thank her!
If you need something found,
call Senna Strung.
One of the best
new bounty hunters there is.
Ha! Thanks, Big Brother.
I gotta say, I learned from the best.
-And that includes my Jedi friends.
-[Nubs chuckles]
Thanks for helping me believe in myself.
Even though I messed up today,
you taught me that mistakes
are chances to learn and get better.
-We never doubted you for a second, Senna.
-[Nubs coos]
[sighs] Thanks for your help, everyone.
[Burowga bellows]
[Burowgas bellowing]
Aw! [chuckles]
She sure looks happy to be back.
She sure does.
-[all laughing]
-[Senna] Wow!
[Burowgas bellowing]
-[all laughing]
-[Burowgas bellowing]
-Look at it go! [laughs]
-[all laughing]
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