Taxi Driver (2021) s01e13 Episode Script

A Prisoner Exchange

It's not far away
It's very close to me
But I can never hold onto it
Your heart is very far from here
When you left my side
I looked as if I lost my soul
I kept an indifferent heart
As I said goodbye to you
You are not by my side
Are you far from me?
Are you far
From me?
What do you think?
Do you like it?
What's wrong?
You don't like it?
No, Mr. Chairman, it's not that.
Now that I'm here, I finally realized.
I'm not somebody who should be with you.
You already know what kind of woman I am.
Don't say that.
You're a kind-hearted woman to me.
You can live comfortably under my wings.
-But Mr. Chairman…
I don't have long to live anyway.
Can't you stay
by this old man's side for a moment?
Don't say that, Mr. Chairman.
You're my savior.
To me, you're my savior.
Do you think I'm worth it?
Am I worthy enough
to be loved by a man like you?
The doctor we're meeting today
is the best ophthalmologist
in the country.
Do you really think I can get better?
Don't worry.
I'll make sure you get better.
Once I'm determined, I make it happen.
What did I do
to deserve such a sweet angel like you?
I can't believe how sad her life is.
You bitch. How dare you come here?
You! Have you lost your mind?
You killed my dad to take his money!
-You evil bitch!
-Bring him back!
Say something!
You should've died instead!
-You killed him.
-Bring him back!
Bring him back to life!
You bitch!
This place is spooky.
If I stay here, I may go crazy too.
I know, right?
You punks.
You should've lived like
decent human beings.
Hey, you asshole!
You crazy son of a bitch!
Get me out!
Get back here! I won't die alone!
Get back here! Who the hell are you?
Come back here!
-Get me out!
-You jerks!
-I'll kill you!
Get me out!
Please give me some food. I'm so sorry.
I deserve to die.
I'll live like a decent human now.
Please give me one more chance.
-Please give me food.
-Please let me out.
-Please let me go.
Sir. Wait. hold on.
-Excuse me.
Please let me see Maria just once.
Maria can't sleep without me.
I know she misses me a lot.
-Please let me see her.
-Please let me see Maria just once!
Let's wrap it up.
Where are you taking us?
Anywhere but here would be better,
don't you think?
Get me out of here, you pig.
Mr. Choi, are you all right?
-What happened?
-They took them all.
-Mr. Jang.
-What the hell are you doing?
Don't worry about your prisoners.
I'll take good care of them.
Just think that
I'm holding onto your things like before.
Why on earth are you doing this?
What are those brothers to you?
Do you think I'm doing this
to save Seok-tae?
I'm the one
who planned this whole thing.
Thanks to you, I suffered a great loss.
I plan to be compensated for this.
Be prepared, Mr. Jang.
The weather is wonderful.
Hey, roll down the window.
Is everyone okay?
I'm fine. But not Jin-eon.
I'm fine, but what about the prisoners?
We should get you to a hospital first.
Let's get you up.
It's all my fault.
I'm sorry.
You said Ms. Baek was someone
who would treat the prisoners
in the way they deserved.
I agreed with what you said.
This isn't all on you.
I once thought about this.
What if a client seeks revenge on her?
What should I do?
What did you choose to do?
That's not what's important.
The fact that
I had to think about it is a problem.
Let's find the prisoners first.
What will you do then?
The prison is gone.
Mr. Park, are you all right?
Yes, it's only a small fracture.
You still have to be careful
for a few weeks.
I'm more concerned about Go-eun.
She's been working nonstop.
I'm sure she's not in her right mind.
Choi Min was freed.
Do you think you can you find them?
He hasn't apologized to me yet.
I'm going to find them.
When did you last see Gu Yeong-tae?
Gosh, my back hurts.
I'm sorry. I didn't get that.
What did you say?
When did you last see Gu Yeong-tae?
When was it?
The day he was released.
He came to see me, saying he felt wronged.
He asked me to teach you a lesson
for giving him a rough time.
I barely managed to calm him down.
You owe me one, Prosecutor Kang.
You sound like you're proud of that.
I'd be too ashamed to say that.
Do you know where he is?
If I did, would I just
be sitting around like this?
I'd do everything it takes to find him,
then fly him abroad.
Do you know how much money he made me
apart from the healthcare business?
Me? I'd take care of him in prison.
I'm sure.
He's your tail.
The organ trafficking business is yours.
You're not a very good actor.
I can't believe
I'm being treated like this
over some chump change spent wrong.
I came here as a testifier
despite my busy schedule.
Where are your manners?
Why did you come here despite that?
You shudder at the thought of a loss.
You wanted to know what I'd ask.
You also came to see how much I know.
You shouldn't have come here.
Since you're here, talk to me.
Did you make some money?
It was pretty lucrative.
What a shame.
Prosecutor Kang.
This is so much fun.
This role-playing thing.
Now that we're here,
I'll answer all the questions
while imagining that I am the culprit.
Do you have any new questions?
Where's the list of the victims?
How did you choose your targets?
How did I choose them?
I'm not sure.
It's all about their worth, right?
Scumbags who got no money,
talent, or connections.
Those who just waste resources.
On top of that,
Hey, Prosecutor Kang.
One cannot be a great businessman
just because he sells lots of things.
It's someone who can sell
even the useless things.
What's wrong?
-Did you find Gu Yeong-tae?
-There was a car theft--
-We don't have time for another case!
It happened in Icheon-myeon.
-Do you mean…
-Yes. It's Gu Yeong-tae.
Why did you suddenly
jump out like that? Hey.
What are you doing?
Hey, you!
Don't you have any respect! Hey!
My goodness. Hey!
No, my car.
That's my car.
-That thief…
-The car owner confirmed his face.
-Hey, Yeong-tae.
-Hey, Seok-tae.
Can you help me?
I'll text you an address, so be there.
Damn it!
You're all dead.
-Did you find out where he went?
-But this is…
-Where is he?
I found you.
There's a subsidiary of Nakwon Healthcare
called Paradise LMC which is based abroad.
There's a building owned by that company.
What's in there?
The Bahamian Embassy.
-An embassy?
A small island country called The Bahamas
located between the US and Cuba.
She's hiding the prisoners
in an extraterritorial jurisdiction?
It's an idea only Ms. Baek would have.
Not even the police
can get into a place like that.
Forget the warrant.
We can't even get in there.
Anyone but the police can go.
-What's going on?
-The power's out.
Check the electrical room.
They have a backup generator,
so the electricity
will be back in three minutes.
Prosecutor Kang is here.
You can't just--
No one is allowed on the second floor.
You can't barge in like this.
He now knows that we know.
So he'll walk out of here himself.
-He wouldn't keep him here when I know.
I lit the fire, so now we wait
until he comes out.
I thought you were being reckless,
but you had a plan all along.
What? Did I say something wrong?
The former investigator once told me
that you sometimes just run over
demanding to see the owners and CEOs.
Just like now.
Gu Yeong-tae.
I'm going to catch you with my own hands.
What should I do with this?
If my wife finds out, she'll kill me!
What are you talking about?
A prosecutor came here.
Come and pick up your stuff right now!
Hello? Hey!
-Get the car ready.
-Yes, ma'am.
Please move outside now!
-There's a fire!
-It's a fire!
It's a fire! Move!
You have to move now!
It's a fire!
Hey, there's a fire.
This is the Bahamian Embassy.
There's a fire here. Please come quickly.
It's a fire!
Hurry up!
You need to go!
You can't go in. There's someone up there.
-You can't go up. Please leave.
-Prosecutor Kang, let's go.
What the hell is this?
What the hell?
Hey. What's going on?
Who's that?
-Gu Yeong-tae?
-Oh, shit.
Damn it! It's that jerk again!
-Gu Yeong-tae's there?
-Gu Yeong-tae?
The fire truck will come in three minutes.
Where are the prisoners?
I'm so sick and tired of this asshole.
Gosh, you son of a bitch.
Get up.
You jerk. Damn it!
Where are the prisoners?
No idea, asshole.
Damn it.
I'll ask you one last time.
Where are the prisoners?
I don't know, you idiot!
-Evacuate the building!
Please evacuate.
There's a fire!
He's an urgent patient.
Please give us a hand.
Keep up the good work.
Please evacuate!
Are you all right?
-When will the fire truck get here?
-There it is.
-Move over!
-Move over!
What's that?
An ambulance?
-Captain Park.
We need to go after that car.
That's Kim Do-gi.
-Follow him.
-Yes, ma'am.
You can't lose that ambulance.
That was the police.
-Yes, ma'am.
My ashtray.
Oh, my. That way.
-Watch out!
What the hell is this?
-Prosecutor Kang. What's--
-Let me borrow the car.
Wait, Prosecutor Kang. What are…
Prosecutor Kang. Prosecutor…
Prosecutor Kang!
You've become quite bold.
You even set the embassy on fire.
Give me
Yeong-tae back.
I'd like to exchange him
with all the prisoners.
Tomorrow at 8:00 p.m.
We'll meet at the World Cup Bridge.
-We decide how we'll trade them.
-I can't…
I can't hand them over to you now.
If you try to do anything to fool us,
it'll become very difficult
for you to see Gu Yeong-tae.
The visitations are complicated in prison.
Stay put, you jerk!
Hey, keep driving!
Done. Untie everyone.
-What is this?
-Ju-chan, can you let me go? Hey.
Hey, do it yourself.
My gosh.
Pull yourself together.
-Stop the car.
-Stop the car now.
Stop the car now, you idiot. Right here.
Get out.
-Go live your lives!
-You cowards!
-Let's go.
Let's go!
Hey, you take this.
My arm hurts.
Where are we going now?
We have to go kill that son of a bitch.
Can we eat something first?
I'm starving to death.
No, let's get Maria first.
Maria comes first.
Be quiet, all of you.
Where are you?
Where are you taking us?
Anywhere but here would be better,
don't you think?
You were right.
This place is like paradise.
You asshole.
-Why are you picking up the phone?
-What's going on?
Hand it over.
Yes, please speak.
You're the one who locked us up
to this day.
How disappointing.
How could you say that when I saved you?
Who's going to believe your nonsense?
Not trusting in what people say
is a great attitude.
I'll give you time to find out
if I'm your ally or your enemy.
How would I know who the hell you are?
Aren't you more curious
about someone else?
Kim Do-gi of Rainbow Taxi.
Once you're done checking,
look for Chairwoman Baek Seong-mi
of Nakwon C&C.
I apologize for this.
Bring them here
if they go to Rainbow Taxi.
Yes, ma'am.
Get me another cup of tea.
Can we talk?
-Will he be okay?
-I'm worried for no reason.
Let's go.
Bring me Gu Yeong-tae.
-You told me to get him, so why--
-I must do something.
I'm not obligated to answer that, am I?
I guess you're ashamed to say it.
You can turn things back around.
If you hand Gu Yeong-tae over,
I'll turn a blind eye to today.
Gu Yeong-tae isn't the end.
Someone else is behind this.
We need him to uncover the truth.
My answer won't change.
Please leave.
We're back to square one.
So you've chosen revenge, right?
Not me.
I will no longer seek revenge.
I take back my request.
No matter where you hide him,
I'll find him.
That is my job after all.
I'll keep my promise.
I'll keep my word, no matter what.
-I need to use the bathroom.
-Okay, let's go.
This is it!
What the…
I'm sorry.
Gosh, it's okay…
I'll pay for the dry cleaning
and get a policy too.
Thank you. I'm not a bad person.
Please spare my life!
Damn it!
What the hell?
I'm so mad.
Damn it!
Maria is waiting for me.
-She's not waiting for me.
-I'll bury this punk once I catch him.
We need to find his weakness first.
You're eating without me? Where's mine?
Here you go, you twerp.
That asshole does work for Rainbow Taxi.
That annoying jerk.
I confirmed it.
You idiot, you were being tailed.
You little rats.
Is this where you were hiding?
Come with us quietly.
Hey! No!
No! No, wait!
Wait up! Wait for me!
Take me with you! Hey!
Take me with you…
Wait! Stop!
Stop. Stop for a second.
-What is it?
Hey! Open the door!
Damn it!
I said, drive!
Calm down. What's going on?
Go! Just drive!
Please… Damn it!
Just drive. I'm begging you!
You should've figured out
your situation by now.
And I assume you know your place.
So? What's your next move?
Turn yourselves in or seek revenge?
Do we have a choice?
Of course. It's your life.
Then why did you drag us here?
Because I'm willing
to support you with one of the two.
What do you say?
Do you want to get revenge?
-The prisoners?
-Yeong-tae first.
-You kept your promise.
-Your turn.
Open the package.
What are you doing?
I just couldn't trust you.
Don't worry. I brought them all.
Are you ready?
Kim Do-gi…
That rat.
That jerk.
Good to see you again, asshole.
-The cops are here. You have to go.
-Jang, you piece of…
Open the door, quick!
What's going on?
-Pull out!
-That jerk.
Mr. Kim.
We'll take Gu Yeong-tae.
Come with us. Arrest him.
Kim Do-gi,
you're under arrest for hiding a criminal.
-You have the right to an attorney--
-No, you got the wrong idea. We…
It's okay.
If I'm innocent, they'll release me soon.
-What are you doing?
-Yes, sir.
Move. Excuse me.
Hold on a second.
You can interview Gu Yeong-tae.
I'll take Kim Do-gi.
How did you find out where Gu was?
Did you tail me?
I take back my request.
No matter where you hide him,
I'll find him.
That is my job after all.
Captain, I found Gu Yeong-tae.
Kim Do-gi
is taking him somewhere in his car.
Okay, got it.
We found Gu Yeong-tae.
Do you want to come with me?
Is that important right now?
Captain Park.
Kim Do-gi is an informant,
not an accomplice.
That's why it's even more suspicious.
How did he know something
even the police didn't know?
Trust me and let him go.
We can't let him go.
Don't you always dig
into anything suspicious?
It's Kim Do-gi again.
How many times has it been?
Investigate thoroughly.
What? Is there a problem?
No, sir.
All right.
You've been here before, haven't you?
I heard you called Prosecutor Kang
with the location.
Is that a crime?
Usually, only insiders
know that kind of intel.
That's what we want to know.
How did you know to go there?
Why were you there with Gu Yeong-tae?
Keeping your mouth shut right now
won't help you in any way.
I'm hungry.
-Hold this.
Goodness. Give it to me.
How pretty.
-It's never-ending.
-I know.
-Try this.
It's delicious.
-Isn't it delicious?
My gosh.
It's so good.
Why are they bumming around?
Where's Maria?
Oh, there she is.
It's been a while, Maria.
How have you been?
I've been good. Go-eun.
I was wondering
if Mr. Cho has finished
serving his punishment.
What do you mean?
You told me
he wouldn't be allowed to come back here
until he fully served his punishment.
But I think
I saw him.
Maria, wait just a little longer.
I should hurry.
I should visit the jeotgal factory.
I'm worried about Maria,
and we should see
if Cho Jong-geun is really back.
I'll check Udata, Park Yang-jin's villa,
and the prisoners' homes.
-Go-eun, I'll go with you.
-You can't go anywhere with that leg.
Go-eun, will you be okay by yourself?
I'll call if anything happens.
Ms. Choi Jong-suk?
Go away! Don't come near me!
Don't come in here.
I'll kill you all! Hey!
Hey! Please send me to prison. Please?
So those jerks can't come after me.
Go away! I told you to go away!
I want to live!
Please save me.
Save me! Please!
I'm sorry.
I've repented a lot since coming here.
I will change.
I'll become a good person.
So please…
-Please get me out of here.
-Is she truly repenting?
Or are they crocodile tears?
Do you mean it?
Yes, of course.
I give you my word.
You'll eventually be freed from here.
If you let me go…
But don't think that's the end.
We'll always be watching you.
If you ever break your promise,
we'll come back for you.
Perhaps, what enables reform
is the fear of the inhumane treatment
you will receive.
It might be possible because of that fear.
can we truly call it "reformation"?
Long time no see.
I was watching you at the factory earlier.
Things at the factory have changed a lot.
It seems so lively now.
That's such a pretty outfit.
I really missed you.
I thought about you every night
and even had dreams about you.
Didn't you miss me?
Let me give you a hug. Gosh!
Maria, hop on.
Hey, wait.
Oh, no… Maria, hold on.
Hey, are you… Get up, Maria.
Maria, open your eyes.
Maria. You jerk, who are you…
What are you doing here?
I came to collect my things.
You crazy jerk.
You can't just hit someone like that.
Gosh, hold on.
Gosh, I hope she doesn't get scars
on this pretty face.
Hold on, Maria. Hang in there. Hold on.
What if she gets scars on her face?
Maria, wake up.
Your call cannot be connected.
-Leave a message…
-Darn it.
Go-eun, please pick up.
Your call cannot be connected. Leave…
Open it.
What are you doing?
You have a guest.
Where's your hospitality?
Every time you visited me,
I brought out the best tea I had.
What do you want?
Bring me some tea first.
I'm a bit thirsty.
This is good.
-Run! Jin-eon!
-Get him.
-Get him!
-Damn it.
-Hey! Open the door!
Go upstairs!
Hey, go up!
What do I do now? Where should I go?
Oh my.
What a fun setup
What's your plan?
Obviously, it's revenge.
You know, I hate those who betray me more
than the ones who steal my money.
You promised to give Yeong-tae to me,
not the prosecutors.
-That was--
-So whatever I do from this moment on,
it's all your own fault.
I won't let you down.
It'll be very fun.
Thanks for the food.
If you want to save your colleagues,
get out now.
Excuse me.
May I use the restroom?
-I'm sorry. This wasn't my intention.
Mr. Kim!
If you hit him,
you'll go straight to jail.
-Please wait outside.
Talk to me.
I have to get out of here.
-You know that you can't.
-I'm not asking for permission.
Get out of my way.
I don't want to hurt you.
Why are you doing this?
I may be able to help.
Do you want to catch the one behind this?
I have a plan.
Don't tell me you let him go.
Go-eun, can you hear me?
Mr. Choi.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Jang.
Can someone please answer me? Anyone?
-Get in. Hurry!
-Mr. Park.
What's going on?
Ms. Baek raided the house.
Mr. Jang and Gyeong-gu
are being held hostage.
More importantly, I can't reach Go-eun.
You got out already?
You're good. I give you that.
What do you want?
You need to save your family, right?
Get here quick. Come to your hideout.
Come alone.
Looks like it'll be over soon.
-I have to go.
-You want to go back there?
How will you handle them by yourself?
Escort him out!
Who's this punk?
Where is Kim Do-gi?
I'm here.
Get him!
Where did he go?
Where is he?
-You go that way!
You little rat!
You son of a bitch!
Hey! Get over here!
You idiots! Do you have him?
Answer me, you twerps!
Where is he?
Hey, where is he?
Where did he go?
Did you get him, you idiots?
Answer me, you idiots!
Where is he?
Answer me, you idiots!
Where is he?
The doctor we're meeting today
is the best ophthalmologist
in the country.
Do you really think I can get better?
Don't worry.
I'll make sure you get better.
Once I'm determined, I make it happen.
What did I do
to deserve such a sweet angel like you?
Holy shit.
She's alive.
Let's go.
Wake up.
Wake up, honey.
Wake up, please…
You know where this is, right?
It's one finger for every five minutes.
Take your time.
We've got plenty of fingers left.
Crush him. Make sure you kill him.
-Kill him?
-Fingers aren't going to cut it.
Now, this is getting interesting.
What did I do so wrong?
Why did you do that to me?
A choice comes with responsibilities.
I will pay the price.
We've been ordered to arrest Gu Seok-tae.
For murdering Sim U-seop and Wang Min-ho.
-Search the place.
-Get inside.
Why do you think
only your revenge is justified?
Your prisoners are seeking
revenge against you.
I lost.
Let's stop this.
It's all my fault.
Please help him.
Please save poor Yeong-min…
Dear Lord,
please help us at least find his body.
I'll see you later.
The police are useless now.
The statute of limitations has expired.
Okay, here we go!
-One, two.
-My gosh!
-One, two!
One, two.
One, two.
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