Talentless Nana (2020) s01e13 Episode Script


Nana, you sloppy girl,
I told you to clean your room!
B-But I did!
I didn't make this mess.
Your father helped us out of a bind.
But don't assume we'll give you
the same special treatment because of that.
I'm sorry.
You'd better be sorry.
Did you even close the window?
We'd rather not have a double-murder
happen in our house, thank you!
But I didn't kill Daddy and Mommy.
It wasn't me
It wasn't my fault
It was your fault.
You killed your parents.
Accept it!
So, hey!
I've had something on my mind for a while now.
And I have something to ask you.
But before I do, forgive me,
I lied to you this morning.
I was scared that if I carelessly brought
up the topic, you'd get upset again.
So, the real reason I went to see Kyoya
I needed someone to help me
sort out my jumbled thoughts.
Oh, but I didn't tell him anything!
I started to talk, but was worried
I'd give away that I was talking about you.
So she did find my behavior suspicious.
Nana- shan , search your memory, okay?
It was morning!
I'm talking about the moment when you
found your parents dead in the living room.
Please, try to remember!
You left your room that morning,
wondering why the house was so quiet, right?
On your way out, did you step on anything?
Do you remember the soles
of your feet hurting at all?
Th-That's a very important fact!
I definitely didn't step on--
I knew it! It really wasn't your fault then!
Your floor was always messy.
There was never a place to step, right?
You were up late playing games on the floor,
so your floor was littered
with game pieces, right?
But when I woke up the next morning,
the room was neat as a pin.
Wh-Which means it had to be
Your parents cleaned your
room in the middle of the night!
Wait, don't get too hasty!
I was shaken up by my parents' death.
I might have just not noticed
I'd stepped on my games.
Wouldn't that mess up the order, then?
You got shaken up after you left your room
and found your parents
dead in the living room. Right?
Even if that's true, there's no
guarantee they locked my window!
They were always on your case
about locking your window, right?
Now, would those same people clean your room,
and forget to lock your window?
If your parents were anything like you,
I'm sure they were very kind.
I think they took care to quietly lock
your window, so as not to wake you.
So that's why
It's not implausible.
Even if that's true,
I was still sloppy and careless.
That hasn't changed.
I don't care! It still wasn't your fault!
I remember reading somewhere
that when children face tragedy,
they often blame themselves for everything.
Please, just think about it.
You were just playing. Like a normal kid.
Who was the one that murdered your parents?
It wasn't you. Right?
This is why?
This is why Michiru looked
so troubled the past few days?
She just wanted to console me.
She racked her brain for me.
But meanwhile, I thought
I thought she was out to get me.
Please, stop hating yourself.
You have no reason to.
No matter what happens,
I'm always on your side, Nana- shan .
We'll always be friends.
F Friends?
I've never
The supply ship is coming tomorrow,
so we can buy things in the courtyard.
Let's go shopping together, okay?
Is this okay?
Does someone like me
deserve this?
Talentless Nana
Michiru is my friend
Episode 13: Revival
What's up? You're spacing out.
It's nothing. I'm going to go to the restroom.
Michiru is my friend so
M-Maybe I should give her a present like this?
Would she like it?
What's come over you, kid?
Do you have a crush on somebody?
Wh-What are you suggesting?!
I want to close in on our killer soon.
I need your help.
In what way?
Truth is, I still can't
find the killer's motive.
So we should capture and question them.
That's a bit extreme.
Do you even have any proof?
Not yet.
I initially suspected Ryuji might
have been unfaithful to Fuko.
But as I questioned people,
I discovered there was more to the story.
The mysterious animal deaths
started at the same time.
Well, please find some proof first, okay?
If we aggravate the killer,
they might strike again.
Very well.
if we can't deduce the killer's motive,
that means we don't know who the next target is.
Too bad we couldn't get
those early bird cell phones.
I don't need a phone.
I get to see you every day anyway.
You seem even nicer than usual today.
I got a little something
Huh? Is that for me?
I got it to help you study for medical school.
I love it! I'll use it every day.
I also got you a present.
Is that a pillow?
I had a hard time choosing, but I was
worried you haven't been sleeping well, so
Also, I read in a book somewhere
that the best way to forget about
your troubles is a good night's sleep.
I'll probably think of you
every time I go to sleep now.
Th-That makes me feel kinda funny.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I snapped at you and made you
feel uncomfortable because of my past.
Please, you can tell me anything.
I'll tell you everything, too!
I hope we can defeat
the enemies of humanity soon.
I have more than enough proof.
I wonder what she's doing right now?
Didn't you say I wouldn't see you for a while?
You know cats make their own rules.
I don't think you're nearly adorable
enough to be the cat in this metaphor.
Even cats know how to
give gratitude when it's due.
if it's a sweet girl who healed
his wounded feline friend.
So you're here to talk about Michiru?
It's rather late,
yet I saw her walking alone
on the path leading to the sea.
I took Moguo's form and
asked her what she was doing.
And she said she was asked
to meet there to talk in secret.
By whom?!
She dodged the question.
She's the sort who always
keeps a secret, isn't she?
Where was she going?
To the deserted cottage by the sea.
Why are you telling me this?
Why, to seduce you, of course.
If you vow to wear my collar from now on,
then I will gladly solve
all your problems for you.
If you hurry, it might not be too late.
The tall pine by the coast is your landmark.
I see nothing but red flags.
I don't know why, but I think
the killer has lured Michiru to them.
Which means, even if I do get there on time,
I might not be able to help her.
I don't even know the killer's talent.
I could assemble the class
No I don't have time to
explain everything to them.
Kyoya's already on the same page.
Good evening, Michiru Inukai.
I started with dogs and cats.
They're beautiful.
And when everyone calls something beautiful,
don't you just want to deface it?
What are?
You said you had something important
I do.
The cat I slashed the other day
was walking around, all healed.
So, I figured it was you.
Then I remembered how beautiful you were.
It's surely a sin to slash
something so beautiful and pure.
But when I mock or crush someone
who everyone praises as "pure,"
it makes me feel special.
I feel like I'm truly expressing myself.
It's me.
M-Mr. Tsuruoka!
I need an update.
Uh everything's going well, sir!
You're gasping for breath.
Are you hunting down an
enemy of humanity as we speak?
Y-Yes, sir!
After your mission is complete,
you will be compensated.
You wanted to use that money to start
a scholarship fund for kids
like you who lost their parents.
Your accrued wages thus far
have been sent to your
relatives' account, as per your request.
Considering how they mistreated you,
a girl whose parents were murdered,
it's rather commendable.
Everyone speaks highly of you.
I'm honored, sir!
Complete your mission. That is all.
Call ended
That's right.
She's not my friend
Why did I let myself daydream?
Let the enemies of humanity
war among themselves.
The ideal situation, really.
I should just let the killer roam free.
Michiru be damned.
The chase sure is exhilarating, isn't it?
Animals and humans,
they both piss themselves
when they run in terror.
Even pure creatures have such impure moments!
Oh, dear. Given up already?
Nana will come to save me.
You mean Nana Hiiragi?
I don't think she's coming.
Just a hunch,
but I sense an ugly darkness
emitting from her soul.
It's almost like she's lying all the time.
You take that back.
I don't care if you mock me or hurt me,
but not Nana- shan
Don't tarnish her name!
What a beautiful speech.
Well, time to die now.
I'm sorry.
You shouldn't be hunted like this.
It's all my fault.
I was hoping Fuko Sorano was the killer.
But there was someone else
I should have paid more attention to.
Because, if he was the killer,
his motive would be a mystery.
I should have been more vigilant.
The killer pretended to sit
and listen to Moguo's speech,
while slipping out of his body to make his kill.
He passed the bathroom door,
and flushed the toilet,
which means his astral body can
travel through walls and touch objects.
Objects like the one he's holding right now.
That sharp knife. It was easy to use.
You opened Ryuji's window
so you could still hear Moguo's speech.
If you heard the speech, you'd have an alibi,
and you could jump back into your
body if he addressed you personally.
Then, when Ryuji was startled by the window,
you took the opportunity to strike,
and killed him with
a solid slash across the neck.
Then, to the strains of Moguo's speech,
you passed the suspicion onto
Fuko by messing up his room.
Isn't that right?
Rentaro Tsurumigawa?!
You don't need to answer this,
but I always wondered why you
didn't speak up when you read my mind.
I was right. Your soul is ugly.
Let me see your back! I'll heal you!
Don't do it!
Can you please move?
I want to kill Inukai.
When I distract him, run for it.
Th-That's a good knife.
Where did you find it?
On the floor in that deserted cottage.
It's beautiful, right? I love it.
I sharpen it every day.
But without that blade, you're powerless.
You're just a little kid high off
the power that weapon gives you.
My, what a dirty mouth you have.
Hiiragi, your soul truly is ugly.
Just shut up and do it.
Slit my helpless throat.
You'd love to, right?
Why you!
Run. Hurry.
But I can't!
I have a plan!
I've already set a trap on him!
He can't chase you until I'm dead!
What? What are you talking about?
But I can't let you
I can't let you die!
Just leave, you stupid dog!
We're not friends!
I've always looked down on you!
You were just a dumb dog I could use!
All this time, I've done
nothing but manipulate you!
Do you get it? I'm sick, just like him!
Whiny little victims like you disgust me!
So, what's this "trap"?
You coward.
Aren't you going to chase after Michiru?
Tell me!
Okay, my plan was
to let you go on your killing spree,
and when I got sick of you,
I'd eliminate you, like the others,
carefully setting my trap,
waiting for my chance to strike.
If only Michiru hadn't happened
Were you lying? You played me!
You little
pile of human waste!
Can't breathe
Stupid Kyoya took you long enough.
You You can't
You can't stop me
Stop it!
You were hard to find.
Locking yourself in the school
bathroom was a smart move.
Someone asked Inukai to meet?
I think it was Rentaro Tsurumigawa.
I heard his inner-voice,
and I'm sure he's our killer.
I have so many things I want to ask you,
but for now, let's save Inukai.
So, I want you to do me a favor.
I know what you need.
He can travel in astral form.
We don't know how far he can go,
but neither of us can win
a fight against an astral body.
We need to attack his actual body.
You always impress me.
Ideally, his body would be at
the coast, near his astral body.
But it's possible he can
project his astral self quite far.
So you want us to strike from both ends?
I have to go save Michiru.
Wait. I should do that.
No, wait
Both of the missions are dangerous.
I know.
Whoever attacks his real body
might be attacked back when
he returns to protect himself.
Shouldn't we ask the class for backup?
But would they all immediately be on board?
I'm sure many of them are scared
and don't want to get involved.
I don't think we have time to debate this!
I think they'd listen if it
came from you, though?
Well, I can tell you're panicking.
I am. That's why I'm asking you for help.
Because I figured you'd
be an easy sell. That's all.
Glad to know you don't hate me.
Well, good luck.
Just keep your head on.
When you find Inukai, don't be a hero.
Just get her to safety with you.
I'm so crazy What have I done?
I abandoned my mission,
attacked an insane Talented without a plan,
and got myself butchered.
Well after everything I've done,
I'd say it's a fitting way to go.
I feel cold.
So cold.
Daddy Mommy
I'm so sorry.
But, please, hear me out.
For the first time in my life, I got a friend.
A friend with shaggy hair, like a dog.
Yes Her name is Michiru.
What are you doing?
You'll be okay I can do this!
No You're not!
I can't talk.
I can feel your life flowing
back into your body!
No don't do it!
Stop it! You fainted a little while ago!
I swear I'll save you!
Because you're a good person, Nana!
Don't save me!
I'm not a good person!
Hitomi lend me your power!
I'm scared to do this alone.
I'm so scared
But I won't be stopped!
Just a bit more
We're almost there!
Please bring my Nana- shan back!
Nana- shan
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