Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e13 Episode Script

Save the Sea Hares

[bird screeches]
[theme music playing]
[machines beeping, trilling]
[tense music playing]
[gentle music playing]
When I lost my brother, I told myself
that I'd never let someone I loved
die ever again.
And then I lost the captain.
I couldn't help him so
[deep inhale]
it's been really tough on me, you know.
It's happening all over again.
It felt like it was my fault.
And I hated myself
because I couldn't prevent it.
[Nam-soon] It wasn't your fault.
You're the sweetest
and the hardest working cop
I have ever met.
And the coolest as well.
You're just
the most amazing man ever.
I'm so glad you're here.
You're really, really
precious to me.
You really have no idea.
I feel the same way.
You're so, so
precious to me.
[in Mongolian] I love you.
I love you too.
[crew 1] We're live.
We're running out of time.
[man 1] I called in earlier
but she didn't pick up.
Should I just keep calling?
-I mean, I've been trying for hours
-[phone vibrates]
[man 2] Have you gone to her house?
All of a sudden?
Mr. Kim, it's just you today.
All right, let's begin.
[ominous music playing]
[Geum-ju] Is something wrong?
[tense music playing]
[music stops]
[light music playing]
Hi, sweetie.
Hi, Mom. Is the shoot over?
Wrapped up just now. It's being edited.
I'll make sure you get it once it's done.
I'll send it to Inspector Kang too.
Mom, I
Don't send it in the middle of the night.
Home-sik's really tired
so I wanna let him sleep.
I'll remember not to
[playful music playing]
From sleeping what, with you?
[amazed gasp]
My daughter finally did it!
Uh, um
Mom, um, what are you saying?
It's not like that.
It's not like that?
So you're saying nothing happened?
Oh, my gosh.
Cut it out. You're embarrassing me.
Ah! I will, I will, I will.
Anyway, you live with him now, right?
You know what that means.
I have high expectations, okay?
Don't disappoint me, sweetheart.
[moans] Jesus.
The night is long, girl.
I think you get what I'm saying.
[line ends]
[romantic music playing]
[Nam-soon giggles]
Even sleeping, he looks flawless.
[foreboding music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[phone continues vibrating]
[dramatic music playing]
I suggest you take the test.
After all, you've inhaled a drug.
Not CTA4885, obviously.
[panicked gasp]
You'd better do as I tell you from now on.
[Gi-dae] A new drug called CTA4885
has been discovered
at the distribution company, Doogo.
CEO Ryu Si-o has associated himself
with high-profiled names
such as Jung Dae-cheol, Director of TBO,
Judge Hwang Tae-jun of the SWDC,
Commissioner An Byeong-ho,
and Deputy Chief Prosecutor
Moon Seong-u of the SCDP,
among many others
in order to establish a network
for the acquisition
and distribution of the drug.
Ryu Si-o, Doogo's CEO,
was able to transport the drugs
by hiding it in merchandise.
An example.
At first glance, the CTA4885
looks like jacket filling.
But watch closely
as I pour some water on this filling.
[tense music playing]
It's a drug.
Get me the PR and legal teams.
We need to respond to this.
Yes, sir.
Tell people this is sensationalized news.
Absolutely fake.
Crazy news.
Yes, sir.
Search for every related article,
anything on Doogo.
[Si-o] Oh.
Remember that incident,
the temp worker who died?
Oh, Hong Jeong-ho, I believe?
Pay his family a visit.
Keep them from making a fuss.
It's probably not a bad idea
to help them financially.
Copy that, sir.
[phone vibrates]
-[phone chimes]
[Ms. Baek] Hillary, all hell
broke loose in our company.
Some broadcasting company reported
that our exported jackets
have drugs in them.
Everybody's talking about it online!
Mm-hmm. Good. That's great.
It's all going well.
[Hyun-soo] No way.
[comical music playing]
[clears throat]
Rough, huh?
-Hang in there.
The, uh, cops will patrol
this place soon, you know.
Find somewhere indoors to sleep.
[sorrowful music playing]
Plus, it's cold.
[man] Thank you!
[Hyun-soo] Don't lose hope, my friend.
Life can turn on a dime, right?
-[glass shatters]
-[Byeong-ho] Hey, you bastard!
What the hell are you doing?
You got that jacket without a damn warrant
then you had that info broadcasted
on a hoax news channel?
Did you forget you're a cop?
Are you insane?
That information is the truth, sir.
You know that as well as I do.
You better tell that damn channel
to broadcast a retraction!
Sir, I'm not sure I get why
you're so angry at me.
Is it because I did something
I shouldn't have done as a cop
or is it because I have done exactly
what I should be doing, huh?
[tense music playing]
Now, Commissioner, tell me why!
Did you decide to help Si-o?
Why help a drug dealer get his way?
You really think
you can get away with this?
[Hee-sik grunts]
As a fellow alumnus
of the Police Academy of Seoul,
how many officers like myself
have looked up to you
and dreamed of being
in your position someday?
I used to admire you, Commissioner.
If you wish to take disciplinary action,
be my guest.
I won't stop until I crack this case.
No matter what it takes, sir.
And if you fire me,
I'll keep working the case on my own.
[Byeong-ho grunts]
[dark music playing]
Come with me, Tsetseg.
-I'm meeting some people, and
I'm not sure yet
if they're friends or enemies.
I'll stay in the corporate office.
After all, I'm sure the team's
really swamped with this,
-um, this whole crisis here.
-Okay, then.
[door opens, closes]
That bastard.
[sighs] This is it for us.
Ryu Si-o finally has us all trapped.
I saw on Geumju TV
that Doogo manufactures drugs
for international sale.
-Is it true?
-Yes, I think it's true.
I've heard they're connected
to the Russian mafia.
[Hui-sook] What?
What's gonna happen to us, huh?
[dramatic music playing]
You're aware of our problem.
Mr. Jung, let's come up with a response.
This is nothing but fake news
from a private broadcasting network
no one's ever heard of.
You come up with a press release.
And I'll take care of the rest.
Mr. Ryu, is it true what they said?
[Hui-sook] Are you selling drugs?
That's not the issue here.
The issue is whether you sink
or get stronger with all this.
If you watched the stream,
you'd know that all
our conversations were tapped.
And the identities of all of you
have been exposed.
[all groaning]
You might recall
getting bribes from me before.
They have footage of it.
Mr. Moon.
I need you to do some digging
on Hwang Geum-ju.
I'm sure she's hiding something.
Hwang Geum-ju has a daughter
who had gone missing named Gang Nam-soon.
They finally found her
after all these years.
[Si-o] This information made it
to the news.
But she censored any articles
with further details about it.
Well, I'm sure any broadcasting company
would have an archive
with unpublished pieces.
Find information about the daughter.
The strong girl.
Gang Nam-soon.
[sneaky music playing]
[clears throat]
it's me, Tsetseg.
How are you?
Oh, Dad.
And Mom.
I really miss you.
Dad, Mom.
I'm fine. Yeah.
[fake sobbing]
-Mr. Kwon.
-Yes, sir?
The jackets are all inspected
prior to dispatch.
There couldn't have been
any drugs in them.
-[GM Yang] Write that down. And you, guys.
-[Mr. Kwon] All right.
Get a shot of Ms. Baek
working at her desk.
-[GM Yang] Okay?
-Do I really have to be in it though?
[GM Yang] Of course. Hey!
Don't be nervous. Just act natural, okay?
-[Ms. Baek] Yes.
-Oh, let's get some photos for the paper.
Let's try to make it look natural.
It shouldn't look staged.
-[Ms. Baek] Sure, we'll do that.
-Okay, everyone. Loosen up.
And action!
[playful music playing]
-[whispers] Hillary.
What are you doing?
Unnie, do you have a spare flash drive?
[box clatters]
Thank you, unnie.
[clicks, chimes]
[GM Yang]
Okay, did you get that? Okay, great.
Let's switch it up.
Photographer here,
camera crew over there.
[thrilling music playing]
Photographer over here,
camera crew over there. Come on.
Yeah? Okay, we're going again.
[keyboard clacking]
[GM Yang] Hey.
Wait! Where are you going?
Where are you going?
That little
The CEO has arrived.
[thrilling music intensifies]
Hi, Si-o. You're back.
-[door closes]
-I was waiting for you.
[phone vibrates]
[uneasy music playing]
[Si-o] Okay. I'll meet you there.
I'm trusting you completely.
I'm right
to do that, aren't I?
Trust me, Si-o.
Wanna see the research lab?
Let's go. I'll show it to you.
Sounds good.
Wait for me downstairs.
[line dials, rings]
[gasps] Home-sik, I'm about
to send you something over.
[GM Yang exhales]
[Nam-soon] Mm-hmm.
I've copied everything
that was on the secret phone.
But it's all in Russian.
I think they're conversations with Pavel.
Oh, also, there are some recordings.
Anyway, just check it out, okay?
I'm sending it.
I'm about to leave.
I'm headed to Doogo's research lab now.
Mm-hmm. See you.
[tense music playing]
[door opens, closes]
Everyone's there now.
I suppose I should be there too
because they'll need a translator.
They all speak different languages.
You should bring Kyle.
Tsetseg's coming with me.
Yes, sir.
-[door opens]
-[Nam-soon] Si-o!
[Nam-soon giggles]
[tense music playing]
-Here you go, sir.
-Thanks so much.
No Korean numbers?
So far, no. Wait a minute.
[keyboard clacking]
[Hee-sik] Look at that part too.
A few more.
-No luck.
[daunting music playing]
[in Korean] The grandmother.
Her son.
[Sang-cheol] Her ex-husband.
[in English]
Grandmother, son, ex-husband.
All of them at once or one by one?
We'll go one by one.
You want me to kill them
or keep them alive?
Just on the verge of death.
You, this.
[Kyle] You, this.
You, this.
Let's start with the easiest for now.
[dramatic stings]
[Sang-cheol] The grandmother.
This is the only Korean phone number.
All the other numbers
are Russian apparently.
I see a bunch of calls.
[line dials, rings]
This is Kang Hee-sik speaking.
There's a phone number I'd like to check.
Can you run a background check
on the line owner?
-[line ends]
[mysterious music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Arrived August 2021 from Russia.
It's a woman.
[line ringing]
I just found out
who Ryu Si-o's direct boss is.
And Nam-soon's on her way
to Doogo to the lab to meet her.
[dramatic music playing]
It's been a while.
Yo, I'm Hillary. Hi.
Her Korean's informal.
Unusual background. Hope that's all right.
Guess I'll take a little walk
so, uh, you guys can talk, Si-o.
No, stay.
It's all right.
Uh, well, you know,
I actually need to use the bathroom,
so, um
[door opens, closes]
[tense music playing]
Who is she?
Why is she here with you?
She's one of mine.
"One of mine"?
[Geum-ju] We're gonna cover
the assassination attempt on me,
Galchi's murder in jail,
and Madam Kim's attack at the hospital
on the next broadcast.
The response from the audience
has been rather explosive.
Inspector Kang,
I need you to do me a favor.
Get me report on the lawyer
who murdered Galchi in jail.
You got a broadcast ban, though, right?
You sure you wanna do this?
I'm already facing all manner
or legal and disciplinary actions.
I'm even banned from streaming now.
Criminals should be stopped
with lawlessness.
We must punish illegalities
with illegalities.
I got word about Doogo's laboratory.
And that woman was right,
about the sea slugs?
They're being sent to Busan Port
from the Philippines,
at least we think so.
We have found a Filipino bank account.
[sneaky music playing]
[lock crackles]
[machines trilling]
[rock music playing]
[upbeat music playing]
[intense music playing]
[Hee-sik] The antidote is made
from sea slug blood.
[Si-o] Pavel sells drugs. That's it.
The one who developed
and researched the sea slugs was me.
So this antidote business
is exclusively mine.
That attitude will get you killed.
[deep breath]
I'd rather not die.
What should I do, then?
[uneasy music playing]
Shall I do what you did, Beom?
I could offer them one of my eyeballs.
[Si-o] They'll forgive me, won't they?
[Beom seething]
You know where he is, right?
Is he alive?
An eye
is not gonna cut it for you.
[ominous music playing]
But right now, I've got two eyes.
And a wide field of vision.
No one would dare
try to mess with me.
Hwang Geum-ju is.
And Opulentia's helping her.
No matter how much of that drug you take,
you won't get far all by yourself, child.
You're mistaken.
Nobody helps me.
I do what I want.
The drug controls the human brain.
It controls your hormones
to make you chase your deepest desires
and takes them to the extreme.
Well, before it kills you.
If it hadn't been for you,
right now, our hands would be tied.
These people are terrible.
The law is powerless against them.
Well, I guess we'll find out.
First, we should pin down
their sea slug shipment.
That'll point the way to their contacts.
When does it come in?
There's nothing about it
on the secret phone.
Ryu Si-o is keeping
the shipment secret from Pavel.
So Pavel doesn't know?
[foreboding music playing]
[Joong-gan] Jun-hee, sweetie.
I spoke with Nam-in.
He told me he won't be coming in.
Geum-ju won't let him leave the house.
Hwang Geum-ju can be so reckless
sometimes, much like her father, actually.
Buying a TV station,
streaming bizarre news like she's a spy.
That's just crazy!
Does she think
she's James Bond or something?
I don't get what she's doing, you know.
Daughters do take after their dads.
My daughter's like me too.
She's so innocent and pure of heart.
You're innocent
and pure of heart? Come on.
-Not after last night.
I'm kidding. Look at that smile.
[Joong-gan giggles]
[sweet music playing]
You're giving me such a burning hot look.
You're gonna melt my face off.
My sweet beautiful Joong-gan,
whose name means "middle of the road"
yet who can't be contained.
Yes, my sweet Jun-hee? [giggles]
Unfortunately, I won't be able
to take you home today.
Why not?
There's, uh, something
I really need to do today.
Meaning what?
I'll tell you later. Don't worry.
I'm going home on my own?
I'm too scared to go home on my own.
To be honest, I'm upset about it too.
-Like a cat on a hot tin roof.
-[moans, puffs]
Just head straight home.
Don't be distracted, sweetie. Promise me.
[clicks tongue] Okay, sure.
[whimpers] I'm scared.
[awkward chuckle]
I uh
I've shown you
everything there is to show.
By the way, who was that woman?
Someone who keeps watch.
Why is she watching you?
Because I don't have their trust.
The research lab you saw today
is where all my dreams
and my hopes lie right now.
It's the winning card against those guys.
Who are those guys
and what are they up to?
Those guys
are very bad people.
What do you mean "bad people"?
Like the mafia?
Good night.
Sure. Good night.
[somber music playing]
Go. Go!
[tense music playing]
[engine starts]
[sighs] That bastard.
[phone vibrates]
-You're home, right?
Mm-hmm. You've been watching, huh?
You know the videos
of the sea slug that you took?
Help me find out when they get here next.
They're shipping in to Busan.
How do I find that out?
I'll think of something. See you.
[cheeky music playing]
-[clears throat]
-[line dials, rings]
[Ms. Baek] Hello?
Unnie, where are you?
[Ms. Baek]
At the office. What do you think?
I'm going crazy here.
The company is in a big mess right now.
Where are you? What are you up to?
So it turns out I was, like,
about to come to your rescue, unnie.
Stay where you are.
What should we eat, huh? Mandu?
[dark music playing]
[gasps, sobs]
[Na-young weeping]
[phone vibrates]
What do you want?
[Si-o] This is Ryu Si-o.
That drug isn't 4885.
It's a spray drug absorbed when inhaled.
The hair test should catch it.
It's pretty fast.
By the way
you left a bunch
of stray hair inside the cab.
[Si-o] I gather your sister
is studying in Shanghai, right?
Did you know that simply carrying drugs
can get you killed in China?
Your sister,
we'll spray her with drugs too.
Of course, you wanna save her.
[Si-o] You're doing a live stream
at work tomorrow.
You're gonna claim
that all your reports were fake.
Hwang Geum-ju's orders.
You'll say that
you're making this confession
because you can't continue the lie.
If you don't, your sister will be executed
for possession of drugs in China.
[tense music playing]
[whimpers] Yun-jeong.
[line ringing]
[Na-young] Pick up for god's sake.
You called, Mr. Jung.
About Hwang Geum-ju's daughter.
There was a news report
on the Han River gers attack.
[Dae-cheol] But it was never published
because of an embargo.
There should be
video evidence of it, right?
The archive manager quit,
so I couldn't find it.
But we've contacted him.
You have to find her.
You have to find
Gang Nam-soon, understand?
There's a tarot café in Gangnam
and the owner is a young guy.
His mom gave me that.
If she could give me
a billion in cash right away,
I'm assuming they're loaded.
She gave you this?
A billion for the antidote?
I guess I freaked out
for a moment, you know
[soft chuckle]
when she gave me all that cash.
But you took me in
when I was nothing, so I
I just couldn't do that to you.
So I came to my senses.
I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
I heard Galchi has been arrested, right?
Are we gonna be okay?
I think we'll have to close down.
is dead.
Wow, have I really eaten all this? Mm.
[Ms. Baek moans delightedly]
This is delicious. You read my mind.
I really needed this. Mm.
For me? I love that candy.
How did you know?
[both chuckle]
With how crazy work has been lately,
it gets hard to find energy.
And coffee hasn't been cutting it
for me these days.
-[Nam-soon] Here you go, Baby Face unnie.
Mm! So delicious and sweet.
-So, unnie.
Our firm is going through
some really chaotic times
so will our imports and exports
be drying up now, you think?
Not internationally,
but I'm not sure in Korea, to be honest.
Are you worried about getting fired?
Don't worry. Come on.
We're the corporate team.
They can't fire us.
-I really don't want to get laid off.
Wait, our imports,
do you know their origin?
The Philippines and Taiwan.
-Which products?
-Sea slugs.
Sea slugs for what purpose?
How would I know?
Hillary, it's your turn to say, "Ah!"
[Ms. Baek chuckles]
I have heard they arrive at Busan Port.
Do you know when?
On the 25th.
That's when the sea slugs shipment
arrives at Busan Port.
Mom, I was discharged.
The herbs, they're at home, right?
I have no energy whatsoever.
Can you send me a car?
What? Spoil me? What are you even saying?
I'm not a child.
And I'm sensitive, all right?
-[line ends]
Hello? Hello?
[knocks on door]
Uh, I mean, who is it?
Okay, come now.
[emotional music playing]
[gasps] Oh.
Oh, Pa.
[Guk-jong] Oh.
Oh, my poor child.
Tending to my toileting gut
you admitted here too?
No way, Pa.
I'm not here from taking care of you.
I'm sorry, my son.
No, don't be.
Don't say that.
Ooh. Ah!
-My butt.
-Did I hurt your butt?
-[Guk-jong] It hurts.
-Oh, my arm. My arm!
Oh, dear.
[assassin] Start the engine.
How did you get in here?
Shut your mouth!
-And start driving.
-How did you get in the car? I wanna know!
-Who cares about that right now?
-Well, duh, I do.
This car is supposed to have
all the safety features.
How on earth could it be
so easily broken into?
[in Russian] Shut up, you old hag.
-What's he saying?
-Shut up.
And turn left over there.
Who are you anyway?
I'm really curious here.
Who are you?
[thrilling music playing]
Hey, who sent you clowns anyway?
I have a right to know that at least.
Shut up and get in there, you old hag!
All right, all right.
[loud clanging]
[gunshots firing]
[loud crash]
[dramatic music playing]
Ugh, why are there so many
bad people in the world?
So annoying.
And so many people with guns in Korea now.
-Maybe I need to carry something too.
-[Velcro scratches]
What is Geum-ju up to
these days anyway, huh?
Ugh, I feel sorry for Nam-in and Bong-go.
What can they do?
[choir music playing]
[Kyle groans]
[in Russian] Where am I?
Who am I?
[engine revs]
-[Sun-kyu] Yeah?
-Can you locate this place?
-It's where they make the antidote.
-Got it.
[sighs] I'll get the coordinates.
You know, this could take a while.
Did your wife get these as well?
Did you say "wife"?
You cheeky jerk.
[both chuckling]
Wait, where did the guys go?
Oh, I think the Commissioner said
he wanted a word.
[phone vibrates]
Hmm? Nam-in, hi.
Noona, what's up?
I'm stuck at home.
I'm not allowed to go out.
I'm eating fried chicken, you know.
Spicy chicken, soy sauce chicken,
and plain chicken. [giggles]
Listen, are you home alone?
Mm-hmm. Join me for some chicken. Come on.
Okay, sure. I'll see you there, okay?
Keep the door locked
until I get there, all right?
Okay. Hurry up, will you?
Mm-hmm. Will do.
Has Mr. Hwang Guk-jong
already had his stitches removed?
[eerie music playing]
[line ends]
Here we go. [grunts]
[rock music playing]
Uh, who are you?
[Guk-jong] Hey.
Who are you?
I am Gil Joong-gan's boyfriend.
My name is Seo Jun-hee.
Oh, you're a friend.
Not a friend.
I'm her boyfriend.
[cackles] You're her boyfriend?
What's that supposed to mean, huh?
have had hangover soup together.
[hopeless music playing]
You know what that means, don't you?
Hangover soup is eaten in the morning
which means we've spent
the night together.
You two have slept together?
Yes, of course.
love Gil Joong-gan.
I love that woman.
She's my girlfriend.
What are you talking about,
you son of a bitch?
[Jun-hee grunts]
I guess you can't be civil
about this, huh?
Want me to break another one
of your bones, huh?
How dare you call me that?
Watch your mouth!
I'm gonna beat you until I knock
some sense into your empty skull
until your teeth fall out!
Who do you think you are?
I'm Gil Joong-gan's boyfriend, jackass!
[both grunt]
-I'm sorry.
-My tailbone.
You sneaky bastard!
-Get off me!
Let me go!
[both grunt]
What on earth are you doing?
Two armed men attacked me today.
Fighting for social justice
is good and all,
but don't keep me in the dark like this.
I'm strong enough but that
doesn't mean you should
[incoming call]
Hey, I have to go.
Oh, shut up. I have to go.
[blows air]
Hi, Jun-hee sweetie.
Joong-gan, I'm outside your house.
Oh, really now?
Well, give me a minute.
Hey, somebody! Please get the door!
Jun-hee, see you in a second.
[Joong-gan] Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
[hopeful music playing]
Joong-gan, sweetie.
It's all taken care of.
Now, there are no bounds
to our sweet love!
Joong-gan, dear.
Jun-hee, the little brat's not
[Joong-gan clears throat]
I mean, nobody's home now.
How about we
Netflix and chill, hmm?
I'd love to.
Me too.
[sighs] Seriously.
-I'm gonna just kill them! I will!
-[door slides open]
-Argh! Damn it.
-[door closes]
Dad, try to cool your head.
It's so taxing for me.
Think about your son.
Hey, let's go home.
Come to think of it,
I haven't even been home since I got here.
Look, Dad, maybe I should go there first.
You heard the doctor.
Dad, you need to avoid stress right now!
-Nah, let's go home.
-[bones crackle]
-Uh. Oh.
Why is this happening to me, son, huh?
Oh, I wish I'd never been born.
Don't say that, Dad.
You've lived too long
to be having that kind of thought.
-It's okay.
-Oh, for god's sake.
[door closes]
[Si-o] What are you up to, Tsetseg?
-[camera shutter clicks]
-[Nam-in munching]
"Chicken time here."
Is that your boyfriend?
Of course not.
I like your boyfriend, by the way.
"My boyfriend"?
The cop.
He's been texting and calling me
ever since I got discharged
from the hospital,
asking how I was
and saying he's glad I pulled through.
-[giggles] Mm-hmm.
-Is that so? Did he really?
Oh, he invited me out cycling too.
I like him.
[both chuckle]
I'm worried about Grandma though.
Stuck between Granddad and Mr. Seo.
What do you mean?
Oh, so you don't know?
Grandma got a new boyfriend.
But Granddad showed up after a decade.
Oh, my gosh.
What, like the love triangle
you see in Korean dramas, right?
Mm-hmm, the, yeah,
love triangle's passionate.
Oh, god! It's too much.
Why isn't Dad coming out?
Oh, uh, he said he was in the dark room.
Why isn't he here?
Hang on.
[heels clacking]
[eerie music playing]
Mr. Ryu, Hong Jeong-ho,
the temporary warehouse worker who died,
I had been with his family.
It turns out his younger brother
is already being sponsored by someone.
And the sponsor's name is Gang Nam-soon.
[dramatic music playing]
Mr. Yu, bring me his brother right now.
-[mouse clicking]
-[door opens]
[Seok-ho sighs]
Disciplinary hearing.
Yeah, I know. We heard.
Our investigation team is disbanded.
And until they come to a verdict,
we can't investigate.
-We are sanctioned.
A suspension. We expected that too.
The Commissioner's trying
to shut us down before he retires.
Damn those bastards at the top!
[hopeless sigh]
Mr. Jung.
Here is the video file you requested.
[foreboding music playing]
[tense music playing]
[crew] Hey, I can help.
You're here.
By the way,
I think Geumju TV is going down.
To do a surprise livestream like this
in response to a broadcasting ban,
what if they arrest Hwang Geum-ju?
Is something wrong?
[suspenseful music playing]
Okay, let's get this started.
-[knocks on door]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
Nice to meet you.
I hear someone's assisting you.
That person is Gang Nam-soon?
[dramatic music playing]
So you must have Gang Nam-soon's number.
Do you know her face?
[dramatic music intensifies]
[phone vibrates]
I've got the video file, Mr. Ryu.
It's a big file, so I'll email it to you.
Send me a screenshot
of her face right now.
[line rings]
-He's not answering?
-Mm. He's not.
[line rings]
Where is he?
-gonna quit my job.
-What do you mean, Hee-sik?
You worked your ass off for so long.
You're quitting an hour
after handing me this task? Come on!
Yeah, he's right. There's a lot
of reasons for you to stick around
'cause we can't stop
our drug investigation.
That's not what I said!
[sighs] I'm quitting my job as a cop.
[Seok-ho] Huh?
[ID clacks]
[Young-tak] Hey.
The senior superintendent said
we should just hang in there.
No, I don't want to, all right?
I would rather be like
Sherlock Holmes, guys.
"Sherlock"? And what,
Ryu Si-o is Arsène Lupin?
[Sun-kyu] I call dibs on Watson.
Hey, then I'm Detective Conan, okay?
[festive music playing]
[Young-tak] What?
-What is that?
-[Young-tak] Whoa!
Well, I guess this money's
coming in handy.
Criminals will be stumped
by lawlessness and illegalities.
I am hiring you, gentlemen.
Hey, I'm getting paid in cash.
You know what that means?
We don't need to pay taxes on it.
That cash is all ours.
Hee-sik, I love you.
I really do.
Hey, we need a farewell-slash-introduction
party, you guys!
Pork belly and soju.
No, hold on, plum wine.
No, hold on.
-[Hee-sik chuckles]
-Come on, Hee-sik, let's feast like kings.
-You didn't tell us you were rich, dude.
-You're loaded, baby!
-Come on, let's get some Bokbunja!
-[Seok-ho] Come on, let's go!
Mix it up, man.
All right, there you go!
[Seok-ho] Okay now. Let's go.
-[glasses clink]
-[Hee-sik] Cheers.
From now on, we can call ourselves
private investigators, right?
Well, we need to find
a place to work before we can.
[Sun-kyu] Wait.
Why not a ger?
His wife could build one for us.
-Yeah, right.
-[Young-tak] Look.
She's not the same naive girl
she was last year.
She doesn't have time
to build gers for us anymore.
-[phone vibrates]
-We'll build it ourselves, then.
[Sun-kyu] We're four guys.
We can pull it off.
We're not in our 20s like you, man,
-all right?
-That's right.
Building a ger during winter?
Come on. We'd freeze.
-We'd freeze. Come on.
-[Sun-kyu] Hey, listen.
That's how heroes are born, all right?
They face adversity like warriors.
-[Seok-ho] Yeah, whatever, dude.
-Let's go.
To our new hideout.
-Just like that?
-Where to?
[smooching, moaning]
[sensual music playing]
-[door opens]
-[Geum-dong] Mom!
-[moaning on TV]
-[both gasp]
[chimes off]
[exhales, clears throat]
Mom, what the hell are you doing?
What are you
What are you trying to do?
Drive a nail through my dad's heart
while he's in the hospital?
Then come in here and watching
dirty movies with my mom?
Watch your tongue. Don't touch him, okay?
Violence is not the reason
I'm buying those expensive
herbal tonics for you, huh?
Are you incapable of thinking about Dad
for even a fraction of a second?
Oh, Mom, I can't You're shameless.
[Geum-dong] Get out.
-Get out right now!
-Geum-dong, wait.
What's the matter with you guys? Did you
Uh, uh
Hello, good evening.
[uneasy music playing]
[Na-young breathes deeply]
[thrilling music playing]
That's her. Gang Nam-soon.
Get out.
[thrilling music intensifies]
[closing theme music]
[Si-o] I do not distribute drugs.
Hwang Geum-ju is the axis of evil.
Take care of this right now.
[Jun-hee] Joong-gan!
How dare you lay a hand on my man?
-Come on!
Really, who are you, Mr. Bread?
[Bread] I think you may
need help with something.
What can I do to assist you?
[Si-o] Now I see why Pavel
kills traitors on the spot.
Tsetseg is Gang Nam-soon.
My entire family almost died.
[Nam-soon] Please do it for me.
The whole country is going crazy.
[Jeong-sik] The Drug Investigation
will resume duty immediately.
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